Charter about the heritage of the throne

In early 1722, during the tribes of the Nesteadt world, which took place in the ancient capital, Peter issued a charter about the heritage of the throne: "Further to all knows, what an Avashalomal energity was the son of our Alexey and that he was not repentance of his intention, but the wiseness of God all of our Fatherland was stopped, and this was not for anything in his adulthood, Tokmo from the custom of the old one, that the larger son was given inheritance, he was one of the last son of the sex of our family name, and for no place to look at any decendant punishment. I do not know this unkind custom, for it was solid, because it is not a sharpening for the reason for the reasoning of smart parents, there were cancellations, but also in St. Scripture see; Well even in our ancestors I see (the example of John III). In the same reasoning in the past, 1714, the merciful we are about our subjects that their houses did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate was given to one son, one but the parent, to whom the son Lust to give, seeing the dignified, albeit little past, recognizing a comfortable, who would not waste inheritance. In the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all of our state, which, with the help of God, now is common, as everyone apparently is; What for the pleased this charter to teach, in order for this, it was always in the will of the Governing Sovereign: who wants to whom the inheritance will determine, and defined, seeing what the Pakki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as it is written, I have This urid on myself "Not pleased with the impulses expressed in this manifesto, Peter instructed Faofan Prokopovich to write a detailed justification of the measure; The essay of Feofan came under the title True Will Monarchs.

We Peter the first emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian and other and other and so on.

We declare, in short, everyone knows, what an Avashalomal enerous shift was the son of our Alexey, and that he was not repentant of his intention, but the deliciousness of God was stopped for all of our Fatherland (which is pretty out of the manifesto about that matter apparently); And this is not for what else he has increased, Tokmo from the custom of the old one, that the inheritance was given to the big son, besides, he was then the masculine of the floor of our surname, and for no place to look at any deceic punishment; I don't know this unknown custom, for it was solid, because it was not a sharpening in people to tell the smart parents, but also in the Holy Scripture I see when Isakov's wife made her husband, a little son inherited an inheritance, and what is more amazing that God and God The blessing should follow; Well even in our ancestors, we see when the Blessed and everlasting memory is the Grand Duke, and the Great is distinct, but the case; For the division of Children Vladimirovy, which was evacuated by the division of children Vladimirov, who was not in the championship, but at the will, this was revenge on, and twice canceled, seeing a worthy heir, who would have gone and approved by our fatherland did not miss the borrowing, first past sons gave his grandchildren , and then set aside the grandson of the weddish, and gave his son to his inheritance (as clearly from the power book is possible), namely, in the summer of 7006 February on the day 4, Prince Great Ivan Vasilyevich learned the heir to the grandson of his prince Dmitry Ivanovich , and Veden was in Moscow on the great reign by the Princely Crown Metropolitan Simon, and in the summer of April 7010 at the age of 11, the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich was angry with the grandson of his prince Dmitry, and did not told him to remember in churches the Grand Prince, and planted him for the guard and April at the age of 14, he learned the heir of the Son of his Vasily Ivanovich and Veden was the same Metropolitan Simon; What and other things like that are satisfied examples, about which, shortness of the time, now we do not mention here, but in the future there will be particularly issued in print. In the same sentence, in the past 1714, the merciful us about our subjects, so that the particular their homes did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate to give to one son, one shit then in the will of the parent, to whom Lust to give, we dwell with a decent, albeit little, past big, recognizing a convenient, which would not waste inheritance. By the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all of our state, which with God's help, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What did you like this charter to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Sovereign, who wants it, that he will determine the inheritance, and defined, seeing what the Pakki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as the above written, Having this urid on yourself.

For the sake of we command, so that all our faithful subjects and worldly without withdrawal, this is our charter before God and his Gospel approved on such a basis that everyone who will be struggled, or Inaco, how to interpret, he will be for the traitor to the Mavel, the death penalty and church The oath will be subject to.

Charter about the heritage of the throne on February 5, 1722 // Reader on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day. Tutorial /.S. Oorlov, V.A. Georgiev, N.G. Georgiev, T.A.Sivokhina. M., 1999. p.171.

Ill-fated law

This ill-fated law came out of the fatal clutch of dynastic misfortunes. According to the familiar and natural order of inheritance, the throne after Peter passed to his son from the first marriage of Tsarevich Alexey, who threatened to destroy the case of the Father. Saving his own business, his father sacrificed him in his name and the Son and the natural order of the throne. Sons from the second marriage Peter and Paul died in infancy. The juvenile grandson remained, the son of the deceased Tsarevich, the natural avenger for his father. With probable the possibility of the death of a grandfather to the adulthood of the grandson of custody, it means that the power could receive which one of the two grandmothers: one - a straight, embittered layout, a nun, herself, Evdokia Fedorovna, nee Lopukhin, hate all kinds of innovations; The other is a side, brownish, inaemka, a simple peasant of dark origin, the wife of dubious legality in the eyes of many, and, get the power to her, she will probably give his will to the first favorite of the king and the first casnocrad in the state of the prince Menshikov. You can imagine the spiritual state of Peter, when, filled with a Swedish war, he began to look at his empire to the future at leisure. Tired, falling down from day to day and from the disease, and from the consciousness of his unprecedented fame and honored grandeur, Peter saw the desert around him, and did not find his own business for the throne for the throne, for the reform of a reliable support in any employees who knew The price, nor in the basic laws that did not exist, neither the people in whom the age-old form of expression of their will, the Zemsky Cathedral, and together, and the most will. Peter stayed with an eye to the eye with his endless power and in habit in her I was looking for an exit, giving it exclusively the appointment of the successor. Rarely self-demand punished itself so cruelly, as in the face of Peter this law on February 5th. One Decree of Peter states that the NSU should write laws if they are not executed. And the Law on February 5 was written, because it was not executed by the legislator himself. The whole years, Peter fluctuated in the choice of the successor and already on the eve of death, having lost his tongue, managed only to write "Give everything ...", and to whom - the weakened hand did not add clearly. Having deprived the supreme power of a legitimate production and throwing its institutions to the wind, Peter has repaid this law and his dynasty as an institution: there were individuals of royal blood without a certain dynastic situation. So the throne was given to the will of the case and became his toy.

1721, January 25th. Regulation of the Spiritual Collegium

The church policy of Peter I was aimed at submission to the Church of the state of state. After death in 1700, Patriarch Adrian Peter I was appointed by the Patriarchard S. Yavorsky. In 1701, the activities of the monastery order was resumed a secular institution for the management of church lands. In the early 1720s, the Synod was established to manage the Church - the spiritual board. Her regulations was compiled by a majorist in Petrovsky time by the Novgorod Archbishop of Feofan Prokopovich (1681-1736). The spiritual regulation reflected the victory of absolutrovism over the church, determined the rights and functions of the Synod, its place in the system of central government agencies.

* * *

Between the many, on the debt of the bodies of our authorities, the picking on the correction of our people, and other states to us, look at the spiritual chin, and seeing in it a lot of tricks and the Great in the affairs of his poverty, not a fierce on our conscience we had a fear yes I will not be ungrateful by the wig, whether it has received a tolik from him to receive fighters in correction of both military and civilian rank, neglect the correction and china spiritual<…>

We are settled by the spiritual board, that is, the spiritual cathedral government, which, according to the following Zea, the regulations have all sorts of spiritual affairs in the All-Russian Church to manage. And we command all the faithful subjects of our, every rank, spiritual and worldly, to have an important and strong government, and he has extreme cases of spiritual councils, the decision and the knee to ask, and the court it is determined to be content, and to listen to it, under great contrassment and breathtaking punishment, against the other colleges<…>

Part 1

What is the spiritual collegium and what the essence of the important guilt of such a board.

The collegium is nothing but there is something else, the Tokmo Government Assembly, when things are certain, not a single person, but many, to the senior and from the highest authorities are subject to management<…> But will not be revived by anyone that this management does not want, and it would be better to have a single person of the spiritual community of all society rules, the Prices of private countries, or the Diocese of the case manage Kiyzho Epicopy. An important faults are offered, which can show that this is the Board of Cathedral Warning, and Aki Absolute Synod or Sannedrion, who is more perfect, and the best than the sole government, the same in the state of Monarchisky, Yakovo is our Russian.

1. First, it is most famous for the truth of the cathedral estate, rather than a single lyceum<…> It happens that in some difficulty alleged a simple person, which will not seem to be a book and witty; How no need to eat the Cathedral government, in which many of the minds of the mind disassemble the minds, and that one will not comprehend, he will comprehend the other, and what will this not see, will he see? And the taco thing is supportive and more famous and rather will explain, and what it requires a definition, it will not be difficult to seem.

2. And Yako news in knowledge, taco and the strength in determining the case is a big area there, it becomes fond of assurance and obedience to the sentence of Cathedral, rather than the sole decree. The power of the power is autocratic, which God himself commands for the conscience; Obach the advisers have their own, not tokmo for the sake of the best truth of recovery, but in order not to slander the unfortunate people, that the CE, or it will forcefully and for the most pleasures, they rather than the court and truth is monarch: the monarch is in the church, where the Government is not a monarchist There is, and the ruler is cooled, but does not dominate the Cleir. Where it is one that it is all sets, maybe the opponents of a single person, his slandering force to establish it to learn what will not be so possible, where the definition occurs from the cathedral estate<…>

5. But this is useful, it is not necessary that the collegium is not posted a place to the addiction, cunning, a laminated court. Why can Boy be prefeedled in the intercession of wine, or in the condemnation of the innocent side, where else will be the one from them to the face convicted and the third and the third and others from the wrath and the addiction of that freedom? As the same and the MZDA will defend the same, where it is not for power, but in proper and important reasons, the case will believe, and one of the other (whether the blessing opinion of his guilt will not show) wakes up, but will not be a postan in the Miscovership? Behold, it will take place in such a person who cannot be established secretly to everyone, to sit, whether there will be a person of different ranks and titles: bishops, archimandritis, igumens and from the White Priesthood authorities. In the truth, I do not see the provider, as such to each other and open a cunning kind of destruction, not tokmo, which is admonition.

6. And well, so much is that the collegium is the freest spirit in herself to justice: it's not Tako, Iko, the same gorgeous ruler of anger is afraid; So far and the causes of taking place on many, and more differedies, it is convenient to eat, Yako on a single person.

7. Great and this, that from the Cathedral Board is not afraid of the Fatherland of rebellions and embarrassment, they occur from a single proper ruler of the spiritual. For the simple people do not know how spiritual power dissolves from autocratic; But the Great of the Highest Shepherd of Cement and Govoy Surprisingly, it is thinking that there is such a ruler, then the second sovereign, the self-container is equivalent, or more it, and that the spiritual rank is another and the best state, and the people himself will be the people of Tamos. What exactly, also the pleural pollipaty spiritual conversations will be attached, and the fire will be laid in dry chrorism? Tako, the simple hearts of the opinion of the sim corrupted, which is not so on the autocrat of their own, IKo on the Supreme Shepherd, they look at the same time. And when a certain routing diverse, VSI spiritual wake, rather than the worldly ruler, wheezing and blindly and prematurely agree on it to concern and buntishly dare, and smooth themselves, they wake themselves, and their hands do not defile, but sanctify , it would have rushed to the bloodshed in the bloodshed. The same in the people of Velmi is glad and not simple, but insidious people; Tii Bo, at the sovereign of his enemy, will see the sovereign quarrel with a shepherd, they kidnap it for a good time anger of his own, and under the guise of church jealousy, they failed to bring hands on Christ the Lord; And to the time of lawlessness, Yako to the cause of God, will face a simple people. Well, when's also the shepherd himself such about themselves on behalf of the opinion, does not sleep? Is present is difficult, some disaster is sterling<…>

9. Finally, in this government the Cathedral will be aki, a certain school of government of spiritual. For from the reports of many and different telling, and the advice, and the arguments of the right, there are often frequent affairs, everyone can only be taught by the spiritual politics, and the everyday art is added, as if better to manage the house of God, and because the most pleased with the number of colleagues, or cakes, the person will enjoy the degree of bishop to be ascended by decent. And Tacos in Russia, help in God, soon and from spiritual rank, rudeness will disappear and reliably ...

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. T. Vi. № 3718.

1721, October 22. Act about the submission of Peter I of the title of Emperor of the All-Russian

After signing the Nesteadt peace treaty with Sweden on August 30, 1721, Peter I celebrated the end of the Northern War. On October 22, in the Trinity Cathedral, the oldest senator Chancellor G. I. Golovkin on behalf of all the ranks of the state addressed a speech to the king with a request to take the title of Emperor. The submission of the title of the emperor meant recognition of the merit of Peter I in the victorious completion of the Northern War, and also emphasized the increased power of Russia and its influence in the international arena.

* * *

On 20 days of October, on the Council in the Senate, general with spiritual synod, the intention perceived, His Majesty, in the testimony of his due thanksgiving, for his high mercy and the deception and the effort, which he about the well-being of the state at all the time of his sorry state and especially During the past Swedish wars, it was identified, and the All-Russian state in such a strong and kind state, and the people were submitted to such fame in all the world through a single tokmo, he led to everyone, as everyone is quite known, the name of the whole Russian people ask, in order to adopt , following the example of others, from them Titlo: Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All-Russian, Peter the Great ...

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. T. VI. № 3840.

1722, February 5th. Decree on the heritage of the throne

The decree on the heritage of the throne of 1722 was the first attempt to legislative settlement of the issue of the continuity of power in Russia. The appearance of the decreases were preceded by tragic circumstances: in June 1718, Alexey Petrovich, Son of Peter I, from Evdokia Lophukhina, was killed on charges of treason, and in April 1719, Peter Petrovich son, son of Catherine, died at the age of three years.

* * *

We Peter the first emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian and other and other and so on.

We declare, I declare all the one, what an Avasal womb was the son of our Alexey, and that he was not repentant of his intention, but the deliciousness of God to all of our Fatherland (which is pretty from the manifesto about that matter is visible); And this is not for what else he has increased, Tokmo from the custom of the old one, that the inheritance was given to the big son, besides, he was then the masculine of the floor of our surname, and for no place to look at any deceic punishment; I don't know this unknown custom, because it was not a sharpening in people to tell the smart parents to be canceled, but in the holy Scripture we see when Isakov's wife who was able to make her husband, less son inheritance, and what is more amazing that God and God The blessing should follow; You still see our ancestors, when you see the Blessed and ever-made memory of the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, and truly Great I do not in a word, but what about the division of children Vladimirovy, our fatherland collected and approved, which is not the champion, but at the will And twice canceled, seeing a worthy heir, whom he would have missed and approved by our fatherland of Paka in the bilitation, first past her sons gave his grandchildren, and then left the grandson of the weddish, and he gave his son his inheritance (as clear from the power book is possible), Namely, in the summer of 7006 February on the 4th day, Prince Great Ivan Vasilyevich learned the heir to the grandson of his prince Dmitry Ivanovich, and Veden was in Moscow at the Grand Due to the Princely Crown Metropolitan Simon, and in the summer of April 7010 at 11 days the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich was angry with the grandson of his prince Dmitry, and did not told him to remember the Grand Prince in the churches, and planted him for the guard, and the same April was in the 14th day he learned the heir com the son of his Vasily Ivanovich, and Vieden was the same Metropolitan Simon; What and other things like that are satisfied examples, about which, shortness of the time, now we do not mention here, but in the future there will be particularly issued in print. In the same sentence, in the past 1714, the merciful us about our subjects, so that the particular their homes did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate to give to one son, one shit then in the will of the parent, to whom Lust to give, we dwell with a decent, albeit little, past big, recognizing a convenient, which would not waste inheritance. In the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all our state, which, with the help of God, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What did you like this charter to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Sovereign, who wants it, that he will determine the inheritance, and defined, seeing what the Pakki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as the above written, Having this urid on yourself. For the sake of we command, so that all our subjects and worldly without withdrawal, this is our charter before God and his Gospel approved on such a basis that everyone who would be struggled to be disinterested, or Inaco, how to interpret, the one for the traitorner, the death penalty and church oath will be subject to.

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. T. Vi. № 3893.

1726, February 18. Institution of the Supreme Secret Council

After the death of Emperor Peter I, the efforts of his favorite Prince A. D. Menshikov and the noble guard for the throne was erected by the widow of Peter Empress Ekaterina I. The new government did not have the abilities to managing the affairs of the empire, therefore, at the initiative of Prince A. D. Menshikov and with his participation The highest government authority was created - the Supreme Secret Council. The Government Senate actually lost its importance, as the three most important colleges - military, admiralty and foreign affairs - were reconnected by the Supreme Secretary Council. Published Decree reflects the functions of the new authority and its personalized composition.

* * *

Further blissful and high-point memory, the sovereign emperor, our courtesiest sovereign of the spouse, in the past 1711, for his frequent, then military campaigns and the ability to identify the Government of the Senate in several persons, and there was a meeting first, except the secret actual advisers and secret advisors from Other notable and attorneeers who, except the government of public internal affairs, have no other affairs and have always been inconsistent with their business. And the secret actual advisers were then in the campaigns for his Majesty, and in the current Senate Assembly, read all the secret valid advisors. And although the highlight memory of the emperor's sovereign of the emperor was confined by the decree, however, he determined to sit from other ranks with them in the Senate, namely, two person from Major General with change of change. And so, we saw that the secret actual advisers and except for the Senate rule there are considerable work in the following cases: 1) that they often have their positions, Yako first ministers, secret advice on political and other important state affairs; 2) Of them, they also meet some presidents in the first colleges, namely, in the two military, in the ground and the seaside, and the third political, which is in the first and very necessary business in the secret council, there is a lot of obsession, yes in the Senate stop and continuation From the fact that they may not immediately repair resolutions on government internal affairs. That for the benefit we went off and commanded from the current time with our court, both for external and internal state important cases, establish the Supreme Secret Council, in which we will be present. In the Supreme Secret Counter, it is from the first senators, and instead of them in the Senate, others will be chosen, which will always be seen at the Senate. Being when we are in the secret Supreme Council following Persons: General-Field Marshal and the Secret Valid Adviser Lower Prince Menshikov, Admiral General and the Secret Valid Advisor Count Apraksin, State Chancellor and the Secret Valid Advisor Count Golovkin, the Secret Valid Advisor Toltsyn, the Secret Valid Advisor Golitsyn , Vice Chancellor and the Secret Valid Advisor Baron Osterman. And for the hearing of cases, there will be dotted days in every week.

And according to the above-mentioned Emperor Majesty, the decree of the Supreme Secret Council determined the following:

1) in the Senate and in all the colleges and other places where it will be subject to send decrees with such an image: in the title, decree of the Emperor Majesty, held in the Supreme Secret Council (and refer to which place where). 2) And from the Senate and from other all the colleges to write, about the most important thing will happen in this: the donation in the Supreme Secret Council. 3) from the Senate in military, land and maritime and foreign and from these in the Senate to write by Promery. 4) In the Supreme Secret Council, although, with the presence of Emperorsky Majesty, although in absence, to fix what the protocols, resolutions will be defined, resolutions, all the appointed individuals of the Supreme Secretary Council. And from the proper, to send the decrees to send in the Supreme Secret Council of the acquired member of the Foreign Collegium of the Actual Static Advisor to Vasily Stepanov. 5) And this definition for the first time serves, and in the future, it is, and what ministers at the Supreme Secret Council to have, to compose a clear and thorough definition, and in time, to convey to Emperor Majesty.

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. T. VII. № 4830.

1730 Condition

After death in January 1730, the male line of the Romanov dynasty was stopped by the emperor Peter II. The young monarch did not leave the wills, so the next dynastic crisis came. At a meeting of the Supreme Secretary Council on the proposal of Prince D. M. Golitsyn, it was decided to invite the Petra's niece of the Petra's niece to the Russian throne. However, members of the Supreme Secret Council attempted to impose a new government condition limiting its power, "Conditions". Anna Ioannovna first signed these conditions, however, having arrived in Moscow and saw the discontent of the wide circles of the nobility of the "Zesta" of the suprames, the document has publicly torn.

* * *

In addition, according to the will of the Almighty God and, according to the general desire of the Russian people, we are on the breakdown of the all-instanding Great Hospital Peter of the Second, emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian, our courtesy of the nephew, the Imperial All-Russian throne perceived and, following the Divine Law, the government intends to lead his own way and wish In order, at the beginning to the glorification of the Divine name and to the well-being of our entire state and all the faithful subjects could serve. - For the sake of the sake, through this, the most promise, that the most popular care and the diligence will be not only about the content, but also by the extreme and all kinds of spread of the Orthodox, our faith of the Greek confession, the fact of the Crown of the Russian, in the marital in my whole life, not to join the heir, Neither with them, none to determine anyone. We are still promising that it is so much the intelligence and well-being of every state from good advice consists, for the sake of our already established the Supreme Secret Council in eight persons always contain and without a Supreme Secret Council of Consent:

1) None of war to merge.

2) Do not conclude peace.

3) faithful to our subjects with no new suggests.

4) In noble ranks, both in Stattsy and military, land and sea, above the colonel rank not to complain, below to noble affairs to not define, and the Guard and other regiments are under the maintenance of the Supreme Secret Council.

5) At the gentleman of the abdomen, and the estates, and no court causing.

6) Watch and village do not complain.

7) In court ranks, both Russians and ingenians, without the advice of the Supreme Secret Council do not produce.

8) State revenues into consumption do not use - and all the faithful of their subjects in unvealing their mercy contain. And I will not fulfill what promise in this promise and not doodlege, I will be deprived of the Crown of the Russian.

Korsakov D. A. Step by Empress Anna John.

Kazan, 1880. P. 17-18.

1762, July. Letters A. G. Orlova Catherine II from Ropsha about the circumstances of the death of Emperor Peter III

Letters A. G. Orel, one of the most active participants in the palace coup 1762, report the actual circumstances of the death of the deployed emperor Peter III. These documents were discovered among the papers of the dead Empress Catherine II and were transferred to the emperor Paul. After reading the letters, the emperor handed them to storage by Chancellor A. A. Lesborodko, but the next day the paper demanded back and threw them into the fireplace. However, we owe the favorite of the emperor Pavel F. V. Rostopchin, which managed to make a copy from the documents to the preservation of this valuable source.

* * *

Mother is a freeze sovereign, we all wish you all overnight years. We are now on the holidays of this letter and with all the commander who is prosperous, only the freak is very zalenor, and grabbed his inadvertent colic, and I am dangerous that he does not die today, and I am afraid of it, so as not to come to life. The first danger for the fact that he is all nonsense and it's a little more fun, and the other danger that he is valid for us all dangerous for the fact that it sometimes responds so, although in the same condition to be.

Because of the name of your command, I gave soldiers for half a year, Tako and Unter-Officers, except for one Potemkin Wahmistra in order to serve without salary. And the soldiers some through the tears spoke about the mercy of your, that they still did not deserve such for you, behind the Stobs they are so in a short time to reward them. With Sez send a list of all the team to you, which is now here, and Tyshchi Rublery, Mother, did not get, and I added Chervonny, and we had a lot of laughter over Grovoders about Chervonny, when they took me, others asked for what was not We saw and again gave them, thinking that they were not worth anything. The sent thoughs to your Majesty back to us was still not to us and for that I was late for you to report, and this I write on Tuesday in the ninth hour in half.

By death, your faithful slave Alexey Orlov.


Mother's Mother, a freezing sovereign, I do not know, now start, I'm afraid of anger from your Majesty, Stobs You didn't think about us to think about us and Czlov, we were not the cause of death of the villain of your and all of Russia, also our law, and now Camered to service for the service of the oils of Maslov Zalemog, and he himself is so sick now, I don't think that he lives to the evening and almost completely at an inflammation, what the whole team knows and prays God, so that he is from our hands I was removed, but on the same oils and sent an officer who can bring to your Majesty, in which it is now, if you doubt me, I liberately. wrote this slave your faithful ( signature Overhead).


Mother Mostroseman! How do I explain to describe what happened: you will not believe the faithful slave; But as before God, I will tell the truth. Mother! Ready to go to death; But I myself do not know how this trouble happened. We died when you do not merry. Mother - it is not in the world. But no one thought of this, and how we think to raise your hands on the sovereign. But, the sovereign, the trouble was accomplished. He holded at the table with Prince Fedor (Boryatinsky); We did not have time to disclose, and it was not already. I myself do not remember what they did; But everything is to one to blame, worthy of execution. Have mercy for me, at least for a brother. You brought you, and there is nothing to look for. Sorry or order rather graduate. The light is not mil; Harred you and wanted the souls into a century.

Coup of 1762. M., 1908. P. 136, 141, 142.

February 16, 1722(February 5 under Art. Art.) Petrovsky is published about the heritage of the throne. This act was canceled by the custom, according to which the eldest son automatically became the heir to the throne. Now everything depended on the will of the sovereign, who could and change its decision if he saw that the chosen was not justified by hopes.

We Peter the first emperor and autocrats All-Russian and other and other and other.

We declare, I declare all the one, what the Avashalomal Evil's gloomy is the son of our Alexey, and that he was not repentant of his intention, but it was pregnant to the best of our Fatherland (which is pretty out of the manifesta, it seems about it); And this is not for what else he has increased, Tokmo from the custom of the old one, that the inheritance was given to the big son, besides, he was then the masculine of the floor of our surname, and for no place to look at any deceic punishment;

I don't know this unknown custom, for it was solid, because it was not a sharpening in people to tell the smart parents, but also in the Holy Scripture I see when Isakov's wife made her husband, a little son inherited an inheritance, and what is more amazing that God and God The blessing should follow; I also see in our ancestors when blessed and ever-made memories of the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, and the Great is not a word, but what the Children was diverged by the division of children Vladimirov, Nashe Fatherland gathered and approved, which is not the championship, but on the will this she chinyl, and twice canceled, seeing a worthy heir, whom he would have missed and approved by our fatherland of Paka in borrowing, first past her sons gave his grandchildren, and then passed the grandson of the weddish, and he gave his son his inheritance (what is clear from the power book to see ), namely, in the summer of 7006 February on the 4th day, Prince Great Ivan Vasilyevich learned the heir to the grandson of his prince Dmitry Ivanovich, and Veden was in Moscow at the Grand Due to the Princely Crown Metropolitan Simon, and in the summer of April 7010 at 11 days The Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich was angry with the grandson of his prince Dmitry, and did not told him to remember him in the churches, and planted him for the guard and the same April on the 14th day he learned the Wall The grandfather of his Vasily Ivanovich and Veden was the same Metropolitan Simon; What and other things like that are satisfied examples, about which, shortness of the time, now we do not mention here, but in the future there will be particularly issued in print. In the same sentence, in the past 1714, the merciful us about our subjects, so that the particular their homes did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate to give to one son, one shit then in the will of the parent, to whom Lust to give, seeking the wonderful, albeit little, mimoboli, recognizing a convenient, who would not waste inheritance. By the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all of our state, which with God's help, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What are this charter to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Soviet, who he wants, to be the inheritance, and defined, seeing what an indefotion, Paki will cancel, so that children and descendants are not in such anger as the above written, having This urid on myself. For the sake of the order in order for all our faithful subjects and worldly without withdrawal, this our charter before God and his Gospel was approved on such a basis that everyone who would be struggled, or Inaco, how to interpret, the one for a traitor to the post, execution and church oath will be.

Charter about the heritage of the throne

We Peter the first emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian and other and other and so on.

We declare, in short, everyone knows, what an Avashalomal enerous shift was the son of our Alexey, and that he was not repentant of his intention, but the deliciousness of God was stopped for all of our Fatherland (which is pretty out of the manifesto about that matter apparently); And this is not for what else he has increased, Tokmo from the custom of the old one, that the inheritance was given to the big son, besides, he was then the masculine of the floor of our surname, and for no place to look at any deceic punishment; I don't know this unknown custom, for it was solid, because it was not a sharpening in people to tell the smart parents, but also in the Holy Scripture I see when Isakov's wife made her husband, a little son inherited an inheritance, and what is more amazing that God and God The blessing should follow; Just in our ancestors, we see when the Blessed and everlasting memory is the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, and the Great is distinct not in a word, but the case; For the division of Children Vladimirovy, which was evacuated by the division of children Vladimirov, who was not in the championship, but at the will, this was revenge on, and twice canceled, seeing a worthy heir, who would have gone and approved by our fatherland did not miss the borrowing, first past sons gave his grandchildren , and then set aside the grandson of the weddish, and gave his son to his inheritance (as clearly from the power book is possible), namely, in the summer of 7006 February on the day 4, Prince Great Ivan Vasilyevich learned the heir to the grandson of his prince Dmitry Ivanovich , and Veden was in Moscow on the great reign by the Princely Crown Metropolitan Simon, and in the summer of April 7010 at the age of 11, the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich was angry with the grandson of his prince Dmitry, and did not told him to remember in churches the Grand Prince, and planted him for the guard and April at the age of 14, he learned the heir of the Son of his Vasily Ivanovich and Veden was the same Metropolitan Simon; What and other things like that are satisfied examples, about which, shortness of the time, now we do not mention here, but in the future there will be particularly issued in print. In the same sentence, in the past 1714, the merciful us about our subjects, so that the particular their homes did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate to give to one son, one shit then in the will of the parent, to whom Lust to give, we dwell with a decent, albeit little, past big, recognizing a convenient, which would not waste inheritance. By the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all of our state, which with God's help, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What did you like this charter to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Sovereign, who wants it, that he will determine the inheritance, and defined, seeing what the Pakki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as the above written, Having this urid on yourself. For the sake of we command, so that all our faithful subjects and worldly without withdrawal, this is our charter before God and his Gospel approved on such a basis that everyone who will be struggled, or Inaco, how to interpret, he will be for the traitor to the Mavel, the death penalty and church The oath will be subject to.

Answers to tasks 1-19 is a digit, or a sequence of numbers, or the word (phrase). Record the responses to the responses field to the right of the task number without spaces, commas and other additional characters.


Place the historical events in the chronological sequence. Write down the numbers with which historical events are indicated in the correct sequence.

1. Ice afternoon

2. Baptism of Russia

3. Grunwald battle


Set the match between events and years: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to events, phenomena of the XVIII century.

1) Conditions; 2) prosecutor; 3) Fiscal; 4) noble assembly 5) State Council; 6) Claimed Commission.


Record the term about which we are talking about.

The elimination of strong sole peasant farms carried out in the USSR during the collectivization period.


Set the match between processes (events, events) and facts related to these processes (events, events): To each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Install the correspondence between the fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: to each fragment indicated by the letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by the numbers.

A) "Mostly out of the youngsters, not yet having 20 years old, he with an extraordinary energy for his age began for the affairs of the Board. Then, according to the instructions of the smart leaders of Tsar Metropolitan Makaria and the priest of Sylvester from the Boyars, who broke into hostile circles, moved away and became about the throne, several delight, bonseous and gifted advisers - "Favorites Rada", ... obviously received actual domination in the Boyar Duma, in general Central Office. "

B) "... from the same hour we must have a care about the purpose of the whole of our state, which with the help of God, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What did you like this charter to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Sovereign, who wants it, that he will determine the inheritance, and defined, seeing what the Pakki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as the above written, Having this urid on myself. "

1. The king, which is referred to in the text, during the entire board showed mercy with respect to its "Halls".

2. The contemporary of the events described in the text was Alexey Adashev.

4. After a generation after the king, which is stated in the document, the ruling dynasty stopped in the Moscow state.

5. This document has become one of the reasons for palace coups.

Write down the selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Fragment A.Fragment B.


What three of their listed features were characteristic of the socio-economic situation in Russia in the 1990s.? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Social stratification

2. Rising income of the population

3. Nationalization of enterprises

4. Fall of the ruble

5. Privatization of enterprises

6. Increased army expenses


Fill in passing in these proposals using the list of missed items below: for each sentence, indicated by the letter and containing the skip, select the number of the desired item.

A) ______, being a sniper, destroyed over 200 Nazis. Died in Germany on April 22, 1945

B) Operation _______ became the largest defeat of the German army in its entire history

In) On July 4, 1942, the bid of the Supreme Commandment gave an order to evacuate the Soviet troops from _______,

1. "Bagration"

2. V.I. Talalayev

3. Simferopol

4. Sevastopol

5. "Typhoon"

6. V.V. Talalichin


Set the correspondence between events and participants of these events: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


Read the passage from the memories of the Soviet commander and specify the author of the memoirs.

"I immediately reported to the People's Commissar and I.V. Stalin what passed MA Purrian.

I.V. Stalin said:

Come with the Commissar in the Kremlin.

Capturing a draft directive of the troops, together with the People's Commissar and Lieutenant General N.F. Vatutin we went to the Kremlin. On the way, we agreed for anything to make a decision on bringing troops in combat readiness.

I.V. Stalin met us alone. He was clearly concerned.

And did the German generals of this defector rose to provoke a conflict? - he asked.

No, - replied S.K. Tymoshenko. - We believe that the Deadman says the truth.

Meanwhile in the Cabinet I.V. Stalin entered Politburo members.

What do we do? - asked I.V. Stalin.

The answer did not follow.

We must immediately give the guidelines to bring all the troops of border districts into complete combat readiness, "said the drug addict.

Read! - replied I.V. Stalin.

I read the Directive project. "


Fill out empty table cells using the list of missed items below: for each pass, designated by letters, select the number of the desired item.

1. Conclusion of the agreement Rus with Byzantium

2. Otton I Great


5. Conclusion of Andrusovsky truce between Russia and the speech of the compulpist

6. Conclusion of the "Eternal World" between Russia and the Commonwealth Speech

8. Karl Great


Read the excerpt from the USSR Constitution.

"Article 1. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a socialist nationwide state, expressing the will and interests of workers, peasants and intelligentsia, workers of all nations and the nationalities of the country.

Article 2. All power in the USSR belongs to the people. The people carry out state power through the councils of people's deputies that constitute the political basis of the USSR. All other state bodies are controlled and accountable to the Councils of People's Deputies.

Article 3. The organization and activities of the Soviet state are being built in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism: the choice of all state authorities from the bottom of the top, accountability of their people, the obligation of solutes of higher bodies for the subordinate.

Democratic centralism combines a single guide with the initiative and creative activity in the field, with the responsibility of each state body and the official for the entrusted matter.

Article 4. The Soviet state, all of its bodies operate on the basis of socialist legality, ensure the protection of the rule of law, the interests of society, the rights and freedoms of citizens. State and public organizations, officials are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws.

Article 5. The most important issues of public life are made to a national discussion, and also put on a popular vote (referendum).

Article 6. The governing and guiding force of the Soviet society, the core of its political system, state and public organizations is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. CPSU exists for the people and serves the people ... ".

Using an excerpt and knowledge of history, select three faithful judgments in the list.

1. This Constitution of the USSR was adopted during the leadership of the USSR I.V. Stalin.

2. The principle of democratic centralism implies the obligation of solutes of higher bodies for the subordinate.

3. Article 5 of this Constitution of the USSR during the period of the entire history of the Soviet Union has never been implemented.

4. According to this passage in the USSR, there are Soviet power.

5. This Constitution of the USSR was adopted by the XXV CPSU Congress.

6. One of the articles presented in the passage of the USSR constitution was canceled before the collapse of the USSR.

Consider the scheme and follow the tasks 13-16


Fill in the pass in the sentence: "Events designated in the diagram occurred in a thousand nine hundred ___________ year." Put the answer to the word (phrase).


Write the name of the country, in whose territory there were Soviet troops during the battle-reflected in the scheme.


Name the name of the commander who led by Soviet troops at the final stage of the battle marked in the scheme.


What judgments related to events marked in the scheme are faithful? Choose three judgments out of six offered. Record the numbers in the table with which they are designated.

1. Simultaneously with the battles marked in the Scheme, the USSR led negotiations with England and France about the military union against Germany.

2. During decisive battles marked in the Scheme, the USSR and Germany signed the nonsense pact.

3. Japanese troops during the military conflict designated in the scheme, sought to break into the Primorsky Krai.

4. Fights designated in the diagram are considered part of the Second World War.

5. The participation of the USSR in the designated military conflict was caused by the need to assist the ally to be attacked.

6. The consequences of events marked in the scheme allowed the USSR to attach the south of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.


Set the correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: to each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Consider the image and execute the tasks 18-19


What judgments about this poster are true? Specify two judgments of the five offered. Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1. The poster was created during the start of the Berlin offensive operation.

2. During the publication period of this poster, the objects depicted on it were subjected to daily bombings of fascist aviation.

3. The participants of the event, the anniversary of which is devoted to this poster, were V.I Lenin and L.D. Trotsky.

4. The poster depicts an architectural monument, which was involved in the construction of Italian architects.

5. In the year of the publication of this poster in Moscow, the first Over the years of the Great Patriotic War, artillery salute.


Select a poster dedicated to the event, with the anniversary of which is associated with the above poster. In response, write down the number under which it is specified.





Part 2.

Record first task number (20, 21, etc.), and then expanded the answer to it. Records write out clearly and picking up.

Excerpt from the book of the Soviet leader

"Yes, the world today is not the same as yesterday, and its new problems cannot be solved on the basis of the image of the thinking inherited from the previous centuries. Is it possible to stay for the thesis about the war as a continuation of politics with other means?

In short, we came to the conclusion in the Soviet leadership - and I do not get tired of repeating it - about the need for new political thinking. Moreover, the Soviet leadership seeks to vigorously translate it into a plane of practical actions, primarily the other disarmament. These are dictated by foreign policy initiatives that we honestly offered the world. What is the scale of the new historical thinking? It really covers all major issues of our time.

With all the conflict of the modern world, with all the diversity of social and political systems existing in it, with all the irregularities of the choice, which was made in different times of peoples, it is a certain integrity. We are all passengers of one ship - land, and it is impossible to let him crash. The second Noah's ark will not ...

We want and ready to cooperate in all directions. But cooperate on the basis of equality, mutual understanding and communities.

We sometimes do not just disappoint, but suggests serious reflections when, in the United States, our country is perceived as an aggressor, the "Evil Empire", etc., distribute about it different non-residents, gossip, sow distrust and hostility to our people, provoke different Prohibitions, behave with us simply uncivilized. This is the myopia is unacceptable ...

The situation does not allow to wait for the ideal moment: a constructive and wide dialogue is needed today. From this we proceed by throwing television bridges between the Soviet and American cities, between the Soviet and American political figures, between ordinary Americans and Soviet citizens. We give in our mass media the entire spectrum of the positions of the West, including the most conservative. We encourage contacts with representatives of other worldview and political convictions ... We are far from being considered to be true. We do not have universal recipes, but we are ready sincerely and honest together with the United States and other countries to seek answers to all questions, including the most difficult. "

Indicate the foreign policy slogan, which determines the relationship with the countries of the West during the residence of the author of the author of the book. Call the name and time of the author of the book. Write what the term is characterized by the period during which the author ruled the state.

Show the answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the slogan is a new political thinking;

2) Name - M.S. Gorbachev; Board Time - 1985-1991;

3) Concept - restructuring

What political results of the period of restructuring MS Gorbachev considers the most positive? Specify any three phenomena. The elements:

1) slogan - acceleration (acceleration of social and economic development);

2) factors:

Increasing resistance of the party-state apparatus;

Subjective factor: M.S. Gorbachev was a man of an old system, he considered it viable and was not ready to break her radically;

Activation of antipership forces (article N.A. Andreeva);

The aggravation of interethnic relationships, the solution of which required the concentration of forces and priority attention;

An unfavorable economic climate is the fall in oil prices, which was one of the reasons for the budget deficit of the USSR;

An unfavorable political climate: criticism on the left and right, the beginning of the opposition of the Allied and Russian authorities.

Factors can be formulated otherwise. Other factors may be indicated

Congress gathered on June 13 in Berlin. In addition to Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, United Kingdom, Italy and Turkey were presented. From the first meeting, England with a special sharpness began his hostile attacks against Russia. Of all the questions that the Bulgarian question had to be discussed, the Bulgarian question was, on the suggestion of the bis-brand, it was decided to end them in the first place. Specify any purpose that Germany pursued during the judgment of the Bulgarian Question. Specify the two reasons why this issue was so important for all

Show the answer

Any of the following goals may be called:

  1. prevent Russia's strengthening in Bulgaria;
  2. prevent Russia's strengthening in the south of the Balkan Peninsula;
  3. prevent the formation of an independent Bulgarian state, allied Russia.

The following reasons may be called:

  1. the strengthening of Russia contradicted the German interests in the Balkan Peninsula;
  2. the strengthening of Russia contradicted the interests of Austria-Hungary, the actions of Germany in the interests of this country were pushed by Austria-Hungary to the warpolytic union with Germany;
  3. England was not interested in strengthening Russia in the Balkans, since in the future it could lead to the control of Russia over the Bosphorus and Dardanelles strait;
  4. Turkey counted on the conflict between Russia and the Western European countries, seeking to preserve control over all Bulgaria (or part of it).
  5. As a result of the events of 1905, the form of the Board changed - the Duma monarchy emerged; The source of the legislative power ceased to be only the emperor, that is, an autocracy restriction occurred;

    In Russia, civil liberties were introduced, including freedom of political parties, never existing in Russia;

    2) in denial, eg:

    The emperor actually retained all major powerful privileges (the possibility of the dissolution of the Duma and the adoption of laws bypassing the Duma in the order of the 87th article of the main laws);

    The emperor retained the possibility of changing the electoral legislation so that the party composition of the Duma was the most loyal and obedient supreme power. Other arguments can be given

    You need to write a historical essay of one of the periods of Russia's history:

    1. 1584-1613;

    2. 1825-1855;

    3. 1985-1991

    - indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) relating to this period of history;

    - to name two historical individuals whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of these personalities in the events (phenomena, processes) of this period of Russia's history;

    - indicate at least two causal relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes) within the framework of this period of history.

    Using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, give one historical assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia. During the presentation, it is necessary to use historical terms, concepts relating to this period.

    Share your results or ask how to solve a specific task. Be polite guys.