Almost 50% of all emails opens from mobile devices, and this figure will only increase. Therefore, the importance of using adaptive HTML email templates for email marketing campaigns increases.

Develop a basic HTML Email Template, which will be displayed correctly in different clients, is quite difficult. But developing a template that will also display correctly on all mobile and tablet devices is even more difficult.

Luckily, there are designers and developers who have created collections of editable, free, responsive email templates that work across all clients and devices.

Block-modular adaptive templates

Litmus Responsive Email Templates (7 templates)

Litmus has released a selection of seven responsive email templates with ready-made design. They come with source PSD files:

Green Village HTML Templates

This is a minimalistic block-modular HTML letter template for mailing, which is suitable for various purposes. The downloadable package includes both the original PSD file and the HTML code:

Responsive Email Template by Email on Acid

This block-modular template offers three design options that display depending on the screen width. By default, it supports 1-3 columns. It uses media queries, so it converts to a single-column layout on mobile devices:

Basic Responsive Email Template

Simple Responsive HTML Email

Simple block-modular adaptive HTML letter template for email newsletter uses media queries and floating width to ensure maximum compatibility:

Responsive & Flat Newsletter Template

Responsive Email Template

Email Templates with a Clean Structure

Responsive Email Blueprints from MailChimp (6 templates)

MailChimp has released a selection of six responsive ready-made HTML email templates called Email Blueprints. They include some elements of Mailchimp's specific template language, but can be easily removed if you are not a MailChimp user:

Ink – A Responsive Email Framework (4 templates)

It's adaptive Email framework from ZURB, which includes a 12-column grid and simple UI elements for quickly designing emails:

Antwort Responsive Email Layout Templates (2 templates)

Antwort offers reliable adaptive HTML email templates with extensive documentation and adjustable width depending on screen sizes. Templates work great in mobile clients, as well as in all major desktop clients and Outlook (2000+):

Salted, A Responsive Email Template

The template is based on the code used by Litmus for its own mailings. Offers a simple framework for building responsive emails created in HTML:

A Table-Based (but Responsive) Email Template

This one is beautiful HTML letter template was developed based on MailChimp's Email Blueprints and Sean Powell's Email Boilerplate. This is a responsive tabular email template that already includes Mailchimp merge tags ( they can be removed if they are not needed):

Respmail Responsive Email Template

Improved version of MailChimps Email Blueprints with big amount options, a newly defined structure and a number of fixes for Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail... This template has been tested and carefully analyzed for compatibility. It's also incredibly easy to set up:


Designed based on ZURB's Ink templates. This is a project that allows you to automate everything from SASS precompilation, CSS inlining, CSS/HTML, image minification, to S3 image hosting and Litmus testing. Using INK templates and their CSS samples, you can create HTML email templates any level of difficulty.

Future-Proof Responsive Email Template Without Media Queries

What if you could create responsive email templates even in environments with poor CSS support? You will find the template here:

Other Resources for Creating Email Templates

  • Responsive Email Patterns - a selection of templates and modules for adaptive emails;
  • Cerberus - templates for responsive emails;
  • Really Good Emails - the best designs for HTML email templates;
  • Responsive Email Resources - a selection of tools for creating responsive email templates.

Translation of the article " 30 Free Responsive Email and Newsletter Templates» was prepared by the friendly project team

Email marketing continues to gain momentum every year along with the increase in the number of Internet users. Databases of companies are growing, sending letters to each client manually becomes backbreaking work. Email marketing helps make the process of sending emails more convenient, faster, and creates the basis for creativity. HTML and regular email templates are used for mailing.

If we talk in simple language, email marketing is a well-thought-out system of sending letters to email addresses located in the database.

This type of marketing is based on templates of letters and pages that are built into letters.

Email templates come in 2 types:

  • Plain ones are just a few sentence text emails with or without attachments, rarely with creative formatting. These email templates are commonly used in business correspondence.

  • HTML letter templates are bright, designed to attract attention and create interest in the web page, which are embedded in the letter.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Let's start with the usual templates.

A large number of “pluses” is a good indicator. But they are unlikely to be able to sell such letters during the first communication with a client, especially an ordinary one. Unlike HTML emails.

It is difficult to create HTML emails on your own without sufficient preparation, although it is precisely such messages, beautiful, postcard-like, that attract much more attention than simple “black and white” ones. Templates for HTML letters and emails can be created directly on mailing service sites that have long included this functionality as mandatory for organizing mailing letters to users.

Basic services

When describing the main sites for email newsletters, it makes sense to compare them according to the most important characteristics.

Number of templates

Template quality





Available topics


– Business

Online store

– Tourism

– General, etc.


- Restaurant

– Tourism

– Business

Online store, etc.

- Are common


– Tourism

– Business

Online store

-Online store

- Beauty and health

– Tourism

- Holidays

Online store

– Tourism

Adaptation of writing for different screens

Yes (up to 1,500 letters to 100 addresses)

Yes (up to 15,000 letters to 2,000 addresses)

Yes (up to 6,000 letters to 5,000 addresses)

Free use of templates

Ability to use previously used templates

  1. UniSender.

One of the most popular Russified services for creating email newsletters. 3 editors are available: for block templates (text and visual content can be changed at your discretion), for ready-made basic and HTML templates, for working with your own HTML email template. It’s not difficult to understand the editors, the system gives hints, and all the necessary tools are at the top of the working page.

  1. SendPulse

An equally popular, understandable and convenient site for creating HTML letter templates and working with ready-made templates. Among those reviewed, it has the largest free package and quite a lot of templates for creating a successful newsletter.

The site allows you to create your own templates in a simplified HTML editor, designer, or by downloading your own template from your computer. The constructor is easy to understand; you can create beautiful letter“from scratch”, independently choosing pictures, fonts and placing it all in the required location.

  1. Rumailer

A modest site in terms of design with good templates and a relatively large free package. The functionality for working with a limited number of templates is not as wide as experienced users would like. There is no convenient block editor at all.

The advantage of the service is that it has great opportunities for exporting subscribers. They can be downloaded by activity, by sheet, as well as by login or domain in an email address.

  1. GetResponse

The service is famous for the largest number of available templates in 24 categories. The pleasant interface of the site itself is complemented by a user-friendly block editor of ready-made and custom HTML templates for letters to clients.

The editor is easy to use. Blocks can be easily dragged, rearranged, deleted or added. When you click on the block, a working menu appears with buttons for performing basic actions with images and text content.

In order to view the templates, you need to start working with the mailing list by entering the sender’s information and the subject of the letter, and then select the “Block email builder” button. If the user wants to work with his own template, then he needs to select “HTML Code Editor”.

  1. Mailerlite

An email distribution site that many users call the simplest. The functionality of working with templates is quite limited, but the basic actions are doable. Even a beginner can understand the editor, because... it is simple and clear. Just like on other platforms, you can upload your HTML templates for email newsletters, edit and use them.

How to choose a suitable HTML letter template?

Choosing a service and template for email distribution is a responsible matter that must be approached wisely, because... the further success of a commercial organization or entrepreneur partly depends on this. When choosing a service, you can rely on the above characteristics, reviews from friends or users on the Internet, examples of work on the site, as well as your own feelings about working with a particular service.

An additional answer to the question “how do you know which template to choose?” Statistics on the most popular services could serve. It could, but let’s face it, the percentage of openings, transitions, clicks, and unsubscribes practically does not depend on the service. The only thing we noted was that, for example, on SandPulse (luxurious free limits) a slightly higher percentage of emails end up in the “spam” folder rather than in the inbox. And no one else can control the percentage of errors published by the services themselves, except empirically in isolated cases.

We wrote in detail about the free capabilities of mailing services.

How to find out which email template Is it suitable in each specific case? This can only be done by working with different templates and choosing the best design and content. Many companies first use ready-made templates, modifying them, and then create their own. This a good option if writing skills html of letters and pages no, but the newsletter seems to be a useful tool.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

Hello dear readers - site!

Today I will show you how to make a beautiful one for Email newsletters.

It has long been no secret to anyone that the entire Internet business is built on E-mail marketing.

Every day, with the help of newsletters, info-businessmen and bloggers contact their subscribers, offering them various goods and services.

But in order for such a proposal to be noticed and not immediately sent to the spam folder, you need to draw attention to it.

To do this, it would be appropriate to create a beautifully designed HTML letter template.

Especially for you, I have selected a test template that will be a visual aid.

What and how will we do?

We will create the simplest HTML email template (), which will consist of a main dialog box and two secondary columns.

Creating a wireframe and container table

First, we need to create an HTML frame for our letter. It will look like this:

HTML letter template

HTML letter template

Please note that I set the width of the table to 99%, leaving a small space around it. This is not my personal desire, but a requirement of some Web mail clients such as Gmail and Yahoo. The rest of our email will be in that one table cell, which is centered.

The next step is to create a table wrapper of the actual content of the letter. Save maximum size designs no more than 600 pixels:

HTML letter template

Along with the light shadow on the white background, our email template was stretched to 640px, but it work zone still remains equal to 600px .

Creating a header

Now that the main table has been created, it’s time to start filling it with the necessary content. I'll start from the very top of the letter template and slowly work my way down.

Top line

From now on, I will exclude previously written code (table frames).

So the first row of the spreadsheet has a blue background with white font and a link to the web version of the email. It is very important to equip your letter with such a link, since not all email clients display its contents equally correctly.

And for her appearance meets CSS style:

/* Fonts and Typography */ .footer ( font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #fff; padding-right: 20px; )

Social media logo and icons

Going lower, we see the logo and , which are located on the same level.

The following code is responsible for their output:

In addition, the following styles are added to all our images in the HTML email template:

/* Backgrounds */ .email_background ( width: 640px; background: url("email_images/email_bg.jpg") repeat-y; ) /* Images */ img ( display: block; border: none; )

This way, social icons sit in their place in their own nested table cells and have no relation to other sections of the letter. This allows them to be changed as the need arises.

Adding content

First we'll start by adding the first image, which in this design is 560px by 210px. You can also see the cute deformed shadow below the image that was done separately, allowing you to quickly change images without losing the shadow. Let's move on to the code:

Here we've created a new row to display large images, setting the width to 560px and adding 20px padding on both sides. We did the same actions with the shadow.

Adding a title and content

Moving below, we see the title of the main material and the content itself. Here the following code is responsible for displaying the content:

This is your featured story

There is an opinion that Pattaya became a popular resort due to the fact that American sailors often vacationed here, who, however, are here and now a large number of and they are always surrounded by several taikas. Naturally, it is less popular among our compatriots than Egypt and Türkiye. But native speech can be heard everywhere here)) and in shopping complexes while shopping and in many local bars)). Pattaya is mainly famous for its nightlife, sea and textiles. Of course, among other things, you can find many other interesting things here. Here you can rent any vehicle, including jeeps and scooters. For motorcycle lovers, this is a paradise. To rent a motorbike, you may not even need a license; for just 100-500 baht (plus a deposit of 2,000 baht) you can rent a decent scooter and ride for your own pleasure!

To change the appearance of the header and text of a letter template, just use the following styles:

H1 ( color: #e95f03; font-family: Futura, Verdana, Sans-Serif; padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; ) .content ( padding: 0; margin: 0 ; ) p ( font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; )

Additional Content

Now we move on to the additional content of our template. As you have already noticed, it is divided into two columns. Each column contains a photo, a headline and a small preview. All this is created using the following code:

This is a secondary headline

This is a secondary headline

Despite the ruined reputation of Pattaya, here you can find out that the notorious Thai massage is not just a cover for brothels. In Thailand they really give good massages, and the best specialists In this art, blind masters are considered. Their secret is hypersensitivity fingers.

The main street and the heart of Pattaya, which leaves no one indifferent. Local Arbat, Times Square and Sodom and Gomorrah in one glass, Walking Street is a real source of love and hate for both local residents, and for visitors. When we say Pattaya, we mean Walking Street.

Here we still need to add additional style. Here he is:

H2 ( color: #e95f03; font-family: Futura, Verdana, Sans-Serif; padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 18px; font-weight: normal; )

Closing an HTML email template

So we're getting close to the end of our pattern. Here we need to close the main window using the image and the following code:

One of the most important aspects is to add an unsubscribe link at the end of the email template to unsubscribe from receiving such emails (). Yes, yes, I know, you don't want to lose subscribers. But you also can’t irritate them. You must provide customers with the opportunity to refuse to receive mailings that may have been boring to them for a long time. Well, at the same time, remind you who the author is.

Here you need the following code:

Newsletter from: Ivanov Ivan
Blog author:

Want to unsubscribe? Click here


Dear friends, to display all graphic elements in the letter template, they must be uploaded to any online server, and in the corresponding lines of code you must write unique way before these images.

The test HTML letter template was given as a guide that you can change at any time to your taste and color.

That's all for today. I hope you liked it.

Until new articles...

Best regards, Denis Chernikov!

Ready-made templates - download the offer athtmlform

Newsletter is a powerful marketing tool. uses it to attract new clients. We have prepared html email templates for mailing and for you to make your work easier. Now you don’t need to pore over the subject, heading, design and content of the letter.

Html letter templates for E-mail newsletters – how does it work?

this is what the template looks likehtmlletters

HTMLemail template we can edit. It is necessary on your part detailed information, what should be in the letter and a small incentive in the amount of $46. In just two days you will receive a template with your data and a unique selling proposition.

We will select and change pictures, change the text to yours Commercial offer and provide the necessary links.

Ready-made HTML letter templates - we did everything for you!

Which free templates can you get from the "VozniNet" team?

  • Promotional. We stimulate sales! We have developed and tested a large number of letter layouts and provide the most effective options.

  • Commodity. We talk about the service/product in an accessible way! A pleasing arrangement of blocks and selling text will intrigue people.

  • News. We will convey to the client the most important things! Telling the news is an art. Would you like to know some tips on how to do this best? We are waiting for you in the chat on .
  • Polls. Let's collect information! We create answer options, available questions, and formulate a special offer that the person will receive.
  • Welcome. We welcome the person, introduce the event! The subscriber will be glad to see a letter from a company he knows.
  • Segmentation. Let's make it warm! No, you do not need to correspond with the client personally. Indicate his name - he will be pleased. Reveal his interests - and he will be drawn to you.
  • Resuscitation. We motivate subscribers to take action! Every person is very important. We will shake up the “asleep” audience. We will bring back clients who forgot about you. We will bring back the clients you forgot about.

HTMLletters - a few important details

  • You are provided full letter, which includes:
    commercial offer + design + layout.
  • The letter is cross-browser and adaptive, that is, it opens in all emails, browsers and on all devices.

HTML email templates free download

Using the mouse and keyboard, we can edit the template: change the color scheme and pictures, insert icons social networks and links to groups, change the company logo and letter text.

Additionally, we organize creating html emails and that can tell many people about you.

Below are some more HTML email templates

This option is very useful for notifying about promotional products or when a service has been added to the company. You can also use this version of the commercial proposal in html form when a new section has been added to the site.

This html letter will look great when you replace the pictures with the company's corporate achievements. By supplementing the text with a unique selling proposition, you will win more than a dozen customers.

Try placing a commercial proposal for a construction company in this email template. Replace illustrations, write text and clearly highlight your services

This template will be useful for those who have developed a unique trade proposal For educational institutions. Do you need to offer school supplies to your clients, or maybe you offer services for students? Why not express them in html newsletter format.

A nice template for clients of hypermarkets or online stores. Products, goods, products - you can fit anything in this letter.

Why not sell branded goods to such in an unusual way. An email letter is better than several black lines ending up in your clients’ emails.

If you have any questions or don't know which template email newsletters will be better for your visitors, you can safely select a template, customize it to fit the niche of your business, present it with tasty selling text and powerfully encourage them to buy!

Team No Fuss

A good email campaign starts with the email design. Today, with most email clients and email platforms supporting new web standards, we can send responsive emails to all subscribers using desktop and mobile devices. Responsive HTML Templates letters ensure that our newsletter is perceived equally by subscribers, regardless of the device on which it is read.

To help you do right choice, we present a selection of the most popular letter templates for email marketing. In it we look not only at templates, but also at adaptive frameworks that you can use to create your own templates.


Creating a newsletter email template from scratch can be a daunting task in itself. And when we're talking about about creating a responsive layout, there are even more nuances to take into account. This is why a framework like Cerberus can be useful to you.

This compact library is designed to help users use a few HTML templates to create an email that will provide an unforgettable email viewing experience for your subscribers. Small templates are created using HTML, they are not intended to be used as an end result. The Cerberus developers recommend experimenting with the HTML code to create your own variations.


This famous brand among those who like to test and analyze effectiveness email marketing campaigns. The Litmus team is famous for regularly providing the community with a variety of free resources, one of which is a set of responsive email templates.

All five templates from the set belong to different categories. These include an HTML newsletter email template, a new product announcement template, a receipt template for financial notices, short message announcements, and even a regular email template. It is perfect for users who want their emails to be simple yet responsive.

Responsive HTML Email Framework

This is a full-featured solution for creating responsive email newsletters. The framework provides developers with a set of grids, modules, blocks and lines for content, a function for setting the distance between elements, buttons, image lines and other elements that can be used to develop a flawless email template. It has been tested in all popular email clients.

Foundation for Emails

This is a set of various frameworks and platforms for optimizing web development. Foundation provides developers and designers with an easy-to-use CSS framework that allows them to quickly create effective, responsive emails.

Every HTML email template editor natively uses the Foundation-provided grid system. It can then be supplemented with various elements commonly used for such purposes. Whether you're working in e-commerce or business branding, Foundation can help you create responsive email templates.


Antwort is not positioned as a framework, they call themselves a resource ready-made templates emails that can adapt to desktop and mobile devices. It works flawlessly on iOS and Android, as well as major email clients such as Yahoo!, Gmail and Outlook.

Even with some of the oldest versions of Outlook. Layouts are designed to accommodate dynamic addition of content. At the same time, the letter design style is minimalistic.

Playground by ZURB

This is a development company HTML5 framework Foundation, as well as the operator of a service called Ink. Today it is better known as Foundation Email.

ZURB's Playground offers five different email templates to choose from that easily adapt to any screen size and device. All templates come with separate style sheets and HTML documents. These templates will be compatible with any major email platform. You can easily find a service with which you can use these templates.


A platform that allows any user to create adaptive, beautiful HTML email templates. Mosaico provides tools for managing custom elements and responsive design. They allow you to personalize all your layouts with the click of a button.

The built-in control system allows you to undo and redo all changes made. You can even upload your own email templates and customize them in Mosaico. The platform is open source and encourages everyone to take part in the development of the project.

Open Source Email Templates

A renowned email marketing platform that offers marketers and bloggers the ability to create and market their templates within an easy-to-use environment. As a thank you to the marketing community, SendWithUs provides users with a library of ten responsive templates.

All templates are open source, which allows you to make any changes and adjustments at your discretion. Although these templates are free, they are only suitable for issuing invoices and notifications to clients.

Responsive Email Patterns

Brian Graves has laid out a solid foundation for creating and working with responsive emails. His Responsive Email Patterns project is a set of pluggable templates that you can use to quickly create responsive emails for use with your favorite email platform or directly in your email client. Templates include elements such as lists, media, navigation, and grids.

HTML Email Templates

A reputable email marketing service that helps hundreds of thousands of online marketers achieve optimal results with email campaigns. Campaign Monitor provides functionality for testing email campaigns, as well as an email designer and a collection of HTML email templates. It has more than 20 unique templates that are suitable for almost any situation. Templates to set partnerships, business negotiations, traditional newsletter templates and event announcement templates.

Email Design Inspiration by HTML Email Designs

This is a repository of the best email templates used in newsletters from some of the top tech companies: Dropbox, Udemy, Moo, DigitalOcean and many more. The great thing about these sample templates is that they were sent to real users. This allows you to easily analyze the structure of the templates to better understand the implementation features that provide them. high efficiency. Hundreds of email templates to start with.

MJML - The Responsive Email Framework

It is a framework and built-in custom markup language designed to help developers quickly create responsive templates. The goal of MJML is to make it easier to design responsive emails. The markup you create using MJML is then automatically converted into fully HTML5 compatible code. You can use it in any email client. Several preset templates are also available.


For those who don't want to bother with complex frameworks, Respmail is a simple, responsive email marketing solution. It provides you with a single template that you can customize to your liking. Since its inception, the HTML email template has been improved and refined to ensure compatibility with all major email clients.


This is a complex letter template that uses modern concepts web design. The extensibility of this template is so impressive. The different elements of the template are separate components and you can simply choose what you think is necessary for your newsletter emails.

Free Newsletter Template

Free newsletter template. This is an elegant and minimalist solution for those who want a simple email layout. In our opinion, this template can be useful for bloggers, artists, writers who want to get their message across without having to overload the letter with modern complex elements.


MailPortfolio follows the same philosophy as the HTML email template described above. The only difference is that MailPortfolio is more focused on basic red colors. But everything else seems to be exactly the same. In the basement you can specify necessary information about the company, which is mandatory for most email marketing platforms.

Valentine's Day is fast approaching! It is for this reason that we decided to include in the review very beautiful template Valentine's Day Email Template, which can be used on this day to promote your offers and news. With many features you can customize this template for different use cases.


This company has spent a lot of time fully adapting to the needs of the community. The result is a functional platform for creating emails. The drag-and-drop interface helps developers create beautiful layouts. No more wasting time recreating the same content over and over again. With EDMDESIGNER you can save not only letter templates, but also individual elements. You can then use them again in any future campaign.

Modern HTML Email

We would like to complete our list of free templates with a book. This is the best way to learn how to create responsive email templates. The author of one of them is Jason Rodriguez. The book will help you create modern and beautiful HTML email templates that will work perfectly on all devices, with all clients and in all browsers. The book covers the basics of email creation, as well as how to test email campaigns and optimize them using analytics tools and reports.

Premium Responsive HTML Email Templates

We would like to talk about responsive email templates for HTML newsletters from the premium segment. Their prices are really quite low ( compared to what you would pay a designer for this work). And we found some really great templates.


A functional template that provides all available modern HTML5 elements that can be built into the template itself. You can easily communicate your prices, product features with built-in elements that make the whole process simple. The template contains a built-in drag-and-drop module that will help you create amazing emails. It is also fully compatible with leading email marketing providers.


Vibgyor can be described as a multi-purpose template for various industries. The professional appearance makes Vibgyor attractive to these types of businesses. It contains a drag-and-drop builder that makes it easy to change and optimize any part of the template at your discretion.