After death great actress Sergei Senin drinks a lot and leads young girls

Less than two months have passed since the death of Lyudmila GURCHENKO, and her many fans and housemates are already in full swing discussing who will become the new owner of the apartment on Trekhprudny Lane. Some are sure: widower Sergei SENIN will remain faithful to the memory of Lyudmila Markovna long years. But there are citizens (and there are many of them!) who believe that Lucy’s place in his heart will very soon be taken by another woman.

And this must happen! Walking recently in the park near the Patriarch's Ponds and discussing the last years of the life of our favorite actress, photographer Ruslan and I unexpectedly came across a thoroughbred middle-aged man who looked incredibly like Senina. Two things were confusing. The man was under severe pain, could barely stand on his feet, and was prevented from falling by a pretty young lady of about twenty who grabbed him around the waist. Before Ruslan, who was taken aback, had time to unsheath his Nikon, the strange couple dived into the nearest yard and mysteriously disappeared, dissolved in him in just half a minute.

Consumed by a premonition of a newspaper “bomb,” the next morning we were already cooing near the house where Sergei Mikhailovich lived for several years with Lyudmila Markovna. There was no need to rush. Our hero looked out of the entrance into the light of day only about three hours after noon. But with a completely different girl.
Senin gallantly held the door for her, and then, with the dog under his arm, cheerfully trotted off, leaving his girlfriend behind. Like, she's not with him. And only a hundred meters later, having caught up with her, he began to heatedly discuss something as he walked. Then he unexpectedly took his companion to the nearest cafe and, sitting behind a screen in the farthest corner, ordered a bottle of wine.
We decided to leave them alone, and in the evening I called Senin, inquiring about the origin and purpose of the young beauties.

— A lot of people come to my house now. I don't even remember their faces. Girls? — Sergei Mikhailovich became thoughtful. — These are fans of Lyudmila Markovna. Now I have to calm them all down. Sometimes when I'm away, they even live in this apartment.
The next day, the superstar's widower went out into the yard alone, immediately went to an open eatery nearby and hung out there for several hours. I ordered dry red wine glass by glass and thought about my own. Perhaps he was waiting for someone, but no one approached him...

But the next day we again found the widower with another young lady. True, this time she was waiting for Senin not far from home. Sergei Mikhailovich came out of the entrance and quickly walked past her, again hiding from neighbors and other random witnesses. The lady, looking around, followed him. Soon the widower called her over, hugged her, and kissed her. They got into the blue Audi that Lyudmila Markovna had once driven and sped away.

With a pretty brown-haired girl...

...and kissed my friend on the cheek

Speaking about Lyudmila Gurchenko, a woman with a vivid biography, many remember not the roles she played, but the details of her personal life, numerous husbands, « family wars" with daughter. 7 years have passed since the death of the star, and the fate of her inheritance still attracts attention.

Biography and career

The future star was born in Kharkov on November 12, 1935, and survived 2 years of occupation. After graduating from general education and music school, she entered VGIK on the first try. Lyudmila Gurchenko was popular with the opposite sex from her youth, and at the dawn of her actor's biography I have already started collecting a collection of husbands.

By the time she received her first role, she had been married and divorced.

After the success of “Carnival Night” in 1956, Gurchenko was not soon able to go beyond the role of a vaudeville actress. She began to receive invitations to dramatic roles only after her 40th birthday.

Actress in the film "Carnival Night"

On the account of Lyudmila Markovna:

  • one and a half hundred images embodied in cinema;
  • two dozen roles played in 6 theaters;
  • 17 music albums and 16 clips, including those filmed with the participation of other stars;
  • participation in numerous television programs and non-fiction projects.

The actress and singer also tried her hand as a director, composer, and wrote 3 autobiographical books.

Personal life

Lyudmila Gurchenko's life was not only intense creative biography, but also personal life, " femme fatale“Changed 6 husbands, but gave birth to only one daughter. The first husband of the 18-year-old student was 30-year-old director Vasily Ordynsky. Rumor has it that Lucy married the director, hoping for roles in his films, but the calculation did not materialize, and a little over a year later the couple divorced.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and her first husband Vasily Ordynsky

Gurchenko fell in love with Boris Andronikashvili, who studied at VGIK as a screenwriter at first sight. In 1958, the aspiring actress received her diploma, got married a second time, and a year later became a mother. The marriage for love turned out to be not much stronger and longer lasting than the first one, concluded for convenience. Soon after the birth of his daughter, Boris lost interest in his wife, rumors began to spread about his infidelities, and the family that had existed for 2 years fell apart.

Gurchenko, focusing on her career, delegated the upbringing of her daughter to her mother.

2 years after the divorce, she met the adopted son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. At the time of their meeting, Alexander Alexandrovich was playing in the theater and had not yet acted in films. By his standards, Lyudmila Gurchenko was a celebrity, and simply a very attractive woman, and Fadeev tried to win her over. The hasty third marriage lasted only 2 years; the actors did not have time to really get to know each other before the wedding, and family life turned into a series of disappointments.

Joseph Kobzon became the third legal husband of Lyudmila

Immediately, an affair began with another admirer, then still a rising pop star, Joseph Kobzon. Gurchenko met her future fourth husband at a difficult stage in her biography. The actress complained that all the directors she approached in search of work perceived her as an easily accessible woman and responded with unambiguous offers. Kobzon in those years was not so famous as to contribute to the career of his beloved, but his moral support turned out to be very valuable.

It is interesting that the “two stars” got married 3 years after the start of the romance, and only because during Kobzon’s New Year’s tour, they refused to be accommodated in the same hotel room with Gurchenko (Soviet “shape of morality!”).

Fortunately, the head of the Samara registry office turned out to be a fan of the talent of both, and urgently signed them up, despite the day off. The newly-made spouses were able to occupy one room legally.

The legal marriage lasted about as long as the premarital affair. Two bright creative personalities with complex characters were unable to start a family and separated in 1970. According to rumors, Kobzon had not officially divorced Lyudmila Gurchenko at the time of his marriage to Ninel Drizina, who gave birth to two children to the singer. After breaking up another relationship, the 35-year-old actress swore off getting married again. But soon pianist Konstantin Kuperweis appeared in her life. The singer began an affair with a young accompanist; the 14-year age difference did not bother them.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Konstantin Kuperweis

“Attempt number 5” turned out to be more successful. Gurchenko and Cooperweiss did not register their relationship, but civil marriage lived 18 years. Konstantin guessed desires and fulfilled the whims of his star wife, and she was sure that she had finally found her feminine happiness. Notification of availability common-law husband The second family turned out to be a blow for Lyudmila Markovna; in 1991 they separated.

At the same time, Gurchenko, the leading actress in the film “Sex Tale,” met 30-year-old producer Sergei Senin. At first, the actress did not even think about a serious relationship with a man who was 2 years younger than her daughter. The situation was complicated by Senin’s wife and child. But at 93, he became Gurchenko’s sixth husband, and this marriage lasted until the star’s death in 2011. According to some reports, in 2010 she exchanged her husband for a young partner, handsome photographer Aslan Akhmadov. The rumors were fueled by a thematic photo shoot of Aslan and Lyudmila, based on the myth of Oedipus.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Aslan Akhmadov

In the fall of 2010, 75-year-old Gurchenko announced her love in the show “Let Them Talk.” Around the same time, she was credited with an affair with her filming partner Maxim Averin (“Capercaillie”).

Conflict with daughter

The story about Lyudmila Gurchenko, her biography, personal life, husbands can be illustrated with numerous photographs where the star is captured in various stage images, in the company of her creative colleagues and beloved men. And here's her joint photos with a daughter - a rarity; Maria was deprived of the attention of her mother-actress from birth.

The girl did not take after her mother in either beauty or talent, and even in defiance of her, she tried to dress tastelessly and in every possible way emphasized her own unattractiveness. Because of the star's mother-in-law, Maria Borisovna's marriage to Alexander Korolev broke up, although over time they got back together.

Actress daughter

The actress, disappointed in her daughter, who became a grandmother at the age of 46, had high hopes for her grandson and granddaughter. But her grandson died of a drug overdose at the age of 16, and Lyudmila Markovna blamed her daughter for this, aggravating the existing conflict.

Mother and daughter stopped communicating 5 years before the tragic death of Mark Korolev. After another marriage star daughter her mother gave her only granddaughter an apartment in the capital. Elena Alexandrovna lived for another 6 years, but she announced her will during her lifetime, driving another wedge between Lyudmila and Maria. Lyudmila Gurchenko was indignant, saying that the apartment was bought with her money, and tried to challenge the will in court.

The actress's granddaughter looks very much like her star grandmother

Because of this conflict, Maria appeared in her mother's house only after her death, claiming her share of the inheritance.

Death and inheritance

After suffering a hip fracture and a major operation in February 2011, Lyudmila Markovna never had time to recover. On March 30, she died of heart failure due to thromboembolism.

According to Alexander Shirvindt, the eternally young star simply could not come to terms with the onset of old age and chose death over it. The posthumous makeup was created by Aslan Akhmadov, who during his lifetime was the actress’s personal makeup artist.

Lyudmila Markovna loved spectacular and feminine images

On April 2 it was held in last way. Contrary to at will, the actress was buried not on Vagankovsky, next to her parents and grandson, but on Novodevichy, next to other stars.

The heirs, a widower and a daughter, divided the property for 4 long years. Sergei wanted to keep his and Gurchenko’s shared apartment on Patriarch’s Street, planning to create a museum there. Maria was not delighted with this decision and demanded the 25% due to her by law. As a result of the agreement reached, she received in return a dacha in Novoglagolevo and a substantial monetary compensation, as well as valuable things of the mother.

Sergei Senin and Gurchenko

By the way, the only real jewel in Gurchenko’s inheritance were diamond earrings, a gift from Baskov for his 70th birthday. Other jewelry – high-quality costume jewelry.

Wealth did not bring Maria Borisovna happiness; in November 2017 she died of acute heart failure in the entrance own home before reaching the hospital. In 2018, the share of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s inheritance, won by her daughter (about 20 million rubles), went to the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of the actress. And the best way to tell about the creative heritage of the People’s Artist is the Museum-Workshop, which was opened by a widower on the 80th anniversary of her birth.

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. Born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov - died on March 30, 2011 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, pop singer. Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after. Vasiliev brothers (1976). State Prize Laureate Russian Federation(1994). People's Artist of the USSR (1983).

Lyudmila Gurchenko was born in Kharkov.

Father - Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko (1898-1973), a laborer by birth.

Mother - Elena Aleksandrovna Simonova-Gurchenko (1917-1999), from a family of repressed nobles.

Maternal grandfather Alexander Prokofievich Simonov - from an ancient Russian family from which they came Reverend Kirill, Stefan, Theodore and the patron saint of student youth Sergius of Radonezh. In continuation family tradition was the director of a gymnasium in Moscow. However, after 1917 he did not cooperate with the new regime and went to his family estate Borodulino in the Smolensk region. On November 11, 1928, he was arrested by the Smolensk OGPU and sentenced by a special meeting at the OGPU Collegium on February 1, 1929 under paragraph 10 of Art. 58 to 3 years of deportation. Rehabilitated July 21, 1989

Lyudmila Markovna's grandmother was also a noblewoman. Oona was a mother of eight children, a housewife, and managed an estate in the Smolensk province taken away after the revolution and her own house in Moscow. After she found out that her grandfather, who was exiled to Siberia by the Soviet government, had cheated on her, she refused to forgive him and left for Kharkov. There her daughter met Mark Gavrilovich, a hereditary Russian peasant from the Smolensk region, all of whose ancestors lived in the same village for centuries.

Cousin- Anatoly Egorovich Gurchenkov (b. 1941), lives in the village of Dunaevshchina, Shumyachsky district, Smolensk region.

Cousin- Valentina, lives in Estonia.

From the day of birth to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Lyusya Gurchenko lived with her parents in Kharkov in a one-room semi-basement apartment on Mordvinovsky Lane.

Before the start of the war, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s parents worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. My father was a professional musician: he played the button accordion and sang at matinees and holidays, and his mother helped him. Despite his disability and non-conscription age, my father went to war.

Lyudmila ended up in German-occupied Kharkov with her mother. Already at that age, according to her, she sang and danced in front of the Germans in order to get at least some food. Young Gurchenko's repertoire was mainly German operettas. Mainly, in front of the Germans during the first occupation of Kharkov, the girl Lyusya Gurchenko performed the repertoire of Marika Rökk. After that, I contacted the punks at the market in Kharkov, occupied by the Germans for the second time. It was only by miracle that she did not die as a result of the raids, when, in response to the actions of the Red Army and partisans, the Nazis killed random people in gas chambers - usually girls and women caught in the Kharkov market.

After the final liberation of Kharkov on August 23, 1943, on September 1 she went to Ukrainian school (currently a gymnasium) No. 6, which was located in the courtyard of the house where she then lived. At school she fell in love Ukrainian language, similar to the language of the Smolensk region. In the fall of 1944 she entered the Beethoven Music School.

In 1953, after finishing her tenth year, she went to Moscow and entered VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. During her diploma course she played the role of Keto in the operetta “Keto and Kote” and the role of Imogen in the stage composition “The Trap” based on Theodore Dreiser, in which she sang, danced, and played the piano. She graduated from VGIK in 1958.

She made her film debut in Jan Fried's film The Road of Truth (1956). “I didn’t come here to remain silent!” - this was the first phrase of Lyudmila Gurchenko in the cinema. “This is exactly what I wanted - to come to the cinema, not to be silent, not to go with the flow, but to create a wave myself,” the artist later said in one of her interviews.

In the same year, a New Year's comedy by a young director was released on the screens of Soviet cinemas. "Carnival Night", in which Gurchenko played the main role.

The film was a huge success and was loved by the audience for many years, and thanks to the role of Lenochka Krylova, Gurchenko became the all-Union favorite and idol of the generation. “Carnival Night” broke all box office records, selling 48.64 million tickets. In the USSR, the song “Five Minutes” became a kind of New Year’s anthem. Few people know that Lyudmila Gurchenko might not have played in this film, since the actress failed her screen test.

Gurchenko later recalled: “I walked with a bouncing gait along the corridor of the Mosfilm studio.” Ivan Aleksandrovich Pyryev walked towards him. I wiggled even more and raised my chin even higher. Pyryev raised his head, saw me, winced, and then his face became interested. He told me to follow him. He brought me to the third pavilion, where the filming took place, approached the chief cameraman, and said that here is an actress, just shoot her better - and there will be a person. That’s how I accidentally got into the picture.”

After Gurchenko’s great success in “Carnival Night,” a film script was written especially for her "Girl with a Guitar" counting on her popularity, however, “Girl with a Guitar” was not such a success, after which Gurchenko was given the “stamp” of an actress of the light dance genre.

The financial situation of the young actress was difficult, so she was forced to earn money by performing concerts in factories, mines, traveling around the country, and accepted offers to participate in creative meetings with audiences, the so-called acting “hack jobs.” This served as a formal reason for persecution, and the “revelatory article” “Tap dancing to the left” appeared in the Soviet press. In 1957, during the filming of the film “Girl with a Guitar,” Gurchenko was called by the USSR Minister of Culture Nikolai Mikhailov and offered to cooperate with the KGB during the VI International Festival of Youth and Students. It was precisely the refusal to this offer that became the real reason bullying of Lyudmila Gurchenko.

According to Gurchenko, this period of oblivion lasted 10 years, but she still had roles at that time, since there are no breaks in Gurchenko’s filmography for more than one year: out of 54 years of her film career there were only twelve years (in the second half of the 90s and in the 2000s) when she was not filming.

Between 1958 and 1973, Gurchenko starred in 9 films: “Roman and Francesca”, “Walking”, “Bicycle Tamer”, “Workers’ Village”, “No and Yes”, “White Explosion”, “My Good Dad” ", " Summer dreams", "Tobacco Captain". These films were not very successful.

Lyudmila Gurchenko herself spoke about this period of her life: “I experienced a lot of cruelty. There is cruelty in the fact that at my very best period, when a person, a woman flourishes, when there is health, and... ten years without filming! Could anything be worse after this? Nothing!".

During this period of her life, Lyudmila Gurchenko tries to act in a new dramatic role for her: “Baltic Sky” (1961) - the film was even presented at the Venice International Film Festival, “Workers’ Village” (1966), but the roles in these films were rather an exception , there were mainly episodes (bright, memorable, but episodes): “The Marriage of Balzaminov” (1964), “The Road to Rübetzal” (1970) and “The Crown Russian Empire, or Elusive Again" (1971).

In the 1960s and early 1970s, Gurchenko was little visible, even while continuing to act regularly. This continued until the release of the film in 1974 "Old Walls", in which the actress played the main role - the director of a weaving factory.

Lyudmila Gurchenko gradually became one of the leading actresses of Soviet cinema. But she continued to be invited to star mainly in musical comedies and operetta films. Musical films with Gurchenko's participation were released one after another. Lyudmila Markovna successfully played and sang in “Tobacco Captain” (1972), “Straw Hat” (1974), “Sky Swallows” (1976) and “Mama” (1976).

It so happened that, having agreed to star in the musical film “Mama,” Gurchenko received an offer to play the role of a general’s wife in the film “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano,” and she had to refuse Nikita Mikhalkov. Filming “Mom” brought her not only creative success, but also new challenges.

On June 14, 1976, during filming on ice, clown Oleg Popov fell and broke the actress's right leg. A closed fracture with displacement threatened with disability - the leg was assembled piece by piece from 19 fragments. Immediately after the most difficult operation, Gurchenko continued filming. But the actress was able to dance and walk in stilettos again only after many years of training and special physical exercises.

In addition to comedies, her television benefit performances and special music programs were regularly released.

Lyudmila Gurchenko tried to break out of the role imposed on her; she wanted to play dramatic roles. And in the end she achieved her goal.

In 1976, she was invited to the main role in the film "Twenty days without war", in which Gurchenko played one of her best dramatic roles. All the brighter seems the contrast between her two characters in films filmed within one year of each other: the costume designer Nina from “Twenty Days Without War,” who lived in evacuation during the war, and the frivolous hatter Clara from “The Straw Hat.” The actress’s partner in the film was, by that time he had also established himself primarily as a comedian. In one of her interviews, Gurchenko gratefully recalled how Nikulin helped her on the set of this film: “If it weren’t for him, I don’t know how I would have survived this difficult film, which was filmed for almost two years.”

Gurchenko's next outstanding work was the film "Siberiada" director In 1979, the film was awarded the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 1979 the film was released "Five Evenings". In the role of Tamara Vasilievna - a lonely woman who suddenly met her loved one from whom the war separated her - Gurchenko's performance is dramatic, almost tragic. Nikita Mikhalkov filmed all five evenings of his melodrama in three apartments and on staircase landings.

One of best works actresses became a film "Station for two", in which she played the role of station waitress Vera Nefedova. She was recognized for this film best actress 1984 according to a survey by the magazine “Soviet Screen”.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Station for Two"

Also among the roles of the 80s, viewers loved her roles in such films as Mechanic Gavrilova’s Beloved Woman (Margarita Sergeevna Solovyova), Vacation at her own expense (Ada Petrovna), Flights in Dreams and in Reality (Larisa Yuryevna Kuzmina), Love and Doves (Raisa Zakharovna).

Several records with songs performed by Gurchenko were released.

On November 12, 2010, Lyudmila Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. She was congratulated on her birthday by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, President Dmitry Medvedev, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, as well as many famous artists. The actress celebrated her birthday on stage.

Especially for Gurchenko’s anniversary, the NTV channel filmed the benefit performance “Markovna. Reboot". In this show, Gurchenko transformed into the character, sang the song “Birthday”, performed duets with modern musicians and shocked the audience with extravagant experiments with style.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - Birthday

In February 2011, Gurchenko took part in the filming of the film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko" in Kyiv. This was one of the actress’s last filmings, Gurchenko’s 96th film work. The film is based on the biographical monologues of the actress and their playful reproduction, as well as ten song videos that became the embodiment of a certain stage in her life. “The film tells about my whole life, starting from the age of 20,” said Gurchenko.

Death of Lyudmila Gurchenko

On February 14, 2011, Gurchenko slipped near her house and broke her hip. She was hospitalized and had surgery the next day surgery. Discharged on March 6.

On March 30, the actress’s condition worsened, which was caused by pulmonary embolism. The ambulance team, which arrived 21 minutes later, was unable to resuscitate her, and at 19:28 the death of the actress was recorded. This was confirmed by Gurchenko’s husband Sergei Senin.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the actress's family.

Farewell to Lyudmila Gurchenko took place on April 2 at the Central House of Writers in Moscow. The actress was wearing a dress she had recently made. The posthumous makeup was done by Aslan Akhmadov, a friend of Lyudmila Markovna. The funeral took place on the same day at the Novodevichy cemetery, contrary to the actress’s wishes to be buried next to her parents and only grandson at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Lyudmila Gurchenko is buried next to other actors - and.

Funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko

On September 30, 2011, six months after the death of the actress, with the permission of the family, a number of materials about those days were published in newspapers, including the latest entries in the personal diary of L. M. Gurchenko herself.

On August 4, 2012, a monument made of black granite and white marble(authors Yuri Khorovsky, Yuri Shabelnikov).

In Kharkov, at the school where Lyudmila Gurchenko studied, a memorial plaque was installed in memory of her.

On November 11, 2015, the day before the actress’s 80th birthday, a memorial plaque by sculptor Yuri Khorovsky was unveiled in Moscow on the house where Lyudmila Gurchenko lived from 2004 to 2011 (Trekhprudny Lane, 11-13, installed on the Bolshoy Kozikhinsky side lane, 28-30).

From November 11, 2015 to January 10, 2016, the Gallery of Classical Photography in Moscow hosted a celebration dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Lyudmila Gurchenko. The author of the project and all the photographs presented in the exhibition is Aslan Akhmadov, a photographer and friend of the artist.

In the fall of 2015, a serial film was released, the release of which was timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the great actress. Played the main role.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

She was married six times.

First husband - (1923-1985), film director. She married him at age 18. The marriage lasted a little over a year.

Vasily Sergeevich Ordynsky - the first husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Third husband - Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (1936-1993), actor. The son of People's Artist of the USSR Angelina Stepanova and the adopted son of writer Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev. The marriage lasted from 1962-1964.

Fourth husband - famous singer. The marriage lasted during 1967-1970. Gurchenko filed for divorce after.

Fifth husband - (b. 1949), musician and accompanist of the actress. They lived in a de facto (unregistered) marriage for 18 years - from 1973 to 1991.

Her sixth husband is producer Sergei Mikhailovich Senin (b. 1961), whom she met during the filming of the film “Sex Tale.” They lived in marriage from 1993-2011.

Filmography of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1956 - Road of Truth - Lucy
1956 - Carnival night - Lena Krylova
1956 - The heart beats again... - Tanya Balashova
1956 - A man was born - Nadya Smirnova (voice)
1958 - Girl with a Guitar - Tanya Fedosova
1959 - Stars meet in Moscow - performer of a song in a duet with Mark Bernes
1960 - Caught Friar - Isabella
1960 - Roman and Francesca - Francesca Carrodini
1961 - Baltic Sky - Sonya Bystrova
1961 - Walking - Khristina Prityka
1961 - Man from Nowhere - Lena
1963 - Bicycle Tamers - Rita Laur
1964 - Marriage of Balzaminov - Ustenka
1965 - Workers' village - Maria Pleshcheeva
1966 - A bridge is being built - Zhenya
1966 - No and Yes - Lyusya Korableva
1967 - Hell Exploded - Greta
1968 - Living Corpse - Masha (voice)
1969 - White Explosion - Vera Arsenova
1969 - Moscow in notes
1970 - My good dad - Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova
1970 - One of Us - Klavdiya Ovcharova
1970 - Experiment - police major
1971 - Road to Rübetzal - Shura Solovyova
1971 - Crown of the Russian Empire, or Elusive Again - Agrafena Zavolzhskaya
1971 - Shadow Julia - Julie
1971 - What to do? - Woman in black
1972 - Karpukhin - Ovsyannikova
1972 - Summer Dreams - Galina Sakhno
1972 - Tobacco Captain - Ninish
1972 - Circus lights up - Lolita
1973 - Dacha - Lera (“Stepanych”)
1973 - Door without a lock - Anna Ivanovna
1973 - Children of Vanyushin - Claudia Shchetkina
1973 - Old walls - Anna Georgievna Smirnova
1973 - Open Book - Glafira Sergeevna Rybakova
1974 - Benefit performance of Savelia Kramarova - cameo
1974 - Benefit performance of Sergei Martinson - cameo
1974 - Straw Hat - Clara Bocardon
1975 - Benefit performance of Larisa Golubkina - Mrs. Pierce
1975 - Diary of a school director - Inna Sergeevna
1975 - Step towards - Valentina Stepanovna
1976 - Magic Lantern - Neighbor/Mother/Wild West Girl
1976 - Twenty days without war - Nina Nikolaevna
1976 - Mom - Mom Goat / Aunt Masha
1976 - Heavenly Swallows - Corina
1976 - Crime - Lyuba, artist
1976 - Family melodrama - Valentina Barabanova
1976 - Sentimental novel - Maria Petrichenko
1976 - Strogoff - Capitolina
1977 - Second attempt by Viktor Krokhin - Lyuba Krokhina
1977 - Feedback- Margarita Illarionovna Vyaznikova
1978 - Benefit performance of Lyudmila Gurchenko - Actress / Old woman / Ninish / Robber / Napoleon / Babette / Elvira / Pirate / Shepherdess / Nun / Seamstress / Girl / Jenny / Shoemaker / Press secretary
1978 - Handsome Man - Susanna
1978 - Islands in the Ocean - Hudson's wife
1978 - Experiencing the White Light - Stranger
1978 - Five Evenings - Tamara Vasilievna
1978 - Sibiriada - Taya Solomina
1978 - When leaving - go away - Alisa Sulina
1979 - A few days in the life of I. I. Oblomov - nanny of Ilya Oblomov
1980 - An Ideal Husband - Laura Cheveley
1980 - mf Our friend Pishichitai (Issue 3) - Typo (voiceover)
1980 - Particularly important task - Elvira Pavlovna Lunina
1980 - Songs of War - cameo
1981 - Mechanic Gavrilov’s beloved woman - Margarita Sergeevna Solovyova
1981 - Vacation at your own expense - Ada Petrovna
1982 - Station for two - Vera Nikolaevna Nefedova
1982 - Favorite songs - cameo
1983 - Highway - Kapitolina Nikolaevna Gvozdeva
1982 - Flights in dreams and in reality - Larisa Yuryevna Kuzmina
1983 - Shurochka - Raisa Peterson
1983 - Recipe for her youth - Emilia Marti
1985 - Applause, applause... - actress Goncharova
1984 - Love and Doves - Raisa Zakharovna
1984 - Prokhindiada, or Running in Place - Ekaterina Ivanovna Lyubomudrova
1987 - The Dreamers - Apollinaria Spencer
1987 - The Contender - Carol
1988 - Road to Hell - Martha Holman
1988 - Burn - Anna Timofeevna Rumyantseva
1989 - Was there Carotene? - Kurnatova-Borgia
1989 - A young man from a good family - Arina’s mother
1989 - Premiere of the year
1990 - My sailor - Lyudmila Pashkova
1990 - Our dacha - Lyudmila Kozlova
1990 - Inhuman, or Hunting is prohibited in paradise - Zoya Mikhailovna Sherstobitova
1991 - Vivat, midshipmen! - Johanna
1990 - Imitator - singer
1991 - Forgive us, stepmother Russia! - Natalya Fedorovna Zimina
1991 - Sextale - Diana
1992 - White clothes - Antonina Prokofievna Tumanova
1992 - Midshipmen 3 - Johanna, mother of Princess Fike
1992 - Farewell tour - Nina Vladimirovna
1993 - I love
1993 - Listen, Fellini! - Faith
1994 - Prokhindiada 2 - Ekaterina Ivanovna Lyubomudrova
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - star / resident of the yard
2000 - Old nags - Elizabeth
2001 - Woman's happiness- Margarita
2001 - Old songs about the main thing (postscript) - mysterious lodger
2002 - Shukshinsky stories (short story “Shameless”) - Malysheva
2005 - Twelve Chairs - Elena Bour
2004 - If we go camping tomorrow... - Aunt Gala
2004-2005 - Be careful, Zadov! - Antonina Maksimovna
2005 - ATC-2. The boss of the Crimean mafia is in power
2005 - Capital punishment - boss of the Crimean mafia
2005 - Take Tarantina - Anna Vasilievna
2005 - Gorynych and Victoria - Eleanor
2006 - 1st Ambulance - Raisa Zakharovna
2006 - Carnival night 2, or 50 years later - cameo
2007 - First at home - cameo
2009 - Motley Twilight - Anna Dmitrievna Semyonova
2010 - Markovna. Reboot - cameo
2011 - Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko - cameo

She acted as director of the film "Motley Twilight" (2009, together with Dmitry Korobkin) and composer for the films "My Sailor Girl" (1990), "I Love" (1993), "Motley Twilight" (2009).

Discography of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1979 - Benefit
1980 - Music of Soviet cinema
1982 - Songs of War
1984 - Favorite songs
1985 - Recipe for her youth
1992 - I can’t believe it!

1994 - I love
1995 - Good mood
1996 - Sad record (What does love know about love...)
1997 - Songs of War
1998 - Bureau of Happiness (musical)
2001 - Farewell, Twentieth...
2001 - Actor and song. Lyudmila Gurchenko
2002 - Madeleine, calm down!
2004 - Life is like smoke...
2006 - Don't be sad!
2011 - White snow

Video clips of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1956 - Five minutes
1969 - Maria
1997 - “Diva” duet with Alla Pugacheva
2001 - “Do you want it?”
2002 - Kharkov
2004 - St. Petersburg-Leningrad (duet with Boris Moiseev)
2005 - I Hate (duet with B. Moiseev)
2006 - Prayer (director Fyodor Bondarchuk)
2008 - Mayak (duet with Mikhail Boyarsky)
2010 - Moscow windows
2011 - Waiting
2011 - We live somehow without passion
2011 - “Do you want it?”
2012 - I’m letting you go - Philip Kirkorov (archive footage with Lyudmila Gurchenko)

Bibliography of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1982 - My adult childhood
1987 - Applause
2002 - Lucy, stop!

Theatrical works of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

Moscow Sovremennik Theater:

1963 - “Without a Cross” by V. F. Tendryakov; production by Oleg Efremov - milkmaid
1963 - “On the wedding day” by V. S. Rozov; production by Oleg Efremov - Mike
1964 - " Elder sister"A. M. Volodin; production by Oleg Efremov
1964 - “Cyrano de Bergerac” by E. Rostand; production by Oleg Efremov and Igor Kvasha - Roxana
1964 - “Always on sale” by V. Aksenov; production by Oleg Efremov - the trumpeter's wife
1965 - " Naked King» E. L. Schwartz; production by Oleg Efremov and M. Mikaelyan - governess
1966 - “Forever Alive” by V. S. Rozov; production by Oleg Efremov - Tanechka

Theater-studio of film actor:

1964 - “Red and Black” by V. Stendhal; production by Sergei Gerasimov - Mathilde de la Mole
1965 - “Kiss me, Kat!” Porter Cola; production by David Livnev - Bianca
1966 - “The Fool” by Lope de Vega; production by Evgeny Radomyslensky

School of Modern Drama:

1991 - “Whose tailcoat are you wearing?” S. Nikitin, D. Sukharev (based on the “Proposal” of A.P. Chekhov); production by Joseph Raikhelgauz - the bride

Anton Chekhov Theater:

1993 - “Honoring” B. Slade; production by Leonid Trushkin
1997 - “Unattainable” by S. Maugham; production by Leonid Trushkin - Caroline Ashley
1997 - “Emigrant Pose” by G. Slutsky; production by Leonid Trushkin - banker

Moscow Academic Theater of Satire:

1995 - “After the battle, the field of victory belongs to the marauders” by E. S. Radzinsky; production by Andrey Zhitinkin - Inga Mikhaleva


1998 - “Bureau of Happiness”; production by Andrey Zhitinkin - Margarita
2001 - “Madeleine, calm down!” V. Aslanova; production by Roman Kozak - Madeleine Verdurin
2004 - “The Accidental Happiness of Policeman Peshkin”; production by Andrey Zhitinkin - Valentina Peshkina
2007 - “The Kidnapping of Sabyaninov” by P. Gladilin; production by Valery Sarkisov - Angelina
2008 - “PUB” Presnyakov brothers; production by the Presnyakov Brothers - El G

They say that if a person is talented, he will definitely achieve success. However, this statement is not always true. Often incredibly gifted people remain empty-headed, having wasted all their opportunities to achieve greatness. Unfortunately, actor Alexander Fadeev also belongs to such persons. His biography and personal life are what he was most remembered by his contemporaries and descendants. Meanwhile, he was an artist of amazing talent with influential parents. How did it happen that, having started his film career brightly, Fadeev ended it by playing in episodes?

Extraordinary parents

Still no accurate information about who real father Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich - his mother did not reveal this secret to anyone. But his mother is well known - the once iconic Soviet theater actress Angelina Stepanova.

In the year the future actor was born, his mother was married to the Moscow Art Theater director Nikolai Gorchakov. However, this union was not happy, since Stepanova was passionately in love with the writer Nikolai Erdman. Despite passionate romance, which lasted seven years, Angelina was afraid to divorce her husband, because in retaliation he could ruin her career. And besides, divorces were not particularly welcomed in the USSR, and, despite all her services to the party, Stepanova could become an actress not allowed to travel abroad.

This one is not easy love triangle life itself resolved. In 1933, the actress's rebellious lover was arrested and sent into exile. And a couple of years later, Angelina Stepanova’s marriage to Nikolai Gorchakov also broke up. What caused this is not known for certain. Either the actress found the courage to leave her unloved husband, or her husband was afraid to ruin his career by being married to the mistress of a repressed man.

However, Angelina Stepanova did not remain unmarried for long. Once, during a tour in Paris, she met a Soviet writer named Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev, who was in the French capital on a business trip.

Soon, a romance began between the young people and upon arrival in their homeland, they got married. This union turned out to be surprisingly strong and the couple were together until Fadeev’s death in 1956. And Stepanova herself, who outlived her wife by 44 years, bequeathed to bury her next to her husband.

A few months after the painting, in July 1936, the newly-made couple had a son, Sasha. Despite the fact that Fadeev (writer) was not his biological father, Alexander Alexandrovich adopted the boy and raised him as his own. And to emphasize the relationship, the baby was given the name of his adoptive father - Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev. By the way, because of the same names, confusion often arises, so Stepanova’s son is often called Alexander Fadeev Jr.

Alexander Fadeev: a brief biography of his early years

The stepfather of the future artist, being one of the organizers of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (on its basis the Union of Writers of the USSR later appeared), was in favor with the ruling elite.

And Angelina Stepanova’s career at the Moscow Art Theater was progressing well - she was a prima singer for many years. For this reason, despite the difficult years that Fadeev had in his childhood, he lived in relative prosperity, moving in intelligent circles.

Although the parents soon had another son, Mikhail, young Sashenka remained their favorite. He and his brother also communicated closely with illegitimate daughter stepfather - Masha.

Choosing a profession and first steps in the acting field

It is not known for certain why Alexander Fadeev (actor) decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps. Perhaps, spending his childhood years behind the scenes, he fell in love with the world of theater. Or maybe this profession seemed simpler and more elegant to him than being a writer (like his stepfather).

In any case, thanks to his parents’ connections, after graduating from school he easily found a place in the Theater Soviet army, where he performed successfully for several years.

Debut in the film “War and Peace”

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (actor) first appeared on the silver screen in 1965 as a viscount in the film adaptation of L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Although the role was not big, Fadeev performed it simply brilliantly. Beautiful appearance, aristocratic manners and posture - it seemed that he was not playing, but simply living.

After such a successful debut, it seemed that Alexander Fadeev would achieve a lot in cinema. Only one thing upset the ardent young man - his Foster father never lived to see his debut. The fact is that Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (writer), having become disillusioned with the ideals of the Party, committed suicide. He shot himself at his dacha while Angelina Stepanova was on tour abroad.

This tragic event had a pretty big impact on all the kids. famous writer. So his daughter Masha also committed suicide. And the stepson was known for his suicidal tendencies. But all this will happen later. In the meantime, having shone in “War and Peace,” Alexander Fadeev (actor) received one of the main roles in a new film about climbers.

Painting "Vertical"

Despite its rather simple plot, the film “Vertical” has become a cult film. First of all, thanks to Vladimir Vysotsky, who wrote several songs for her that still remain hits.

Not last role Alexander Fadeev also played a role in the success of the film, playing his namesake in the project - Alexander Nikitin.

By the way, there were rumors that while working on the film, Fadeev was carried away by one of the actresses of the project - Larisa Luzhina. Vladimir Vysotsky also courted the girl. But at that time he was not yet an all-Union favorite singer, and the actress chose the more promising Fadeev.

But this choice did not bring her happiness. Taking a closer look at her chosen one, she soon realized that the actor was clearly not the hero of her novel, and refused to become his wife.

Film career decline

The success of the artist’s first works quickly gave him star fever. He began to argue with directors, skip rehearsals and show up to filming after feasts in a completely inappropriate form.

Despite Fadeev’s talent and charm, and also out of respect for his mother, he was forgiven a lot. Moreover, at first those around him hoped that such bad behavior was a temporary phenomenon. But they were deeply mistaken.

For this reason, by the end of the sixties, the artist’s demand in cinema dropped to almost zero. After “Vertical,” he had two more more or less serious works (“One Chance in a Thousand” and “Conscience”), and the rest was filming in episodes (“In the same microdistrict,” “Front behind the front line,” “Lonely hostel provided”, “Accident - cop’s daughter”, “Mother”). Moreover, they often forgot to indicate the name of the performer (either intentionally or on purpose) in the credits.

Alexander Fadeev: biography during his years of work at the Moscow Art Theater

Despite the failures in cinema, the artist’s career progressed more vigorously in the theater. However, this did not happen because of Fadeev’s talent, but thanks to the patronage of his respected mother. So, seeing that her son’s film career had reached a dead end, and the Soviet Army Theater was preparing to fire her child, Angelina Stepanova persuaded Oleg Efremov to take her son to the Moscow Art Theater.

Although Efremov was not very pleased with the prospect of working with the eccentric, spoiled Fadeev, he gave in to Stepanova’s request.

Despite his difficult character, Alexander Fadeev turned out to be a good acquisition for the Moscow Art Theater and Oleg Nikolaevich sometimes gave him roles in his productions (royal volunteer in “The Dream of Reason”, loader in “Old New Year”).

However, feeling that because of his mother a lot was being forgiven, Fadeev Jr. began to become impudent and argue with Efremov. The conflict between them grew so much that after the division of the Moscow Art Theater, Alexander went to Tatyana Doronina, although Angelina Stepanova remained with Oleg Nikolaevich.

In the new Moscow Art Theater named after. Gorky, the artist played until 1989 (according to other sources, until 1993).

Family life with Lyudmila Gurchenko

Despite the decline of such a promising career, Alexander Fadeev still gained some fame among the theater beau monde. His creativity, however, had nothing to do with it. His love affairs and carousing brought him fame. The fact is that Fadeev was not only very handsome man, but also a very charming and gallant suitor. He knew how to charm and show off. Thanks to the connections of his stepfather, respected throughout the country, and the protection of his mother, he could afford to lead a free and quite prosperous life, without particularly straining himself.

However, after a series of novels, one day Fadeev realized that he was ready for serious relationship. His first official wife was Lyudmila Gurchenko.

He met her at the WTO restaurant. Lyudmila Markovna was fascinated by the capital's handsome man. And quite soon after meeting, the lovers submitted an application to the registry office and signed.

But they were not destined to live happily ever after. Being the darling of his parents and fate, Alexander Fadeev loved to spend free time in restaurants and noisy companies. While for Gurchenko, her successes were not at all easy. After two years life together Lyudmila Markovna realized that she did not want to live with her husband, so she filed for divorce.

Marriage to Stalin's granddaughter

After an unsuccessful first marriage, Alexander Fadeev was not at all disappointed in his family life. His biography is known for two more marriages.

So for the second time he walked down the aisle with actress Natella Kandelaki. This union was also not strong and the couple soon separated.

Third and last wife Fadeeva became Nadezhda Stalina (daughter of Vasily Stalin).

The artist lived with her until her death. How happy this union was is difficult to judge, since Nadezhda Stalin was accustomed to not washing dirty linen in public. However, knowing Fadeev’s character, we can confidently assume that his third wife’s life with him was not at all easy.

Daughter of Alexander Fadeev

From his marriage to Nadezhda in 1974 (according to other sources - in 1977), the artist had a daughter, Anastasia. The girl took her great-grandfather’s surname and is therefore officially called Anastasia Alexandrovna Stalina.

The artist also has a granddaughter Galya, whom Anastasia recorded under her father’s last name, Fadeev.

The last years of the artist

Despite the problems in the theater, the artist in recent years lived as in his youth, spending time drinking with friends. Relatives claimed that Fadeev suffered from alcohol addiction. There were also rumors that, like his adoptive father, Alexander Jr. tried to commit suicide several times. However, these rumors have no official confirmation.

Drunkenness and inattention to his health led to the fact that the artist did not live to see sixty, dying in 1993 at the age of 57. He was buried next to his third wife Nadezhda at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Lyudmila Gurchenko is a famous Soviet and Russian actress and singer. Films with Gurchenko’s participation are known to millions and are firmly included in the lists of Soviet classics, and the actress herself has become a symbol of an entire era in Russian cinema.

Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov. Before the war, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s parents, father Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko ( real name- Gurchenkov) and mother - Elena Aleksandrovna Simonova, worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. My father was a professional musician, he played the button accordion, and my mother sang. Parents often took their daughter with them to concerts, so Lyudmila had a behind-the-scenes childhood, she saw the stage from early years.

From the day of her birth until the start of the Great Patriotic War, Lyudmila lived with her parents in Kharkov, in a one-room semi-basement apartment on Mordvinovsky Lane. Happy childhood Lyudmila Gurchenko's life was interrupted by the war. Father Mark Gavrilovich, whom the actress dearly loved and revered all her life, went to war. He was not of military age and also had a disability, but he decided to fight. The girl was left in occupied Kharkov alone with her mother.

On September 1, 1943, after the liberation of Kharkov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, with some delay, went to school, which was located in the courtyard of her house. And in the fall of 1944, she entered the Beethoven music school - her parents decided to develop the child’s considerable musical abilities.

The metropolitan page of the biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko began in 1953. It was this year that the girl went to Moscow and immediately entered VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. She was the brightest and most versatile in her class, she danced, sang and acted equally well. In her senior year, the actress played Keto in the operetta “Keto and Kote” and Imogen in the stage composition “The Trap” based on Theodore Dreiser. In these two roles, Gurchenko sang, danced, and played the piano.

She graduated from VGIK in 1958. After graduating from university, she first played in the Film Actor's Studio Theater, and from 1964, Gurchenko worked for two seasons at Sovremennik, playing in the director's productions of Without a Cross, The Elder Sister, Cyrano de Bergerac, The Naked King and Forever alive." Then Lyudmila Gurchenko spent several years working in the theater and the Moscow Theater of Satire.


Lyudmila Gurchenko made her film debut back in student years. Her first film was the film “The Road of Truth” by Jan Fried, released in 1956. “I didn’t come here to be silent!” - this was the actress’s first phrase in the movie. The film was noticed, as was the aspiring actress, whose rise to fame began with her first film.

Gurchenko became deafeningly popular after the release of the New Year’s comedy “Carnival Night.” Lyudmila Gurchenko instantly became a popular favorite and idol. The film broke all box office records and sold almost 50 million tickets. And the song “Five Minutes” performed main character Lenochka Krylova became the anthem of the New Year, and until now the whole country on this holiday is discussing with Lenochka whether this is a lot, 5 minutes, or not enough.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Girl with a Guitar"

“Carnival Night” was followed by the film “Girl with a Guitar,” which was written specifically for Gurchenko and in which the artist again received the main role, very similar to the previous one: also in a light dance genre. This film was less successful, although by inertia it filled the country's cinema halls. But the success of these two films also had the other side of the coin: Gurchenko acquired the role of some lightness and carelessness.


The following events became a dark streak in the film acting biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Due to the complexity financial situation Gurchenko was forced to work part-time in parallel with filming, give concerts at factories and organize creative evenings with the audience. These acting "hacks" caused censure in the press. Officially, this is what caused problems in his career. But there is a version that the artist’s refusals to take on new roles were directed “from above.”

In 1957, during the filming of “Girl with a Guitar,” the actress was called by the USSR Minister of Culture Nikolai Mikhailov and, according to rumors, offered to cooperate with the KGB during the VI International Festival of Youth and Students. Gurchenko refused. They say this is what caused the persecution and some oblivion. For 10 long years the actress was not cast in leading roles. However, the actress starred in at least one, and sometimes in three films per year. Lyudmila even played several main characters, but in passable films that did not have much success with audiences.

During this period, Lyudmila Markovna tried her hand at dramatic roles. In the film “Baltic Sky” Lyudmila Markovna demonstrated that she can play deep, tragic heroines who experience strong feelings. In the same role, Gurchenko played in the films “Workers’ Village” and “Old Walls”.


The dark streak in Gurchenko’s career is over. She again became one of the most sought-after actresses in the country and got the opportunity to act, receiving bright roles in films. These were the musical films “Sky Swallows”, “Straw Hat”, “Tobacco Captain” and “Mother”.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the fairy tale "Mama"

During the filming of the film “Mama,” Gurchenko severely injured her leg. She was at risk of disability: closed fracture with displacement, 19 fragments. Dance and walk again high heels Lyudmila Markovna was able to do it only after many years of training.

Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted to play dramatic roles in strong films. Such paintings in the actress’s work included “Twenty Days Without War,” “Siberiada” and “Five Evenings.”

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Five Evenings"

In total, the great actress has 96 film roles. The most unforgettable and striking are “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, “Vacation at Your Own Expense”, “Flights in Dreams and in Reality”, “Station for Two”, “Recipe for Her Youth” and, of course, the legendary comedy “Love and Doves” .

This timeless film was released in 1984. The painting “Love and Doves” very subtly and realistically showed a fairly common love triangle: the struggle of a wife and mistress for the attention of her husband. The main character of the film, Vasily Kuzyakin, whom he played, lives with his wife and three children. His wife's performance is ordinary soviet woman, tired of children and everyday life. That is why the spectacular and exalted beauty, played by Gurchenko, who meets the man at the resort, takes Vasily away from the family. Vasily understands that a holiday romance and family life with new lover- these are different things. The Kuzyakin family is reunited.

Filming of the film "Love and Doves"

The film would not become a legend if it was only about one couple. “Love and Doves” shows the life of an entire social layer: here is the drink-loving Uncle Mitya, played by , and his wife, who is always looking for her husband, and the Kuzyakins’ daughter, who separated from her husband, and their young children.


The creative biography of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko is not only the biography of a theater and film actress. This woman was extremely versatile in her talents. Gurchenko recorded 17 music albums, released three autobiographical books and tirelessly performed in duets with various performers, including others.

Lyudmila Markovna starred in 16 video clips for her songs, including the compositions “I Hate” and “Petersburg-Leningrad” performed in a duet with Boris Moiseev. The video for one of Gurchenko’s iconic songs called “Prayer” was directed by Gurchenko, known for his work in big cinema.

Last job Lyudmila became a video where the actress sang the song “Do you want?”, which she performed in the original. Lyudmila Markovna brought even greater popularity to this song and, according to her, received pleasure from touching real talent.

Personal life

The actress's life was full not only bright roles, but also whirlwind romances. There were six husbands in Lyudmila Markovna's life. Five official marriages and one civil one. All Gurchenko men were bright and famous. But every time something prevented them from staying together with such an extraordinary and strong woman.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's first husband was film director Vasily Ordynsky. This marriage took place when Lyudmila was only 18 years old. The couple lived together for only a year. The artist also did not live long with her second husband Boris Andronikashvili, a screenwriter and historian, the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak, but this marriage gave her a daughter, Maria.

The artist’s third husband was actor Alexander Fadeev, Foster-son a famous writer, and the fourth is a singer. Gurchenko broke up with him three years later. Two stars of this magnitude could not get along for long.

Soon after their separation, rumors appeared in the press about Gurchenko's affair with. Lyudmila herself admired the musician, but more as an outside observer than as a woman in love. Gurchenko did not comment on rumors about this relationship. But together with the musician and accompanist Konstantin Kuperweis, Lyudmila Markovna lived in a civil marriage for 18 years.

Relationship with daughter

The actress was doing well difficult relationship with daughter, . Until the age of three, the child was raised by his grandparents, thereby allowing Gurchenko to continue acting career. The girl took the reunion with her mother hard and even tried to run away back to her grandmother. Despite a series of stepfathers, real family things didn’t work out between mother and daughter - Lyudmila Markovna was, first of all, an actress, Gurchenko spent a lot of time on set, and could go on tour for a long time. As a result, in childhood, Maria was quite often left to her own devices.

The actress herself, her entourage and fans hoped that Maria would eventually follow in the footsteps of her star mother, but even in her youth, Masha showed that she and Lyudmila were very different. The girl showed no inclination towards music or the stage, graduated from medical school, and, unlike her mother, who became an example of style and elegance, wore comfortable clothes and almost did not use cosmetics. Maria married ordinary person and gave birth to two children of the same age. Lyudmila Gurchenko had a strong conflict with her son-in-law, because of which Maria first even divorced her husband, but then got back together.

Grandchildren named after her own parents, the actress loved very much, but even they could not finally reconcile her with her daughter and her husband. The artist had high hopes for her grandson and granddaughter, seeing them as continuers of her acting endeavors.

In 1998, a tragedy occurred. Mark, the actress’s grandson, died suddenly. The young man died from a drug overdose. Maria knew about her son’s illness and fought his illness for a long time and unsuccessfully. According to rumors, Lyudmila Gurchenko did not come to the funeral, but in fact the actress was at the farewell and was very mournful, she just tried not to draw too much attention to her person.

Soon there was a deterioration in the relationship between mother and daughter. Lyudmila Markovna in Once again got married. Sixth and last spouse The actress remained as producer Sergei Senin until her death. New husband Gurchenko could not get along with either his stepdaughter or his mother-in-law. As a result, it happened protracted conflict, which was aggravated by the division of the property of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s mother. The grandmother bequeathed her apartment to Maria, bypassing her star daughter. The actress did not accept this, and the matter went to court.

In the last years of the actress’s life, a rumor appeared in the press about Gurchenko’s affair with a photographer. Lyudmila really said that she was in love with Aslan, but, most likely, she meant strong friendly feelings and admiration for his work. Akhmadov emphasizes that love relationship there was no relationship between him and the actress. Lyudmila Markovna met a young man at a fashion show, Akhmadov offered her a thematic photo shoot dedicated to the myth of Oedipus, and later became her personal make-up artist.


2011 was a fatal year for the actress. In February, Gurchenko slipped near her house and broke her hip. The next day she had surgery. In early March, he was discharged, and things were getting better. But on March 30, the actress’s condition worsened. Lyudmila Gurchenko died at home, the cause of death was pulmonary embolism.

On April 2, the Central House of Writers hosted public farewell with everyone's favorite actress. Gurchenko was wearing a dress that she herself had recently sewn. Numerous fans came to say goodbye to Lyudmila Gurchenko. The capital itself said goodbye to the artist: in the Moscow metro that day, Gurchenko’s famous song “Our Youth Team” sounded every half hour.

Not only thousands of fans came to say goodbye to the actress, but also family friends, colleagues and relatives. Throughout the entire event, Lyudmila’s husband Sergei Senin was nearby. But, as journalists noted, many of the artist’s closest people were not among the mass of people saying goodbye. The actress’s daughter arrived only at 11 am with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums - Maria did not take part in organizing the ceremony, but learned about her mother’s death from the newspapers. The daughter of Lyudmila Markovna did not join the VIP guests; she stood in the general queue, laid flowers at the coffin and left, without commenting on her action to the journalists who recognized her. The press did not see Gurchenko’s granddaughter and great-granddaughters at the ceremony.

The funeral took place on the same day. The legendary Lyudmila Markovna was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow. Despite the fact that it was a gesture of respect and recognition, the choice of cemetery violated the last will of the actress herself. Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted her grave to be at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, next to her parents and her only grandson.

Six months later, in September, newspapers obtained permission from the artist’s relatives and published series of materials about Gurchenko’s last days, which included suicide notes from the artist’s personal diary.

In 2015, the biographical series “Lyudmila Gurchenko” was released, in which she decided to play the Russian cinema star. The director of the film, Sergei Aldonin, said that he simply fulfilled a promise that he accidentally made to Lyudmila Markovna. IN Last year of her life, he admitted to the actress that he would like to make a series about her, and Gurchenko approved this idea and practically blessed the director.

In addition, more than two dozen films were made about the famous actress. documentaries, and many stars remember her Russian show business dedicated their own songs and performances of famous compositions that Gurchenko herself sang during her lifetime.

November 8, 2017, only daughter Lyudmila Markovna. Woman last days complained of being unwell and high temperature. On the way to the hospital, Maria became ill. The cause of death was heart failure.


  • "Carnival Night"
  • "Girl with a Guitar"
  • "Old Walls"
  • "Straw Hat"
  • "Twenty days without war"
  • "Siberiada"
  • "Heavenly Swallows"
  • “The beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov”
  • "Station for two"
  • "Love and pigeons"
  • "My sailor"
  • "Old Nags"