Future wife heads of state and standard French women was born in the north of France in large family. Little childhood Biddy passed in secured and friendly family: spouses Tronier were engaged in baking and the production of sweets.

Growing up BrigitteTronierdedicated herself pedagogical activity. In her hometown of Amiens, she gave lessons French in high school and led a circle in parallel theatrical art. At the next lesson, her fateful meeting withEmmanuel. Acquaintance slowly grew into affection and romantic feelings of the future head of state for his teacher. On that moment Bridgetwas in legal marriage with André LouisOzier and raised three children.

Two years later, Emmanuel's parents sent Emmanuel to study at an elite Parisian gymnasium, but the relationship did not end there. After a few years Bridgetdivorced, moved in with her lover and began teaching at a religious school. In 2007, the couple officially registered the marriage and got married.

Today, 64-year-old Bridget Macronalready has seven grandchildren, and the newly-made president of France loves kids. The First Lady helps and strongly supports her husband in his political career.

The President of France considers his wife the main adviser and faithful assistant, and numerous journalists and photographers note the harmony of the couple.

What Macron's wife looked like in her youth: photo

Bridget Macron in her youth, she wore a hairstyle with bangs, which she divided into two sides. The length of the hair has always corresponded to the classic caret. The profession obliged the teacher to choose elegant and restrained outfits, but in ordinary life Bridget always dressed fashionably and stylishly. Especially Bridget love chiffon scarves.

Wife MacronI didn't wear a lot of makeup when I was young. Natural features were emphasized by a wide smile and well-chosen colors of clothing. Appearance current wife President has always been bright. An open look and an upturned nose still give the impression of a sincere and optimistic person.

Fresh, smiling and energetic - this is what the wife looked like Macronin her youth, whose photo is now actively replicated on the Internet and in print media. in clothesBridgetalways preferred dresses and skirts that perfectly demonstrate her proportional figure and slender legs.

Changes in the style and appearance of Bridget Macron

Bridget Macron is in great shape for her middle age. At receptions and meetings, she always accompanies her husband. The wardrobe of the President's wife is dominated by suits and dresses of a fitted silhouette, which focus on the waist.

Another love of Macron's wife is expensive accessories from famous designers. She prefers classic jackets and military-style coats, and biker boots and leather trousers dilute her wardrobe.

Now the president's wife is not only watching current trends and tries to match fashion trends, but also dresses in more restrained styles and muted colors.

The main features that Bridget's current appearance has are pronounced tan and beautiful slender legs. The first lady openly shows sympathy for high heels and dresses above the knee.

Tanned skin along with blonde hair creates an unconventional for french style impression. This complements the unique image of Macron's wife, who remains herself in everything.

Madame Macron often uses powder with reflective particles to hide existing wrinkles.

Experts agree that plastic surgery she did not. Bridget's face shows signs of natural skin aging, and facial features have not changed.

Natural attractiveness is maintained not only through good genetics, but also through regular professional care. The first lady is not a supporter radical methods plastic surgery, but cosmetologists suggest an SMAS facelift. This procedure preserves the natural oval, maintains the eyebrow line and tightens the chin.

The impressive difference between Bridget and her husband is 24 years. The same number of years lived separates incumbent president USA Donald Trump and his wife. The styles and appearance of Slovenian fashion model Melania Trump and ex-teacher Bridget Macron are often compared in the press: stylists notice similarities in the choice of outfits for formal events.

The classic style always looks elegant, and spectacular combinations of styles and shades help emphasize the dignity of the figure.

Bridget Macron is trying to match the worthy image of the first lady of the state in everything. However, she reserves the right to express her personality through clothing and appearance. Modern outfits and fashionable accessories help to complement the image of an energetic and intelligent woman with an active lifestyle.

Photo credits: answersafrica.com, www.france24.com, www.thefamouspeople.com, newsperuse.com, www.lookfabulousforever.com, www.usatoday.com, www.usatoday.com, www.independent.co.uk, vacances- mediterranee.info, www.harpersbazaar.com.au, www.vilaglato.info, www.lexpress.fr, theduran.com, www.lastampa.it, themysteryvault.com, www.lepoidsdesstars.fr

On May 7, 2017, the media reported the name of the newly elected President of France, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron. Of particular interest are not only Political Views Macron, but also the fact that at the time of his election he was only thirty-nine and a half years old and he became the youngest head of state in his entire history. At the same time, his wife Brigitte, or Bibi, could be included in the list of the most age first lady of the country, because a month before the election she celebrated her sixty-fourth birthday. The love story of the presidential couple caused a lot of talk, first of all, condemning, in the midst of the election campaign in the infamous Charlie Hebdo edition, angry cartoons were published on them. However, Brigitte and Emanuel managed to go through all the accusations with dignity and prove the strength and constancy of their love.

Bibi Tronier - Representative famous dynasty successful confectioners, her family's annual income is about 4 million euros. However, the girl did not show interest in the family business, after school she began working as a press attaché of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, then entered the university, where she studied languages ​​and literature.

In 1974, Brigitte married Andre Ozier, who was engaged in banking. Then she was 21 years old, and her chosen one was 23. In 1975, the couple had a son, Sebastian, in 1977, a daughter, Laurence, and in 1984, another daughter, Tiphen. Brigitte began to teach Latin and French literature at the prestigious Amiens religious lyceum "La Providence", and also supervised the work of the lyceum theater studio. One day, a classmate of her daughter Laurence, Emmanuel Macron, the son of a famous professor of neurology and the idol of many lyceum students, came to the studio classes (Brigitte Ozier did not teach in this class).

The staging of the new play was difficult, there were not enough roles for everyone, and the young man volunteered to write new scenario. The work dragged on, Emmanuelle and the head of the studio often talked, including outside the school. At one time it seemed that the young man was not indifferent to Laurence, but after a while he directly stated that he loved Brigitte and wanted to be with her. This caused a real shock in the Macron family, the son was sent to Paris, where he began to study at the very prestigious Lyceum of Henry IV. However, he constantly called his beloved, shared his thoughts and feelings with her, convincing her of his feelings.

Two years later, having reached his 18th birthday, Emmanuel told his parents that he would marry Brigitte. Despite the sharp negative attitude both the elder Macrons and the Ozier children, the lovers began to live together. Emmanuel studied at the university, then, having devoted himself to politics, he graduated from the Institute of Political Studies and national school administration, worked as an inspector in the Ministry of Economy. Brigitte taught at a Parisian college, while she refused to enter into an official marriage.

In 2006, Emmanuel finally persuaded the woman he loved to marry him official relations, she went through a difficult divorce process with her husband, and in 2007 the wedding took place. By this time, relatives had come to terms with their unusual union, Macron had established friendly relations with Brigitte's children. Emmanuel's career took off sharply. He worked with Jacques Attali in the Commission for the Improvement of Economic Growth, for successful investment work in one of the Rothschild banks earned him the nickname "financial Mozart". In 2012, Macron became deputy secretary general under President Hollande, and in 2014 he was appointed the youngest economy minister in the country's history. He became a public person, and, naturally, journalists began to pay a lot of attention to him. family life. Macron has publicly stated that they are unusual, but real couple, they began to appear in the press joint photos, in which a very slender Brigitte was dressed in outfits from Dior and Louis Vuitton. She also became an obligatory visitor to all significant cultural events in Paris.

In 2015, with the participation of Macron, the law on economic growth, named after him, was passed, and in 2016 he announced that he would fight for the presidency. Brigitte left her job and began to actively help her husband. Like many years ago in the theater studio, she directed his performances, wrote speeches, attended rallies with him and business meetings. Macron's popularity grew, but at the same time, very caustic publications appeared both about him and about his family relationships. The accusations were contradictory - someone claimed that Emmanuel was a homosexual, and someone argued that Brigitte seduced the boy at the Lyceum, which affected his psyche. However, the presidential candidate behaved with dignity. To the sharp questions of correspondents, he replied that modern world did not yet realize the place of women in society, and in addition accused the interlocutors of homophobia and misogyny. In addition, according to the politician, he owes a lot to his wife, and they made the decision not to have a child together. It should be noted that Emmanuel great relationship not only with Brigitte's children, but also with her grandchildren, who are now seven. In many photographs, he is photographed with babies, sometimes even holding a bottle of baby food in his hands.

In his speech after the publication of the results of the vote, Macron thanked everyone who supported him, first of all, his wife. The crowd began to chant "Brigitte!", after which she took the stage. During the performance of the national anthem, the couple held hands, then Brigitte brought her husband's hand to her lips, which extremely touched those present. As for the program of the newly minted first lady, she intends to tackle the problems of education reform, especially for children with autism and other problems. For these purposes, personnel and a budget will be allocated, but Brigitte herself will not receive a salary for her activities.

Emmanuel Macron - current president France - attracted attention not only by the proposed political and economic programs, but also by his personal life, namely his marriage to Brigitte Tronier (currently Macron).

Bridget Macron in her youth

Brigitte Tronier was born in 1953 in Amiens, in northern France. She was the youngest of six children. Here, probably, a story suggests itself about how difficult it was to exist in a large family, about difficult times and becoming a princess. But the Troniers were far from poor: the chocolate business provided status and a high income.

Brigitte didn't go to family business, but chose a job teaching French and Latin at a local school.

Brigitte is a school teacher

She also worked in theatrical productions.

At 21, she married André Louis Ozier, a local banker, and the couple later had three children. Nothing foreshadowed changes, it seemed that life was arranged and did not require any adjustments.

Emmanuel Macron

In 1993, Brigitte met fifteen-year-old Emmanuel Macron, her student in a theater group, they have a 24-year age difference.

Brigitte Tronier and Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of a relationship

At that time he was quiet and not very sociable, he was interested in poetry and philology, which became the subject of their conversations at first. The young man fell in love with the teacher and declared that he would marry her anyway:

“No matter what you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you.”

Macron while studying

Brigitte (center)

Macron kept his promise, already a serious adult, and not a teenager whose statements were perceived as a manifestation of youthful maximalism.

The parents of the future president opposed the relationship adult woman with their young son. They sent Emmanuel to study in Paris at the prestigious Henry IV Gymnasium. For some reason, according to many, distance is a panacea for unnecessary, uncomfortable love.

Brigitte in 2001

And it's good that the majority are often mistaken! In 2006, Brigitte divorced her husband and moved to Paris, where Macron was waiting for her.

They corresponded throughout the years of their stay in different cities. How can you not believe in the power of love after that?!

This video tells the love story of Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron:

“Abnormal, but real,” the French president described his couple when he delivered a wedding speech.

Their wedding took place in the town hall on the beach of Le Touquet, where they now have their own villa, inherited by Brigitte.


The first appearance of Emmanuel with his wife Brigitte June 2, 2015

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife

Despite the difference in age, the couple manages to maintain harmony: Brigitte looks after herself like any young girl, appears at receptions with her husband in outfits from the first designers and supports him in all endeavors.

Brigitte Macron Style

As Emmanuel himself emphasizes, his present position is entirely the merit of his wife.

She not only pushed him to fight for the presidency, but also became his faithful assistant in all matters.

At the elections

Presidential inauguration

With US President and his wife Melania Trump

In Abu Dhabi

In India

With the French national football team

Macron had to give up her teaching career, but she found another use for her linguistic skills: she began to write texts for speeches to her husband. Emmanuel, in turn, helps his wife to play the role of a grandmother: he is happy to babysit her grandchildren, perceiving them as his own.

“I love Brigitte. She is a brilliant woman and has a charming figure."

the words of Karl Lagerfeld reflect the general opinion about Brigitte Macron - she is perceived as an icon of style and it is noted that age acts as a highlight of this image.

However, she notes that it is not so easy to be the bearer of her status and is somewhat embarrassed, saying that, unlike her husband, she was not chosen as the first lady of France. Being the wife of a famous politician is not only a need to comply, it is also an increased popularity, which, according to Brigitte, becomes a test.

It is understandable: wherever you are, you must always be ready for attention from the media, there is almost no time left for the personal and inviolable.

"I said to myself: I'm going to miss my life if I don't."

Brigitte cannot be denied decisiveness, nevertheless, to make drastic changes and step into the unknown is not for everyone. Now the first lady of France receives a myriad of letters in which people admire her and her husband, call them a source of inspiration. On the this moment it is engaged in the study of social problems and analyzes how well government programs are being implemented.

Brigitte at the zoo naming a newborn panda

The road to the Elysee Palace was not paved with roses, but strong love and the purposefulness of the spouses did their job and helped them win the hearts of the French people.

Macron family

More recently, the front pages of the world press were filled with publications about the history of strange love new French President and his wife Brigitte Macron. There is no need to be surprised, because the age difference between the spouses is as much as 24 years! Today you will find out how Bridget conquered the young politician and how she is still holding on.

Early life of Bridget Macron

Brigitte Macron (nee Tronier) was born on April 13, 1953 in the city of Amiens, in northern France, in the family of a successful chocolatier. In a wealthy family, she became the last sixth child. A promoted business today brings owners about 4,000,000 euros a year. Growing up, Bridget decided to devote her life to teaching. In 1974, an intelligent Frenchwoman married banker André Louis Ozier, and how loving wife gave birth to her husband three children: a son, Sebastian, and two daughters, Laurence and Tiffany. Back in native city ok Amiens, she began to give French lessons and at the same time led an acting circle in one of the most prestigious schools of La providence. It was then that the fateful meeting of the future spouses took place.

Acquaintance of Emmanuel and Bridget

The biography of the teacher was initially unremarkable. Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron devoted herself completely to her work. They met the future president of France when young man barely turned 15 (!) years old. At that time, a mature 39-year-old teacher and a young youth met on the stage during a rehearsal of one of the plays.

Joint classes unexpectedly dragged on for a long two years. Emmanuel ran with his tail after his teacher, seeing his passion home. In response to this, the teacher praised the pupil, admiring his writing talent, and even called him the second Mozart because of his musical abilities. Her husband did not like the excessive closeness of the teacher and the student, but the loving banker could not even imagine how such affection would end.

Marriage of Macron and Tronier

At the age of 17, Emmanuel confessed his love to Bridget, and his parents hurried to take their son to Paris to an elite gymnasium named after Henry IV in order to hide the blood away from a married passion. Leaving, the guy promised to marry Bridget at all costs. She waved it off with a smile, but divorced just in case. Father Jean-Michel Macron was categorically against his son's communication with a tenacious teacher, but the offspring continued secret correspondence. Emmanuel matured as a groom at the age of 30, the “tender age” of the bride at that moment was only 55 years old.

Photos of the wedding in the town hall on the fashionable beach of Le Touquet became a real sensation in the world big politics, where young Emmanuel has already managed to earn a good reputation. By the way, the peppy pensioner-bride inherited a luxurious villa on Le Touquet, which now serves as a second home for the couple. The newly-made husband himself, in a fiery wedding speech, called his couple "abnormal, but real."

The attitude of Emmanuel and Bridget to children

Musi-pussy relationship, which the couple has been broadcasting from the screen for several years, annoys many viewers. The wife of Emmanuel Macron calls her husband “mani” “mimicously”, and he calls her “bibi” in response. In between kissing passionately on camera, the couple babysit Bridget's seven grandchildren. The handsome, talented, and successful president is often caught on camera, festooned with grandchildren or bottles of nutrition.

Appearance of Bridget Macron in his youth

Almost all of France discussed appearance first lady. The paparazzi dug their noses into the ground, trying to find the most ugly photos and the secrets of the elderly "Bibi". Here are just a few facts that journalists managed to find out:

  • It turned out that Brigitte Macron in her youth loved to wear a hairstyle with bangs, dividing it on both sides, and the length of her hair never exceeded the classic bob.
  • As an intelligent teacher, she dressed modestly and elegantly for work, but in free time I loved stylish things, especially chiffon scarves.

  • The height of the first lady is 175 cm, and her weight, even in her younger years, did not exceed 50 kilograms. Until now, the lady keeps the "French" weight at the level, but the public openly advises the woman to gain a few kilos, because her figure clearly resembles a dried date.

  • Young Bridget did not like the abundance of cosmetics. And if in her youth the naturalness of the features was emphasized by a broad smile, now the lady was nicknamed the Nutcracker by the people, the Russian audience decided that she was the spitting image of Alexei Panin. It is not clear whether Bridget looks like Panin, or like a mother monkey from a Soviet cartoon, but the image of the lady is certainly bright.

  • The openness of the gaze and the upturned nose “muzzle” are now slightly spoiled by the famous smile at all 32. Opponents of the president have long nicknamed his wife “shark”, but the first lady herself does not blow such accusations.

  • In clothes, the woman preferred short dresses and skirts, which frankly demonstrate slender, long legs free-spirited grandmother.

Open, stylish, slightly anarchic - this is how the young Madame Macron appears in dozens of photos that have spread on the Internet, but age takes its toll.

Brigitte Macron now

  • Now the first lady of France is in great shape for her age. At any event, she, as a faithful squire of Sancho Panza, accompanies her fighting Don Quixote. The couple, not at all embarrassed, merges in theatrical kisses, sometimes kissing is extremely erotic.
  • At the summit in Paris, the Macrons met with Donald and Melania Trump. The US president and his wife have the same age difference of 24 years, but in their case, the man is traditionally older. Sparing with compliments (even to his beautiful wife), Trump frankly admired Bridget's appearance, complimented both her face and figure. in pursuit of perfection, she went under the knife of surgeons more than once, however, the laurels went to a Frenchwoman with shriveled knees.

  • The passion of the first lady is expensive accessories from the most famous designers. A woman easily puts on classic military-style coats and jackets. And slender legs can withstand leather trousers and biker boots.

  • Features unusual for the wives of presidents are a pronounced tan and bleached hair. A solarium lover does not take into account the detrimental effect of ultraviolet radiation on the zhamkan skin of the thinness of tissue paper. From passion for sunburn, the skin on the face wrinkles and when Bridget smiles, the feeling that the folds can tear.

  • Emmanuel's wife did not do any plastic surgery, and in makeup she uses powder with reflective particles, the effect of which allows you to slightly hide the dense network of wrinkles.

  • In professional care, Bridget prefers SMAS facelift. This procedure allows you to save the oval of the face from the "landslide", tightens the chin and slightly supports the line of the eyebrows.
  • Previously only ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife were so frank about intimate relationships.
  • Enemies of the president slander that Emmanuel himself is gay, and his marriage is just a PR stunt. In response to the accusations, the young handsome man chuckles, retorting that apparently only his hologram is meeting with men somewhere.

Bridget Macron tries to imitate the image of the first lady of the state in everything, but at the same time reserves the right to self-expression through clothes and appearance. Modern outfits and expensive accessories successfully complement the image of a smart and energetic woman with an active position in life.

Video: Mysterious Bridget Macron

Hardly a persona new french president Emmanuel Macron would have been so popular if he had not had a wife who is almost a quarter of a century older than him. And this woman is not just the wife of a world-class politician - she is also a former teacher of Macron. It would seem that, fantasy story with a happy ending that is worthy of film adaptation (and will probably be filmed in the coming years) cannot happen in reality. But the truth is the truth, and this pretty 65-year-old lady really lawful spouse almost 41-year-old president for 10 years now. Many are perplexed and wonder why Macron old wife when there are so many young beauties around, who only beckon with your finger. And he holds the hand of his dearest half Brigitte more and more tightly, kisses and hugs her more and more at the first opportunity, introducing the audience into more and more bewilderment.

What was Brigitte - Macron's wife - in her youth (photo)

Brigitte was the youngest of six children in the family of wealthy confectioners Tronier. She received higher education, worked in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, taught in humanitarian institutions. But in the end, she nevertheless returned to her hometown of Amiens, where she entered the service of a fateful school. At that time, Brigitte was a "deeply" married lady with three children. Her husband was a famous and successful banker, but the opportunity to stay at home and do housework did not inspire the future first lady, and she was not going to leave teaching.

In the photo - Brigitte Macron in her youth in a swimsuit

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron in their youth

Macron as a student

The 39-year-old teacher met the then very young 15-year-old Macron at an Amiens school. The young man immediately fell in love with his teacher. She also seemed very nice. But she did not take seriously such a manifestation of feelings, considering it a youthful whim. However, Emmanuel was firm and persistent to such an extent that Brigitte almost gave up. But the mind still took up the feelings. Macron's relatives urgently sent the young man to Paris to study, which led to a temporary lull. Emmanuel reappeared in the life of Mrs. Tronier a few years later and now decided not to go anywhere else from his beloved. Brigitte was already divorced at that time and was finally able to reciprocate the faithful young man. The couple got married in 2007.

What does Brigitte Macron look like now: the best photos of the president's wife

Emmanuel calls his wife a muse, adviser, mentor, the main person in his life. Indeed, it is not known whether he would have reached such heights if Brigitte had not stood behind him. After all, it was she who wrote speeches for him to speak, picked up clothes, thought through all the nuances of political companies. In this case, the age difference only plays into the hands, because it is easier for a more wiser person to predict the reaction of voters to a particular statement or action.

Brigitte Macron turned out to be the perfect first lady - stylish, elegant, pretty, self-confident. French fashion magazines have dubbed Ms Macron a "style icon". And not unreasonably. What is she worth slim figure! Few people in more young age can boast of such legs, to say nothing of 65-year-old women familiar to our eyes. They usually put on something long, baggy, dull, as if declaring that life is going down. But if you look at how Brigitte dresses, it seems that she still has everything ahead of her.

Take a look at the recent photo behind the first ladies of France and the United States, which literally blew up the network, dividing users into two camps. Some admired the sexy forms of Melania Trump's buttocks, the way he sits on her white pencil skirt, along the way not forgetting to criticize Brigitte Marcon for an unsexy rear view.

In the photo - the figure of Brigitte Macron in a swimsuit now

Others saw in the wife of the French president the ideal first lady, who does not need to emphasize her curves and forms in order to be popular. She is good and content with herself the way she is. And her husband loves her dearly, no matter what. And what can Melania say about this? A well-pumped butt is not yet a guarantee of family happiness.

Brigitte Macron before and after plastic surgery - photo

Internet users are wondering: “Did Brigitte Macron have plastic surgery?”. The first lady looks quite harmonious and fresh for her age. According to experts in plastic surgery, Madame Macron did not abuse plastic surgery, she only changed the shape of her nose a little. Otherwise, her face was subjected only to filler injections. But no one would have condemned the first lady, having decided she would go under the knife of surgeons for a more thorough rejuvenation. Of course, if we are talking about moderate interference, without turning into Donatella Versace. But, apparently, she does not need such drastic measures - she is quite pleased with herself.

If we compare the photo of Macron's wife in a bathing suit now and before, it is difficult to find many differences - the woman is in great shape. Posing next to her happy husband, gently hugging his missus by the waist, which serves as iron proof that you can be loved at any age.

The legendary outfits of Macron's wife: the best photos

Surely, subsequently, all the outfits of the first lady of France will be awarded a place in some fashion museum, because Brigitte has excellent taste. She knows exactly how to look right at a particular reception, how to dress moderately modestly and appropriately. She has long been a fan of the Louis Vuitton brand, preferring it to all other high-profile brands. And this constancy only plays into her hands - from image to image, Madame Macron looks better and better in Louis Vuitton suits and dresses.

Macron's wife has her own Instagram account, where she periodically posts photos from receptions, vacations and other events. It is naive to hope that all the published images of the first lady of France will be liked by all Internet users without exception. But most people still praise the stylish Brigitte, admire her taste, resistance to human gossip, the ability to always look dignified and on top.

It is these women who inspire ordinary people faith in love, which is submissive to all ages. How else can one explain Emmanuel's shining eyes when he looks at his Brigitte?