A little strange and sonorous name Ruslana. Where did it come to us from and what does it mean? Let's figure it out now.

Origin of the name

Ruslana is a derivative of the masculine Ruslan, or rather Aslan (or Arslan). And it came to us from the Middle East, where it was very popular among the local population. And since the Slavs had trade relations with those peoples, they also exchanged names. This is how the name Arslan came to Rus' and was used in the form Eruslan. And later it acquired a more Slavic pronunciation - Ruslan. This is how it is in Rus'. In our country, it began to enjoy real popularity in the 70s of the last century.

Meaning of the name

Thus, the roots of female name- Muslim. It's a paradox, isn't it? And it is translated as “lioness”. Let's trace the life of a person with such a strong name and see if the description corresponds to reality. So, let's start.

Ruslana. The girl's name and its influence on the child's life

Since she initially bore the name Ruslana, she adopted all the boyish traits, all their restlessness. The baby is quite restless, sleeps poorly, and something is constantly wrong with her. Parents will have to tinker with it. Sleepless nights they are provided with. But over time the dream will turn into favorite hobby girls, and getting her up in the morning will be problematic. Ruslana is very smart, but she won’t learn her lessons the right way, only “under pressure,” although studying comes easy to her.

Transition period

The origin of the name Ruslana leaves an imprint on adolescence. The girl is unrestrained, she can be rude, offend and later regret it. Ruslana has a strong-willed character and is a leader. Over the years it becomes softer, but does not lose. Ruslan always has many friends. She is the soul of the campaign. She can often be found surrounded by boys. At the same time, the girl knows how to stand up for herself, she will not let herself be offended. She herself is not a good conversationalist, since long conversations make her bored. But he will defend his rightness to the end. There is no use arguing with her: she will win anyway.

Family and love

Our heroine will take a long time to choose a life partner. Ruslana's other half is the result of a very careful search for the one and only one for life. She prefers to make all decisions in the family herself, which often leads to conflicts with her chosen one. Maternal responsibility does not awaken in her even after childbirth. But he loves children and enjoys taking care of them. She doesn’t particularly strive for household chores, because she believes that grandmothers should deal with such nonsense.

Work activity and character

Women named Ruslana are often gifted, with many talents. They may well devote themselves to their hobbies and achieve success in their favorite field. They can be found on the stage, in the cinema or in the commercial sphere. But they can take a different path and devote their lives to children, giving preference pedagogical activity. Ruslana tends to make mistakes. Possessing versatile thinking, she is able (and tries) to assume a possible turn of events before acting on something. But even if she makes a mistake, she always has a backup plan. It is very important that a woman learns from her mistakes; her growth subsequently depends on this.

Diminutive forms of names

For small child, especially girls, parents always try to find gentle and Is it possible to somehow soften the masculine connotation of the name in question, and will this affect the character of the baby? Ruslana is affectionately called Rusya or Rusechka. If you use this form frequently childhood, then the girl’s tough character may smooth out over time. But it should be borne in mind that this will only be an appearance, inside she will still remain a tomboy. There are also affectionate forms - Ruslanochka, Lana, Lanochka. Beautiful, isn't it?

Despite the fact that the origin is Middle Eastern, it is firmly entrenched in our culture, and today it is quite common in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Meaning of the name Ruslana: this name for a girl means “Russian land”, “peaceful”.

Origin of the name Ruslan: The name Ruslana appears in many languages. Among the Slavs, the name Ruslana is translated as “homeland” or “Russian land”, among the Turks it is “lioness”, and among the Irish the meaning of the name Ruslana is “peace-loving”. There is still debate about the origin of the word. According to one version, the name Ruslan coincides with Lana, which is considered a shortened form, and means “lan” - field, meadow. Therefore, the name is often associated with fertility and life. In Old Russian it means “earth”. There is also a widespread version that the name Ruslana is a variant of the feminine form, derived from the male name Alan. The name in Ireland is interpreted as “peaceful”, and translated from the Celtic language it means “harmony”, “concord”. In Italy the meaning is “peace-loving.”

Diminutive form of name: Ruslanochka, Ruslanka, Rusya, Rusichka.

What does the name Ruslana mean: This is a determined girl with developed intuition may be successful in business, but it is better to take the first steps under the guidance of an experienced mentor. A girl with this name is quick-tempered and often regrets it, especially when she takes it out on her husband and children.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Ruslan's name celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • June 11
  • October 16

Zodiac: Virgo.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

Positive features: The girl has a very a strong character. This may be explained by the fact that she is protected by Mercury.

Negative features: Sometimes Rus's determination borders on despair, and she is not always able to be guided by her reason, as a result of which she acts on a wave of emotions. Naturally, this leads to the fact that she begins to regret many actions. For example, often a girl with this name speaks first and thinks later.

Character of the name Ruslan: What character traits does the meaning of the name Ruslana determine? Russia is diligent, creative, but not pragmatic, and this sometimes leads to problems. But she can boast of a vivid imagination and rich imagination, developed intuition and a penchant for analytical thinking.

Considering the fact that she is characterized by sarcasm, it often breaks free, and those around her turn away from Rus'. Has for her special meaning the ability to control yourself, then there will be no problems.

Ruslana and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Ruslan promise happiness in love? Unfortunately, despite her prudence, Rusya has a poor understanding of people and is often disappointed in them. Although she has been looking for a candidate for marriage for a long time and is unlikely to agree to tie the knot with a person she does not understand. In the family, the one with the name becomes the unspoken leader. Moreover, the spouse’s affairs can be managed as discreetly as possible. Gives great value fidelity, and she herself is not capable of betrayal in marriage.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In her work, Ruslana strives for leadership. She can try her hand at construction and teaching. It is quite possible that it will be successful creative activity, because Ruse certainly has a lot of creativity.

If we talk about how it is characterized from the perspective of numerology, it can be noted that it is protected by the number 7, which means that its owner will be very successful in the field of science, philosophy, art and even religion. But it is very important that Rusya is able to analyze the results of her activities and understand how and why she managed to achieve what she already has. Ruse has to plan her future - rashness will not allow her to get what she wants. By the way, if Ruslana decides to take up commercial activities, then it is better for this to happen under the guidance of a more experienced businessman.

Business and career: She is not a very good housewife. She strives to shift all the worries around the house to someone else, and therefore, if possible, she will happily agree to hire a housekeeper. She herself will continue to build her own career, which she will definitely succeed in.

Health and energy

Name health and talents:"Martovskaya" - often suffers from acute respiratory infections, and must be protected from drafts. She is susceptible to lung disease and suffers from croup in infancy. She has a weak the immune system That's why she gets sick often. Parents have a hard time with Rusya until she is three years old. Her health largely depends on her middle name and time of birth. If a girl was born early in the morning, then she is less sick than her namesake, born in the afternoon. In summer it should be taken to the sea.

"October" Ruslana has a disposition towards respiratory diseases, to a sore throat. She Ruslana is developing well physically, but she should not be overfed. She is susceptible to metabolic disorders, which can lead to obesity. For all questions related to a child’s illness, you should consult a doctor; self-medication can lead to the death of the child or serious consequences. Rus' has a very complex nature. She cannot be punished physically, only verbally and for a specific offense.

"December" - from infancy she grows up as a restless girl. She cries constantly and refuses to eat. Much depends on her middle name.

Many diseases can be passed on to her from her parents. So weak bronchi, scoliosis, diabetes, psoriasis can be inherited from her. All these diseases can manifest themselves both in childhood and in mature age. This Ruslana is very nervous, but physically develops well: she begins to hold her head early, teeth are cut early. Her illnesses can occur without fever. The “winter” one is prone to enuresis and central nervous system disorder. nervous system. Name male origin, so the girl faces various difficulties.

The fate of Ruslana in history

What does the name Ruslana mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Ruslana Lyzhychko is a Ukrainian singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest, representing her country.
  2. Ruslana Pysanka is a Ukrainian TV presenter.
  3. Ruslana Korshunova is a Kazakh fashion model.
  4. Rukhadze Ruslana Otarovna – Russian actress theater and cinema.

Ruslana in different languages ​​of the world

And it is its Russian analogue. The modification of the name occurred due to a more compatible arrangement of letters and its pronunciation. Since the original source is translated as “lion,” the meaning of the name Ruslan is interpreted in the same way.

But in translation from Slavic languages, Ruslan is interpreted as “blond”. To a greater extent, the name is popular among people of Kazakh nationality and is used on an equal basis with. The name is also popular in the village. Soviet space, where it was used both before and in modern times. Therefore, the name Ruslan can well be called Russian, although its origin is Turkic.

What the name Ruslan means for the child’s parents is constant whims and tears. The boy is overly emotional and fickle in his desires. If now a child wants one thing, then after a quarter of an hour his opinion may change dramatically. Praise from parents and educators is extremely important for a boy. If the named Ruslan is not praised for the work done, the boy gets offended. Ruslan's emancipation is revealed in a circle of peers, where he does not feel barriers or boundaries.

The meaning of fate for the bearer of the name Ruslan is a risk, but sometimes it can be thoughtless, unjustified, with serious consequences.

Our hero knows how to make friends, and is devoted and selfless to his comrades. During adolescence the character of our hero changes, selfishness appears, the boy becomes explosive, like a powder keg. His categoricalness is sometimes unfounded, but Ruslan will stand his ground and will not yield one iota.

And here intellectual abilities a boy named Ruslan is at his best, he is one of best students according to academic performance. The desire to move forward towards the intended goal and not stop halfway is also present in the bearer of the name Ruslan. A boy’s childish capriciousness is most likely an early manifestation of strength of character, which emerges later.

It’s hard to convince Ruslan of anything, much less change his mind. This state of affairs often leads to conflicts with teachers at school and university. For a teenager With the name Ruslan, the status of a teacher is completely unimportant; for him, elders are not in authority. Our hero has such a hot-tempered nature that his peers are wary and even afraid of him.

In most cases, the one named Ruslan is physically strong, always ready to fight back, but at the same time the sense of justice is alien to him and if they offend the weak, our hero will simply pass by and not interfere.

At proper education, the characteristics of the name Ruslan may soften a little; for this, parents must instill in the boy tolerance, kindness and decency.

Full description of the name

Considering the characteristics of the name Ruslan at a more mature age, it is worth noting that it is practically no different from the teenage version. Our hero simply becomes more restrained and less emotional. But in certain situations these outbreaks still appear. The meaning of Ruslan’s fate lies in his energy potential.

Strong will, high intellectual abilities, perseverance. These are precisely the qualities that help our hero achieve success and carry out his plans.

But the stubbornness and pride of a man named Ruslan makes him vindictive and vindictive. A man is not endowed with the ability to forgive insults and for this reason our hero has few real friends. For his own benefit, Ruslan is ready to do anything, even deception and betrayal. Vanity, pride, moral superiority, combined with cunning character, allow a man to achieve victories and constantly be on top. The inconstancy of our hero makes him strange and incomprehensible to those around him. His opinion may change radically in the opposite direction.

The bearer of the name Ruslan reinforces his naturally excellent physical characteristics with sports training. Our hero begins going to the gym as a teenager, and for half of the named Ruslans this develops into an adult hobby. He begins to do this to a greater extent to assert himself and prove to himself that he can achieve success.

External beauty and physical form attracts the glances of the opposite sex, each of the women tries to get him as a husband. If in adolescence Ruslan did not particularly regal his elders, then in his mature years he properly pays tribute to them.

Love and family relationships

Named after Ruslan, he is not deprived of female attention. Having chosen the beauty he likes, our hero can conquer her; if necessary, he will show off, but he will achieve his goal. But Ruslan doesn’t get carried away for long, the relationship passes as quickly as it began. At the same time, he is not the least bit discouraged and is immediately ready to find a new victim.

Our hero’s pride does not allow a woman to leave him; if this happens, he will take revenge and harm her in every possible way.

A man gets married late, when he has walked enough. If he chooses bright and skittish girls for affairs, then he prefers to see quietness, modesty, pliability, and naivety in his wife. But at the same time, she must be beautiful in appearance so that others envy him.

If someone shows excessive attention to his soulmate, he becomes jealous, ready to do anything. Most of those named after Ruslan get married twice due to the failure of the first family relations. The man is faithful to his wife and will not forgive her betrayal either. She loves children, but does not take much part in their upbringing.

Professional affiliation

The name Ruslan endows its bearer with ambition and high intellectual abilities. Therefore, with a certain education, a man can make a quick career in any industry.

Ruslan Karimovich Nigmatullin ( Russian football player, goalkeeper. Former player of the Russian national football team. Currently DJ)

  • The political field is closest to Ruslan, here he will be able to fully reveal himself and realize his abilities. Perseverance and ability to find mutual language with people these are exactly the qualities that will help him to realize himself.
  • Our hero strives for publicity and always wants to be in the spotlight.
  • Ruslan can be called a careerist, because if he achieves success, no obstacles will stop him.
  • In addition to politics, a man named Ruslan can engage in advocacy and finance.

Our hero spends a lot of money to maintain his image, so outwardly he is always strict, restrained, and handsome. But his internal state is weak and unstable. In case of career decline, he may look pathetic and petty.

According to the version most common and recognized by most people, the male name Ruslan is Russian version the Turkic name Arslan (Aslan), which has the proud and majestic meaning of “lion”.

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    general characteristics

    Sometimes the meaning of the name Ruslan is translated as “blond”.

    Short forms:

    • Russia;
    • Rusik;
    • Ruslanka;
    • Ruslanchik;
    • Rustic;
    • Russia;
    • Ruska.

    This man's name powerful energy, determining his fate. Such a person has developed intellect and unprecedented endurance. Proud, strong, vain Ruslan always knows what he wants and achieves it by any means.

      Some people with a similar name are distinguished by touchiness and vindictiveness - they do not know the word “mercy”, do not forgive other people’s mistakes and do not give anyone a second chance. Ruslan has few true friends, and this is not surprising, because for his own benefit he is ready to deceive and set him up.

      Ruslan has these negative qualities character, such as pride and stubbornness. Sometimes men with this name are petty, vindictive, calculating and selfish.

      Childhood and youth

      Little Rusik grows up harmful, capricious, emotional child. He cannot tolerate various criticism (even if it is useful and justified), so he perceives any attempt to point out mistakes as hostile. But Russia loves praise, so much so that if it doesn’t receive it from those around it, it immediately begins to be offended. Getting along with a baby is difficult, but this does not mean that parents are obliged to indulge his fickle desires.

      Despite negative traits character, the child’s future energy can be directed in a positive, creative direction. The grown-up Ruslan will be grateful to you for the reverent love of sports or creativity that you instilled in him in early childhood.

      In adolescence, a guy's character becomes more explosive, dangerous and selfish. He is not particularly concerned about the opinions of teachers, parents and other people of the older generation. The young man constantly gets involved in various adventures and agrees to any risky actions, without thinking at all about the consequences. Peers are afraid of Ruslan because of sudden attacks of aggression and hot temper, but they respect him for his bold, original decisions and tempered character. Despite this type, the guy is smart beyond his years, so he consistently gets good or excellent grades, sometimes even being among the best students.

      Relationships and family life

      Most men with this name have a strong, toned physique, since they are actively involved in sports, and with enviable regularity. It is not surprising that Ruslan enjoys such enormous popularity among a variety of girls, because he appearance attracts. However, the man, named Ruslan, is in no hurry to choose the right companion - stormy, passionate novels in life young man flare up as quickly and suddenly as they go out and fade away. Throwing another beauty into the abyss of mental suffering is in the order of things for him, but Ruslan will not tolerate the same act from a girl towards him, because this is a real blow to his male pride.

      Not every Ruslan is suitable for a strong, strong-willed, self-confident woman with a strong internal rod. For relationships, especially long-term ones (in a family, for example), he will look for a soft, modest, flexible girl who is ready to always obey her man and agree with his opinion in any situation. Despite the fact that Ruslan can date some representatives of the fair sex for quite a long time, he is in no hurry to get married, and if he marries, it will be with a woman with stunning appearance, because marriage for him is another way to profitably assert himself.

      First attempts family life often turn into failure for Ruslan, but the man hopes for the best, so he marries several more times. IN serious relationship always remains faithful to his partner, despite great amount fans who constantly surround him. Ruslan, in turn, demands mutual fidelity from a woman, therefore, if he finds out about betrayal, he never forgives her. He becomes a good father and a good family man, but he does not feel any special love for his children, even if he tries to do everything possible for them.

Short form of the name Ruslan. Rusa, Lana.
Origin of the name Ruslana. The name Ruslana is Russian, Slavic, Ukrainian.

Name Ruslana - female uniform male name Ruslan, which is of Turkic origin. Translated it means “lioness”. There is also a version that the name Ruslana is related to Slavic language and is interpreted as “blond”. The affectionate name Lana is also an independent name.

The owner of the name Ruslana is a curious mixture of endless energy, strength, courage, confidence with caution and doubt. Ruslana is more prone to common sense, work and rigor, and, as a rule, wants to be in charge. This may explain her attempts to be rebellious, undisciplined, as well as her manifestations of authoritarianism and some aggression. However, a combination of these qualities can often be seen in strong and strong men who are capable of defending themselves, but Ruslana is not ready to only be protected, she is always ready to stand up for herself.

Her pride is emphasized by stubbornness, which causes her certain difficulties and leads to mistakes. Her strengths– this is not at all girlish courage, sometimes bordering on recklessness, this is her unshakable willpower, as well as her physical and intellectual potential. Ruslana has excellent business sense, the ability to lead others, and she is a loyal and resourceful girl.

Ruslana's shortcomings can be such character traits as intransigence and lack of moderation, her arrogance and authoritarianism. Her stubbornness is ineradicable; Ruslana will never admit that she was to blame and will not apologize. However, parents can be reassured by the fact that the girl will be very independent and independent with early age, and these non-childish character traits will help her in the future decide on the choice of profession and her own life path. Ruslana will not be a young lady hanging on her parents’ necks and living according to orders.

In her personal life, Ruslana will have a hard time, because it is so difficult to find a man who will be willing to tolerate the superiority of a woman. Ruslana's partner will need to learn to understand his beloved, to understand her mood swings. In addition, this girl is quite jealous; it is difficult to say that she is romantic and sentimental. But in any case, Ruslana is a reliable friend and undeniable support in Hard time, she is ready to help, no matter what kind of help is needed.

The owner of the name Ruslana can find her calling in business, politics, as well as in professions associated with a certain risk (stunt performer, athlete, firefighter). She will also be able to realize herself in areas such as mechanics, surgery or modern technology.

Ruslana's name day

Ruslana does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Ruslana

  • Ruslana Korshunova ((1987-2008) Kazakh fashion model)
  • Ruslana Lyzhychko ((born 1973) Ukrainian singer, songwriter, participant and winner of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004)
  • Ruslana Rukhadze ((born 1974) Russian actress)
  • Ruslana Lyasheva ((born 1943) Russian literary critic, journalist, published in various almanacs and magazines)
  • Ruslana Pysanka (Pysanko) ((born 1965) Ukrainian actress and TV presenter)
  • Ruslana Taran ((born 1970) Ukrainian yachtswoman, three times Olympic medalist)
  • Ruslana Sushko (Kirichenko) ((born 1975) Ukrainian basketball player, winner of the title of European champion in 1995)

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