Social worker is not just a position in the state institution. These people are an important link in help disabled people in need and problem families. Thanks to social workers, they can save many lives and improve the conditions for the existence of some categories of citizens. Representatives of this profession are working with individual citizens and with groups in need of special help.

In this regard, the Day of Social Worker was established, which will be celebrated in 2017. The holiday falls on June 8th.


Officially, in our country, this significant day has become in 2000 after the presidential decree. Date was appointed - June 8. This day was chosen not by chance. His holiday history takes from 1701, when Peter I issued a decree, according to which the beginning of the state system for the protection of poor citizens was found. According to the decree of the king, ten people were placed in rags, there should be one healthy person who helps care. Patients and elderly were placed in the House of Holiness Patriarch. In the rags were to be a doctors who were given medicines and money. It continued until 1917. After the revolution, the responsibilities for the care of sick and socially unprotected citizens were distributed in various services.

What is a modern social profession

The social worker profession is one of the most important. There are categories of citizens who need care and protection. Among them are low-income and lonely pensioners, disabled people and children from disadvantaged families. Also, the social worker helps in adaptation to people who have fallen into a difficult life situation and returned from the places of detention.

It is not easy to work for this specialty. We must have patience, kindness, the desire to help people. Social workers daily have to deal with pain, mental or physical, solve complex tasks, help with advice or actions. It is necessary to be in constant voltage, and sometimes to fall into dangerous situations, since not everyone needs help wanted to help them. The social worker is reported to have a certain mental definition, the power of will, the lack of fear of people. The character should be a kindness and desire to help.

Main qualities and skills of a social worker:

  • Sincere desire to help.
  • Knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and first aid methods.
  • Knowledge of legislation in the field of population protection.
  • Honesty.

The Day of Social Worker helps to draw the attention of ordinary citizens not only to representatives of this profession, but in general, the situation in the country and attract attention to people need.

Social services help improve the quality of life of disabled, pensioners and children from disadvantaged families.

This profession is becoming increasingly popular, in some universities even prepare specialists in this area. The social worker must have the skills to provide first aid, psychological support and know the foundations of pedagogy, if you have to work with difficult teenagers. He works in social hotels, helping citizens who remain without housing.

The development of the social service continues and today. The skills and methods of working with the population, as well as ways of identifying the help of citizens are constantly being improved.

The day of the social worker, who will be celebrated in 2017, is a professional holiday of those people who chose their work to help other citizens. This is quite difficult and from the moral side, because not every person will endure every day to meet with the problems of other people. That is why, it is intended to work in this area, it is important to represent the complexity of the task. Some people do not stand and go to other areas, because it is a big responsibility, physical and psychological burden.

The need for specialists of this direction is constantly increasing, such specialties appeared as "social psychologist" and "social teacher".

According to approximate estimates in Russia, about 600 thousand social workers work.

There are many useful professions in the world.
But hard to find a kind
Than help to provide old and children
Care, warmly carry them.
Hope Your Labor, Social Worker!
For good heart, acceptance
From us congratulations! We wish you health
Patience, good and love!

Every year on June 8, a professional holiday of social workers is celebrated in Russia.
"Social Worker's Day" appeared in the calendar of the official holidays of Russia relatively recently. On October 27, 2000, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed Decree No. 1796 "On the Day of Social Worker". The head of state stopped on June 8 to celebrate the Day of Social Worker of the Russian Federation it is not by chance, the choice of this date is directly related to the history of social work in Russia. It was on this day that, almost in three hundred years before Vladimir Putin, on June 8, 1701 Peter the first published the royal decree "On the definition of the Holy Patriarch of the Raddle of the Patriotic Patients and the Elderly." According to the Decree of the Tsar: "For ten people in the Laddle, there should be one healthy, which would have won the patients and anyone auxiliary chinyl."
At this time, social service of the population is presented by the presence of various social services, which, by virtue of their competence, use various forms and methods of service of disabled people, pensioners, poor. After all, social work is a combination of activities (professional, official, voluntary) to meet the basic social needs of citizens in a difficult life situation.
In an autonomous non-profit organization, the Social Service Center "Good Deale" consists of servicing more than 1,000 people and more than 90 social workers work. The main bones of the team make up workers who have many years of experience and experience in the shoulders.
On the eve of the professional holiday, the Day of Social Worker in Ano Cson, a festive meeting was held. Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Administration of the Municipal District of the Birsky District of Trapeznikov Anatoly Pavlovich in his speech congratulated social workers with a professional holiday, Honorable certificates: Salmiyar Tamara Konstantinovna, Davward Tatiana Alekseevna, Muhamedyarova Hafie Angimovna, Libery Svetlana Viktorovna, thank you, Gayneddinova Issanbaevna. Anatoly Pavlovich noted that social work is one of the most complex, but especially necessary professions.

In his speech, Director of Anno Cson "Good Deale" Elena Borisovna Gabdrakhmanova touched the story of the emergence of social service in Russia and told about the formation and development of social service in the city of Birsk, then he was warmly thanked social workers for conscientious work.

The most heartful and kind words addressed to social workers in the appeals of citizens who thanked for warmth and care, good faith and responsibility in their difficult work.

One of the tasks of the functioning of the state is to support its residents, the implementation of various programs for the protection of low-income and disabled layers of the population, ensuring its rights and freedoms. The country contains the staff of employees who are entrusted with such duties. Professional holiday is dedicated to the specialists of this area.

When noted

The Day of Social Worker in Russia is celebrated annually on June 8. Date is not a weekend. In 2019, it is celebrated at the official level of the 19th time. The event was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 27.10.2000 No. 1796 "On the Day of Social Worker". The document was signed by V. Putin.

Who celebrates

All employees who provide social assistance are related to celebrations, regardless of their position and services. Among them are employees of rehabilitation centers, shelters, nursing homes, sobes, as well as doctors, psychologists, lawyers. Their friends, friends, relatives, close people are also involved in events. The holiday is considered to be their teachers, students of educational institutions, researchers whose profile is a social sphere.

History and traditions of the holiday

History of commemoration of social workers began with the publication by the president of the relevant decree in 2000. The document was prescribed on June 8 to hold events dedicated to social assistance specialists.

Date has a symbolic value. It is devoted to the creation of a pre-preparation of modern institutions that assist in need. In 1701, Peter Great was prescribed to form a wellness (charitable institutions for patients and unable to people). In these institutions, they cared for patients, the elderly and gave shelter and eat with a poor.

Social worker 2019 marks celebrations in a professional circle. Colleagues are going to festive tables. They exchange news are divided by plans, discuss the prospects. Congratulations, wishes of health and success sound, the toasts are completed by ringing glasses. The first persons of the Russian Federation speak with speeches and statements. They mention the achievements and difficulties of the industry and its importance for the development of society.

The broadcasts dedicated to employees of the social sphere are broadcast on television and radio stations, stories about their lives and labor weekdays are being translated. The best employees are awarded with medals, honorable diplomas, give them valuable gifts, diplomas for outstanding progress.

Russia is not the only country where such holidays are instituted. International Social Worker Day is a worldwide event. He became international and wasted on March 20.

About profession

Specialists are engaged in providing assistance to various segments of the population. The difficulties in the lives of many people who have restrictions in physical abilities, serious diseases, are overcome by their forces and efforts.

The path in the profession begins with the receipt of education in a specialized higher or secondary special educational institution. It is mastered in it basic and profile items. Students undergo courses of theoretical and practical training. Graduates receive a specialty and can start working in an appropriate public institution or conduct research activities.

The range of tasks of social workers is diverse. It may be legal, psychological, medical care, care and educational mission.

Unprotected segments of the population need additional attention, which can provide a man on the vocation - the social worker. That is why the wards are interested in the question of what date the day of the social worker is noted. In Russia, officially employees of this sphere congratulate on June 8. This day is not a public holiday, but it is massively marked in all corners of the country, which emphasizes its importance and in demand in modern society.

Who is a social worker?

On the day of social worker, local self-government authorities celebrate the best employees. But who is the social worker? This is the person who serves unprotected segments of the population. It may be faces of old age, disabled people, poor or large families, orphan children. It is on the day of the social worker that the importance of such a sphere of employment is noted.

The social worker is the person who can help his ward is not only a matter, but also a pleasant word of support. Therefore, people are often becoming often, people are not coercion, but by calling. Very often these are people who previously engaged in volunteering. It is also important here the purposefulness of man, psychosity, respect and society, since each ward will have to find its approach, and sometimes it is very difficult.


Events on the Day of Social Worker In recent years, it has become massively in order to show the importance of this profession and in demand in the labor market. The vacancies of qualified social workers are many, since the demand for this profession is small.

In order to start working in this area, it is not necessary to edit the university, you can pass special courses or have an average profile education. A feature of the profession is that every year a specialist is assigned a certain category that affects the level of wages. So, after three years of work in this area, the employee may receive a premium in the amount of 10% to the salary, and after five - 30%.

But a distinctive feature of this category is the lack of career growth, which restrains young professionals to go to work in this sphere.

Pros and cons profession

The day of the employee of the social sphere is another opportunity to remind modern society the importance and necessity of such employment. Like any profession, there are plays and disadvantages here.

Among the benefits of social development can be noted as follows:

  • real estate regardless of time, economic growth or fall in the country, since unprotected segments of the population were always in any state;
  • multidiscipliness (often the social worker is not only a personal assistant who can buy bread if necessary, help to get into the apartment and pay for services, but also a huge psychological, and sometimes legal assistance).

Despite the demand, in this profession there are cons:

  • (despite the fact that the social worker has certain responsibilities, very often the problems of a person or family must be approached individually, so the social worker is always a bit of a psychologist);
  • low payment (despite the demand and necessity, such an employment area is not considered prestigious, so low-paid);
  • human qualities and ability to empathize (this is what is needed by the employee, but it must be its innate qualities, because it cannot be learned, often because of empathy and sympathy, the employee transfers the difficulties of his ward on his personal life).

So far, in Russia, the minuses of employment in the social sphere are much more than advantages, despite the importance and importance of the profession. Another disadvantage or imperfection of this system can be considered inappropriate training of competent specialists, since scientific research of this field in Russia took up quite recently.

History of the celebration of the Day of the Worker of Social Protection

The day of workers engaged in the social sphere is one of the youngest holidays in the Russian Federation. Officially, it is celebrated only 17 years since 2000. June 8, all social workers celebrate their professional day. Often on this day are official events at the level of districts and districts.

The history of the development of the profession refers to the Petrovsk era. A decree on the establishment of special institutions for older persons, beggars, as well as patients was signed by Peter I back in 1701. Then such allests opened on the territory of churches, and real doctors worked in the shelters. Officially, the profession of the social worker appeared in Russia at the end of the twentieth century.

Now the day of the social worker is a special holiday for those who are engaged in this area called the wards. On this day, they can express their gratitude to their assistants and the Savior and thank for work.

Format event

The events that are arranged in honor of the social workers are most likely official, not entertaining. On this day, in each area or district, as a rule, small presents and flowers and the best workers of this activity are solemnly handed.

Scenario of the Day of Social Worker is a cultural event conducted in the districts of the same format. Often children and creative teams are invited to such holidays.

Social work in different countries

Back in 1951, the United Nations adopted a resolution, according to which social work was recognized as professional activities. Employees of this sphere were to receive a special specialized education or courses. In many countries there are special training programs at universities to receive a social profession, while 70% of students and employed in this area are representatives of the weak half of humanity.

On the day of the social worker, the importance of this profession is noted. So, in many countries engaged in this area undergo mandatory advanced training courses, which is not in Russia. Public funds, according to statistics, about 75% of employees are also allocated for these knowledge raising courses, about 75% of employees after receiving the profession, remotely or periodically visiting courses. After passing a special training, every employee engaged in the social sphere gives special tests to determine the level of knowledge learned by him.

There are also the International Social Work Schools Association, which includes representatives of more than six dozen countries. International conferences are held, a reference book is published, which is a manual for work for each social student.


The Day of Social Worker is not a tribute to fashion, this is another opportunity to remind everyone how important that the work is made by such employees.

In such a person, as a social worker, should successfully combine not only professional skills, but also such human qualities as an excerpt, patience and compassion. After all, these people have a dough cooperate and help precisely unprotected segments of the population: poor or large families, older people who cannot serve themselves. Their assistance includes not only assistance in daily issues and pay for some services and food, but also legal and psychological advice.

On June 8, the Russians celebrate the Day of Social Worker. Social workers in Russia are celebrated on June 8. In 1701, on this day, the Decree of Peter I "On the Definition of the House Holy Patriarchate Laddle for Beggars, Patients and Astrear" was issued.

The profession of social worker began to form in the 90s. It was then that the collapse of the USSR occurred, and this led to social problems in society and the crisis in the economy. After the emergence of such problems, social institutions began to form in the state, and together with them a new type of profession. The Government of the Russian Federation began to develop various measures, social and economic programs that were aimed at eliminating the country from the crisis.

In 1991, new specialties appeared, such as a social service worker, a social teacher, a specialist in the field of social work.

State social insurance was introduced in 1993. The main areas in social policy were approved by the Government in 1994, and in the same year the holiday of the social worker was professional, thanks to the decree of the Association of Social Services. FZ from 10.12.95 "On the Basis of Social Service of the Russian Federation" regulates the provision of social services.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the employee of the social service "provides assistance to the one who was in a difficult life situation, in accordance with the list of services for the Center for Social Services."

The Ministry of Social Protection (and now this is the Ministry of Health and Social Development) since the 1990s, he carried out all government measures in the field of social protection of people.

Presidential Decree of 27.10.2000 "On the Day of Social Worker" established a professional festival of social workers.

Social protection of the population is a system that includes, departments, management in municipalities and in executive bodies, social service institutions. Social institutions are nonstationary (centers for homeless, complex centers, etc.) and stationary (boarding schools for children, nursing homes, disabled).

Profession Social worker

Municipalities and social service centers work employees who provide care for people at home. The social workers deliver food and medicine, psychologically supported a family with difficult children, provide services for the rehabilitation of the elderly. The work of the social officer is to help people cope with their problems. Employees of social institutions provide people with pedagogical, economic, medical, domestic, legal and psychological assistance.

Social workers in recent decades have become very popular. Now in our country there are about 6,000 social institutions and about 500,000 employees work in them. For a good social service service, the title of "Honored Worker of Social Protection of the Russian Federation".

More than 16,000 services provide patronage services at home more than 5 million citizens.

The social worker's profession in our time has become very popular. 120 universities of the country are preparing social workers. RSU issues frames for the social sphere. In addition to this university, social professionals are also prepared in medical universities.