It cannot be denied that alcoholism is a complex disease that causes serious harm to a person. However, in our time, not only ordinary homeless people or average inhabitants of the planet suffer from it. But also a huge number of celebrities. And history can remind us of talented people who were drunkards.

Hollywood Alcoholics

  • List famous alcoholic actors opens with handsome pirate Johnny Depp. In his interviews, he repeatedly admitted his love for alcoholic beverages. And he even demanded that after he died, he should be put in a barrel of whiskey. His drunken stories have been retold from mouth to mouth for years. He even tried to consult doctors, but it is still unknown whether he managed to give up this addiction.
  • Robert Downey Jr. His love for alcohol almost deprived him of his career. Film studios, one after another, broke off all relations with him. And one day, in a drunken stupor, he broke into his neighbors’ house and fell asleep in their daughter’s crib. They expelled him from there with the help of the police.
  • Mel Gibson. An actor with a long history of alcoholism. I became acquainted with drinking at the age of 13. Since then, he has been waging an unsuccessful war against this addiction, almost driving himself to suicide.
  • Zac Efron. This handsome, slender actor, having gotten rid of drugs, became addicted to alcohol, ruining his life with incredible zeal.
  • Shia LaBeouf. The star of the epic "Transformers" has repeatedly admitted that alcohol ruined his life and career. Scandals related to alcoholism horrified spectators at the performance, visitors to the club and colleagues at work.
  • Former spouse Avril Lavigne was hospitalized in serious condition due to alcohol. The vocalist of the group Sum 41 was on the edge of the abyss and almost died.
  • Christian Slater. The actor often ends up with the police for drunken scandals. Also, everyone knows about this handsome man’s frequent drinking bouts.

Russian alcoholics

Russian alcoholics are no less famous. Among them are actors, singers, honored figures of our country.

  • Mikhail Efremov. Talented actor considers the fight against alcohol a useless exercise. And I stopped wasting time on this a long time ago.
  • Philip Kirkorov. Even he complained about the “king of pop” ex-wife Alla Pugacheva. And it’s no longer a secret to anyone that he is a fan of strong drinks.
  • This singer's voice is mesmerizing. But Leps himself makes no attempt to hide his addiction, and he has no intention of curing his craving for alcohol.
  • Sergei Shnurov. Shocking singer admits that alcohol helps him in his creativity. That's why he always performs drunk on stage.
  • Alexey Panin. The Internet is replete with videos of a drunk actor. His antics are so immoral that many are already questioning his mental state.
  • Marat Basharov. Recently, the actor was seen drunk driving a car with his daughter in it. And when he beat his wife, they say that he was also drunk.

From other famous Russian alcoholics we can highlight Alexey Nilov and Alexander Domogarov.

Alcoholic writers

  • It is known that Edgar Allan Poe got drunk to delirium tremens, fought with ghosts and was sent to the hospital more than once. As a result, he died from blockage of blood vessels in a drunken stupor. To this day, unknown people leave a bottle of whiskey at his grave.
  • Erich Maria Remarque. The author of the famous work "All Quiet on the Western Front" was also a big drinker.
  • Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov. Russian writer. He wrote ironic stories about emigrants abroad, while drinking the treasured bottle.
  • Ernest Hemingway. American writer and the journalist committed suicide. However, during his life he loved mojitos and games with death.
  • The Czech writer drank a lot and wandered. Died at the age of 39.
  • Sergey Yesenin. All the newspapers of those times wrote about the drunken antics of the famous Russian poet. He drank to the point of epileptic seizures and had absolutely no control over himself.

  • Jack London. His creativity was inseparable from whiskey. He sincerely spoke about this in his book “Jack Barleycorn”.
  • Taras Shevchenko. Ukrainian poet who sought inspiration in wine.

This list is also complemented by Yuri Olesha, Yuri Nagibin, Nikolai Rubtsov, Mikhail Sholokhov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Yuri Kazakov, Vasily Belov, Charles Bukowski, Alexander Kuprin and Alexander Blok.

Drunk Scientists

There are also famous alcoholic scientists in history.

  • Famous Russian physicist, popularizer of science. I drowned my talent as a genius in a glass of booze. That, however, did not prevent him from becoming a significant figure in the history of science.
  • Omar Khayyam. Only the lazy do not quote this famous scientist and poet. But he also loved to drink from a bottle of alcohol.
  • Paracelsus. Medical scientist. It was he who invented the first pill in the world. He loved to drink and even wrote his scientific works while intoxicated.
  • Diogenes. Philosopher Ancient Greece I couldn't refuse wine. And he wrote down his views under the influence of a harmful drink.

World famous alcoholics

  • In the list of the most famous alcoholics in the world, Alexander the Great undoubtedly occupies first place. Being a big fan of Dionysus, great commander conquered half the world. However, he also became famous for his drinking bouts. After another such binge, he died.
  • Anacreon. The ancient Greek poet was famous for orgies and feasts. Ironically, grape seeds wine was the cause of his death.
  • Peter the First. The reformer, who brought a lot of new things to Russia, loved feasts and feasts. Before him, vodka did not know such popularity in Russia and was considered a German drink.
  • Alexander the Third. This is a king who loved his wife and... vodka very much. That's why he died, ruining his liver.
  • Frank Sinatra. A mind-blowing career, millions of fans and his beloved wife could not keep him from sinful addiction. Even in afterlife he left with a bottle of whiskey, which was placed in his coffin.
  • Vincent Van Gogh. Perhaps the most famous alcoholic in the world. The Dutch impressionist was famous for his drunken brawls, in one of which he cut off his earlobe. He loved absinthe and drank a lot of it, like his colleague Picasso. He eventually committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The author of "The Great Gatsby" caroused to the fullest, and together with his wife, who survived him, but in psychiatric clinic.
  • Stephen King. The greatest writer of our time admitted that he wrote many of his works in a drunken stupor.
  • Lord Byron. A very controversial figure about whom there were many rumors. But his love for alcohol, alas, is not a rumor, but the true truth.
  • Nero. The Emperor of the Roman Empire followed his passion until the end of his life.
  • Benjamin Franklin. His portrait appears on dollar bills. This American politician suffered from syphilis and was very fond of Madeira.

On the Internet you can find many photos of famous alcoholics in which they are depicted with a bottle or glass.

Long-lived alcoholics

Probably every person has heard the phrase “alcohol kills” at least once in their life. But there were also famous long-lived alcoholics who proved by their own example that this is not always the case.

  • Queen Elizabeth. George VI's wife drank during the day a large number of various alcoholic drinks. Despite this, the people's favorite lived to a ripe old age and died at the age of 101.
  • Politiman. The surgeon lived 140 years. However, he drank every day.
  • Henry Miller. A writer whose works described the life of dissolute women, the elite of society, their addiction to alcohol and other vices. He died, despite libations, at the age of 88.
  • Winston Churchill. The famous politician ruled Britain with one hand and held a glass of cognac in the other. It's hard to imagine this man without a glass and a cigar. He lived to be 90 years old.

They conquered drunkenness

Fortunately, there are many famous alcoholics who quit drinking and live full lives.

  • Anthony Hopkins. The famous Hannibal Lecter got drunk as hell. And this would have continued for a long time if not for the incident that happened to him after another drinking session. He just woke up in the morning in a completely different state and didn't remember anything. After that, he joined AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). And since then I have never drank alcohol.
  • Eminem. There was a time when the rapper almost died from an overdose. But he managed to pull himself together in time, which is largely due to Elton John. Now he is famous again and has regained his top positions in the charts.
  • Elton John. The famous homosexual was distinguished not only by his alcohol addiction, but also by the drugs to which his manager introduced him. His friend Ryan White helped him recover. And now the artist has not drunk for more than 20 years.
  • Ian McGregor. The Trainspotting actor decided to quit drinking when he lost almost everything and became ashamed of his reflection in the mirror.
  • Steven Tyler. The Aerosmith singer used drugs and alcohol. After the group began to lose its popularity, he underwent rehabilitation.
  • Ben Affleck. He was treated for alcoholism in 2001. 10 years later, he failed at the Sundance Awards. But I was able to pull myself together again and cope with addiction. The magnificent actor and director won an Oscar for the film “Operation Argo.”
  • Daniel Radcliffe. "Harry Potter" sometimes came to filming drunk. He was treated several times, but again went on a drinking binge. Now he doesn't drink, but no one knows how long he can hold out.

  • Alec Baldwin. For almost 10 years he fell asleep with a bottle. A man he passed by almost every day helped him. The pity in his eyes sobered up the actor, and with the help of AA he stopped drinking.

Politics in a bottle

Among powerful of the world You can also find lovers of the green serpent.

  • Boris Yeltsin. This ruler has disgraced Russia more than once with his drunken antics. The whole country watched him when he drunkenly danced at receptions or played on the head of the Kyrgyz president.
  • George Bush Jr. In America he was known not only as a president, but also as an example for people who want to stop drinking.
  • Kim Jong Il. The ruler of North Korea is a big fan of cognac and cigars, which reminds him of Winston Churchill.
  • Reformer, first president, Turkish Lenin. Whatever this famous politician was called. He died of cirrhosis of the liver, which he received from his favorite raki (aniseed vodka).

From modern politicians who are clearly friends or were friends with the glass, note M. Poroshenko, S. Nakagawa, L. Kuchma and others.

Women and wine

There are many famous alcoholics and women on the list.

  • Betty Ford. President Ford's wife struggled with alcoholism for many years and founded a clinic for others with the same problems.
  • Edith Piaf. This talented singer was introduced to wine as a child, which led her to alcoholism.
  • Galina Brezhneva. This woman had everything you could dream of. But the passion for vodka was stronger. Having lost everything she had, she died in psychiatric hospital.
  • Tatiana Dogileva. Beautiful woman And wonderful actress I was under the influence of alcohol for a very long time. More recently, she was able to overcome this addiction, but the external changes are too obvious.
  • Lera Kudryavtseva. She managed to stop thanks to her son, whom she was afraid to leave as an orphan.
  • Larisa Guzeeva. A lover of feasts was able to quit the bad habit and now leads healthy image life.

Western beauties who have overcome alcoholism include Britney Spears, Kelly Osbourne, Drew Barrymore, Paris Hilton, Lara Stone, Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love and others.

Alcoholic athletes

It would seem that sports and alcohol are incompatible things. But no, not in this case.

  • Mike Tyson. Famous for his addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  • The footballer promised to stop, but...
  • Adriano. Brazilian footballer combined night parties with morning workouts.
  • Sicinho. The Brazilian defender does not make excuses to society and claims that he would take drugs if he were not afraid of doping tests.

A. Bugaev, G. Tumilovich, P. Gascoigne, A. Milevsky, T. Adams also like to drink.

Passed away

Many celebrities who are no longer alive were famous for their familiar relationship with alcohol: V. Vysotsky, V. Galkin, Yu. Bogatyrev, A. Panin, V. Tsoi, O. Dal, N. Eremenko, Yu. Khoy and many - a lot others.

Bill Wilson and AA

In 1935, Bill Wilson and friend Bob Smith created Alcoholics Anonymous. Being a hard drinker, Wilson achieved enormous heights in his career, but did not become happy even with great wealth. Only AA saved him.

Today this is one of the best organizations, whose activities have allowed many famous alcoholics to get rid of addiction.

Alcoholism is a terrible disease from which no one is immune. Millions of people across the planet die from it every year. And this applies to absolutely everyone - how ordinary people, as well as show business stars, politicians, great scientists. Even long-term studies have not been able to give an exact answer as to where addiction comes from, which is almost impossible to overcome.

Some people were able to make a huge contribution to the development of culture, art, science, but could not resist the action of the green serpent, which forever took away the world famous personalities. Artists who died from alcoholism lived to a maximum of 55 years.

Popular women who died from alcohol addiction

Even knowing about the harm of this addiction, many people are convinced that trouble will pass them by. But hoping for a miracle and playing Russian roulette with your own life is quite reckless. A clear example will become a tragic fate worldwide famous beauties who were ruined by a bad habit:

  1. Elena Mayorova is a girl who fell in love with many thanks to the famous domestic film “A hostel is provided for single people.” She justified her alcohol addiction difficult fate, unrequited love, constant loneliness. Having reached the age of 39, the actress, while under the influence of alcohol, doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire. It was not possible to save her from the received herbs. Artists who died from alcoholism realized their problem late.
  2. Amy Winehouse, despite her young age, often underwent rehabilitation for her addiction. But the positive dynamics were short-lived; soon the girl took up the bottle again. Having reached the age of 28, the British actress died due to severe alcohol poisoning.
  3. Whitney Houston could easily be called a legendary singer, but even such a high title did not save her from her sad death. The woman was often spotted with a bottle of alcohol, but 2012 was fatal for her. On February 11, her body was found in one of the hotels. After an autopsy, it was concluded that the star died due to his drinking habit.
  4. Edith Piaf is another star whose days were over due to an addiction. French singer long years I struggled with my binges. After all, they became the cause of many conflicts. However, alcohol turned out to be stronger, which killed the woman.

It's just small part those representatives of the fairer sex who made a huge contribution to the development of culture, whose lives were cut short due to a destructive habit. They left too early, but remained forever in the hearts of their fans. The artists who died from alcoholism were truly talented, but the craving for alcohol ruined everything.

Famous men who died from alcohol

Many are convinced that the female body is not able to fight addiction, so it is rapidly becoming incurable. However, some representatives strengths humanity, the sad thing has also not escaped.

A terrible disease, alcoholism, became fatal for many of them. Such great people, recognized geniuses of their craft, could not overcome the “green snake”. But even after their death, they continue to delight fans with their works, constantly coming to life on the screens:

  1. Nikolai Eremenko - in 2001 he became a victim of alcoholism. However, the press hid for a long time the real reason death of the star of "Pirates of the 20th Century". Only later did it become known that the stroke that occurred was caused by prolonged alcohol abuse. Artists who die from alcoholism often pass away quickly.
  2. Vladimir Vysotsky - thanks to his versatility, he was able to win the love of millions. Fans and relatives knew about his terrible addiction, but they could not change anything. The addiction became stronger every year, and soon the singer even stopped hiding it. Having reached the age of 42, a terrible disease took the man.
  3. Vladislav Galkin - even despite his problems with the pancreas, the man continued to drink alcohol. This habit did not pass without a trace; the actor died at the age of 38.
  4. Andrey Krasko considered alcohol to be the main ally for relieving stress after a hard day at work. Gradually it grew into a habit, and soon became a real addiction. The actor of the film “72 Meters” passed away at the age of 49.
  5. Nikolai Rubtsov is a brilliant poet who suffered at the hands of his own wife. The reason for this was the family’s habitual fraud in a drunken stupor, the consequence of which was the death of the man. Artists who died from alcoholism should be an example for those who cannot quit their bad habit.
  6. John Barrymore - made alcohol a constant companion of his day. His binges could last for a long time. One of these periods has ended fatal.
  7. Richard Burton was so fond of strong drinks that the addiction grew into chronic alcoholism. Another hangover turned out to be worse than usual, and cost the Swiss actor his own life.
  8. Oleg Dal - for the man, public expulsion from the theater was a strong shock. After all, he dedicated his whole life to him. Only alcohol could cope with the trauma, which killed the 39-year-old actor.
  9. Georgy Burkov - during his off-screen life, he succumbed to an addiction. But one day, habitual drinking ended in failure - a broken heart clot took the actor forever.
  10. Elvis Presley - everyone knows about the king of pop's addiction to alcohol. His sudden death was associated with the simultaneous use of sleeping pills and alcohol.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that is merciless. He doesn’t care what a person’s status, income, social status. Everyone can be at risk, only a strong character, can help avoid temptation. Artists who died from alcoholism rarely lived to old age. They left young, and there could have been a bright life ahead.

Modern celebrities are alcoholics

A lot of famous people died due to the habit of abusing alcohol. However, how many are there left who, even realizing all the responsibility, do not stop abusing strong drinks:

However, not everyone is negligent own health. There are those to whom fate has taught good lessons, changing their life outlook. One of these is Alexey Nilov, for whom clinical death while intoxicated became decisive. This incident helped the man give up his addiction and take the right path. Today he can be classified as a person leading a sober lifestyle. Artists who died from alcoholism should be an example that will force people to give up alcoholic beverages.

Refuse bad habit quite difficult, you need to have a strong desire and incentives. Everyone decides for themselves what is really important and meaningful to them. Artists who died from alcoholism could have been happy family men and role models. But they chose a different path, in which there is always a bottle of alcohol.

In the USSR there were many celebrities and heroes whom people wanted to be like, imitate, and admire. But the lives of these people had their own difficulties, they were slowly sliding into the abyss... We present to you famous people Soviet Union who were destroyed by alcohol.

Alexey Stakhanov. On August 31, 1935, Stakhanov’s record was set - during his shift he produced 102 tons of coal, exceeding the norm by 14 times, and in September of the same year he increased the figures to 227 tons.

Naturally, the worker was hit with popularity and unexpected material goods, the load of which Stakhanov could not bear.

Alexey began to suffer from delusions of grandeur, began to drink regularly, lost his party card in a drunken fight and married a minor. The authorities, of course, hid this from the public, and therefore the social hero got away with everything.

Outwardly, the miner's career was quite prosperous: in 1936-1941 he studied at the Industrial Academy in Moscow, and in 1941-1942 he became the head of mine No. 31 in Karaganda.

In 1943-1957, Stakhanov held the position of head of the socialist competition sector at the People's Commissariat of the Coal Industry of the USSR in Moscow, and lived in the famous “House on the Embankment.”

After the death of Stalin, who patronized him, in 1957, on the orders of N.S. Khrushchev, he was returned to the Donetsk region, where he had to rent a corner and then live in a hostel for several years.

The miner took the incident seriously and began to drink even more.

Since 1974, Stakhanov retired, and three years later he died at the 72nd year of his life in a mental hospital, where he ended up from the severe consequences of chronic alcoholism ( multiple sclerosis with partial memory loss, delirium tremens), and had previously also suffered a stroke.

He slipped on an apple skin, hit his head and died without regaining consciousness.

Georgy Yumatov. The star of the films "Officers", "Admiral Ushakov" and "They Were First" always drank more than usual.

On March 6, 1994, in the 75th apartment of house No. 5 on Chernyakhovsky Street, while intoxicated, the actor shot and killed a janitor who was helping the actor bury his beloved dog with a hunting rifle. According to witnesses, he insulted Yumatov, insisting that it would be better if the Germans won the war.

As a result, the actor was acquitted. After leaving prison, he was diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which developed as a result of alcoholism. He had surgery. After some time, hemorrhage occurred in the stomach. The actor refused hospitalization.

Directors, afraid inappropriate behavior, they stopped calling the actor to act in films. Yumatov began attending church and even finally stopped drinking, but his health was already completely undermined: on October 4, 1997, the abdominal aorta ruptured with a fatal outcome.

Yuri Bogatyrev. The actor became a star after his role in the film “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own.”

Bogatyrev’s money did not linger, but in last years During his life, he also became addicted to alcohol.

The actor lost his form, and began to be invited to films less and less. The artist’s friends explained his drunkenness by his worries about his homosexuality.

He tried to solve all his problems with alcohol. Yuri developed depression and started taking antidepressants.

Oleg Dal. The actor drank heavily almost all his life, for this reason he was eventually even kicked out of the Moscow Art Theater.

Friends and colleagues noticed that he looked recent months Oleg's life was very bad, he was in a state of nervous and physical exhaustion.

The actor understood that he would abuse alcohol and tried to overcome his predisposition to alcohol.

Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room, during a creative business trip in Kyiv, at the age of 39.

According to the widespread version, the cause of death was a heart attack due to the use of alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, who was “wired up” with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Georgy Burkov. Beloved by many even for his episodic roles, the Soviet actor died at the age of 57.

The official cause of death was a detached blood clot.

By that time, Georgy Burkov’s health was severely undermined by alcohol.

"The life of alcoholics is very close to the life of animals. In in a good way. In the morning, my dears, they are busy looking for drinks. If they drink, they start talking, pleasant or unpleasant, but it’s still not real. Game of human life: with problems, with worries, with joys. Then search again. And so all day,” Burkov wrote in his book.

According to the recollections of relatives, after autopsy of the actor’s body, the doctors said: “How did he even live with such vessels…”.

Nikolay Eremenko. The real reason The actor's death became known not so long ago; before that it was believed that he died of a stroke.

According to another version, Eremenko Jr. was killed by another binge. The actor could not allow himself to relax even in the company of close people and was constantly in nervous tension, escaping from it in alcohol.

At the time of his death, his wife Lyudmila was with him, who did not even pay attention to the fact that her husband was in an unconscious state, since it was already familiar.

The artist’s friends panicked, but it was too late; Nikolai died in hospital at the age of 52.

Nikolay Cherkasov. The performer of the heroic roles of Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible in the films of Sergei Eisenstein never went on stage without drinking a couple of glasses.

In the theater he worked with early years, that’s when I started drinking as a habit. IN Civil War The actor’s close friends and relatives died, so alcohol helped him forget.

Subsequently, the actor drank even during breaks between takes; according to him, this was the only way he could open up. The artist died from alcohol.

Petr Aleinikov. The actor became a star of Soviet cinema after the role of Savka from the film "Tractor Drivers" and the image of Emelya from the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", filmed by the famous Soviet storyteller Alexander Rowe.

In the last years of his life, the actor drank heavily and had serious problems with health.

Victor Kosykh. The actor's star role is Danka in The Elusive Avengers.

In recent years, his life was not very successful; the man drowned his depression in alcohol. The examination showed that Kosykh was killed by a lethal dose of alcohol.

Kosykh’s body was discovered by an acquaintance of his. The man called an ambulance, but the actor was already dead.

An autopsy showed that due to huge amount After drinking alcohol the day before, Kosykh suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

Oleg Efremov. Everyone’s favorite artist struggled with alcohol and nicotine addiction all his life and lived long life for a person with similar habits.

A heavy smoker, Efremov did not give up tobacco, even while experiencing excruciating pain. His general condition only worsened due to alcoholism, the actor began to go blind, and problems with the heart and blood vessels appeared.

Due to thrombosis, Oleg Nikolaevich’s leg was cut off, and Efremov spent the last years of his life with a special device that forcibly ventilated his lungs. On May 24, 2000, at the age of 72, the actor died.

Both drinking alcohol and using drugs does not lead to anything good. There is no such person yet who would rejoice at the consequences of alcohol.

And among those who suffered from alcohol addiction, too many people got serious illnesses or even died.

Many celebrities could live much longer if they had not started drinking alcohol. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

Alcoholism is a disease of modern society

We often don't think about how many people have died from this addiction. On this moment Russia's statistics are simply amazing.

About 30% of all deaths occur in alcohol addiction.

And you probably don’t know or have any idea how many fatal crimes occur due to the fault of alcohol.

Why do celebrities become drunkards?

Many creative personalities And popular people often experience crises in their lives, professional activity. The constant ups and downs of career, fans, personal life and everything else are imposed on a celebrity to a greater extent than on an ordinary person.

After all, these are public people, which means their fans tirelessly follow their lives. And while some people relieve stress with a glass of wine once a week, others have to do it every day.

There is even an opinion that actors and other artists drink more than people in other professions. And they themselves agree with this.

Reasons for celebrity drinking:

  • Loss of inspiration. Quite often, actors and singers may drink a little before a performance. They claim that it relaxes and “unlocks” talent. But this can also lead to alcohol addiction. Naturally, some people also drink after the concert to relax.
  • Alcohol gifts from fans. When you become famous, you get recognition from your fans. Stars often receive flowers, chocolates and, of course, alcoholic products. Some invite them to their banquets, performances and other events.
  • Stress relief. Famous people always have a lot of work and other various projects, especially often at night. Concerts, banquets, performances, recordings of songs and videos and much more. Artists very often get tired of such a schedule, become depressed and begin to become addicted to the bottle.

Alcohol really relaxes and they are increasingly becoming addicted to this method of stress relief. Moreover, fans always give good alcohol, which means this can go on endlessly.

Actors who died due to alcoholism:

  1. Vladimir Vysotsky. He left after Dahl. He was addicted to alcohol and drugs, but did not have time to undergo treatment and undergo code treatment due to heart problems. For this reason he died.
  2. Georgy Yumatov. The actor drank heavily and a lot, once even killed a man in this state. He underwent a severe operation on the abdominal aorta and died two years later from its rupture.
  3. Oleg Efremov. Alcohol helped creative life. But gradually it turned into an addiction. Died at 72 years old.
  4. Andrey Krasko. I worked a lot, but later stress appeared due to work. I tried to relieve tension with alcohol. Alcohol addiction developed. Died of heart disease at 49 years old.
  5. Georgy Burkov. Died at 57 years old. Doctors described the cause of death of the celebrity as vascular thrombosis. His health was seriously damaged by alcohol.
  6. Yuri Klinskikh. I was never a teetotaler and suffered from drug and alcohol addiction. According to the official version, he died of heart problems.
  7. Yuri Bogatyrev. Fame came to him in the Soviet Union, after which he began to receive money and immediately spend it on alcohol. Alcohol addiction developed, and they stopped inviting him to act in films. The lack of demand in his profession led him to an even greater addiction to alcohol. He died at the age of 41 from acute heart failure.
  8. Isolda Izvitskaya. It's time to talk about actresses. In Soviet times, she was quite popular, but her luck and fame played a cruel joke on her. She was in love with her husband, who suffered from alcohol addiction. Later, the actress herself began to drink with him. Because of this, she lost her job, and later her husband, who left her for someone else. After all this, Isolde finally fell into depression, lost hope of returning to the film industry and drank herself to death. She died at 38 years old.
  9. Nikolay Cherkasov. The actor who brilliantly played Nevsky in famous film. According to him, he never went on stage without drinking a glass.
  10. Petr Aleinikov. He acted in films a lot and is quite famous in the USSR. Died at 50 years old.

Our idols, of course, are not all perfect. Many of them have serious flaws, and often those that their fans should not use on themselves. This includes alcoholism.

Celebrities have a pretty hard job, it involves a lot of stress and impact. Yes, and critics public people more than enough. Therefore, it is doubly difficult for them. In this case, falling asleep is not at all difficult.

Which of the modern stars has an alcohol addiction, is he struggling or not, and is he planning to undergo treatment?

Which Russian stars suffer from alcoholism now?

  1. Grigory Leps. Surely everyone has already seen the drunk actor. And he openly declares his addiction, and also says that he will continue to drink.
  2. Ivan Okhlobystin. Also has an alcohol addiction. In the summer of 2014 it was delivered to medical Center for treatment. It is unknown whether he passed it completely.
  3. Natalia Andreichenko. IN Soviet years was quite a popular artist. After divorcing her husband and moving to Russia, she began to drink a lot of alcohol. She does not hide her addiction. I ended up in a rehabilitation center.
  4. Alexander Domogarov. He underwent treatment in a drug treatment clinic to get rid of addiction. Doctors had to spend a lot of time and effort to rehabilitate his condition.
  5. Sergei Shnurov. The singer himself admits that he likes to drink well. He never went out to perform sober, justifying this by the emergence of talent.
  6. Alexey Panin. At the moment this is the most controversial figure. While drinking, something strange happens to the actor. Journalists have repeatedly recorded his strange drunken antics, which gives him a very dubious reputation.
  7. Mikhail Efremov. He doesn’t hide his addiction, but he doesn’t do anything to get rid of it. He says he drinks for the hangover. This allows him to play as much as a particular role requires of him.

It often happens that a celebrity is able to be brought out of an unrelenting binge. They were helped by relatives, friends, lovers or fans. But they, unlike their drunken colleagues, managed to get off this path in time.

They all deserve respect in this regard, because getting out of such a severe addiction is quite difficult. This requires will, perseverance, and a desire to improve. Some of them were helped by close and dear people.

Russian actors who have overcome alcohol addiction:

  1. Tatiana Dogileva. In the USSR she was a fairly popular artist. Then alcoholism almost cost her her life. Due to constant drunkenness, the actress was no longer invited to work in films. Thanks to the support of her daughter, the woman managed to get out of the binge and continue her career.
  2. Lera Kudryavtseva. Popular Russian actress and the TV presenter openly talks about her addiction to alcohol in the past in all interviews. Due to the divorce and subsequent depression, she began to drink too much. But friends came to her aid and helped her recover from this illness. Now the star doesn't drink at all.
  3. Larisa Guzeeva. She started drinking alcohol because of her husband, who was suffering drug addiction. Thus, she tried to free him from his addiction. I started using to spite him, and as a result, this drunkenness lasted 7 years. After that, she underwent rehabilitation at a center for alcoholics for 10 years. She was coded, then she managed to overcome her alcohol addiction. Now the actress does not drink.
  4. Dana Borisova. Due to problems in her personal life, she often began to drink, later with many friends, problems began in her personal life and her mother died. Alcohol only worsened the situation. However, the girl was able to overcome her addiction. She went in for sports, lost weight and now doesn’t drink at all. Such a positive strong-willed example cannot but rejoice!
  5. Alexander Rosenbaum. He drank heavily for a long time, which had a detrimental effect on his health. This led him to clinical death, after which Alexander decided to stop drinking alcohol.
  6. Ekaterina Vasilyeva. She never gave up drinking, and being not sober, she often cheated on her first husband. With the second, her periodic drunkenness turned into constant. According to him, the actress had bad heredity - her father drank heavily before her. Vasilyeva was treated in various clinics, but medical specialists were unable to help the woman. However, she was cured thanks to the church. He still works at the temple and occasionally appears in films.
  7. Irina Pechernikov. The actress’s personal life was not going well at all, and because of this, problems with alcohol began. Later followed two divorces and the death of his mother.

There was also a period when she found herself unclaimed in theater and cinema. Then the actress fell into depression and began drinking uncontrollably. But once she got to the hospital, she met her love there. The couple went through all the trials together in the treatment of alcoholism, and then got together and began to live together. This is such a beautiful but unhealthy love story.

Alcoholism - This is a disease that is important and needs to be treated. And our artists and celebrities are no exception; they can also suffer from alcohol addiction.

The main thing is not to judge such people, but to try to help and cure them. People abuse alcohol definitely not because they have a good and carefree life. And everyone should understand this.

From alcohol and alcoholism. Alcohol has ruined the lives of many people, destroyed families, and caused the development of dangerous diseases. Furthermore, alcohol abuse often leads to death and the development of deadly diseases. It’s simply impossible to list all the troubles that alcohol causes. Alcohol is especially dangerous for those with addictions. It is contraindicated for such people to drink strong drinks, even in small doses, as this can lead to the most tragic consequences.

Famous actors of the world who died from alcohol

Andrey Ivanovich Krasko (August 10, 1957, Leningrad, USSR - July 4, 2006, Ovidiopol, Ukraine) - Soviet and Russian actor. Andrei Krasko died at the age of 49. The cause was heart failure - a heart attack due to alcohol abuse. IN Lately Krasko suffered from alcohol addiction.

Alexey Leonidovich Fomkin (August 30, 1969, Moscow - February 24, 1996, Vladimir) - actor who became famous leading role in the film “Guest from the Future”, as well as participation in the filming of the film magazine “Yeralash”. After serving in the army, he began to have problems with alcohol and drugs. On the night of February 23 to February 24, 1996, he died during the celebration of the Day Soviet army. Everyone who was in the apartment during the fire was able to escape, except Alexey Fomkin, who was fast asleep and as a result suffocated from smoke. According to one version, all the celebrants were drunk, because of this the actor was unable to wake up.

Viktor Ivanovich Kosykh (January 27, 1950 - December 22, 2011) - Soviet and Russian actor. Star " Elusive Avengers“Recently I have been abusing alcohol due to depression. An autopsy showed that the cause of death was a large dose of alcohol, which the body could not cope with.

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (January 25, 1938, Moscow - July 25, 1980, Moscow) has suffered from alcohol and nicotine addiction in recent years. It is also known that Vladimir Vysotsky used narcotic substances. Died of a heart attack. According to close people, Vladimir Vysotsky was killed by drugs.

Vladislav Borisovich Galkin (December 25, 1971, Moscow - February 25, 2010, Moscow) is a famous Soviet and Russian actor. He died at the age of 39 from cardiac arrest. As a result of the autopsy, doctors came to the conclusion that the artist’s body was severely deteriorated due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Elena Vladimirovna Mayorova (May 30, 1958, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - August 23, 1997, Moscow). Recently I drank alcohol, which ended in tragedy. On August 23, 1997, she doused herself with fuel and set her dress on fire. She died from her burns at the Sklifosovsky Institute. The exact reason for what happened remains unknown. According to the official version, there was an accident. There are also versions that Elena Mayorova intentionally set herself on fire.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Eremenko Jr. (February 14, 1949, Vitebsk, Belarusian SSR, USSR - May 27, 2001, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor. He died of a stroke in hospital. Relatives of the actor said that Nikolai Eremenko Jr. drank a lot and died because he could not get out of another binge.

Oleg Ivanovich Dal (May 25, 1941, Lyublino, Moscow region - March 3, 1981, Kyiv) died at the age of 40. Despite poor health and a bad heart, he abused alcohol, although he tried with all his might to overcome his addiction. Died from heart attack. According to the widespread version, the heart could not stand it after drinking alcohol again, and at that time the actor was “sewn up” with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Pyotr Martynovich Aleynikov (April 12, 1914 - June 9, 1965) - Soviet actor. Due to lack of demand in films, he began to abuse alcohol. In recent years he drank a lot, as a result of which his health deteriorated greatly.

Richard Burton (November 10, 1925, Pontrydyfen - August 5, 1984, Celyny) is a Welsh actor, winner of many prestigious awards and honors. He suffered from chronic alcoholism. He died at the age of 58 from a cerebral hemorrhage, which was the result of a severe hangover.

Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 - February 11, 2012) - American singer, actress, fashion model. The star abused alcohol and also took drugs. She was found unconscious in the bathroom of a hotel room. They tried to revive Whitney Houston with the help of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but they could not save her.