In the East, many believe that the one who knows the snake knows the world and the secrets of its creation. The snake amazes the imagination with its exceptional behavior and structure. These creatures live on the ground, in trees, underground, in water. They successfully developed the territory of our planet.

Snakes are extraordinary animals, and therefore ancient times arousing interest person. They have no limbs, but at the same time they move quickly and hunt quickly - you cannot escape from their throw. Snakes are deaf, but incredibly sensitive; they infect prey with poisonous sharp teeth or they strangle her, wrapping her tightly in rings. Snakes swallow their prey whole; their jaws and ribs expand in incredible ways. There are many such examples of the originality of snakes.

Two-headed snake - reality or fantasy?

TO fantastic stories this phenomenon has nothing to do with it. Among snakes, such a mutation as the appearance of a second head is common.

Where are two-headed snakes found?

Such individuals different types Indeed, sometimes they are born on Earth. They do not survive in nature, although in terrariums they often live for quite a long time. It is curious that two heads on a single body do not feel like one being. Each of them tries to snatch food from its “colleague” during feeding.

A king two-headed snake (Lampropeltis getula) lived for a long time at the San Diego Zoo. Both heads of this creature were in constant fear for their lives, and as it turned out, not without reason. One night, one head suddenly attacked the other. The conflict that arose was resolved by the arrival of a zoo attendant. He managed to pacify the rebellious heads. The rescued snake did not live long. Literally the next day, the head that was attacked decided to take revenge on the offender - the snake died in the fight.


IN natural conditions two-headed snake (photo of this amazing creature you can look in our article) cannot exist. But still there is one unusual look reptiles - calabarian snake.

She pretends to be a two-headed individual. And she succeeds. She deceives not only predators, but also people. Calabaria has one head, very small in size, with small, almost invisible eyes. This snake, about a meter long, buries its head, looks for food in the leaves, while for caution it raises its tail and threateningly slowly swings it from side to side, like its head.

There is a dark spot on her tail, and under it another one, white, which very successfully imitates the neck. This trick always works; it distracts and frightens the enemy. Locals They are sure that Kalabaria is a two-headed snake, and they are very afraid of it. In fact, it is completely harmless. There is another characteristic feature This snake - when in danger, it quickly curls into a ball, which is almost impossible to unfold.

Two-headed albino snake

The famous Florida biologist Daniel Parker is a true fan of reptiles. Day after day, he wanders the nearby swamps in search of curious varieties of snakes.

His house is home to a wide variety of reptiles. One day, one of his charges, a milky Honduran, laid eggs in Parker's living room and hatched into babies. When the scientist began to examine the offspring, he at first did not understand what exactly was wrong with him.

He soon discovered that instead of being black and red, the cubs were white and red, that is, albino. In addition, one of them had two heads. The scientist has never seen such a case in all his years of observation.

A two-headed snake appeared at the Skazka zoo in the city of Yalta. It is rented in Germany. She will live in Crimea throughout every tourist season. Its insurance value is 50,000 euros.

According to experts, a two-headed snake is born one in a million times. This is a unique animal - it has two heads, two “sets” of brains, and a single belly. One of the heads is usually dominant, the other is more passive. They feed at the same time. When feeding at the zoo, a plastic spatula is placed between the heads to prevent one from eating the other.

An unusual snake has been born in central Florida - it has two heads, which is very rare. According to University of Central Florida biologist Daniel Parker, a Honduran milk snake laid eggs several months ago. When the specialist went to check the incubator, a big surprise awaited him. “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Parker shares his impressions.

According to him, usually two-headed snakes have a different coloration. Thus, a two-headed albino snake is also very rare, notes "Globalist". “Perhaps this is the most beautiful two-headed snake that has ever existed,” enthuses the biologist.

Albino snakes have no dark pigmentation on their skin, and shades of red, orange and white appear especially brightly. "In captivity, two-headed snakes live up to 20 years," Parker notes. - Considering that two independent brains give commands to one body, life turns out to be quite bizarre. Of course, such a snake could not survive in wildlife".

This summer, the Yalta Zoo acquired an unusual snake with two heads. The miracle reptile was brought from abroad. As the director of the zoo, Oleg Zubkov, told an UNIAN correspondent, the two-headed snake, which is born once in a million individuals, settled in the Yalta Zoo only for the duration of the tourist season. The menagerie rented the reptile from the Germans. Note that last time a similar specimen was demonstrated in Switzerland 20 years ago. “An interesting, unique animal: two heads, two brains, one belly. One head is dominant, the other is more passive. They eat at the same time. During feeding, a plastic spatula is placed between the heads so that one does not eat the other,” said the director of the zoo. By the way, the insurance cost of the snake is 50 thousand euros, Ukrainian News notes.

Let us recall that in the spring of 2011, a cat named Luntya with five ears settled with a Voronezh scientist. Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, general biology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Voronezh State Agrarian University, Vladimir Obryvkov has been studying the physical anomalies of animals for many years. From local villages and nearby regions they bring him living exhibits worthy of a cabinet of curiosities - a calf with two heads, tails, two hearts, a Cyclops lamb, chickens with four legs, Siamese twins - piglets, a pig with a trunk, a foal with two noses and three eyes.

Last summer, acquaintances told Obryvkov about an unusual kitten living in Voronezh under pipes near a canteen in the Rabochy Prospekt area. The scientist, who had never had a cat, decided to take her in - for science and for the joy of his nine-year-old son and six-year-old daughter. “Her two main ears are normal, the additional ones are mirrored, rotated 180 degrees,” says Obryvkov. His cat has unusually large paws, which is called acromegaly, there are skin earrings on the cheekbones, and lower eyelids- islands of wool in the form of pompoms, writes Lipetsk Regional News. According to the scientist, there are only two such individuals in all of Russia.

An unusual snake has been born in central Florida - it has two heads, which is very rare. According to University of Central Florida biologist Daniel Parker, a Honduran milk snake laid eggs several months ago. When the specialist went to check the incubator, a big surprise awaited him. “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” says Parker.

According to him, usually two-headed snakes have a different coloration. Thus, a two-headed albino snake is even more rare, notes Globalist. “This may be the most beautiful two-headed snake that has ever existed,” enthuses the biologist.

Albino snakes have no dark pigmentation on their skin, and shades of red, orange and white appear especially brightly. “In captivity, two-headed snakes live up to 20 years,” Parker notes. - Considering that two independent brains give commands to one body, life turns out to be quite bizarre. Of course, such a snake could not survive in the wild.”

This summer, the Yalta Zoo acquired an unusual snake with two heads. The miracle reptile was brought from abroad. As the director of the zoo, Oleg Zubkov, told an UNIAN correspondent, the two-headed snake, which is born once in a million individuals, settled in the Yalta Zoo only for the duration of the tourist season. The menagerie rented the reptile from the Germans. Let us note that the last time such a specimen was demonstrated in Switzerland was 20 years ago. “An interesting, unique animal: two heads, two brains, one belly. One head is dominant, the other is more passive. They eat at the same time. During feeding, a plastic spatula is placed between their heads so that one does not eat the other,” said the director of the zoo. By the way, the insurance cost of the snake is 50 thousand euros, Ukrainian News notes.
Let us recall that in the spring of 2011, a cat named Luntya with five ears settled with a Voronezh scientist. Associate Professor of the Department of Anatomy, General Biology and Histology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Voronezh State Agrarian University Vladimir Obryvkov has been studying the physical anomalies of animals for many years. From local villages and nearby regions they bring him living exhibits worthy of a cabinet of curiosities - a calf with two heads, tails, two hearts, a Cyclops lamb, chickens with four legs, Siamese twins - piglets, a pig with a trunk, a foal with two noses and three eyes.
Last summer, acquaintances told Obryvkov about an unusual kitten that lived in Voronezh under the pipes near the canteen in the Rabochy Prospekt area. The scientist, who had never had a cat, decided to take her in - for science and for the joy of his nine-year-old son and six-year-old daughter. “Her two main ears are normal, the additional ones are mirrored, rotated 180 degrees,” says Obryvkov. His cat has unusually large paws, which is called acromegaly, skin earrings on the cheekbones, and islands of fur in the form of pompoms on the lower eyelids, writes Lipetsk Regional News. According to the scientist, there are only two such individuals in all of Russia.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest collection of two-headed animals belongs to Todd Ray. On this moment it numbers 22 different individuals. You can see them with your own eyes at the exhibition in Venice Beach.

Today we bring to your attention ten of the most recent and studied cases of finding such creatures discovered over the past two years.

10. Two-headed snakes

The jellyfish is a two-headed, striated albino kingsnake from Honduras. Apparently, she is the most famous two-headed snake in the world. Medusa was born in 2011 and is still alive today. The snake's caring owners even created its own Facebook page.

9. Two-headed lamb

At the end of September 2014, a two-headed lamb was born in New Zealand. Scientists have found that in fact he had only one head, on which there were two mouths, two noses and three eyes. Few believed that the lamb would survive, however, it managed to survive for 6 weeks.

8. A cat named Venus

Technically speaking, Venus only has one head, but her coloring is so amazing that it looks like the cat has two. Scientists believe that this color is caused by different sets of genes that appeared as a result of the fusion of two embryos into one.

7. Two-headed pig

Particular attention has been paid to two-headed pigs since 2007 in China, when celebrations were held there in January to mark the Year of the Pig. At the same time, it was announced that a two-headed pig had been born in Quanzhou Township in East China's Fujian Province. Since then, China has become a leader in paying attention to these strange things. In 2013, two two-headed piglets were born at once, one of which was born in April in the village of Jiujiang, and the second in December in the city of Nanchang, the capital of the eastern Chinese province of Jiangxi.

6. Two-headed salamander

In December 2014, a two-headed tadpole was born in one of the laboratories in Israel. fire salamander. He received the name "Arne and Sebastian". Laboratory staff said that the reasons for such a mutation could be either quite ordinary, associated with chance, or caused by pollution. environment.

5. Two-headed dolphin

In August 2014, many media reported information about a dead two-headed dolphin being found on the coast of Turkey. His carcass was sent to the laboratory for further research. That same year, the carcass of a dead two-headed whale was discovered in a lagoon in Baja, California.

4. Two-headed cow

Behind Last year two-headed cows were born in the most different parts light: in Europe, Australia and North America. The most recent case occurred in April 2015 in Baker County, Florida. A farmer discovered a two-headed calf on his property and named it Annabelle. Today, the calf is fed using a special bottle because its head is too heavy for it to lift and drink its mother's milk.

3. Two-headed turtles

In 2014, several cases of the birth of two-headed turtles were recorded. One of them was born at the San Antonio Zoo. Unfortunately, she died in July 2014. In September 2014, a Maine woman discovered a two-headed turtle. She named it Frank and Stein (Frankenstein).

2. Two-headed shark

In March 2013, a Florida fisherman caught a bull

A boa constrictor with two heads, two hearts and two separate digestive systems has been discovered in Florida. Scientists claim that they have never seen anything like this before, comparing the snake born as a result of a mutation to “two twins sharing the same skin.”

A snake breeder in Florida gave birth to a boa constrictor with an extremely rare genetic defect. The snake has two heads, two hearts and two digestive systems. According to scientists, she looks like two twins united under a common skin. Such animals rarely live to old age, but some manage to survive to adulthood.
Scientists from the Exotic Animal Center in Florida studied unusual snake using x-rays and ultrasound. “I was shocked to see the second heart,” says Dr. Lorraine Tyler. - Usually such animals have only one set internal organs».

The snake's owner brought it to the vets after discovering it had two heads. Other discoveries were made during the research process. Two-headed snakes are not rare cases, but they are not isolated either. This disorder is called polycephaly. However, snakes with a double set of internal organs are extremely rare.

According to Dr. Thielen, double digestive system leaves the snake a good chance of survival. “Typically, two-headed snakes only have one digestive system and one set of kidneys, which makes it difficult to obtain adequate nutrition and completely eliminate waste from the body,” she says. “But this boa constrictor doesn’t have such a problem.” However, given the fact that two-headed creatures rarely survive to adulthood, we cannot confidently predict the fate of this boa constrictor and will be closely monitoring it.”

Boas are among the viviparous snakes. According to scientists, a genetic failure apparently occurred at the stage of formation of the embryo, which began to divide into two twins, but for some reason the division was not completed.