Each of us would like to live long. The thought of the end of one's existence terrifies a person.

The maximum age for a more or less active existence is considered to be 85 years.

But there are people who, surprisingly for everyone, have long crossed the threshold of average life expectancy.

Longevity of the Earth

One Russian Federation there are 350,000 of them. Society is more surprised by people who have lived to be 100 years old.

Oddly enough, there are numerous cases where people claimed to be well over a hundred.

The problem is that it is not always possible to officially confirm the age of a person who has lived for a century, or even more.

That's why everything known to the world centenarians are divided into confirmed (verified) and estimated.

The reasons for the longevity of the longest living people in the world

Science has long been trying to unravel the mystery of the longevity of each "oldest person."

After interviewing those who are over a hundred years old, doctors have deduced several factors that contribute to longevity.

special diet

The oldest people in the world live in Japan, in the city of Okinawa. Scientists conclude that the reason for this is the peculiarities of the local population.

Eggs, dairy products and meat are consumed very little here.

And vegetables, grains and fish are the daily food of the Japanese. Centenarians from other countries of the world are very ascetic in food.

Almost all centenarians do not have meat products in their diet, they eat mainly fish, vegetables and cereals.

Fast food and carbonated drinks are the enemy of longevity

All the people on the list of the oldest people on the planet have never consumed fast food and sugary carbonated drinks.

Natural juice, milk and water are the best drinks for those who want to live long.

Tea and coffee are not harmful if they are not abused. Not all centenarians are teetotalers. They advise drinking alcohol in very moderate amounts.

Work prolongs life

Laziness - bad habit. To live long, you need to be busy every day. Those who like to lie on the couch are less likely to become centenarians.

Violet Brown is the oldest woman in the world

Work is necessary for mental and physical balance. A person should feel needed and be busy.


Physical activity in any form is very beneficial for the body. Without exception, all centenarians go in for sports to the best of their ability.

Not required to practice professional sports even simple walking and exercising in the morning can improve human health.

Mental development

New information provides a stimulus for new life to the human mind.

Active spiritual life

It doesn't matter how each person develops his spirituality.

The main thing is that prayer or meditation, going to a religious institution or anything else gives faith in higher power. Such awareness gives peace and confidence in the future.

Minimum stress

For such a long life, many centenarians have had different events: good and bad. But you should never despair and give up.

Israel Krishtal is the oldest man in the world

A positive attitude is one of the main factors for a long and happy life. It is better to get rid of with the help of physical exercises.

Communication with youth and children

Centenarians love to communicate with young people. They say that they draw strength from communication with new generations and are charged with positive.

Children are the source of happiness. You should not avoid communication with your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In addition to the hassle, children bring new emotions and make a person be more inventive.

Be close to nature

Fresh air and the energy of nature is what gives strength to many people, even if they do not notice it.

Communication with nature - mandatory item for those whose goal is to live very long life.

List of officially confirmed centenarians of the earth

The oldest women on Earth:

The oldest men in the world:

The most famous unverified centenarians

In addition to officially confirmed centenarians, there are those whose dates of birth can no longer be confirmed. However, there are some confirmations.

Here is a list of the most famous centenarians:

  • Li Qingyun is 256 years old. Most an old man throughout history. Scientists are still researching his biography to understand the reality of such a long life;
  • Shirali Muslimov is 168 years old. This man's passport shows that he is exactly 168 years old;
  • Hu Emei is 125 years old. Taiwanese resident, dies at 125;
  • Mahmud Bagir oglu Eyvazov is 152 years old. Is an oldest resident Azerbaijan.


Their age will impress anyone, as these numbers seem simply unimaginable.

Someone believes that it is possible to live such an amount of time, someone believes that this is some kind of mistake.

Even those confirmed cases of longevity that are in the public domain should inspire people to strive for a healthy lifestyle.

Observing the rules of longevity, everyone has the opportunity to try to become the most long-lived person in the world.

Video: The oldest inhabitants of the earth

One of the oldest women in Italy, Theresia Staffler, died on Monday evening in the mountainous town of Santa Valpurga in the northern Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige at the age of 112. Staffler was far from the only known centenarian who was over 100 years old.

Duration human life depends on many reasons. This is both a genetic predisposition and environment, and the mood of a person, his desire to live. Only a small fraction of a percent of the total number of people on Earth live up to a hundred years.

According to gerontologists, life expectancy modern man 40% less than that assigned to him by nature: 100-120 years of active and full life is not the limit for the human body.

By classification World Organization health care, centenarians include older people who have crossed the 90-year mark.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the human lifespan limit is 122 years. So much lived Jeanne Louise Calmat, a resident of France, born February 21, 1875 in Arles. A resident of Japan, Shigechio Izumi, who was born in 1865 and died of pneumonia in 1986, lived two years less.

But many scientists and journalists believe that the Guinness Book of Records does not have all the data on centenarians. So, a reporter from the Cairo newspaper Al-Akhbar talks about a man who, according to him, is 195 years old and he perfectly remembers the opening of the Suez Canal.

The Vietnamese census in 1991 also made adjustments to the question of centenarians. A 142-year-old man was found in Kunhol County, Nghetinh Province. In the same place, in Vietnam, they found a long-liver who was born in 1847, survived three of her husbands and has four children who have already exceeded 100 years.

According to unverified data, one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet was a Chinese citizen Li-Chgung-yan, who was born in 1680 and died in 1933 at the age of 253 years. However, these reports are not documented.

One of the oldest inhabitants of Colombia, Javier Pereira, lived to be 169 years old. A special postage stamp was issued in his honour. On the day when Pereira turned 146 years old, representatives of the authorities and senior officials came to congratulate him. They asked for the consent of the hero of the day so that a commemorative stamp with his image was issued in his honor. Pereira agreed, but made a condition: at the bottom in the corner of the stamp should be written: "I drink and smoke."

In the Soviet Union, a postage stamp was also issued in honor of the long-lived Mukhamed Eyvazov (he was then 148 years old). After that, Eyvazov lived for another three years. He died in August 1959.

An interesting case is described by English historians. In 1635, the peasant Thomas Parr came from the provinces to London to appear before King Charles as a miracle of longevity. Parr claimed to have outlived nine kings and was 152 years old. In honor of the centenarian, the king arranged a magnificent feast, after which Thomas Parr died suddenly. It was opened by the famous English doctor William Harvey, who discovered blood circulation. According to Harvey, Parr died of pneumonia, but, as the legends say, the cause of his death was a plentiful meal at the king's table. Parr was buried with honors in Westminster Abbey.

Of the most famous centenarians, the following can also be noted:

Zoltan Petrij (Hungary) - 186 years old.

Peter Zortai (Hungary) - 185 years old (1539-1724).

Cantigern is the founder of the abbey in Glasgow. Known as Saint Mungo. Lived 185 years.

Tense Abzive (Ossetia) - 180 years old.

Khuddie (Albania) - 170 years old. His offspring reached 200 people.

Hanger Nine (Turkey). Lived 169 years. Died in 1964.

Sayyad Abdul Mabud (Pakistan) - 159 years old.

V developed countries world there is a constant struggle for the survival and improvement of the nation, for increasing the life expectancy of each person. The increase in life expectancy in all countries of the world is achieved by reducing child mortality and reducing mortality from cancer and heart disease. Thus, by conquering diseases, mankind seeks to approach the achievement of the upper limit of human life.

Leonard Hayflick, professor of anatomy at the University of California, based on his human survival graphs for individual countries and different periods received a theoretical curve with an upper limit of 115 years. At the same time, Hayflick discovered another interesting pattern: it turns out that human life expectancy is proportionally related to the ratio of brain weight to body weight. The more this relationship, the longer life, and it changed quite sharply at certain periods during evolution. Last time its strong increase occurred 100 thousand years ago, after which it practically did not change, just as the ratio of brain weight to body weight did not change.

Leonard Hayflick also expressed an original point of view on the aging of the body. According to him, aging occurs after the cessation of growth, and those creatures whose growth does not stop with time (shark, sturgeon, Galapagos tortoise) age very, very slowly.

About the upper limit of human life various scientists of the world they speak differently. The famous medieval physician Paracelsus believed that a person can live 600 years. Albrecht von Haller and Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland (scientists of the 18th century) considered the age of 200 years to be the limit of human life. Russian scientists Ilya Mechnikov and Alexander Bogomolets spoke about 160 years.

As paradoxical as it may sound, few centenarians die a natural death directly from old age. Almost always the cause of death is various diseases- cardiovascular, oncological, infectious.

In his “Etudes of Optimism”, Mechnikov pointed out that “in 1902 in Paris, only 85 people died of old age for 1000 deaths between 70 and 74 years old. Most old people died from contagious diseases: pneumonia and consumption, from diseases of the heart, kidneys or cerebral hemorrhage." Even the famous centenarians, the Englishman Thomas Parr (152 years old) and the Turks Zara Agha (156 years old) died not from age, but from diseases (the first from pneumonia, the second from uremic coma caused by prostate disease).

Among centennial centenarians, drunkards are often found. The surgeon Politiman died at the age of 140 (1685-1825); from the age of 25, he used to get drunk every day after finishing his studies. Gascony, a butcher in Trie (Pyrenees), who died in 1767 at the age of 120, got drunk twice a week. The example of one Irish landowner, Brown, who lived to be 120 years old, is striking. He bequeathed to make him tombstone, stating that "he was always drunk and so terrible in this state that death itself was afraid of him."

But some centenarians loved wine, others coffee. So, for example, the famous Voltaire was very fond of coffee, and when one doctor began to tell him that coffee is a poison, Voltaire replied: "It will soon be 80 years since I have been poisoned by this poison." Coffee drinker Elizabeth Durien lived to be 114 years old.

It is said that smoking shortens life. However, many centenarians smoked. Ross, who received the Longevity Award at 102 (1896), was a heavy smoker.

Scientists have always been interested in the so-called "centers of longevity", isolated areas where people live much longer than in other places and retain vitality and energy until the end of their lives. One of these regions is Abkhazia, where almost 3% of the population is centenarians, whose age exceeds 100 years.

It is estimated that in 2000 there were 70,000 to 80,000 people aged 100 or over in the United States. Centennials represent one of the fastest growing age groups in the US population.

Average life expectancy in Cuba, US neighbors, is one of the highest in the world: 76 years. At the same time, for 11 million of the country's population, there are about 3 thousand people who have crossed the centennial milestone.

Taiwan boasts the number of its centenarians over the age of 100 . According to the Xinhua News Agency as of October 2009, there are 1,223 of them in the state. Among people of respectable age, 853 are women and 370 are men. The oldest of them are a 116-year-old resident of Kaohsiung City and a 113-year-old resident of Lianhua County, Taipei City.

In November 2009, peasant woman Halima Solmaz turned 125 years old - the oldest woman a planet that lives in eastern Turkey in the highland province of Diyarbakir. In confirmation of this, the representative of the provincial census bureau showed the identity card of the universal hero of the day, in which the date of birth of grandmother Halime is registered - 1884.

On January 11, 2010, at the age of 112, in the mountainous town of Santa Valpurga, in the northern Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige, one of the oldest women in Italy, Theresia Staffler, died.

Staffler, who was born in 1898, managed to live in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. She was ranked 45th in the world list of centenarians.

Teresia will be buried by her two daughters, who are 88 and 85 years old, as well as numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The duration of human life depends on many factors: lifestyle, nutrition, place of residence, genetic predisposition to certain diseases. In the CIS countries, the average life expectancy is somewhere in the region of 60 years for men and 65 for women. In countries Western Europe this figure is slightly higher. But, the people that will be discussed further broke all records and demonstrated a great love for life.

Super centenarians

The oldest person in history

The person who lived the most was a woman (according to statistics, women live longer than men). The name of this heroine is Jeanne Louise Calment, this woman was born back in 1875 on February 21 in France, and died on August 4, 1997. Her total life expectancy is 122 years and 164 days (44724 total days). Jeanne became the person who lived the longest life of all who would be known to science. The woman outlived her daughters and even her grandchildren. Information about the life expectancy of this heroine is carefully documented in scientific papers.

The oldest man

There is some discussion about the age of the oldest man himself. claims that the record holder is the Japanese Shigechio Izumi (Shigechiyo Izumi). According to him, he was born on June 29, 1865, and died on February 21, 1986. If the date of his birth is correct (apparently no documents have been preserved), then the long-liver from Japan lived 120 years and 237 days. Only a long-liver from France, Jeanne Calment, survived him. Shigechio was not only the oldest man on the planet, he also set the record for the longest labor activity for a man, 98 years old. Surprisingly, but seniority far exceeds the Japanese average duration life in Europe today. His name was recorded in Japan's first census in 1871. Interestingly, the man started smoking at the age of 70. However, after the death of the centenarian, the Department of Epidemiology in Tokyo and the Institute of Gerontology reported that, based on family records, Shigechio died at the age of 105 years old. True or not, we probably will not be able to find out.

The second candidate for the right to be called the oldest man who ever lived on Earth is Thomas Peter Thorwald Christian Ferdinand Mortensen (August 16, 1882 - April 25, 1998). Although the date of Thomas's birth is not shrouded in darkness, the Guinness Book of Records considers him the second, after Shigechio Izumi. Christian Mortensen is the oldest person born in Denmark, he is one of the ten oldest people on the planet. All he lived 115 years and 252 days. There can be no doubt about Christian Mortensen's lifespan, and there are birth records, church baptism records, and even Danish census records show that the date of birth is correct.

oldest person alive today

The oldest was a woman - Anna Eugenie Blanchard (born February 16, 1896), a French long-liver. The woman has lived for more than 114 years 142 days.
The oldest of the men living in our time turned out to be Walter Breuning (Walter Breuning), he was born on September 21, 1896, a long-liver from the United States. At the age of 113 years 290 days, he ranked 4th among the oldest people on the planet, only three women are ahead of him, one of which is Anna Blanchard.

Everyone wants to live as long as possible. It is for this reason that people with longevity are admired. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Jeanne Louise Kelman was recognized as the oldest person in the world, who passed away at the age of 122. What birthday was celebrated by the oldest person in Russia?

Nanu Shaova (nee Khamurzova)

According to official information, the oldest resident of the Russian Federation lives in the Baksansky district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. This year she celebrated its 127th anniversary e. Her whole life was spent in the village of Zayukovo, translated from the Kabardino-Circassian language meaning "dogwood valley". Nanu has tied the knot twice, but is currently single. She lost her first husband during the war, and buried her second in 1892.

According to the message " Komsomolskaya Pravda”, Shaova is included in the Russian Book of Records. The woman also has a certificate confirming this title.

Until recently, the ethnic Kazakh woman Tanzilya Bisembeyeva, who was born in the village of. Islamgazy Astrakhan province. In 2016, she celebrated her 120th birthday.

Nanu's life

A woman celebrates her birthday for several days, because exact date birth is not known. According to Nanu, she was born in the first half of summer, her mother told her about it. A document confirming the fact of the birth of a child was not issued to anyone at that time, therefore, only the year of birth is indicated in Nanu's passport - 1890.

During his life, Nanu needed health care only once when she was bitten by a dog and had to be injected with anti-tetanus serum. For 128 years, Nanu has been living without medication and at the same time says that nothing hurts her.

Nanu Tsukovna - born in 1890

50 years of hard work in the field, endless beds, hay and a plow - all this was to her liking. Along with this, she raised 9 children, 5 of whom have already left our world. Nanu is happy with her life and is proud of her 14 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren.

In the family of grandmother Nanu, there are also centenarians. Her husband lived for 106 years, and her mother lived for 116. Nana Tsukovna continues to lead healthy lifestyle life and does not eat after 6 pm. Eats healthy national food, giving preference to ayran.

Centenarians of Russia

Magomed Labazanov received unofficial recognition in 2010 as the oldest resident of the Russian Federation. Documents confirming his age burned down in a fire at the very beginning of the 20th century. According to Magomed, his birthday is May 1, 1890. He lived in the village of Serebryakovka in Dagestan, but the fame of the centenarian spread far beyond its borders. This man was a witness to the end Russian Empire, then revolutions, survived two world wars and knows firsthand what Soviet Union and restructuring.

In his years, Labazanov maintained good health and a strong memory, sharing many years of experience with everyone. His secret to longevity was a modest and healthy lifestyle: he did not smoke, did not drink alcohol and prayed daily. Corn cakes, fermented milk products and vegetables grown in the garden were the main food of Magomed. Having lived almost 124 years of a busy life, Magomed Labazanov died surrounded by his close relatives.

This unofficial Russian centenarian was born in the village of Aminevo, Kunashaksky district. A resident died Southern Urals in 2011. She was 121 at the time of her death. The absence of documents about her birth and the exact date are typical moments of that ancient time. Khabibamal Khametova herself celebrated her birthday on July 1st. After working half her life on a collective farm, and then as a sorceress in her village, the woman was forced to raise seven children alone, since her husband did not return from the war.

Khabibamal Khametova strictly observed the daily routine, not forgetting to move and breathe fresh air. She also ate healthy food, drank kefir and juices. Longevity was inherited by the woman, as her mother and sister also lived a long life.

An incredible coincidence is that Pelageya Osipovna Zakurdaeva celebrates her birthday together with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. She was born in 1886 in Altai, which is confirmed by the relevant documents. The centenarian also became the oldest inhabitant of the planet in 2005.

Pelagia did not attend school as a child, so she cannot write and read. She worked as a milkmaid and did household chores, but this did not stop her from getting married 4 times. The first husband died in the war, the second appeared in the life of a long-lived woman at the age of 50.

She didn’t have to give birth to her children, and therefore Zakurdaeva raised three children of her second husband for 30 years. She loved them like family. After her husband died, she moved to Tashkent and got married for the third time. When the third husband died, the elderly Pelageya met her last fourth love - the German Karl, who soon died in a car accident.

All the way last day In her life, my grandmother was actively moving and did not mind drinking a glass for mood. She died on March 13, 2005 from the flu, 2 months before her 119 years of age.

Sarhat was born in the time of Alexander II and spent her life in the village. Living to 131, she began every day with prayer and never took medicine. She was not lucky enough to become the mother of her children, but she raised her adopted son. For almost half a century, the woman lived alone and managed the household with her own efforts. She loved to receive guests, and was quite kind and friendly. Sarhat Rashidova died in her sleep.

A Russian long-liver originally from Yakutia was born according to the old style on May 10, 1890 in a family of reindeer herders. She continued her family occupation and even earned the title of “Mistress of the Anabar Tundra”, as she taught reindeer herding to all her fellow villagers and passed on her rich experience in this craft. Being married to the hunter Alexei Semennikov, she bore him two children who died in younger age. After this tragedy, Varvara adopted four children and became a grandmother for more than ten grandchildren. Until the age of 100, a woman smoked tobacco and did not deny herself a glass of wine for the holidays. She ate foods familiar to the inhabitants of the north: fish, venison and pickles. Until her death, the woman moved independently and even worked.

native North Ossetia lived to be 122 years old. The secret to her longevity lies in snake bite, the scar from which stayed on her body all her life. According to the woman, at the age of 10 she was bitten by a snake, the poison of which added years to her life. She was always busy and had a great sense of humor. Even being retired, the woman ran the household and did not despair. Gosada worked until the age of 97, while raising 11 children, four of whom are adopted. Tsallaeva died in 2008, already having 32 grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

A resident of Vyborg received in 2005 the title of the oldest Russian woman instead of the deceased Pelageya Zakurdaeva. Maria Petrovna Strelnikova was born at the time Alexander III and lived a long 115 years. For 81 of them, she worked officially, while putting seven of her own children on their feet. Her diet included dairy products and vegetables. She hardly ate meat, but she was very fond of coffee, which she simply could not do without. The woman died surrounded by her daughters.

The oldest person on the planet is a relative and multilateral concept. It can concern both official statistics and ancient legends, eyewitness accounts. You can name the names of living centenarians or remember those who have already gone to another world.

Throughout the history of civilizations, man has always strived for immortality. But what is immortal life- the ultimate dream or a curse? Be that as it may, people are mortal and only the Creator knows how much is destined for each of us. However, some representatives of our family managed to push the age bar so far that this fact causes sincere surprise and keen interest. Our today's story is about them - the oldest people on Earth.

Who is considered longevity?

An elderly person is included in the category of centenarians if he has crossed the ninety-year milestone. There are quite a lot of such people in the world, for example, in Russia there are about 350,000 of them. If they talk about the very best, this bar is raised to 110 years. There are already much fewer centenarians who have celebrated their centennial anniversary on the planet. The gap is huge.

The paramount issue for statistics is to find authentic documents confirming the venerable age of a person. Over the past century, the world has been shaken by many wars, natural Disasters which often led to the loss of metrics and other written sources. Therefore, the list of persons over 110 years old was divided into three categories:

Verified - available official document date of birth: state certificate or entry in the parish register.
Pending Verification - the reliability of documents is studied by experts.
Conjectural - no obvious evidence of longevity has been found.
The Gerontological Research Group deals with the issues of longevity verification.

Separately, it is worth mentioning mythical characters, saints of various denominations, to whom legends and religious writings attribute hundreds of years of life. So the Bible says that the famous progenitor of mankind, Methuselah, lived for 969 years, eating only honey and fruits. His name has acquired a common sense to denote longevity ("Methuselah's age").

The oldest people on the planet (currently living)

Today at common list more than 1060 names of the elders of the world. No matter how annoying the strong half of humanity, the top ten are exclusively long-lived women. And among the entire list, the number of men is less than 10%.

This fully confirms the current recent centuries trend longer duration life of the female population in almost all countries. Answering the question: “Why do women live much longer?” Gerontologists tend to physiological reasons.

It means that female nature more adapted to survival and maintenance of viability. In particular, experts have found that the hormone testosterone causes disruptions in immune system men. While the female hormone estrogen, on the contrary, has anti-aging properties.

The second pattern: five out of ten the oldest people on Earth - Japanese women. The country rising sun invariably leads the ranking in terms of the number of long-livers in the world. According to statistics, for every 100,000 Japanese, there are 35 people who celebrate their centenary.

The Japanese secret to longevity is in a special diet that contains seafood and algae every day. Scientists are inclined to believe that if someday the “elixir of youth” is found, then seaweed will become its main ingredient.

TOP 10 living longest-lived record holders

    Chiyo Miyako

    Giuseppina Proetto Frau

    Kane Tanaka

    Maria Giuseppa Robucci Nargiso

    Shimoe Akiyama

    Lucille Randon

    Shin Matsushita

    Tane Yonekura

    Gabriel de Robert

    Bessie Kam

Now the oldest person on the planet is Japanese Chiyo Miyako, who lives in the Kanagawa region. She received her honorary status quite recently. She became the oldest inhabitant of the planet on April 21, 2018 after the death of 117-year-old compatriot Nabi Tajima. Tanzima called her secret of longevity good dream and passion for dancing.

In second place is a lady from Italy - Giuseppina Proetto-Frau, 115 years old. A long-liver was born on the island of Sardinia. In 1946 she moved to Florence, where she lives to this day with one of her daughters.

The third place of honor is occupied by 115-year-old Japanese Kane Tanaka.

Despite the fact that the life expectancy of earthlings is steadily increasing, age limit the most tenacious representatives remains the same. Step over the 120-year mark in Lately no one succeeds. As gerontologists note, it looks like some kind of insurmountable wall.


The list of age record holders of all times and peoples is more numerous. Let's talk about the most prominent of them.

Jeanne Calment (122 years old)

The record for centenarians belongs to the legendary Frenchwoman, who was born in the 19th century (1875) and did not live to see the 21st century for only three years. The age bar reached by her is considered the maximum of the confirmed ones. She is listed as oldest centenarian in the Guinness Book of Records. During her long life, Jeanne survived World Wars I and II and 25 rulers of France.

If not for the age record, her biography can be called ordinary. She spent her whole life in hometown Arles, had a daughter and a husband, whom she survived by more than half a century. Left without relatives, at the age of 110, Jeanne moved to a nursing home, where she lived for another long happy 12 years.

Kalman herself considered the absence of stress to be her secret of longevity. By modern standards, she was not a supporter of healthy habits. Jeanne smoked a lot and, like all French people, was an amateur good wine and sweets.

Jiroemon Kimura (116 years old)

The oldest male person on Earth is Japanese again! They definitely know the secret ingredient to increase a person's "shelf life".

Jiroemon Kimura was born in Kyoto in 1897 and worked all his life in the post office. After retiring, he took up farming on his own plot. According to relatives, a moderate diet and a tireless craving for an active lifestyle helped him set a longevity record.

Centenarians in the Guinness Book of Records

If we talk about facts that have not been confirmed to date, then at the moment the data of the Russian Appaz Iliev from Ingushetia is being checked in the Guinness Book of Records. He submitted documents to the Gerontological Service that he was born in 1896. If this information is confirmed, he will become the oldest person on Earth at the age of 122 years. There are often reports in the press about champions from Russia, but they do not have an official status.

The secret of longevity

Among the five states with the most large quantity centennial residents include America, Japan, France, England, Italy. In addition to these countries, some habitat halos have such fame, for example, the settlements of the Indian tribes of Hunza, the island of Okinawa, the Russian Caucasus.

Analyzing the phenomena of venerable age among the peoples of the world, scientists could not even calculate an approximate formula for longevity. Researchers at the University of Demographic Problems have done a great job studying individuals who have reached the age of 115. In their closing, they stated that they did not find a single quality that united them all. Except one - genetic predisposition.

People fall into the category of long-livers of different nationalities born into rich and poor families, never worked and working all their lives workers and farmers. Paradoxically, the age limit does not depend on the specialty, quality of life and nutrition, or the level of medical care.

What to do for those who want to beat or at least get closer to records of longevity? Leading gerontologists advise to follow the following recommendations:

  • be moderate in eating;
  • live in clean natural regions;
  • lead a measured life;
  • maintain inner harmony.
  • As for food, it turned out that most of the centenarians loved chocolate and fruits. It is possible that their health was affected beneficial effect the antioxidants they contain.

Probably, in the future, scientists will identify the longevity gene and learn how to introduce it to everyone. In anticipation of this epochal event, it remains to adhere to time-tested advice: do not overeat, avoid stress, move more and smile more often. Remember that a positive attitude and positive emotions reduce the likelihood of a person developing any disease by 50%.