In this article we will talk about what it is negative energy, or sha energy. And also what threatens its presence and how to determine its source.

In Feng Shui, there is the concept of two opposing energies: Shen Qi and Sha Qi. Shen Qi is the energy of movement, development, prosperity and well-being, it is the energy of progress. Sha qi is negative energy destruction, stagnation, degradation and decline. In this article we will talk about sha energy– its sources and consequences of the presence of this type of energy in a person’s home, office and generally in the area of ​​presence.

What you will learn from the article:

Sources of negative sha energy

*Sharp corners of furniture and other interior elements,

* Rubbles – whether unworn more than a year clothes, old newspapers and books that rarely anyone opens, other rubbish.

*Broken, damaged, bruised, cracked and simply old unnecessary things, equipment, dishes...

*Dark, long, dimly lit corridor.

*Wilted flowers, dry and artificial bouquets, dried and diseased plants.

*Any items that remind residents hard times, evoke painful memories or unpleasant associations.

Outside the home:

*Sharp corners of houses, beams, columns, antennas, etc. directed at windows or doors.

*Large power lines directed directly at the windows and doors of a living space.

*Close (no more than 200 meters) from the house there is a church, cemetery, hospital, morgue, meat processing plant, prison and other institutions associated directly or associatively with illness, death, decline and other unpleasant things.

*Tall old trees right in front of the front door.

*Dense forest and large standing pond less than 200 meters from the house.

*Terrifying buildings, blank walls, and other structures that subconsciously cause anxiety and fear.

*Monuments related to military operations, especially if they also represent a murder weapon - be it a tank, a cannon, a military aircraft, a soldier with a weapon, and so on...

What are the dangers of having negative sha energy in your home?

Sha energy interferes with healthy development and positive life. Negative energy in the house can cause ailments and even illnesses in the residents, deterioration of the financial situation, spoil the relationships of people living under this roof, disrupt plans and interfere with the fulfillment of desires, achieving goals, and so on... Sha qi outside the house is even stronger - after all, the feng shui of the location of the house is much stronger feng shui inside the house - such harmful energy directed at the home from the outside fetters and controls all energy processes occurring inside. Things not only don’t go well - they don’t even appear, opportunities don’t have time to penetrate into the house itself, sha qi is destroyed around the house... Therefore, neutralizing sha qi and protecting yourself from it is much more important than activating bagua zones. It is with the neutralization of sha qi that you need to begin to improve the feng shui of your home.

So, we have found out where the danger to the residents of a particular house may come from, as well as what type of danger it is. Feng Shui is wonderful because it has a solution for every problem. First, determine whether there are obvious or hidden threats your well-being where you live, eat, rest and work. Read the following article on how to neutralize or protect yourself from harmful energies.

Arrow Sha

The Sha arrow is a negative energy that you do not need at all; its harmful breath destroys everything in its path. Sha energy is complete opposite beneficial energy Qi. Where Sha settles, a normal life is impossible; you will always be plagued by problems, quarrels, lack of money, terrible personal relationships, in other words, you will be accompanied by a streak of failures and conflicts.

Sha originates from sharp angles. Any sharp angle directed towards your house, any road that seems to cut through your house, the sharp roof of a neighboring building - everything that seems to abut against your house if you continue the invisible line - creates this malicious arrow of Sha.

It is no coincidence that in China, garden paths are always designed in the form of a winding path. So tell me, what a disaster! What can some sharp roof or road do to me? The roof itself will not do anything to you, only its shape determines bad energy. Remember the beneficial energy Qi, which nourishes absolutely everything, living and inanimate. So here it is. If an object has irregular or sharp corners, then the harmony is destroyed and the object begins to emit bad energy, i.e. Sha.

Visually, we don’t notice these fluctuations, sometimes we don’t even think that the Qi energy we receive is distorted. It’s just that at some point we feel differently, both physically and mentally. It seems that there is not enough strength for anything. Does this happen to you? And all because sharp corners are capable of pumping out our energy, changing its polarity, and all our strength is spent not on maintaining important processes in the body, but on resisting this harmful energy. Sha has a bad effect not only on a person’s health, but also on his career too. Please pay attention to this if you want to achieve success and prosperity.

When you discover such unfavorable structures, you must take appropriate security measures. From a straight road or the corner of a neighboring building that is aimed at your home, you can protect yourself with green spaces, for example, a row of green shrubs. If you live in a city apartment, then put as many flowers as possible on the windowsill; green plants will take the “blow”. It will be very good if there is a cactus among the “green army”; with its thorns it will be able to protect you from harmful energy.

If there is a tree growing right in front of the entrance to the house, then this is also not very good. good sign. It is believed to bring good luck to the entire family. IN the best option It would be nice to dig it up, but if this is impossible, don’t despair! Hang a security guard on the door Bagua mirror, which will protect you and your family, you can buy it in almost any Feng Shui store.

And one more very simple and traditional way- this is to hang "Music of the wind", or a set of air bells. This Feng Shui talisman, with its melodious sounds, seems to dissolve bad energy and release beneficial energy. With others feng shui talismans you can check it out.

Negative sha chi energy It is dangerous because it suppresses positive energy, kills all good aspirations and destroys positive endeavors, nipping in the bud attempts to achieve any goal, it is formed in two cases:

  • when it flows too fast along a straight narrow road;
  • when qi encounters obstacles in the form of an angular or pointed structure, such as the peak of a mountain range, a rocky cliff, the corner of a high-rise building, or the sharp corner of a roof. In these cases, it becomes energy that brings destruction and aggression, as if taking away its “stabbing”, wounding properties from the tip.

In addition, the ancient Feng Shui masters said that a lot of troubles come from a straight-line energy flow, narrow and fast: a river with a strong current, a road, a long narrow corridor, and so on. Positive energy is carried away from us, while negative energy, on the contrary, joyfully aims directly at those who find themselves in its path.

The teaching of Feng Shui associates flows - water, road - with the movement of money. Consequently, money and success will not linger in a building located on a busy street, at an intersection, when the roads abut directly at the front door of the house. In this case, the aggressive energy of sha-qi will constantly influence the house and its inhabitants.

In everyday life, this is reflected in the following way: a house located at the end of a straight street is subject to the continuous influence of a clot of negative energy, since it, like ball lightning, strikes directly at the target.

Consequently, the access roads to the house should not be straight, but slightly winding or not at right angles. Passing a circular path, negative energy is thus transformed into positive energy.

The same goes for interior spaces. Long straight corridors can be transformed by placing houseplants on the right and left sides. This way you will force the qi to move in waves, from flower to flower, and thereby neutralize sha-qi.

A direct flow of sha chi flows into the house if the windows are located directly opposite the front door. You can reduce its impact by hanging curtains on the window or partitioning the room with a closet, bookcase or light openwork bookcase. Any piece of furniture, provided it is high enough, can act as an obstacle, forcing the sha-qi to flow around it.

You can also “blunt” the edges and corners in the room itself - they are no less dangerous than sharp corners directed into the building from the outside. It's about about sharp wall jambs, pointed arches, pointed protrusions and other “architectural excesses.” All these “poison arrows,” as feng shui masters call them, are smoothed out quite easily. You just need to place or hang a plant with rounded leaves, or “cover” the sharp corner with a curtain or figurine.

Now we want to note that often, even knowing that the house is not in the most favorable place and is exposed to negative currents, there is little you can change. After all, it is not in your power to remove the building opposite, which with its pointed corners is threateningly directed towards your windows. Or, realizing that the street leading to your entrance is harmful to the well-being of the whole family, you, nevertheless, cannot, for one reason or another, change your place of residence.

But don't despair. There are two simple and effective ways deprive sha-qi of its “killing” power, without resorting to such drastic measures as urgent moving or rebuilding the house.

Method one.

Absorbing negative energy from the outside of the building through proper interior design housing.

Method two.

Remove the source of negative energy from sight. After all, if it is not visible, as Feng Shui scientists say, then it ceases to exist for you. To do this, it is enough to keep the curtains drawn or place a protective screen at the window.


Passive Si-Qi Energy like a swamp. It stagnates in one place, without receiving an influx of fresh strength, without getting rid of apathy. This energy is not as dangerous as sha-qi, but its excess is fraught with depression, weakening of will, and bursts of laziness. It is formed in those places where energy cannot move. This usually happens in rooms where there is too much furniture, the windows are always closed with thick curtains, and there are places placed closely on the walls. bookshelves, paintings and photographs. Disorder and crowded spaces will certainly affect the well-being and health of the owner. And if we are talking about an office, then in such a room there is nothing to even dream of profit, prosperity and success. Si-qi absorbs creativity and prevents the birth of new ideas.

The way to neutralize si-qi in such situations is ridiculously simple. Regular cleaning will help. By getting rid of unnecessary furnishings, removing most photos and removing a few shelves, you will free up the room. Thus, you will give the qi the opportunity to circulate freely around the room. Energy also requires space and freedom of movement. Having eliminated the so-called “blockades”, you will soon feel an influx of energy, fresh strength and the desire to act, to take steps for your own prosperity.

It often happens that si-qi is formed not through the fault of the owners of the house, but “thanks to” the design features. We are talking about the so-called “deaf”, “dead” corners - places where energy does not flow, or, when it does, it “stagnates”. These are all kinds of niches, dark corners behind wall ledges. This problem also easy to solve. “Dead” corners are enlivened by any light source, mirror, crystal. By placing a lamp there, any natural crystal or hanging a mirror, you will bring life into this energy-poor area.


Positive qi called Chinese word shen qi, which translated means “breath of a contented dragon.” It is the accumulation of optimal qi that is the main goal of feng shui, since thanks to it a person maintains a positive attitude and more fully feels his harmony with the world around him. Shen Qi also helps to overcome stress, maintain mental and physical health in extreme and unfavorable situations. A sufficient amount of optimal energy makes it possible to adapt to changed conditions faster and without great losses. A person finds the strength to continue existing in the most difficult situations, patiently waiting for changes for the better.

Positive qi, or, as it is also called, “optimal” qi, moves forward freely and smoothly, without encountering large obstacles on its way and easily skirting minor obstacles. It merges with oncoming streams, like a river carrying its waters along the bends of its bed into which streams flow, and carries them further without changing its natural rhythm. This can be achieved without, if possible, cluttering your home with random objects.

As for the location of buildings, it is considered best when it is located in a not too busy place, and its windows or front door do not overlook the highway along which a stream of cars rushes every day. It’s even better if the building stands as if in a bend in the road, making a smooth bend next to the house, “flowing around it.” As has already been said, optimal energy flows to our homes and other buildings not along a straight road, but by choosing winding paths. At the same time, it lingers on various turns, and does not slide past, not having time to fill the space. This applies to circular access roads, not too much traffic on the street, and a good location of the house relative to other buildings and structures.

Spending a lot of time in closed spaces, a person absorbs the energy that “lives” in this space. That is why great attention should be paid interior decoration home and office, “programming” oneself in advance for good luck and, if possible, neutralizing the impact of “injections” of sha-qi and si-qi received on the street and in various public places.

Energy of sha, si and shen

The main conductor of qi energy in natural landscape– water. In the city, it is imitated by streets and avenues cutting through residential areas. Roads act similar to aqueducts, distributing chi energy throughout the surrounding area.

Depending on how the qi energy circulates in the surrounding world, energy is distinguished sha, si And shen. These energies are easy to imagine by thinking about the movement of water (energy flows in and around the house follow the same principles).

Sha energy

This is a mountain stream meandering between boulders or a small waterfall falling onto steep slopes - the water moves very quickly, constantly changing direction, encounters obstacles and seethes in whirlpools. She is angry and aggressive, she has a lot of energy that is wasted aimlessly. In this case, qi turns into sha. This disordered and uncontrollable energy reduces your effectiveness and ruins all your efforts.

Sha energy is created when energy flows too quickly through a straight, narrow place and encounters an angular or pointed structure. Straight lines destroy the positive effects of qi. In ancient times, such places were considered narrow river valley, a jagged ridge or a solitary pointed cliff. Today these are straight roads, corners of large buildings, pointed ends of house roofs. It is very important to pay attention in time to the sha directed at your home and try to eliminate Negative consequences. In Western literature, the sha are called "killer shooters" or "secret shooters". They pose a danger to residents in the following cases:

A straight road goes directly to your home, especially to the front door;

Your house is located at a T-junction, at the end of a cul-de-sac;

Your house is located at the intersection of several roads;

One or two roads approach the house at an angle;

Corners and points are directed towards the house (a high tower, a corner of a building or outbuilding, a pointed roof of a neighboring house);

Opposite the front door is a narrow opening between tall buildings;

Satellite dishes, telephone cables, antennas, lamp posts, flagpoles, spiers, pylons and even trees located opposite the front door, especially if they are large and dry, also have a negative impact.

To assess whether negative sha energy is affecting your home, stand on the threshold of the front door and look around, evaluate the direction of roads and paths, look at nearby buildings. In addition, this should be done in the backyard of the house and near windows, especially in the bedroom and living room.

Correction of negative influences

Do not despair if your home is affected by negative sha energy, because... Feng Shui methods can correct any situation, and there are many ways to do this. The principle of action is to redirect negative energy and take it away from the house.

The best way to eliminate the influence of sha energy is to erect a barrier that protects the home and creates an island of calm in front of front door. These can be either low hedges or fences. You can raise the threshold a few centimeters. Thus, you will have to overcome a symbolic barrier that will prevent negative energy from entering the house.

If there is a direct road leading directly to your home, you can remedy the situation by using decorative overhangs or pockets on either side of the road. The ledges can either be filled with the same material with which the road is laid, or decorated with plants, or laid out with decorative objects. The path will become winding, and the influence of the sha will weaken.

If the road turns at a right angle near your house, you can plant a flowerbed near the turn. Beneficial influence Any distraction from a sharp turn will be helpful.

You can hang an octagonal Ba Gua mirror on the outside of your home. With its help you will reflect negative impact sha in the direction from which she came. But remember that this mirror can only be used outside the home. In addition, the mirror should be installed so that the reflected sha energy does not fall on your neighbors’ door, but on a safe place.

An excellent way to deflect negative energy is to build a small fountain near your home. It will raise qi energy, refresh the atmosphere and, in addition, improve appearance. If for some reason you cannot afford this, you can limit yourself to a small drinking fountain or dig a small pond, beautifully lining it with stones. Of course, in this case, you need to make sure that the water does not bloom or stagnate, and change it if necessary.

If a very powerful flow of sha is directed at your house, emanating from neighboring buildings, you can use the symbols of crossed swords or cannons. This product should only be used in extreme cases and be sure to track where the negative energy is reflected.


Now imagine the mouth of a river near its confluence with the ocean, where its flow is smooth and the waters are clouded with silt and soil particles. The water spreads widely across the flat plain, where it stagnates in swampy bends. Such weak and depressed energy is called si. In a house with Si energy, people become lethargic and apathetic, they lack liveliness and energy.

Reflection of the influence of

Si energy is not as dangerous as sha energy because it does not act aggressively. But if qi accumulates in stagnant zones, its energy will disappear, and this will definitely have a depressing effect on the residents of the house. Carefully inspect your home, especially its “dead” corners. Imagine where in your home energy can enter but cannot exit. Such places can be enlivened with potted plants and figurines. They will help direct the flow of energy in a more favorable direction. You can correct the situation with the help of a small indoor fountain or bright lighting.

Shen energy

The river in its middle course carries its waters evenly along the smooth bends of the channel; along the way, several tributaries flow into it; a tireless rhythm is felt in it, a free movement forward, which is so strong that it can go around obstacles without straying from the natural flow. By using internal energy it maintains speed and direction. This shen– “breath of a contented dragon”, one of the goals of the art of Feng Shui. Shen energy can be created in many ways; proper circulation of qi energy in the house is the most important factor arranging life in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui.

If the qi energy naturally circulates in your home and its surroundings, without stagnating in certain places, you will have good mood, you will feel harmony with your surroundings. In addition, you will feel that it brings you some benefit, because during a streak of bad luck, your home will support you and you will overcome all troubles. This will greatly help you in relationships with friends and loved ones, in work and love, in all your endeavors.

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Unfavorable Feng Shui energies, the so-called “annual misfortunes” - Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha, come every year and “affect” certain places in the house with their presence. If you don’t know where these energies are and unknowingly disturb them, then this can attract failure and cause serious trouble. And if you know and do not bother these “negative characters,” then they will not be able to cause harm.

Where in 2017 will there be affected areas in the house, what to do with them, how to protect yourself?

Tai Sui

The sector corresponding to the animal of the year. He is also called the Prince of the Year, Grand Duke, Grand Duke. This is a very strong annual energy. The anxiety of the Grand Duke of the Year can provoke very problematic and very unpleasant situations.

Sector in 2017: West-2

Sui Po

Also known as Destroyer of the Year. This is the sector opposite to the Grand Duke of the Year. His anxiety also does not bode well. The consequences can be no less severe than if the Grand Duke was disturbed.

Sector in 2017: Vostok-2

Three Sha

Also known as the Three Killers. If you disturb the Three Sha, you may encounter problems, like an unexpected “stab in the back.”

Sector in 2017: Three Sha occupy the entire East, as well as part Southeast And Northeast. They extend their influence to wide area at 90 degrees.

The area of ​​influence of all three “troubles” - Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha can be seen in the figure. In addition, annual troubles include the Yellow Five, which in 2017 ranks South.

The sectors marked in red on the 24 mountains diagram are best not to be disturbed in 2017.

What is meant by "sector anxiety" Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha?

A repair that is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the walls, as well as strong vibration, is considered a concern. This is drilling, driving nails, knocking. Replacing windows and doors also includes this. In addition, it is undesirable to carry out digging work in these sectors outside the house - this means digging deep holes, trenches, pits.

What if, despite the warning, you carry out repairs and thereby disturb these unpleasant sectors? What will happen then?

Then be prepared for the fact that troubles may occur in life that you will have to “heroically” overcome and solve the problems that have arisen. Problems and troubles are most likely to come from where you are most vulnerable. Therefore, before you disturb the “problem sector”, think twice - is it worth doing? After all, Feng Shui knowledge is designed to anticipate possible troubles and prudently avoid getting into them. And not at all in order to know about the problem, nevertheless “try it by touch”, and then rack your brains “what to do next!?”

If you have any negative experience from the disturbance of "unfavorable sectors", then in order to warn others, you can write a comment about it. But you don’t need to leave a comment to ask “To do or not to do repairs in the “problem sectors” and what to do if you have to disturb Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha?” In this case, the answer is simple - be prepared for possible troubles. There is nothing more to add to this.

What to do if the place where you often spend time is “affected” by Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha?

Luckily, just being here isn't bad at all. These sectors are quite harmless if you have to visit them from time to time or even constantly - to sleep, work, study. It is also not forbidden to make short-term Feng Shui activations in the Tai Sui, Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha sectors. You can also do “quiet” repairs in sectors without any problems - painting walls, whitewashing walls, gluing wallpaper. The main thing is not to pick up a hammer or drill and not to violate the integrity of the walls or create vibrations. In addition, despite the prohibition of digging work in unfavorable sectors, this does not include digging up beds, loosening the soil, planting plants in a garden or personal plot. Problems will not come from all this.

How to protect yourself from Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha?

It's simple - just don't bother them. Some Feng Shui masters, in addition, recommend placing various symbols in the sectors - Pi Yao, Dragon-Turtle, Qilin. You can also put living plant in the Tri Sha sector so that it will be the first to “take” the blow. But all this serves more as a means of complacency, and in any case, one should not disturb the Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha sectors. There are also Feng Shui schools that advise not to sit facing Tai Sui, but to sit with your back to Tri Sha. This applies only to important negotiations, not daily activities.

Three Sha months

Unfortunately, the Three Shas are not only annual, but also monthly. This means that every month the Three Shas move to a certain sector and make it “unfavorable” for that month. In this case, the annual Tri Sha will act on its own area, and the monthly Tri Sha will act on its own. So it may happen that in some months several large sectors will be adversely affected.