When carrying out conscription activities in relation to a conscript, one of its components is a medical commission (medical examination). At the medical commission in relation to the conscript, a conclusion is made on his suitability for military service for health. The fitness category is determined in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases (Appendix to the Regulations on military medical examination). From the approved fitness category It depends on whether he will go to serve in the army or be released from military duty.

  • A - fit for military service; (subject to conscription)
  • B - fit for military service with minor restrictions; (subject to conscription)
  • B - limited fit for military service; (exemption from conscription: the conscript is enlisted in the Armed Forces Reserve and is issued a military ID)
  • G - temporarily unfit for military service; (deferment from conscription for 6-12 months)
  • D - not fit for military service. (exemption from military duty: the conscript is issued a military ID)
– More information about eligibility categories:
Suitability categories B1, B2, B3, B4
Fitness category B
Suitability category G
Fitness category D

As you already understood from the description suitability categories, in order to be released from the army, a conscript should achieve categories “B – limited fit” or “D – unfit”. Exactly these suitability category allow the conscript to legally don't go to the army.
Citizens often get confused with the wording of the categories “B – suitable with minor restrictions” and “B – limitedly suitable”. In the first case, you are subject to conscription, in the second, you are exempt from conscription.
The number after the letter “B” is called the mission indicator, determined in accordance with the Table of Additional Requirements of the Schedule of Diseases (Appendix to the Regulations on Military Medical Examination) and indicates the possibility of serving in a particular branch of the military.

When citizens are initially registered for military service (at the age of 17), a medical commission is conducted in relation to the future conscript, which determines his suitability category. It should be understood that no matter what is assigned, when a citizen reaches conscription age (18 years), the medical commission will have to be repeated (and often changes).

If you have already passed a medical examination and decided to draft you into the army, i.e. You were assigned suitability category“A” or “B” (and you do not have the right to a deferment), then do not despair. There are many legal ways how not to be in the ranks Russian army. In this case, it is better to trust the professionals and act immediately.

Remember, any medical report, as well as a decision on conscription into the army, can always be appealed to higher authorities and justice can be achieved.

Before conscripting a young man into the army, the military commissariat collects possible information about him. They are represented by places of residence, education, marital status, general characteristic and, of course, health status. All data, except the latter, is personally collected by the citizen and submitted to the commission for consideration. For an objective assessment of the state of health, narrow specialists are involved, who, based on previously conducted examinations, can make their own conclusions.

The result of the work of the draft commission is crowned with the registration of the conscript, the formation of a personal file, and the entry of data into the registration certificate or military ID. All these activities are the basis of military accounting work, which will allow rational and effective replenishment of the ranks of the Armed Forces.

Why do you need a fitness category?

You can often hear the erroneous opinion that when conducting a medical examination, all conscripts can be divided into two groups.

  • The first group will go to conscript service.
  • The second, which includes young men with problematic health, will be sent to the reserve.

Such a judgment falls apart due to a number of emerging nuances. For example, absolutely healthy person can be found very rarely. Different types troops have different requirements for conscripts. Moreover, these requirements are not related to health, but to anthropometric indicators. These examples are enough to understand that this method of dividing young men into groups will not be able to ensure adequate replenishment of the military personnel.

Resolution of issues related to the selection of contingents for conscript service is regulated by legislative level through the introduction of a provision on a military commission. One of the accompanying documents is the Schedule of Diseases. It contains a list of diseases with corresponding fitness categories that a conscript can receive. Thus, all citizens who have undergone a medical examination are assigned to one of five categories.

Accepted classification

All existing categories fitness for military service have a strictly defined meaning. Since the decoding is carried out unambiguously, this approach ensures an unbiased attitude on the part of the military commissariat towards the person who has the corresponding entry on his military ID.

  • A successfully completed examination conducted by medical specialists indicates fitness for military service and is reflected in categories “A” and “B”. However, these are two completely different groups, despite the fact that the service is provided in both cases. Those citizens who have not been identified with serious health problems are eligible.
  • The young man is fit for service with category “B”, with the difference that there are still some restrictions on the type of military service. This means that after registering for military service, the conscript awaits a summons to general principles. But due to the identified minor deviations in physical development he cannot serve, for example, in law enforcement agencies, airborne forces, or special forces.

  • Some diseases can have more serious consequences, leading to physiological changes. The long course, complications, and constant visits to the doctor give reason to release the young man from military service. Category “B” means that the citizen is considered to be in reserve. During the period of mobilization he will be called up, albeit to non-combatant units.
  • Complete exemption from military duty is possible only in the most severe cases, when irreversible consequences arise during the course of the disease. Full list diseases and symptoms for which a conscript is assigned category “D” are presented in the Schedule of Diseases.
  • Quite often, an entry about the assignment of category “G” is made on the military ID. It is placed when a citizen needs to be given a certain time for treatment or after long illness as rehabilitation. After the deferment, the young man will be called back to the commission, where a different category will necessarily be appointed. He will go to serve, or receive a military ID in his hands.

But the presence of five categories still does not provide a complete way out of the distribution situation. As we have already mentioned, persons who have received the green light from the commission have different heights or weight, and this can serve as the main indicator for some branches of the military.

For example, in tank forces they take short guys, while the paratrooper is distinguished by his height indicators. In connection with these nuances, categories “A” and “B” are divided into four groups. The group number is called the destination indicator. It serves to clarify the suitability of a conscript for service in specific troops.

What is meant by category A1

As we have already noted, the numbers next to the letter indicate compliance with the requirements of various branches of the military. It is secretly believed that A1 is a category that a young man deserves not only by health indicators, but also by anthropometric parameters. With such values, service in special forces, airborne forces or marines becomes available.

Basic medical requirements positioned in the following areas:

  • visual field limitations;
  • color sensitivity;
  • height;
  • weight;
  • hearing indicators.

There should be no restriction on the field of view at all. In some cases, a value of up to 20 degrees is allowed. The young man’s height lies in the range with a lower limit of 175 cm. Weight is a parameter that cannot have an absolute value, since depending on height it can change its nominal value. For category A1, it is important that there is no obesity of the second degree. Hearing standards are determined by the distance from which whispered speech can be heard. In our case, it is no less than 6 meters.

In Russia, conscripts are required to undergo a medical examination. Deciding whether a person is fit to pass military service, is accepted on the basis of a verdict previously rendered by doctors. Naturally, a conscript with serious health problems will not be accepted into the army. It is a completely different matter if a person does not have any problems associated with this, or the deviations do not exceed established standards.

What does category “A1” mean, assigned to the military registration and enlistment office?

First, let's briefly look at how a decision is made about the suitability of a particular conscript for service in the army. This depends on a number of factors, including health status. The latter is determined after passing a medical examination - a person must undergo examination by several specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • dentist

Based on the conclusions they make, a decision is made on which category the conscript will be assigned. Currently, there are 5 of them. These categories are designated by several consecutive letters of the Russian alphabet - from “A” to “D”. Each of them has its own decoding. For example, the first 2 - the conscript is fit for military service (in the second case - with certain minor restrictions). Category “D” means that the person is not fit to perform military duties.

Also, a person must be in order with the circulatory, endocrine, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

However, that's not all. In addition to the categories, as mentioned above, there is also a subcategory. In particular, “A1” is the highest here. It means that the conscript has no serious problems with health, and he can serve in units of the RF Armed Forces that belong to the elite category, such as, for example, airborne troops, marines, troops special purpose, and so on.

In order for a conscript to be assigned category “A1”, he must meet certain criteria. This, in particular, is the absence of 2nd degree obesity. In this case, height should be in the range from 170 to 175 centimeters, with no deviations in terms of color sensitivity. There is also a criterion in terms of whisper audibility - 6/6 m. Particular attention is also paid to vision. For persons classified as category “A1”, visual field limitation should be completely absent or not exceed 20 degrees.

The weight of the conscript also matters. For example, to serve in the ranks of the Airborne Forces, this indicator should not exceed 90 kilograms. Another important point– absence of limb fractures and previous serious illnesses. In fact, everyone to whom the military commissariat assigned this category are absolutely healthy young people, fit for service in any of the branches of the Russian Armed Forces.

Persons subject to military conscription, according to the law, must be healthy - there are a number of criteria for determining the condition of a conscript, thanks to which the medical commission makes a verdict on whether the young man is fit for service or not, and in which troops it is better for him to serve. Categories of fitness for military service that are defined state law, appear in the relevant Resolution regarding military medical examination.

Detailed explanation of all health categories

Which of these health categories a potential recruit should be classified into is determined by a number of professional doctors at the military registration and enlistment office as part of the medical commission. In 2019, the law provides for division into 5 main categories. We will look at what these categories mean next:

Category A

Designation A indicates that there are no restrictions on service for a young man in the army, i.e. the conscript is healthy. However, there are 2 subcategories for this type:

    A2 . He is healthy, but there are restrictions on the workload, additional selection is necessary for such a conscript, the young man underwent serious treatment. Such a conscript is sent for military service in any general and special forces.

Persons for whom the medical commission has established category A, as a rule, are sent to prestigious branches of the military (submarines, airborne forces, marines, navy, etc.).

Category B

The category implies that the conscript is fit for service, but his state of health does not allow him to serve in any branch of the military. Young people to whom doctors assign this category experience health problems, but this does not affect their service. This type is divided into four subcategories:

    B1 . Young people are fit to serve in special forces, airborne forces, can become marines, join the airborne troops, and also go to defend the Motherland as border guards.

    B2. Conscripts with this category can be sent to the fleet (including submarine), as driver-mechanics of armored vehicles, tractors, etc.

    B3 . Future soldiers can be assigned as drivers and crew of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, as well as rocket launchers. It is also possible to get into the internal divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, guard and chemical units. Such conscripts can be sent to fuel and lubricants depots, as well as to air defense forces.

    B4 . Young people with this subcategory can be sent to guard especially important facilities (for example, in rocket troops). They also fall into radio engineering units and communications troops, other units and branches of the Armed Forces, and other formations and structures.

A conscript with this type is considered limitedly fit for service. Such persons have serious illnesses that allow young man avoid military conscription Peaceful time. Such conscripts are provided with a military ID, which exempts them from service - however, the young man is listed in the reserves, which provides for mandatory conscription during the introduction of martial law (the so-called recruitment of units of the 2nd stage). In this case, the conscript’s educational qualifications will correspond as closely as possible to the specialty acquired in peacetime.

Do you want to get exemption from the army?

Get advice from a military lawyer about your situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will learn how to get a military ID step by step and not serve in the army.

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stands for Military Specialty. This is a designation of the military profession, in the form of numbers and letters.

Since in peacetime a conscript who has been assigned this category Due to health reasons, there is no risk of service; many quite healthy young people who do not want to repay their debt to their homeland are tempted to avoid serving this type of service. To do this, they consult with lawyers and strive to undergo an independent examination, which is designed to identify a serious illness - some, years before conscription, draw up a medical history so that, after reading it, the doctors at the military registration and enlistment office are left with the feeling that the young man is seriously ill. Moreover, some young people actually succeed in this.

In addition to health exemptions, there is a whole. You will find it on our website.

This is partly due to the fact that, unfortunately, since 2009, everything more young people are diagnosed with diseases for which the law prohibits conscription into the army. However, a serious illness can only be identified with a comprehensive study, which sometimes requires more than one month. In this case, not only the degree of development of the disease is taken into account, but also medical documents that detail the course of the disease, the frequency of visiting a doctor at the place of residence, the duration of treatment, etc. It is important to understand that such documents must confirm that the disease has not been cured.

The category is deciphered in such a way that the young man is temporarily not subject to conscription. The law provides for a deferment of 6 to 12 months for such persons (it is believed that during this period the conscript can undergo a course of treatment to help get rid of the disease). After this, you should be re-examined at a medical examination, where doctors at the military registration and enlistment office will once again examine the conscript and render a verdict on the suitability category - on the basis of which the next decision is made.

Category D is issued to persons who have experienced trauma (fractures, concussions) or suffer from other ailments incompatible at the time of conscription: dystrophy, excessive obesity, etc. However, it is understood that there is hope for recovery, and for this the military registration and enlistment office gives a maximum period at 12 months. Doctors have the right to give a young person a deferment more than once, and in some cases the latter is awarded category B.

Alas, in our native Fatherland, no one canceled the seasonal plans for conscription. In this regard, military registration and enlistment offices often turn a blind eye to many diseases, sending sick young people to serve in the army (the most common violation is assigning category “G” instead of “B”). The conscript must know his rights; in such cases, it is definitely worth going to court, which can overturn the decisions of the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office. The court's decision will be based on the so-called. – for those who are trying to avoid joining the army for health reasons, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with this document in more detail.

Category D

This category implies a complete inability to serve in the army. Moreover, a person with category D is not even subject to conscription. Such people are entitled to a military ID, which indicates complete disrepair. In this case, the passport must contain the appropriate stamp.

Persons assigned category D have very serious pathologies and illnesses - for example, significant impairment of functioning various systems body (advanced glaucoma, for example), lack of some internal or external organs, repeated stroke, HIV.

Which category is suitable for contract service?

It is worth saying that the law also provides for the definition of army categories for those who want to connect their lives with the army even after serving in the Armed Forces. In this case we're talking about about categories A and B. Only these conscription categories provide the possibility of further service in the Armed Forces in the future. Moreover, if a conscript aspires to join the elite branch of the Russian military after the army, he must be completely healthy - and this is exclusively category A. If you have it, you can serve in airborne troops, in the submarine fleet or become, for example, a Marine.

Restrictions for subsequent profession depending on the category of military service

It is necessary to understand that if there are categories V/D, problems may arise for a number of young people in subsequent employment. It is definitely unlikely that you will be able to get a job in any law enforcement agency (FSB, police (MVD), FSIN, etc.) - this is explained by the fact that to work in these departments you must serve in the army. However, it is quite possible to work in other government institutions with such categories (say, in the office) - factories, factories, large enterprises and so on.

There is still a myth circulating among the people that persons who have been assigned fitness categories B or D do not have the opportunity to receive driver license. This is only partly true - those who have significant violations cannot have a driver’s license musculoskeletal functions, there are problems with the sensory organs, mental illnesses have been identified, etc. However, other, no less significant disorders in the functioning of the body (for example, ailments of the cardiovascular system) are not always taken into account by the medical board. However, for persons with a V/D fitness type, when obtaining a license, there may be some restrictions for a number of driving categories. They may also be prohibited from engaging in certain types jobs in a given field (say, a taxi driver or a bus driver).

Any military ID contains a special column where you can find out the category of fitness. If a young man’s health does not allow him to serve in the army, the fitness category V/G will be indicated in the column. At the same time, the disease that caused it is not reflected here.

Almost always, the categories of military service that are set in this document cannot be changed. The law, on the one hand, provides for challenging the contents of this column through the court if the young man managed to improve his health after some time, and the military registration and enlistment office prevents the conscript from changing the fitness level.

regulates all aspects of the relationship between young men of military age and the state. It indicates on what grounds it is possible to assign one or another category.

On the other hand, the commissariat is also understandable. For example, some persons who have category B on their military ID (exemption from military service) upon expiration of the conscription period suddenly decide to work in some law enforcement agency (for which category A1 must be on their military ID). In this regard, the reasoning of the military registration and enlistment office is clear - he turned away from military service, and then suddenly decided to get a job, for example, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the military registration and enlistment office reasonably believes that such persons should not work in law enforcement agencies.

The suitability category simultaneously reflects two points. Firstly, it indicates the result of passing the medical examination (page 13 of the military ID), and secondly, thanks to the category, it is possible to determine whether the young man served at all. It is to reflect such information that page 2 is highlighted in the document. The commonly used meaning of the suitability group is usually indicated in the form of Cyrillic letters, although in some situations there is also a decoding. The category marked on the military ID must be exclusively one of the possible ones. For unambiguous verification when filling out a document, it will be necessary to identify the correspondence between the decoding of the category and its symbolic designation.

How to change your eligibility category for military service

Of course, such a possibility is provided for by law.

The holder of a military ID can himself initiate a review of the conclusion of the medical commission that made the initial verdict on the fitness of the conscript.

The first thing you need to do is fill out an application in writing, where a request to carry out another medical examination will be reflected. The rationale for this will be positive changes in health. This document you will need to send it to the military commissariat where you are registered. By law, after receiving your application, the military registration and enlistment office must assemble a medical commission that will re-examine you, taking into account the relevant medical documents you submitted. After this, the experts will make a new decision, on the basis of which they will confirm the category previously set on the military ID or change it to a new one.

If there is an improvement in the health of the applicant, doctors must upgrade the old category. And with a greater degree of probability the new one will be A/B.

If the military registration and enlistment office, represented by doctors, a commissar or anyone else, refuses you to pass the above commission, or the medical commission, with obvious improvements in health and a corresponding medical diagnosis, did not consider it necessary to change the category, you have every right to appeal the decision of the commissariat through the court.

The category of fitness for service is assigned by a medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office based on the physical and mental condition of the conscript. This criterion indicates how prepared a young person is for the loads that will have to be withstood during military service. Conscription categories are considered A and B. If good health If a citizen is allowed to serve in any branch of the military, he is assigned A. It has four more modifications, indicating insignificant errors in health.

What are there

Fitness category is a specific indicator of the ability to complete military service in the Armed Forces of the country based on physical and mental health parameters. Experts identify five main ones, each of them is assigned based on the Schedule of Diseases. This is a list of diseases, which clearly states in which troops and with what diagnosis you can serve in the army, and which diseases are not conscriptable.

All these parameters are grouped into five main groups, designated by the letter of the Russian alphabet and interpreted as follows:

  • A - excellent health, makes it possible not to limit the type of troops for service, including being sent to the elite. The call is inevitable.
  • B - there are diseases in which physical exercise in the army will not harm your health. There are restrictions in choosing a place of service. A citizen is subject to conscription.
  • B - after examination, the young man is enlisted in the reserves with a military ID in hand. He is considered to be of limited fitness - this means that for a period of peace the citizen is not conscripted into the army and does not undergo military service. In case of martial law, he will be drafted into the army.
  • D - there is a sufficiently serious illness that does not allow military service this period. The citizen is given the opportunity, i.e., a reprieve, to improve his health. If the situation does not change by the next draft commission, he is given another deferment or given a military service.
  • D - physical or mental condition does not allow military service even in war time. A military ID is issued, and the citizen is no longer called up for conscription.

How to assign

Having reached , the young man receives a summons, according to which he is obliged to come to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination. The examination is carried out centrally at the commissariat or medical institution at the place of registration. Based on the results of the medical examination, doctors decide which fitness category to assign to the young person. During the examination, each of the seven specialists preliminarily determines suitability for the army according to his profile. The conclusion is made by the head physician of the commission. It focuses on the most complex disease. So, if six specialists assigned modification A-1 to a conscript, and one specialist assigned modification A-3, then A-3 will be assigned.

The following specialists must participate in the commission:

  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ENT doctor;
  • dentist;
  • therapist.

During the medical examination, doctors are required to take into account the existing diagnosis of the conscript, which was previously made to him by the attending physician. If the military registration and enlistment office doubts the diagnosis presented, the conscript is sent for additional examination. Suspicion may also be caused by test results or examinations. A secondary medical examination is ordered to clarify the existing diagnosis.

All re-diagnosis is carried out free of charge. Demanding fees for secondary commissions is illegal.

What is A and to whom is it assigned?

Assignment of any category is carried out on the basis of the Schedule of Diseases - this is a reference book where all diseases are registered that do not make it possible to serve or limit the choice of troops. Each disease is assigned to one of five main groups.

If all the specialists of the medical commission assigned the young man fitness A, it means that he does not have any non-conscription health pathologies and can serve in any military unit. In this case, a disease that is at an initial stage and does not yet prevent full military service with physical activity is acceptable.

In addition to examination by specialists, medical examination also includes diagnosis based on fluorographic images, ECG data and test results. Category A is assigned if the citizen does not have the following pathologies during a medical examination:

Where can you serve with A-1?

  • airborne assault;
  • Marines;
  • Special Forces;
  • special purpose missile forces;
  • air assault units.

To get into such military units, you must have excellent health and high physical indicators:


Modification A-2 is assigned to those who have once broken limbs or suffered serious illnesses. But at the time of conscription, these health deviations are absent or there are insignificant residual effects that will not interfere with military service.

In this case, physical indicators must comply with the standards specified in the table.

What troops are recruited for A-3?

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • guard units;
  • APC drivers;
  • armored personnel carrier crew;
  • missile launchers;
  • chemical protection;
  • anti-aircraft units.

In this case, the conscript must meet fairly high physical parameters:

In what cases is subcategory A-4 assigned?

If, during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, doctors did not find any serious abnormalities in the conscript’s health, then they are assigned A-4. Deviations that are allowed include, for example, mild visual defects or 1st degree flat feet.

A young man with the assigned modification A-4 can join any troops except those listed above. Thus, subcategories limit the ability to serve in some military units. At the same time, the physical indicators generally remain the same as in all modifications of category A.

Is it possible to change one category to another?

There are often cases when a conscript does not agree with the decision of the medical board. Most often this happens if the category is overestimated. But there are examples when a young man strives to get into elite troops, and he is assigned suitability A 2-4 modifications or B. In any case, the decision of the military registration and enlistment office can be challenged.

Initial registration

For the first time, a fitness category is assigned to a young person during primary. If the doctors’ decision does not live up to expectations, then it is necessary to prepare for the next medical examination. During a subsequent examination, the commission's opinion may change.

If you need to upgrade your category, you need to take your health seriously: undergo a course of treatment, bring your physical indicators to the required standard, for example, lose or, conversely, gain weight.

If a young man does not intend to do military service due to illness, then it is also necessary to contact the attending physician, but for a non-conscription diagnosis. Consulting an experienced lawyer can help with this. Thus, our law firm deals exclusively with the affairs of conscripts. Our specialists will help you avoid the army legally.

Commission after the agenda

If the results of the commission are not satisfactory, then they can be protested by filing an application in court or administratively. You need to do the following:

1. In case of disagreement with the diagnosis of the military medical commission, it is necessary to request additional examination.

2. If, after the draft commission, you were immediately given a summons to leave for a military unit, then you must submit an application immediately with a request to send it to a medical examination (control medical examination).
3. If the control examination is also not satisfactory, then the commissariat and investigative committee are notified of the decision to protest the commission’s results in court. The claim must be filed in court before the day of deployment to the army.

Help from specialists

It is much more difficult to appeal the results of a medical examination when the category is overestimated than to satisfy the requirements to increase the category. The experts of our law firm will help solve the problem with the call. You can get a consultation online or by ordering a call on our website. We will definitely call you back and help solve your problem with the call.