
Try not to litter. Remember the main thing is that where there is no litter, cleanliness remains. Problem huge amount waste problem faces many countries. Landfills occupy incredible areas, which violates natural environment. Interested in conservation natural wealth manufacturers are developing special packaging for their products, which easily decomposes in the soil under the influence of natural natural processes. Think about how best to dispose of your unnecessary waste so as not to harm the environment.

When you are out of town, also clean up after yourself. A trip to the forest for barbecue, picnic, fishing - all this, in addition to pleasant impressions, is also a great responsibility. Make sure that the place of your temporary “dislocation” does not reveal anything about your recent presence. Learn how to properly put out a fire, bury waste, use forest wood for a fire, etc.

If you observe that someone is violating basic rules and littering, report this to special authorities, the police. Find out the names of the companies, write down the license plate numbers of the violators, find out the identities of those who, through their actions, pollute the air, water, and surrounding area. Don't think that your vigilance will go unheeded. If there are more such requests from ordinary citizens, then city authorities will be forced to take care of creating special services.

Join a nature conservation society. By acting together and purposefully with your like-minded people, you will be able to participate in various multifaceted and large-scale events that can truly radically change situations related to maintaining the ecological balance on the planet.

Do not forget that man is the crown of nature. It appeared when forests already existed on the planet, fresh air and water. Therefore, without this human life is simply impossible. Therefore, it is important to find all available ways so that in the current situation it is possible to restore the lost beauty of nature, especially in cities and industrial areas. It’s interesting that at the resorts where probably all the people on the planet love to go, in order to get in touch with the pristine beauty, they never build tall buildings.


  • why you need to protect nature
  • Why is it necessary to protect nature?

If you think about how big or, conversely, how small your contribution to caring for nature is, this is already priceless. Unfortunately, there is an opinion that one person cannot change anything. It is fundamentally wrong - after all, by caring for nature, you set an example for others. In addition, caring for the environment is a tribute to self-respect, since man is part of nature. There are several simple and not at all complicated ways take care of nature every day, they just require attention. How to guard nature?


Turn off the water. You are washing dishes and the phone rings - turn off the taps and talk calmly, and do not leave the water running even for a few minutes. Liters are wasted for this. What if we multiply this by the number of “onlookers” in the entire district, and then by the number of days in a year? Reserves drinking water on Earth are far from infinite, and it’s worth thinking about this already.

By following these simple techniques, you will significantly save your money. family budget.

Video on the topic

There are many more bodies of water on the planet than land. About three quarters globe cover the oceans, and only a quarter remains dry. Maybe this land should be protected? But the fact is that almost all the water on Earth is salty. Reservoirs with fresh water There is very little suitable for drinking. In addition, the environmental situation is deteriorating every year, so the quality of fresh water is deteriorating and its quantity is steadily decreasing.

Water is one of the most essential substances for all living things. The body consists of more than half water. Plants also need this life-giving liquid. Compare a dry leaf and a green one: dry compared to a living one is practically nothing, because there is no more moisture in it.

A person cannot live without water. But besides him, there are other living creatures that also cannot live without water. Animals and birds, trees and mushrooms, and even many - everyone needs water. Without water, according to scientists, a representative of mammals will not last even 10 days. People consume several liters of water every day, not necessarily in its direct form, but it is found in food and drinks.

There are many places on Earth where, despite the proximity of oceans and seas, fresh water almost by weight. There are islands where there are no bodies of water. Water is brought there from other places, and it is not cheap. The life of entire settlements depends on the supply of life-giving moisture.

Every polluted body of water, even located far from a city or town, still poses a danger. The water evaporates from it, forms clouds and falls as precipitation in the surrounding areas. So called acid rain When water mixed with chemical waste from various industries falls on the ground, they are no longer uncommon. They pose a danger to all living things, as well as to other bodies of water.

There is an Uzbek proverb: drop by drop, a desert is formed, and if it does not drip, then a desert is formed. Preserving water and reservoirs is the same as protecting life on the planet, taking care of the beauty and prosperity of the world, in which not only people, but also many other living beings.

Video on the topic

Utility bills make you think about saving. This also applies to spending ordinary water. It is necessary to develop a number of rules of conduct for yourself and your family. But the issue of frugality must be approached wisely; each family member must be aware of the need to save water and know its real price. Helps you save water and installation of metering meters.


Check all your plumbing fixtures for water leaks. To do this, record accurate meter readings and do not use the water. After the time has elapsed, the meter readings should remain unchanged.

Do not wash dishes under running water. First, clear the plates of food debris and place them in a sink filled with water and detergent. Then rinse each item clean water. This will save up to 60 liters of water per day.

Taking a shower is 5-7 times more economical than using it. Remember a simple rule - do not leave the water flow constantly on, just stand in the shower for 20-30 seconds, turn it off water, lather up and turn it on again for a while water for washing off foam and rinsing. If you prefer

Our group already had a topic about how Svetlana Ermakova cheats with her husband:

Leonid wrote a lot about this. Therefore - briefly.

Leonid Zharov, “HOW TO BE A HUSBAND”:

Refrigerator method.

The most important thing is her calmness; her confidence that for you she is the most beautiful; ideally, the only one. For your own happiness, she should know that you are not cheating on her.

Clarification. Despite your efforts, your wife will always doubt you; She will keep a certain percentage, an allowance for male bestiality.

If you want to be happy, you can make this female mistrust a fairly small value. And here’s a piece of advice: watch your gestures when sexy women appear near you. All these hugs and friendly kisses are atavisms of pre-family life, eliminate them. Take care of your wife, she will get into trouble in other places; what does it cost to get to work in the morning!

Don't dance with anyone but her.

Be careful here...

There will probably be people who are upset by your marriage. It is they who need to be excommunicated from home - so as not to waste energy (politely excommunicate; politely, but excommunicate!).

Only self-feeding!

Every man wants to have fun at night. To provide this nocturnal pleasure, a woman must not be tired; If she works, she has little strength left at night.

Therefore, a man who takes for granted the dinner prepared by his wife is terribly robbing himself. It takes half an hour to prepare food, you know. Then wash the dishes – another 15 minutes. Moreover, at this time you can talk, or listen, or think.

You can be sure that they will quickly become proud of you. They will begin to forgive the inevitable men’s mistakes in clothing, clumsy gestures and phrases, a little forgetfulness, but you never know!

Well, she has nothing to do in the market!

And in the grocery store too! There I can offend, and it’s hard to carry from there. In both cases, she will be tired, but why do I need a tired wife?

It is better for a man to bring food into the house. A forty-year-old Muscovite friend told me, a student, about this:

Children are flowers, but you are not manure in the garden.

I'll tell you the theory of the flower. Svetlana and I came up with this comparison a long time ago: children are flowers, parents are the soil in the garden. The flower grows and strives to pull everything out of the soil. And the wisdom of parents lies in this: not to give away all the juices, but to keep them for themselves. Here nature has done its best: you want to give everything! A woman especially faces such danger.

This is where a man should insure her.

Admire her!

Eat different ways delight a woman.

Don't die at fifty.

The most important thing is to tell your wife about your fears.

The question is, what is the result?

And as a result, the man will receive something he never even dreamed of.

A woman is not a cutlet factory; she knows how to create an atmosphere in the house.

A woman is a factory for the production of happiness. And you are the director of this plant, you are a marketer, a supplier, a public relations manager, a security shooter,

You can preserve your vision for a long time only if you take care of it from childhood. After all, you can often hear that sports and constant training of your body only lead to health. However, not everyone knows that muscles are present not only on our body, but also in our eyes (they help our eyes blink and look from side to side). The eye muscles need to be constantly trained, just like all the other muscles in our body. Such training is especially important during the period of active eye growth, in childhood, today we will talk about how to protect your eyesight.

How to preserve your vision

You can preserve your vision by following the correct daily routine and dedicating proper time to rest. In addition, the conditions in which a person works are important for vision, and if this work involves constant eye strain, then you need to take care of good lighting in the room. Moderate use of TV and computer in your daily activities will also help keep your eyesight healthy for much longer. Modern electronic technologies largely contribute to decreased vision, especially in children who cannot imagine their life without games. At the same time, the eyes experience significant stress, and therefore quickly go blind. To prevent or stop the harmful effects of electronics on vision, it is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet.

Nutrition is an important aspect in maintaining healthy vision for a long time. Moreover, nutritional components should enter the body only with healthy and fresh food without various nitrates. Remember that the body and vision require annual powerful vitamin supplementation. It is better to carry out such a positive shake-up in summer periods when there are a lot of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. Also, do not neglect regular visits to an ophthalmologist. He will be able to identify visual impairments at the earliest stages and slow them down somewhat further development. To maintain normal vision, each of us must follow a few simple rules.

  • Proper arrangement of the workplace. This criterion implies proper and uniform illumination, preferably with daylight. Compliance with this simple condition will reduce the level of strain on your eyes and keep them healthy longer.
  • Maintain clear boundaries between your eyes and the source of reading when reading or working on a computer. It is not recommended to read or write while lying down, as this violates the recommended distance and damages vision.
  • You should also keep a distance when watching TV, because if you look closely, hundreds of small dots flash on its screen, which are connected into one picture, we are used to seeing it, but the eye gets tired after watching for a long time due to the constant flickering of such dots.
  • Bad habits such as alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking very often lead to malfunctions of the visual apparatus, and they provoke complete or partial blindness, including acquired color blindness.
  • Remember that constantly wearing sunglasses causes your eyes to get used to the darkness, and it will simply stop perceiving light and color at all.

To the question: how should we protect nature? given by the author Neurosis the best answer is Nature is our mother, take care of your mother because we are all her little children and there are global plans for the nation to resettle humanity to other worlds to save nature
Source: greenPIS

Answer from Natasha[guru]
Everyone has their own truth. Earth is the cradle of humanity! Everything in a person should be perfect! Man is the crown of creation! Man is part of nature! Harmony is the path to perfection! The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. Take care of your homeland! Nature must be protected! Men - strange creatures. Women - mysterious creatures. Men are like children... Children are the flowers of life. All the best for children! Children are the future! You have to try everything in life. In life you need to find your other half. He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne. A dog is man's friend. Animals are our little brothers. Salt is white death! Sugar is white death!

Answer from electrosleep[guru]
“Me and Nature” ***...The death of plants causes great harm human health. That's why we guys have to plant seedlings, different types flowers and different varieties fruit trees, and of course, spare them... Ganieva Gulzabira, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus ***I am part of nature, part of evolution, which began so many millions of years ago and continues to develop now. Someone wrote that Nature is a workshop, and man is a worker in it. Some workers are careless, who have huge factories, throw their waste into rivers, bury it underground or throw it into radioactive waste into the seas and oceans, and animals living near these places suffer from this. Nature is the most valuable wealth in human life. If there were no trees and water, there would be no air and life on Earth. We must protect our wealth, that is, our Nature! Ibragimov Davron, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus ***...Man cannot live without nature, and nature can live without man. Since the appearance of man on Earth, nature began to change for the worse... Samat Rsymbetov, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus ***...Nature is life. Nature created us and continues to feed us. And we ruin it. Unfortunately, people realized this not so long ago. For many years, people took everything they could from nature. In a sense, nature took offense at people. Various disasters: floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, all this is the fault of human activity. Even having understood this guilt, people continue to build factories, cut down forests......Already formed the ozone hole over Antarctica. The ice is melting and because of this, floods occur... Aigul Sabyrbaeva, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus***...If everyone in our world takes care of nature, then everyone will live well! Everything will turn green and there will be fresh and clean air! Elgondiev Olzhas, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus ***...If there were no relationship between man and nature, then everything around would die out. We, people, are obliged to preserve nature, because it is so subtle and fragile. Nature gives us a harvest: we plant seeds in the spring, and in the fall the whole garden is filled with vegetables and fruits...Rufia Serimbetova, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus***...Nature should not be polluted, since then all this will affect human health . On the contrary, we need to help nature revive... It is known that nature begins to influence a person when he is still in embryonic development, because for the embryo external environment is the maternal organism... Therefore, every person should protect the environment... Kan Tatyana, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus ***...I want to see nature beautiful and put in some work after myself. Everyone in this world comes and goes. Good people leave behind a big and beautiful garden, which will grow forever...Salieva Shahsanem, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus city ***...If you plant a tree, a flower, water them, take care of them, then in a year the tree will turn into a huge tree that will serve for us with air, shadow or simply decoration of the city and the people inhabiting this city... Man and nature are continuously connected. And therefore man must help nature, and nature must help man. And then the harmony that we strive for will come. Teryokhina Alexandra, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus city ***...Every animal, every plant, every tree can speak, feel... Kaipbergenov Auez, 8th grade student, gymnasium No. 1, Nukus city ***Nature, first of all -this is life, if there were no nature, then there would be no people and all life on Earth...