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Zoos and traveling menageries once bred exotic hybrids big cats to attract the public in the same way that small cat hybrids (Bengal, Chausie etc) are now bred as pets. In nature, hybrids are unlikely. Where different species of big cats have overlapping territories, they have various styles life and are rare. If they meet, conflict is more likely than love relationship. To deliberately breed hybrids, parent cats are bred together to overcome the natural hostility between their species. Many hybrids are created by accident when cats various types for convenience they are kept together; workers don't think cats can - or even will - mate. The urge to mate can be so strong that they will mate with each other even if there are no mates of their own species available.

The belief that big cats readily mate and produce all types of hybrid offspring can be found in the writings of the Roman author Pliny, in the Historia Naturalise. Pliny described the lustful and competitive nature of lions. Since many species must come to a single watering hole, there is the possibility of mating between species, resulting in "many and varied hybrids." In "The Variation of Domesticated Animals and Plants"1 Charles Darwin wrote: "Many species of Felidae have been bred in different wandering menageries, kept together although they were from different climatic zones. Mr. Bartlett, director of the Zoological Gardens, notes that the lion seems to be able to breed more frequently and produce offspring in greater numbers. early age than other species of the family. He added that the tiger breeds rarely; "but there are several well-documented cases of tigresses mating with lions." It may seem surprising that many animals, when limited, combine with other species and produce hybrids as easily - and sometimes even more easily - than with their own view."

Quite unusual for hybrid animals, female big cat hybrids are usually fertile, while males are often sterile. The same is observed in hybrids of small cats, for example in a hybrid of an Asian leopard cat and domestic cat, where F1 (first generation) males are sterile. Thanks to conservation efforts, intentional breeding is prohibited in most zoos. But it still happens in private collections, behavioral/reproductive research institutes, and as part of attempts to breed domestic big cats. Loopholes in many laws make it illegal for your own lions, tigers or leopards, but legal for your own hybrids! Although Ligers2 and Tygeon3 are the most known hybrids, lions are more closely related to jaguars and leopards than to tigers.

Tigeon (tigrolion, tiglon, tigron) - Panthera tigreo

Module description

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordata
Class: Mammals
Squad: Carnivores
Family: Felines
Genus: Panther
Species: Tiger lion
Latin name Panthera tigreo

The most common hybrid found in captivity is a cross between a male tiger and a female lioness, called a tigrolf. Tigers and lions are genetically very close, their separation occurred relatively recently (from the point of view of the history of the development of the Cat family).

Males obtained as a result of such crossing are usually sterile, but females can mate with both a lion and a tiger, in turn forming new hybrids with a predominance of lion or tiger blood. Cubs in such litters are always larger than their parents (some tigers reach a mass of 450 kg). They carry the characteristics of both parents - a dark color tone, an orange mane (short and less dense), stripes paler than those of tigers, and a lightened muzzle. Females and many male hybrids do not have a mane.

Liger (Liger) - Panthera leogris

Module description

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordata
Class: Mammals
Squad: Carnivores
Family: Felines
Genus: Panther
Species: Liger
Latin name Panthera leogris

A liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger, while a tiger lion is a cross between a male tiger and a female lion. Ligers are the largest felines in the world. Tigers, on the other hand, have a tendency towards dwarfism and are usually smaller in size than their parents. Males of ligers and tigers are sterile, while females can sometimes bear offspring. IN American Institute protected and rare species in Miami, for example, there lives a liger named Hercules, whose height is 3 m. Russian zoos also have their own ligers. So in the winter of 2004, two “ligers” were born in the Novosibirsk Zoo.

A liger is a hybrid of a lion and a tigress, and a tigon, or tiger lion, on the contrary, is a cross between a tiger and a lioness. Lions live in African savannah, and tigers - in the Indian jungles and on Far East. IN natural conditions these animals are never seen, but in zoos and kitten circuses different types Due to lack of space, they are sometimes placed in one cage. Kids grow up together, play, eat from the same bowl, and then they become adults and have children. One or two out of 100 produce offspring mixed couples, and it looks more like its fathers.

Ligers are more common than tigons. Their fur is orange-golden with faint stripes on the sides and back and spots on the belly. These spots are from the father, because lion cubs are actually born spotted. Sometimes a male liger even grows a mane, but not as big as a lion's. In addition, they, like their tigress mothers, love and know how to swim, and the roar, on the contrary, is more reminiscent of a lion. Ligers - largest cats on the ground. standing on hind legs, they reach 4 meters in height and weigh more than 300 kilograms. The largest liger named Hercules, weighing as much as two lions, lives in the Jungle Island Park in Miami. Unlike females, male ligers are usually sterile, so they cannot be bred.

Tigons are very rare, with only a few living specimens known. This is explained by the fact that tigers do not interbreed well with lionesses; they apparently do not perceive the mating behavior of lionesses as a call for mating. In addition, tigons are often born prematurely and die. Despite their rarity, tigons are of less interest because they are not as impressive in size as ligers. They are even smaller than their parents.

Externally, tigons are similar to ligers. They orange color, with stripes and spots, males have a mane, but a very small one. Tigons make both lion and tiger sounds when they roar. Male tigons, like ligers, do not bear offspring, but females are fertile and can interbreed with lions and tigers. It is known, for example, that two tigons now live in the Australian National Zoo; the Shenzhen Safari Park in Southern China also owns tigons and three more ligers.

And there are also leopons in the world! A cross between lions and leopards. Only I, sorry, didn’t hold a candle, and I don’t know which one is mom and which one is dad, so.
Although, if you believe the picture below, the leopard is the dad. :) By the way, I didn’t know that leopards are not much inferior in size to lions.
Scientifically: Leopon is a type of hybrid resulting from the crossing of lions and leopards. They retain the appearance of a lion, being a smaller copy of it - the head is smaller, there are brownish rosettes of spots along the body. They are still larger than leopards. Males have a mane, but it is quite sparse. The tail has a tuft of fur, like lions.

A hybrid of a zebra with a donkey, pony or horse is scientifically called a "zebroid". Zebroids are bred not only because they are so cool (although, probably, because of this too). They were actively used during the Boer War as pack animals; they are also mentioned by Darwin. Today there are four zebroids, and one of them lives in Russia. Despite his generally cute appearance, they are quite aggressive. Therefore, if you decide to give this to your girlfriend for Valentine's Day, we do not recommend it.


A hybrid of a male lion and a female tigress (do not confuse it with a tiger lion, whose father is a tiger and whose mother is a lioness). The liger is considered the most major representative cat family and looks like a large lion with blurry stripes.


Hybrid of bison and domestic cow. Beefalo was first noticed by settlers in the south of America back in 1749, and then they began to be bred specifically because delicious meat. The peak of beefalo popularity came in the 1970s, when they were bred in as many as 6,000 ranches in the United States. They are still breeding. But not with the same enthusiasm.


Hybrid of a lion and a leopard. Leopon looks like a small lion, with blurry spots and a sparse mane. The first leopon was born in India, in the city of Kolhapur, in 1910. In the middle of the 20th century, the fashion for leopons captured the zoos of Europe: they appeared in the menageries of London and Berlin. The last Leopon died in 1985.

Hybrid pheasant

Birds enter into interspecific relationships more easily than animals. For example, if you cross a golden pheasant and a diamond pheasant, you are most likely to get a Lady Amherst pheasant - a bird with unique color plumage. This is where its value ends. What else did you want?


The camel-llama cross was created in 1998 through artificial insemination. The first kama was named Rama. He had such a sense of humor crown prince Dubai, which ordered this animal to scientists. True, the prince hoped that Rama would have a calm character, the height of a full-fledged camel and the hair of a llama, but in the end it turned out, frankly speaking, not very well. Therefore Rama is the only kama in nature.


Hybrid of brown and polar bear. Grolar cubs are white, but become darker as they age. The first polar and brown bear cubs were obtained in Germany in 1874 at the zoo in the city of Calle. But, despite the fact that white and brown bears can produce fertile offspring and mate easily, in nature they prefer not to do this. Well, maybe because of drunkenness.

Sheep pig

In fact, this is not a direct hybrid, since there are no sheep genes in this pig. This is simply an achievement of breeders. Using a well-known proverb, sheep and pigs are not only tasty meat, but also valuable fur!


The lucky one is the coywolf, a hybrid of a wolf and a coyote that lives in America. Thanks to wolf genes, he is larger than a normal coyote and can even hunt deer. In addition to the wolf and coyote genes, the coywolf has dog genes, so he can get along with people (in practice, this means that he does not hesitate to check what is in there). trash cans). A coywolf has appeared naturally due to coyote migration. The population now numbers a million individuals.


A sheep-goat hybrid that neither of them had ever been particularly interested in breeding. Nevertheless, several cases of the birth of bazles have been recorded: in Botswana, France, Germany and Nizhny Novgorod region Russia. Adult bazles are larger than normal sheep, shed like goats in the spring, and, despite being infertile, have an increased libido.

Iron Age pig

The animal was bred by crossing a wild boar and domestic pig with the goal of getting tasty meat (and looking at a hairy pig).

On September 30, the Far East will host ecological holiday- day of the tiger. A program of events has already been announced in the zoos of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladivostok. A little earlier, on September 24, the celebration will take place at the Moscow Zoo, and a little later - October 8, at the Krasnoyarsk Zoo. decided to prepare a gift for its dear readers. Today we are publishing material about hybrids in the cat family - from ligers and tigons.

Liger - a huge tiger with a mane

A liger is born from a tigress and a lion. The largest hybrid in the cat family, the liger reaches 3.5 meters in length. One of the naturalists of the early 20th century, L. Reisinger, reported that he saw a liger that weighed as much as both of its parents.

The appearance of ligers varies depending on the interaction of genes. Ligers have paler stripes and develop their manes later than lions, according to the AP. The body contours of ligers more often resemble those of a tiger, but the shape of the head is that of a lion. The sounds that ligers make are simultaneously reminiscent of the roar of lions and the low-frequency sharp “hum” of tigers. Tigers sometimes get bored alone, as if paying tribute to genetic memories of the pride, and sometimes they prefer to live separately, like tigresses.

Ligers don't have scientific name, but the history of their appearance is recorded in the Dublin Natural Science Museum. Researchers believe that as a result of crossing there is a “return” to the proportions cave lion. It was experimentally found that male ligers are infertile, but female ligers are able to bear offspring from both lions and tigers. Now ligers are very popular in all zoos around the world, but ligers often attack people.

In Russia, the first ligers may have appeared in 2004 at the Novosibirsk Zoo(according to IN South Korea, in the Seoul Zoo, white ligers were bred.

Tigons - striped lions

The cub of a tiger and a lioness is called tigon (tigron, tiglon, tigrolev). More like lions than tigers. Charles Darwin also wrote about tigons. At the Hagenbeck Zoo in the 19th century, tigers and lionesses were crossed (as well as bears, wolves and hyenas, but no viable offspring were obtained). In 1985, cross-breeding between lions and tigers was officially banned in India.

Today, tigons are much less common than ligers. Most likely, this is due to the mating behavior of males. A lion differs from a tiger in being hypersexual and always ready to mate, but a tiger can miss behavioral signals from a lioness and miss the right moment. Tigons are much smaller than ligers, and therefore the former are not very spectacular exhibits. Tigons look like lions with pale stripes and a rather small mane. The stripes are more noticeable on the ears and paws. Male tigons are sterile. Females bear offspring from tigers and lions. There are no facts of the appearance of tigons in Russia known to the world press.

http://site/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/1.jpg http://site/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/1-200x200.jpg 2012-09-11T09:01:08+ 00:00 Yuzene Animal humor Zoos of the world Editor's column Export Ligers, Lions, Tigons, Tigers

On September 30, an environmental holiday will be held in the Far East - Tiger Day. A program of events has already been announced in the zoos of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladivostok. A little earlier, on September 24, the celebration will take place at the Moscow Zoo, and a little later, on October 8, at the Krasnoyarsk Zoo. decided to prepare a gift for its dear readers. Today we are publishing material...

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Today we are publishing material about hybrids in the cat family - from ligers and tigons.

Liger - a huge tiger with a mane

A liger is born from a tigress and a lion. The largest hybrid in the cat family, the liger reaches 3.5 meters in length. One of the naturalists of the early 20th century, L. Reisinger, reported that he saw a liger that weighed as much as both of its parents.

The appearance of ligers varies depending on the interaction of genes. Ligers have paler stripes and develop their manes later than lions, according to the AP. The body contours of ligers more often resemble those of a tiger, but the shape of the head is that of a lion. The sounds that ligers make are simultaneously reminiscent of the roar of lions and the low-frequency sharp “hum” of tigers. Tigers sometimes get bored alone, as if paying tribute to genetic memories of the pride, and sometimes they prefer to live separately, like tigresses.


Ligers do not have a scientific name, but the history of their appearance is recorded in the Natural Science Museum in Dublin. Researchers believe that as a result of crossing there is a “return” to the proportions of a cave lion. It was experimentally found that male ligers are infertile, but female ligers are able to bear offspring from both lions and tigers. Now ligers are very popular in all zoos around the world, but ligers often attack people.


In Russia, the first ligers may have appeared in 2004 at the Novosibirsk Zoo (according to In South Korea, at the Seoul Zoo, white ligers were bred.

Tigons - striped lions

The cub of a tiger and a lioness is called tigon (tigron, tiglon, tigrolev). More like lions than tigers. Charles Darwin also wrote about tigons. At the Hagenbeck Zoo in the 19th century, tigers and lionesses were crossed (as well as bears, wolves and hyenas, but no viable offspring were obtained). In 1985, cross-breeding between lions and tigers was officially banned in India.


Today, tigons are much less common than ligers. Most likely, this is due to the mating behavior of males. A lion differs from a tiger in being hypersexual and always ready to mate, but a tiger can miss behavioral signals from a lioness and miss the right moment. Tigons are much smaller than ligers, and therefore the former are not very spectacular exhibits. Tigons look like lions with pale stripes and a rather small mane. The stripes are more noticeable on the ears and paws. Male tigons are sterile. Females bear offspring from tigers and lions. There are no facts of the appearance of tigons in Russia known to the world press.