Keta is an anadromous red fish, it spawns once in a lifetime, after spawning it dies on the way back. In most cases, chum salmon come to spawn at the age of 4 to 6 years.

It can reach a length of 1 meter, and a mass of 15 kilograms. Her caviar is the largest, remarkably beautiful orange-red color.

Ketu is divided into Summer and Autumn. The first comes to spawn in the summer, and the second - in the fall. They also differ in size and habitat: Summer Keta prefers to live in the northern expanses Pacific Ocean and reaches 80 cm in length, while Autumn lives in the southern part and grows up to 1 meter.

Keta rises quite high along the rivers, chooses a quiet place for spawning. The female knocks out a spawning hole with her tail, throws eggs there, and then covers this place with gravel, forming the so-called spawning mound. Sometimes all the offspring die because the water freezes to the bottom, but the Autumn Chum salmon retains its eggs by spawning not so high.

Keta caviar is quite large and often reaches 9 mm in diameter. Unlike pink salmon, Keta fry immediately after their appearance, the fry leave their birthplace and descend with the current into the sea.

Calorie chum salmon

Keta has a high content of proteins and fats, and its calorie content is 138 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. In 100 g of salted chum salmon - 184 kcal, and chum salmon, cooked in the heat, contains 154 kcal per 100 g. The energy value of canned chum salmon is 141 kcal. The use of this type of fish in moderation will not harm the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of chum salmon

There is a lot of protein in caviar - about 30%, which is almost completely absorbed by the body (this is rare for proteins of animal origin). Moreover, caviar protein is easily digestible and contains many essential amino acids. And even the cholesterol contained in caviar is not terrible, as in other products. It is practically neutralized by lecithin, which is not enough in caviar. Polyunsaturated fats (14-18%) contained in caviar, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis, also help fight cholesterol.

Keta caviar, valuable food product obtained by processing caviar salmon fish solution table salt followed by the addition of preservatives. It does not contain carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, but contains a large amount (1/3) of protein. in terms of calories and energy value superior to meat.

Dangerous properties of chum salmon

Chum caviar, as well as the fish itself, is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the body.

What is Keta

Keta fish is one of the varieties of Pacific salmon that lives in the Pacific Ocean, in its northern part. This is a fairly large marine fish. Chum salmon has an elongated body, which is characteristic of the salmon order, and a beautiful silvery color of the scales. It feeds mainly on young gerbils or

herring, pteropods or crustaceans. Keta is divided into "summer", living in northern latitudes Pacific Ocean and having a length of up to 80 centimeters, and "autumn", living in southern latitudes, having a length of up to 1 meter.


The maturation of chum salmon occurs in the 4-5th year of life. Usually by this time the fish goes to spawn, leaving the sea. As a rule, chum salmon spawn once in a lifetime, since, returning from spawning, it usually dies. Leaving for spawning in the mouths of the brilliant rivers, the chum fish (photo is shown on the left) changes its color. At first it looks brownish-yellow with dark pink stripes, then almost black during spawning. Its meat becomes lean, flabby and unfit for food. Not only the color of the fish changes, its transformations are simply amazing. Male fish become humpbacked, their teeth increase in size. The body of females is flattened. Leaving for spawning in the rivers, the fish stops eating. The salmon fish spawns in the rivers of northern Pomerania, Korea, Japan, and the American continent. Usually chum salmon covers a distance of up to 4 kilometers. Spawning grounds are often chosen near springs.

For laying caviar, the chum salmon chooses a cozy place, knocking out a spawning hole with its tail, reaching a diameter of 2-3 meters. It lays eggs in it to a depth of 40 centimeters and, after fertilization by males, buries it with gravel, forming big hill or "spawning mound". The female makes up to three such clutches. The chum fish protects its masonry for up to several days. Sometimes, in the "summer" chum salmon, the offspring die due to the fact that the water in the spawning place can freeze, while the "autumn" salmon saves its offspring by spawning not so high. The loss of future offspring has developed a peculiar mechanism in the fish - to lay so many eggs that the species as such does not disappear. Keta fish lays large ones - up to 9 mm in diameter. The development of fry from eggs takes about three months. For about a month, the juveniles live in the river, feeding on plankton, then move to the sea.

The little ones live in coastal waters seas for another two months, and then they go to the expanses of the Pacific Ocean to repeat the path of their parents.

The value of chum salmon

Ketu dietitians consider it very useful dietary product. Its meat is rich in vitamins A, D, E and such trace elements as selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus. It contains high quality protein and Omega-3 acids, necessary for a person. Balyk is prepared from fish, it is canned, salted, dried, frozen. The second valuable product, besides tasty meat, is the famous red caviar. You can buy fish in a network of grocery or specialized fish stores. On sale it is presented in salted, smoked, fresh or frozen form. Here you can also buy caviar in different packaging.

One of the most valuable fish salmon family is chum salmon. It is valuable not only for its high content of nutrients. Due to its low calorie content, keta (calorie content - 126.4 kcal) is an excellent product for dietary nutrition, and is loved by both adults and children.

Composition of chum salmon

Keta is a protein product, where the content of this substance is equal to one fifth of the total weight of the fish ( Weight Limit- about 14 kg).

5% of fish are fatty amino acids, the remaining 95% are water, so ketu is not recommended to be fried. When frying, all the water evaporates, and the fish turns dry. The ideal way to cook salmon is baking.

About 30% of the chum salmon is protein, and a quarter is useful amino acids. It also has a high content of various trace elements and lecithin.

100 g of chum salmon contains fat - 4.8 g, cholesterol - 79 g, ash - 1.3 g, water - 74.3 g, proteins - 19 g.

For 100 g of chum salmon there is calcium - 20 mg, sodium - 60 mg, magnesium - 30 mg, chlorine - 165 mg, phosphorus - 200 mg, potassium - 335 mg.

Chum salmon also contains many vitamins (A, PP, C, D, B vitamins), microelements (fluorine, selenium, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, iron).

The calorie content of chum salmon, as noted, is 126.4 kcal.

The benefits and harms of chum salmon

What is the usefulness of chum salmon?

This fish has a beneficial effect on physical and mental activity.

Thanks to methanine, which has a positive effect on liver function, chum salmon is indicated for use in depressive disorders.

Fish is useful for people who are sick or weakened after an illness, as well as for pregnant women due to easily digestible dietary meat.

Chum salmon game filled with vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

Fish oil helps in healing skin diseases and is widely used in cosmetology.

Due to the rich content of useful substances, keta is an excellent immunostimulant.

Keta is a non-calorie food (calorie content per 100 grams is 126 kcal), which means that this product is indispensable in the diet menu for people who are overweight, and the condition of hair, skin, bones and vision will improve due to the composition of the fish, rich in vitamins, amino acids , micro and macro elements.

Keta is not only healthy and tasty, but also very unusual fish. Here are a few interesting facts about her:

  • From the one sold in supermarkets, women sometimes prepare face masks. In no case should this be done, since salt is added to chum caviar so that it does not lose its presentation and is stored longer.
  • During noisy parties, it is best to order keta, since the thiamine contained in it protects against the adverse effects of alcohol on the liver and the whole body as a whole.
  • Keta is able to find the river in which she was born. Scientists suggest that these fish are endowed with a good sense of smell.
  • The skin of the chum salmon is used to make souvenirs and shoes, because during spawning it becomes very dense and brown.
  • Spawning of chum salmon occurs once in a lifetime.

Recipes of chum salmon dishes and their calorie content

fried salmon

Wash the fish, peel, cut into portions, salt lightly, roll in wheat flour (you can use corn, semolina or breadcrumbs) and fry in vegetable oil. 2 pcs bell pepper cut into slices, fry, put a piece of pepper on a dish and sprinkle with chopped parsley on top.

Fried keta - calorie content 225 kcal.

Keta for a couple

Peel the fish, wash it, cut it into steaks, salt it, sprinkle with the juice of a quarter of a lemon, sprinkle with “To fish” seasoning on top and send it to a double boiler. When ready, put a sprig of dill on hot pieces.

Steamed calorie - 132 kcal.

Boiled salmon

Peel the fish, rinse well, cut and throw into boiling water. Peel carrots and onions. Throw carrots, a whole small head of onion, bay leaf, 2 peas of allspice, black pepper on the tip of a knife, the same amount of salt (spices can be taken to taste) into the pan with fish. Sprinkle with chopped dill. Bring to readiness.

Boiled keta - calorie content 131 kcal.

Baked chum salmon

Wash the fish, clean, cut along the ridge, get rid of bones and ridge, cut into pieces. Salt the fillet, pepper, sprinkle with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and set aside for 2 hours to marinate. Cut the foil into a number of strips equal to the number of fish pieces. Put a fish on each piece of foil, top with a slice of tomato, sprinkle with 1 tbsp. l. grated hard cheese Wrap in foil and place all pieces on a baking sheet. Bake for half an hour.

Baked salmon - calorie content 160 kcal.

Keta is considered an anadromous fish, from the salmon family. At present, as in the past, this fish is of industrial interest because of its valuable meat and no less valuable caviar.

For indigenous peoples Far East Keta plays very important role. In the second half of the 20th century, especially in Russia, there was an uncontrolled catch of chum salmon, which led to a decrease in its population. In addition, the environmental situation has seriously deteriorated.

In such a situation, there were no options left and the state took the chum salmon under protection. As a result of such activities, it was possible to significantly restore the population of this delicious fish. Nowadays, its fishing with amateur gear is available only in case of purchased licenses.

If you pay attention to life cycle, two periods can be distinguished. The first period of her life is characterized by a length of time that lasts from her birth to the moment of puberty. Up to this point, fish plow the expanses of the oceans and seas, as well as coastal boundaries.

With the onset of puberty, the fish acquires completely different properties: the fish becomes aggressive, and its appearance changes drastically. She begins to gather in huge shoals and moves to the mouths of the rivers. Rising to the upper reaches of the rivers, against the current, she lays eggs, after which she dies. After the appearance of fry, for the first time, in order to gain strength, they live in fresh water. Having gained strength and energy, chum salmon fry gradually slide into the sea and spend several years there until they lay eggs and their life cycle stops.

Until the moment when the fish can already spawn, its body has a silver color, with a pronounced massive and elongated shape. Keta has excellent taste characteristics with bright red, dense meat. When the fish begins to prepare to spawn, its body acquires completely different characteristics associated with the mating season.

Purple spots appear on the body of the chum salmon, and the general color transforms into yellow-brown. At the same time, it varies significantly in size, especially in width. Her skin thickens and her scales coarsen. The jaws of the fish are deformed and curved teeth of considerable size appear. When the chum salmon begins to spawn, it acquires a completely black hue and is of no value at this point.

Keta is able to grow up to impressive size. According to official data, the largest individual was 1 m long and weighed 16 kg. At the same time, the natives Khabarovsk Territory claim that in the river Okhota come across, although rarely, individuals up to 1.5 meters long. Chum salmon going for spawning, on average, reaches a length of 0.5 meters if it is a summer chum salmon, and if it is winter, its length can reach 70 cm or more.

Ketu can only be found in the Pacific Ocean. It is called migratory because it lives in the seas, and goes to spawn in the freshwater rivers of the Far East, Asia and North America - from the California coast to Alaska itself.

This species of salmon feeds in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, in close proximity to the warm Kuro-Sivo undercurrent, which includes such seas as the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Bering Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan. Basically, they control a gap of water, up to 10 meters deep from the upper horizon.

With the advent of spring, she begins to move to the mouths of the rivers northern regions America and Canada, the Far East, reaching the Asian coast South Korea and Japan. Numerous shoals of chum salmon enter the rivers and streams located in the basin of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. At the same time, it can also be found in such Siberian rivers as the Lena, Kolyma, Indigirka and Yana.

After some time, the shoals are divided into sexually mature individuals and immature ones. Those individuals that are not yet ready to spawn come back and head towards south coasts. The same specimens that are ready to lay eggs go to the spawning grounds, from where they will never return.

The diet of chum salmon includes various crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish such as herring and smelt. When the chum salmon goes to spawn, it refuses to eat, and its digestive tract atrophies. At the same time, it should be noted such a fact as the fact that during this period it is caught on gear, where either live bait is used as bait, or artificial bait. This fact has nothing to do with the fact that she wants to eat not a big fish, but the fact that she, as it were, protects her future offspring from potential danger.

When fish fry are born, they begin to feed on both insects and the corpses of their parents.

Chum salmon, on the way to spawning, is divided into summer and autumn. The spawning process of summer chum salmon is carried out from August to September. Places for spawning chum chooses very carefully. As a rule, these are places where there is a pebble bottom and a quiet, not strong current. During periods harsh winters when the water can freeze to the very bottom, it is possible mass death offspring. Autumn chum salmon is less affected by cold weather, as it chooses spawning grounds where underground springs flow.

Chum salmon is characterized by the laying of large eggs, with a diameter of about 7.5 mm. Females are very carefully prepared for this process. They dig holes in the bottom of the pit, and after laying the eggs, carefully cover the eggs with gravel. It can be a hillock, 2 to 3 meters long and 1.5 to 2 meters wide. In the process of spawning, males actively drive away any fish swimming nearby.

Commercial catch of chum salmon

If compared with other salmonids, then the catch of chum salmon in industrial scale carried out in very large quantities. It is mined various types nets in areas located in the mouths of rivers and nearby water areas, as well as in some sections of rivers that allow the use of industrial fishing gear. Quite often, in the same areas seasonal processing plants which prevents product damage.

Meat composition

The meat of the salmon contains a large number of protein and is considered a dietary product of special value. Fish meat consists of 75% water, 20% protein, and 5% ash and fat. There are no carbohydrates in her meat, which makes her meat especially valuable.

The composition of salmon fish meat includes vitamins such as PP, E, C, B1, B2 and vitamin A. In addition, the meat is saturated with micro and macro elements. The presence of fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, as well as lecithin, helps in the fight against atherosclerosis.

The presence of thiamine (vitamin B1) contributes to the activation of the cerebral cortex and improves memory. Vitamin B1 has a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain cells, which leads to an improvement in the perception of any information, and also increases mental abilities. In other words, thiamine fully ensures normal activity nervous system. Vitamin B is an excellent antioxidant, which contributes to the detoxification of the human body. The presence of vitamin A improves vision and promotes collagen production. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on skin covering and is an antitoxic drug of the human body.

The normal functioning of the heart muscle is facilitated by potassium and magnesium, which are contained in sufficient amounts in fish. And the presence of potassium and phosphorus helps to maintain a certain amount of calcium in the body.

100 grams of fish meat contains 125 kilocalories, but 100 grams of caviar contains 250 kilocalories.


Delicious chum salmon recipes

For the preparation of haute cuisine, only fresh and high-quality meat is purchased. As a rule, meat of bright red color without numerous white streaks is chosen. The fewer such veins and the thinner they are, the better the product. Males are always fatter than females, so dishes prepared from their meat (males) are considered more palatable and juicier. Chum salmon meat is mainly cooked according to 3 technologies: salted, baked and stewed. With such cooking options, chum salmon meat retains most of the vitamins and minerals, which means that it is the most useful.

Lightly salted fillet spicy

Main components:

  • 300 g salmon fillet with skin;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar, as well as black pepper (to taste);
  • soy sauce - 1 teaspoon.

First, the fillet must be washed and dried well. paper towel. In a container, prepare a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper. A dish for salting is taken and the prepared mixture is poured onto its bottom. On this mixture (dry), chum salmon fillets are laid out, skin down. After that, the top of the fillet is sprinkled abundantly with the same dry mixture of salt, sugar and pepper. To give a special taste and aroma, add soy sauce. The fish salted in this way is covered with cling film and moved to a cool place for 24 hours.

After a day, the accumulated liquid is removed from the dishes, and the excess mixture, which has already become wet. Chum salmon fillet is almost ready to eat, it is enough to irrigate it with vegetable oil.

Such a dish can decorate both an everyday table and a festive one. This delicious recipe considered dietary.

Main Ingredients:

  • 800-900 grams of fresh salmon fillet;
  • one tomato;
  • one bulb;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • parsley or cilantro (small bunch);
  • salt;
  • olive or sunflower oil 1 teaspoon;
  • one lemon (juice).

Prepared fish fillets are placed on "cradles" formed from foil. Their bottom is lubricated with a small amount of vegetable oil. Fish should be placed skin side down. After that, you need to cut the onion and tomato into half rings.

Then, tomatoes, garlic, onions and a little lemon juice are laid in layers. At the end of the dish, salt and add finely chopped greens on top. Place the "cradles" on a baking sheet and put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for half an hour. Keta “under a fur coat” is served warm, without unwrapping the foil.

For this, the following ingredients are suitable:

  • about 800 grams of chum salmon fillet;
  • 500 ml 20% cream;
  • 150 grams of mushrooms (any);
  • one bulb;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • dill (not a big bunch);
  • flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt and pepper.

By using sharp knife the meat of the chum salmon is separated from the skin and cut into pieces. After that, the fish meat needs to be salted, peppered, sprinkled sunflower oil and lemon juice, then place on a baking sheet. The oven must be heated to 180 degrees and send fish meat into it for 20 minutes.

While the fish is baking, you can start preparing a delicious sauce. Onions and mushrooms are chopped and sautéed over low heat until golden brown. In conclusion, salt and flour should be added to mushrooms and onions, as well as cream, which are added in small portions, with constant stirring. It is advisable not to forget about the greens and add to the sauce. The sauce is brought to a boil, after which the fire is turned off, and the dishes are covered with a lid. The sauce will thicken over time.

The fish is served on plates and topped with this sauce. Boiled rice or asparagus can serve as a side dish.

Keta is an anadromous fish that belongs to the salmon family. Her photo is shown below. Keta is an important object of fishing, as its meat is very nutritious and tasty. What else can be said about this valuable representative of the ichthyofauna?


Keta has an almond-shaped body, which is painted in silver. When entering the river, the color changes to dark purple with dark crimson or purple stripes. Black color closer to spawning, the language, palate and body of the chum salmon are painted. At the same time, the teeth increase, and its meat becomes whitish and flabby, as in the photo. Young individuals living in the river have black stripes on their sides.

There are two forms of chum salmon: the first in length reaches a maximum of 80 centimeters, and the other 1 meter with a mass of up to 16 kilograms. Keta looks almost like pink salmon, which is shown in the photo below, but it has larger scales and fewer gill rakers. Chum salmon do not have black spots that pink salmon have. In addition, her sexual characteristics are less pronounced for spawning, while pink salmon males grow a large hump. This fish lives up to 7 years.

Distribution and habitats

Keta covers very large range compared to other members of the salmon family. She lives in a basin belonging to the Northern Arctic Ocean. For spawning, fish enters the rivers: Lena, Yana, Inligirka and Kolyma. In the western part of the ocean, the fish is found near the Bering Strait, and in the south it reaches Korea. Especially a lot of chum salmon is found in Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, in the Amur and Okhota rivers.

Keta is also common in North America. There it is found in the Mackenzie River, which flows in Canada, as well as in Monterey Bay, which is located in California. There are summer and autumn forms. The first has no commercial value.


Keta is predatory fish. The fry feed on zooplankton. As the fry grow, they move on to larger prey. When the fry are a few millimeters long, small crustaceans are eaten.

The nutrition of adult fish does not undergo cardinal changes. They still eat crustaceans, but larger ones. Pteropod mollusks also become prey for chum salmon. But the main diet is still made up of fry of other representatives of the ichthyofauna such as smelt or herring.


Keta is a migratory fish. It tends to spawn in rivers, but its life takes place in the sea. One of the features of chum salmon is the spawning of only one fish in life. This is due to the fact that after spawning, she dies. Its remains become food for hatched fry and other living creatures. Actually, that is why the chum salmon has such a short lifespan: only 7 years maximum, sometimes 4 (the fish reaches sexual maturity exactly at 4 years).

Keta enters the rivers in bulk. She travels long distances to arrive at the place where she herself was once born. The chum salmon rising up the river looks different. Instead of a silver color, yellow with a brown tint appears, as in the photo, which you can see below.

Gradually, the chum salmon acquires a black color, see the photo below. The meat of such an individual has already lost all value. If such a fish is caught on the bait, then it is left for the preparation of yukola, which is fed to dogs. Spawning begins at chum salmon in July about half a month after pink salmon spawning, but sometimes spawning begins in August or even September: it depends on the shape of the fish. That is why the fish that spawns in summer is called summer uniform, and spawning in the fall - autumn.

The number of eggs in the female is small. Its fecundity is 2-4 thousand large eggs. Their diameter can reach 7 millimeters, as in the photo. Surprisingly, the spawning period of the fish is very extended in time, and it is as much as 4 months. The spawned fish swims down the river, where it dies.

Chum salmon is considered a very important commercial object. It is caught in rivers and on the approaches to them. Mainly, it is caught with flowing nets, cast and set nets.