Real laser swords from Star Wars. The laser sword is a weapon of the warriors from the Star Wars saga. As Obi Wan said in the very first film: “A weapon more elegant than any blaster.”

The name laser sword does not quite correctly reveal the essence of this amazing design. It would be more correct to call it a “plasma sword”. Each Jedi always made his own laser sword, which served him faithfully throughout his Jedi life.

As a rule, it took a Jedi about a month to “forge” a laser sword. The creation of a laser sword consisted of two main parts: mechanically assembling the metal parts of the sword together using hands and tools. The second part is undoubtedly the most important and very labor-intensive; it is meditation in the process of increasing the concentration of power in the crystals. And yet, when the situation required it, it could take only two days to “forge” a laser sword.

Electronic sword, electric sword

The Jedi were taught to use the Force as a link between warrior and sword. Due to this connection, the weapon became a part of the fighter and a continuation of his essence. While wielding an electric sword, this harmony served as a source of super-fast, inhuman reaction and dexterity.

Buy a laser sword in our store and we promise a complete atmosphere Star Wars. You will be able to feel like a real warrior and a full-fledged part of that world.

They have been trying to create a lightsaber for decades. For now, all we have is a plastic toy that turns on with with the right sound, glows in the dark and breaks after a couple of hits. But inventive thought does not stand still, and there are already working prototypes, and some things can even be ordered on the Internet.

The lightsaber idea has a few obvious flaws. For example, the fact that a beam of light cannot be stopped, so the sword will cut not only the ceiling above the Jedi’s head, but also the roof, planes flying past and celestial bodies. However, a laser pointer is the most obvious way to create a lightsaber, and some inventors have gone this route, leaving the problem of (infinite) beam length for later.

1. Pointer

So far, the most dangerous laser pointer with a Jedi handle was created by enthusiast Anthony Drake. A guy in his early 20s runs a YouTube channel where he shows off his really crazy inventions. First of all, he is interested in lasers. So, inspired by the seventh film in the series, Drake presented his prototype sword.

Drake's device has a power of 7 W, while according to American law, lasers with a power of more than 0.005 watt are prohibited from being sold. So the guy makes them himself, for example, from parts of an ordinary computer. To create the sword, he used a Nichia GaN laser diode, “overclocking” it to 7 W. To focus the beam I used a coated lens. The device runs on two unprotected lithium-ion batteries connected in series.

With the help of such a sword you can cut electrical tape, burn through a paper cup, set fire to paper or wood, which Drake demonstrates in his videos. It must be said that the laser pointer is rather a step back for the inventor. A few months earlier, he had designed a 40-watt “laser shotgun.” At the same time, according to the video blogger, the US Navy is testing a prototype laser gun with a power of 10-30 thousand watts.

If Drake's laser sword apparently only exists in a single copy, then you can order a 2-watt laser pointer now. The Spyder III Arctic model, of course, cuts and burns paper more slowly, but its handle is so authentic that Lucasfilms even considered suing the manufacturer. And the pointer costs almost as much as an exact toy copy of a lightsaber.

2. Lighter

Another inventor and video blogger named Allen radically solved the problem of the infinite length of the light blade. Instead of concentrating a beam of light, he made the blade by igniting a stream of flammable mixture.

Such a sword does not cut, but only burns, but that makes it look no less cool. True, the blade turned out to be somewhat thinner than the usual Jedi blades, and to add authenticity to the invention, Allen screwed a miniature speaker onto it, which produces a characteristic sound when fuel is supplied. The flame is maintained with butane using methanol and acetone as fuel. Judging by the slightly frightened face of the inventor, the technology is not very stable yet, so we wish him good luck in further tests.

3. Razor

When it became known that Jay Jay Abrams was starting to work on the next series of the franchise, a team of seasoned startupers decided to give the world a truly useful laser blade. As you know, the main problem of a good half of humanity in the 21st century is irritation after shaving. And in response to this challenge, they began to raise money on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to create a laser razor.

According to the authors of the project, $160 thousand was needed to develop the technology and create a working prototype. They promised that the laser razor would shave not only black, but also colorless hairs (for this, biologists discovered a special substance in the hair and adjusted the radiation to it). As a result, thanks to photoshop footage, confident speech and white coats, we managed to raise more than $4 million for the project.

All that the startupers were able to do in a few months from the start of the project was a new video with incomprehensible graphs and less confident voices. Then Kickstarter froze fundraising, beginning the procedure of returning money to those who were not afraid of the theoretical possibility of cutting their cheek with a laser in the morning before work.

4. Table knife

The most stable blade, which does not require recharging or refueling, is practically eternal and, most importantly, certified by Lucas and Disney and based on Star Wars, costs only a thousand rubles. And in the set, in addition to the sword, which cuts steak faster than current industrial lasers, you will also receive a fork and spoon. Everything with Jedi handles is natural. For a complete set, you can buy sticks in the shape of two Luke swords for the same price.

Why is a lightsaber impossible?

Well, seriously, the possibility of creating a lightsaber is seriously complicated by several theoretical problems. Firstly, the already mentioned light. As user Sergei Bunevich notes on The Question website, “light, like other electromagnetic radiation, propagates in space rectilinearly at a constant speed, which in a vacuum is approximately 300,000 km/s (the speed of light in matter may be less). In addition, in the absence of a medium that scatters light, the beam cannot be seen.<...>Thus, if we neglect the curvature of space-time, such a “blade of light” simply cannot look like a column of light of a certain length.”

Secondly, plasma. If we assume that a “light saber” is just a beautiful term and the sword has the same relation to light as a mortar has to mines (link to a post about mortars in LiveJournal), then most likely it should function as follows: a plasma arc is created , which is stretched by a magnetic field and held in a certain shape. The same field should reflect blaster shots, which are probably also plasma clots.

A similar technology for working with plasma already exists. With its help, for example, they cut metal in factories. But the arc length in such installations does not exceed several centimeters. You can try to stretch the arc, but it will turn out to be extremely unstable and will constantly deviate to the sides, trying to “stick” to the nearest surface.

In addition, the plasma is “consumed” and cools down. “In plasma cutting, plasma is created by a powerful jet of gas passing through an electric arc. It will take a lot of plasma to cut metal like in the film,” notes Bunevich. Well, the last problem, which also cannot be solved without supernatural power, is the electricity needed in a huge number to keep the cutter running.

If all these problems can be solved, the appearance of a lightsaber is quite possible. You can read more about the scientifically correct way of its functioning in the book “Physics of the Impossible” by the famous popularizer of science Michio Kaku. He operates with several scientific instruments that do not exist in reality, but on the whole he is correct and understandable to the widest range of readers.

Remember, right? That glowing wonder from George Lucas' Star Wars? Dance! A lightsaber that crushes and destroys everything in its path is practically created. Oddly enough, he distinguished himself as a lover of epic cinema. At least one American film fan managed to make such a thing (a lightsaber), close to the film original. Having seen enough, the American decided to act decisively.

This master even shot a video and posted it on the world-famous website YouTube, so as not to be unfounded. The video clearly shows the progress of testing this miracle and how it shamelessly sets fire to household belongings with an all-incinerating laser beam. The handle of the sword is equipped with some kind of flashlight; by clicking on a button on the handle, that very “death ray” appears, which easily ignites small objects. And this is just the beginning.

The Daily Mail tells us that the creator of such a “weapon” prefers to remain anonymous and claims that his sword is an absolutely legal type of weapon, or even non-weapon, in the United States. In the video, the creator calls himself the “Do-It-Yourself Laser Guy.”

Video copy of a lightsaber, laser sword:

The video, shot by an amateur, is accompanied by subtitles that provide basic information: the power of the laser beam is about 3000 mW, its thickness is 9 mm. The laser device runs on two 18650 LI lon batteries. Skeptics claim that the invention is definitely cool, but its power and strength really need to be tested by fighting the dark lord of the Sith.

Experts report that the device basically has little in common with the Jedi weapons from Star Wars, except for its superficial similarity. The main and most important difference is the high technology, technicality and elegance of laser weapons at the same time, which generates a powerful energy flow that is closed in a peripheral arc. That is, in essence, it is a portable projector directed to a point by a force field of the highest power. The strength of each blade and its wonderful properties depend on the focusing crystals located in its design. In fact, there is nothing overly special or complicated in the invention, everything is simple, like everything ingenious. There was no need to reinvent the wheel here, that's for sure.

Remember, even in the early versions of the star epic, these swords were not the special super-powerful weapons of the Jedi and Sith. They were used by ordinary rebels and stormtroopers, and later director George Lucas limited the possibility of use, narrowing the circle of users only to Jedi knights for the originality and uniqueness of the Order, a certain mysticism and mystery, which, in principle, as a director’s move, worked well. In the original trilogy, the sword-blades easily broke during the battle, since they were made from ordinary carbon electrodes.

For the first time, Russian viewers saw a laser sword in the Soviet cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” in 1994. In that episode when the hare robot fought with the wolf robot. That's when they fought with laser swords (so says Wikipedia).

Watch the cartoon and remember your childhood:

The laser was first demonstrated to the general public in 1960, and almost immediately journalists called it a “death ray.” Since then, the development of laser weapons has not stopped for a minute: scientists from the USSR and the USA have been working on it for more than half a century. Even after the end of the Cold War, the Americans did not close their combat laser projects, despite the enormous sums spent. And everything would be fine if these billion-dollar investments brought tangible results. However, to this day laser weapons remain more of an exotic show than effective means defeats.

At the same time, some experts believe that “bringing to fruition” laser technologies will cause a real revolution in military affairs. It is unlikely that infantrymen will immediately receive laser swords or blasters - but all this will be a real breakthrough, for example, in missile defense. Be that as it may, such new weapons will not appear soon.

However, development continues. They are most active in the USA. Scientists in our country are also struggling to develop “death rays.” Russian laser weapons are created on the basis of developments made back in the Soviet period. China, Israel and India are interested in lasers. Germany, Great Britain and Japan are participating in this race.

But before we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of laser weapons, we should delve into the essence of the issue and understand what physical principles lasers are working.

What is a "death ray"?

Laser weapons are a type of offensive and defensive weapons that use a laser beam as a striking element. Today the word “laser” has become firmly established in everyday life, but few people know that it is actually an abbreviation, the initial letters of the phrase Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation (“light amplification as a result of stimulated emission”). Scientists call a laser an optical quantum generator capable of converting different kinds energy (electrical, light, chemical, thermal) into a narrowly directed beam of coherent, monochromatic radiation.

Among the first theoretical justification The work of lasers was carried out by the greatest physicist of the 20th century, Albert Einstein. Experimental confirmation of the possibility of obtaining laser radiation was obtained in the late 20s.

A laser consists of an active (or working) medium, which can be a gas, solid or liquid, powerful source energy and a resonator, usually a system of mirrors.

To this day, lasers have found application in the most different areas science and technology. Life modern man literally filled with lasers, although he doesn’t always realize it. Pointers and barcode readers in stores, CD players and detection devices exact distance, holography - we have all this only thanks to this amazing invention called "laser". In addition, lasers are actively used in industry (for cutting, soldering, engraving), medicine (surgery, cosmetology), navigation, metrology and in the creation of ultra-precise measuring equipment.

Lasers are also used in military affairs. However, its main use is limited to various systems of location, weapon guidance and navigation, as well as laser communications. There were attempts (in the USSR and the USA) to create blinding laser weapons that would disable enemy optics and aiming systems. But the military has still not received real “death rays”. The task of creating a laser of such power that could shoot down enemy aircraft and burn through tanks turned out to be too technically complex. Only now has technological progress reached the level at which laser weapons systems are becoming a reality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite all the difficulties associated with the development of laser weapons, work in this direction continues very actively, billions of dollars are spent on them every year all over the world. What are the advantages of combat lasers over traditional weapon systems?

Here are the main ones:

  • High speed and accuracy of destruction. The beam moves at the speed of light and reaches the target almost instantly. Its destruction occurs in a matter of seconds; a minimum of time is required to transfer fire to another target. The radiation hits exactly the area it was aimed at, without affecting surrounding objects.
  • The laser beam is capable of intercepting maneuvering targets, which distinguishes it favorably from anti-missile and anti-aircraft missiles. Its speed is such that it is almost impossible to deviate from it.
  • The laser can be used not only to destroy, but also to blind the target, as well as detect it. By adjusting the power, you can influence the target within a very wide range: from warning to causing critical damage.
  • The laser beam has no mass, so when firing there is no need to make ballistic corrections or take into account the direction and strength of the wind.
  • There is no recoil.
  • A shot from a laser system is not accompanied by unmasking factors such as smoke, fire or strong sound.
  • The laser's ammunition load is determined only by the power of the energy source. As long as the laser is connected to it, its “cartridges” will never run out. Relatively low cost per shot.

However, lasers also have serious disadvantages, which are the reason why they are not yet in service with any army:

  • Diffusion. Due to refraction, the laser beam expands in the atmosphere and loses focus. At a distance of 250 km, the laser beam spot has a diameter of 0.3-0.5 m, which, accordingly, sharply reduces its temperature, making the laser harmless to the target. Smoke, rain or fog affect the beam even worse. It is for this reason that the creation of long-range lasers is not yet possible.
  • Inability to conduct over-the-horizon fire. The laser beam is a perfectly straight line and can only be fired at a visible target.
  • Vaporization of the target's metal obscures it and makes the laser less effective.
  • High level of energy consumption. As mentioned above, the efficiency of laser systems is low, so creating a weapon capable of hitting a target requires a lot of energy. This drawback can be called the key one. Only in last years it became possible to create laser installations of more or less acceptable size and power.
  • It's easy to protect yourself from lasers. The laser beam is quite easy to deal with using a mirror surface. Any mirror reflects it, regardless of power level.

Combat lasers: history and prospects

Work on the creation of combat lasers in the USSR has been ongoing since the early 60s. Most of all, the military was interested in the use of lasers as a means of anti-missile and air defense. Most famous Soviet projects The Terra and Omega programs began in this area. Tests of Soviet combat lasers were carried out at the Sary-Shagan training ground in Kazakhstan. The projects were led by academicians Basov and Prokhorov, Nobel Prize laureates for their work in the field of studying laser radiation.

After the collapse of the USSR, work at the Sary-Shagan test site was stopped.

A curious incident occurred in 1984. Laser locator - it was integral part“Terra” - the American shuttle Challenger was irradiated, which led to disruptions in communications and failures of other equipment on the ship. The crew members felt suddenly unwell. The Americans quickly realized that the cause of the problems on board the shuttle was some kind of electromagnetic influence from the territory Soviet Union, and protested. This fact can be called the only practical use of the laser during the Cold War.

In general, it should be noted that the installation’s locator operated very successfully, which cannot be said about the combat laser, which was supposed to shoot down enemy warheads. The problem was lack of power. They were never able to solve this problem. Nothing came of it with another program – “Omega”. In 1982, the installation was able to shoot down a radio-controlled target, but overall, in terms of efficiency and cost, it was significantly inferior to conventional anti-aircraft missiles.

In the USSR, hand-held laser weapons were developed for astronauts; laser pistols and carbines lay in warehouses until the mid-90s. But in practice, these non-lethal weapons were never used.

WITH new strength The development of Soviet laser weapons began after the Americans announced the deployment of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program. Its goal was to create a layered system missile defense, which would be able to destroy Soviet nuclear warheads at various stages of their flight. One of the main instruments of destruction ballistic missiles and nuclear units were to become lasers placed in low-Earth orbit.

The Soviet Union was simply obliged to respond to this challenge. And on May 15, 1987, the first launch of the super-heavy Energia rocket took place, which was supposed to launch into orbit the Skif combat laser station, designed to destroy American guidance satellites included in the missile defense system. They were supposed to be shot down with a gas-dynamic laser. However, immediately after separation from Energia, Skif lost orientation and fell into the Pacific Ocean.

There were other programs for the development of combat laser systems in the USSR. One of them - self-propelled complex“Compression”, work on which was carried out at NPO Astrophysics. Its task was not to burn through the armor of enemy tanks, but to disable the optical-electronic systems of enemy equipment. In 1983, based on the Shilka self-propelled gun, another laser complex was developed - Sanguin, which was intended to destroy optical systems helicopters. It should be noted that the USSR was at least not inferior to the USA in the “laser” race.

The most famous of the American projects is the YAL-1A laser, located on the Boeing 747-400F aircraft. The Boeing company was involved in the implementation of this program. The main task of the system is to destroy enemy ballistic missiles in the area of ​​their active trajectory. The laser was successfully tested, but practical use is a big question. The fact is that the maximum “firing” range of the YAL-1A is only 200 km (according to other sources - 250). A Boeing 747 simply cannot fly to such a distance if the enemy has at least a minimal air defense system.

It should be noted that US laser weapons are being created by several large companies at once, each of which already has something to brag about.

In 2013, the Americans tested the HEL MD laser system with a power of 10 kW. With its help, it was possible to shoot down several mortar shells and a drone. In 2018, it is planned to test the HEL MD installation with a capacity of 50 kilowatts, and by 2020 a 100-kilowatt installation should appear.

Another country that is actively developing anti-missile lasers is Israel. Qassam-type missiles used by Palestinian terrorists have been a long-term headache for the Israelis. Shooting down Qassams with anti-missile missiles is very expensive, so laser looks like a very good alternative. The development of the Nautilus laser missile defense system began in the late 90s, the American company Northrop Grumman and Israeli specialists worked on it jointly. However, this system was never put into service; Israel withdrew from this program. The Americans used their accumulated experience to create a more advanced laser missile defense system, Skyguard, which began testing in 2008.

The basis of both systems - Nautilus and Skyguard - was a 1 mW THEL chemical laser. Americans call Skyguard a breakthrough in the field of laser weapons.

The US Navy is showing great interest in laser weapons. According to the American admirals, lasers can be used as an effective element of shipboard missile defense and air defense systems. In addition, the power of the power plants of combat ships makes it possible to make “death rays” truly deadly. Among the latest American developments, mention should be made of the MLD laser system developed by Northrop Grumman.

In 2011, development began on a new TLS defensive system, which, in addition to the laser, should also include a rapid-fire cannon. The project is being carried out by Boeing and BAE Systems. According to the developers, this system should hit cruise missiles, helicopters, airplanes and surface targets at distances up to 5 km.

Currently developing new systems laser weapons practice in Europe (Germany, Great Britain), China and the Russian Federation.

Currently, the likelihood of creating a long-range laser to destroy strategic missiles (warheads) or combat aircraft at long distances it looks minimal. The tactical level is a completely different matter.

In 2012, Lockheed Martin presented to the general public a fairly compact ADAM air defense system, which destroys targets using a laser beam. It is capable of destroying targets (shells, missiles, mines, UAVs) at distances of up to 5 km. In 2018, the management of this company announced the creation of a new generation of tactical lasers with a power of 60 kW.

German arms company Rheinmetall promises to enter the market with a new tactical high-power laser, the High Energy Laser (HEL), in 2018. It was previously stated that a wheeled vehicle, wheeled armored personnel carrier and tracked armored personnel carrier M113 were being considered as the basis for this laser.

In 2018, the United States announced the creation of a tactical combat laser GBAD OTM, whose main task is to protect against enemy reconnaissance and attack UAVs. Currently, this complex is being tested.

In 2014, at a weapons exhibition in Singapore, a presentation of the Israeli combat laser system Iron Beam was held. It is designed to destroy shells, missiles and mines at short distances (up to 2 km). The complex includes two solid-state laser systems, a radar and a control panel.

Development of laser weapons is also underway in Russia, but most of information about these works is classified. Last year, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Biryukov announced the adoption of laser systems. According to him, they can be installed on ground vehicles, combat aircraft and ships. However, what kind of weapon the general had in mind is not entirely clear. It is known that testing of an air-launched laser complex, which will be installed on the Il-76 transport aircraft, is currently ongoing. Similar developments were carried out back in the USSR; such a laser system can be used to disable the electronic “stuffing” of satellites and aircraft.

Laser sword

Designed for both "elegant combat" and ceremonial use, the lightsaber was a distinctive weapon whose very image was inextricably linked to Jedi myth.

It was a blade of pure energy emitted from a hilt, most often created by the owner of the weapon based on his own needs, requirements and style. Due to the unique balance of the sword - all its weight is concentrated in the hilt - it was extremely difficult to handle without special training. In the hands of masters of the Force, such as the Jedi or their dark cousins ​​the Sith, the lightsaber commanded great respect, even fear. Wielding a lightsaber meant incredible skill and focus, as well as masterful dexterity and harmony with the Force.

Over millennia of use, the lightsaber has become synonymous with the Jedi and their desire to maintain peace and justice throughout the galaxy. This perception lasted despite many early conflicts with the Sith and Dark Jedi, who also wielded this weapon, often popularly called a laser sword.


Odan-Arr with his archaic lightsaber.

I thought Jedi never parted with their lightsabers even in bed.

Atton Rand, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Since the creation of the Jedi formation on Tython after the Force Wars, around 25,000 BC. b. , ceremonial weapons were an essential part of the order. The first Knights used alloy swords, infusing them with elements of the Force during a ritual called Jedi Forging. Later, by combining advanced technology from other planets with the ritual of forging, the Jedi learned to "freeze" the laser beam, a technology that would guide the Jedi to create future lightsabers.

By the time of the Duinogwuin Confrontation around 15,500 BC. b. , the order’s research in energy technology was successful; The Jedi developed a way to generate a focused energy beam that arced back to its source in a closed curve, creating the first portable high-energy blade. These precursors to lightsabers were terribly unstable and inefficiently wasted the energy coming from the power packs attached to the belt; They could only be used for a short time before they overheated. Due to design flaws, the first lightsabers were merely ceremonial additions to a Jedi's attire, rarely worn and even less commonly used.

The lack of stability that plagued previous models was corrected over the centuries, leading to the Hundred Years' Darkness in 7000 BC. b. clumsy and few in number siege weapons gave way to elegant and more common lightsabers. However, despite the stability, power delivery was still an issue. They still required wearing power units on the belt. The power cable connecting the belt and sword hampered the Jedi's movements in battle, but the new stable blade gave them a tremendous advantage in hand-to-hand combat with a well-protected enemy.

It was only during the Great Hyperspace War that the lightsaber as we know it today was created. The cluttered power cable and external power supply of older models were replaced with internal components by the time of the Gank Massacre in 4800 BC. b. . A superconductor was introduced into the design, which transformed the cyclically returning energy from the negatively charged energy flow hole back into the internal battery. With this modification, the battery only drained energy when the energy loop was broken (when the sword's blade collided with something), a centuries-old power supply problem was finally solved.

After the Great Jedi Purge, lightsabers became rare relics, highly prized by some collectors. During the years of Palpatine's Empire, some lightsabers found their way onto the black market and were sold for huge sums. They reappeared on the galactic stage with the creation of the New Jedi Order, thanks to the teachings of Luke Skywalker and the rediscovery of ancient Holocrons and teachings that were thought lost after the extermination of the Jedi.

Following the fall of Palpatine and the emergence of new Jedi, other Force-wielding groups, such as the Desanna Reborn and the Disciples of Ragnos, mass-produced the swords to arm their rapidly growing legions. In contrast, the New Jedi maintained old traditions and rituals, using their connection to the Force to make lightsabers for themselves. The Knights of the Empire also made their own swords, ensuring that despite the same design, each sword was unique. These swords were seen as symbols of how individuality mattered less than the Empire they served.


Ideally, a Jedi needs many months to create perfect weapon, which he will keep and apply until the end of his days. Once created by you, a lightsaber will become your constant companion, your tool and ready means of defense.

The ritual of creating one's own lightsaber was an integral part of Jedi training and involved not only technological skill, but also harmony with the Force. During the days of the Old Republic, the ice caves of Ilum were used as a ceremonial site where Padawans would come to make their first lightsaber. Here and in places like this, such as the caves near the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, the Jedi selected the best focusing crystals for themselves through meditation and connection with the Force and then completed the assembly of the sword.

Traditionally, creating a lightsaber took about a month. It involved assembling the pieces, both by hand and with the Force, and meditation to saturate the crystals. However, when extreme need the creation of the sword could be greatly accelerated. Corran Horne's first lightsaber, a dual-phase lightsaber created during his undercover work as an Invid ("Disturber") pirate, was made using this technique.

At the heart of the sword's hilt is a metal cylinder, usually 25-30 centimeters in length; however, handle designs and dimensions vary greatly, depending on preference and anatomical features every creator. The handle shell contains complex components that create the blade and give it its unique shape. A high-power energy flow, passing through a system of positively charged focusing lenses and activators, forms an energy beam that stretches from the base for about a meter and then, forming a peripheral arc, returns to the negatively charged ring-shaped depression encircling the emitter. The superconductor completes the energy loop by feeding the converted energy back into the internal battery, where the loop begins again. With the addition of one to three focusing crystals with different properties, the length of the blade and the power output can be changed using control mechanisms built into the handle. The two crystals create a branching cyclic ignition pulse, allowing the sword to be used underwater.

It does not matter who creates the sword - a young Padawan or an experienced master, the creation always begins with the collection of the necessary components. All lightsabers contain some basic components:

  • Handle;
  • Activation button/panel;
  • Fuse;
  • Emitter matrix;
  • Lens system;
  • Power unit;
  • Energy source;
  • Charging connector;
  • One to three focusing crystals.

Many lightsabers, such as the one carried by Zane Carrick in 3964 BC. b. , had a pressure sensor in the handle that deactivated the blade when it was released. It is worth noting that Darth Maul's double-bladed sword was not equipped with such a mechanism. Other swords were made either without a pressure sensor or with a locking mechanism that caused the blade to remain activated if the sword was thrown or dropped.

Traditionally, the crystal was the last component added. It represented the very essence of the weapon and gave it both color and strength. A lot of effort and time went into choosing this most important component of the lightsaber.

Having found all the components, the Jedi began the assembly process. Due to the complexity of the technology used, the Force was designed to bind components at the molecular level. These microscopic manipulations of the components allowed the energy loop design to operate with near-perfect efficiency. It was not uncommon for a Jedi to spend weeks, even months, putting all the pieces together to make sure that every part fit exactly and that the sword had the required length, color, and frequency of the blade. However, during the Clone Wars, it was claimed that the sword could be created in two days.

While most lightsabers look similar at first glance, a closer look reveals many design differences - hidden or overt. Due to the fact that each Jedi created his sword from scratch, it was simply impossible to find two identical ones. However, some Padawans made swords similar to their master's as a sign of respect.

Much knowledge about the design of lightsabers was lost during the destruction of the Jedi, but Luke Skywalker discovered the records and materials necessary to create his first sword in Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tatooine.

Crystal Options

The crystal is the heart of the sword. The heart is the Jedi crystal. Jedi is a crystal of the Force. Strength is the sword of the heart. Everything is interconnected: crystal, sword, Jedi. You are one.

Luminara Unduli, during the lightsaber creation ceremony.

The color of the crystals, the type and their quantity resulted in some differences in the properties of the lightsabers. The color of the crystals used, in fact, determined the likely color of the energy "blade" of the sword.

During the Great Sith War, many lightsabers were created using Kanda stones, which are natural geological formations from the planet Quadrille. These stones were famous for having many uses in medicine and communications technology; at the same time, when they were added to other focusing crystals, the energy beam was wider.

After discovering Kaiburran crystals on Mimban, Luke Skywalker added a small plate of such crystal to his sword's focusing system. This made his sword more powerful and effective.

Other natural crystals, such as Nextor and Damind, could be found throughout the galaxy. They could be used to further model the energy blade of a lightsaber.

Handle options

Great lightsaber or light mace- Special focusing crystals and energy systems allowed this rare species lightsabers generate a blade up to 3 meters in length. For the most part, these great swords were only used by creatures of enormous stature. Gork, a mutated Gamorrean Dark Jedi, used such a weapon.

Short Lightsaber- Shorter than in ordinary sword x, the blade was more useful in combat for smaller Jedi such as Jedi Masters Yoda, Yaddle, and Tsui Choi. In addition, the short lightsaber was sometimes used in the Niman (Jar'Kai) style of fencing, which was used, for example, by the ancient Jedi Master Kavar.

Shoto- “Shoto” was the name for a lightsaber with an even shorter blade that could be used as an assault bayonet. Luke Skywalker made himself a shoto after the Battle of Endor. Due to the fact that this type of lightsaber had a very small blade, it could be easily used by non-Force users. The bodyguard of Daranda, the Black Sun's lieutenant, Xinya, carried two shotos in the shape of police batons. It is known that Master Sora Bulk also carried a shoto with him during the Clone Wars era, which he used in battle with Jedi Senior Master Mace Windu.

Training lightsabers- Training swords were used by Younglings to practice the art of lightsaber swordsmanship. Although not life-threatening, contact with their blade could leave a bruise or even a slight burn. Most often, this type of lightsaber was used in combination with the basic "Shii-Cho" fencing style.

Weapon options

Double-bladed lightsaber, also called Light Staff- version of the standard lightsaber with long handle. Each blade can be activated separately or both at the same time. It could be either one solid handle or two ordinary swords connected together. Often these weapons were more dangerous for the most inexperienced fighter than for his opponent. Such a sword became known as the Sith lightsaber, as it was favored by the Sith and was possibly invented by the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun, whose sword was both double-bladed and dual-phase. This made his personal fencing style extremely complex, as he varied the strength and length of each blade independently, sometimes allowing the opponent's blade to pass through his, sometimes blocking. Inspired by Kun, Darth Maul created his light staff, which he wielded with incredible dexterity. During the Clone Wars, Asajj Ventress was known to be able to combine her curved-hilted swords into a light staff with a unique S-shaped hilt.

Lightsabers connected by cord- Some form of double-bladed sword in which the handles of the swords are connected by a cord. Even more difficult to handle than a double-bladed sword, connecting weapons with a cord gave the fighter the advantage of attacks from unexpected angles. The design of Asajj Ventress's swords made it possible, on occasion, to connect them with a cord.

Forked lightsaber- This double-bladed form was essentially a regular lightsaber with an additional emitter extending from the hilt at an angle of 45 degrees from the main axis of the sword. In addition, the handle was slightly curved. One of the few Jedi Knights to use such a sword was Roblio Darthe, who took part in the Battle of Parcellus Minor during the Clone Wars.

Light pole- Vecnoid in origin, Jedi Master Zao carried an ancient wooden pole to which he attached an emitter. Despite his blindness, Zao wielded this weapon with frightening precision. The Legacy Era Sith Darth Nihl also used a light pole.

Gitania uses a light whip on Keel Charney.

Light whip- The Light Whip was an exotic variation of the lightsaber that could only be wielded by a specially trained Jedi. It could either have a base of cortoise or other lightsaber-resistant minerals (see below), or it could be a blade of pure energy. Like a lightsaber, it emits a connected stream of energy, but unlike a lightsaber, it is long and flexible like a whip. Those known to wield the light whip included Jedi Kit Fisto, Dark Jedi Lumiya, Sith Lord Githania, "Nightsister" Silri, and possibly Black Sun lieutenant Zist.

Lightsaber combat

The lightsaber is a highly versatile weapon, possessing a unique lightness and ability to cut in any direction. It can easily be wielded with one hand, but Jedi have always been trained to wield the sword with both hands and with each hand separately, in order to be prepared for any situation. On early years In the history of this weapon, when the Sith were numerous, the art of lightsaber dueling flourished. In later periods, the Jedi rarely encountered an enemy with a weapon capable of repelling a lightsaber strike. Self-defense against blasters and other energy weapons was taught to them at an early stage of their training. While a skilled Jedi could use his sword to deflect a blaster shot back at his opponent, non-energy projectiles (bullets, for example) were simply completely disintegrated by the blade.

Jedi were trained to use the Force as a link between a fighter and his weapon. Thanks to this connection with the Force, the blade became an extension of their nature; he moved instinctively, as if he were part of their body. The Jedi's harmony with the Force resulted in almost superhuman agility and reaction, manifested in the use of a lightsaber.

Since the invention of the lightsaber, the Jedi have developed a variety of styles, or forms of lightsaber combat, to suit unique features the sword and its connection with its owner.


Expression of Loyalty

Master Eet Kot, I must return something to you. It is the work of your own hands that you once entrusted to mine. By returning this lightsaber, I am returning your trust.

Climber, a clone commander, used Jedi Master Roan Shryne's sword, plunging it into the chest of a mercenary working for the Separatists. He later noted that it was more of a tool than a weapon.

General Grievous was perhaps the most famous of the non-Force lightsaber wielders; During the Clone Wars, he used lightsabers that he took from Jedi he killed or defeated in battle, except for the lightsaber of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, which was a gift from Count Dooku. His body's agility and mechanical arms compensated for his lack of Force mastery, allowing him to wield lightsabers with great effectiveness.

Gez Hokan used the sword of Jedi Master Cast Fulier. Used it to kill him and the Weequay Guta-Nay. This sword was later acquired by Fulier's Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan.

Tull Joben once used a green lightsaber, as he explained to his droid he used Luke Skywalker's (originally Anakin Skywalker) lightsaber after saving Luke from snow storm on Hoth. Solo ripped open with a sword dead body Tauntaun, whose entrails he then used to keep Luke warm until he had built a suitable shelter for both of them. As he did this, he thought that it might be blasphemous to use a Jedi's lightsaber for such a disgusting deed.

Additionally, Solo used the sword of his wife, Leia Organa Solo, during Thrawn's campaign when they were attacked by a YT-1300 light freighter, and during the Caamas Crisis to stop the rebellion on Bothawui.

And Mara Jade’s sword was also in the hands of Solo during the battle with the Killiks shortly before the “War with the Swarm”. He soon lost it, and then Tarfang, an Ewok smuggler, found this sword and used it to fight the Killiks.

Anja Gallandro, daughter of the late bounty hunter Gallandro, carried an acid yellow and extremely ancient lightsaber while in the service of a Black Sun figure known as Xethros.

In the Tapani Sector, a whole subculture of the so-called has developed. "armed punks". They were a group of young aristocrats who dueled with "light rapiers" - a low-power (due to the poor quality of the focusing crystals) but still dangerous version of the lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

  • In early versions of the Star Wars story, lightsabers were not the special weapons of the Jedi or Sith. In fact, they were quite common, used by both Rebels and Imperial stormtroopers. George Lucas later restricted the use of these weapons to Jedi Knights only, in order to give the Order a unique and mysterious feel.
  • Crystals first appeared in Star Wars as a hilt decoration in the novelization of A New Hope. Apart from this single example, crystals have not been mentioned in any of the films or their novelizations. The structure of the lightsaber is described in some detail in the novelization of Return of the Jedi, and even many details are indicated, for example, an “organic connecting link”, but the crystals are not mentioned there.
  • In the original trilogy, Anakin/Luke's lightsaber was made from external flash from the Graflex camera, and Darth Vader's sword from the flash from Heiland. Also, parts from car wipers were used in the handle, and in order to carry swords on a belt, pull rings were attached to them.
  • At the beginning of the Episode VI montage, Luke's lightsaber was blue. However, due to the blue sky in the desert, it was decided to change it to green to improve the visual effect - and thus green lightsabers were born.
  • In the original trilogy, sword blades were made of carbon electrodes and were easily broken during battles.
  • The first lightsaber fight choreography was created by Peter Diamond.
  • During the prequel trilogy, Nick Gallard was the fight choreographer and he directed