Autumn poems for children

Indian summer

After storms and rains

Went warmly.

On the path of Ov

Indian summer came:

Warmed fields

Heated grass, -

As if he sees the Earth

Light sleep in reality.

No in the chase

Khmury Autumn Tuch,

Cancened cold

Bright morning ray.

Shining heats from heaven

Sun Fire Shield,

In a bugger forest

Behind the mushrooms manit.

Come out in the field, in the meadow -

Everywhere free space;

Like a towers - Stacks

Stretched to the mountains ...

How to be rapidly, easy

On the largest fields!

Highly high

Crane cranes are heard ...

What is the shirre depth

What are you, what kind of look! ..

For string string -

Web hanging.

The air is clean, like a crystal,

Every sound call in it;

Golden Dal.

Powder around ...

In the garden enter - all in the rays,

Cold gold taxi;

And flowers in flower beds

Do not want to fight ...

A. Corinthian

* * *


Autumn on the edge of paint bred,

By the foliage, quietly brushed:

Yezhechnik yelling and killed

In purple autumn only oak green.

Complete autumn:

Do not regret the summer!

Look - grove gold dressed!

3. Fedorovskaya

* * *

Autumn on the courtyard

Summer sat down,

So autumn in the yard.

Any flocks of birds

Over the forest at the dawn.

Slap, suffered

Autumn time.

And missed me

Leaves the yard.

The days are cold,

Everywhere snow and ice.

Ways froze water,

And only the blizzard sings.

White trepal drifts,

How the roof is sovest.

Behind the bitch of onemale

Hooked, whistles.

Shouts like a witch shall

And moan silence.

My hut Malaya

In the forest one, one.

K. Balmont

* * *

Autumn in the forest

Autumn forest every year

Pay gold for the entrance.

Possess Osin -

All dressed in gold,

And herself loves:

St Shen ... -

And tremble from cold.

And Berez Rada

Yellow alongside:

Well and dress!

What is love! -

Fast leaves scattered,

Frost came suddenly.

And birch whispers:

Zyabnu! .. -

Tried and oak

Gold plated fur coat.

Successful oak, yes late

And he is noise:

Merzno! Merzno! -

Deceived gold -

Not saved from the cold.

A. Gontar

* * *

When the branches are crying

Clouds are circling

Gathering in flocks

The distance runs the road

Wet, empty,

And yellow leaves

In the gloomy alley.

The sky is even darker

And she is lighter.

What do leaves whisper there?

Let's go and ask.

Leaves answer:




But time comes

Fall yellow leaves

Tropicks are wounded

Precious silk

From the mountains slide clouds,

Birds are hiding somewhere

All stronger branches



Cry ...

I. Tekovich

* * *

Niva compressed, groves goals,

From water fog and dampness.

Wheel for blue mountains

The sun quietly rolled.

Dormlet exploded road.

She was noticed today

What is completely a bit

Waiting for the winter gray left.

Ah, and I myself are in more often a call

See yesterday in the fog:

Red month foal

Drop into our sleigh.

S. Yesenin

Nearby autumn

More autumn fogs

Did not hide the groves of gold cells;

Also the sun sometimes

In the sky shines, and sometimes

Fly low above ground

Sad swallows herds

But leaves with yellow carpets

No longer under their feet

Syreet Pepling Earth;

Wherever you kill, the gaze is inquisitive

Meets dried Niva

And naked fields.

And long walk in the evening long

Without purpose in the desert room ...

All somehow overcast is silent;

Only beats the pendulum

Yes, the wind is silent one-way,

Yes, the rain under the windows is knocking.

A. Apukhtin

* * *

Autumn (excerpt)

Crooks Lone Golden

Wet land in the forest ...

Boldly Topchka I foot

Outer forest to the beauty.

With cold cheeks are burning:

Look in the forest to me run

Hear like a bitch crack

Leaves leg to rush!

There is no former joy here!

Forest with itself the secret of the Schedule:

Torn the latter

Sled the last flower;

Moss not raised, not exploded

Pile of curly weak;

Near the stump does not hang

Purple cruising brushes,

Long on the leaves lies

Night frost, and through the forest

Cold somehow looks

Clarity of transparent skies ...

A. Mikikov

Patternory Sarafan.

Autumn walks, forests bloomed. -

"I am a field in a sundress."

And winter grumbled sadly:

"Under the canvas I will put them."

The breeze flew. Shoved.

And the joker whole hum unfolded.

"How I will order autumn, at first,

And then: - like winter, "he whispered.

Merged, twisted, double,

And he started a snowman for six months.

Look, gri, along with a bird of various

Mart and April were darned.

Warred in the morning fogs,

In the heart of sweet blows in spring.

And on the whole earth - Sundars,

And what kind of pattern is painted.

K. Balmont

* * *

In autumn

Autumn, autumn ... Poor garden,

Where are your colors of your beauty?

Where are your trees kudri?

What is so gloomy heaven?!.

Moths, Pttashchi

And the cheerful chorus of dragonfly -

Everything disappeared, hit a little

The first morning frost ...

Sorry to me, sorry you, my kindergarten!

I feel sorry for your alley,

Where I walked in a hot summer

In the days of the past spring of my ...

Suddenly since midnight smelling

Wind - swirl flew

And, foliage with trees,

I need a hatch ...

"Do not regret," the wind whispered to me, -

Again your kindergarten blooms;

He is not only autumn-winter

He will survive you! .. "

A. Corinthian

* * *

From the poem "Listopad"

Forest, exactly led painted,

Purple, gold, crimped,

Cheerful motley wall

It is standing over a light polar.

Birches yellow thread

Shine in blue lazuries,

As a tower, the Christmas trees are darker.

And between maples blue

Then there, then here in the foliage

Summets into the sky that she

The forest smells oak and pine,

For the summer he dry he from the sun

And autumn quietly widow

It comes into the motley thread.

Today on empty glade,

Among the wide yard,

Air web fabric

Brilliate as a network of silver.

Today all day plays

In the yard the last moth

And, exactly white petal,

On the web freezes,

Sung by solar heat;

Today is so light around,

Such a dead silence

In the garden and in blue embroidery,

What can be in this silence

To hear the leishes of Shurchhanye.

Forest, exactly led painted,

Purple, gold, crimped,

Stands over solar clearing,

Walked silence ...

I. Bunin

* * *

First snow

In the morning of the cat

Brought on the paw

First snow!

First snow!

He has

Taste and smell,

First snow!

First snow!

He is spinning



At the guys above your head

He managed

Pooch shawl


On the pavement

He whites

Along the fence

Torn on the lantern, -

So soon

Very soon

Fly Salazki

From a slide,

So it will be possible


Build a fortress

In the courtyard!

Ya. Akim


Autumn winds believe

In a gloomy oak;

With noise to earth lying

Yellow leaves.

Field and garden empty;

Network hills;

Singing in groves was fallen -

Hanging birds.

Late geese stanitsa

South seek

Smooth flight rushing

In the mining limits.

Walk gray fogs

In a quiet valley;

With smoke in the village sneaking,

Go to the sky.

Wanderer standing on the hill

Greeting sad

Looks at pale autumn,

Timo sighing.

Stranger sad, comfort!

Vygoz Nature

Only for a short time;

Everything will be revived

Everything will be updated in the spring:

With proud smile

Again, nature will rise ...

N. Karamzin

* * *

Color autumn

Color autumn - evening of the year -

I smiles light.

But between me and nature

There was a thin glass.

Whole this world is like a palm,

But I do not go back.

I'm with you, but in the car,

I'm still at home, but on the way.

S. Marshak

* * *

Autumn cranes

Through the evening fog to me, under the sky of the stembly,

Creek Creek All Clear and Clear ...

The heart rushed to them, from afar, flying

From a cold country, with naked steppes.

So closely fly and, sobbing louder,

Like mournful news they brought me ...

From what are you unsolved edge

Fit here for the night, cranes? ..

I know the country where the sun is without power,

Where is Savana waiting, the cold, the earth

And where in naked forests the wind is waddy, -

That my motherland is, then my depreciation.

Dusk, poverty, longing, bad weather and slush,

View of the sullen people, the kind of sad lands ...

Oh, how hurt the soul, as I want to cry!

Stop crying over me, cranes!


* * *


My garden fades every day;

He fence, Paulman and empty,

Even though still twist

Nasturtiums in it Fire bush ...

I'm sad! Annoys me

And the sun of autumn shine,

And the leaf that the birch is falling,

And late grasshoppers Crack.

Look at the habit of roof

Empty nest over the window:

In it, I don't hear speech swallows

Soloma dilated in it ...

And I remember how the troubled

Two swallows, building it!

Like twigs clay fastened

And Puhu dragged into it! ..

How fun was the work of them, like a deft!

How anyone it was when

Five small, rapid heads

Looking out steel from the nest!

And the day of Tovaluni,

As children, led a conversation ...

Then flew, pevuny!

I saw them little since then!

And here - their nest is lonely!

They are in the other side -

Far away, far away ...

Oh, if wings and me!

A. Mikikov

* * *

Autumn in the village

Before sunset

The forest glitters Chervonz,

Do not hear "ku-ku" ...

Speaking by snops

Guys with zepami

Heard over the current.

In gardens rowan

Rights ... Poutinal

Shakes silver ...

Black band

Cranes skoo

Remove the village.

Grandfather, shaking,

Says with a smile:

"Sleep, handsome grandson:

Sleep while in yudoli

Alien You are bitter share

And heavy flour ...

Sleep, native, in the crib

Tightly you and sweet, -

Grow big

Be happy and wave,

Be destabily satisfied

With good soup! "

F. Shkule

* * *


October has come - the grove docks

The last sheets with the naked branches;

Duffled the autumn chlad - the road freezes.

Zhurch, still runs for the mill of the stream,

But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry

In the departure of the field with her hunt,

And they will be guided by Ozimi from mad fun,

And wakes up the dogs asleep dubrava.<...>

Sad time! Ocho charming!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,

In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,

And the haired wavy covered skies,

And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

A. Pushkin

Nice autumn

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer

The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;

Ice faster on the student river

As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,

You can sleep - peace and space!

The leaves fade still did not have time

Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty nights

Clear, quiet days ...

No ugly in nature! And Kochi,

And moss swamps and stumps

Everything is good under the shine lunar,

Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...

I quickly fly on cast iron rails,

I think my duma ...

N. Nekrasov

* * *

Golden autumn

Fall. Fabulous pane

All open for review.

Forest roads,

Looking into the lake.

As at the picture of the paintings:

Halls, halls, halls, halls

Elm, aspen, Osin

In the gilding is not enough.

Linden hoop gold -

As a crown on the newlywed.

Birch Face - under Fata

Wedding and transparent.

Buried land

Under foliage in the ditch, pits.

In yellow maples of the flaghel,

As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September

At the dawn stand in pairs,

And sunset on their kore

Leaves an amber footprint.

Where you can not step in the ravine,

So that everyone knows everyone:

So raging that neither step

Under the legs sheet wood.

Where he sounds at the end of Alley

Echo have a cool descent

And dawn cherry glue

Throws in the form of a clock.

Fall. Ancient corner

Old books, clothes, guns,

Where is the treasure catalog

Ships the sizzle.

B. Pasternak

* * *

Shuffled plums in the garden,

Consumption Note OSAM ...

Yellow leaf redeemed in the pond

And welcomes early autumn.

He presented himself with a ship,

The wind of the wanders rushed him.

So we will float after him

To the strips uncharted in the life.

And we know already by heart:

A year later there will be a new summer.

Why universal sadness

In each line in verses at poets?

Something that traces in dele

Clean the shower and will fall out of winter?

While that the moment all

Fleeting and unique?

L. Kuznetsova

* * *

"Autumn. Silence in the village of Dacha ..."

Fall. Silence in the village of Dacha

And deserted ringing on Earth.

Cobweb in air transparent

Cold like a crack in glass.

Through sandy pink pines

Jams the roof with a cock;

In a light haze Velvet Sun -

Like a peach, touched by a fly.

At sunset, lush, but not harsh,

Clouds are waiting for something, frozen;

Hand holding hands, bring brilliantly

The last two, the most golden;

Both to the sun pay faces

Both are faded from one end;

Senior - Carries Fire-Bird Feather,

The youngest is the rash of the heat.

N. Matveyeva


October! .. Trees await snow,

River spills got involved in ...

I chose yourself for a night

Where I found me on the way.

Like fireflies on a dormant swamp

Trembled stars in black embroidery;

Earth, extending in his night flight,

In a dream, she pressed gently to me.

And I, cover with dry straw leg

And laying down a gun under the head,

Warmed himself and soon gradually

Walked a huge one - her ...

Flowed in the breaking truubs of the lead,

For all day, for many, many years

The earth gave me the sun again,

From night dark


In the dawn!

T. Belozerov

* * *

Leaf fall

Under the leg hurt the ice bursts,

I can not see anything. Darkness.

And rustle leaves-invisible,

Waving from each bush.

Autumn walks on the roads of summer,

All got sick, relaxed fell.

Only in the sky festively from the light -

Heaven all constellations lit! ..

With gold leaves similar

Stars from the sky will fly, fly ...

As if in the dark, the Star Sky too

A autumn leavefall has occurred.

E. Trutneva

* * *


He whispered with the wind all day

And shudder. Oh, where you are freedom!

Ah, if a bird takes off above the branches

And drown in the blue sky!

Fall has come. At night, the cold is terrible,

Shepherds leaf and, trembling, fades.

The wind ripped him. Fallen, circling, he,

Falling, thought he flies.


* * *

Leaf fall

As an arrow killed by a label,

Shelled leaf above the branch,

Separated, fleet

And, circling unevenly,

Severe falling became incorrect

And, falling, chopper.

Following him another and the third

On top of how from the network,

Golden moths

Terminate, circling,

Native trunks fall

Multicolored and easy.

Late day burns fearlessly,

The sky looks indifferent

On the fate of their children.

The death of the bugs and marks them,

And more and more sky shines

Through empty coral branches.

N. Minsky

Autumn (passage)

RDYAN paint,

Air is clean;

Goes into the dance

Red leaf, -

This is autumn,

Gallea Prosin

Gula pine,

Branches whistle.

Wind clone


Leaves drive

And Vikhrit.

Vichrey rati

And on the skate



Water Mutit,

Gomit Gam

Rysnit, twist

Here and there -

On highlands,



And seas.


Through the field



Someone's hands


Exactly bows

Poplar ...

M. Voloshin

* * *

Autumn just took up work,

Only took out a brush and cutter,

Put some kind of gilding,

Somewhere dropped the bazhret

And kneaded like solving

Take her so much so?

Then it is scratching, silent paint,

And in the embarrassment will retreat onto the pitch ...

Then it will come from anger and flush

All tears with a merciless hand ...

And suddenly, painful at night,

Write the greatest peace.

And then, collecting together

Every effort, meditation, paths,

Draws such a picture

What we will not be able to take eye.

And sweat, embarrassed unwittingly:

What is there to do and what to say here?

And she is unhappy with themselves:

They say, it turned out again.

And herself will destroy it all,

The wind blows up, rains will fill,

To laugh in winter and summer

And first to start in a year.

M. Aliger

Autumn ringing (excerpt)

Above the grove, over a deaf lobby

Over the selection of premount days -

Autumn ringing, dry and clear,

All hood and noine.

Where is the village of Kuste Ryabina

Burns abandoned fire

Rales the Chervoy List of Osin

Road long bubbin.

Where the laid gathering

Looked low reeds,

Rings to the nomadic lilac

Silver ripple river.

Under the roll of the crane

Under the whistle of the blue, on all sides

Rings autumn transfusion,

Crystal, slim chime

When neurko and slaughter

Fogs illuminate the dawn,

Olondenoy Doroya

Specify the horses of November.

On the irradiation - the old woman is autumn,

Wide path - in all the ends,

In the arc - shining prominent,

And under the arc - the bubbles ...

S. Inekovich

* * *

Autumn (excerpt)

September wind knocks on the window,

Stick pines throws in a shiver.

Sunset over the field went out for a long time.

And now the gray night comes.

And I put on my yellow raincoat,

Central battle take a rifle.

I went out. Over the skewers of the geese

We hurry and the city core in the horn.

I want to shoot a spur in them,

In the flying oblique joy of geese,

But the pulse begins to knock in the temples.

"Do not touch!" - I am heard from the branches.

And I understand that they are far away

Guests are migratory, fly and fly.

You, autumn, broke their peace,

Took the swamps, beat down the steppe,

Hod harbinger and rain

Frost, on puddles - glass creak.

I recognize you as a new day,

As ducks, south of flying, cry ...

N. Otrada

* * *

The last flock of cranes

Under the sky, the cries sounded.

The garden was shielded. Due to branches

Through lifeless gave.

Have long squeeze behind the river

Wide meadow, and compressed Niva.

Ronya leaves over water

Pensive pensive willows.

In Grasse, untouched his

Only fierce green is magnificently,

Drass of the flexible days ...

Winter, winter crawls sickly!

K. R. (Const. Romanov)

* * *


Glory to you, podfully

Joyful brief rest!

Solar shine your wonderful

Our river plays with ours

The grove plays the crimson

With sowing berries in saint,

As if the holiday was granted

On Zlatogry's horses!

I am glad loudly lady,

Leaves, cow, rcho,

And I wish nothing

And I do not want anything!

And no one knows

What, with winter speaking,

In the abyss, heavenly

Wind and sadness of October ...

N. Rubtsov

* * *


Let pines and fir

All winter sticks out

In snow and snowstorm

Flooding, sleep.

Their skinny greens

Like hedgehog needles

Although I do not turn yellow,

But not fresh input.

We, a light tribe,

Flower and glue

And short time

On buchery guests.

All Red Summer

We were in our glory

Played with rays,

Bathed in dew! ..

But the birds sent away,

Flowers beat away

Rays pale

Marshmallows left.

So what is for us for nothing

Hang and shy?

No better

And we fly away!

About violent winds

Rather, soon!

Mostly we will sushit

With branches!

Cut, chat,

We do not want to wait

Fly, fly!

We fly with you! ..

F. Tyutchev

* * *


I love the Forest Travel,

Not knowing himself where, breast

Double deep rose

You go - and no end of the way ...

Circle Forests green;

Already rosyant autumn male,

And Yelnik green and shady;

Osiennik Yellow beats alarm;

Calked with birch leaf

And, like a carpet, has relieved the road ...

You go, as if on the waters,

Noga noise ... and ear

The slightest rustle in more often, there,

Where the magnificent fern is dorming.

And red amansor row

That Karlya fabulous, sleep ...

Out of the Sun ray lies sideways ...

The river looked away ...

On the shallow mill wheel

Already noisy from afar ...

A. Mikikov

* * *

Transparent clouds calm movement,

As a haze solar adhesive light,

Then pale gold, then soft blue shadow

Coloring Dal. Us quiet hello

Sillet autumn peaceful. No sharp outlines

No bright colors. Earth experience

It's time for luxurious forces and powerful tremors;

Strengths lay down; Other beauty

Replaced the former; Liberate summer

Rays are strong not to be seal,

Nature is all full of last heat;

Still along the wet bark flowers,

And on empty fields dried epic1

Outs the network of trembling web;

Circling slowly in the streets of the forest

On the ground the yellow leaf falls behind the sheet ...

A.K. Tough

* * *

Maple and Ryabina shook,

Brighter gold curry birches,

And Georgina is waiting badly,

What will burn her first frost.

Only Topol yes Eve's native

All surrender still do not want

And, the last days of living,

Keep green outfit.

And until the snow inspired

Winter Ice Sherry

We are tomit incomprehensible nonsense,

And we are sadly admiring.

But the skilled summer with spring,

So autumn the days are considered ...

Ah, soon we are with this kra

Slemented to new spring!

K. R. (Const. Romanov)

Autumn - Strange time:
That is cool, then the heat.

pethate Tsettka

Autumn song

Passed summer
Autumn has come.
In the fields and in groves
Empty and sad.

Birds flew away
Became the days shorter,
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.

Alexey Plescheev


In the garden, the track,
Ospen claps in palm.
That's why that week
Her palms blushed.


Screaming a crow in the sky:
- Car-r!
In the forest Fire-r, in the forest Fire-r!
And it was just very:
In it settled autumn.

E. Intulov

Falling autumn

It walks autumn along the alleys,
To visit us, I went to the courtyard,
Roasted trees
The shower turned on and left.

Fabw rain and leaves,
Puddles with bunches sing,
On birch fox fur coat
Terrible clouds float.

Aleinikova L.


Something my mother burned ...
Maybe she forgot
How to jump in the rain
In the blue sequer.

How completely a girl
Drops in the beat laughed calling.
I need to remind you soon.
Well, fun and friendly

We wear boots
And under the rain run away.
One, two, three, four, five
Autumn we go to seek ...

Behind the window of autumn

Outside the fall fall
Listfall rustle
Clane foliage all threw
It seems he sleeps.
And the birch is sharp
From sung wind
Rain from tuchcuch pouring,
Summer ran away.
With her kitten
Sad by the window
Watch the call
Stringing from rain.

Aleinikova L.

Leaf and wind

Light handle breeze
Picked up a sheet in the garden,
And let's tumble with him,
How to play with a kitten.
On autumn paustography
Hung like empty
Holding hands, flew,
And I got into my palm!

Aleinikova L.

Multicolored wind

Following in the summer, autumn goes,
Yellow songs to her wind sings.
Red Foot Feet Foliage
White snowflake flies in blue.

V. Stepanov

Poems about autumn for children - Lungs

Autumn Nya g amma

Empty Chizhik nest - up.
Autumn day on the courtyard -re.
Will the wind beyond the door - to re mi.
Light days empty graph - fa.

Wood all the land.
Lodge on the puddles, as if salt - salt.
Cap warm wear - si.
To the reality of Fa Salla

Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain.

Raybear Stachev


Fall fall leaves
In our garden, leaves.
Yellow, Red Leaves
In the wind, we go, fly.

Birds south fly away
Geese, Grachics, cranes.
Here's the last one
Wings waves away.

In your hands, take the basket,
In the forest for mushrooms, let's go,
Smells and paths smell
Tasty autumn mushroom

M. Ivensen


Red rain palls from the sky
The wind red leaves carries ...
Leaf fall, change of season,
Sheetage on the river, sheet -

The river is frozen the Boca,
And from Inea has nowhere to go.
Fox fur coated river,
But trembles and can not warm up.

Valery Schulzhik

About Hedgehog

Hedgehog dried sandwich
Widespread Roth
He and the Chakal, and Klachtel -
That's how to eat wanted!

The people are surprised:
Well, where does the sandwich come from?

There are no sandwiches in the forest -
I carry their hedgehog!


On the scarlet feathers
The flow of September coolness.
In a dry boron, Dremot Pine,
Rest runs away from fields
South leaves our autumn,
Holding the thread of the caravel.

T. Belozerov

Autumn leaves

Devoured a birdhouse
Birds flew away
Leaves on the trees
Also not sitting.

All day today
All fly, fly ...
Seen, also in Africa
Felt want.

Irina Tokmakova

Before winter

Maples fly faster
All the darker of a low arch of heaven,
Everything that crowns are empty,
Everything is heard, as the forest ends ...

And increasingly hiding in the MGL
The sun,
Flooded to Earth.

Igor Maznin


Rain rain drizzles
Sows rain through a sieve
Smoke gray.

Rain - artist:
He draws puddles,
And on the pipes he plays
No worse.

Here and gray snow went,
Less thick.
What is good
And sad.

Roman Sef.

Fucking rain

Fly, fly rain,
Do not leave the gate.
On the swelling path
Raw fog crawling.
Pussy Soster
And fiery Ryabin
Comes and sow autumn
Fragrant mushrooms!

I. Demyanov

Yellow paint someone

Hurt paint someone
Painted forests,
Because of what
Below heaven.

Brighter stuffed
All the flowers faded
Only fresh wormwood.

I asked Pope:
- What happened suddenly?
And answered dad:
- This is autumn, friend.

Natalia Antonova


Autumn - Redhead Girl
Sews outfits finely thin:
Red, burgundy, yellow leaves -
This is a patchwork.

Minhina K. (schoolgirl poem 8 years)


Here on the leaf of the maple.
Now he is just like a new one!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

Berestov V.D.


If the rain is pouring,
Umbrella i take with me
Very bright and big
Whoever meets
Very surprised.
Says the people around:
"That's so miracle! Umbrella goes! "
Even a bit offended,
What is not visible at all ...

M. Sidorova


Rain and wind oak
It is not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scary to catch a cold?
After all, until late autumn
He stands green.
So the oak is hardy,
So tempered!

I. Tokmakova

Birds flew away

Bird flew.
Forest summer dreams.
Does not freeze
Until spring -
Warm forest warm

S. Ostrovsky


Oh, what summer was!
There is no trace,
All in the district of yellow
And cold river.
Boring rain in the window beating,
From him, solid dirt,
Summer will not return anymore
It will become puddles to freeze.
And today, Easel,
Brush drives day-day,
Autumn in red color dressed
And admires himself.

Aleinikova L.

The girl incredibly tells the poem on the show

Positive finally !!! This miracle girl the story of the poem blew up viewers and the Internet! Look until the end!)

How to help your child learn poem

Almost all children cannot stop in place, especially if it concerns lessons or memorizing a poem. Our "Flowers of Life" is very fussy and temperament. But if desired, it is still possible to understand and destroy the poem by doing this in a game form.

For example, you can reincarnate in the artist and offer "Let's draw what we are talking about." To do this, take everything you need for creativity - paints, pencils, may be plasticine, etc. We turn on the fantasy and together with your chance you need to reproduce each line of poem on the sheet with paints or caressing something plasticine. In this case, the visual memory is involved. Your baby guaranteed to be fun to learn verse. It will completely plunge into the memorization process, which will help him much easier to understand, remember, and then tell the poem.

Your child will be easier to learn the poem, by its rhythm, that is, you can walk or dance reading. You can also include a sports component, for example, use the ball - uttering each line to transmit the ball to each other.

You can also use the rules of the familiar game "Snowball". First, we read the first line of the poem, then repeat it, not peeping. Further read the first and second line and we repeat, not spying into the text. Etc. The child can easily remember the poem even after a large period of time, as it repeats it repeatedly.

It is important that the process itself is pleasant for the child, everything should be fun and with an excellent mood. And the benefits of learning a poem is simply invaluable. Your child will learn to bring the work started to the end, to achieve the goal and others. It also develops speech and attention. Learn the poem, different and many.

The magical, beautiful and fragrant time of year came - autumn. 🙂

By tradition, various holidays will be held in kindergartens (autumn holiday, harvest festival, etc.), dedicated to this excellent time of the year. Of course, beautiful poems about autumn will be very by the way. 😉

Poems about autumn for children of kindergarten

A. Teslenko

Autumn, autumn, do not rush
And with rains wait!
Give us a summer
Sun and light.

M. Khodiakova

If on trees
Leaves wishes
If the edge is far
Birds flew away
If the sky is gloomy,
If the rain is pouring,
This is the time of year
Autumn is called.

V. Stepanov

Far back winter
But not for fun
Dragging protein in zakpo
Berries, nuts ...

Where to take in winter the sickness
For kids
And for guests?


In the garden in the autumn
From the track
Ospen chlopet
In palm.

That's why
That week
Her palms

E. Trutneva

It was suddenly lighter twice
Courtyard as in sun rays -
This dress is golden
At Birch on the shoulders.
In the morning we go to the courtyard -
The leaves will rain
Under the legs rustle
And fly ... fly ... fly ...
Pathinks fly
With spiders in the middle,
And highly from the ground
Fly cranes.
All flies! It must be
Falls our summer.

V. Stepanov

Following in the summer
Autumn goes.
Yellow songs
She sings the wind
Red under the feet
Stellet foliage
White snowflake
Flies in blue.

In the forest Osinov

V. Stepanov

In the forest Osinov
Usinki trembling.
Trucks wind
With Osin Kosinka.
He is on the path
Kosinki will reset -
In the forest Osinov
Autumn will come.

Birds fly away

V. Stepanov

Birds are accompanied
On the road of the forest:
Long Echo
Flies to heaven.
Birds are accompanied
On the road meadows:
Grass grown
In big stacks.
Even beyond him
As if the wing
Scarecrow waves
Empty sleeves.

I. Surikov

Autumn, autumn.
Please ask!
Autumn, autumn,
Eight week weeks:
With abundant breads
With high swaps
With flatfall and rain,
With a migratory crane.

Why trees fall leaves in autumn?

V. Orlov

- Why in the winter trees
Undress around?
- And the trees are also needed
Stripe before bed!

V. Nirovich

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves fly.
Yellow maple, yellow beech
Yellow in the sky circle.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
All Land of Yellow Circle.
Yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring.

Y. Kapotov

Fallen foliage
The conversation barely is heard:
- We are from maples ...
- We are with an apple tree ...
- We are cherries ...
- From Osinki ...
- From the cushion ...
- From oak ...
- With birch ...
Everywhere leaf falls:
On the threshold of frost!

M. Yasnov

Under the birch
Under the aspen
Moving hardly
As if duck brood,
On the river floats foliage.

- Do not forget, do not forget
Return to us in the spring! ..
- Uti-Uti! .. Uti-Uti ...
Summates the world of forests.

And stand trees-mothers,
And anxiously rustle
And look at the most
Leaf ...

V. Berestov

Here on the leaf of the maple.
Now he is just like a new one!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

I. Tokmakova

Empty a birdhouse -
Birds flew away
Leaves on the trees
Also not sitting.
All day today
All fly, fly ...
Seen, also in Africa
Felt want.

Autumn treasure

I. Bivovarova

Fall from the branch of yellow coins ...
Under legs a whole treasure!
This is autumn golden
Gives leaves not counting
Golden gives leaves
You and us
And everything in a row.

V. Avdienko

Walks autumn along the track,
Wocked in the puddles of the legs.
Pour rains
And no lumen,
Lost somewhere summer.
In autumn walks, falls autumn,
The wind from Clean leaves dropped.
Under the leg mat new,
Yellow-pink maple.

Naughty rain

T. Konev

Rain, rain, you listen to:
Do not go barefoot on the puddles.
Autumn wanders on the roads,
Cold in Kotomka wears
Whether - you become snow -
We do not celebrate until April.

Good wizard

Yu. Kapustina

In a gold carrier,
That with a horse is playful,
Skipped autumn
In forests and funds.
Good wizard
Everything reincarnated:
Bright color
The earth was degraded.
From the sky is sleepy month
The miracle is surprised.
Everything is sparkled around
Everything overflows.

L. Divodova

Skipped me
Rain from naughty leaves.
How good he is!
Where else will you find -
Without end and without start?
I began to dance under him
We danced as friends -
Rain from the leaves and me.

I. Melnichuk

Bird flock flies,
Clouds rushed, sobbing.
As if thin wasnka
Octopka trembles in the wind.
I tell her:
- Take it easy,
White winter, do not be afraid.

Fucking rain

I. Demyanov

Fly, fly rain,
Do not leave the gate.
On the swelling path
Raw fog crawling.

Pussy Soster
And fiery Ryabin
Goes and sow autumn
Fragrant mushrooms!

M. Geller

Gives autumn miracles
Yes, what else!
Disclaimed forests
Golden caps.
They sit on a hemp
And the spider is a dexter which! -
Pulls the network somewhere.
Rain and grouse grass
In sleepy often at night
Incomprehensible words
I mumble before morning.

Harvest holiday

T. Side

Autumn Square decorate
Multicolored foliage.
Autumn feeds harvest
Birds, animals and us with you.
Both in the gardens and in the garden,
And in the forest, and in the water.
Prepared Nature
All sorts of fruits.
In the fields goes cleaning -
Collect people bread.
Drags the mouse in the mink,
To have a winter lunch.
Dried squirrels root
Fall bees honey.
Cook grandmother jam,
In the cellar apples pushing.

Swan flies

V. Prikhodko

Swan flies
From North to South.
Peeling swans
White white fluff.
Whether the fluff of winch
In the air glitters
Whether in our windows
First snow

E. Intulov

Screams the crow in the sky: - Car-r!
In the forest Fire-r, in the forest Fire-r!
And it was just very:
In it settled autumn!

Autumn blanket

S. Ostrovsky

On the trees
Little leaves.
On the ground -

From Loskutv
A blanket
On fare

I. Vinokurov

Falling autumn
In our park,
Gives autumn
All gifts:
Red Beads -
Pink Apron -
Umbrella Yellow -
Fruit autumn
Gives us.

N. Krasilnikov

Passed fox under the bush
And burned the tip foliage.
Fire on the twigs
And laid the autumn forest.

A. Efimtsev

In the caraviline sky
Wind clouds wears.
Welbble Verba:
"Fall. Again autumn! "

Leaves yellow shower
The sun is lower than pines.
Whawing Iva Eve:
"Fall. Autumn soon!"

On the shrub of IAI
White raincoat sketched.
Whispering Oak Ryabina:
"Fall. Autumn soon!"

Whispering fir eraci
Forest Bora:
"Soon notice
And starts soon! "

Abraham Gonzar
translation V. Berestov
Autumn in the forest

Autumn forest every year
Pay gold for the entrance.
Possess Osin -
All dressed in gold,
And herself loves:
"Stoy ..." -
And tremble from cold.
And Birosis Rada
Yellow alongside:
"Well and dress!
What is the beauty! "
Fast leaves scattered,
Frost came suddenly.
And birch whispers:
"Zyabnu! ..."
Tried and oak
Gold plated fur coat.
Successful oak, yes late
And he is noise:
Deceived gold -
Not saved from the cold.

Yakov Akim
Where do you go, autumn?

Autumn rainy
Straight I sleep and see:
On snow khrinyshma
From a hill, skiing!

And in winter lyout,
In the evening, in the frost,
I remember the yard of spring,
Leafs birch.

From the April Pudssa
Waiting for I will not wait -
Roll on summer,
In the river jogging!

"Where do you go, autumn?" -
In August I will ask
Because to school
I hurried to friends

Irina Buvrimova
Blue Sky, Bright Flowers

Blue sky, bright flowers,
Golden autumn wonderful beauty.
How many sun, light, gentle heat,
This is a woman summer autumn gave us.
We are glad we are the last warm, clear days,
On hemp thighs, in the sky cranes.

As if the artist would feel good hand
Painted birch paint golden,
A, adding red, painted bushes
Cleans and aspen of wonderful beauty.
It turned out autumn-eye not to tear off!
Who else will be able to draw like that?

V. Rudenko
In the window of the girlfriend autumn

In the window of the girlfriend autumn
Foliage Slavet
She is without demand
Sadness treats.

Foliage foliage yellow
And the breeze is sticking,
And taking me at hand
Park will behave.

Will show all outfits,
Recalls the winter,
Whispeters in the eye quietly -
There is joy and in me.

Look what leaves!
Look what carpet -
Each season
There is your magic choir.

Summer, Twitter and Truck Solovya,
And winter snow and white snow,
Spring sings a drip of the murmur stream,
And autumn will deactivate trees and fields.

In the window of the girlfriend autumn
Foliage Slavet
She is on dance
In the foliage will invite ...

Lion Kwitko
Complaint of trees

In baskets, fruits contribute to the house,
When summer passes,
And leave in the rain
Outside the door of the garden.

And there will be banks until spring
Jam pink full of
And there will be apples in Lara
Fresh, as if in September,
And ripe cherries scarlet juice
Paint sugar.

And the garden remained there, outside,
Stand on the belt in a black puddle.
Cold whirlwind of him -
Card the garden and groaned.
Trees hurt, hoarse,
Shake from head to toe:
"We used fused everything now
Yes, on one leg with us!
Oh, badly shy in the rain,
And take us in a warm house! "

Well, how to help trees?
And suddenly the frost will be night,

Carry rogers and bags -
Trees for winter stockings.
Legs warm, dressed everyone
And the head will force the snow.

Alexey Starikov Art
Quiet, warm, tender autumn
the leaves of wondered everywhere
colors in lemon, orange

On sidewalks, lawns, alleys
they are a raplet, without spare, -
over the window in the web

Nasty window. And gullible bird
i'm on my palm, concerned, sits down,
lung and cold, gentle and clean

Wind gust. Sheet takes off with palm,
here it is already on the next balcony,
mIG - and, bypassing a wide cornice,

Irina Buvrimova
Leaf fall

Fallen leaves rustle under the legs,
All the Earth, the collapse of the multicolored carpet,
And Crawn Autumn Cold Flame
Sparkles in the sun to the farewell bone.

And the wind plays a rowan branch
And the bunches flashed in the autumn foliage.
The people have long existed,
What a lot of rowan - to the cold winter.

The last chamomiles eye gold
Recalled again about past warm
And drops of dew, like tears alive,
From their white cilias flow at the dawn.

And the wind is all chasing fallen leaves
And the wedge sad fly cranes.
I am a train, from the summer that was tormented in autumn,
Pile yellow will assist away.

Evgenia Trutnev
Leaf fall

Under the leg hurt the ice bursts,
I can not see anything. Darkness.
And rustle leaves - invisible,
Waving from each bush.
Autumn walks on the roads of summer,
Everything got sorted, relaxing easily.
Only in the sky festively from the light -
Heaven all constellations lit! ..
With gold leaves similar
Stars from the sky will fly ... fly ...
As if in a dark, starry sky too
A autumn leavefall has occurred.

Yakov Akim

Rain, rain all day
Drum in glass.
All Earth, All Earth
From water splash.

Howl, howls outside the window
Displeased wind.
Wants the door he to disrupt
With cream loops.

Wind, wind, no knock
In locked senses;
Let them burn in our ovens
Hot lamps.

Hands stretch to heat
Glasses povered.
On the wall and on the floor
Shadow dumped.

Going to me
Listen to fairy tale
At the fire!

Irina Buvrimova
Autumn Waltz

Foliage in the autumn waltz,
Play glare on glass,
Bizarre colored pattern
The carpet falls on the ground.

In elegant autumn decoration
Bereza, ash, Lipa, Kleon.
Rowan borders among leaves
Rubinov burn fire.

All in this waltz autumn is circling
And, without sorry kindness,
As if the fairy is all under the feet
Throws gold foliage.

And as if the breath feels
To us approaching blizzards
In the High Sky Creek fare
Birds flying out south.

Galina Novitskaya

I go, sad one:
Autumn side somewhere.
Yellow leaves in the river
Summer drowned.
I throw him a circle -
Your wreath is the last.
Only summer can not be saved,
If the day is autumn.

Indian summer
After storms and rains
Went warmly.
On the path of Ov
Indian summer came:
Warmed fields
Heated grass, -
As if he sees the Earth
Light sleep in reality.
No in the chase
Khmury Autumn Tuch,
Cancened cold
Bright morning ray.
Shining heats from heaven
Sun Fire Shield,
In a bugger forest
Behind the mushrooms manit.
Come out in the field, in the meadow -
Everywhere free space;
Like a towers - Stacks
Stretched to the mountains ...
How to be rapidly, easy
On the largest fields!
Highly high
Crane cranes are heard ...
What is the shirre depth
What are you, what kind of look! ..
For string string -
Web hanging.
The air is clean, like a crystal,
Every sound call in it;
Golden Dal.
Powder around ...
In the garden enter - all in the rays,
Cold gold taxi;
And flowers in flower beds
Do not want to fight ...
A. Corinthian

Autumn on the edge of paint bred,
By the foliage, quietly brushed:
Yezhechnik yelling and killed
In purple autumn only oak green.
Complete autumn:
- Do not regret the summer!
Look - grove gold dressed!
3. Fedorovskaya

Autumn on the courtyard
Summer sat down,
So autumn in the yard.
Any flocks of birds
Over the forest at the dawn.
Slap, suffered
Autumn time.
And missed me
Leaves the yard.
The days are cold,
Everywhere snow and ice.
Ways froze water,
And only the blizzard sings.
White trepal drifts,
How the roof is sovest.
Behind the bitch of onemale
Hooked, whistles.
Shouts like a witch shall
And moan silence.
My hut Malaya
In the forest one, one.
K. Balmont

Autumn in the forest
Autumn forest every year
Pay gold for the entrance.
Possess Osin -
All dressed in gold,
And herself loves:
- St Shen ... -
And tremble from cold.
And Berez Rada
Yellow alongside:
- Well and dress!
What is love! -
Fast leaves scattered,
Frost came suddenly.
And birch whispers:
- Zyabnu! .. -
Tried and oak
Gold plated fur coat.
Successful oak, yes late
And he is noise:
- Merznu! Merzno! -
Deceived gold -
Not saved from the cold.
A. Gontar

When the branches are crying
Clouds are circling
Gathering in flocks
The distance runs the road
Wet, empty,
And yellow leaves
In the gloomy alley.
The sky is even darker
And she is lighter.
What do leaves whisper there?
Let's go and ask.
Leaves answer:
But time comes
Fall yellow leaves
Tropicks are wounded
Precious silk
From the mountains slide clouds,
Birds are hiding somewhere
All stronger branches
Cry ...
I. Tekovich

Niva compressed, groves goals *,
From water fog and dampness.
Wheel for blue mountains
The sun quietly rolled.
Dormlet exploded road.
She was noticed today
What is completely a bit
Waiting for the winter gray left.
Ah, and I myself are in more often a call
See yesterday in the fog:
Red month foal
Drop into our sleigh.

Nearby autumn
More autumn fogs
Did not hide the groves of gold cells;
Also the sun sometimes
In the sky shines, and sometimes
Fly low above ground
Sad swallows herds.
But leaves with yellow carpets
No longer under their feet
Syreet Pepling Earth;
Wherever you kill, the gaze is inquisitive
Meets dried Niva
And naked fields.
And long walk in the evening long
Without purpose in the desert room ...
All somehow overcast is silent;
Only beats the pendulum
Yes, the wind is silent one-way,
Yes, the rain under the windows is knocking.
A. Apukhtin

Autumn (excerpt)
Crooks Lone Golden
Wet land in the forest ...
Boldly Topchka I foot
Outer forest to the beauty.
With cold cheeks are burning:
Look in the forest to me run
Hear like a bitch crack
Leaves leg to rush!
There is no former joy here!
Forest with itself the secret of the Schedule:
Torn the latter
Sled the last flower;
Moss not raised, not exploded
Pile of curly weak;
Near the stump does not hang
Purple cruising brushes,
Long on the leaves lies
Night frost, and through the forest
Cold somehow looks
Clarity of transparent skies ...
A. Mikikov

Patternory Sarafan.
Autumn walks, forests bloomed. -
"I'm lying in the fields in a sundress."
And winter grumbled sadly:
"I will put them under the canvas."
The breeze flew. Shoved.
And the joker whole hum unfolded.
"How the autumn will order me, - at the beginning,
And then: - like winter, "he whispered.
Merged, twisted, double,
And he started a snowman for six months.
Look, gri, along with a bird of various
Mart and April were darned.
Warred in the morning fogs,
In the heart of sweet blows in spring.
And on the whole earth - Sundars,
And what kind of pattern is painted.
K. Balmont

In autumn
Autumn, autumn ... Sadik poor.
Where are your colors of your beauty?
Where are your trees kudri?
What is so gloomy heaven?!.
Moths, Pttashchi
And the cheerful chorus of dragonfly -
Everything disappeared, hit a little
The first morning frost ...
Sorry to me, sorry you, my kindergarten!
I feel sorry for your alley,
Where I walked in a hot summer
In the days of the past spring of my ...
Suddenly since midnight smelling
Wind - swirl flew
And, foliage with trees,
I need a hatch ...
♦ Do not regret, "the wind whispered to me, -
Again your kindergarten blooms;
He is not only autumn-winter
He will survive you! .. *
A. Corinthian
From the poem "Listopad"
Forest, exactly led painted,
Purple, gold, crimped,
Cheerful motley wall
It is standing over a light polar.
Birches yellow thread
Shine in blue lazuries,
As a tower, the Christmas trees are darker.
And between maples blue
Then there, then here in the foliage
Summets into the sky that she
The forest smells oak and pine,
For the summer he dry he from the sun
And autumn quietly widow
It comes into the motley thread.
Today on empty glade,
Among the wide yard,
Air web fabric
Brilliate as a network of silver.
Today all day plays
In the yard the last moth
And, exactly white petal,
On the web freezes,
Sung by solar heat;
Today is so light around,
Such a dead silence
In the garden and in blue embroidery,
What can be in this silence
To hear the leishes of Shurchhanye.
Forest, exactly led painted,
Purple, gold, crimped,
Stands over solar clearing,
Walked silence ...
I. Bunin

First snow
In the morning of the cat
Brought on the paw
First snow!
First snow!
He has
Taste and smell,
First snow!
First snow!
He is spinning
At the guys above your head
He managed
Pooch shawl
On the pavement
He whites
Along the fence
Torn on the lantern, -
So soon
Very soon
Fly Salazki
From a slide,
So it will be possible
Build a fortress
In the courtyard!
Ya. Akim
Autumn winds believe
In a gloomy oak;
With noise to earth lying
Yellow leaves.
Field and garden empty;
Network hills;
Singing in groves was fallen -
Hanging birds.
Late geese stanitsa
South seek
Smooth flight rushing
In the mining limits.
Walk gray fogs
In a quiet valley;
With smoke in the village sneaking,
Go to the sky.
Wanderer standing on the hill
Greeting sad
Looks at pale autumn,
Timo sighing.
Stranger sad, comfort!
Vygoz Nature
Only for a short time;
Everything will be revived
Everything will be updated in the spring:
With proud smile
Again, nature will rise ...
N. Karamzin

Color autumn
Color autumn - evening of the year -
I smiles light.
But between me and nature
There was a thin glass.
Whole this world is like a palm,
But I do not go back.
I'm with you, but in the car,
I'm still at home, but on the way.
S. Marshak

Autumn cranes
Through the evening fog to me, under the sky with a stembly.
Creek Creek All Clear and Clear ...
The heart rushed to them, from afar, flying
From a cold country, with naked steppes.
So closely fly and, sobbing louder,
Like mournful news they brought me ...
From what are you unsolved edge
Fit here for the night, cranes? ..
I know the country where the sun is without power,
Where is Savana waiting, the cold, the earth
And where in naked forests the wind is waddy, -
That my motherland is, then my depreciation.
Dusk, poverty, longing, bad weather and slush.
View of the sullen people, the kind of sad lands ...
Oh, how hurt the soul, as I want to cry!
Stop crying over me, cranes!

My garden fades every day;
He fence, Paulman and empty,
Even though still twist
Nasturtiums in it Fire bush ...
I'm sad! Annoys me
And the sun of autumn shine,
And the leaf that the birch is falling,
And late grasshoppers Crack.
Look at the habit of roof
Empty nest over the window:
In it, I don't hear speech swallows
Soloma dilated in it ...
And I remember how the troubled
Two swallows, building it!
Like twigs clay fastened
And Puhu dragged into it! ..
How fun was the work of them, like a deft!
How anyone it was when
Five small, rapid heads
Looking out steel from the nest!
And the day of Tovaluni,
As children, led a conversation ...
Then flew, pevuny!
I saw them little since then!
And here - their nest is lonely!
They are in the other side -
Far away, far away ...
Oh, if wings and me!
A. Mikikov

Autumn in the village
Before sunset
The forest glitters Chervonz,
Do not hear "ku-ku" ...
Speaking by snops
Guys with zepami
Heard over the current.
In gardens rowan
Rights ... Poutinal
Shakes silver ...
Black band
Cranes skoo
Remove the village.
Grandfather, shaking Sybka.
Says with a smile:
"Sleep, handsome grandson:
Sleep while in yudoli
Alien You are bitter share
And heavy flour ...
Sleep, native, in the crib
Tightly you and sweet, -
Grow big
Be happy and waven.
Be destabily satisfied
With good soup! "
F. Shkule

October has come - the grove docks
The last sheets with the naked branches;
Duffled the autumn chlad - the road freezes.
Zhurch, still runs for the mill of the stream.
But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry
In the departure of the field with her hunt,
And they will be guided by Ozimi from mad fun,
And wakes up the dogs asleep dubrava.
Sad time! Ocho charming!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,
In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,
And the haired wavy covered skies,
And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
A. Pushkin.

Nice autumn
Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Ice faster on the student river
As if as melting sugar lies;
Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves fade still did not have time
Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.
Nice autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
No ugly in nature! And Kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps
Everything is good under the shine lunar,
Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...
I quickly fly on the rails cast iron.
I think my duma ...
N. Nekrasov

Golden autumn
Fall. Fabulous pane
All open for review.
Forest roads,
Looking into the lake.
As at the picture of the paintings:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, aspen, Osin
In the gilding is not enough.
Linden hoop gold -
As a crown on the newlywed.
Birch Face - under Fata
Wedding and transparent.
Buried land
Under foliage in the ditch, pits.
In yellow flaghel maples.
As if in gilded frames.
Where are the trees in September
At the dawn stand in pairs,
And sunset on their kore
Leaves an amber footprint.
Where you can not step in the ravine,
So that everyone knows everyone:
So raging that neither step
Under the legs sheet wood.
Where he sounds at the end of Alley
Echo have a cool descent
And dawn cherry glue
Throws in the form of a clock.
Fall. Ancient corner
Old books, clothes, guns,
Where is the treasure catalog
Ships the sizzle.
B. Pasternak

Shuffled plums in the garden,
Consumption Note OSAM ...
Yellow leaf redeemed in the pond
And welcomes early autumn.
He presented himself with a ship,
The wind of the wanders rushed him.
So we will float after him
To the strips uncharted in the life.
And we know already by heart:
A year later there will be a new summer.
Why universal sadness
In each line in verses at poets?
Something that traces in dele
Clean the shower and will fall out of winter?
While that the moment all
Fleeting and unique?
L. Kuznetsova

"Fall. Silence in the village of Dacha ... "
Fall. Silence in the village of Dacha
And deserted ringing on Earth.
Cobweb in air transparent
Cold like a crack in glass.
Through sandy pink pines
Jams the roof with a cock;
In a light haze Velvet Sun -
Like a peach, touched by a fly.
At sunset, lush, but not harsh,
Clouds are waiting for something, frozen;
Hand holding hands, bring brilliantly
The last two, the most golden;
Both to the Sun pay faces.
Both are faded from one end;
Senior - Carries Fire-Bird Feather,
The youngest is the rash of the heat.
N. Matveyeva

October! .. Trees await snow,
River spills got involved in ...
I chose yourself for a night
Where I found me on the way.
Like lights on a dormant swamp.
Trembled stars in black embroidery;
Earth, crushing in his night flight.
In a dream, she pressed gently to me.
And I, cover with dry straw leg
And laying down a gun under the head,
Warmed himself and soon gradually
Walked a huge one - her ...
Tells dawn into tough truubs.
For all day, for many, many years
The earth gave me the sun again,
From night dark
In the dawn!
T. Belozerov

Leaf fall
Under the leg hurt the ice bursts,
I can not see anything. Darkness.
And rustle leaves-invisible,
Waving from each bush.
Autumn walks on the roads of summer,
All got sick, relaxed fell.
Only in the sky festively from the light -
Heaven all constellations lit! ..
With gold leaves similar
Stars from the sky will fly, fly ...
As if in the dark, the Star Sky too
A autumn leavefall has occurred.
E. Trutneva

He whispered with the wind all day
And shudder. Oh, where you are freedom!
Ah, if a bird takes off above the branches
And drown in the blue sky!
Fall has come. At night, the cold is terrible.
Shepherds leaf and, trembling, fades.
The wind ripped him. Fallen, circling, he,
Falling, thought he flies.

Leaf fall
As an arrow killed by a label,
Shelled leaf above the branch,
Separated, fleet
And, circling unevenly,
Severe falling became incorrect
And, falling, chopper.
Following him another and the third
On top of how from the network,
Golden moths.
Terminate, circling,
Native trunks fall
Multicolored and easy.
Late day burns fearlessly.
The sky looks indifferent
On the fate of their children.
The death of the bugs and marks them,
And more and more sky shines
Through empty coral branches.
N. Minsky
Autumn (passage)
RDYAN paint,
Air is clean;
Goes into the dance
Red leaf, -
This is autumn,
Gallea Prosin
Gula pine,
Branches whistle.
Wind clone
Leaves drive
And Vikhrit.
Vichrey rati
And on the skate
Water Mutit,
Gomit Gam.
Rysnit, twist
Here and there -
On highlands,
And seas.
Through the field
Someone's hands
Exactly bows
Poplar ...
M. Voloshin

Autumn just took up work,
Only took out a brush and cutter,
Put some kind of gilding,
Somewhere dropped the bazhret
And kneaded like solving
Take her so much so?
Then it is scratching, silent paint,
And in the embarrassment will retreat onto the pitch ...
Then it will come from anger and flush
All tears with a merciless hand ...
And suddenly, painful at night.
Write the greatest peace.
And then, collecting together
Every effort, meditation, paths,
Draws such a picture
What we will not be able to take eye.
And sweat, embarrassed unwittingly:
What is there to do and what to say here?
... And she is all unhappy with themselves:
They say, it turned out again.
And herself will destroy it all,
The wind blows up, rains will fill,
To laugh in winter and summer
And first to start in a year.
M. Aliger

Autumn (excerpt)
And now September! Slow down your sunrise
Siagan Cold Sun blossoms,
And his ray in the gloomy of waters
Incorrect gold trembles.
The gray-haired middle of the hills.
Rosya flooded plains;
Zheletsy Sen Curly Oaks,
And red is a row sheet of aspen;
Silent birds live voices
Sleeping forest, silent heavens!
And now September! And the evening to us
Suitable. On the fields and mountains
Already frost throws in the morning
Your home patterns.
Awesome eulation will awaken;
Before him, the dust of the flying
Swing, wins grove, dol
Covers her faddy leaf,
And rag on the sky clouds,
And, Potmennev, ride the river.
Goodbye, goodbye, the radiance of heaven!
Goodbye, farewell, nature of nature!
Magic whisper full forest,
Chicken Waters!
Cheerful sleep of minute summer horns!
Here is an echo in nude groves
Clearing the woodcutter

'Eaol - in Greek mythology Lady of the winds.

And soon, the snow is roiled,
His Dubrov and Hills Winter View
The frozen current will be mistaken ...
E. Baratsky

Oktyabrsky Dawn.
The night turned pale, and the month sits down
Behind the river with a red sickle.
Sleepy fog in the meadows silver
Black reeds dumbbed and smoke,
Wind rustles reed.
Tat on the village. In the chapel of Lampada
Flash, tired grief.
In the trembling dusk of the church garden
Pours with the steppe waves of coolness ...
Slowly falling dawn.
I. Bunin

Noisy leaves, covered,
The forest started the autumn howl ...
Some gray birds flock
Spinned in the wind with foliage.
And I was small, - careless joke
My confusion seemed to me:
Under hum and rustle dance
I had fun doubly.
I wanted together with the swirl noisy
Sprinkle through the forest
And every copper sheet to meet
Delighted joyfully insane!
I. Bunin

There was a late wind duzh
Carried the ash leaf
And torture, like from plates,
Splash out of the puddle.
Rowan rod bunch.
And the forest, thick recently,
Foliage brightened nice
He became visible to everyone.
He was like a close house,
Where we sow wallpaper
No head lamps, -
Learn, yes with difficulty.
In different ends
Folding up her curtains
And removing my paintings,
Delivered residents.
Rained rain from MGLL,
Stretched the smell of
And as if burned
Wet trunks.
Oh, cute at home! ..
In vain, the heart is sad:
Everything will be skillfully
All choose winter.
K. Vanshkin

September (passage)
September, he is the beginning of ...
Or maybe the continuation of the summer?
In this time not sadness,
And the joy of the soul of Sogret.
Tropicks Manyat and Polyany:
There is white on the forest edge,
There are both worshipers.
In the mushroom kingdom in the morning early
We will go away and old women.
Mushroom Superb White,
And next to him the second and third
I love to catch at old firs.
Autumn forest beautiful and leveled,
Miraculously even spent.
When the wave of the waves met,
It makes sense to come with a basket of a whole
I love september forest wanderings,
Naturalness of mushroom searches.
Dial mushrooms trying to
Comprehend the time of fading.
Thoughts wonderful chassis
More beautiful buildings,
Natural and pristine!
September is a rich month of the year,
In love with a merry girl.
His luxurious nature
Three-color raises the flag.
He is generous to fruit, root,
Wonderful leak and goodness.
Shout about hundreds of thousands of benefits
His gardens and gardens! ..
N. Glakov

Rain came again,
Foliage flying into water
When calmer, but acute
We feel the nature.
And regret it is not in me,
That summer has passed
It melted on fire
And something has passed.
I sometimes sometimes
Calmly mature feelings
And it's closer to the verge of that
Where owes art.
And this drizzling rain,
And forest in dawn early
On the canvas lay like a shiver
Before the eternal faded.

* * *
Early autumn gift -
Blue, transparent day ...
Noon shrinking not frying;
Do not need a thick shadow.
Near the way, under the wild pear,
On the grass bench stands;
"Sit here! Look yes listen! *, -
I seem to say.
Sel. I look around and hover.
Long, it seems, I sit ...
Then on the sky, then on the ground
Thanks with gratitude.
No talking people ...
Silence ... only midges swarm
All about clear weather
Having soles me ...

Autumn, again the fall begins.
The leaves float, slightly touching the water.
And behind the villages in the fresh breast
Pure and gently turn yellow skirds.
Grad flew. Flew and melted
Light fog in the forest strip.
Capacious crude goose flock
Suddenly stole homemade geese.
Something sad is this hour.
Pines away Green and more visible.
How much still remains in stock
These transparent rapid days?
The sun on the moment illuminated trees,
Bridge, dam, vine at the pond.
Like my outgoing time,
Quietly in the shutter flows water.

Autumn (excerpt)
In the dubrava, Grandma Warm,
Spinning swirl rain and hail.
From the mountains striving, the valley of the root
Roaring, fast waterfall.
In the darkness zipper only shook,
Not visible in cloud of bright stars.
Suddenly thunder hit: and Bor trembles.
Do not roll timid animals.
Way so autumn fierce
And Tomny earth beats in Grad?
Nature without that dead:
Long faded a rose color.
Long trees are naked,
Being branching, stand
And birds, nests are devoid.
Sleeping the bullshit.
B. Capinth

Suburban autumn (passage)
In Perovo came near Moscow Autumn
With mushrooms, with rowan, with cottages.
You're more, jacket sail dropping,
Do not catch a rumbling tennis ball.
Birchings are transparent, neme birdhouses,
Morning frost crushes in gardens:
And the daccie to the city is lucky chrysanthemums,
And the dacket links the suitcase.
On wet meadows, the cloudber larch.
The hunter in the transparent and ruck forest,
On the focus turne stepping Storozko.
Bars in Yagdatasha Gold Fox ...
D. Kedrin

Autumn came; Ungode
Rushing in clouds from the seas;
Sullen face nature
Not fun view of naked fields;
The forests were dressed in blue dirty,
Fog walks over the earth
And overshadows the light of the eyes.
Everything dies, cooled;
The space was given smoking;
Frowned white day eyebrows;
Rains permanent poured;
To people settled in the neighbor
Tosca and sleep, handon and laziness.
So exactly the nonsense elder is boring;
So exactly for me
Always water and binding
Fools empty chatter.

Krink leaves ...
Spin the leaves
Spin in the road Snowflakes:
Autumn came, - dark and light in the forests.
Glow in the leaves of pink bodies,
As if in sleepless
And tired eyes.
Summer book these eyes read,
Small font could not be made
And distinguished in the MGL of foremost steel
Only large - the main things of the Earth.
Rush around colored sheets
above the garden;
Their eyes are called,
Yes, only it was clear for darkness.
spin the leaves nearby
In the ardent friendship of winter!
Fall leaves
Linden, oaks and maple ...
Snow sprockets roll from height ...
If you know: how much winter
Or fluently fall under the snow sheets?
If you knew: what kind of dreams
What prepares for them in a hidden layer?
What are they handy: on top of snow
Or under the snow hide,
How is heat under the ash?
Dance, dance!
With cold snow
As long as snowflakes so easily fly with you!
Only before the date
Under your feet do not lie down,
Did not hide
Blizzard Your bright outfit!
Dance, dance!
This is the last
Circling, cool!
After all, time,
time does not wait!
N. Matveyeva

And again, as in lovely years
Deployment, cleanliness and miracles,
Looks into drywater
Ruddy-fed forest.
Simple like God forgiveness.
Transparent lies.
Ah, autumn, my ration
My Golden Sadness!
Fresh, and brilliant cobwebs ...
Rusha, along the river I pass,
Through the branches and borders of Ryabina
I look at the quiet sky.
And the arch of the pigeon is wide,
And flocks of walkers -
What timby children's lines
In the desert of vintage pages ...

Autumn ringing (excerpt)
Above the grove, over a deaf lobby,
Over the selection of premount days -
Autumn ringing, dry and clear,
All hood and noine.
Where is the village of Kuste Ryabina
Burns abandoned fire
Rales the Chervoy List of Osin
Road long bubbin.
Where the laid gathering
Looked low reeds,
Rings to the nomadic lilac
Silver ripple river.
Under the roll of the crane
Under the whistle of the blue, on all sides
Rings autumn transfusion,
Crystal, slender chime ...
When neurko and slaughter
Fogs illuminate the dawn,
Olondenoy Doroya
Specify the horses of November.
On the irradiation - the old woman is autumn,
Wide path - in all the ends,
In the arc - shining prominent,
And under the arc - the bubbles ...
S. Inekovich

Autumn (excerpt)
September wind knocks on the window,
Stick pines throws in a shiver.
Sunset over the field went out for a long time.
And now the gray night comes.
And I put on my yellow raincoat,
Central battle take a rifle.
I went out. Over the skewers of the geese
We hurry and the city core in the horn.
I want to shoot a spur in them,
In the flying oblique joy of geese,
But the pulse begins to knock in the temples.
"Do not touch! * - I am heard from the branches.
And I understand that they are far away.
Guests are migratory, fly and fly.
You, autumn, broke their peace,
Torn the swamps, beat down the steppe.
Hod harbinger and rain
Frost, on puddles - glass creak.
I recognize you as a new day,
As ducks, south of flying, cry ...
N. Otrada

Last flock cranes *
Under the sky, the cries sounded.
The garden was shielded. Due to branches
Through lifeless gave.
Have long squeeze behind the river
Wide meadow, and compressed Niva.
Ronya leaves over water
Pensive pensive willows.
In Grasse, untouched his
Only fierce green is magnificently,
Drass of the flexible days ...
- Winter, winter crawling is silent!
K. R. (K. Romanov)

Glory to you, podfully
Joyful brief rest!
Solar shine your wonderful
Our river plays with ours
The grove plays the crimson
With sowing berries in saint,
As if the holiday was granted
On Zlatogry's horses!
I am glad loudly lady,
Leaves, cow, rcho,
And I wish nothing
And I do not want anything!
And no one knows
What, with winter speaking,
In the abyss, heavenly
Wind and sadness of October ...
N. Rubtsov

I love the Forest Travel,
Not knowing himself where, breast
Double deep rose
You go - and no end of the way ...
Circle Forests green;
Already rosyant autumn male,
And Yelnik green and shady;
Osiennik Yellow beats alarm;
1 Marshmallow - here: light breeze.

Calked with birch leaf
And, like a carpet, has relieved the road ...
You go, as if on the waters,
Noga noise ... and ear
The slightest rustle in more often, there,
Where the magnificent fern is dorming.
And red amansor row
That Karlya fabulous, sleep ...
Out of the Sun ray lies sideways ...
The river looked away ...
On the shallow mill wheel
Already noisy from afar ...
A. Mikikov

Transparent clouds calm movement.
As a haze solar adhesive light,
Then pale gold, then soft blue shadow
Coloring Dal. Us quiet hello
Sillet autumn peaceful. No sharp outlines.
No bright colors. Earth experience
It's time for luxurious forces and powerful tremors;
Strengths lay down; Other beauty
Replaced the former; Liberate summer
Rays are strong not to be seal,
Nature is all full of last heat;
Still along the wet bark flowers,
And on empty fields dried epic1
Outs the network of trembling web;
Circling slowly in the streets of the forest
On the ground the yellow leaf falls behind the sheet ...
A.K. Tough

Maple and Rowan littered *,
Brighter gold curry birches,
And Georgina is waiting badly,
What will burn her first frost.
Only Topol yes Eve's native
All surrender still do not want
And, the last days of living,
Keep green outfit.
And until the snow inspired
Winter Ice Sherry
We are tomit incomprehensible nonsense,
And we are sadly admiring.
But the skidding summer with the spring.
So autumn the days are considered ...
Ah, soon we are with this kra
Slemented to new spring!
K. R. (Const. Romanov)