Russian beauty Victoria Lopyreva became famous in Russian show business as a bright blonde with a model appearance. The biography of a beautiful woman is replete with various victories in various beauty contests. Despite her attractive appearance, she did not remain aloof from the achievements of the industry plastic surgery. IN Lately“Miss Russia” has changed her appearance so much that it is not possible to hide the consequences.

Biography of Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria Lopyreva was born in Rostov-on-Don on July 26, 1983. The girl was lucky to be born into a family where everyone was passionate about creativity. His father was a painter, and his mother worked as a journalist in the modeling business. It was this industry that attracted little Vika. The beautiful girl often attended shows with her mother, where she very soon began to receive filming offers. The modeling career did not attract the girl. Vika did not like the fate of fashion models who were always losing weight and gaining mileage. But “never say never.”

In 2000, she participated and won the “Don Photo Model” competition. After the victory, a series of first places followed in such competitions as “Miss Donbass-Open 2002”, “Face of the Year”, “Elit Model Look”, “Rostov Beauty” and others. In 2003, the beauty won the coveted title of “Miss Russia” for every woman.

Unlike many other winners, she did not marry an oligarch and did not become a pot-bellied daddy's pet. Vika continued her career by signing a contract with a famous TV channel. The proof is the TV shows with her participation “Football Kitchen”, “Real Sports”, “Fashion Ambulance” and others. At the same time, she became a zealous fighter for the conservation of wildlife, as she promised from the stage of beauty contests.

Plastic surgery by Victoria Lopyreva

Photos of Victoria Lopyreva appeared on the covers of fashion magazines with enviable frequency. On her Instagram profile, the girl writes about numerous romances with prominent representatives Russian show business. Publicity and fame forced the Rostovite to strive for the ideal of beauty. For this purpose, she decided to change her already ideal appearance.

  • Extreme weight loss. Let's start not with plastic surgery, but with the incredible efforts of the girl in pursuit of perfect figure. After winning the main beauty contest in Russia, Vika Lopyreva began to rapidly gain weight.

The woman’s height is 177 centimeters, and her weight began to approach 72 kilograms, which is prohibitive for any model. The model decided to do its best to achieve the previous parameters. To do this, she went on a strict diet and spent days in the gym.

The result is that the woman’s weight dropped by as much as 11 kilograms.

In 2016, the supermodel continues to strictly monitor her figure and observes strict rules nutrition and sports regimen.

  • Rhinoplasty. With weight loss came the desire to change even more radically. The first operation was nose correction. Before plastic surgery, Victoria Lopyreva earned recognition and fame as a stunning beauty. The woman’s nose looked neat even without plastic surgery.

But the star decided to correct his directness. Appearing in public, Victoria Lopyreva became noticeably prettier after the operation. Surgeons corrected the bridge of the nose and aligned it perfectly. On her contact page, the famous blonde writes that she is pleased with the result and does not regret the money spent. But the star spent about $5,000 on fixing her nose.

  • Lip augmentation. Victoria Lopyreva looks different before and after lip augmentation surgery. The fillers with which the star systematically pierces her own lips are clearly visible. The volume of her mouth doubled.

And if Victoria Lopyreva before the operation was considered a beauty with natural beauty, then after the operation she became like many other Botoxed world pop stars. After plastic surgery, Victoria Lopyreva continues to follow the path of lip pumping, because she admits that she really likes her current appearance. Beautiful lips cost Vika dearly. The cost of each procedure is from $500.

  • Correction of cheekbones. Victoria Lopyreva's plastic surgeries did not affect her cheekbones. Many fans, watching numerous videos of the star, are convinced that the girl inserted implants into the cheekbone area. Plastic surgeons comment that pointed cheekbones are the result of strong and rapid weight loss.

  • Bioreinforcement and mesothreads. Perfect oval The model's face and silky skin on the neck were achieved by introducing specialized threads. They maintain elasticity in the skin and prevent it from sagging. The miraculous threads cost the model at least $1,800.

  • Lower face lift. Considering that Victoria Lopyreva’s age has already exceeded 30 years, and no age-related changes are observed on her face, this is a sign of the intervention of plastic surgeons. Presumably, a lower face lift was performed. It is because of this procedure that not the slightest hint of a double chin or skin aging is visible. The model paid about $2,000 for the procedure.

  • Fillers in nasolabial folds. The Balzac age of every lady is treacherously betrayed by nasolabial folds. Vika does not observe any changes in this area. There are cases of filler injections in this area. One filler injection procedure costs a young lady from $400.

  • Botox. Beauty injections can no longer surprise anyone. Quite often both stars and ordinary women resort to such a procedure. The presence of wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows is a common occurrence for every 33-year-old person. Victoria Lopyreva’s pristinely clean forehead makes one think of systematic Botox. Keeping the skin in perfect condition costs the star $400 annually.

Personal life of Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria Lopyreva before and after plastic surgery does not leave the pages of the tabloid press. Everything is discussed, from lipstick color to another lover. A huge number of novels were attributed to the bright blonde. It was rumored that the model's plastic surgery was paid for by her many married fans. Who were the hero-lovers of “Miss Russia”?

  • Alexander Ovechkin. Blinded by passion, model Vika Lopyreva systematically flew to her beloved from Moscow to Washington. Beginning in 2003, the whirlwind romance attracted close attention public. It was because of the constant harassment of the paparazzi that his personal life did not work out. The lovers separated.

  • Vlad Topalov. “Learning to Breathe Without You” is the singer’s video, in which the lovebirds starred together. The novel was bright, stormy, but fleeting. The relationship could not withstand the burden of fame and gossip. It was during her affair with Vlad Topalov that Victoria Lopyreva’s appearance began to change.

  • Fedor Smolov. The fateful meeting of the future spouses took place at a party for football player Yuri Zhirkov. A member of the football team and a model very soon had a lavish wedding in the Maldives.

The young people were united by common interests in sports and passion for a healthy lifestyle. In 2016, the couple separated. As heartbroken Vika reported, her husband was not ready to build a real family life. Children were reportedly a stumbling block. Vika madly wanted to give birth to children for her husband, but he did not share his wife’s views and desires.

Photos of Victoria Lopyreva show us that even with perfect proportions and numerous titles, women cannot be content with what they have. The supermodel and recognized beauty has long joined the ranks of silicone wearers. Looking at the example of “Miss Russia” Victoria Lopyreva, one can understand that the crown of a beauty queen does not always provide true love the opposite sex and the carefree life of a happy woman.

Video: Miss Russia beauty contest with the participation of Victoria Lopyreva

Everyone knows the famous model Victoria Lopyreva very well, but they have undeservedly forgotten about the person who helped her move forward. On her path to success, Vika’s mother, Irina Lopyreva, was always with her, and this article is dedicated to her.


Irina Lopyreva was born on June 28, 1959, at one time she was both a model and a journalist. Later she retrained somewhat and became a fairly famous businesswoman. At one time she was involved in various beauty contests, probably this fact also affected her daughter, since she not only became a world-famous model, but also received awards from various beauty contests.

Irina Lopyreva’s ex-husband, Petr Kruse, was an artist, and he is Vika’s father. For certain reasons, he left the family and went to another woman. But, as they say, Irina Lopyreva believes that this is solely his fault, and Peter in various interviews accuses his ex-wife of infidelity, which she did not particularly hide.

About my daughter

Irina does not forget about her family; because of her daughter’s fame, she often hears the phrase: “Victoria Lopyreva’s mother is Irina Lopyreva.” Perhaps this would offend someone, but she is proud of her daughter and considers her her closest person, and this attitude is mutual.

Victoria Lopyreva was born on July 26, 1983 in Rostov-on-Don. Big influence The little girl was influenced by her mother, who worked in the fashion industry, which inspired Victoria's passion for beauty. When she was still at school, she constantly hovered in front of the mirror, and over time she began to study more and more in detail the features of applying makeup, and also tried to monitor her figure. The girl had other hobbies, she loved to draw and read, but the desire to shine on the podium took precedence.

While still a teenager, Victoria began to expand her portfolio, but decided to take part in a beauty contest only at the age of 17. And immediately this attempt was crowned with success, the girl received the title “Photo Model of Rostov-on-Don.” After this there were other victories, but they did not raise the girl higher than the level she had reached. Changes occurred in 2003, when she won the Miss Russia contest, since then she has become one of the most sought-after models, often attending social events and various television shows. Then she acted as a presenter several times.

The girl tries not to comment on her personal life. She dated Fedor Smolov for a long time, but at the last moment, for unknown reasons, the wedding fell through.

Relationship with daughter

As before, Irina spends a lot of time with her daughter, and if earlier this was done in order to raise a growing girl, now they are also connected by work issues. When mother and daughter are in Moscow, they see each other literally every day, and they often travel together for work. Business trips sometimes separate them, but this does not prevent them from keeping in touch by phone or communicating on the Internet. On a joint vacation they do amateur photo shoots, where the pictures show the daughter and Lopyreva herself, the photo so shows their similarity and great shape that they are often considered sisters.

But, despite constant communication with her daughter, there are times when a woman feels lonely. According to Irina herself, a busy work schedule has a strong impact, which does not allow her to stay in one city for a long time.


Oddly enough, Irina Lopyreva does not look at all her age; her biography indicates that she is already 57 years old, but this fact practically did not affect her appearance. She even admits to journalists that at such a fairly advanced age, she still attracts the attention of men.

Therefore, it is not surprising who has such a beautiful daughter; Victoria, by the way, is already 33 years old, but, like her mother, she looks much younger. It’s not enough just to have good genetics; you need to be able to take care of yourself and choose the right outfits. Therefore, if you look at the pictures, you will immediately notice the combination of all the factors that Irina Lopyreva takes into account; the photos turn out literally amazing.

Beauty Salons

It's hard to maintain that appearance without additional care for facial skin and body. As Irina Lopyreva herself says, she visits beauty salons regularly, at least once a week, but maybe more often. Visits concern, first of all, manicure salon and a hairdresser. Also, while in the salon, Irina does not forget about the massage. Among all the procedures, she will especially single it out, claiming that she can skip some of the procedures if necessary, but not this one.

When it comes to makeup, you rarely have to turn to specialists. This is due not so much to saving time and money, but to the fact that she herself is well versed in this matter. At one time she worked at the House of Models, so she learned the rules of applying beautiful makeup back in those days, especially since she does it well now.

Irina herself admits that visiting salons will not give you the desired effect if you do not take care of your body. Irina Lopyreva has always considered herself an active person; her biography confirms that, being a journalist and working with models, it is difficult to forget to take care of your appearance. Love for regular walking, a lot of active movements throughout the day give positive result, the weight remained almost the same as it was 20 years ago. Also former model does not eat junk food or overeat. Irina Lopyreva does not hide the secrets of youth, because every woman knows about them, it’s just that not everyone knows how to apply them in everyday life.


An equally important part of the image of a society lady is her wardrobe. Irina Lopyreva’s style is based on two opposites; she gives preference to the classics, but at the same time does not forget fashion trends that change every season. This approach to choosing clothes allows her to look stylish, regardless of the event.

Irina Lopyreva has a unique attitude towards shopping; ordinary consumerism is unacceptable to her, but at the same time she loves to buy beautiful clothes. She views clothes more as a work of art than as a need to buy a branded item in order to stay in trend.

In recent years, I have become especially attached to boutiques in Spain, since most of my clothing purchases are made either in Madrid or Barcelona. She is attracted by the lack of excitement and fuss that is inherent in Milan. In addition, both in Madrid and Barcelona you can buy quality clothing from lesser-known brands.

Favorite brands

Your appearance in selection designer clothes Irina Lopyreva considers her plus, her height and weight allow her to purchase almost any clothing from world brands. There are always clothes from McQueen and Prada in the wardrobe. There are brands that Irina buys even without first trying them on. "Dolce Gabbana" and "Tom Ford" just fit perfectly on the figure of the former model.

This is not the first year that Irina Lopyreva has been purchasing dresses from Dior and treating them with special trepidation. She notes their sophistication, excellent cut and, of course, femininity, which can always be found in clothes from this brand. Lopyreva herself also notes that such dresses need to be able to be worn and presented to the public, which, alas, not every woman has.

Complementing the image

One dress is not enough to create the necessary impression; you need accessories. Irina gets the greatest pleasure from shopping for shoes; for her it is something like a ritual, since a truly beautiful pair brings her aesthetic pleasure. But this love also has back side medals, she likes such shoes exactly as long as they are new; shoes worn once or twice lose their beauty for Lopyreva and give way to a new pair.

Of course, it’s difficult to do without a handbag and jewelry. She is not as picky about the latter as she is about shoes. Therefore, depending on the event, he can wear both expensive jewelry and costume jewelry.

Despite the fact that Irina is considered a fan of the classics, she does not have such a passion for vintage clothing, as well as jewelry, and would purchase it exclusively for the collection.

Future plans

Like any woman, Irina dreams of having someone next to her strong man, but at the same time understands that with such a rhythm of life as hers, this is almost impossible. Lopyreva herself admits that she began to notice that when asked “Where are you now?” she often answers “At the airport” or “On the plane.” And he’s at home less and less often.

Irina has also been dreaming of grandchildren for a long time; for them she is ready to become an excellent grandmother who masterfully plays the piano, treats them to delicacies and travels with them all over the world.

Victoria Lopyreva is an ex-model, Miss Russia 2003, sports TV presenter, philanthropist and ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The celebrity managed to take advantage of the chance that victory gave her All-Russian competition beauty, and build a career on television and in various public organizations.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Lopyreva was born in Rostov-on-Don in July 1983. The beauty's childhood passed in hometown. Victoria, like her peers, went to school and was interested in drawing and learning languages. In addition to general education, the girl attended piano lessons at the music school named after. Vika grew up as a creatively developed person, and this is not surprising, because the girl’s father is a famous artist in the city, and her mother is a model and journalist.

After high school Lopyreva continued her studies by entering the Rostov State University of Economics. There the girl received a specialty in enterprise management.

At the end of 2016, Lopyreva received a medal of honorary graduate of RINH, and the name of the TV presenter appeared on the university’s honor board. Later, her diplomas were supplemented by a document confirming completion of a sports management course in High school economy.

Modeling career

As a teenager, Lopyreva received offers from modeling agencies to participate in photo shoots and shows. But the young beauty did not intend to connect her life with this business, so she refused, although she had suitable parameters and appearance.

Only in 2000 did the girl decide to try her hand at the “Don Photo Model” competition, sending photos to the organizers. Unexpectedly for herself, Victoria became herself beautiful girl Rostov-on-Don. Then, as a university student, she participated in such competitions as Elit Model Look, “Face of the Year”, “Rostov Beauty”, “Miss Donbass-Open”, “Furor of the Year” and others.

In 2003, after winning the Miss Russia 2003 competition, Victoria Lopyreva became truly famous. From this moment in the girl's life began new stage– she was invited to numerous talk shows, fashion magazines were full of pictures of the model. She appeared on the pages of popular glossy publications “MAXIM”, Cosmopolitan, L’Oficiel, and starred for youth publications OK!, HELLO!.

Due to stress during the competition, after winning, the girl began to rapidly gain weight. Victoria weighed 72 kg when she decided to regain her model figure. Lopyreva chose strict diet and began to train a lot in the gym, which allowed me to lose 11 kg.

A television

Some time after winning Miss Russia, Lopyreva appeared at the Miss Europe beauty contest, but as a presenter. This work brought Victoria even greater popularity and provided the girl with several lucrative contracts. So, she became a TV presenter in a documentary program about Moscow, filmed by order of French television. In addition, the girl led a similar project created by the American Travel Channel.

In 2005, Victoria Lopyreva became the director of the Miss Russia competition. Then she appeared in Lev Novozhenov’s program “Question! Another question” as co-host. Since 2007, she began hosting the “Football Night” program, but after a year and a half she left the project to participate in “The Last Hero.”

Victoria continued to periodically return to her modeling career. In 2008, naked photos of Miss Russia appeared in the popular men's magazine Playboy.

Victoria Lopyreva in Playboy magazine

In 2009, the celebrity appeared before the viewer as the host of the “Real Sports” program. At the same time, the girl acted as a member of the jury of the “Property of the Republic” project. From that moment on, Lopyreva finally moved away from her modeling career, becoming a TV presenter. Work followed in projects dedicated to fashion and focused on women's target audience: “Fashion Academy”, “Fashion Ambulance”, “Happiness! Video version", "FashionChart" and "Love Actually".

In 2014, Victoria moved even further from the fashion world and connected further biography with sports and sports TV shows.

The celebrity is seriously interested in football. The ex-model organizes charity events for children and teenagers, to which she attracts professional Russian football players. In the summer of 2014, Victoria received the medal “For International Work with Youth.”

From 2014 to 2015, Lopyreva hosted the “Football Kitchen” program, and in 2015, together with a sports commentator, she became the TV presenter of the “Games with Olympus” program.

In October 2015, Lopyreva signed a contract with the management of Rostov-on-Don 2018 and became the ambassador of Rostov-on-Don at the upcoming FIFA World Cup.

Victoria promotes a healthy lifestyle and exercise and inspires others by example. But fans are sure that the TV presenter’s appearance is not a merit healthy image life. The press regularly collects photographs of the ex-model in the “Plastic surgery, before and after” collections.

According to journalists, Victoria corrected her nose, cheekbones and lips, but as a result she became more right face has not lost its flavor and originality.

At one time, information also appeared about mammoplasty, as proof of which fans used pictures of the beauty in a swimsuit.

The alleged plastic surgeries found virtually no negative responses from Lopyreva’s fans. Fans of the TV presenter are sure that since Victoria makes a living beautiful appearance, then the decision to improve it is balanced and logical.

In April 2017, Victoria was invited to host the awards ceremony of the Miss Russia 2017 beauty contest. According to journalists, the ex-model eclipsed her current colleagues. Lopyreva’s parameters have already moved a little away from the model ideals of thinness, which only beautified the woman, giving Lopyreva’s figure more seductiveness. Victoria's height is 177 cm and her weight is 64 kg.

In the same year, Victoria was appointed honorary ambassador of FIFA in preparation for the FIFA World Cup. She attended the 2018 World Cup draw event, held in the Kremlin, and also visited many countries participating in the international competition. At the opening ceremony of the 2018 World Cup, it was Victoria who had the honor of bringing the championship ball onto the field.


Lopyreva is considered a scandalous person; fresh news about the fashion model appears in the media from time to time.

In 2011, a scandal broke out with. The celebrity blondes had a fight on the Internet because of their page, which then appeared on Twitter. Both girls immediately greeted the head of Chechnya, but Kadyrov added only Rudkovskaya to his list of friends. As a result, a verbal spat broke out between the stars.

The scandal grew to such proportions that representatives of show business, taking the side of one of the instigators, began to sort things out among themselves. Meanwhile, Kadyrov’s account turned out to be fake.

Lopyreva’s flight from Yekaterinburg to Moscow in October 2014 ended in a loud scandal. Socialite removed from the flight for refusing to turn off his mobile phone while the plane was moving towards the runway. Aeroflot was going to sue the popular TV presenter for delaying the flight and even add Victoria to the “black list” of passengers. The incident received widespread press coverage.

Personal life

Lopyreva was constantly credited with many novels. The suitors of “Miss Russia 2003” were a singer and a hockey player. There were rumors about Victoria's relationship with a businessman, a sponsor of many beauty contests, but things did not go beyond rumors.

In 2012, public attention was drawn to the conflict between Victoria Lopyreva and her lover Vlad Topalov, which broke out at one of the parties due to the latter’s jealousy - the TV presenter lost her temper and threw several glasses at her boyfriend.

In 2012, Lopyreva met a football player. The young man played for Dynamo, Anzhi, Ural and other equally famous clubs.

6 months after they met, Victoria and Fedor got married. The celebration took place in December 2013 in the Maldives, which is why the union does not have legal force in Russia. It would seem that the celebrity’s personal life has improved.

Victoria Lopyreva with her former common-law husband Fedor Smolov

The marriage lasted a year and a half - in May 2015, Victoria announced the breakdown of relations with her common-law husband.

In 2017, the public actively discussed the novel and Lopyreva with. Throughout the year, the couple broke up and then got back together, gala event It was postponed several times, and then it happened altogether. Many called this union a PR campaign; the separation of Baskov and Lopyreva once again confirmed these rumors.

In May of the same year, the TV presenter attended the pop musician’s anniversary concert. Fans enthusiastically commented on joint photographs of Lopyreva and Kirkorov and named the artists perfect couple. The TV presenter confirmed that she is connected with the musician warm relations, but denied any hints of a romance between them.

Victoria Lopyreva now

In December 2018, it became known that the TV presenter. Your photos in " interesting position"and already for a long time she posted it on her personal page in "Instagram". In an interview, Victoria confirmed that she was already pregnant during the World Cup. Lopyreva responded evasively to questions about who the father of the child was, calling her chosen one a “non-public person.”

Reporters were at a loss: paternity was attributed to the politician, entrepreneurs God Nisanov and the owner of the Tashir group of companies, Samvel Karapetyan.

Soon the situation became partly clearer: joint photographs of the TV personality and the first vice-president of the Tashir group of companies on vacation in Miami appeared on the Internet. The couple clearly did not hide their feelings for each other. Rumors began to actively spread that Victoria had stolen her husband from the daughter of Samvel Karapetyan.

Lopyreva entered the entrepreneur’s house and was even considered Tatevik’s friend, although the TV presenter herself later denied this fact. The heiress of a wealthy businessman found out about her husband’s infidelity from the media. She immediately filed for divorce, and later flew to the Maldives with her two children.

Now the spouses live separately, but the official divorce has not yet taken place.

Not all of Lopyreva’s subscribers shared the beauty’s joy about her upcoming motherhood. In addition to congratulations, negative statements about the homewrecker began to appear. Celebrities also did not stand aside. Victoria's action was condemned.

Nikolai Baskov expressed concerns about Igor’s future behavior. According to the singer, a person who once committed betrayal can do it again.

On February 5, 2019, a joyful event took place in the life of Victoria Lopyreva. In the Miami clinic she has a son. On Instagram, the TV presenter posted a post dedicated to the birth of an heir, which she accompanied with a laconic phrase:

"The happiest day of my life."


  • 2005 – “Question, another question”
  • 2008 – “Football Night”
  • 2009 – “Real Sports”
  • 2011 – “Fashionable First Aid”
  • 2012 – “Happiness! Video version"
  • 2014 – “Love Actually”
  • 2014-2015 – “Football Kitchen”
  • 2015 – “Games with Olympus”

Victoria Lopyreva is one of the most sought-after and famous models in modern Russia. She was able to conquer the podium, prove that for real woman nothing is impossible or incredible. The girl was able to win the Miss Russia 2003 competition, after which she began to receive lucrative offers and also realize herself in other areas.

And her most famous successes were her work in the television field, so it is not surprising that she appears on different channels, attracts the attention of others, and arouses admiration. This pretty woman looks very beautiful and simple at the same time, because she understands that you don’t have to spend too much time in salons to maintain your stunning appearance.

Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Lopyreva

Considering that this young woman is a model, of course, fans have natural questions about height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Lopyreva? It's hard to believe, but Victoria is no longer as young as for a model. Today, her age is 34 years, height is 177 centimeters, and weight is 64 kilograms. The attractive blonde always strives to look good, and she succeeds perfectly. The woman carefully ensures that she attracts other people’s glances, but she believes that a sincere smile, sparkle in the eyes, and natural charisma, which, if desired, can always be developed, play an important role here. But where did it all begin? How Victoria achieved her goals and, most importantly, what she had to overcome life path in order to be noticed. We will now follow the life path of Victoria Lopyreva and tell you the most interesting things.

Biography and personal life of Victoria Lopyreva

The biography and personal life of Victoria Lopyreva deserves attention, because thanks to this we will be able to follow how she became a model in the first place, why she chose this field, and what difficulties she had to overcome. She was born in the large city of Rostov-on-Don, in a family that was strongly associated with art, because her father was a fairly famous artist, and her mother worked as a journalist, and most often in the modeling field. Perhaps her mother's influence helped the girl understand that she wanted to plunge into this beautiful, but cruel world, and eventually become a model.

WITH early age, when other girls did not even think about thinking about a career, Victoria was already trying her best to show that her appearance was worthy of being noticed. She worked tirelessly on her own figure, bringing it closer to the desired parameters modeling world. She mastered the tricks of makeup, studied the intricacies of cosmetics in order to hide flaws and highlight advantages. She could spend hours standing in front of the mirror and styling her hair to figure out which hairstyle would suit her face type best.

But at the same time, she did not forget that her inner world must also be developed. The girl loved to read books and also tried to draw, for this she took paints from her father’s workshop. But all the same, it was Lopyreva’s bright appearance that helped her achieve success in the modeling field. Also in adolescence she began to receive offers from various modeling agencies, but initially, she refused, believing that she would still have time. As a result, she herself sent photos for auditions and was chosen among thousands of other applicants. It's hard to believe, but modeling career was not a serious idea for the girl; she considered castings and various beauty contests as a hobby, nothing more. But constantly winning one competition after another, she began to become convinced that she was on the right path and should be realized in this area.

This lasted until she won the Miss Russia 2003 competition, which finally confirmed that she was on the right path. It must be said that her rivals were beautiful and bright girls, but it was Lopyreva who became the winner again and again. Already in the 2000s, she became known for taking part in various charity events that were aimed at saving nature, animals, and so on. Victoria liked to take part in this, she knew how important it was not only to take care of herself, but also of others, then the reward would be the gratitude of those whom she helped.

Then she took part in various beauty contests, but what is noteworthy is not as a participant, but as a presenter. In this format, she was also able to show herself from the best side, supporting girls who had potential, but so far could not show themselves as much as they wanted. The girl remembered very well how she herself dreamed of finding her place in life, so she does her best to help other beauties believe in themselves. As for her personal life, there are a lot of rumors about Victoria Lopyreva, it cannot be otherwise, because around beautiful women legends are always made.

It was repeatedly said that Lopyreva was getting married, and this news was not always implausible. She was married to Fedor Smolov, but the marriage did not last long; already in 2015 the marriage broke up. Perhaps the break in the union occurred due to the fact that the young people simply did not see eye to eye, or perhaps they could not see each other as often as they would like. Today, there is a lot of active discussion upcoming wedding Victoria with famous singer Nikolai Baskov, which, according to rumors, should take place in the fall of 2017, so, most likely, fans of the star couple will be able to see gorgeous wedding, unless, of course, they want to do everything quietly and modestly.

Today, Victoria Lopyreva is a popular model, not only on catwalks and photo shoots, but also as a TV presenter. She repeatedly takes part in various beauty contests, but not as a participant, but as a presenter. He also hosts programs, captivating the audience with his charisma and charm, his ability to present material in an interesting way, and keep attention at a level. Victoria has long been convinced from her own experience that under no circumstances should you loosen your grip, continue to improve and achieve new goals. For Lopyreva, any obstacle serves as another test that must be overcome and emerge victorious in order to Once again show that you can achieve anything you want.

Family and children of Victoria Lopyreva

The family and children of Victoria Lopyreva today consist of herself and her actual husband Nikolai Baskov. She has been married before, but it did not bring her much results, so the woman wants to try again. For some time she dated a famous singer, but now he has already proposed to her, and she is going to get married in the fall to try to start a family again. As for children, Lopyreva does not have them yet, and it is unknown whether she plans to have them in the near future. But this does not mean that she does not want these same children, because most women dream of becoming mothers and knowing what it is. So, perhaps, in a new marriage, she will be able to raise worthy heirs who, like her, will decide to conquer model business.

Former husband of Victoria Lopyreva - Fedor Smolov

Victoria Lopyreva's ex-husband Fyodor Smolov became the first. He is a striker football team, they met by chance, started dating and after some time decided to unite their destinies. But this decision did not bring lasting results, because after a short period of time they filed for divorce. There are no reliable facts about why the marriage broke up in the media; most likely, this happened due to the fact that young people were not ready to make concessions and sacrifices for the sake of their soulmate. Today, the spouses do not communicate, but at the same time, they have retained good impressions about marriage. Perhaps for them, this became a certain experience, allowing them to understand what a family union is, and in general, learn to be responsible for another.

Victoria Lopyreva's common-law husband - Nikolai Baskov

Common-law husband Victoria Lopyreva - Nikolai Baskov, in principle, is not Lopyreva’s legal husband yet, but he has almost become one, so it would not be a big mistake to call him that. For a while star couple met, was in no hurry to make a choice, but after a while rumors began to circulate that everything was serious with them. This was confirmed by Victoria and Nikolai themselves, because they always gladly told the public about romantic dates, how happy they were together, how ready they were to start a family and try to follow the path of life. Nikolai Baskov is also a famous singer, loved by many, so it is not surprising that he chose such a bright and unique Victoria Lopyreva as his wife. The young people are going to get married this fall in Grozny. True, they have not yet shared the details of the wedding, so, apparently, fans will have to wait with this.

Victoria Lopyreva and Nikolai Baskov wedding

Victoria Lopyreva and Nikolai Baskov wedding - such notes could always be seen either in newspapers or on the resources of Internet portals. And this is not surprising, because the stars themselves confirmed that they were going to get married. True, some fans ask themselves the question about Victoria Lopyreva and Nikolai Baskov getting married, and what about Sofia Kalcheva, but, as practice shows, this is nothing more than a joke. After all we're talking about about adults who already clearly know what they want in life, strive to achieve it, and, of course, to be happy and successful. Even stars want basic personal happiness, so they do not always marry for money or prestige. So, most likely, Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva will soon unite their destinies in order to try to build their own family, cozy nest. In any case, when this wedding takes place, the couple’s fans will definitely know about it.

Photo of Victoria Lopyreva before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Victoria Lopyreva before and after plastic surgery, which can be found in abundance on the Internet, cause a lot of different disputes among fans. Some argue that the model constantly resorts to the help of plastic surgeons, others argue that this is not so, that she has never resorted to artificial methods of beauty. Victoria herself answers questions regarding surgical intervention in her appearance. He believes that no one needs to prove anything, that everyone is free to think what they want, but the model herself has never used the services of modern surgery. Although, of course, you cannot do this without the help of cosmetology. Victoria regularly visits beauty salons, undergoes spa treatments, not to mention doing makeup on time, taking care of her face, and simply constantly improving in terms of her image and appearance. In fact, no one knows whether the woman really never resorted to plastic surgery, or whether she, after all, did not avoid having an experienced surgeon interfere with her appearance. Everyone can decide for themselves by looking at her photos before and after plastic surgery. True, no one can say for sure how authentic they are.

Photo by Victoria Lopyreva in Maxim magazine

Like any other model with potential, Victoria is constantly experimenting in order to be recognized as well as possible and loved even more. Therefore, it is not surprising that Victoria Lopyreva eventually appeared in Maxim magazine, where she was able to demonstrate her stunning forms in more candid photos, captivating the entire male audience with this. Thanks to Maxim magazine, men were able to see Victoria Lopyreva and her hot photos in Maxim, in other words, where she is naked, or almost without clothes. Also amazed beautiful photos graphs where Victoria Lopyreva in a swimsuit 2016 without photoshop. She looks amazing there, beautiful, glamorous and at the same time simple and without excessive pathos. Victoria always made sure to look beautiful, but at the same time, not to put herself above others.

Instagram and Wikipedia Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria Lopyreva is very successful and famous model, so it’s not surprising that there’s a lot of interesting stuff about her on the Internet. If fans wish, they always have the opportunity to go to personal page on Wikipedia (,_Viktoria_Petrovna) Victoria Lopyreva. There you can easily find general facts about her childhood, creative career, achievements and much more. But all this introduces the famous model only superficially, because Wikipedia always contains only not very in-depth facts. Fortunately, today you can turn to social networks for help. Victoria Lopyreva is no exception; she takes advantage of opportunities with pleasure social networks, which can be confirmed by her Instagram page ( There the star posts her photos from performances, general photos with her future husband, share plans for the future and much more that may be of interest to fans. If you want to know about this famous model more, Victoria Lopyreva’s Instagram and Wikipedia are always at your service at any convenient time.

Victoria Lopyreva- TV presenter of sports channels, fashion model, Miss Russia 2003, ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Childhood and education of Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria Lopyreva was born on July 26, 1983 in Rostov-on-Don. Victoria's father - Petr Kruse, artist. Mother - Irina Lopyreva- a successful businesswoman, former journalist, fashion model at the Rostov Model House.

Since childhood, Vika attended general education and music school, and studied piano. After school, she entered the Rostov State Economic University (RINH), from which she successfully graduated with a degree in enterprise management.

Career of Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria as a child with her mother (Photo:

As Victoria told both friends and in interviews, it was her mother who influenced her decision to try herself as a model. The girl won the “Don Photo Model” competition in 1999, and in 2001 Victoria received the title “Rostov Beauty”. Also in 2001, by decision of the jury chaired Valentina Yudashkina Victoria Lopyreva was recognized as the best model at the Golden Lightning fashion festival.

The career of the Rostov beauty was progressing very successfully. In 2002, Lopyreva won the Donbass OPEN competition, and after Victoria became Miss Russia in 2003, the girl moved to Moscow and began working as a TV presenter on sports channels. Her photos began to appear in the best magazines in the country. Victoria herself became a frequent guest on various Russian talk shows.

Lopyreva’s biography on the 24-SMI website says that after the Miss Russia competition, the girl began to quickly gain weight. It was all due to stress. Victoria weighed 72 kg (Lopyreva’s height is 177 cm), but was able to regain her model figure. Victoria Lopyreva chose a strict diet and spent a lot of time in the gym, this allowed the model to lose 11 kg.

Victoria especially fell in love with football. In 2007, Victoria Lopyreva was invited to work as a co-host with Georgy Cherdantsev in the “Football Night” program.

In 2015, the leadership of the Russian Football Premier League (RFPL), summing up the results of the 2014/2015 season, presented Premier awards to football players football clubs and team employees, as well as media representatives who made the greatest contribution to the development and popularization of domestic football. One of the Premier awards was received by Victoria Lopyreva “For the best promotion of the SOGAZ-Russian Championship 2014/2015.”

Victoria Lopyreva - "Miss Russia 2003" (Photo: Marat Abulkhatin/TASS)

In the same year, Victoria signed a contract with the management of Rostov-on-Don 2018 and became the ambassador of the Don capital at the 2018 World Cup.

The beauty of Victoria Lopyreva did not leave anyone indifferent to her. Popularity grew. Lopyreva starred in videos Dmitry Malikov"WITH clean slate"(dir. Vladimir Yakimenko). Timati ft. Mario Winans "Forever" Andrew's Wall"I'm that one", Vlada Topalova"Learning to breathe without you" Philip Kirkorov"Indigo".

In 2017, Victoria attended the opening of the 2017 Confederations Cup.

Russian fashion model and TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva at the draw ceremony for the group stage of the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS)

Victoria Lopyreva received the title “The Most stylish TV presenter of the Year" in 2009, according to the World Fashion Channel for the series television projects. Also, as reported in her biography on Wikipedia, Lopyreva has medals “For Valiant Labor” (2009) and “For International Work with Youth” (2014).

French footballer, world and European football champion in the French national team Marcel Desailly (second from left in the photo) and the ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva at the opening ceremony of the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Park for fans on the territory of the Muzeon art park , 2017 (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS)

Photo by Victoria Lopyreva

As an ambassador for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Victoria Lopyreva continues to do what she does best - beautiful photos. For example, in the summer of 2017, photographs of the TV presenter and model in an exclusive FIFA “Around the World” photo shoot appeared on the Instagram social network.

The Don beauty was photographed against the backdrop of national landmarks and in the national costumes of the countries participating in the World Cup. The photos were taken in an unusual design processing. “I’m starting to introduce you to a special art project “Around the World” exclusively for FIFA, which we shot with a talented team of professionals,” Victoria Lopyreva photo on Instagram.

Special art project with Victoria Lopyreva “Around the World” exclusively for FIFA (Photo:

Photos of Lopyreva even before, without FIFA, aroused great interest, ending up in tabloid news. For example, Victoria’s transparent white swimsuit was then published by the TV presenter and model on a social network under the title “Close your eyes and imagine the sun.” On her Instagram page, Lopyreva appeared in front of her fans in a “Venus outfit.” She covered her private parts with her hands and hair. In the first hour alone, the photo received about 15 thousand likes, and in 17 hours - almost 40 thousand.

Victoria Lopyreva posted a candid photo on her Instagram page (Photo:

In general, hot photos of Victoria Lopyreva regularly appear on all social networks in which the model has accounts. The main mouthpiece, of course, is Instagram, where Victoria has almost 1.5 million subscribers, and almost 4 thousand photos were posted by the fall of 2917. Many photographs captured Victoria at stadiums while working as an ambassador for the 2018 World Cup, but most of the photos are still more pleasing to the eye of fans of Lopyreva’s beauty; in them, she is, if not naked, then very lightly dressed. In this regard, Victoria Lopyreva follows in the footsteps of most popular Instagram beauties.

Personal life of Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria Lopyreva married FC Krasnodar forward Fedora Smolova. But in 2015 they broke up.

TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva and football player Fedor Smolov at the 2013 BRAND AWARDS ceremony at the Ukraine Hotel (Photo: Sergey Karpov/TASS)

He later joked about ex-wife Victoria Lopyrev that he couldn’t even spread butter on bread on his own. The statement did not go unnoticed by the athlete. Fyodor Smolov, on the air of the Cult Tour program, demonstrated spreading butter on bread, to which Lopyreva responded in the comments to the video recording of the program, ironically writing: “I’m proud of you. You are growing."

It should be noted that, after parting with Lopyreva, Smolov sharply improved in football, becoming the country's top scorer and player of the Russian national team.

In July 2017, sensational news was the news that the popular singer and People's Artist of the Russian Federation Nikolay Baskov proposed to Victoria and they are going to get married in the fall in Grozny. The famous tenor tried several times to arrange his personal life, but everything was somehow unsuccessful.

He spoke about this on his Instagram page Ramzan Kadyrov. "Very soon! In the city of Grozny! Wedding of the century! Intrigued? So, on the fifth of October ( 2017 - ed.), on City Day of Grozny in the capital Chechen Republic A great event is about to happen! National artist Russian Federation, the “golden voice” of our country Nikolai Baskov and the charming TV presenter, “Miss Russia 2003”, ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Victoria Lopyreva will celebrate a wedding. Their hearts found each other in Grozny,” the head of Chechnya announced the news.

In the photo: singer Nikolai Baskov and model, TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva, 2017 (Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda/Global Look Press)

However Russian singer For some reason, Nikolai Baskov deleted a photo with fashion model Victoria Lopyreva from his Instagram account. Lopyreva herself posted a scene from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus” on social networks. Wherein, ex-girlfriend Baskova Sofia Kalcheva confirmed the upcoming wedding.

The news even stated when and where Victoria Lopyreva and Nikolai Baskov would get married - October 5, the giant Safiya celebration hall, which belongs to a businessman Ruslan Baysarov(ex-husband, by the way) Kristina Orbakaite and the father of her son).

In August 2017, Nikolai Baskov posted an intimate photo on Instagram with his future model wife Victoria Lopyreva, which fans of the bride and groom happily discussed. In the photo, Basque gently hugs future wife. The caption to the photo leaves no questions: “With my beloved,” the artist modestly wrote.

Fans in the comments admire the beautiful couple and are waiting for details of the future event, as well as news about the couple’s relationship. “Oh, Kolya, Kolya,” “Ken and Barbie,” “Nikolai just blossomed from love for Vika,” fans wrote.

Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva (Photo:

At the end of September, Victoria Lopyreva and Nikolai Baskov became guests of the program “ Andrei Malakhov. Live”, where they talked about whether they are really planning a magnificent wedding ceremony, which is scheduled for early October. “I'm so glad that my friends and family have a good sense of humor! Turn on the country's highest-rated show today on the Russia 1 channel. I am sure you will have great fun and will finally find out whether the wedding will take place on October 5th. And much more - first-hand. First and last time“, Victoria Lopyreva wrote on Instagram before the broadcast.

Andrey Malakhov, Victoria Lopyreva and Nikolai Baskov (Photo:

On the show, Basque announced that there would be two weddings, in Grozny and Moscow. And Lopyreva noted that their union became possible thanks to a good sense of humor.

“Both Kolya and I have experience behind us, we are not 18 years old. When many people monitor your personal life, it is destroyed. I don’t post photos because I don’t want to... Whether you believe it or not, I don’t care. We don't want to prove anything to anyone, we just want to live. There is a phrase: “Forgive our happiness and pass by,” Lopyreva said.

The show also announced the postponement of the wedding, since October 5 is Memorial Day in the Baskov family; on this day, the singer’s grandfather died. Interestingly, Victoria then spent the evening with the Manchester United star football player. Henrikh Mkhitaryan, who, according to media reports, previously courted Lopyreva. Photos and videos of the couple spending time together were made available to the Super public.

In 2018, there were rumors that Victoria Lopyreva was dating a wealthy man (not Baskov) and was 5 months pregnant.

In the fall of 2018, news appeared that Baskov would not become Lopyreva’s husband. Nikolai himself confirmed that such a decision was made back in January. But Baskov and Lopyreva remained good friends.

“In fact, Vika and I decided to remain friends back in January, we just didn’t consider it necessary to announce it. We don’t actually see Vika, although we periodically talk on the phone. We are on good terms, we are always happy to hear from each other, but I don’t meddle in her personal life, and she doesn’t meddle in mine,” Baskov told the website “