P.S. The performance is over, the recording is under the cut (thanks to Postulat)

P.S.2: Trump’s main quotes in the text edition were added under the cut (“I will always put America first”: key quotes from Trump’s UN speech)

US President Donald Trump spoke from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday, September 19. TASS highlighted key quotes from the speech of the head of the White House.

About the world

"Sovereignty, security and prosperity are the three beautiful pillars on which the world stands."

About American interests

"As President of the United States, I will always put America first. Just like you, the leaders of your countries will and must always put your countries first."

"The United States will always be a friend to the world, and especially to our allies. But we can no longer be taken advantage of or be locked into one-sided deals in which the United States gets nothing in return. As long as I hold this position, I will put American interests above all else." ".

About US intentions

"We want harmony and friendship, not conflict and struggle. We are driven by the desire to get results, not by ideology. We pursue a policy of realism based on principles, common goals, interests and values. We do not seek territorial expansion or to spread our way of life to others. Instead, we help build institutions like this (UN - TASS note) to ensure security, sovereignty and prosperity for all."

On the protection of sovereignty

"We must defend our countries, their interests and their future. We must reject threats to sovereignty - from Ukraine to South China Sea. We must ensure respect for the law, respect for borders and respect for culture and the peaceful interactions they make possible."

About the situation in the DPRK

The United States has great strength and patience. But if we have to defend ourselves or our allies, we will have no choice but to completely destroy North Korea. Rocket Man (Kim Jong-un - TASS note) began a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. The US is ready, willing and able... But hopefully this will not be necessary. That's what the UN is for

On sanctions against Pyongyang

"I want to thank China and Russia for joining this vote on sanctions along with all other members of the [UN] Security Council. Thank you to everyone who participated, but we must do more. Now is the time for all countries to work together." to isolate the Kim regime until it stops its hostile behavior."

About the "nuclear deal" with Iran

"We cannot allow a murderous regime to continue its destabilization activities and build dangerous missiles. And we cannot commit ourselves to an agreement if it ultimately provides the opportunity to create nuclear weapons. The Iran deal is one of the worst and most lopsided agreements the United States has ever entered into. Frankly, this deal is a mockery of the United States, and you will be hearing more about it."

About radical Islam

"We will stop radical Islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to terrorize our nation and the world. We must cut off terrorists' access to safe havens, transportation, funding and any form of support for their vile and disastrous ideology. We must expel them from our countries. It's time to identify and bring to justice those countries that support and finance terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, Taliban (banned in the Russian Federation), Hezbollah, who kill peaceful people. The United States and our partners are working together across the Middle East to take down terrorist losers."

About Syria

"We are committed to de-escalating the Syrian conflict. We hope to find political decision, which will respect the will of the Syrian people."

About Cuba

"The United States stands against the corrupt and destabilizing regime in Cuba and celebrates the Cuban people's dream of living freely. My administration recently announced that it will not lift sanctions on the Cuban authorities until they implement fundamental reforms."

About Venezuela

“The problem with Venezuela is not that socialism is poorly implemented, but that they strictly follow [all the norms of] socialism. From Soviet Union to Cuba and Venezuela, wherever true socialism or communism is introduced, it brings great suffering, destruction and ruin. The Venezuelan people are starving and the country is being destroyed."

About the US place in the UN

"The United States is one of 193 member countries of the United Nations, and yet we pay 22% of the entire budget, and even more. In fact, we pay much more than anyone thinks. The United States bears an unfair share. But if this All the goals stated by the UN can be realized, especially the goal of peace, these investments will be worth it."

Active Donald Trump took up the reform of the United Nations (UN). It was discussed at a specially convened meeting in New York on September 18, on the eve of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. The US Declaration on Reform has already been signed by 142 countries out of 193 that are members of the UN. Just yesterday there were 128 of them.

In addition to the United States, four G7 countries are among the signatories: Great Britain, Germany, Japan and Canada. That is, two powers that were defeated during the Second World War. The main winner, who stopped the global carnage, was Russia, which found itself on the sidelines. Thus, Trump’s reform clearly claims to revise the results of the global confrontation of the mid-20th century, after which the UN was created.

Answering a question from the press about what message he was going to send to the world, Trump changed his campaign slogan. “I think the message is: 'Let's make the United Nations great.' Not “again,” but simply make the United Nations great. Such huge potential. I think we can do this,” said the US President.

So far, the transformations that reformers are talking about do not look too radical. Countries pledged to "strengthen the UN system's accountability by increasing transparency and strengthening oversight" and to "strengthen the organization's planning and budgeting functions to achieve greater transparency and possible forecasting of resource requirements."

Also, in hopes of increasing the effectiveness of the UN, there will be “reduction of duplication of mandates, including among the main UN bodies.” The remaining points are even more common words and good wishes. Not a word about the reform of UN decision-making mechanisms. The organization's secretary general was asked to lead the reform Antonio Guterres.

Russia, which previously also spoke out about the need to increase the effectiveness of the UN, has deliberately moved away from the process. Vladimir Putin I was not invited to the reform meeting. He is not going to participate in the General Assembly session either. But even Sergey Lavrov, who heads our delegation there, refused to confer with Trump on reform, citing the fact that the initiative of only one country has nothing to do with the General Assembly.

As a pretext for talking about reform, Trump uses the fact that the United States is the largest donor to the UN. Indeed, Washington generates almost a quarter of the organization's budget. However, this is not an argument - the share of financing accruing to each country is directly proportional to its solvency. The US pays more because it is richer.

The only issue that deserves attention here is the potential reform of the UN Security Council with its veto power for permanent members, including Russia. The victories of the Red Army at Stalingrad, cast in diplomatic form, on Kursk Bulge, the capture of Berlin has reliably protected our country from extremes in world politics for 70 years. Now many of the world’s vultures are ready to remake the world in a new way. Trump is among them.

So far it seems incredible, but a drop wears away a stone. The fact that the United States managed to form a pool of states that disagree with the current status quo is already dangerous. In the future, a parallel structure may appear on the world stage, claiming a status similar to that of the UN, but without Russia. If the alternative to the UN is supported by leading economic and military-political powers, Moscow and other “outcasts” will have a hard time.

Russian diplomat, formerdeputy Secretary General UN Sergei Ordzhonikidze is in no hurry to panic and still believes in the power of the UN Charter.

“Trump’s initiative means nothing at all. This is a complete waste. After all, a declaration is a statement. There were thousands of such statements. And the summits - God knows how many. This piece of paper is simple.

“SP”: — Russia, in principle, has never abandoned reform. How should it be carried out in the opinion of our diplomats?

— If such a reform is to be carried out seriously, then it must be done within the UN itself, among its member countries. There are all the mechanisms for this: the General Assembly, the relevant committees. Otherwise it will have no effect. Some kind of PR campaign.

“SP”: “But the signatory countries turned to the UN Secretary General with a request to lead the reform process...

- So what? The Secretary General does not have any serious powers. If, for example, we are talking about cutting the budget, about giving the Secretary General greater powers, then all this must be written down in UN documents, and not just said about it. These are all serious things and they must be on paper: what, how, by what date, etc. Relevant specialists in UN committees will work in each area.

“SP”: — Trump is a very energetic politician. Could he begin to build some kind of parallel UN legitimacy on a global scale? Already without Russia...

- Noooo. Do you know what he will do? It will be like in NATO. He is a businessman, all his thoughts are about money. Let us remember that when Germany promised to increase the contribution, the problem was immediately solved. Everyone should pay more, and we, the United States, should pay less. That's Trump's entire plan.

And this issue - finances, budget - is always discussed at the UN in the Fifth Committee. There they decide who should pay and how much. This scale of assessments is linked to the country's GDP. Whoever has more pays more. To satisfy Trump, the scale of contributions must be revised. Will countries agree to this or not? And on what basis then should the amount of contributions be set?

In reality, the most Americans can do is delay their contributions. By the way, they did this more than once.

“SP”: — Can Russia be deprived of the right to veto during the UN reform?

It's practically impossible. According to the UN Charter, such issues cannot be resolved without Russia and other permanent members of the Security Council.

In its turn American political scientist, professor at the Academy of Military Sciences Sergei Sudakov believes that Trump’s goal is not so much to squeeze Russia out of the UN, but to seize the organization by the United States and subordinate it to his goals.

- Trump is now acting like a battering ram, which comes, for example, to apartment house, breaks open other people's doors and invites residents to cut new windows and block existing doorways with bricks. But at the same time he wants to do all this without asking the residents’ permission, because over a hundred apartment owners of this building already agree with him. And the fact that this is your apartment does not matter. You must simply submit, because those who are with Trump are more numerous and stronger. In such a system, an apartment building begins to collapse, people want to move out of it...

“SP”: — What reasons led to such behavior of the United States led by Trump?

“The fact is that the weight of the United States, since the end of World War II, has been constantly declining. The share of American GDP in the world is falling, countries such as Russia, China, and India are becoming serious players. In general, there are three obvious centers of power in the world: the USA, Russia and China. No wonder Trump’s election slogan was “Make America Great Again.” That is, he is trying to restore the greatness of America by legitimizing the actions that the United States carries out. After all, what they did in Iraq in Syria bypassed the UN.

Now the United States is paralyzed by Russia's veto power in the Security Council. Therefore, in Washington they would like to gather under their umbrella maximum amount supporters in order to create some kind of parallel legitimacy. But we're talking about specifically about the limitation Russian law veto, and not attempts to take it away. They simply want to deprive Russia of the opportunity to be a full-fledged and independent center of power and put it on the same level as Iran, North Korea, etc. And for this it is necessary to present Moscow as a party violating world rules.

In fact, Trump wants to create the United Nations of the United States of America. That is, it will be a monopolar world in which the United States, at the expense of the UN institution, will dictate its will to the whole world. But it seems to me that these attempts will not pass.

US President Donald Trump spoke for the first time from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly and told those present about his vision of the American foreign policy, based on the principle of "America First", emphasizing its commitment to the peace and prosperity of other countries on the planet.

Trump arrived at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, taking place these days in New York, accompanied by his wife Melania and US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. Earlier, The Wall Street Journal noted that for Trump, his first speech before the UN is “an excellent opportunity to demonstrate US leadership in the world and remind him of his country’s values.”

“As President of the United States, the welfare of America is my top priority, and so should the leaders of other countries,” Trump said.

He began his speech by listing the United States' impressive achievements in politics, economics, and science, and then outlined his views on the world's most important issues.

Trump called on the countries that are part of this international structure to increase pressure on North Korea to force it to give up its nuclear weapons, calling the policies of this rogue country "destabilizing, hostile and threatening."

"I will have no choice but to completely destroy North Korea if they do not stop their provocations. This regime is destroying itself," Trump said.

"Terrorists and extremists are gaining strength and spreading throughout the planet. Robber regimes threaten other nations and their own citizens destructive weapons, known to mankind", continued the US President, who reaffirmed his commitment to be " great friend"for the rest of the world and its allies.

Trump spoke out on nuclear program Iran, saying Tehran must end its support for terror and respect the rights of its own citizens.

"The Iranian government is calling for the destruction of America and the eradication of Israel from the face of the earth. It masks a corrupt dictatorship with the false guise of democracy and has turned a formerly wealthy country into an economically depleted rogue state exporting violence, bloodshed and chaos. Instead of using its resources to improve the lives of Iranians ", the country's authorities are spending money received from oil sales to finance Hezbollah and attacks on peaceful neighbors - Arabs and Israelis," Trump said.

US President in Once again harshly criticized the nuclear deal concluded between Iran and Western countries in July 2015, calling it “the worst agreement in history and a disgrace to the United States.”

A few words were devoted to the Venezuelan regime and dictator Maduro, who “dooms good people to suffering and hunger.” However, the words of Trump, who said “the problem is that socialism has been implemented in good faith in this country,” did not receive approval from those present.

The UN itself was also criticized, which, in his words, “could become a much more responsible and effective defender of human dignity and freedom throughout the world.”

"Our hope is a world of proud, independent peoples who live up to their responsibilities, are friends with their neighbors, respect them and spare no effort to create the future of this wonderful land. The mission of the UN and its message to the world is that we will fight together for peace , freedom and justice for all mankind,” Trump concluded his speech with these words.

Note that, speaking about world peace, Trump did not specifically mention the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The head of the Israeli government, Benjamin Netanyahu, participating in the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in New York, in his blog on

US President Donald Trump spoke at the UN General Assembly for the first time. He delivered a speech as part of the general political discussion of the 72nd session, threatening the DPRK with “total destruction” and stating that some parts of the world were “virtually sliding into hell.” Rain cites key points from Trump's speech.

— Things got better in the United States after November 8, when the country’s presidential elections took place. Stock market indicators reached record levels, the country recorded the highest low level unemployment over the past 16 years due to regulatory reforms.

— The United States will spend more than $700 billion on military needs. “Our army will reach the highest strength in its history.”

“We live in a time of extraordinary opportunity, progress in science, technology, and medicine, which allows us to solve problems that seemed insoluble to previous generations.” However, there is a threat to all this in the form of terrorists and extremists, who “gained strength and multiplied in all regions of the world.”

“The United States has enormous power and patience, but if we are forced to defend ourselves and our allies, we will have no choice but to completely destroy North Korea.” North Korea's renunciation of nuclear weapons is the only correct path.

“As President of the United States, I think first of all about the United States. Just as you will and should put above all else own country. All responsible leaders must serve own people. And nation-states are the best instrument for improving the human condition.”

— Other countries cannot persuade the United States to enter into deals that would not be beneficial to the country. At the same time, the United States is always ready to maintain relations with other states, and especially with its allies. The United States spends more than 22% of its budget, fulfilling the terms of various agreements international organizations. It is unfair to compare the contributions of the US and other countries.

— Iran — “the richest country with the richest culture and history” — has turned into “the main exporter of violence, bloodshed, chaos.” Trump called on the Iranian government to "stop supporting terrorists" in the Middle East. " Nuclear deal"with Iran, which involves the United States, Russia, China, Germany, Great Britain and France, is a disgrace for the American authorities.

— The United States will stop radical Islamic terrorism because it cannot allow it to spread.

— “The socialist dictatorship of [Venezuela President] Nicolas Maduro has caused terrible pain and suffering good people of this country. This corrupt regime destroyed a prosperous nation by imposing a failed ideology that created poverty and misery,” Trump said. The US is ready to take further actions against the Maduro regime.

— « Most of the world is in conflict, and some parts of the world are actually going to hell.”

US President Donald Trump spoke in favor of “effective and expedient” reform of the UN, inviting world leaders to sign a ten-point declaration, the draft of which no one has yet seen. His meeting with them was announced in New York, on the sidelines of the next session of the UN General Assembly, scheduled for September 18, to which Trump intends to invite those who agree to sign it.

Trump, who has spoken out in a similar spirit more than once since his election to his current post, influencing the similar position of British Prime Minister Theresa May, has two complaints against the UN. The first, he said, is that the UN “is more of a social club than a serious political organization" Second claim new administration The United States has also already spoken to the UN - in April, at a meeting of representatives of the five permanent and ten non-permanent members of the Security Council. Then Trump explained his decision to reduce budget financing UN, saying that "the Organization's expenses are completely out of control." He also stressed that the UN should not count on American participation in programs to combat climate change.

Almost simultaneously, information came out that Russian President Vladimir Putin was not planning a trip to New York for the opening session of the General Assembly and, therefore, would not meet with Trump. Last time the head of our state took part in the anniversary session of 2015, making a sensational speech on the eve of the start military operation Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria.

What does all this mean and what is it about? After all, it is clear that there is nothing “simple” in global politics does not happen, and everything has a reason. And in this case, the subtext is especially deep, because reforming the UN, which largely boils down to expanding the composition of the Security Council, to which many are vying for membership - Germany, Japan, but especially persistently - India and Brazil, is a “long-term” issue.

His story is like this. In December 2004, a report appeared from a certain “Group high level UN Threats, Challenges and Change" entitled "More safe world: our shared responsibility” (UN Document A/59/565). After working for a year, as follows from the note preceding the document by then Secretary General Kofi Annan, the group in which Russia was represented by Yevgeny Primakov (Ibid., p. 1), issued a truly programmatic and therefore not advertised plan for the global reorganization of the world in the interests of globalization. To understand the “level” of the group: the United States was represented by the former presidential adviser on national security Brent Scowcroft, Norway - Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister and head of the UN World Commission on environment and sustainable development, to which the term “sustainable development” belongs, etc.

Also included in the document, a transmittal letter from the head of the group, Anan Panyarachun, addressed to K. Annan, stated that it was the issue of reforming the UN that caused the greatest disagreements, which were never resolved between the group members, but did not call into question the value of the entire document as a whole. (Ibid., p. 7). Panyarachun's letter describes these disagreements briefly - those interested can follow the link and read the fourth paragraph on the indicated page; We will look at their essence in specific fragments taken from the report itself, where they are demonstrated more clearly.

The report contains a lot of interesting and revealing things. And interpretation of the system collective security from the standpoint of, among other things, “economic rationality.” And the limitation of sovereignty by the supposed “interests” of neighbors. And the thesis about priority internal conflicts over interstate ones, and the introduction on this basis of the practice of “peacebuilding” - the resolution of internal conflicts (we would add that artificially created to obtain a reason to intervene) by external means, followed by “support” within the framework of external management. It is clear in whose interests - not the peoples of the countries that have undergone such a “settlement,” of course. It is in this context that the topic of reforms at the UN is woven. New model It is proposed not to improve it compared to the current one, but to adapt it to the specified tasks - economic rationalism (from the standpoint of globalization of markets) and limiting sovereignties with foreign intervention in internal conflicts.

Let us present brief excerpts from this document, indicating specific articles of the report, which may shed light on what kind of epic Trump is launching today under the guise of UN reform. So, Art. 245: "Since the Council was created, threats and challenges international peace and security have changed, as has the distribution of power among members of the Organization. However, the Security Council is changing slowly... Moreover, the lack of representation of a wide range of members of the Organization weakens support for Security Council decisions” (Ibid., p. 82).

Art. 246: "After Completion" cold war"The effectiveness of the Council has increased, as has its ability to act... The financial and military contributions of some of the five permanent members of the Council to the United Nations are modest compared to their special status, and often non-permanent members of the Council are unable to make the necessary contribution to the work of the Organization, as provided by the Charter. Even beyond the use of a formal veto, the ability of the five permanent members to prevent inclusion the most important issues peace and security on the agenda of the Security Council further undermines confidence in the work of this body” (Ibid., pp. 82-83).

What does it say here, if you call a spade a spade? Firstly, that the balance of forces has changed in favor of the United States (of course, due to the collapse of the USSR, which is welcomed under the guise of the end of the Cold War). Secondly, that the new composition of the Security Council must correspond to this new situation, that is, turn into an instrument in the hands of the United States and its puppets from among the “non-permanent members”. Thirdly, those who provide the “hegemon” with money and “cannon fodder” should receive powers. Fourthly, that the right of veto in this regard should be called into question. And fifthly, that those who still retain it (it is clear that, first of all, Russia) should shut up and not interfere with the “hegemon” to satisfy its hegemonic claims and instincts.

Trump, as we see, has not invented anything new. He just sharpened the provisions of this report, saying that the “hegemon” should not pay at all, but only withdraw rent from his hegemony. And sit on the cutting of the tribute collected from the vassals, appropriating most of it for themselves by right of the strong.

Now about the new composition of the UN Security Council, as it is seen by the owners of Primakov, Scowcroft, Brundtland and other members of the “High-Level Group”. We quote the report again.

Art. 250: “The Group believes that the decision to expand the composition of the Council ... has now become a necessity. The presentation of two clearly defined alternatives...Models A and B, should help to clarify - and perhaps bring to a close - a debate in which little progress has been made over the past 12 years" (Ibid., pp. 83-84).

Art. 251: “Models A and B relate to the distribution of seats among four main regional areas, which we call …”Africa,” “Asia and Pacific Ocean", "Europe" and "American continent" (Ibid., p. 84).

The difference between models A and B, which, as we remember, the head of the group wrote to the Secretary General in the “transmission”, is more casuistic than essential. Permanent membership in the Security Council with the right of veto is maintained, and expansion occurs through the introduction of new permanent and non-permanent members without the right of veto, while observing the principle of general parity of “regional zones”: each has a total of six members of the Security Council; total - 24.

What's the point? It is about the “regional” principle and gradualism of reform, and on these parameters there were no disagreements in the group. Complete global-elite consensus and “I approve,” from Primakov to Scowcroft. Firstly, the Security Council of 1945 was formed following the results of the Second World War, and the victorious powers became permanent members. It is proposed to forget this and agree that, for example, Russia owes its permanent membership not to the Great Victory, won in battles on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, but their supposed “belonging” to Europe. A double perversion - both historical and geographical. Russia is a Eurasian country and being limited to Europe is a prologue to its division into the EPR and Siberia (the “Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals” project).

Well, forgetting the war means forgetting the history of the UN, having taken the first step towards rewriting it. Gradually, “it will become clear” that Russia is not alone in Europe and “you need to take turns.” That “it is either Europe or Asia” and “must be determined by who it represents”, either by “moving” in the West, or by entering into confrontation for the only place in the Asian regional zone with China. That she is not the heiress of the USSR, but some kind of “territorial-historical misunderstanding.” That it does not fit into the “new consensus” and falls out of the “collective security” system, because “it independently protects itself from external threats”, without sharing “collective strategies”. That while defending its people, it “causes damage to its neighbors”, does not recognize as threats to the world order what worries the “hegemon”, etc. Full list conditions for acceptance by the “hegemon” into the pool of participants in “collective security” - ibid., on p. 12-13.

This was stated even more clearly in more well-known documents - the Charter of Paris for new Europe(1990), which declared the criterion of “democracy” to be readiness to be “friends” with the United States, and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights European Union(2000), where the position of “democratic globalism of the future” is formulated.

In conclusion, why Vladimir Putin will not be in New York. It is correct that it will not: there is no need to participate in the discussion of “UN reform”, which does not correspond to our national interests. And besides, the unacceptability of which in the form in which it is proposed to be implemented is recorded in joint Russian-Chinese documents adopted in the SCO format. The declarations of at least three annual summits of this organization in Ufa, Tashkent and Astana on the issue of reforming the UN and its Security Council have invariably indicated that SCO members oppose “... the establishment of artificial time frames and the forcing of options that have not received broad support from UN members.” .

And it should be especially emphasized that this position of Moscow and Beijing is in deep contradiction with the opinion of the other participants in another association - BRICS. After all, its leaders are from India, Brazil and South Africa every time they speak out precisely for “forced” reform, as if acting in the spirit famous aphorism“Strike iron without leaving the cash register.” What will happen at the upcoming BRICS summit in Xiamen, China? I am sure, without changes, that it will once again confirm the supposedly “proven” many times “viability” of BRICS. And its “prospects,” especially against the backdrop of the coup d’etat that the Americans carried out last year with the help of local collaborators in Brazil.

But I invite readers to see this for themselves, fortunately there is not long to wait: the forum opens on September 4 and ends on September 5. And the priorities in the speeches of the heads of Russia and China, on the one hand, and the rest of our unification partners, on the other, will, as usual, be available in verbatim mode on the official presidential website.