Harm positive thinking- complete nonsense? If only... Let's talk about an overly positive outlook on the world and what approach to life will work better.

In the literature on human psychology, the idea is often proven: “You should always look at life with optimism.” is that even the most unsightly situation can be looked at with hope for a better outcome. As if everything will definitely get better tomorrow, even if there are problems today.

But in fact, positive thinking every day can lead not to victory in all situations, but to real depression.

A person who studiously “ignores” difficulties ultimately faces disappointment. His problems do not disappear by themselves, and his dreams about a wonderful future dissipate, leaving only bitterness in his soul. Is it really so bad to be an optimist who holds his tail with a gun?

The Power of Human Positive Thinking

Positive thinking, by definition, is beneficial.

First of all, when a person needs to switch from tormenting unpleasant thoughts to something more life-affirming. For example, a man lost his job. Naturally, it will be better if he begins to look for a new vacancy with confidence in his abilities. In this case, self-confidence will play into a person’s hands. It would be worse if instead of optimistic searches new job, the man began to drink from the bottle, whine, and consider himself a failure. That is, the power of positive thinking can help a lot if in a difficult life situation you look at the problem calmly, with the belief that everything will work out.

How positive thinking can get in the way

But positive thinking every day, paradoxically, can lead to real mental disorder– depression. If you diligently pretend that problems do not exist at all, and you still come out of any situation as a winner, over time you will definitely get a feeling.

For example, a woman lives with her husband. Everything is bad for them: the husband does not work, drinks, insults her, hurts the children. Instead of breaking up with the tyrant-idler, she assures everyone, including herself, that everything is in order. He smiles, jokes, tries to put things in order in the house, cook something “delicious”, distancing himself from reality. That is, it saves the family, although it is high time to start living in a new way. Who is this woman ultimately deceiving? Only yourself, of course. So, unfortunately, you won’t get by on positive thinking alone.

The harm of positive thinking also lies in the fact that often optimist-dreamers conquer peaks only in their own dreams.

They invent something, embellish it, openly lie. In reality, they do nothing that would lead to real, rather than fictitious, success. Optimists spend all their potential on dreams, but not on the implementation of specific plans. Those who doubt their abilities and prefer not to share the skin unkilled bear, are more likely to achieve their dreams.

Let's say the situation is this: there is a person who wants to achieve a lot in life (find Good work, advance along career ladder, gain financial well-being etc.). But instead of concrete actions, he only dreams that his time will come, and by chance he will meet a well-wisher on the street who will offer him his dream job with an excellent salary. It is not surprising that such a person will be successful only in his thoughts. But in fact, those who did not wait for manna from heaven, but literally worked until they sweat, will get a good place. The optimist will remain in his own thoughts until he finally understands that his dreams of soon finding a good position and high salary- self-deception and nothing more.

The harm of positive thinking is obvious, especially if you constantly resort to embellishing problems and dreams.

Positive thinking and depression go hand in hand

Positive thinking every day prevents people from truly struggling with difficulties. This comes from the fact that changes in life can be made only by realizing the need for this, admitting to yourself that it’s time to fix something (leave an unloved partner, stop communicating with unpleasant people, find a job you like, etc.). But if you deceive yourself every day that everything will work out on its own, that everything is not so bad, then a difficult situation is unlikely to change on its own. The unloved person will still be around, the annoying acquaintances will still be present in life, you will still have to go to the hated job. In such a situation it is not far from neurosis.

Trying to think only in a positive way

They also lead to the fact that a person at some point breaks away from reality.

To hide from unsightly moments, he invents his own " positive peace", where everything is fine. And this is already a failure, since such an approach will sooner or later break down against “harsh reality.” And you will have to admit to yourself that everything you lived before was nothing more than far-fetched illusory thoughts. And then the high mood is replaced by apathy, dissatisfaction with oneself, and depression.

"Mental contrasting"– an alternative to groundless optimism

So, the essence of positive thinking is to find advantages even in obviously unpleasant things.

As we have found out, all-encompassing optimism does not always really help a person - due to his psychology. It's more likely good way will calm down, but not a way out of all life's difficulties.

However, looking at the world only in black terms is also unwise. All that remains is to put all your efforts into finding the golden mean. Great trick - mental contrasting. Its task is to give a person the opportunity to see positive and negative sides situations at the same time.

Let's say a man wants to open his own business. He should not only indulge in dreams of making a good profit, but also analyze all the risks: the possibility of “not getting promoted,” unscrupulous partners, and so on. Having thought in advance about all the difficulties that may arise during life path, it will be easier not to make many mistakes. In other words, mental contrasting– a positive, but quite realistic view of things.

Method WOOP vs. Inclusive Positivity

WOOP method, similar to mental contrasting, was proposed by American scientists. Its name is based on the initial letters of the words “wish”, “outcome”, “obstacle”, “plan” (translated as “desire”, “result”, “obstacle”, “plan”).

  1. First you need to formulate your desire.

    Let it be a girl's dream to get happily married.

  2. Afterwards you will need to decide on the result.

    In our case, the girl will think about meeting with good man, strong union with him, children.

  3. Then it’s time to think about the obstacle.

    Possible rivals, lack of housekeeping skills, difficult character of the girl.

  4. Finally, it's time to make a plan.

    The young lady will have to work hard on herself, become not only pleasant externally, but also internally versatile, learn to cook deliciously, be able to make concessions and listen to her partner.

Using the WOOP method, you don’t have to dwell in idle dreams. A person, knowing about possible obstacles, will know in advance how to get out of the situation as a winner.

Results: Planned Positive Thinking Every Day

So, positive thinking is a good way to temporarily stop being sad by detaching yourself from your worries. A great way to form a positive attitude towards what is happening. But it’s an ideal way to perceive life. This is not a panacea or a way out of all troubles.

It is much more productive to dream, but at the same time not to break away from the realities of life. No wonder they say: “Who is forewarned is forearmed.” Seeing the situation from all sides makes it easier to do the right thing. Positive thinking also has its negative sides and can also be harmful and interfere with achieving goals and living happily. Therefore, do not focus only on the positive, look also at reality.

Positive thinking- this is the most main feature self-improvement. It has a lot of benefits if managed correctly. For example, if a person intends to seriously work on himself and his personality, then he should always be positive. Despite the misconceptions, his thoughts will be pure, but a person should not look at all the things around him through rose-colored glasses and deceive himself when in reality the opposite is true.

Positive thinking is not just pure optimism. Since a person must always be positive, resourceful, and even in the most difficult times have an iron will, never lose heart.

Positive thinking for every day, benefits

If a person is charged with positive emotions, then he sees all the things around him as real, and he is ready to solve any situations, including the most difficult ones. good mood and with confidence in the success of the business. He must be calm and confident that everything will be resolved well. This is how the main benefits of positive thinking manifest themselves. There are many reasons to take positive thinking seriously and practice it every day.

Positive thinking improves attention

By using positive thinking, you can concentrate on solving important problems, eliminating any negative emotions that waste your energy and time. So you quickly return to your working state and think in such a way that the state is not exhausted, think and act. Never replay the emotions of anger, regret and irritation in your head several times, but search for solutions with a creative approach.

Control yourself with positive thinking

Positive thinking will help keep you from reckless behavior and bad decisions, dark thoughts and stupid behavior, loss of control and negative emotions. Almost every person reacts this way when they are in a bad mood or angry at someone. Have you ever been in a situation where you got annoyed and responded to a bad incident? negative emotions, in the end everything turned out worse than it was before? Think about how much effort and time you wasted because of this. Therefore, one should not underestimate the importance of constantly controlling oneself and not doing stupid things again. The worst thing you can do is get yourself into trouble.

You are a magnet and attract everything you want.

Gives you exactly where your attention and intentions are directed. For example, if you always have negative emotions and are focused on negative events, you will only get troubles in life. And if you think positively, you will attract only good, positive events to yourself. After all, positive thinking directs your thoughts into better side. Constantly practice positive thinking and get a better reality for yourself. This pattern is explained by the fact that positive thoughts towards oneself lead to positive actions. In turn, good deeds lead to the achievement of goals.

Positive thinking improves a person's perception and awareness

If you practice positive thinking, then the simplest things will appear to you in a different light, and strangers will become noticeable to you. This pattern is explained by the fact that your focus and mindset changes. For example, if something terrible happens in your life, then you will see not only one negative, but also reverse side this situation. Perhaps you will benefit from this. By practicing positivity, you will begin to pay attention to positive sides events that took place, as well as how it all looks in general concept peace.

If a person is used to always being negative, then in all situations he will see only the negative, and all the good will leave him, even if the advantages of the event are obvious. If a worldview has already been built, then it is difficult to understand things that are far beyond its boundaries. Moreover, the most important thing is not to eliminate negative prospects, but also to concentrate charity and positivity, you should always be in peace of mind, faith and knowledge that all situations in life are a great life experience, even if it is bitter.

I advise you to watch an educational video about how to become successful, happy and how to develop only positive thinking.

Moreover, everything that you get in the future after using positive thinking will give you a lot of benefits. If you manage to build the right mindset, then you will develop the habit of positive thinking and become simply fearless. You will stop being afraid that something terrible will happen to you, you will face any adversity with positivity and good mood. With determination you will meet life situations without fear, and such quality is worth its weight in gold today.

What is positive thinking? This is a special view of the world, the ability to isolate yourself from troubles and not plunge into them when they happen. Positive people always attract the attention of others. It seems that they Vital energy overflowing, they achieve everything without much effort. In fact, everyone has enough difficulties. A positive person simply does not allow himself to become limp or give up. He is completely focused on achieving the goal and does not give himself the right to retreat. The psychology of positive thinking implies that a person works on himself, becomes strong and self-sufficient. A positive person is responsible only to himself and therefore knows how to concentrate on the main thing. In fact, positive people deserve all praise, because they have to overcome themselves a lot and work on their feelings. What are the benefits happy life? How to learn to think positively?


A positive person really attracts attention. He begins to live the most vibrant and useful life. His days are filled with laughter, joy and new experiences. Positive thinking every day brings a person closer to realizing his true purpose, to understanding the essence of his stay on earth. Let's take a closer look at these advantages.

Self confidence

Positive people differ from others in that they are the owners of colossal inner strength. This energy helps them achieve any goals, successfully decide complex tasks. It is possible to change your life when a person has such an intention. Positive thoughts will materialize, you just need to start developing the habit of thinking positively. A positive person is always confident in his abilities. He is well aware of the significant prospects awaiting him. Self-confidence really makes you believe in yourself, choose an individual path that you want to follow, despite numerous difficulties.

Changing your thinking to positive means gaining additional joy in life. Positive attitudes fundamentally change a person’s worldview, his ability to think and make decisions. Along with self-confidence comes a special joy in life, which is truly incomparable. When a person learns to tune in to positive thinking, his whole life will definitely begin to change. And these will be positive changes! From somewhere a supply of additional strength will come, self-confidence will come, constructive thoughts will come that will help you achieve your goal faster. Such achievements are worth a lot!

How to learn it

The theory of positive thinking describes an attitude towards life built on a harmonious worldview. The method of causal-positive thinking is aimed at revealing the internal potential of the individual. It is difficult for pessimists to understand how it is possible to rejoice and have fun at a moment when everything in life is not going well. in the best possible way. They are used to withdrawing into themselves from resentment and a sense of oppressive injustice. How to think positively? How to tune in to positive thinking? How to become ready to accept significant changes in your life? Let's try to figure it out!


A very powerful technique that makes external events unfold in such a way that they truly bring joy. Visualization is great for developing positive thinking. This technique helps to understand that all a person’s thoughts materialize, regardless of whether he believes in them or not. If such a mood constantly prevails in the mind, there is a possibility of the rapid materialization of all planned plans and intentions. Be positive person- This is great. Appears great amount free energy that can be used for the benefit of yourself and those around you.

How to develop positive thinking? A person can experience true spiritual satisfaction in communication with his own kind. Live interaction with a person who truly shares the same views and aspirations allows you to feel truly happy. Pleasant communication fills you with energy, incredibly inspires you and inspires you to new achievements. The method of causal-positive thinking allows you to understand how significant specific values ​​and beliefs are for an individual. If a person is able to share his experiences with another person, then there is a chance to gain peace of mind. The feeling of inner harmony will come naturally.

Favorite hobby

How many people in the world really do what they are meant to do? Unfortunately no. Most live simply by the thought of making money. They don't realize that they've been robbing themselves for years. When a person's thoughts are subordinated only external debt, he cannot develop internally. He stops being happy own source inspiration, forgets why he lives. In fact, such a person does everything mechanically, without much enthusiasm or joy. This is sad, especially when there is no longer any strength left for significant changes. Having thought about how to start thinking positively, you should reconsider your attitude towards your profession and hobbies. You need to find time to do things that actually bring you joy. It can become an inexhaustible source of inspiration for a person.

Spiritual practice

How to learn to think positively? There are special exercises for developing positive thinking. Spiritual practice can truly transform a person from the inside, help make his life bright, fulfilling and holistic. This includes meditation, yoga, relaxation. When giving preference to one method or another, you should remember that it needs to be practiced regularly. Occasional exercises will not bring the desired effect, although they will provide the opportunity to feel a positive impact. Spiritual practice should become an integral part of a person’s everyday life. Only then will consciousness gradually begin to change, filling with new thoughts.

Refusal of criticism

The method of causally positive thinking implies that you need to try to treat your own actions and actions with approval. Healthy self-esteem and self-love can work wonders. In this case, bright thoughts become the natural state of a person. If you try to hold them longer and more, your life will become bright, fulfilling and truly positive. Refusing criticism is a necessary step in order to form a new attitude towards yourself. After all, if a person constantly scolds himself for some mistakes and blunders, this circumstance does not allow him to see any significant changes taking place in his life. real life. It is necessary to understand that criticism does not provide an opportunity for self-improvement, does not allow one to become better, spiritually richer and stronger. A person gains real power to change his way of thinking only when he begins to live in accordance with his inner beliefs.

Physical exercise

They are an integral component of a happy and self-sufficient life. It is necessary to move as much as possible, ideally to play sports. Then there will be more free energy that can be used for peaceful purposes. Physical exercise help you stay in great shape and maintain good health.

Thus, the question of how to be positive deserves special attention. A person must strive for self-development in order not to lose touch with his inner essence, to be aware of his true aspirations and intentions.

1. Never say negative, judgmental or critical things about anyone or anything. Avoid lengthy and empty conversations on the topic of illnesses, shortcomings, shortages and restrictions. Ask yourself the question, “How can I help this person right now?” If you can’t help, walk away and just pray.
Here it is important to understand this: the habit of holding back negative words and avoiding negative topics will lead to the fact that a negative thought, not finding a way out in the usual way, will appear in consciousness less and less often.
2. replace every negative thought, at least mechanically, with the opposite positive one. Then you will develop the habit of choosing positive thoughts. Later the selection will become automatic.
3. do not wish for another what you do not wish for yourself. Do not limit either yourself or others in recognizing rights and opportunities. Any restriction or bad wish, no matter to whom it is directed, will return to you. The subconscious mind grows the harvest in the place where the seed was sown, that is, in your life.
4. have no complaints, grievances, or whims. All your circumstances are projections of your previous thinking, there are no external causes. If they beat you, it means that at some point, consciously or unconsciously, you accepted the idea that you could be treated this way.
5. do not make excuses - the search for justification is based on the position of recognizing that there may be circumstances beyond your control. Remember: circumstances are always the result, but they cannot be the cause.
6. consciously notice and find positive things in the world, in all phenomena and people: beauty, goodness - a reflection of the presence of God.
7. before going to bed and after waking up, tune in to the fact that the coming day will bring you joy, good luck, interesting and useful meetings. That is, simply read the morning and evening prayers. Learn to live in a state of joyful expectation and acceptance.
8. act as if you already have what you want. Habit creates corresponding states of consciousness, which are then realized.
9. remember that all people on earth receive from one source, competition and shortages do not exist. As they say, “God has a lot of everything,” no one can take or take your place.
10. Live your life, do not try to fulfill the ideas of your parents or friends, government or spouse about what is best for you.
11. Replace fears with a feeling of unity with God. You have no one to defend yourself from, they attack only those who believe in external reasons and is waiting for an attack. Be open and friendly - in open door don't break. The strong cannot be aggressive. Aggression is a sign of weakness. Notice me, I'm here. 12. Radiate what you want to receive. According to the law of circulation, what you send into the world will return to you.
13. Imagine and plan events, not the path to them, attention, only in the version that you want to implement. The starting point is the result. You need to clearly know what and why you want to receive and experience. God will find the way. Look for opportunities in obstacles, not obstacles in opportunities.
14. Realize your importance. You deserve all the best. You - necessary person on the ground! It is not the Lord who turns away from us, but we from him (by the way, that is why we are despondent).
15. When solving a material problem, operate large numbers. Notice the abundance in everything you see, imagine operating with the amounts you want to have. And know exactly how you will use them and for what. Much can be purchased without money.
16. See the true, i.e. spiritual reality through everything that obscures, distorts, denies it. The truly invisible - the rest is its projection.
17. Practice affirmations (i.e. statements) and spiritual healing as often as possible. Simply put, pray without ceasing.

1. Get up and go to bed at the same time both on weekdays and on weekends. But, if you don't get enough sleep, sleep during the day.
2. Sleep 7-8 hours a day in total.
3. Determine for yourself the most comfortable time to get up in the morning - by setting the alarm clock to different time at intervals of 30 minutes.
4. Perform at least 20,000 body movements during the day; you can use applications and programs on smartphones to count.
5. Every hour while working, take a break and perform “industrial gymnastics” - exercises for the eyes, neck, and back. To do this, set a reminder on your smartphone.
6. When planning your day, first decide on meal times and workouts. Then plan your working hours.
7. As often and as long as possible, whenever possible, be in the “nature zone” - in parks, squares, next to trees, in the fresh air.
8. Arrange your diet and work schedule in advance so that you have meals every 3 hours.
9. Drink required amount clean “living” water (at the rate of 1 liter per 25 kg of body) in the first half of the day.
10. Get ready for bed using the following program: breathe fresh air, stay away from gadgets and TV for at least 2 hours before bedtime, last meal - 3-4 hours before bedtime, tidy up the apartment (especially dishes in the kitchen), turn off the phone, use relaxers, applicators, meditation and calm music, you can read paper book, but no more than 30 minutes.

How to develop yourself as a girl. How to develop femininity in yourself?

Being born a girl does not mean fully embodying the idea of ​​femininity. There is no such thing as strict rules, but we all intuitively feel and are drawn to precisely those people who correspond to the idea of ​​an ideal representative of their gender. Therefore, girls are taught from childhood to be kind, calm and sophisticated - in a word, feminine. They are dressed up in dresses with pink frills and given cute baby dolls in order to prepare them for the upcoming role of wife and mother.

Femininity is not added to the set of chromosomes as a mandatory gender attribute; it is not a gender characteristic or a character trait. You can learn femininity in childhood from your mother, or later you can cultivate this quality in yourself. And, despite the widespread and popularity of this concept itself, many interpret it differently. For some people, femininity is the ability to put on bright makeup and walk in heels, for others it is the ability to create comfort in the house and deliciously feed guests home-made pies. Between these two extremes there are still many intermediate options and combinations of features that, to one degree or another, can be called feminine. To some extent, this concept can be called philosophical - its boundaries are so blurred and variable. And if so, theorists were able to identify the following areas of understanding the idea of ​​femininity:

  • From a biological point of view, femininity is a set of qualities characteristic of a female representative. These are physiological and psycho-emotional characteristics that were formed during the process of evolution and allow us to distinguish representatives of different sexes. They include primary and secondary sexual characteristics, mainly anatomical and equally inherent in all women in the world. However, they are not enough to fully define the role of a woman in society, her image in culture and the expression of the concept of femininity.

Since childhood, girls have kept up with boys: they watch cartoons based on comic books, know all the superheroes, and pass the standards in physical education lessons with “excellent marks.” At the board and in exams, they try to answer no worse, and often study even better than their male classmates. Girls become the best specialists in their field, build a career, win competitions, train their muscles in the gym... And then they are surprised and indignant that men do not carry them in their arms and have generally “forgot how” to behave like men. It is so interconnected and so deeply ingrained in our way of life that it is difficult to find cause and effect of this reversal of roles. But in any case, it is impossible to become feminine as long as there are traits in your character and behavior that contradict femininity and interfere with its manifestation:

  1. Social activity. Most girls today spend their energy on achieving goals that lie outside of themselves. inner world and even at home. As a result, they have no free energy left that could be channeled towards self-improvement in understanding people, awareness own feelings, creating a comfortable atmosphere, culinary arts and other traditionally “feminine” practices. But in social activities, politics, self-affirmation, women strive to surpass men, which fundamentally violates the rules of both female and male nature.

To express femininity, a contrast of masculinity is necessary, but to develop femininity in oneself, a man is not necessarily needed. Vice versa: a real man will appear in your life, attracted by the aura of femininity with which you surround yourself. True femininity begins from the inside, and it will manifest itself externally when you begin to follow these steps:

  1. Wardrobe. In short: take off your pants and put on a skirt. Of course, we do not suggest that you throw away high-quality trousers with a perfect fit, but we strongly recommend buying at least a couple of dresses. Ideally, you should have more of them than pants, or at least no less. This addition to your wardrobe will certainly encourage you to wear heels and feminine blouses and accessories more often.

How to develop femininity in yourself?
How to develop femininity in yourself. What is femininity, or what kind of women men like. How male behavior spoils a woman. Rules and secrets of developing femininity.

Rules of good manners or etiquette for every day.

In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, basic politeness, neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions.

Bright Side presents you with a selection of current rules that every person who respects himself and others should know.

    • If you say the phrase: “I invite you,” this means you pay. Another formulation: “Let’s go to a restaurant,” - in this case, everyone pays for themselves, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, can she agree.
    • Never come to visit without calling. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests appear, she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If it’s unpleasant: “Oh, what a pity, I have to leave.”
    • Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. By doing this you show how important role a communication device plays a role in your life and how much you are uninterested in the annoying chatter going on nearby. At any moment you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check your Instagram feed, answer an important call or get distracted to find out what fifteen new levels have been released in Angry Birds.

Do not be upset if you are not blessed with innate sensitivity. Tactfulness can be developed through some work. Observe relationships between people and be careful with the feelings of others.


Watch how relationships between people develop. To do this, you can turn to works of world literature. Read novels, watch how the characters communicate. Books written by world-famous authors can teach you a lot. You will see how some character traits of this or that hero are connected with his actions, you will understand what words or actions lead to quarrels and breakups, how they can react different people for various circumstances.

Monitoring people's relationships is also useful in real life. Other people's actions, emotions and words will help you get to know others better. Over time, you will learn to predict other people's reactions. This will help you become a more tactful and attentive person to the feelings of others.

Think about what character traits help you get along with others and show yourself as a tactful person. For example, these include kindness, attentiveness, the desire to understand another, non-obsession with oneself, and the ability to listen. You can take as an example a person you know who successfully builds relationships with people himself. various types. Think about what qualities help her in this, and try to develop them in yourself.

Learn the basics of personality psychology. This will help you understand how to approach others, how to build relationships with them so as not to hurt their feelings. You will understand what questions not to ask so as not to make others uncomfortable, and you will recognize what behavior is inappropriate.

Watch not only what you say, but also how you say it. Your posture, facial expressions, and voice matter. Your behavior must correspond to the meaning of the spoken phrases, otherwise you will seem like an insincere person. Avoid aggressive and impatient gestures. Be polite and listen to the person carefully. Don’t look away and don’t look thoughtful and bored.

Be careful with critical remarks. A phrase that seems quite innocent to you can deeply hurt a person. You can casually throw something about the features in the appearance of the interlocutor or his personal quality, and he will be very upset. This is where tact lies - in the art of creating a comfortable atmosphere around oneself when communicating. Don't say too much.

Learn to behave more modestly. You should not talk loudly in public places or discuss those present with someone. Remember, sometimes tact comes down to following basic rules of etiquette. Understand that disclosing details of your personal life may be unpleasant for a person.

Think about others. Try to behave in such a way as not to inconvenience someone. Don't listen to loud music at work. This may distract colleagues. If someone feels bad, sad or uncomfortable, offer your help. Don't insistently brag about your success in your career or personal life to less fortunate people. Your boasting may hurt them.

Rules of good manners or etiquette for every day for children. Learning by playing

You can also teach your child the rules of good manners through play. Conduct politeness lessons at home when you are studying with him or just playing in the nursery. You can play out situations with the help of dolls and your favorite toys - write a fairy tale about someone ill-mannered, act out a mini-scene, come up with etiquette games (“tea party with dolls”, “the bear went to visit”, etc.), and then - discuss and ask: “Who did the right thing? And why? Who will mom praise?" You can put on a whole theatrical performance for kids.

Read books on this topic and discuss which characters behave correctly and which ones are rude to others. There are many books on the topic of children's etiquette, here are some of them:

  1. “Etiquette for children of different ages”, A. Usachev;
  2. “Rules of Conduct”, E. Beaumont;
  3. “Polite words”, O. Korneeva;
  4. “Sociable Tales”, T. Shorygina;
  5. “The ABC of Politeness”, L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus;
  6. “School of politeness for small owners”, N. Ivanova, G. Shalaeva;
  7. “Rules of conduct for well-mannered children”, G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva, O. Sazonova;
  8. “The most important rules of behavior for well-mannered children”, Harvest publishing house;
  9. “Etiquette for Fidgets”, Clever publishing house;
  10. “How to behave at the table. Etiquette for everyone in stories, poems, pictures,” ed. R. Dankova.

In preschool educational institutions Children are taught politeness using specially designed programs. Teachers organize classes and teach children the rules of good manners, but this does not mean that parents should abandon this topic and rely only on teachers.

12/17/2017. Maria Ohm
This is my third marathon. Of course, you can complete tasks on your own, but participating in a group, when you see people who are ready to change, fills you with additional strength. I noticed that as tasks were completed, the results increased in geometric progression. During this marathon, I allowed myself to dream to the fullest! And I didn’t even know how squeezed I was in the grip of restrictions until I saw a way out of them. I generated truly global desires that I couldn’t even think about before, let alone imagine myself in them! And miracles began. The most important thing, from which I am still in a state of shock, is that my bosses paid for my business trip to Australia! A budgetary institution, which never has extra money, you can’t even ask for an extra thousand rubles, paid for my flight, accommodation and participation in an event that could give me a huge amount new information for further work projects!!! Isn't this a miracle? And looking at this, I am filled with unshakable confidence that I really can do anything!!! Svetlana, Ekaterina, you opened up a world of new possibilities for me! My gratitude to you is endless!!!
A Course in Miracles. Magic for every day - 2 >>
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08-01-2017. poison
I went through the entire "Fulfillment Week" program cherished desire" completely, in order, day after day, and in the sequence in which it was. I began to notice results immediately! And I hasten to write my full review.
This is simply the best I have ever seen on the topic of positive thinking, self-development and fulfillment of desires! Never before has it been so easy for me, and never have I worked through all the grievances and situations so deeply, and never before have I really been able to completely let go of the negative, work through situations in relationships with loved ones, with work and in general. On the very first day, when we were releasing all the accumulated difficult emotions and situations, I had the feeling that I was under a powerful stream clean water I washed away everything negative, unfinished, and dragging me down! And probably not only for last year, but in general!
It was very precise and detailed, and it was possible to understand in detail the topic of formulating intentions and searching for obstacles. Not a single book out of the entire heap of re-read literature has ever given such detailed and substantive information about identifying everything that interferes with the path to the goal and how to remove it all from your path. For the first time, I saw in plain sight everything that was and is bothering me and was able to work through it all! And I already know exactly how to fix what’s left. I found a completely unexpected and very deeply hidden block and it turned out, to my great surprise, to be financial... I’m already working with it. I was always outwardly sure that I had high income and the best and favorite job!
On the third day, I very clearly defined the actions that I can do and realized that I really can do anything! I have absolutely everything to make my dream come true, I just need to figure it out financial side affairs. I’ve never had such a clear action plan before)) And I didn’t know before what exactly needed to be done for it to appear.
The most powerful was the 4th day and its 2 meditations. It's hard to describe in words! Meditation with guides was a revelation for me. And the most important thing that I received from her was the advice “Open up! So that your soul unfolds, so that you feel all the emotions to the fullest!” I actually miss this... And the last meditation of the 4th day is so charged with optimism and fills with energy that it is simply impossible not to rejoice and not to act and cannot really be described in words! This is now my best meditation!
On the sixth day I really managed to arrive in a state of harmony. Probably for the first time, I sat down and honestly wrote a whole bunch of thanks, consciously, spending 2.5 hours on it. And the state really became peaceful, and there were those people with whom you could and should talk and in reality ask for forgiveness, and your soul became completely at ease!
Of course, I was able to feel and live my dream, I already felt the changes. Especially after today’s final meditation. I felt that the fulfillment of my dream was somewhere very close, and that I had the strength to realize it! And I already know roughly what needs to be done. And it is today that changes have already begun to appear, which depend not only on me. I received the first news about changes related to my dream!
It's magical! Thank you very much, Ekaterina! Once again I can emphasize that this is the best and most powerful program I know! This is not in any book on psychology or self-development! I am so happy that right now I came across it, and it was by this time that I restored my mail and looked at mywishbook again. And now, as a result, such an amazing feeling of lightness, freedom from negativity, self-confidence in your abilities, and in your dream!
p.s. And it’s also so great when meditations are in audio format, with selected music that sets the tone and mood, and you get a complete and colorful picture in your thoughts! I only now realized how wrong I was when I always strived for a text version. Emotionally, to feel it, this audio format is the best! Especially with the way you can convey it, so subtly, with such amazing emotions, and harmoniously complementing the musical background, that it is simply impossible not to fully feel such a meditation!
Week of fulfillment of a cherished wish >>
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01-02-2017. allamiya
My report: There were, are and will be miracles :) But seriously, this marathon, as well as the first one, generated a stable cash flow. At work, I closed the 4th quarter with a phenomenal result, both personal and extended the entire division to 1st place, which significantly affected the amount of the award. In my position, such an amount was received only twice in history. This month, “at the behest of the pike, at my will,” the deal on the second project came together literally in a week, which had never happened before. I also twice received a profit on the project in general population 500 thousand rubles, which I gladly distributed to buy my own piano (I look at it and a wave of warmth and love washes over me), updated my weekend wardrobe (for an absolutely ridiculous amount - 30 thousand for 4 dresses, a skirt, a coat, a stole, jacket and blouse of chic quality and style), went abroad, showered my mother with gifts and also put it on deposit to buy an apartment. New Year I was completely unexpectedly given an Apple Watch, which I wanted, but, for reasons of rationality, did not buy. And of course, all sorts of discounts, gifts, closed sales were literally at every turn. Svetlana, Ekaterina, thank you for your work, project, support! I wish you prosperity, endless rain of money and brilliant ideas!