A video caught my eye. It shows the most ordinary, everyday, banal situation. The guy jumps out of the car, catches the girl running out of it and demands the phone back.

Give me the phone, give me the phone, give me the phone,” the young man asks several times and catches the girl.

The young woman awkwardly resists, but the guy snatches his smartphone from her hands.

Video: YouTube

As it turned out later, it was really just an ordinary quarrel between a couple. The girl saw a correspondence with another on her boyfriend’s phone, grabbed her smartphone and threw a tantrum.

Such an event would not be worth paying attention to if it weren’t for the girl’s name - she turned out to be 30-year-old actress and singer Lindsay Lohan.

22-year-old Russian major Egor Tarabasov left Lindsay soon after the quarrel. Really, what should he do with her? The star of the Disney films that Yegor grew up watching is conquered, tried - the mission is accomplished, the gestalt is closed.

Lindsay truly was a star.

Already at the age of ten, the girl began acting, and at 11 she played main role in the comedy "The Parent Trap". Over the next few years, Lindsay's career went uphill. She participated in a series of successful film projects, including Spy Kids, Mean Girls, Crazy Races and many other box office films.

At the age of 17, Lindsay received the MTV Movie Awards, becoming the youngest recipient of this award. Her album Speak went platinum.

Stardom covered the girl, success came. Love from the audience, recognition in the music world, big money and professional awards. I wish I could live and be happy.

But then events followed, as a result of which the 30-year-old woman now looks like a degenerate old woman.

While filming Georgia Tough, Lindsay Lohan was hospitalized. Her agent reported that "she was overheated and dehydrated."

Photo: rin.ru

At the same time, Lohan broke up with another lover and, according to the testimony of her relatives, she went on her usual spree. All this led to problems on the set.

The head of the studio called Lohan an irresponsible and unprofessional actress, the reasons for her numerous lateness and absence during filming are known to everyone: we know very well about your sleepless night parties -- real reasons your so-called “exhaustion.”

At the same time, Lindsay began attending meetings Alcoholics Anonymous, and a month later she ended up in a rehabilitation clinic for drug addicts.

Lohan got into the first traffic accident while under the influence of alcohol, and less than a year later, during the next traffic accident, the police found her driving while under the influence of cocaine.

Photo: dlisted.ru

The filming didn't go well either. Having disrupted the production of two films, the young actress explained that “she felt very bad then.” And then followed a series of promiscuity, arrests, career failure, courts, rehabilitation clinics and even prison.

What did 30-year-old sleeping Lindsay Lohan expect from the 22-year-old Russian major? That he will be faithful to her? The hysteria of the dejected woman is simply funny.

What am I talking about? Oh, yes: big money, popularity, success are always a problem. According to Christian morality, all this is not a reward for some person, but a test. How will a person behave, what kind of person will he remain if you give him everything?

Would you like this to be sent to you? Do you think they could not give up and remain human?

During her acting career, Lindsay Lohan has experienced many ups and downs, and her name has been in the news in connection with scandals much more often than in connection with the release of new films.

Lindsay became popular at the age of 12, immediately after the release of the film “The Parent Trap,” in which young actress played two twin girls with different characters at once.

As a teenager, Lindsay starred in the films Freaky Friday, Mean Girls, Star of the Stage, and Kiss for Good Luck.

In 2004, Lohan declared herself as a singer and released a solo album. A year later, this album goes platinum.

It would seem that this is just the beginning of the happy and bright life of a world celebrity, and she will continue to conquer Hollywood and win first place in the charts.

But Lindsay did not pass the test of fame, she could not cope with fame and money.

Scandalous popularity

At the age of 17, the young actress tries weed, and at 18 she almost dies from a cocaine overdose right on the set of a film. And all this coupled with heavy doses of alcohol. She tries to recover from addiction in a clinic, but is not particularly successful in this. And he even appears in court for repeated drunk driving and drugs found in the car.

She regularly replenished the supplies of papparaci with her scandalous photos. It was not difficult to film her while drunk, because this had become her usual state. Even those who had not seen her films knew about her drunken antics.

Personal life

Lindsay's personal life is also not happy. By the age of 31, she was not married, and she also had no children. However, she had a chance to have a child, but, as the girl herself admitted, during the filming of the film “Lindsay” in 2014, she had a miscarriage.

In her stormy personal life there were many scandalous romances, for example, with Jared Leto or a 3-year relationship with a girl, DJ Samantha Ronson.

In 2015, the girl met Russian Egor Tarabasov, who was 7 years younger than her. The couple almost immediately declares themselves bride and groom. Lindsay introduces her parents to her chosen one for the first time. The lovers spend time together on the coast of Costa Rica, in the Alps and London.

Already in 2016, Lindsay and Yegor came under the guns of television cameras during a stormy showdown that turned into fights. This happened more than once, but the couple quickly reconciled. The final point in their relationship came in the summer of 2016, when on one of the beaches in Greece the couple had an ugly quarrel with another assault.

Lindsay even talked about her unsuccessful romance with Tarabasov in her interview with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov.

After breaking up with Tarabasov, the scandalous actress was seen in the company of a Greek restaurateur, and then a millionaire from Korea, who is called the “Korean Hulk” because of his huge muscles. However, the couple did not officially announce their relationship, although they spend a lot of time together.


In 2017, the actress turned 31, but she looks much worse than her 50-year-old colleagues. Both her body and face changed not in better side. Plastic surgery, which Lindsay decided to resort to in order to regain her beauty, spoiled by an unhealthy lifestyle, made her face even more unrecognizable. Great amount fillers in the lips and cheekbones, facelift, rhinoplasty and other procedures only worsened appearance still quite a young girl.

Lindsay's figure also caused a storm of discussion even among the most devoted fans, after photos of her in a swimsuit while vacationing in the Greek islands appeared online. The girl apparently doesn’t play sports, doesn’t take care of her body, and therefore looks older than her age.

What is he doing now?

For several years, the scandalous actress practically disappeared from movie screens. Her name surfaced only in connection with another scandal. In 2013, the film “Scary Movie: 5” was released, where she only got a cameo role. In 2014, Oprah Winfrey invited Lindsay to star in a documentary series about Miss Lohan herself, about how she returns to her career and tries to live without alcohol and drugs. A total of 7 episodes have been released, and a second season of this story is not expected.

Back in 2016, a film by the Mexican director, “The Shadows Within Us,” starring Lindsay Lohan, was supposed to be released, but as of December 2017, the film had not been shown to audiences. The actress had a chance to star in the film “Inscrutable”; its director insisted that Lindsay play a role in this film, but the producers, knowing about her past antics on the set, rejected this request.

However, Lindsay tries herself in different roles outside the silver screen. She produces a clothing line, which critics immediately recognize as plagiarism from other fashion houses. In addition, the girl launches an online portal about lifestyle with her personal blog, creates a collection of jewelry under her brand, and even decides to film a series about Russian oligarchs. I would like to believe that the talented but wasted actress will still find herself.

Lindsay also leads an active social life and often appears at various events:

Lindsay's popularity began when she was 12 years old, she played two twin girls in the film. She had a hard time because, in addition to endless filming, she had to study. In 2004, she became a singer and released her first album. At the age of 17 she started trying weed, and a year later she almost died from an overdose while filming a film. Attempts to recover were unsuccessful.

Lindsay Lohan is one of the most scandalous stars in Hollywood. Behind the actress's sweet face lies a brawler. Among problems with drugs, alcohol and courts, shameful photos She is of little interest to graphs. Disrupt filming or steal things from film set This is considered normal behavior for her.

She didn’t care about cameramen, colleagues and producers. Colleagues said that it was impossible to work with her. The girl increasingly went on binges and the press constantly talked about it.

She often replenishes journalists' supplies with her ugly photographs. Lohan's ugly behavior has become quite common. Inappropriate behavior, brawls and arrests occurred constantly. Friends reported that she always carried a bottle of water that actually contained vodka and soda.

She will turn 32 on July 2, and she looks much worse than her colleagues who are well over 40. Plastic surgery has made her face even more unrecognizable and worsened her appearance. She looks older than her age because she does not play sports and abuses alcohol and drugs. After photos from the beach in a swimsuit appeared on the Internet, it caused a flurry of comments and emotions even from the most devoted fans.

The scandalous star did not act in films for a couple of years. But her name still appeared in the form of another scandal. Then Lohan starred in documentary film about herself, how she tries to live without drugs and alcohol.

There is a series online scandalous photos related to her former Russian fiancé Yegor Tarasov. Photos were taken in Greece on the island during a vacation.

Nothing good came out of this relationship. The couple got into a fight in the middle of a crowded beach. It happened because of the girl’s jealousy and after that they broke up. Lohan loves to pick her nose and numerous photographs prove this.

A list with all Lohan’s men, which included 36 people, appeared on the Internet. Lindsay has the largest collection of police report photos.

She has many situations that she would rather forget. He ends his career with unconditional disgrace. All her projects have practically come to naught, and now she is of interest to journalists only for the headlines “Look what happened to Lindsay Lohan.”

Now she blogs on the Internet and has her own collection of clothes and jewelry. Appears at social events and hosts active life. In one of the TV shows, she shared about her plans and future family. Lohan has always been active user Instagram. The number of subscribers is about 7 million. In addition to romantic ones, she also published daring photographs.

Lindsay recently surprised everyone with an unexpected act and deleted almost all of her explicit photos from social networks. She announced that she had converted to Islam. She appeared in public wearing a hijab and a traditional Muslim swimsuit.

On latest photos you can see how much the girl has aged, and her fans are simply shocked. Her face became saggy and skin problems appeared, and the reason for this was continued drinking.

The star has become the personification of scandal. Apparently the charming girl with golden hair has disappeared forever.

Lindsay Lohan was born on July 2, 1986 in New York in the family of a businessman and artist. After Lindsey, three more children were born. IN early childhood the future actress began to master modeling career, confidently striding down the runway at the age of 3.

The red-haired, charming model was also invited to appear in numerous commercials.

The beginning of an acting career and worldwide fame

Lohan's acting career began in 1996 when she starred in soap opera. The talented girl was noticed by the producers of the Disney film company, after which she was invited to play two twin sisters in the comedy “The Parent Trap.” This film work brought her awards and universal recognition from both critics and numerous viewers. This was followed by two more leading roles in the company's television films.

When Lindsay turned 17, she got a role in the comedy film Freaky Friday, in which her character, a teenage girl, cannot find mutual language with my mom. This film received great commercial success, and the aspiring actress received an award, gaining fame all over the world. Lohan's popularity increased, and she began acting in big movies, starting with the leading role in the comedy "Mean Girls." This work was successful, and she received a well-deserved prize. Having secured her status as the queen of comedies, the actress played in the next film project, but it turned out to be a failure for her.

Lindsay then changed her acting direction, starring in dramatic films such as Bobby and Chapter 27. But it is at this time in life that stars appear major problems due to the fact that she began to abuse alcohol and drugs. Many directors did not want to invite Lohan, who had lost her authority and trust. But in 2009, the comedy “Temporarily Pregnant” with the participation of the star was released, and many of her fans then hoped that their favorite was on the path to correction. But the actress never got over her vices and continued to lead a scandalous lifestyle.

Photo of Lindsay Lohan as a child

In 2012, there was a wave of rumors that the 25-year-old celebrity would appear in a TV movie about Elizabeth Taylor, where she wanted to play the main role. But after some time, information appeared that the artist had a competitor in the person of Megan Fox, and the filmmakers themselves invited her to become the heroine of the film project. Lindsay nevertheless starred in this film, which turned out to be a failure: critics noted not only the weak script, but also bad game main character. In 2013, the art-thriller “Canyons” was released, where Lindsay played alongside the star of the American porn industry, James Deen. After the release of the film, James admitted that the actress played the sex scenes so perfectly that he could learn a lot from her. Lohan not only acted in films, but also demonstrated her singing abilities. She released two studio works, which included seven singles, and also shot five video clips.

Now the celebrity has moved to live in London, where she is involved in theatrical productions. In one interview, Lindsay noted that she is not drawn to Los Angeles, where it is very easy to go astray. She also said that she plans to continue working on stage, participating in various performances.

Personal life of Lindsay Lohan

At the age of 16, the actress began dating the young singer Aaron Carter, who managed to go on dates with her and Hilary Duff at the same time. When the girls found out about this, quite tense relations arose between them, but the romantic relationship was over. While filming the TV series That '70s Show, Lohan met actor Wilmer Valderrama and fell head over heels in love with him. When there was a breakup with him, she began to worry and went to great lengths.

While working on the film “Chapter 27,” the star became close to Jared Leto. The paparazzi caught the couple on secret dates several times, but the actress herself always denied this affair with her colleague and avoided all topics about her personal life. Then the scandalous diva was photographed more than once kissing her lover Paris Hilton. As a result, the Greek heir Stavros Niarchos became the cause of real enmity between the two once close friends.

In 2006, Lindsay fell in love again: her chosen one was Harry Morton, a famous restaurant owner. The lovers hung out in nightclubs all the time and did not hide their whirlwind romance from the public. But this relationship quickly ended, after which the star again fell into depression and began to lead a wild lifestyle, which affected her career. In 2007, the artist, having undergone treatment at the clinic, immediately began an affair with TV presenter Calm Best. With her new boyfriend, Lohan also did not leave nightclubs, where she was seen drunk more than once.

In 2008, the scandalous diva began to communicate closely with DJ Samantha Ronson, but then there were rumors about a rather close relationship between the friends. The actress often helped the DJ hold parties in the club, working at the console, after which they felt attracted to each other. Paparazzi more than once photographed girls in love who, without being embarrassed by the public, walked in an embrace and kissed. Many people were then interested in whether Lindsay was a lesbian or bisexual. To which she said: “Perhaps. I don’t want to classify myself as anyone.” The friends dated for almost three years, and they either broke up after a scandal or got back together. The actress could not control herself and leave Samantha alone, who was already quite fed up with these difficult relationship. At the time, the celebrity looked incredibly emaciated, and her fans were concerned that their favorite had developed anorexia. After breaking up with ex-lover the star again went to great lengths, trying to drown out the emotional pain.

In the spring of 2014, Lohan had new lover: 39-year-old Spanish artist Domingo Zapata. According to some reports, Zapata is a very wealthy man, so he gave his beloved luxurious gifts and spoiled her in every possible way. At the same time, a list of all the men with whom Lohan met came into the hands of journalists. Many who were among the lovers of the scandalous diva began to refute this information. The artist herself said that this list, which she compiled in the clinic on the recommendation of a doctor, ended up in the press by accident.

Now Lindsey intends to start her life with clean slate, so she moved to live in London. In one interview, she admitted that she still hopes to find true love.

The most notorious scandalous events

Growing up, the Mean Girls star went to endless parties and nightclubs, after which her drunkenness was quite common. As a result of this lifestyle, she began to appear frequently at the police station and even spent time in prison. During court hearings, Lohan did not deny that she drank alcohol and drugs, after which she got behind the wheel. Since 2004, Lindsay began to get into road accidents, but then she escaped with minor bruises. Her most serious accident was in 2007, when, after a noisy party, the drunk star got behind the wheel and went for a ride with friends. That evening she was taken to the hospital from the scene of the incident, and then she had to answer to the police because cocaine was found in the car. The first time she received a rather lenient sentence: one day in prison, public Works and mandatory attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous. But the scandalous star was not going to become a good boy, breaking the law again and again.

In 2008, Lohan was accused of stealing a fur coat worth $12,000. The incident occurred in one of the New York bars where a famous beauty was hanging out: when leaving the establishment, she grabbed someone else's fur coat. Later, the owner of the coat accidentally saw her item in the photo where the actress was captured. Lindsay returned the furs to her, but the girl still sued her.

But it turns out that this is not the only story on appropriation of other people's things. In 2011, a jewelry boutique sued the star, accusing her of stealing an expensive necklace from them. The actress herself denied this fact for a long time, claiming that she rented it and could not return it on time. But representatives of the boutique released a video that showed Lohan taking the necklace and carrying it out of the store. The court sentenced the celebrity to 120 days in prison.

After those events, Lindsay was accused more than once of various thefts, such as the watches and glasses of billionaire Sam Magid, with whom she was at a party. It should be noted that it was during that period that Lohan began to look more like a homeless person than a movie star. She appeared at social events with a swollen face and cloudy eyes, which indicated that the girl was after a severe hangover. In the spring of 2013, the actress decided to take the path of correction and undergo treatment at the clinic, while avoiding prison term for an accident.

According to the brawler herself, she accepted this treatment as a blessing and will now make every effort not to succumb to temptation in the future and not return to her old life. After some time, Oprah Winfrey invited Lindsay to launch her own reality show, which would highlight her struggle with addiction. The TV presenter was confident that this project would help the actress rehabilitate herself in the eyes of directors and her fans, which would have a positive impact on her reputation and career. But this project lasted only one season, and in April 2014 it was closed for several reasons. This show had low ratings, and the star did not actively participate in its development and did not listen to Winfrey’s advice. IN latest issue program, Lohan admitted that while working on the show she was pregnant, but lost the child. True, the celebrity did not say who his father was.

Difficult relationships with parents and colleagues

In one interview, the actress said that her childhood could hardly be called happy. According to her, chaos often reigned in their home and everything got out of control, but sometimes there were moments when the relationship improved and everything was fine. At the end of 2005, Lohan's parents began to live separately, and two years later they officially divorced. At that time, the young girl had to raise her younger brothers and sisters, and she also tried to maintain peaceful relations between her parents. As she grew older, the actress stopped all communication with her father, who had a reputation no less scandalous than his. famous daughter. Michael had a second family, and his beloved gave birth to a son. In the fall of 2014, the father celebrated his wedding with his chosen one, who was expecting her second child, but he did not invite any of the older children to this celebration.

In the photo Lindsay Lohan with her parents

Her mother, Dina, doesn’t seem to be leading either healthy image life. The woman was stopped by police more than once while driving drunk, as a result of which she was deprived driver's license and paid a large fine. The press also discussed quarrels and fights between a mother and her daughter, who accused the parent of drug use. But now their relationship has improved, and Dina is waiting for Lindsay to return from the hospital, where the actress was admitted due to the chikungunya virus. Recently, the star was on vacation in French Polynesia and there she caught dangerous disease, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. She got up heat, joint pain occurred, a rash appeared and headache, after which the celebrity was admitted to the clinic.

There was a time when Lohan and Hilton were best friends, but then Stavros Niarchos, who was considered a lover, stood between them socialite. After this, tense relations developed between the famous divas. Sometimes they hung out in the same group and pretended that nothing had happened. But when in 2013 they beat up at a party younger brother Paris - Barron, where Lindsay was present, then ex-girlfriend blamed the actress for this.

In 2013, when the star was preparing to undergo three months of treatment, she became friends with and even went to visit her. At that time, Stewart was still with her lover, so Lohan had fun with them. In addition, colleagues on the set discussed common topics his stellar career. Perhaps these friendly gatherings also helped the brawler think about another life, where she would not be eternal problems with the law.

At one time, many compared Lindsay Lohan to Britney Spears ( Britney Spears), believing that these celebrities have a lot in common. Both girls became famous at about 10 years old, after which they creative career rose higher and higher. At the same time, the stars enjoyed spending time in nightclubs and bars, after which both had problems with the law due to excessive alcohol consumption. The girls were repeatedly treated in clinics, and very soon they looked like drug addicts and alcoholics. Things were no better in her personal life: none of the romances with men were successful, although Britney was able to get married and even have children.

Lifestyle and participation in photo shoots

The red-haired beauty, who was not yet 20 years old, was able to become one of the sexiest and most charming women on the planet, which allowed her to appear on the covers of men's publications, as well as become the face of many famous brands and fashion houses. The scandalous actress easily undressed for Blank, GQ, Maxim, where her provocative photographs were posted. In 2011, Lindsay appeared on the cover of Playboy as Marilyn Monroe. It should be noted that even earlier the artist, who is a fan of the Hollywood sex symbol of the 60s, recreated her last photo shoot. In addition, in 2008, Lohan became a designer, releasing leggings that she named after Monroe's date of birth. Then the star mastered the production of spray tanning and conducted consultations with a fashionable French brand.

Lindsay Lohan

Singer, actress, model Date of birth July 2 (Cancer) 1986 (32) Place of birth New York Instagram @lindsaylohan

Lindsay Lohan came to cinema as a very young girl. The actress received her first role at the age of 11. Viewers watched on television a cute child, who was predicted to have a great future in cinema. However, Lindsay could not cope with the fame that befell her. Having matured, the girl became addicted to alcohol and tobacco, began using drugs, and led a chaotic lifestyle. Most fans turned away from the actress, and Lindsay eventually became bankrupt.

Biography of Lindsay Lohan

Model and actress Lindsay Di Lohan was born on July 2, 1986 in the American metropolis of New York. Her parents were businessmen, so the girl lived in abundance. Already at the age of three it became clear that the child would creative personality. The head of the family tried to pave Lindsey's way into modeling business. After the first attempt, the Lohan family received a contract from the largest agency in New York.

Until the age of 7, the girl starred in commercials. She has more than 60 works to her credit, including a joint video with the popular American actor Bill Cosby. Advertising with her participation was shown on almost all television channels, and her popularity grew every day. The girl was invited to various TV shows. In 1996, she received an offer that changed her whole life.

The producers of the popular television series “Another World” invited Lindsay to their project. The girl was offered to play in several episodes. Lohan received only a few minutes of airtime, but this was enough for her talent to be appreciated. In January 1997, director Nancy Meyers offered Lindsay complex role in the movie The Parent Trap. The girl played twin sisters, who were radically different in character. The film was released in 1998 and turned out to be quite successful. Film critics were amazed by the young lady’s acting talent, and soon the child appeared on the list of contenders for “Best Young Actor.”

The largest entertainment corporation in the world, The Walt Disney Company, offered Lindsay a contract for 3 films. Behind further development The mother of the young actress took up her career. The woman understood that if her daughter starred in all ordinary TV series, then the fame would quickly dissipate, so most of the offers were rejected.

The next film starring Lindsay Lohan was the comedy The Perfect Toy. The girl played teenager Casey Stewart, who had an unusual gift - she could bring dolls to life. At the end of 2000, the actress received a role in the TV series Betty. The following year, filming was moved to another state; Lindsay did not want to leave New York, so she turned down the role.

Most significant period in life began in 2002. In July, the girl received a role in the Disney film “Freaky Friday”. In addition, actress Lindsay Lohan recorded a soundtrack called Ultimate. The film was a huge success, collecting more than $160 million at the box office. This first experience in a music studio marked the beginning of a new hobby for the actress.

Two years later, the American cinema star appeared before the public as a singer. In December 2004, the debut album in the pop-rock style, called Peak, was released. The aspiring singer approached writing music and words with all responsibility, and her efforts were not in vain. Songs from Lindsay Lohan's debut album for a long time were in the top 3 of the national charts, the album was awarded platinum status.

The career was gaining new momentum, and many works were planned for 2005, including the recording of a second album. However, the young star failed to cope with the responsibilities assigned to her. The busy schedule mentally exhausted the actress. To relieve tension, the girl chose far from the best The best way– alcohol and drugs. At that time, Lohan was working in the film Crazy Races. On one of the shooting days, the actress came in a terrible state and asked for some time to recover. As it later became known, the girl almost died from a cocaine overdose. Lindsey was saved by timely hospitalization.

After this incident, his acting career began to decline. There were several unremarkable roles, for one of which Lohan received a Golden Raspberry. New round came to fame in 2007 after his role in the comedy film “Cool Georgia”. However, success quickly gave way to failure. After the release of the film “I Know Who Killed Me,” the press again criticized the actress’s work. The project turned out to be so unsuccessful that Lohan again “won” in the nomination for worst actress.

Soon problems with drugs and alcohol began again. Subsequently, this resulted in new failed roles. In 2010, Lindsay was nominated for worst actress of the decade. The girl desperately tried to return to her former glory, but every New film was becoming another failure.

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There is no limit to perfection: why we photoshop our pictures

In the summer of 2016, a photograph of the actress appeared online, in which fans could see her belly. Later, the father confirmed journalists' guesses about Lindsay's pregnancy. The matter never came to a wedding; in September of the same year, Lohan announced that she had broken up with the businessman.