Job title: 2nd year student
Educational institution: Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs
Locality: Vladimir region, city of Vladimir
Name of material: essay
Subject:"Does slavery exist in modern world? What are its features?"
Publication date: 28.11.2017
Chapter: higher education

is being considered


modern society, about its forms and methods of influencing humans. Her

the main idea is that no matter how we try to fight it,

in a capitalist society its existence is inevitable.

Key words: slavery, capitalism.

In this article, the question of the existence of slavery in modern society, its

forms and methods of influencing a person. Its main idea is that no matter how we

try to fight it, in capitalist society its existence is inevitable. Key words: slavery,

Does slavery exist in modern society? What are his


Currently, we are feeling the impact of some



life by doing





material, which, in their opinion, will bring much more benefit. So,

some start working in a hated company, take out loans, becoming

chronic debtors. Others spend considerable sums on clothes made from

boutiques, gadgets and parties in nightclubs. Therefore such dependence

people can be equated to slavery. But the slave system appeared in

ancient world.

Slavery existed in the world long before there was a state

called "Ancient Rome". Here's what we read about the history of slavery in




“Slavery appears with the development Agriculture approximately 10,000


p l e n n i k o v

agricultural work and forced them to work for themselves. In the early







pay your debts. The growth of industry and trade further contributed to

more intensive spread of slavery. There is a demand for labor

a force that could produce goods for export. And therefore slavery

reached its peak in the Greek states and the Roman Empire.

Slaves performed the main work here. Most of them worked in





were used in the household as servants and sometimes as doctors or

poets. In the ancient world, slavery was perceived as a natural law




influential people saw in him evil and injustice.”




forms: economic,



kinds. In addition, some government agencies guard the forms

modern slavery and define them as “good”.














traditions of culture and morality. Therefore, it is important to understand what depends on us in

this situation and give it an adequate assessment.

Today, slavery has completely different characteristics. It's gone

underground, that is, it became illegal, or acquired forms that allowed it

coexist with modern laws.





it is allowed for a person (slave) to be owned by another person


slave owner,



I exist

“Oxygen”, 2014. – 166 p.





“indirect”, “spiritual”, “debt”, etc.

For example, “social” slavery in the modern world has divided society

into classes of rich and poor. Since it is very difficult to get into the rich class,

If you are born in it, many people become hostages

his position, throwing all his strength into achieving the level of this class.

“Spiritual slavery” in the modern world is characterized by the fact that people

often face depression, psychological disorders,

makes them withdraw into themselves, that is, become a slave to their consciousness.


in detail



slavery". This

human dependence on economic factors as forms of the slave system.





Modern capitalism and various shapes slavery represent







No one doubts that we live today under capitalism

(our authorities, however, do not like the word “capitalism”, replacing it completely

the meaningless phrase “market economy”)

and therefore

the modern economy rests on the fact that everyone does their

work: someone manages, and someone performs dirty work– isn’t this

an example of slave-owning relations?

A modern person working under an employment contract sometimes has no time

think about analogies and compare yourself to a slave Ancient Rome. More




be offended.

Especially if a person occupies some kind of leadership position, if





Katasonov V.Yu. Capitalism. History and ideology of “monetary civilization” / Scientific editor

O.A.Platonov. – M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2013. – 1072 p.







For example,

received a bowl of food, and the second one receives money to buy this bowl.




the “privilege” of ceasing to be a slave: that is, to be dismissed.

Even though the work that people do is paid, and,

it would seem that they cease to depend on anyone, in fact it is

a myth, because most funds received for their work

spent on various payments and taxes, which then go to the budget


We should not forget the fact that we live in a modern society



meet all the standards of the modern “elite”, regardless of

what is his income? But the remaining funds are sometimes not enough to



turns on





sinking deeper into debt.

Such a phenomenon as inflation is not uncommon and, it would seem, it is understandable, but

rising prices in the absence of growth in worker wages provides hidden

stealth robbery. All this makes the average person

kneel lower and lower, bowing before the modern

bourgeoisie, making him a real slave.

Thus, we can conclude that no matter what times come, in







limited in its capabilities, there will always be someone who subordinates and who

obeys. Whether it is problems in his mind or state policy, in

Katasonov V.Yu. From slavery to slavery. From Ancient Rome to Modern Capitalism, publishing house

“Oxygen”, 2014. – 166 p.

where he lives, problems at work or in social life, in all these

spheres, a person is subjected to hidden slavery.




modern capitalism,

publishing house "Oxygen", 2014. - 166 p.

ISBN: 978-5-901635-40-7









Russian civilization, 2013. – 1072 p. ISBN 978-5-4261-0054-1


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Vladimirsky State University name

Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletov"

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Essay on the topic of:

“Does slavery exist in modern society? What are

its features?

Performed by a student from group TSB-116

Sakhanina Ekaterina Alexandrovna


Associate Professor of the Department of Science and Technology

Alexandrova Olga Stepanovna

Six illustrative examples slavery in the modern world

Human rights activists highlight the following characteristics slave labor: they are engaged in it against their will, under the threat of force and with little or no wages.

December 2nd– International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. The use of slave labor in any form is prohibited by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, in the modern world, slavery is more prevalent than ever before.

Very profitable business

Experts from an international organization Free the Slaves claim that if over the 400 years of the existence of the transatlantic slave trade, approximately 12 million slaves were exported from the Black Continent, then in the modern world More than 27 million people live as slaves(1 million in Europe). According to experts, the underground slave trade is the third most profitable criminal business in the world, second only to the arms and drug trade. Its profits amount to $32 billion, and the annual income brought by forced laborers to their owners is equal to half of this amount. "Quite possible, writes sociologist Kevin Bales, author of The New Slavery in global economy», that slave labor was used to make your shoes or the sugar you put in your coffee. Slaves laid the bricks that make up the wall of the factory where your television is made... Slavery helps lower the cost of goods around the world, which is why slavery is so attractive today.”


IN India still exist today entire castes, supplying free workers, especially children working in hazardous industries.

In the northern provinces Thailand selling daughters into slavery has been the main source of livelihood for centuries.

« Here, Kevin Bales writes: cultivated special shape Buddhism, which sees in a woman a being incapable of achieving bliss as the highest goal of the believer. Being born as a woman indicates a sinful life in the past. It's a kind of punishment. Sex is not a sin, it is only part of the material natural world illusions and suffering. Thai Buddhism preaches humility and submission in the face of suffering, because everything that happens is karma, from which a person still cannot escape. Such traditional ideas greatly facilitate the functioning of slavery.".

Patriarchal slavery

Today there are two forms of slavery - patriarchal and labor. Classical, patriarchal forms of slavery, when a slave is considered the property of the owner, are preserved in a number of countries in Asia and Africa - Sudan, Mauritania, Somalia, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Nepal, Myanmar and Angola. Officially, forced labor has been abolished here, but it persists in the form of archaic customs, which the authorities turn a blind eye to.

New world

More modern form slavery is labor slavery, which appeared already in the twentieth century. Unlike patriarchal slavery, here the worker is not the property of the owner, although he is subject to his will. " Such a new slave system, says Kevin Bales, assigns economic value to individuals without any responsibility for their basic survival. Economic efficiency new slavery is extremely high: economically unprofitable children, the elderly, the sick or crippled are simply discarded(in patriarchal slavery they are usually kept at the very least in easier jobs. - Note "Around the world"). IN new system slavery slaves are a replaceable part that is added to the production process as needed and has lost its former high cost».


IN Mauritania slavery is special - “family”. Here power belongs to the so-called. white moors to the Hassan Arabs. Each arab family owned by several Afro-Moorish families Haratinov. Haratin families have been passed down through the families of the Moorish nobility for centuries. Slaves are tasked with a variety of jobs, from caring for livestock to construction. But the most profitable type of slave business in these parts is the sale of water. From morning to evening, water-carrying Kharatins transport carts with large flasks around the cities, earning 5 per day 10 dollars is very good money for these places.

Countries of victorious democracy

Labor slavery is widespread throughout the world, including countries of victorious democracy. It usually includes those who have been kidnapped or immigrated illegally. In 2006, a UN commission published a report entitled “Trafficking in Persons: Global Patterns.” It says that people are sold into slavery in 127 countries of the world, and in 137 states victims of human traffickers are exploited (as for Russia, according to some data, more than 7 million people live here as slaves). In 11 states, a “very high” level of kidnapping activity was noted (more than 50 thousand people annually), among them - New Guinea, Zimbabwe, China, Congo, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania And Sudan.

Men, women and children

For those workers who themselves want to leave their homeland, certain companies usually first promise highly paid work abroad, but then (upon arrival in a foreign country) their documents are taken away and the simpletons are sold to the owners of criminal businesses, who deprive them of their freedom and force them to work. According to experts from the US Congress, Every year 2 million people are transported abroad for resale. Mostly these are women and children. Girls are often promised a career in modeling business, but in reality they force you to study prostitution(sexual slavery) or work in underground garment factories.

Into labor slavery men get in too. Most famous example- Brazilian charcoal burners. They are recruited from local beggars. Recruits who were first promised high earnings, and then had their passports taken away and work book, are taken to the deep forests of the Amazon, from where there is nowhere to escape. There they burn huge eucalyptus trees just for food, without knowing any rest. charcoal, on which it works Brazilian steel industry. Rarely do any of the charcoal burners (and their number exceeds 10,000) manage to work for more than two or three years: those who are sick and injured are mercilessly kicked out...

The UN and other organizations are making a lot of efforts to combat modern slavery, but the results are still rather modest. The fact is that the punishment for the slave trade is several times lower compared to other serious crimes such as rape. On the other side, local authorities often so interested in shadow business, who openly patronize modern slaveholders, receiving a portion of their excess profits.

Photo: AJP/Shutterstock, Attila JANDI/Shutterstock, Paul Prescott/Shutterstock, Shutterstock (x4)

When talking about slavery, it is worth understanding that there are two types. The first type, porter slavery, is rare in the modern world; they are trying with all their might to defeat it. There are some points on globe, where possible, this practically does not occur in Russia. Voluntary slavery is on an incredible scale; moreover, 90% of slaves do not realize they are in captivity. And science has answered this question well. It has been discovered that there is a part of the brain that is responsible for making excuses. When a person does something bad, he looks for ways to justify himself.

The same thing happens when he does something unreasonable. Psychologists have also found a strong correlation between a decrease in responsibility and the desire to obey. As a result, we get an ideal slave who will be indignant, say that he doesn’t like all this, but at the same time will passionately want to leave everything as it is. And a little later, justifications for their behavior will arrive, those same justifications.

For the first time since over detailed description I came across this behavior model in Alex Leslie’s book. Let me remind you that this is a book about gender relations, in general it is a pick-up book, but it aroused my interest for other reasons. Naked psychology in its purest form, it’s a sin not to read it. So Alex quite interestingly described the behavior of a man who placed the responsibility for meeting and developing relationships on the woman. They are predictable, boring, uninteresting. It seems like they are doing something, but everything is according to the standard. Many women feel good in the company of such guys, because they will never cross the line of what is permitted, they are easy to manipulate. They do what they are told.

Don’t you notice a certain parallel here with the employee and the boss? But I notice. A slave worker will do whatever he is told, he will endure salary delays, salary reductions, and unreasonable deprivation of bonuses. The reason is still the same - reduced responsibility. A person does not want to create something of his own, wait for results, or take risks. He wants guarantees, so that as soon as he gets settled, he will get an advance in a week. It doesn’t matter whether the product the company produces is sold or not. I also have no desire to learn something new, let the bosses learn, and pay me a salary. This is typical behavior of a volunteer slave. There are several undeniable advantages for management.

Lack of financial literacy

The slave will never come out passive income, which means he will be forced to work until old age. No matter how much you pay the slave, he will spend everything, will not save anything, will not buy assets, he has never heard anything about a brokerage account, he will never have enough money for other types of investments, he will not be able to open a business, because he is used to shifting responsibility for your life against your boss and the government. The ideal machine for making money. We promise him guarantees, demand that tasks be completed, and then we do what we want. The slave will be indignant, but every morning he is like a bayonet at work. Not because he loves his job, not because with the help of the company he can realize himself and his talents, but because he has to, there is no money, there is nothing to eat.

The modern slave is a consumer

Marketing has been working at 5+ for many decades. When buying goods, a slave does not think about the benefits and necessity; he takes what is fashionable, prestigious, cool. Showing that you are better than others is a primitive task modern slaves. So a person with a salary of 15,000 gets a gadget for 80,000 in his hands, and if the salary reaches 20,000 a month, then it’s time to buy a car for 1.5 lamas. Ideal slave behavior. Now he is forced to work even more, which means he will stay until late and come on weekends. In the company of friends, he will tell you that this government forced him, they were completely insolent there, they stole everything, and I have to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week, to raise the country! He will justify his little unreasonable pranks, don’t doubt it.

Credit as a method of forced labor

I will not talk about the mechanisms of deception, but calculations based on credit card are quite complex and you can fool the client around your finger without much difficulty if you wish. But even without that, the loan does its job. Slaves love loans very much. There is always not enough money for something, because even with income growth, they immediately increase expenses, constantly raising their standard of living. You have to borrow at interest, but the point is that you need to pay back more. That is, the situation develops this way - there are different levels of living standards. Someone can buy themselves a used VAZ 2106, people who are a little richer buy a new Kalina, even richer people go for a used Mercedes, and so on. When a person who is able to buy a VAZ thinks about taking out a loan to buy a Viburnum, he must understand that taking into account the loan, he is jumping to the level of a used Mercedes. Taking into account the interest, the 500,000 that you need to pay for a new viburnum will turn into 800,00. That is, a person jumps two steps up, but he himself thinks that he is one. Typical slave behavior.

Who's in charge here?!

The slave is so blind that he does not see the obvious. When he gets a job, he is convinced that he is working for the government, specifically for the president. I wouldn’t be surprised if the slaves believe that Putin knows them by sight. Accordingly, all problems, non-payments, low wage and the lack of prospects is due to the fact that this government has muddied the waters. It is a surprising situation when a person for some reason trained to be a teacher, although children annoy him and in general the work seems difficult, and then demands that the salary be like that of entrepreneurs. Maybe I should have become an entrepreneur? Well, no, now you're going to attack me. Medvedev already said something similar once, then the entire Internet was filled with memes. Just remember that a slave is always confident that he is working for the state. Not for LLC, IP, CJSC. To the state. And he gets the impression that such salaries and delays are now everywhere, after all, we work for one state. Therefore, there is no point in quitting, studying, trying, it’s the same everywhere. We are cursed.

The myth of stability.

This can be attributed to the first point. Look, I worked at the Russian Post Office. In 2012, my salary was 10,000. Well, they also paid a couple of thousand extra, but the salary itself was ten. Then I quit, moved around everywhere, and returned in 2016. Salary 10,000. While I was developing my projects, creating websites, saving some money in a brokerage account, in general I worked there for a year. That is, the income of employees has not changed, but the products have become more expensive. Clever man understands that price increases are caused by inflation and this is the absolute norm. The salary must be indexed annually and increased at least by the level of inflation in the country. This is stability.

But the slaves didn’t understand the scheme, and in their understanding the manager is great, he still pays them the same salary, he doesn’t reduce it. But the government is stunned, raising prices here and there, strangling the people. How to explain to people real reasons I don’t really know about the deterioration in living standards, but I constantly try. I really hope that among my readers there are fewer and fewer of those who will find themselves in the signs described above. Sometimes people write to me and say that they have reconsidered their attitude towards money and life, managed to pay off their loans, and began to form capital. These are the nicest letters, I wish there were more of them.

Every day, thousands of people flock to Moscow from regions and neighboring countries to work. Some of them disappear without a trace, not having time to leave the capital's station. " New Newspaper» studied Russian market labor slavery.

Those who fight

Oleg asks not to name the place of our meeting or even the region. The case takes place in the industrial zone of a small town. Oleg “guides” me by phone, and when I reach the “Tire Service” sign, he says: “Wait, I’ll be right there.” Arrives in 10 minutes.

- It's not easy to find you.

- That's all we're counting on.

The conversation takes place behind a plywood shed. There are garages and warehouses around.

“I started fighting slavery in 2011,” says Oleg. — A friend told me how she bought a relative with brick factory in Dagestan. I didn’t believe it, but it became interesting. I went myself. In Dagestan, I visited factories with local guys, posing as a brick buyer. At the same time, I asked the workers if there were any forced laborers among them. It turned out yes. With those who were not afraid, we agreed to escape. Then they managed to take out five people.

After the release of the first slaves, Oleg sent out a press release to the media. But the topic did not arouse interest.

“Only one activist from the League of Free Cities movement got in touch: they have a small newspaper—about two hundred people probably read it.” But after the publication, a woman from Kazakhstan called me and told me that her relative was being held in a grocery store in Golyanovo ( district in Moscow.I.Zh.). Remember this scandal? Unfortunately, it was the only one, and it was also ineffective - the case was closed.

About how much the topic of human trafficking worries Russians, Oleg says this:

- Behind last month We collected only 1,730 rubles, but spent about seventy thousand. We invest our money in the project: I work at a factory, there is a guy who works as a loader in a warehouse. The Dagestan coordinator works in a hospital.

Oleg Melnikov in Dagestan. Photo:

Currently there are 15 activists in Alternative.

“In less than four years, we freed about three hundred slaves,” says Oleg.

According to Alternatives, about 5,000 people fall into labor slavery in Russia every year; in total there are almost 100,000 forced laborers in the country.

How do you get into slavery?

The average statistical portrait of a Russian forced laborer, according to Oleg, is this: this is a person from the provinces who does not understand labor relations, willing better life and ready to work for this as anyone.

“A person who came to Moscow without a specific plan, but with a specific goal, is immediately visible,” says Oleg. — Recruiters work at the capital’s train stations. The most active is in Kazansky. A recruiter approaches a person and asks if he needs a job? If necessary, the recruiter offers good earnings in the south: from thirty to seventy thousand rubles. The region is not named. They say about the nature of the work: “unskilled worker” or something else that does not require high qualifications. The main thing is a good salary.

The recruiter offers you a drink during the meeting. It doesn't have to be alcohol, you can also have tea.

— They go to the station cafe, where there are agreements with the waiters. Barbiturates are poured into the recruit's cup - under these substances a person can remain unconscious for up to a day and a half. After the drug has begun to take effect, the person is put on a bus and taken away in the right direction.

Oleg tested the scheme for getting into slavery on himself. To do this, he lived at the Kazansky railway station for two weeks, masquerading as a homeless person.

— It was in October 2013. At first I tried to pretend to be a visitor, but it didn’t look convincing. Then I decided to play a homeless person. Usually slave traders do not touch the homeless, but I was new at the station, and on October 18, a man approached me who introduced himself as Musa. Said he had good job in the Caspian Sea, three hours a day. He promised 50,000 a month. I agreed. We drove in his car to the Prince Plaza shopping center near the Teply Stan metro station. There Musa handed me over to a man named Ramadan. I saw Ramadan give money to Musa. I couldn’t see exactly how much. Then Ramazan and I went to the village of Mamyri, near the village of Mosrentgen in the Moscow region. There I saw a bus to Dagestan and refused to go, saying that I knew there was slavery there. But Ramazan said that the money had already been paid for me and that it needed to be either returned or worked off. And to calm me down, he offered me a drink. I agreed. We went to a nearby cafe and drank some alcohol. Then I don’t remember well. All this time my activist friends were watching us. At the 33rd kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, they blocked the way for the bus, and they took me to the Sklifosovsky Institute, where I lay under a drip for four days. I was prescribed the antipsychotic azaleptin. A criminal case was opened, but it is still being investigated...

“There are no markets as such, no platforms where people could be bought,” says Zakir, coordinator of Alternative in Dagestan. — People are taken “to order”: the owner of the factory told the slave trader that he needed two people - they would bring two to the factory. But there are still two places in Makhachkala where slaves are most often brought and from where their owners take them: this is the bus station behind the Pyramid cinema and the Northern Station. We have a lot of evidence and even video recordings on this matter, but law enforcement agencies are not interested in them. We tried to contact the police but were refused to initiate cases.

“In fact, the slave trade is not only Dagestan,” says Oleg. — Slave labor is used in many regions: Yekaterinburg, Lipetsk region, Voronezh, Barnaul, Gorno-Altaisk. In February and April of this year, we freed people from a construction site in Novy Urengoy.


Andrey Erisov (in the foreground) and Vasily Gaidenko. Photo: Ivan Zhilin / Novaya Gazeta

Vasily Gaidenko and Andrey Yerisov were released by Alternative activists from a brick factory on August 10. They traveled from Dagestan to Moscow by bus for two days. Activist Alexey and I met them on the morning of August 12 in the parking lot of the Lyublino market.

— Came to Moscow from Orenburg. At the Kazansky station I approached the security guard and asked if they needed employees? He said that he didn’t know and that he would ask the boss, who was not there at the moment. While I was waiting, a Russian guy approached me, introduced himself as Dima and asked if I was looking for a job? He said that he would get me a job as a security guard in Moscow. He offered me a drink.

Andrei woke up already on the bus, two more slaves were traveling with him. Everyone was brought to the Zarya-1 plant in the Karabudakhkent region of Dagestan.

— At the plant, everyone works where the owner says. I transported bricks on a tractor. I also had to work as a loader. Working day from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. Seven days a week.

“If someone gets tired or, God forbid, gets injured, the owner doesn’t care,” says Vasily and shows a huge ulcer on his foot. I'm when Jangiru (that was the name of the owner of the plant, he died a month ago) showed that my leg was swelling, he said: “Apply plantain.”

No one treats sick slaves in brick factories: if the condition is very serious and the person cannot work, he is taken to the hospital and left at the entrance.

“A slave’s usual food is pasta,” says Vasily. — But the portions are large.

At Zarya-1, according to Vasily and Andrey, 23 people were forced to work. We lived in a barracks - four in one room.

Andrey tried to escape. He didn’t get far: in Kaspiysk he was caught by the foreman. Returned it to the factory, but didn't beat it.

The relatively mild conditions at Zarya-1 (they are fed tolerably and not beaten) are due to the fact that this plant is one of four legally operating in Dagestan. In total, according to Alternative, there are about 200 brick factories in the republic, and the vast majority of them are not registered.

In illegal factories, slaves have much less luck. In the Alternative archive there is a story by Olesya and Andrey, two prisoners of a plant code-named “Crystal” (located between Makhachkala and Kaspiysk).

“They didn’t beat me, but they strangled me once,” Olesya says in the video recording. — It was Brigadier Kurban. He told me: “Go, carry buckets, bring water to water the trees.” And I replied that I’ll rest now and bring it. He said I couldn't rest. I continued to be indignant. Then he started strangling me, and then promised to drown me in the river.”

Olesya was pregnant at the time she fell into slavery. “Having learned about this, Magomed, the plant manager, decided not to do anything. After some time, due to hard work, I began to have problems in the female area. I complained to Magomed for more than two weeks before he took me to the hospital. The doctors said that there was a very high probability of miscarriage and demanded that I be kept in the hospital for treatment. But Magomed took me back and forced me to work. When I was pregnant, I carried ten-liter buckets of sand.”

Alternative volunteers managed to free Olesya from slavery. The woman kept the child.

“The release of people does not always resemble some kind of action-packed detective story,” activists say. “Often, the owners of factories prefer not to interfere with us, because the business is completely illegal and has no serious patrons.”

About patrons

According to Alternativa volunteers, there is no serious “cover” for human trafficking in Russia.

“Everything happens at the level of local police officers, junior officers, who simply turn a blind eye to the problems,” says Oleg.

The Dagestan authorities expressed their attitude to the problem of slavery in 2013 through the then Minister of Press and Information Nariman Gadzhiev. After the release of more slaves by Alternative activists, Gadzhiev said:

“The fact that slaves work in all factories in Dagestan is a kind of cliche. Here is the situation: activists said that at two factories in the village of Krasnoarmeisky, citizens from central Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. We asked operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Dagestan to check this information, which was done within just a few hours. The operatives arrived, gathered teams, found out who the newcomer was. And the word “slaves” turned out to be more than inappropriate. Yes, there were problems with salaries: people, in general, were not paid, some actually did not have documents. But they worked voluntarily.”

"Money? I buy everything for them myself."

“Alternative” volunteers gave Novaya’s correspondent two phones, one of which belongs to the owner of a brick factory, where, according to activists, involuntary labor is used; and the second - to a reseller of people.

- I absolutely don’t understand what you’re talking about. “I help people find work,” a reseller nicknamed “Maga Merchant” reacted violently to my call. — I don’t work in factories, I don’t know what’s going on there. They simply ask me: help me find people. And I'm looking.

The “merchant,” according to him, had not heard anything about barbiturates mixed into drinks for future slaves. For “help in the search” he receives 4-5 thousand rubles per head.

Magomed, nicknamed “Komsomolets,” who owns a factory in the village of Kirpichny, upon hearing the reason for my call, immediately hung up. However, in the archives of Alternative there is an interview with the owner of a brick factory in the village of Mekegi, Levashinsky district, Magomedshapi Magomedov, who describes the attitude of the factory owners towards forced labor. Four people were released from Magomedov's plant in May 2013.

“I didn’t force anyone. How can we talk about retention when the plant is located right next to the road? - Magomedov says on the record. “I met them in the parking lot of the Pyramid cinema and offered them a job. They agreed. He took the documents because they are drunk and they will lose more. Money? I bought everything for them myself: so they give me a list of what they need - I buy them everything.”


Law enforcement agencies officially confirm the fact of low activity in the fight against the slave trade. From the report of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (November 2014):

“In the fall of 2013, the Australian human rights organization Walk Free Foundation published a ranking of countries regarding the situation related to slave labor, in which Russia was assigned 49th position. According to the organization, there are about 500 thousand people in Russia in one form or another of slavery<…>

Performance analysis law enforcement Russian Federation on combating human trafficking and the use of slave labor indicates that since the introduction of Articles 127--1 (trafficking in persons) and 127--2 (use of slave labor) into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in December 2003, the number of persons recognized as victims under these articles The Criminal Code remains insignificant - 536.

In addition, since 2004, that is, over the last 10 years, 727 crimes have been registered under Article 127-1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which annually amounts to less than one tenth of one percent of all registered crimes.

Analysis of the state of crime in the field of human trafficking and slave trade indicates a high latency of these criminal acts, therefore official statistical indicators do not fully reflect the actual state of affairs.”

Press center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs:

In January-December 2014, employees of internal affairs bodies registered 468 cases of unlawful deprivation of liberty (Article 127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), 25 cases of human trafficking (Article 127 - 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and 7 crimes under Art. 127-2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Bound by one chain: 10 countries where slavery still reigns

Currently, about 30 million people in the world are enslaved, with 76% of modern slavery occurring in 10 countries. This is stated in the recently published Global Slavery Index.

Slavery includes “practices such as debt bondage, forced marriage, child trafficking and exploitation, and the slave trade and forced labor" Among the factors that contributed to the prosperity of slavery were extreme poverty, lack of social protection and wars. In countries like India and Mauritania, where the proportion of slaves in the population is highest, the history of colonialism and hereditary slavery also matter. Most often, women and children become slaves.

No. 1. Mauritania

Mauritania has the largest percentage of slaves in the world - 4-20% of the population, or 160,000 people. Here, slave status was passed down from generation to generation, and the slave owner had complete power over his slaves and their children. Most slaves are women, who perform both housework and agricultural labor, and are also subject to sexual violence.

No. 2. Haiti

In Haiti, slaves make up about 200,000 of the country's population of ten million. Most known species slavery is called "restavec" (from the French rester avec - to stay with someone - approx. trans.), It is a form of child labor in which children are forced to help with housework. Not all Restavek children are slaves, but many are exploited: an estimated 300-500 thousand Haitian children are deprived of food or water and subjected to physical or emotional abuse. The report said the 357,785 people who remain in internally displaced persons camps since the 2010 earthquake are “highest risk of being subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor.”

No. 3. Pakistan

According to the Asian Development Bank, about 1.8 million people in Pakistan are in bonded labor - forced to work off debts to their employers. This bondage is often passed down from generation to generation, with workers working for less pay or no pay at all. There are approximately 3.8 million child workers in Pakistan between the ages of five and fourteen. Children and families from the “lower classes” are especially likely to engage in forced labor in brick production.

No. 4. India

India has an estimated 13-15 million slave laborers in a variety of industries, and there is widespread sexual exploitation of Indian men, women and transgender people. Child prostitution is especially rampant in places of religious pilgrimage and cities popular with Indian tourists. It is estimated that between 20 and 65 million Indian citizens are in debt bondage.

No. 5. Nepal

Nepal is both a source and an importer of modern slaves. Slavery took the form of both labor in brick kilns and forced prostitution. About 250,000 people out of Nepal's 27 million population are enslaved, often we're talking about about debt dependence on the employer. About 600,000 Nepalese children are forced to work, including in mines and factories, and are sexually exploited.

No. 6. Moldova

In 2012, the International Organization for Migration reported that Moldovan men, women and children were exploited in Ukraine, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Kosovo, where they worked in the sex industry, construction or as family workers. More than 32,000 Moldovans live the life of slaves in various countries.

No. 7. Benin

More than 76,000 people from Benin engage in forced labor in homes, cotton and cashew farms, quarries and as street vendors. UNICEF estimates that most child slaves in the Congo were brought from Benin, and estimates International organization According to migration, more than 40,000 children throughout the country were sold into slavery.

No. 8. Ivory Coast

Côte d'Ivoire is the source and destination of enslaved women and children. As a result of the recent conflict, forced labor is still at risk more children. The country is a world leader in cocoa production, and in this industry many children are subject to the most brutal forms of hard labor. More than 30,000 children work in rural areas, and 600-800,000 on small family farms.

No. 9. Gambia

The most common forms of slavery in The Gambia are forced begging, prostitution and domestic slavery. UNICEF estimates that more than 60,000 children, especially orphans and street children, may be enslaved.

The victims of forced begging are usually boys who are sent by poor families to study at madrassas, where they are exploited by teachers. Such children are called "talibeh". If they return in the evening with insufficient money, they are beaten or starved.

No. 10. Gabon

Children are brought to Gabon from Western and Central Africa. Girls are forced into domestic slavery or sexually exploited, while boys are forced into manual labor. Forced marriages and marriages with children are also common. Sometimes young people from neighboring countries They themselves come to Gabon in order to earn money, but end up in slavery. The sale of young girls as servants to relatives or wealthy families is also common. Since Gabon is richer than neighboring countries, victims of this traditional practice are usually brought there.