Compatibility horoscope: celebrities under the zodiac sign Gemini are the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Geminis are common among celebrities. Which star was born under this zodiac sign? Our article will talk about this.

The Secret of Gemini Celebrity Success

Gemini's element is Air. The constellation of this sign has seventy stars. In ancient times, Greece was under this sign, which absorbed the traditions of previous civilizations. Now the United States of America is there, and under its auspices there now exist: Belgium, England, Canada, Armenia, Egypt.

There is no other constellation in which two are so bright stars were located so close and, probably, there is no other sign where Gemini celebrities are so numerous and represented so bright personalities.

Geminis are characterized by the ability to adapt. He behaves on equal terms with people different layers society, whether British Queen or serial maniac.

They are not arrogant, so they should give preference to journalism in their profession. For example, the famous American poet Walt Whitman achieved such popularity not only as a writer and publicist, but also as an excellent journalist.

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Gemini celebrities are very active, they are always aware of everyone latest events. They spend their time vigorously, their life is constantly full of some events, travel, meetings with interesting personalities.

Every day is a constant change for them; life does not stand still for this sign. They won't let you get bored. They won’t go into their pocket for words. People born under the sign of Gemini very often gain popularity and worldwide fame.

Gemini celebrities – athletes, actors, singers

Marilyn Monroe - famous American actress, sex symbol, singer. She has a star on the Walk of Fame. Her face graced the cover of the first issue of Playboy magazine.

Nicole Mary Kidman is an American and Australian actress. She is the first Australian to win an Academy Award for Best Actress, and is a three-time Golden Globe winner (1996, 2002, 2003).

Britney Jean Spears is a person who combines many professions, primarily a singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, screenwriter, composer, poet, and TV presenter. Grammy winner.

Morgan Freeman is a film actor who does voice-over work for films. Oscar winner.

Kylie Minogue - born in Australia, singer, songwriter. She became famous in the 80s thanks to the film “Neighbours”, only after that she began to sing.

Johnny Depp, born June 9, 1963, is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, crowd pleaser, and musician.

Maxim Galkin is a Russian parodist and TV presenter.

Anna Kournikova is the first racket of the world, the pride of Russia - a tennis player.

Which celebrity is Gemini according to the horoscope + Hornbeam according to the Druid horoscope?

Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Naomi Campbell, Angelika Varum, Kylie Minogue, Daria Dontsova), Marilyn Monroe, Lyudmila Zykina.

Maxim Galkin, Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney, Morgan Freeman, Ernesto Che Guevara, Peter I, Alexander Pushkin, Conan Doyle, John Kennedy, Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Dal. (This is the entire list of Geminis)

Fyodor Tyutchev, Hector Berlioz, Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Nekrasov, Rilke, Walt Disney, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gianni Versace, Ozzy Osbourne, Andrei Makarevich, Maria Stewart, Alisa Freundlich, Kim Basinger, Patricia Kaas, Britney Spears. (And this is Hornbeam born 2 -December 11. Take the rest on June 4-13, that is, from Briznetsy.

I'll start with the fact that

Gemini according to the horoscope + Hornbeam according to the Druid horoscope

these are people born between June 4 and June 13, which means these are not all of the above margo99.

But in general, the list of such simpletons is huge - here’s just a small fraction:

June 9, 1672 Peter I - the last king of All Rus' from the Romanov dynasty (since 1682) and the first All-Russian Emperor (since 1721)

James Maxwell, an outstanding English physicist, creator of classical electrodynamics, one of the founders of statistical physics, was born on June 13, 1831.

Federico García Lorca, a famous Spanish poet, playwright, musician and artist, was born on June 5, 1898.

On June 8, 1920, Ivan Kozhedub was born - three times Hero Soviet Union, pilot ace of the Great Times Patriotic War, Air Marshal

Mikhail Pugovkin, a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, was born on June 13, 1923. National artist USSR

Viktor Tikhonov was born on June 4, 1930 - an outstanding Soviet hockey player, Honored Hockey Coach of the USSR, Honored Coach of the RSFSR, Honored Coach of the Latvian SSR, Honored Worker physical culture RF

Hugh Laurie was born on June 11, 1959, a popular British actor, director, screenwriter, producer, writer and musician, better known as "Dr. House"

Johnny Depp, a famous American actor, director, producer and screenwriter, was born on June 9, 1963.

On June 13, 1966, Grigory Perelman was born - an outstanding Russian mathematician, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, the same one who in 2010 refused the $1 million prize awarded to him by the Clay Mathematical Institute

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975, a famous American actress, fashion model, director and screenwriter.

Alexander Oleshko was born on June 12, 1976 - Russian theater and film actor, head of the workshop of the Ostankino Children's Academy, TV presenter

No video.

Natalie Portman was born on June 9, 1981, a popular American film and theater actress of Israeli origin.

Marina Ambrosimova (Maksimova), better known as MakSim, was born on June 10, 1983, the author and performer of her own songs.

Sisters Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen were born on June 13, 1986 - famous American actresses, producers of their own projects (they say that from the age of six), the youngest millionaires in Hollywood (from the age of ten), now own the luxury clothing brand "The Row" and sell children's clothing in the American Walmart chain

Of course, this is not the entire list of people born under these horoscope signs 😉

Angelina Jolie, Evgeny Kosyrev, Alena Galliard.

Natoly Kot, Barbara Brylska, Valdis Pelsh, Elena Vorobey.

Karina Reuka, Alexander Strizhenov, Vladimir Sterzhakov, Bari Alibasov, Vladimir Levkin.

Liam Neeson, Michael Cera, Tatiana Drubich, Larisa Oleynik, Glucose (Natalia Ionova), Anna Kotova, Anna Kournikova, Prince, Vladimir Simonov, Maria Afanasyeva, Tom Jones, Daria Dontsova.

Tory DeVito, Jullina Margulis, Alexander Yakin, Ekaterina Vulichenko, Vera and Lyubov Bakhankov, Ekaterina Porubel.

Johnny Depp, Natalie Portman, Michael J. Fox, Natalya Panova, Vsevolod Boldin, Grigory Shevchuk.

Evgeny Stychkin, Elizabeth Hurley, Anna Kazyuchits, Oksana Robski.

Hugh Laurie, Claire Holt, Evgenia Kryukova, Oleg Vidov, Dmitry Koldun.

Mario Casas, Artem Semakin, Andriana Lima, Alexander Dyachenko, Alisa Grebenshchikova, Roman Mayakin.

Mary - Kate and Ashley Olsen, Chris Evans, Sergei Makovetsky, Alexander Yatsko, Gojko Mitic, Natalya Chernyavskaya, Dana Borisova.

Gemini - celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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Geminis are dual natures who quickly forget the past and live according to only one schedule known to them.

They are always full of plans, but because of their unpredictability, they rarely complete them.

The Meteorological Service will be happy to welcome them into its ranks.

This zodiac sign needs to have something paired in their outfit. This is very typical for the zodiac sign, based on its characteristics. A pair of gloves, earrings, and bracelets are suitable for a New Year's outfit. The horoscope for 2017 characterizes Gemini as somewhat eccentric. They have time always and everywhere. On the eve of the Year of the Fire Rooster, they should carefully think through their image and correctly place the accents. Particular attention is paid to accessories. To attract good luck, astrologers recommend that Gemini women decorate their hair with a hairpin or a satin ribbon in red shades.

Gemini will receive an impetus for the development of the future. 2017 will be particularly significant, as plans made during this period will have a huge impact on subsequent years.

All important decisions will need to be taken independently, since outside advice should be treated with special caution this year. Astrologers advise trusting your intuition, which will be especially acute, but at the same time there is no need to make decisions without carefully thinking everything through, because the risk of failure is present in any business.

A lot of love awaits representatives of this zodiac sign. Throughout the year, Gemini will be energetic and cheerful. Great time for sports.

The general energy background of 2016 for the Gemini zodiac sign will be positive. This means that in 2016, Gemini will not experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. In general, Gemini will be one of the few signs who do not plan to get injured at work in 2016.

At the beginning of the year and in the spring, Geminis need to protect themselves from illnesses associated with their personal lives. Probably, a lecture on the rules of intimate protection will not be superfluous. This fact must be taken into account, especially weaker sex, which at the moment will be most vulnerable to diseases in this area. The rest of the period until the beginning of summer will be quite calm, no exceptional moments will arise.

From the beginning of summer to the fall of 2016, Geminis are likely to experience short-term depression. Prolonged “depressions” will not come in handy at all, especially closer to autumn, when Gemini’s immunity will fail. Sensual and mental peace will be the key to your physical health. Be careful, don’t try to feel sorry for yourself, because life is dynamics, movement, activity. The brighter and more dynamic you live, the less likely you are to get sick.

In late autumn, your mood will improve, and you don’t have to be afraid of any viruses, but with reasonable precautions. But sitting in a room for days with people who are not the healthiest (in terms of a cold or something else) is clearly not the best option.


Triplicity (element): Air

Geminis are cheerful, energetic, multifaceted and intellectual, they live more by reason than by emotions, and adapt perfectly to a new situation.

Ruling planet: Mercury, ancient messenger of the gods. He patronizes communication and travel, his influence increases irritability.

Symbol: Gemini - it is associated with duality, humanism, versatility, communication.

Glyph (graphic symbol):

Pictogram depicting two figures of Gemini. The double symbol also depicts human hands or lungs (the body parts ruled by Gemini). Two vertical segments connected above and below by horizontal ones symbolize wisdom, enlightenment and the ability of the brain to synthesize knowledge.

Gemini is a sign of thinking and communicating on a personal level. People born under this sign strive for self-expression and try to impose their views on others. Sagittarius, opposed to Gemini, rules the wider sphere of philosophy and mental study of the world. Sagittarians tend to shy away from emotional intimacy and, unlike Geminis, are sensitive to what others think of them.


Stone: Agate is a multi-colored semi-precious stone that protects against deception and falsehood, promoting eloquence, especially in declarations of love.

Color: Yellow is a bright, luminous color of newness.

Cities: London, San Francisco, Versailles, Melbourne

Countries: United States of America, Wales, Belgium

Flowers: Lily of the valley and lavender

Animals ruled by Gemini: Birds with bright plumage and butterflies

Your most attractive trait: RESPONSIVENESS

Astrologers believe that the third sign of the zodiac contains the quintessence of everything human, because it has absorbed the distinctive qualities of the human race - intelligence (Gemini belongs to air element), adaptability (mutable sign) and sociability (Gemini is ruled by Mercury).

Geminis do not know how to passively observe what is happening. They are curious and must participate in events. If the whole world is a theater, then Gemini are actors on this stage. Unlike Leo, who only wants to be a star, Gemini is ready to play all the roles - and also become a director, producer and stagehand!

Duality is your most famous trait. You usually want to have more than one copy of everything. This applies to work, hobbies, careers, lovers. You are active, you need new ideas and sensations. As a result, you often leave behind a tail of unfinished tasks. You tend to waste your energy on many projects instead of focusing your mental powers on one thing.

Gemini is the sign of communication. Those born under this sign experience a constant and urgent need for communication. Do you like to write notes, chat with strangers, the telephone is your main means of communication. For those who don't want to spend a lot of time on telephone conversations, it's better not to give you my number!

With the gift of persuasion, you are able to sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo. Your quick mind can explain any action, defend and justify any position. Like a thief magpie, you pick up information, gossip, scraps of information from everywhere. This makes you an excellent conversationalist because you know a little about everything. You also have strong opinions on any issue (but can quickly change them).

Gemini's weakness is their superficiality. Quickly grasping the idea and assessing the situation, you skim the surface without bothering to penetrate into the depths. The other side of the coin is your ability to make a great first impression with minimal preparation.

The ease with which you write, speak and express yourself brings you success in public affairs. Your flexible, adaptive personality is able to adapt to different people. You are often drawn to the stage and dramatic arts. To the number famous writers and actors born under the sign of Gemini include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dashiell Hammett, Lillian Hellman, Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland.

Entertaining, versatile and witty, you are an excellent friend for pulling people out of depression. It's not hard to understand why you're usually surrounded by friends and admirers: being with you is a pleasure. However, you may be irritated by slow-witted people who are unable to keep up with the rapid flow of your thoughts and words. Nevertheless, thanks to your overflowing energy, you carry along even the most stubborn and gloomy. In any situation, you can be as charming as you want to be - and more.

You don't waste time delving into the abyss of emotions. Your dual nature has a dark side, but you don't let it suppress your zest for life. You are too caught up in fun and games.

Geminis have many acquaintances and benefit from the advice and help of influential people. You are lucky in financial matters, but the craving for extravagance often nullifies your success in this area. In your ledger, expenses always slightly exceed income.

Most of all you are afraid of monotony and monotony; you are willing to do anything to avoid them. Change is your motto; freedom is what you value most. No one will be able to tie you down. For you, pleasure lies in the journey itself, and not in achieving its goal. You love to explore new territories and see how people live in other parts of the world. With curiosity and imagination, you are able to perceive a different perspective on things. Following fashion, you constantly change your hobbies.

Everyone should once in their life get close to a person born under the sign of Gemini - it will bring pleasure. But repeating this experience will be tedious.

Famous women born under the sign of Gemini

Thanks to the ability to get along with people, intelligence, good character A Gemini woman can achieve serious success in her work. It is difficult for her to focus only on her family, especially if home life She will find it too boring. To withstand the company of boring, from her point of view, household members around the clock is beyond her strength.

Even in situations that are completely unambiguous, in the understanding of other people, the Gemini woman shows inconstancy and unpredictability. She does not always react to comments in a predictable way, which often becomes the cause of tension and conflicts. A completely trivial reason can cause her admiration or, conversely, resentment.

The duality of nature, inherited from the stars, is manifested in the fact that representatives of this sign, on the one hand, are nervous, witty, live only for today, and on the other, they are smart, businesslike, able to think deeply and clearly and hide their true ones behind feigned frivolity. intentions.

It is simply unrealistic to get bored in the company of a Gemini woman. Travel, adventure, novelty of impressions are her element, the need of her indomitable temperament. She really likes going to the theater, exhibitions, etc.

She loves fun companies and feels like a fish in water in them. And those around her feel good about her, because she is an excellent friend, has a kind and flexible character, gets along with people easily and naturally, and is able to maintain a lively conversation on any topic. At the same time, she can be not only dreamy and diversified, but also unyielding and demanding.

In addition, she is characterized by such qualities as cheerfulness, youthfulness, cheerful disposition, activity, and initiative. This person will never abandon anyone in a critical situation and will always lend his shoulder at the first call.

If someone hurts her pride, either unwittingly or consciously, the Gemini woman is unlikely to remain silent.

She is fast - in thoughts, in actions, in movements. Her ringing voice and the click of her heels can be heard everywhere. Aimless loitering, walking around the office, calmly and for a long time sorting through papers - all this is not about an employee born under this sign.

She works with sparkle, cheerfully, flavoring her actions with jokes and jokes, makes decisions with lightning speed and is offended when someone cancels them. Her brain produces thoughts with enormous speed, and therefore it is quite difficult for her to cope with this rapid flow.

The situation in the house of a Gemini woman changes with a frequency that is very characteristic of its owner. The subtle, light movements of her graceful hands can work wonders, creating truly heavenly corners in a typical home.

Being a caring mother, the Gemini woman will nevertheless not allow her children to somehow limit her vigorous activity. Together with them, she can have fun, organize exciting costume parties, invent and compose something, allowing many liberties in their behavior. With all this, if the children do not obey, she can punish them to the fullest extent.

If she has any problems, she not only will not shift the responsibility for solving them to someone, but she will not even let anyone in on them. And if someone starts complaining to her about their troubles, she gets easily irritated.

Many of the people who have to deal with a Gemini woman cannot understand her. This is not at all surprising, because she is not able to fully understand herself. The only way out is to accept her as she is, to adapt to her peculiarities of her nature, to her rapidly changing mood.

True love is what all the beautiful representatives of this sign dream about. Alas, most often dreams remain dreams and longing for ideal partner, the search for which sometimes takes a lifetime. It is very difficult for her to find a suitable life partner, because while admiring, for example, a man’s intelligence and insight, she will not be able to close her eyes to flaws in appearance or clothing.

A man whom a Gemini woman considers worthy of herself is a rare find in her life, and therefore the sparks of passion living in her heart most often fail to flare up into a real fire. So she has to live with a feeling of incompleteness of life.

Sometimes she makes desperate attempts to find personal happiness, leading her to self-abasement. When her search for an ideal turns out to be successful, life for her turns into true bliss, however, Gemini women are extremely rarely so lucky.

A married Gemini woman is reliable and reliable for her husband. good friend and an assistant, an active participant in all matters that interest him. At the same time, her husband does not have to relax: all life together he will need to confirm that he is the best and worthy. His wife loves to flirt because she feels the need to constantly convince herself of her own attractiveness.

Love for a female Gemini is a difficult test, because a man’s lot is eternal uncertainty in his beloved, who constantly strives to slip away from his embrace.

The Gemini woman is not indifferent to the sexual side of life, but physical pleasure alone is not enough for her to feel complete satisfaction: she needs a partner with richer spiritual content.

Sincere confidence in her love does not serve as an obstacle to her being attracted to new representatives of the stronger sex, without losing her attachment to the “main” partner. Gifts can help maintain her favor.

Gemini women are excellent wives, lovers, and mothers. None of those who had to deal with them and then part with them can forget about these amazing representatives of such an ambiguous zodiac sign. Moreover, these memories are warm and bright, permeated with respect and gratitude for happy time that life gave them.

These people get about the same pleasure from life. They are active, cheerful, love sexual entertainment and enjoy it. A man born under the constellation Aries can dominate a Gemini partner. He will guide this changeable, capricious person in the right direction. If a man is ready to put up with such a role and restless character, then their union has excellent prospects.

Geminis are lovers of flirting, which may not please Taurus, who by nature is a big owner. On the other hand, a woman is unlikely to accept the fact that her Taurus partner will limit her freedom, and will also be bored with him in bed. Taurus vitally needs to be confident in everything, and changeable Gemini is not able to give them this feeling. All this gives reason to believe that this couple is not in danger of a strong and long-lasting relationship.

The relationships that can arise between people of such signs can be characterized by the word “chaos”. Even the physical attraction that arises between them at the initial stage of the relationship will not help these extremely emotional, mobile, hectic, impulsive partners to establish harmony. Geminis can quickly get bored of each other. And if they stay together for a long time, then their couple will be extremely eccentric.

The compatibility of this couple leaves much to be desired. Extremely sensitive, shy Cancer will take Gemini's manner of periodically playing with other people's feelings too much to heart, although this will be no more than a game. In addition, changeable, active Gemini will not be able to become the constant support Cancer needs. Long term relationship between them are hardly possible.

An excellent union. The ingenuity and tirelessness of Gemini in bed will be greeted with delight by Leo. In addition, Leo will not encroach on the independence and freedom of Gemini, for which they will be extremely grateful to them. The personal properties of people of these signs are such that long-term and very close relationships are practically guaranteed to them.

Poor compatibility. Gemini will perceive Virgo as a bore, and Virgo Gemini as a frivolous person who cannot be relied on. Physical attraction, even if it arises at the initial stage, will not last long: in sex life Geminis are fans of experiments. Virgos adhere to once formed ideas about how to behave in bed. Constant reproaches and criticism doom the union of these people to fragility.

That's a very interesting couple. Both Libra and Gemini are characterized by passion, love of sexual experimentation, lack of possessive aspirations and strong jealousy. These people complement each other well in terms of temperament. A short-term relationship will bring both a lot of pleasant experiences and can lead to a very successful marriage.

Such a connection usually begins with physical attraction, which is not surprising, since these people are united by good sexual compatibility. However, jealous Scorpio will try to influence the changeable Gemini, which will cause a violent reaction of discontent among the latter. This confrontation can turn into almost hatred towards each other. Representatives of these signs get married in extremely rare cases.

People of these signs are united by variability of nature, activity, tirelessness, lack of possessive claims on each other, as well as great demands. Gemini may criticize their partner's lifestyle and behavior, but this will not be a severe test for his psyche. In general, the relationship can hardly be called easy. However, the chances of harmonious union this couple has, and they depend on the amount of effort exerted by both partners.

These are people with different life positions and aspirations. The love of freedom and independence of Gemini is unlikely to delight Capricorn, who is distinguished by conservatism. And the manners, behavior of the partner in intimate life and will even consider it provocative, bordering on indecency. In turn, frivolous Gemini may consider Capricorn a bore, since he is constantly worried about various problems, mainly of a practical nature. They will succeed in a short-term relationship, but a long-term one is unlikely.

This interesting people, and their union turns out the same. Both Gemini and Aquarius are lovers of adventure and an active lifestyle. It is unlikely that a stable, even relationship will develop between them. But, most likely, partners prone to unpredictability will find this style of communication the most optimal. The foundation for their relationship will not be physical attraction, but tender affection. The connection will bring both a lot of pleasant emotions.

This couple will have complete mutual understanding in their intimate life; in other areas, difficulties cannot be avoided. Gemini, accustomed to living one day at a time and not worrying about anything too much, will find Pisces overly restless and emotional. During communication, Pisces may become suspicious and lose trust in their partner. Sincere affection between them is quite possible, and yet their union will not be stable.

We have previously written about this wonderful sign. If you have already read the general characteristics of the sign Gemini, then you know that people born between May 22 and June 21 are sociable, talented, fond of art and love long trips.

Despite the fact that they cannot imagine themselves without society, some representatives of this sign are extremely shy.

Almost without exception, Gemini men are fickle, often change their views, forget about their promises and easily part with people.

Let's find out in more detail what a Gemini man is? How to win his heart? What kind of family man is he and what is his character?


Men born during this period are one of the few among other signs zodiac circle have good taste and know how to present themselves favorably with the help of properly selected clothes.

Geminis are supporters of rich dark tones in ensembles. At work or other events, such a man will be dressed to the nines. But in everyday life, representatives of the sign prefer a comfortable, sporty style.

Geminis have a very beautiful appearance and even over the years they do not lose their physical attractiveness. A Gemini man usually looks graceful, slender and fit.


Thanks to insatiable love to sociability Gemini men are real crowd favorites. They often spend time in noisy, numerous companies, easily meet and adapt to new people, and their natural magnetism attracts the people around them.

But the representatives of the sign themselves, despite great amount contacts with people from all over the world, they prefer to communicate only with those who are on the same intellectual level with them.

Gemini is considered one of the most intelligent signs among all the constellations of the zodiac circle; they are comprehensively developed, intelligent, well-read and well informed about all the latest events. They love life and love to participate in its knowledge. Actually, they expect the same from other people.

Because of their passion for travel, Geminis are constantly on the move, and their erudition and impressions of what they have seen in new places make them good storytellers.

In general, representatives of the sign are sweet, charming and a little spontaneous. And their forgetfulness when making promises and inconstancy do not have a negative connotation. This is simply a feature of the character of a Gemini man.


Despite the fact that Geminis are hardworking, energetic and take initiative in everything, they strive more for entertainment than for work. Therefore, many representatives of the sign do not achieve significant career heights, and success in work comes only when they are truly passionate about the work they are doing.

Gemini experiences all failures in their work very painfully, and can even become depressed, but not for long.

Prolonged gloomy moods are not typical for them at all. As soon as some new interesting thing looms on the horizon, those born during this period will immediately perk up and return to a full, rich life.

Love and compatibility of a Gemini man

Gemini men have an attractive appearance, so they do not suffer from a lack of attention from the opposite sex.

They themselves will prefer a spiritually and intellectually developed girl, and not a notorious beauty. Although, afraid of serious relationships and real feelings, people of the Air element serious relationship more often they prefer light flirting.

Representatives of this sign never fully open up even to their close and beloved people; no one knows what is really on their mind.

In marriage, men born under the sign of Gemini remain just as unpredictable and flighty, often looking for an excuse to be away from home; attempts to pacify his inconstancy or tame him are unlikely to be crowned with success. Rather, on the contrary, they will accelerate the gap.

If a woman really wants to live her whole life with this person, then she needs to learn to look after him, take care and selflessly give affection, without demanding anything in return.

You should also learn to make changes in your relationship so that you don’t get bored with the routine.

It's not easy, but many women take on this role for long and strong family relations. Representatives of such zodiac signs as Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are ideal for the role of a faithful wife for Gemini men. They have the best compatibility with Gemini.

Famous Gemini men

Many world-famous men, bright personalities, who are the true embodiment of successful men, were born under this zodiac sign.

Here is just a small list of the most famous men who according to the horoscope are Gemini:

  • John Kennedy
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Colin Farrell
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Mark Wahlberg
  • Alexander Pushkin
  • Tom Jones
  • Peter the First
  • Johnny Depp
  • Malcolm McDowell
  • James Belushi
  • Paul McCartney

As you can see, the company is very worthy. Many representatives of the fair half of humanity would be happy to connect their lives with any of these men!

From May 21, the zodiac sign Gemini comes into force, endowed with an amazing thirst for activity, energy, as well as kindness, decency, honesty and nobility, which coexists perfectly with frivolity and frivolity, sometimes even unreliability in hasty decisions.

On May 25, right after the sign of Taurus, having adopted a little obstinacy, patience and conservatism from their horned neighbor, the “twins” of the first decade were born - Cillian Murphy (1976)

and Russian celebrity of the first magnitude, singer and actress Kristina Orbakaite (1971).

Literally on their heels, celebrating her birthday on May 26, follows the rebel " blue bloods", an Oscar nominee, an extravagant personality and a strong actress who knows how to surprise, life partner of the same original, director Tim Burton - Helena Bonham Carter, which turns 46 this year.

A few days later, on May 29, the now 55-year-old woman will celebrate the semicircular date Annette Bening with two Golden Globes in his acting baggage.

The month of May will be completed by two celebrities of completely different age categories. This is an actor and director, an 82-year-old winner of five prestigious Oscars and one Golden Globe. Clint Eastwood ,

and a very popular representative of the middle age category of the acting fraternity - Colin Farrell, who, at 36, can boast a Golden Globe for his performance in the film Lay Low in Bruges. Both celebrities celebrate their birthday on May 31st.

The list of June “twins” opens with another representative of cinema veterans - the 75-year-old Oscar winner. Morgan Freeman. Freeman turns 76 on June 1.

On June 4, another Oscar-winning actress celebrates her birthday. Angelina Jolie, UN Goodwill Ambassador, mother of six children and wife of actor Brad Pitt, who managed to get into the top twenty “most hated stars” this year, according to Star magazine respondents.

Right after Jolie - June 5, Teddy Bear's best friend celebrates his 42nd birthday - Mark Wahlberg, has not yet reached the real statuette, but already has two Oscar nominations.

On June 9, I thirst for activity and the energy inherent in the “twins”, my acting career stars of the first magnitude clearly demonstrate - Oscar-winning Natalie Portman, which celebrates its 32nd anniversary this year,

and 49 year old Johnny Depp with a Golden Globe for his role in the musical Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Another unfortunate from the twenty “most hated stars” of this year, and previously repeatedly recognized as one of the most profitable stars in Hollywood, is 26-year-old Shia LaBeouf, whose name is very popular among the youth audience due to his constant participation in various blockbusters, celebrates his birthday on June 11th.

On June 20, almost at the very junction with the next zodiac sign - Cancer, a beautiful Australian was born Nicole Kidman, celebrating her 46th birthday with a well-deserved Oscar and three Golden Globes to her name.

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Geminis are common among celebrities. Which star was born under this zodiac sign? Our article will talk about this.

The Secret of Gemini Celebrity Success

Gemini's element is Air. The constellation of this sign has seventy stars. In ancient times, Greece was under this sign, which absorbed the traditions of previous civilizations. Now the United States of America is there, and under its auspices there now exist: Belgium, England, Canada, Armenia, Egypt.

There is no other constellation in which two such bright stars are located so close and, probably, there is no other sign in which the celebrities according to the Gemini horoscope are so numerous and represented by such bright personalities.

Geminis are characterized by the ability to adapt. He behaves on an equal footing with people from different walks of life, be it the Queen of England or a serial maniac.

They are not arrogant, so they should give preference to journalism in their profession. For example, the famous American poet Walt Whitman achieved such popularity not only as a writer and publicist, but also as an excellent journalist.

Celebrities of the Gemini sign are very active, they are always up to date with all the latest events. They spend their time vigorously, their lives are constantly full of events, travel, and meetings with interesting personalities.

Every day is a constant change for them; life does not stand still for this sign. They won't let you get bored. They won’t go into their pocket for words. People born under the sign of Gemini very often gain popularity and worldwide fame.

Which athletes, actors, singers were born under the zodiac sign Gemini -

Marilyn Monroe is a famous American actress, sex symbol, singer. She has a star on the Walk of Fame. Her face graced the cover of the first issue of Playboy magazine.

Nicole Mary Kidman is an American and Australian actress. She is the first Australian to win an Academy Award for Best Actress and is a three-time Golden Globe Award winner (1996, 2002, 2003).

Britney Jean Spears is also a Gemini. This is a celebrity who combines many professions, primarily a singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, screenwriter, composer, poet, TV presenter. Grammy winner.

Morgan Freeman is a film actor who does voice-over work for films. Oscar winner.

Kylie Minogue is an Australian Gemini celebrity, singer, and songwriter. She became famous in the 80s thanks to the film “Neighbours”, only after that she began to sing.

Johnny Depp, born June 9, 1963, is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, crowd pleaser, and musician.

Maxim Galkin is a Russian parodist and TV presenter.

Anna Kournikova is the first racket of the world, the pride of Russia - a tennis player.

Needless to say, the twins are on their own amazing phenomenon nature. The more interesting it is to watch famous couples who shared one fate for two. Here are the top 10 most famous twins.
The bright star of Tatyana and Elena Zaitsev rose in 1996, when the song “Sister,” which is largely autobiographical, was played non-stop on radio and television.

The sisters, who in the future formed one of the most famous twin vocal duets on Russian stage, were born on December 16, 1963 in Voronezh, but spent their entire childhood in the GDR, where their father served.

Now the Zaitsevs rarely go on stage, devoting their time to their personal and social life, as well as active animal protection activities - they have more than once come into conflict with supporters of the harsh shooting of stray dogs.

It is unknown whether the world would have known about James and Oliver Phelps - boys from the British countryside - if their parents had not once heard about the casting of twins for the roles of Fred and George Weasley in the epic about the little wizard Harry Potter.

The young men were frightened by the crowd of competitors, but luck smiled on James and Oliver - the brothers were chosen from thousands of red-haired tomboys, which ultimately made them real stars.

Twins born on February 25, 1986 are remarkably similar to each other. The only difference between them is a small mole on Oliver's neck, which younger than brother for a full 13 minutes.

Twins Olya and Tanya Arntgolts were born on March 18, 1982, in Kaliningrad, and Tatyana older than sister for a full 20 minutes. In the late 90s, the sisters came to Moscow to try their luck at entering the famous “Sliver”

Unlike other universities, where the sisters were rejected, saying: “We don’t need the same actresses!”, the girls were accepted into the Shchepkin Theater Institute the first time and were immediately bombarded with offers to act in films and TV series.

Despite their similarities, the sisters still have differences. For example, Olga, who is quiet and self-contained, has a more successful creative career in feature films, while Tatyana, who is cheerful and sociable, is more successful in the serial field.

The favorites of fashionistas around the world and the creators of the DSquared2 brand, Dean & Dan Caten, are perhaps the funniest people in the world of the fashion industry, because each of their shows is an unforgettable extravaganza of music and fashion.

The couturier brothers Dean and Dan, whom almost all A-list stars now prefer to dress for, were born on December 19, 1964 in sunny Italy. They grew up in the harsh conditions of Canada, where their parents took them to early childhood.

However, having matured, the brothers moved first to New York, where they studied design, and then to Milan, where they got an internship with the great Gianni Versace.

Brothers Vladimir and Alexander Borisenko, who were born on September 8, 1992 in Dnepropetrovsk, about stellar career didn't dream. They were much more interested in the exciting extreme hikes that their mother organized.

It was she who taught her sons how to properly pitch a tent, make a fire, cook porridge with an ax and navigate the terrain. Perhaps these survival skills extreme conditions and helped Sasha and Volodya get into the Zirok Factory.

And even though they never became winners, Ukraine unconditionally fell in love with these charming guys, who, by the way, recently recorded two new songs and filmed their debut video clip.

In 2005, red-haired brothers Konstantin and Boris Burdaev exploded on television and radio with the song “Clap your eyelashes and take off.” It took the twins 8 years to achieve popularity. But it was “Eyelashes” that turned them into real stars.

However, already in March 2009, the Brothers Grim announced an indefinite vacation and went their separate ways to different projects. A year later, Konstantin tried to revive the group. But after the release of his fourth album, in 2010, his wife died, which forced him to move away from show business.

And in the fall of 2011, news appeared about Boris returning to the stage with a new creative team called "Lirrika". This finally dispelled rumors about the possibility of the brothers reuniting as part of a musical group.

Alexey and Vasily Berezutsky were born on June 20, 1982. They started their football career together at the age of 17, in 1999, in the Torpedo-Zil club.

In 2001, the twins moved to CSKA, with whom they signed a contract until 2011. True, Alexey made his debut a little earlier than his brother - on May 8, 2002 - while Vasily entered the field only on July 17.

“It’s very easy to tell us apart. My nose is broken, Lesha is a little taller than me. In fact, we are very different... Those who have known us for a long time can tell us apart without any problems. There is little in common between us, honestly,” says Vasily.

In 2001, 12-year-old twin brothers from Leipzig, Bill & Tom Kaulitz, founded music group“Devilish” and performed for friends until Bill went to the local “Star Factory”.

There he was noticed by producer Peter Hoffman, after which the group was urgently renamed “Tokio Hotel” - it was under this name that the group burst into world show business.

Critics still cannot explain the guys’ phenomenal success, but the fact remains. The brothers themselves approach their success according to their age - according to them, the best thing that fame gives is the opportunity to travel the world and meet girls.