Incredible facts

IN modern world celebrity status can make a person virtually invulnerable.

However, you might be surprised to know that some celebrities, despite being fully wealthy, don't even care about certain things. simple rules hygiene.

Here are the stars who admitted to their dirty habits.

Although they may seem disgusting, this once again proves that stars are people just like the rest of us.

Brad Pitt

Although he is among the most famous people in Hollywood, loved by millions of fans around the world, Brad Pitt is far from perfect. " I pick my nose and ears all the time. I know it's disgusting but I just can't stop,” he said.

Jessica Simpson

Behind her snow-white smile, singer Jessica Simpson hides a rather dirty secret: she only brushes her teeth three times a week. On an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2010, she admitted that freshly brushed teeth felt too “slippery” and she preferred to use her T-shirt instead of a toothbrush to scrub her teeth.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox is considered one of the most seductive beauties, but her habits are not so attractive. The actress leaves her dirty clothes everywhere and often forgets to flush the toilet. In an interview in 2007, the actress admitted: " Friends might say to me, "Megan, you left maggot in my toilet and didn't flush it.".

Robert Pattison

Robert Pattinson's army of devoted fans may thin out when they learn that the actor doesn't like to shower. In an interview for one of the magazines, he said: " It's getting to the point where even I can't stand the smell. I don't know, my personal hygiene is so disgusting".

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew may have deserved an Oscar, but he's unlikely to win an award for personal hygiene. In a magazine interview People He admitted: " I don't like smelling like anyone or anything. If my smell starts to bother someone, I'll take a shower.".

Katy Perry

The famous singer admitted that she has serious problems with gases in the intestines. In a 2009 interview, she said: " I fart a lot. I have gas but I don't care".

Cameron Diaz

In addition to joining the ranks of people who don't like deodorant, Cameron Diaz also admitted that she wears the same clothes for four days in a row. And after that she simply throws away clothes that smell bad. Still, maybe it’s worth using the washing machine sometimes.

Britney Spears

Princess of pop Britney Spears bites her nails until they bleed. The singer showed off her bitten nails on a television show The X Factor in 2012. She also admitted that she worries that she might one day chew off her fingers.

Josh Hutcherson

His Hunger Games co-star Jennifer Lawrence spoke about Josh Hutcherson's dirty habits. Besides the fact that the actor loves to snap his neck, he has a habit of making drool bubbles when he is thinking.

Bradley Cooper

Appearing on a television show Treks in a Wild World, actor Bradley Cooper has come to the conclusion that his body is self-cleaning and he doesn't need deodorant. Although in an interview in 2012 the actor admitted that he washes three times a day, his reputation was already damaged.

Alicia Silverstone

In 2012, the actress published a video on the Internet where she demonstrated original way feeding her son, to whom she chewed food and then spat it directly into his mouth. Despite the furore she caused, the actress insists she has no regrets.

Avril lavigne

Avril Lavigne's habit of spitting became known in 2007, when she simply spat on the paparazzi. " I do not understand what the problem is, - she told me later . I spit on the paparazzi for the last two years while I lived in Los Angeles".

Halle Berry

Halle Berry is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she has one nervous habit - she constantly bites dry skin off her lips. The actress said: " If I'm not wearing lipstick, I just chew my lips. I need some kind of moisturizer, be it lip balm or lipstick".

Julia Roberts

If you have dirty habits, then at least there should be some good reason for it. For example, Julia Roberts tries to save water on the planet and washes very rarely. It is also known that she does not like to use deodorant.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera was accused not only of having a bad smell, but also of not having the habit of washing her hands after using the toilet. The singer was seen in the restroom of the restaurant when she returned to her table without washing her hands and continued eating.

Orlando Bloom

He is considered one of the most attractive actors in Hollywood and perhaps one of the unkemptest. According to eyewitnesses, the actor can wear the same clothes for months without washing them, does not wash regularly and allows his dog to sleep in his bed. Some argue that it was his dirty habits that led to his divorce from his wife Miranda Kerr.

But it turns out that this is not all. Who knows why they suddenly do strange things: to attract attention or simply obeying an impulse. Today we decided to remember a few more ridiculous and strange situations that stars found themselves in. Even a meat dress is no competitor here!

Naomi Campbell (45)

Black Panther always had an explosive character. And if today her ardor has cooled a little, then before it was very risky to be near the star. She attacked her assistants, disrupted shows and argued with journalists. Naomi also loves hitting people mobile phone, for which she paid a fine three times. And she once kicked her driver in the head, so much so that he broke his face on the steering wheel.


During a speech at Hollywood Film Awards the actor couldn’t put two words together. He looked confused, looked for a microphone on stage for a long time, and spoke indistinctly. “Oh, it’s one of those nights,” joked Depp, but no one understood him...

After this, a discussion flared up in the press and on the Internet about whether the actor was drunk or just playing for the audience. The first version is supported by the fact that during the performance Depp started swearing, although the ceremony was broadcast on live.


Let fans forgive everything for the king of the Russian pop scene, we believe that his behavior towards women was, to put it mildly, very questionable. First at one of his press conferences Kirkorov insulted the journalist, and after a while hit the girl, the second director of the Golden Gramophone award.

Chuck Berry (88)

Even beyond the legendary Chuck Berry there are sins. Once upon a time in his club in California Chuck installed video cameras in women's restrooms (right inside the toilets). Several women sued the singer, and he paid them one and a half million dollars.

Solange Knowles (29)

Well, is it possible to live in peace if your sister is (34)? New York Ball Met Gala ended with Solange Knowles attacked with fists Jay Z(45). The incident was recorded by a surveillance camera installed in the hotel elevator. The girl beat him with her hands and feet, and even in the presence of Beyoncé! When they went outside Solange and Jay Z didn't try to hide negative emotions, A Beyoncé smiled. A hotel employee later sold the recording to the press. These are such strong family relationships.

Serge Gainsbourg (1928–1991)

We are used to hearing the famous hit Je t"aime...Moi non plus(“I love you, I love you too – no”) performed by Serge Gainsbourg and his wife Jane Birkin. But initially the song was intended for another partner of the artist - Brigitte Bardot, with which the first version was recorded. However, Bardot forbade the release of this recording, since she was married at that moment and tried in every possible way to disavow any connection with Serge. The song was so explicit that it was banned on radio stations in many countries. Europe. And this is one of the most modest episodes.

For example, in 1986 Gainsbourg, who was already 62 years old at that time, invited Whitney Houston to have sex with him. Live. And more than once.


In late August Lindsey I went to a millionaire's wedding Justin Etzina, where she drank too much alcohol and did a striptease. But these are still flowers! One day, a list of Lohan’s lovers appeared in the media, written in her own hand.

It featured (37), (34), (27) , (37), (38) and a dozen more famous men. The actress also ran around the store naked, fought with her mother and, of course, went to court for drugs and drunk driving.


A waitress at a restaurant where Kendall once dined said that the star left the establishment without paying the bill. According to Hayley, she had to run for Kendall, then Jenner threw money in her face. Sister

Stars are a difficult people, but nothing human is alien to them, so their “cockroaches” are very worldly. However, sometimes the oddities inherent in famous people are simply amazing and even frightening. We invite you to familiarize yourself with little known facts about our favorite idols, which you probably haven’t heard of before. What can you do, the mighty of the world this is sometimes a completely unpredictable caste...

Pop Queen Madonna always in the spotlight, and sometimes the habits of a star are simply surprising. So, one day the star sent her personal plane on a special flight across the ocean to bring her... her favorite tea. The star has another strange passion - swimming alone. Sometimes she rents private or public reservoirs to swim to her heart's content without bumping into anyone.

The actress Cameron Diaz There is a rather strange phobia - fear of germs. Cameron tries never to touch with bare hands to the door handle using a napkin. The actress is also afraid to shake hands with strangers, and if she still can’t avoid it, she immediately washes her hand with an antibacterial agent.

But from the phobias of the famous director Woody Allen one could compile an entire encyclopedia. He does not walk through tunnels or ride in elevators, because, in his opinion, these places represent hidden threat for his life. The master of the world of cinema is also afraid sunlight, bright colors, all insects, dogs, deer, and even children. And the director even prefers to take a shower in a corner of the cabin, and not in its center, like all people.

Queen of shocking Lady Gaga comes into complete panic at the mere thought of ghosts. The star firmly believes in the existence of the other world, and this belief sometimes costs her a pretty penny. The singer regularly pays large sums for various detectors to identify ghosts in space, meters electromagnetic field and other delights of a magical nature. Lady Gaga once paid $50,000 for... a ghost analyzer.

And here Jim Carey He’s not afraid of ghosts, but he loves his own... iguana. The comedian is so attached to his pet reptile that he takes it on absolutely all his trips. In addition, there are rumors that when he travels, he takes with him a special cook who prepares dishes for Jim’s favorite and feeds her strictly according to the hour.

Actor Nicolas Cage, Unlike Lady Gaga, on the contrary, has some incredible passion for to the other world in all its manifestations. Nicholas bought himself an expensive Gothic castle as a gift, which supposedly once housed a real vampire. At an auction, the actor once bought a dinosaur skull for a quarter of a million dollars. And Cage, dressed in black from head to toe, loves to go for walks with his pet - a huge sand lizard.

Jennifer Lopez loves White color. And not just for stage costumes, because it really highlights it great beautiful shapes. When a star stays in a hotel room or dressing room, her main condition is that everything should be white: furniture, towels, curtains, toothbrush, candles, and so on.

Actress Emily Blunt has quite strange fear: The star goes into a state of complete panic when he sees various kinds of human copies like figurines, dolls, sculptures, etc. The actress developed this phobia as a teenager, when, while visiting friends, she saw figurines of gnomes in the yard.

well and Johnny Depp And Daniel Radcliffe, who, it would seem, after their roles can no longer be frightened by anything, are stupidly afraid of clowns.

Daughter of a famous rocker Callie Osborne, a completely fearless-looking girl, turns out to be terrified of... other people's touches on her. According to her brother, touching Callie's collarbones could cause her to vomit. Agree, a strange phobia for a young girl.

The star of luxurious forms was also surprised Pamela Anderson: she is terrified of mirrors, trying to avoid them. Agree, it’s strange, especially considering the number of things Pamela has done plastic surgery and suspenders!

Well, as they say, everyone has their own cockroaches, although some have especially large specimens. But whatever your personal oddities, know that it is useless to fight them, much more effective method- make friends. Are you friends with your cockroaches?

Sometimes people have habits or fears that are inexplicable from a logical point of view, and famous personalities- not an exception. Famous people The people we love often behave as unusually as ordinary mortals.

We present to you weirdest celebrity habits.

Olivia Munn's beautiful eyelashes are the result of the efforts of beauty specialists. The TV series star is suffering mental illness called “trichotillomania” is when the patient pulls out hair on his head, face and other parts of the body (and some then eat it). The actress managed to almost completely get rid of this habit, but in difficult circumstances it becomes difficult for her to control herself.

9. Victoria Beckham

The former Spice Girls and wife of football star David Beckham has a healthy habit of moisturizing her hands and feet by applying a thick layer of cosmetic product and puts socks on top. And on the hands too. She also washes her hair with milk once a week and carefully stores all the nails she has cut during her life. But her husband, finding himself on the bench, has a bad habit of biting his nails.

8. Terry Hatcher

The Desperate Housewives star fights aging by taking red wine baths and never getting into cars equipped with air bags. And after six in the evening she eats only vegan food. For reasons of principle, Terry Hatcher does not want to have an email account.

7. Eminem

The stern Detroit rapper, arriving at the hotel, demands that his room be plunged into complete darkness at night. To do this, the hotel staff sticks reflective film on the glass and carefully draws the curtains. There should also be speakers in the room to broadcast ambient music while the singer sleeps.

6. Sandra Bullock

According to People magazine Hollywood actress Sandra Bullock - herself beautiful woman 2015. The secret to her smooth and glowing skin is using an anti-hemorrhoid product as a facial ointment. The actress has a funny phobia: she is afraid of germs and therefore never pays in cash so as not to get infected. She demands a completely new towel every time she showers. And to attract good luck, be sure to eat something fishy once a day.

5. Cameron Diaz

The star suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder and, due to fear of germs, opens every door only with her elbows. The actress, although she is very clean, never uses deodorants: she believes that they only make people smell worse.

4. Lady Gaga

You may have thought that the appearance of a singer from a giant egg during one of her stage performances was incomprehensible or unnecessary. But the singer herself was so delighted with the egg that she keeps it at home and climbs inside when she needs to sleep or think carefully. She also wakes up in the morning and immediately eats a carrot, makes foot baths out of beer to soften her skin, and never flies on airplanes on Fridays.

3. Jessica Simpson

The actress never smoked, but this fact did not save her from nicotine addiction: she became addicted to chewing gum, with the help of which smokers try to get rid of the addiction.

2. Demi Moore

Sometimes the ways in which hollywood celebrities they retain youth and beauty, and can be very quirky, and Demi Moore is no exception. To remove toxins from her body, she covers herself with leeches and allows them to suck her blood. But her other beauty recipe is less extreme - to avoid overeating, the singer always eats three cups of high-fiber bran throughout the day.

1. Katy Perry

The list of ten unusual habits and bad phobias of stars is topped by a singer who is so afraid of holes in her teeth that she carries twenty toothbrushes with her everywhere. She brushes her teeth six times a day. But why she needs exactly twenty pieces is a mystery. She also loves collecting the hair of her friends in the craft and is the proud owner of the curls of Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift.

Celebrities often seem to us like something like celestial beings, but in fact they are also people and, like all of us, can be subject to all sorts of oddities.

Often such oddities are all kinds of phobias. Many of the stars are afraid of heights, darkness, crowds, open space or claustrophobia. But these are fairly common phobias. Let's look at more interesting and unusual fears of celebrities. For example, Johnny Depp, who plays the brave pirate, is very afraid of clowns, and also of ghosts, and quite seriously. Johnny, according to him, owes his last phobia to a number of his roles in mystical films. Nicole Kidman surprises her loved ones by the fact that she is afraid not of spiders, snakes or rats, but of simple butterflies. And Jessica Alba doesn't like birds. Julia Roberts and Steven Seagal, as well as singer Beyoncé, are terrified of germs. Among the stars there are also those who suffer from fear of various technical devices. For example, old Sean Connery, former agent 007 is afraid of traffic lights, and Steven Spielberg is careful not to ride an elevator. Funny Jim Carrey is afraid of CCTV cameras.

There are also much more “exotic” phobias. Famous TV presenter Oprah Winfrey is afraid of chewing gum. Tom Cruise seriously fears an alien invasion on earth, as well as imminent arrival end of the world. David Beckham is horrified if he sees that the food in the refrigerator is not in order, but chaotically. As a rule, the famous football player prefers to simply get rid of such products. And John Travolta throws out clothes that he has worn only a few times, because he is afraid of things that are not the freshest. Actor Billy Bob Thornton is afraid of antiques. An actor may panic if he finds himself in a place where he is surrounded by antique furniture. But Sandra Bullock has no phobias, but she has special feelings towards dental offices. Only this is not fear at all, but on the contrary – love. The actress claims that the sound of a working drill calms and relaxes her.

Celebrities have a lot of strange habits that... best case scenario, cause confusion among others. These quirks are best revealed in their riders. For example, Madonna requires that her bodyguards be exclusively women during concerts. Other famous singer– Janet Jackson stipulates in her rider that her hotel rooms must be decorated with a bouquet of ten roses, and black ones at that. Great importance has a color for Britney Spears, but not black, but white. The singer wants all the people involved in her service to be dressed in white.

Oddities can also be bad habits. For example, Sarah Jessica Parker admits that she likes to bite the inside of her cheeks. And the idol of millions of girls is a singer Justin Timberlake has a completely unromantic habit of picking his nose, and he is not embarrassed to admit it. Pamela Anderson bites her nails like she did as a child. But these are harmless habits. But actor Owen Wilson, according to observations, has strange habit relieve himself on the golf course, which sometimes confuses people nearby.

A special group of oddities are the hobbies of celebrities, especially when we're talking about about collecting. Tom Hanks carries old typewriters home from everywhere, even if they don't work. Leonardo DiCaprio collects superhero figurines. Angelina Jolie has a more serious hobby - she collects edged weapons. But Ben Stiller loves to dress up in the costumes of the characters from the TV series in his spare time. Star Trek"and in this form go to visit friends. Johnny Depp, whom we now know as a rather strange type, also amazes his loved ones by the fact that he loves to play... with Barbie dolls.