Robots are a modern trend; robotic devices are being created all over the world that can assemble cars, work as bartenders, deactivate mines, and do much more. But today we will focus on the most notable robots that have appeared in Russia in recent years. Ten of the most remarkable domestically produced robots are included in our selection.

AnyWalker Robot

The AnyWalker robot moves on two supports, opens doors and climbs stairs. It was designed by the Moscow Technological Institute, Kuban state university, as well as the Technodinamika company.

The Russian innovation in the principles of movement of this robot is that AnyWalker creates internal moments of force for stabilization. Therefore, the robot is distinguished by increased maneuverability, as well as low weight, design complexity and cost. AnyWalker is proposed to be used as an educational platform for robotics.

Robot "Avatar"

In the third quarter of 2016, tests of the android robot “Avatar” began. This robot should replace a person in hard-to-reach places, for example, in emergency zones or in space. Now the robot can drive a car, recognize the road surface, markings and the side of the road. The creators of Avatar promise that over time the robot will be able to overcome a full-fledged obstacle course.

Robot R.Bot

R.Bot is the first domestic robot that can be controlled via Wi-Fi. The robot is equipped with a camera with a resolution of 640x480, stereo speakers and a highly sensitive microphone. He can rotate around his axis and also turn his head in the desired direction. R-bot moves with the support of three wheels – two driving wheels and one small support one. The initial copies of the robot moved at a speed of 1.9 km/h, newer models reach a speed of 4.6 km/h. The robot is equipped with an LCD screen through which the device is controlled. The operating time of R-Bot is on average 8 hours. The main purpose of the robot is to represent companies at various exhibitions. In addition, R-Bot can be present during operations and also act as a caregiver for patients.

Robot Lexy

The Lexy robot can become a real human friend. It can recognize human speech, control a smart home, search for information on the Internet, tell jokes, and recognize humans and animals. Unfortunately, the robot still has hearing problems. Dmitry Teteryukov, Skoltech professor and head of the robotics laboratory, states: “Using an array of microphones similar to the one used in Lexy, it is possible to solve the problem of voice control in systems where the command is given over a long distance and where extraneous noise may be present. "Current designs rely on a single microphone and do not perform well at detecting voices under these conditions." The main application of the robot is to control a “smart home”. In addition, Lexy can be used in cruise control: the robot can make interactive map city, identify transitions, adjust the sound balance in the car cabin.

Robot "Maribot"

Scientists at Samara University have developed an autonomous robot for exploring the sea. The robot can do analysis depths of the sea throughout the year. It consists of a surface and an underwater part, connected to each other by a cable rope. It is noteworthy that the robot does not have a standard engine: “Maribot” converts wave energy into translational energy. Therefore, the robot can work without human control while remaining in touch with scientists. One of the important tasks of the robot is to conduct seismic exploration in open ocean in the area of ​​oil production platforms. If the necessary parameters obtained from scientists are available, the robot can measure the water temperature, its hydrochemical composition, impurities, salinity, etc. Most modern robots of this kind are distinguished by the presence of their own magnetic fields, which reduces their effectiveness in transmitting information to land. Therefore, it is quite possible that Maribot, operating autonomously, will transmit data of higher quality than other robots engaged in exploring the seabed. The robot has already been successfully tested on Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Robot Gelios 20

Gelios 20 was created by Rubicon. This device will be used in various technological processes, for example, in laser or adhesive welding, as well as for controlling the position of workpieces or during waterjet cutting. In addition, the robot can automate the process of unloading and loading workpieces, which will eliminate human factor from production.

Mobile robot "Engineer"

Robot "Engineer" is designed for emergency services. It is also intended to help in testing new types of technology and conducting various research. The robot is compact - the device weighs 18-23 kg, so it can be carried in a backpack. The robot's high tightness protects it from difficult weather conditions. The “Engineer” is able to overcome various obstacles, climb ladders, and lift his camera to a height of up to 130 centimeters. By the way, the robot’s cameras are installed on the principle of stereo vision, which provides all-round visibility without the robot’s head rotating. To control the robot, you do not need any special knowledge - it is controlled using a regular joystick, as well as virtual reality glasses.

Minirex robot

The Minirex robot was created for combat in urban environments. The fact that opponents can use thermal imagers has made the work of urban snipers more dangerous, so their functions are increasingly taken over by technology. Like the Engineer robot, Minirex easily fits into a regular backpack, and thermal imagers help it recognize living targets. Moreover, the robot’s computing system allows it to calculate the enemy more accurately than a live shooter does. Minirex recognizes faces at a distance of up to 400 meters.

Robot teacher "Eve"

The prototype of the first robot teacher, Eve, was her namesake from the cartoon “Wall-E.” Eva taught her first lesson at the Kazan IT Lyceum Federal University. The robot can move around the classroom at a speed of 5 km/h, conduct dialogues with students and recognize their faces using a video camera.

The development and implementation of robots in the Russian army is gaining momentum and is being carried out in all areas of the military branches. The advent of robots is associated with the opportunity to reduce personnel losses during combat operations. Robots are capable of performing tasks that are beyond the capabilities of humans - they do not know fatigue, do not feel pain and are able to perform combat missions in the most critical conditions. Robots entering various types of troops are used to make passages in minefields, carry out reconnaissance, are used on water, under water, and extinguish fires in hard-to-reach places.

Engaged in the development of robotics Russian analogue American DARPA - Advanced Research Foundation (APF). The deputy head of the FPI, Igor Denisov, announced yesterday plans to introduce one of the robotic platforms into the “equipment of the soldier of the future.” According to him, this is dictated by the fact that it is impossible to endlessly increase a person’s capabilities and turn him into walking tank. “A fighter must have a personal assistant, a squire. The complex can be considered as a fighter’s own “dog,” which will allow him to solve his problems faster and more conveniently, transport him, weapons, provide communications, see further and in different ranges, and hit targets. A person cannot carry a gun, but a robot can,” he said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

“Not a single army in the world is armed with robots that operate autonomously,

- Alexey Leonkov, an expert at Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, noted in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. — It would be more correct to call this technology robotic systems, because control and decision-making functions still largely depend on the operator, that is, the person. But the simpler functions that the robot can perform are given to its artificial intelligence, work on which is now actively underway,” explains the interlocutor.

The development of combat robots in our country has rich history. Tests of remotely controlled tanks took place back in the 1930s, and in the production of drones Soviet Union was in the lead until its collapse. After 1991, many projects were frozen, and those UAVs that entered the Russian army quickly lagged behind foreign ones.

In recent years, active rearmament has begun Russian army and the number of developments in robotics has increased significantly.

The Armed Forces have adopted the concept of development and combat use robotic systems for the period until 2025. According to this concept, the share of robots in the overall structure of weapons and military equipment of the Russian army should reach 30%.

Verified by Syria

In Russia and around the world, robotic systems are being developed in four main areas, explains Alexey Leonkov: reconnaissance robots, combat robots, logistics robots, and robots performing engineering work. Robots are also divided into classes: light, medium and heavy.

Russian robotic systems of the Uran line are already in full swing performing various combat missions in Syria.

Robot minesweeper "Uran-6" has already taken an active part in demining Palmyra in Syria, as discussed earlier. This is a multifunctional robotic complex weighing up to six tons on a light tracked platform, designed for making passages in minefields and area demining of territories. When clearing the area of ​​explosive objects, it allows sappers to avoid direct contact with ammunition during work to detect them and prepare for destruction. Various equipment is attached to the body of the armored vehicle depending on the type of sapper work: striker, roller or milling trawls. Control is carried out from a remote control, which can be located at a distance of up to a kilometer. The specialist receives a signal from video cameras installed on the machine body. The state special arms exporter Rosoboronexport has already begun offering this complex to foreign buyers.

"Uran-9"- a combat robot that also took part in the anti-terrorist operation in Syria, designed to provide fire support to units special purpose, as well as for reconnaissance. The robot is armed with a 30-mm automated cannon, a coaxial machine gun and a complex of Ataka ATGM anti-tank missiles. The activation of Attack missiles allows the vehicle to engage in battle and destroy the most modern battle tanks from a distance of 8 thousand meters. The robot is also equipped with a laser control system.

In the Uranov series there is also a relatively “peaceful” robot - "Uran-14", performing fire extinguishing in hard-to-reach places. The robot can work in conditions of high temperatures and the danger of detonating unneutralized mines - when there is a danger to the work of firefighters.

Of particular interest is the line of robots on the M platform and on the Argo platform - these machines, controlled by Russian military personnel, together with the Syrian army, participated in the assault on the Tower heights, which ended with the destruction of 70 militants and the taking of the position. Among the soldiers Syrian army four people were injured and no deaths.

Platform "M"- Russian serial robotic complex, which is a universal self-propelled tracked remote-controlled platform for reconnaissance and target destruction, fire support and security of objects. He can also lay mines and clear enemy minefields.

Combat robotic complex "Argo" designed for reconnaissance and patrolling of the area, capable of hitting manpower, as well as unarmored or lightly armored enemy vehicles. Able to move over rough and mountainous terrain. Can be used during amphibious landing operations. The remotely controlled complex is capable of providing fire support to air assault groups, conducting coastal reconnaissance, and ensuring the delivery of cargo and ammunition to units fighting on the shore.

The first use of these robots in real combat conditions was considered successful.

Equipment of the future and Putin’s “Avatar”

Currently, under the leadership of the Degtyarev Plant and the Advanced Research Foundation, combat robots “Nerekhta” and “Avatar” are being developed. These robots are quite promising and can be controlled at a distance of up to 20 km.

"Nerekhta" It is currently at the stage of field testing and will soon enter service with the troops. This is a combat tracked platform for operation with interchangeable strategic, reconnaissance and transport modules to perform various tactical missions. This is a universal vehicle for solving a wide range of tasks: from reconnaissance and patrolling to fire suppression and action on the battlefield. A modular design with a single tracked platform provides such capabilities. Thanks to its high maneuverability, this vehicle with two tank machine guns can operate successfully in urban conditions. Although the deputy prime minister in charge of the military-industrial complex

Dmitry Rogozin believes that the weapons on the Nerekhta are not enough, and proposes installing the Kornet anti-tank missile system on this platform.

The Nerekhta platform has already been developed. As FPI Deputy General Director Igor Denisov told RIA Novosti, the vehicle will receive an “air component”, new ammunition, and additional automation elements will also appear - it will be part of the “equipment of the soldier of the future.” “The Nerekhta-2 complex will operate in automatic movement mode over unprepared territory, will receive a new type of ammunition to solve the problem in conditions of indirect visibility, and will be able to fight heavier and more protected targets. Considerable attention will be paid to group management,” Denisov explained.

Robot "Avatar" became famous thanks to its demonstration to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He will have capabilities comparable to human ones. Avatar was conceived as a rescue robot, but the developers came to the conclusion that it could be modified for use in space and for military purposes. He showed the President his ability to move across rough terrain on an ATV and shoot at a target with a pistol. The humanoid robot was controlled by an operator, remotely performing the movements that the “Avatar” performed.

In urban areas, the military is encouraged to use another promising development - combat robot "Lynx". The car is planned to be made all-weather so that it can move and function in rain, snow and ice. The developers promise that Lynx will be able to operate in mountainous areas and destroyed urban infrastructure, industrial enterprises, in industrial and residential premises, overcome thresholds up to 500 mm high, flights of stairs with an angle of inclination up to 30° and step heights up to 200 mm, ditches up to half a meter wide, walls up to 400 mm high and up to 300 mm wide. The “Lynx” equipment includes technical vision equipment, data transmission equipment and control commands, navigation and orientation equipment, reconnaissance and surveillance equipment, lighthouse tracking equipment, a software package and defined functional purpose target load.

The tank-building giant Uralvagonzavod plans to make robots in the future based on the T-90 tanks and even the promising Armata.

Diversity or unification

Active development of water and underwater vehicles is underway that will help submariners conduct reconnaissance of enemy ships and minefields. To evacuate soldiers from the battlefield, robotic lightly armored vehicles are being considered that will evacuate wounded soldiers in conditions of heavy fire. In addition, rear robotic systems are being created to deliver supplies to the battlefield.

“The least used robotic systems are now in the Aerospace Forces. This is due to the fact that development work in this area is still at the development stage,” military expert Viktor Murakhovsky noted in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

According to Alexey Leonkov, the most

The main work is now being done to give all robotic systems as much autonomy as possible, because weapons can be used in combat conditions electronic warfare and the robot-operator connection may be lost.

The military department pays close attention to the development and supply of troops with promising weapons, including robotic systems. The state finances many promising programs in this area. But experts believe that

Today there are a lot of robotic platforms.

In this regard, a Robotics Development Center is being created, whose task is to create unified basic platforms for application environments and reduce production costs, increasing efficiency. The International Military-Technical Forum Army 2016, which will be held from September 6 to 11 at the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Center of the Armed Forces, should also bring some clarity to current developments in the field of robotics.

The height of the robot is about 185 cm, the weight is about 300 kg, the center of mass is located very low - at a height of 40 cm, in addition to this, the diameter of the lower protective skirt prevents attempts to turn the robot over. He, like a “vanka-stand-up”, will strive for a vertical position. The maximum speed of the RPS robot is 10 km/h. Cruising speed 5 km/h. There are 6 video cameras inside the robot. Of these, 4 are ultra-wide-field fisheye cameras. Through them, the robot even sees bricks that it touches with its lower part. Each camera provides a view of a full circular panorama - solid angle 2.
High-quality photographs are taken with an 8-megapixel camera located behind the armored glass. A high-speed PTZ camera located in the transparent conical top of the robot helps the duty officer quickly inspect the scene.
For autonomous movement, the robot is equipped with additional 24 sensors. The robot can work in autonomous mode for 8 hours and indefinitely if there are robotic charging stations (RCS) in the patrol area.

Features being tested and developed

Monitoring the situation in the location selected by the operator.
Mobile checkpoint (organization of operational access control in a randomly selected location).
Video inspection (moving around courtyard areas during operational work).
Intercom (communication device with the duty officer).
Panic button (activation of alarm mode and intercom).
Public address announcement about an emergency.
Crime detection
Verification of documents.
Blocking exit and exit.
First aid for victims. Mobile pharmacy.
Collection of material evidence.
Information function (the robot can show civilians or to police officers where a crime is being committed, where the criminal ran, where the victim is, to whom the ambulance is going or people are running, etc.).
Regulatory function. With the help of a wand, he can regulate traffic at intersections or restrict traffic at any point on the road or at checkpoints.
Prescriptive function for motor transport. Demanding a vehicle to stop by clearly indicating with a baton.
Inspection (auto). Checking the inside of the car using a video camera in the stick (inspecting the contents of the interior, trunk, inspection of the engine and engine numbers). Checking documents PTS, license, passport, etc.
Attracting attention using special signals.
Features of the design being developed and tested:

The built-in speech synthesizer makes the robot communicative.
Controlled movement in the speed range 0-10 km/h.
Automatic replacement of batteries at robotic charging stations (RCS).
Autonomous movement at cruising speed to the RZS to change batteries.
Autonomous movement around the patrol area, or to a point specified by the duty officer.
Autonomous ordering of incoming information in accordance with the functioning of the RPS.
Autonomous terrain mapping for future use.
Use of GPS and GLONASS positioning systems.
Orientation by natural objects of the surrounding world.
Orientation by special marks.

The police robot called “R.BOT No. 1” is the only copy in Russia; its analogue does not exist in any country. This is the first operational robot patrolling the city streets in test mode. “R.BOT” is the main element of the created RPS (robotic patrol service).

For the first time, a robot policeman announced himself on Perm City Day, when he patrolled the Kama embankment and congratulated Perm residents on the holiday.
The robot underwent trial operation in Perm from May to October 2007 on the avenues, boulevards and squares of the city. At the moment, it is planned to install two manipulators on the robot. Testing of the robotic patrol service consisting of the RPS Robot and robotic charging stations (RCS) will continue.

Robots are increasingly being introduced into daily life modern man. This trend is especially noticeable in the military field: in fact, a significant amount of developments in the field of robotics are of defense origin. What capabilities do modern combat robots have? Does Russia have competitive examples of such equipment?

Combat robots: specifics

Actually, what kind of weapon is this - a combat robot? These are weapons of the future or products that are already active practical use in advanced

Regarding the first question, the criteria vary greatly. Among Russian experts, the term “robot” is most often understood as a device capable, first of all, of independent decision-making. In particular, if we talk about the military sphere of application - about target acquisition, about shooting, about moving across terrain, etc. That is, capable, to one degree or another, of replacing a soldier. There are other interpretations of the term “combat robot”. Thus, such machines can be understood as any developments that can ensure the execution of combat missions without the actual presence of a person on the territory where they are carried out. At the same time, the autonomy of the machines is not necessary.

As for the criterion of independent performance of functions, robots can operate in full autonomy, partial or within the framework. A typical combat robot of the future, experts believe, will be characterized by predominantly independent work. Today, however, semi-autonomous and guided vehicles are among the most common. Robots that are completely independent of humans are still a rarity even in the military sphere, where the most advanced engineering concepts are often concentrated.

Combat robots have been used in practice in the armies of the world for a long time. However latest developments weapons of the corresponding type, as a rule, reflect the capabilities of the most advanced technologies - in the field of navigation, visual object recognition, artificial intelligence, weapons and other aspects. And that's why newest generations robots may be incomparably more progressive than those developed several years ago.

In practice, military-type robotic solutions can be implemented in the most different forms. These can be self-propelled units - on independent platforms or integrated with current species military equipment - armored vehicles, tanks. These could be aircraft. These can be underground or underwater devices. Among the most modern concepts- android robots, that is, those that are similar in appearance to humans and are designed to replace them in a number of combat missions.

Government program

Russian military equipment based on robotic developments, thanks to the initiatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, will be created and put into operation within the framework of a comprehensive target program approved in 2014. It is expected, in particular, that the share of robots in the armament structure of the Russian Army may be about 30%. However, the main part of the relevant program is still classified. But some facts are still known to the public. Let's look at them.

Current developments

The device, developed in Izhevsk, weighs about 900 kg, reaches speeds of up to 45 km/h and runs on a gasoline engine. Robot autonomy is one of the key differences from foreign analogues, in particular American ones, which, as some experts note, can function fully effectively only in human control mode.

There is also information that another Russian combat robot will be created on the basis of the Tiger machine. The corresponding kit will be equipped with a powerful anti-tank weapon of the Kornet type. However, there is still very little public information about this development.

In the near future, small reconnaissance robots produced by the Sozvezdie company should enter the Russian army. They are intended mainly for working underground. These machines are capable, for example, of determining how much enemy military equipment is on the surface of the ground, its possible type, as well as the number of soldiers located in the same area. The machine from Constellation can execute some programs in offline mode.

The Servosila company also produces small robots that can be used in reconnaissance. For example, the “Engineer” machine is interesting because it can climb ladders and grab small objects. The “Engineer” has a system of high-precision visual recognition of surrounding objects, as well as a navigation module.

These are the latest developments in Russia in the field of robotics. Let's also consider other promising types of high-tech military products being developed by designers from the Russian Federation.


Newest Combat vehicles Russia is not only about robots. Among priority areas domestic military-industrial complex - development of laser systems. In particular, there is information that the Russian army is in dire need of air-launched laser systems. Alternatively, those that could be compatible with the A-60 aircraft, equipped with equipment that can shoot down satellites. The laser industry is considered by Russian experts as one of the most promising in terms of effective modernization of the state's armed forces.


What other latest Russian developments in terms of promising technologies can be noted? Among the interesting samples are equipment for soldiers, in particular the “Warrior” set. It is called the combat equipment of the soldier of the future. "Ratnik" is a high-tech camouflage consisting of several dozen protection elements, equipped with a thermal imager, a navigation system, big amount sensors At the disposal of a soldier who has put on the “Warrior” is a machine gun, a machine gun or a rifle with another remarkable piece of equipment - the 6B48 suit, intended for tank crews. It is characterized high degree protecting the fighter’s body from fragments. The suit is also complemented by an armored headset.

Are robots in service?

But let's get back to robots. There is information that Russian weapons of the future based on robotic developments will be supplied to the army so that entire companies can be equipped on their basis. Among promising areas application of machines - protection of launchers. It is also expected that robots will be able to perform reconnaissance missions and participate in combat operations.

It can be noted that, for example, in the United States, the latest military equipment in the form of robots is also actively used to protect military facilities. In particular, the MDARS machine is designed to monitor areas where nuclear facilities are located. The Americans are also actively using unmanned vehicles.

Autonomy or controllability?

Among modern experts, there is a debate regarding whether the robotics industry should be developed in the direction of giving the machine maximum autonomy. The Americans, in particular, are not too keen on this yet, believing that even the advanced, latest developments of weapons of this type cannot fully correctly make decisions in the conditions of real combat missions.

Of course, autonomous robots in armies different countries world are now being applied. ABOUT Russian samples we already said. One can note the Israeli development - the Harpy unmanned vehicle. In automatic mode, it can find, in particular, enemy radars.

Advantages of robots

What advantages can a robot have in combat if we compare its functions and capabilities with equipment controlled by people? First of all, in many cases this is a significantly higher efficiency of hitting targets. The fact is that when shooting from a portable weapon, a soldier makes a large percentage of misses. Modern robots can use ammo much more efficiently.

The next aspect is that the robot does not get tired. Its performance does not depend on the time of day. Provided, of course, that there are resources available to recharge its batteries. Robots, provided they have well-developed software, usually make fewer mistakes when performing similar operations.

Disadvantages of robots

In turn, potential errors when performing complex operations are among the main disadvantages of robots. In real combat there is a large number of nuances of a psychological nature. Even the most modern robots are not able to take them into account. For example, it is unlikely that a machine will be able to recognize the enemy’s desire to surrender or distinguish a military man from a civilian by indirect signs - the presence of shoulder straps, uniform, etc. Of course, these nuances are relevant for autonomous machines. Controlled robots, one way or another, accept key decisions according to human commands.

Robot of the future - what is it like?

What is he like, a combat robot of the future? If we take into account a realistic scenario, then, as Russian experts believe, such a machine will be characterized, first of all, by the presence of pronounced competitive advantages over humans in the aspect of environmental perception. This could be, for example, the ability to see objects at greater distances, distinguish between smaller objects, have night vision, and the ability to recognize infrared and ultraviolet waves.

In turn, the technological platform on which the robot will operate - ground, air, water - will be determined by the specifics of combat missions.

It is quite possible, experts believe, that a typical solution for some branches of the military will be an android robot capable of replacing a soldier in all major areas of combat operations. That is, if necessary, then take a machine gun, sit at the controls of an airplane, in a tank, etc. In this application area, stand-alone robotic platforms may become less effective solutions.

In its turn, self-propelled systems, will probably find their application if the task is to counteract the corresponding type of enemy weapons, that is, in battles in which human participation is not expected. In this case, only robots will fight.

Russian robot - like a person

In fact, there is already a separate trend in global robotics - the development and production of machines, the capabilities of which are supposed to be replaced by them when solving individual human problems. This is how the Russian combat robot, which became famous thanks to media attention, appeared, which was developed by specialists from the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering. The machine, presented personally to the President of the Russian Federation, belongs to the class of android robots.

Managed development. That is, this robot is not autonomous. The vehicle's capabilities include shooting, as well as driving certain types of transport, in particular, an ATV. There is information that the robot is an adaptation of another development, which is intended for use in outer space- a manipulator type SAR-401, which has the functions of copying human movements using manipulators and at the same time is capable of grasping small objects.

It is interesting that, as some experts suggest, it became a prototype of the “android” shown to the President. Several years ago, Russian researchers decided to create a machine that could be used to conduct rescue work. A promising development should have a wide range of functions - which would distinguish it from world analogues, which, according to a number of experts, are characterized by a certain narrowness of application. At the same time, clear facts that would indicate the continuity of SAR-401 and the robot that was presented to the President have not yet been made available to the general public.

Competitive solutions

Russia's promising combat robot, which can ride an ATV, is among the most advanced developments in the world, but it has analogues. In particular, the American agency DARPA, known for inventing the basic concepts that formed the basis of the Internet, developed an android robot called ATLAS. Thus, the development of new technologies in the field of robotics is, according to many experts, a global trend.

Android robots: the prospect of real application

What could be the real-life applications of machines like the one developed? Russian Institute precision engineering? First of all, it is worth noting the fact that a significant amount of the capabilities of the device presented to the President are classified. The fact that a robot can ride an ATV and shoot is not all of its functions, many experts believe. At the same time, experts believe that such devices still need to be improved mainly in the aspect of performing tasks in an uncertain environment - the one that is typical for real combat operations.

Competitiveness of the Russian school

What is the degree of readiness of the Russian robotics school to actively implement new military developments, keeping up with their Western colleagues, or even ahead of them? Expert opinions differ on this matter. There are experts who believe that the Western robotics industry is significantly ahead of the Russian one. This is due to the volume of funding, especially in the 90s, when the scientific basis for current developments was laid, and to the level of infrastructure. In turn, there are experts who believe that Russian designers are in no way inferior to representatives of the Western robotics school.

Proof of this is not only the Russian combat robot that was presented to the President. Our country has all the resources for training personnel in the robotics industry, primarily at the academic level. The country's universities have specialized specialties for this area. At the same time, Russian engineers are successfully developing robots not only for the needs defense industry, but also civilian vehicles. One way or another, there is every reason to say that the Russian combat robot driving an ATV is only one of the first examples of the successful implementation of the design concepts of engineers from the Russian Federation.


, Russia

Robotic vehicle. Status - development as of 2016.07

Akatsiya-E, Russia

2015.06 “Troop control complexes”, capable of autonomously detecting and analyzing the situation, simultaneously targeting up to two hundred targets, and making a decision to open fire without human intervention.

Arbalet-DM, Kovrov Electromechanical Plant and Armory Workshops company, Russia

Remote-controlled combat complex (robot machine gun). Kalashnikov PKM machine gun, 750 rounds. No recharge. Remote control with a range of up to 2.5 km. Range aimed shooting- up to 2 km during the day, up to 1 km at night. Camcorder.
Based on the ANT-1000R (?) loader

Status: tests are planned for March 2016. Demonstrated at RAE-2015.

Canadian-made amphibious all-terrain vehicle modified in Russia. Equipped with a combat module.

Boomerang, Russia

PVM Boomerang. Anti-helicopter robotic mine. A system that combines information received from IR sensors with audio tracking systems. Capable of shooting down a helicopter or landing or taking off plane from the ground. Such mines are supposed to be scattered near enemy airfields.

Varan, Russia

Mobile robot for identifying, neutralizing and destroying explosive devices. Crawler. Development of the Research Institute of SM MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman (design of the robot and control system), JSC Special Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering and Automation (JSC SKB PA, Kovrov) - development of documentation for serial production at the plant JSC Kovrov Electromechanical Plant, JSC KEMZ, Kovrov. /

Vezdekhod-TM3, KB PA (OJSC Special Design Bureau of Instrument Making and Automation), Russia

Conducting audio-video reconnaissance of objects and territories in rough terrain, urban infrastructure and indoors. Inspection of vehicle interiors and luggage compartments. Delivery, installation and remote activation of explosive device destroyers (ED) in any lighting conditions. Conducting explosive operations.

40 kg, radio control - up to 600 m, cable control - up to 75 meters, 75 minutes of operation without recharging. Movement speed - 1 m/s. Kovrov, Vladimir region. /

Volk-2, Russia

2013. A remote-controlled combat mobile strike and reconnaissance robotic complex was demonstrated. Development and joint production of the Izhevsk Radio Plant and UVZ Corporation. Passed tests as of 2015.06. Up to 250 km without refueling. Can track 6 targets simultaneously.

Gorets (MZ204), Motovilikha Plants, Russia

Automatic mobile mortar systems are created on the basis of the towed infantry mortar "Sani" developed at JSC Central Research Institute Burevestnik. For installation on the chassis of the armored car "Tiger", "Typhoon-K" or the transporter "Rakushka". Control from the armored cell, charging from the cabin through a special hole to which the barrel automatically lowers after the shot.

Cobra-1600, Russia

Mobile robotic complex, part of the mobile mine clearance engineering complex (MICR), designed for effective provision demining areas and objects in urban environments.


mobile robotic complex RCBZ

The note dated June 2, 2015 talks about a remote-controlled platform assembled by cadets of the Tagil NTIIM center to participate in the All-Russian Robotics Olympiad. In the photo in the note, instead of the student development, there is a photo of the robot of the American company iRobot 310 SUGV.

, Russia

Robomule. Mobile autonomous robotic system. Intended for use by troops. Can deliver ammunition to the battlefield and evacuate wounded soldiers. Tested together with the Ryazan Airborne School in 2016. It is planned to continue testing in October 2016.
A prototype for now.

MRK-002-BG-57, Russia

Izhevsk Radio Plant. Mobile strike and reconnaissance robotic complex of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation. Armament: Kord machine gun or Kalashnikov tank machine gun or 30-mm automatic grenade launcher AG-30/29. Laser range finder, weapon platform gyrostabilizers, thermal imager, ballistic computer. Auto-capture function. Ability to track up to 10 targets while moving. Up to 10 hours autonomously. Power reserve - 250 km. From minus 40 to plus 40. Tested at the Serpukhov Military Institute in April 2014. The RTO is equipped with equipment for reconnaissance, detection and destruction of stationary and moving targets, fire support for units, patrolling and guarding important facilities as part of automated security systems. The complex is planned to be used together with the Typhoon-M anti-sabotage combat vehicle, created on the basis of an armored personnel carrier.

2016.11.11 The Strategic Missile Forces tested the latest robotic system for protecting silo launchers. /

MRK-27, Russia

Crawler robot. Can be armed with two AGS-30 grenade launchers, two Shmel flamethrowers, a Pecheneg machine gun and up to 10 smoke grenades. The weapon is removable. Telecontrol range is up to 500 meters. Izhevsk Radio Plant (presumably). Possibly together with the Bureau of Applied Robotics MGTS named after. N.E. Bauman.

MRK-46M, Russia

Mobile tracked military tele-controlled robot.
Weight: 650 kg; dimensions LxWxH 2.34x1.146x1.32 m; speed up to 0.5 km/h; permissible roll/tilt angle - up to 20 degrees, height of threshold obstacles to be overcome - no more than 0.25 m; Duration of continuous operation - at least 8 hours. The control range via radio channel is at least 2000 m, via cable - at least 200 meters. The maximum permissible load capacity of the manipulator is 100 kg.
Included in the Raznoboi complex, accepted for supply Ground Forces RF Armed Forces.

MRK-RH, Russia

Mobile tracked remote-controlled military robot.
Weight: 190 kg; dimensions LxWxH 1.35x0.65x0.7 m; speed up to 1.0 km/h; permissible roll/tilt angle - up to 35 degrees, height of threshold obstacles to be overcome - no more than 0.25 m; Duration of continuous operation - at least 4 hours. The control range via radio channel is at least 2000 m, via cable - at least 200 meters. The maximum permissible load capacity of the manipulator is 50 kg.
MRK-RKh is part of the RD-RKhR complex (for conducting radiation and chemical reconnaissance). Can be equipped additional equipment(for radiation reconnaissance, gamma search, sampler, decontamination means, specialized grips, special containers, etc.)

, ZiD and Signal, Russia

OJSC "Plant named after V.A. Degtyarev" (ZiD) and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute (VNII) "Signal".

It can carry PKTM and Kord machine guns, as well as an automatic grenade launcher. Under development.

, ZID and Signal, Russia

OJSC "Plant named after V.A. Degtyarev" (ZiD) and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute (VNII) "Signal"
In August 2016, plans were announced to develop the Nerekhta-2 robot based on the Nerekhta robot. This will be a grouping of ground robotic systems. It will include a tracked platform, actually Nerekhta, which allows the installation of weapons on it. The device's software will allow it to understand commands given by voice and gestures. The robot will be able to operate in automatic movement mode over previously unprepared terrain. The robot will receive a new type of ammunition to solve problems in conditions of indirect visibility. They will try to select an efficient hybrid engine for the platform. It is also expected that in the future the robot will be able to automatically follow the “dangerous direction” given to it and automatically open fire when an enemy appears. The device will be able to carry part of the soldier’s equipment. And if necessary, it will be able to evacuate a wounded soldier to the rear. "Nerekhta-2" with a new type of ammunition and an "air component" (funded by the project) promises to be shown at the test site at the end of 2016.

Plastun, Russia

Remote controlled surveillance device.

, NITI-Progress (JSC NITI-Progress), Russia

Remote-controlled tracked vehicles "Platform-M"

Class: "small equipment".

The first serial deliveries to the army are expected in 2018.

Passage (RTK "Passage")

Based on a standard lightly armored armored vehicle (an engineering reconnaissance vehicle), an experimental RTK model was manufactured to overcome mine-explosive obstacles and completely clear the area using a rotary striker trawl.

Weight: 20 tons, control range in open areas - up to 3 km, speed when overcoming the cost zone - no more than 12 km/h, transport speed in crew mode - up to 50 km/h, in remote control mode - up to 30 km/h. Trawling depth - no more than 0.4 m, trawling width - no more than 3.6 m.


remote-controlled robot for radiation and chemical reconnaissance

RURS, Russia

Robotic, remote-controlled reconnaissance robot on four wheels. Can accelerate to 80 km/s. It is remotely controlled by an operator or operates autonomously, for example, in patrol mode. Can automatically open fire.

, Russia

The so-called "biomorph" (animal-like), four-legged combat robot. Must be able to conduct reconnaissance, transport ammunition and equipment, evacuate dead and wounded from the battlefield, clear mines and fighting. In development as of 2016.03, expected to be ready by 2019.

, SET-1, Moscow

4-wheeled inspection robot (can be tracked)

, Kalashnikov concern, Russia

Military robotic complex. Tracked armored vehicle. Designed for reconnaissance and relaying, patrolling and protecting territories and important objects, mine clearance and clearing. It can be used as a fire support vehicle or for transporting ammunition and fuels and lubricants, evacuation of the wounded, and guard duty. Shown in September 2016 at the Army 2016 forum.

, Special Construction Equipment (Special Construction Equipment LLC), Russia

A remote-controlled robot on a tracked chassis for combat in urban environments.

Shown at exhibitions since 2013.

, SET-1, Moscow

inspection mini-robot in the form factor of a small sphere equipped with video cameras

, MSTU im. Bauman, Russia

wheel-walking transport module of high cross-country ability Tornado, MSTU im. Bauman

In 2014-2016 they show on various exhibitions, for example, in "Interpolitex - 2014". It is predicted to be used in the engineering forces of the Russian Federation. In 2016.07 it was shown in Murom at the exhibition of engineering weapons of the Russian army.

Udar, Russia

BMP-3 chassis, unmanned robotic vehicle. Cannon and coaxial machine gun PKT with 2000 rounds of ammunition. Complex "Cornet" (4 missiles on two protected launchers). Search for targets in various spectral ranges in passive and active modes. Simultaneous firing of two targets is possible (automatic cannon - at air targets using a tracking machine). Optical locator. Shown in the summer of 2016.

, 766 UPTK (JSC 766 UPTK), Russia

It is considered a “domestic development”, although outwardly it is indistinguishable from the Croatian MV-4, a long-produced remote-controlled mine clearance system. Probably we are talking about “licensed production”.


, Remotec Inc., USA

, Remotec Inc., USA

remote-controlled ground robot initial inspection and demining

, Remotec Inc., USA

remote-controlled ground robot for initial inspection and demining

, Ontario Drive & Gear Limited, Canada

amphibious all-terrain vehicle. Can be used in a modified form with a combat module installed on it

Autonomous Robotic Human Type Target, Marathon Targets, Australia

mobile robotic targets simulating enemy infantry. They are capable of rolling out autonomously or in remote control mode from cover and rushing “to attack” recruits, whose task is to hit the robots with small arms fire. Known since 2015.

Avantguard UGCV, G-NIUS Unmanned Ground Systems Ltd., Israel

G-NIUS is jointly owned by Elbit Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries.
Unmanned combat military vehicle. Based on the Dumur Industries of Canada's Ground Technical Amphibious Vehicle (TAGS) chassis.
Modular hanging systems.


A tele-controlled initial inspection robot and a self-propelled service platform developed by the European company Cobham. Four-wheel platform with additional tracks. Able to overcome slopes up to 45 degrees. Automatic ambient scanner. 17 Ah NiMh or 2 Li-Ion 19 or 7.6 Ah. Cobham Unmanned Systems is a brand of Telerob GmbH.

Remote controlled disassembler min. Tracked platform. Automatic ambient scanner. Cobham Unmanned Systems is a brand of Telerob GmbH.

Digital Vanguard ROV, MED-ENG, Canada

Remote-controlled mine clearance robot. .

, General Robotics, Israel

A miniature armed remote-controlled tactical robot whose stated purpose is anti-terrorism operations. A tracked platform armed with an automatic pistol. Can act as a scout or liquidator. Named after the Dogo Argentino. Announced in May 2016.


Robotic anti-aircraft missile system. Capable of firing anti-aircraft missiles at any aircraft located in his area of ​​responsibility. Tested in the early 1980s.

, Resquared, USA

A special feature is the presence of two remote-controlled manipulators on caterpillar tracks.

iRobot 110 FirstLook, USA

iRobot 310 SUGV, USA

Portable robot for use in mobile operations. Crawler. Official page of iRobot 310 SUGV. iRobot, developer. Offsite iRobot.

iRobot 510 PackBot, USA

Robot for manipulation, detection and exploration. Crawler. Official 510 PackBot page. Used by US Marines in combat conditions. Compared to analogues, it is small in size, which allows it to be used in difficult combat conditions. It is also faster and allows for various operations needed by fighters. The range is about a hundred meters. Several cameras provide an all-round view, and there is also a camera on the arm so you can see what the robot is gripping. Joystick control of the remote control. iRobot, developer. Offsite iRobot.

iRobot 710 Kobra, USA

Crawler robot, up to 3.5 m high, weighing up to 150 kg. Official 710 Kobra page.


102 kg. Used, for example, by the Israeli Army Corps of Engineers, 2015. Remotec. Developer of remote-controlled military robots, subsidiary Northrop Grumman. Known for the ANDROS series, which has been produced since 2005 and is intended primarily for the disposal of ammunition. Of course, you can install weapons on them if necessary.

MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System), QinetiQ, USA

Modular advanced armed robotic system. Modular design, M240B machine gun, advanced control, visibility and warning system. Frame chassis. 12 km/h. Operator telecontrol, GPS support, support for standard American control and command system. Weight - 150 kg. Payload up to 45 kg. The machine gun can be replaced with a manipulator and then the system becomes a mine clearance system. Tracks can be replaced with wheels. Developer: Foster-Miller TALON Robot.

Mark II Talon, USA

Remote-controlled robot miner. Used by units Marine Corps USA to inspect and destroy any suspicious devices or packages. Equipped with 4 cameras and a capture device in the front of the robot. As of 2015, it was used in Afghanistan and Iraq.

MDARS (Mobile Detection Assessment and Response System), USA

Tele-controlled 4-wheel platform, similar to a golf cart. Designed for telemonitoring of the controlled area. There is support for automatic patrol mode due to conventional and IR cameras installed on the platform, as well as lidar. Operated by the US military in Djibouti (Africa).

MGTR (micro tactical ground robot), Roboteam, Israel

The battery lasts for 2 hours, a microphone and 5 cameras allow you to collect intelligence data day and night. The speed of the machine is 3.5 km/h, the payload is up to 10 kg. Two manipulators allow you to pick up various objects from the ground and move them.


340 kg, tracked. Remotec. Developer of remotely controlled military robots, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman. Known for the ANDROS series, which has been produced since 2005 and is intended primarily for the disposal of ammunition. Of course, you can install weapons on them if necessary.

, General Dynamics, USA

Multi-Utility Tactical Transports (multifunctional tactical transport). Remote-controlled crawler robot for military purposes. In 2017, he participated in US Marine exercises.

MV4 DOK-ING, Croatia

Multifunctional remote-controlled mobile mine clearance complex. In Russia, Uran-6 is known as a “domestic development”, but is also presented in its original form as MV-4.

Oerlikon Twingun GDF 007, Switzerland

Robotic anti-aircraft complex. Oerlikon, Switzerland

Raider II

R-Gator A3

RipSaw, USA

A remote-controlled Ripsaw tracked platform capable of carrying self-loading small arms (e.g. M2 0.50 caliber machine gun, Mk19 40 mm automatic grenade launcher, M240B 7.62 mm machine gun, M249 Squad machine gun). Development began earlier than 2006. In 2015, the platform was controlled by radio at a distance of up to 1 km from the armored personnel carrier in which the “driver” of the platform was located. In addition, the operator has the ability to remotely reload weapons on the platform and even change weapons at the touch of a button. Ripsaw EV2 released

RoBattle, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Israel

Multi-purpose modular military robot. This ground platform can be used for area security purposes, to perform diversionary maneuvers or reconnaissance. The system is built in a modular manner, like the vast majority of ground-based military robots. The set includes control systems, navigation, automatic route building on a digital map, as well as various sensors. Depending on the goals and objectives of the mission, the robot can be “shod” with tracks or wheels, mounted on it with “arms” for mine clearance, a radar or even a weapon.

Samsung SGR-1, South Korea

robot turret. There is an autonomous firing mode (in Peaceful time not involved).

Skyguard, Switzerland

Switzerland, anti-aircraft complex, based on 35 mm anti-aircraft guns Oerlikon GDF. Used during the 1982 war between the United Kingdom and Argentina for control of the Falkland Islands. Capable of independently making a decision to open fire and was used in this mode, including against infantry. He also has downed his own planes.

Skyguard-Sparrow, Switzerland

Switzerland, robotic anti-aircraft missile launcher.


, kinetic, USA

mine clearance robot with replaceable arms

TALON SWORDS (Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems), USA

special combat surveillance and reconnaissance system. Designed to overcome sand, water and snow, and climb stairs. Crawler. The platform is adapted to be equipped with weapons. 8.5 hours of battery life, up to 7 days in standby mode. Operator control at a distance of up to 1000 meters. Weight 45 kg, 27 kg - reconnaissance version. Can carry various types of small arms. Used in Afghanistan and Iraq. Armored. Costs about $230 thousand in 2011.

Taurus Dexterous Telepresense

A remote-controlled demining system that also allows you to take samples of hazardous materials. Offsite of the company SRI International. Offsite Taurus Dexterous Robot. SRI International

, Milrem,

modular platform (can be used as a mini-tank with lethal weapons or reconnaissance, transport)

Wolverine, USA

367-386 kg, tracked. Remotec. Developer of remotely controlled military robots, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman. Known for the ANDROS series, which has been produced since 2005 and is intended primarily for the disposal of ammunition. Of course, you can install weapons on them if necessary.

(Odunok), JSC KB Display, Belarus

Automated Remote-Controlled Observation and Fire Complex

Bars-8, AvtoKrAZ, Ukraine

An unmanned vehicle based on the army KrAZ-Spartan. The control is carried out by a Ukrainian autopilot called PilotDrive. The car is equipped with a thermal imager, a camera (viewing angle - 360 degrees), two radars (front and rear) for detecting obstacles, a range finder, a human presence sensor (range of action - 18 m). Purpose: ensuring the safety of the military, transporting ammunition, food, fuel and medicine, evacuating the wounded. You can control the new product using a tablet, a “smart glove” or a specialized operator station. WiFi/Wimax is used to communicate with the car; the range is from 10 to 50 km. The system can be “taught” - the Teach-inDrive mode allows you to remember and reproduce a specific route. GPS is used to position the vehicle.
2016.10.10 .

, Belspetsvneshtechnika, Belarus

Presented at the MILEX-2017 exhibition in Minsk in May 2017. Developer: Belspetsvneshtekhnika - New technologies. Anti-tank self-propelled robot and automated operator station. Weight - 1850 kg. Designed to automatically destroy fortified ground targets, tanks, armored vehicles and helicopters.

Laska, Ukraine

In June 2017, the Laska robotic platform was tested in Ukraine. The platform is based on a serial civilian ATV and is equipped with a 7.62 mm PCM. "Laska" accelerates to 80 km/h, the platform's cruising range is up to 100 km. The disadvantage of the platform is its height, which makes it very noticeable.
2017.06.25 .

, Ukraine

Robotic observation and fire complex. In development as of 2018.06.

, Lenin Forge, Ukraine

Unmanned remote-controlled strike robotic complex. Shown in autumn 2016. Armed with a 12.7 mm machine gun, which can be equipped with a 40 mm grenade launcher instead. Range of action from 2 to 10 km.

Phantom, Ukroboronprom, Ukraine

Unmanned ground remote-controlled robotic complex "Phantom". Shown in the summer of 2016. Prototype. Speed ​​up to 38 km/h, range - 20 km, day and night sighting system. The target firing range is up to 2 km.

Phantom-2, Ukroboronprom, Ukraine

New version of Phantom. The wheel formula is 8x8, but the car can also be shod with tracks. Cruising range - up to 130 km, speed up to 60 km/h, hybrid engine power - 80 kW. Control range is up to 20 km via radio, 5 km via cable. Armament - a coaxial 23-mm machine gun, two guided anti-tank missiles, and an RS-80 multiple launch rocket system.