Open lesson on getting to know nature in senior group.

Subject: Wintering birds.

Target: clarify children's ideas about birds and their living conditions. Continue learning to recognize birds by appearance. Give an idea of ​​the importance of feeding for wintering birds.


1) expand children’s understanding of birds (where they live, how they winter).

2) develop the ability to maintain a conversation, improve the dialogical form of speech.

4) educatecaring attitude towards wintering birds.

Preliminary work : looking at the album “Birds”, watching birds while walking, on the topic “Birds” they memorized riddles and played games.

Material and equipment:

Subject pictures “Wintering birds”, a feeder, painted trees (winter and summer), a package from Grandfather the Naturalist.

1.Organizing time.

Educator: Guests came to our class today. Turn your head towards the guests, smile at them, say hello, they will see how you learned to sit and work in class.

2. Progress of the lesson:

Look, a letter has arrived at our kindergarten. On the envelope it says, to preschool children, that is, to you. Let's see what kind of letter is there? I open the envelope, take out the letter, and read it.

A spider dreams at night
Miracle Yudo for a bitch.
Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - things are bad.
Who is the spider afraid of?
Did you guess it? This is...(bird)

Children, you probably guessed who we will talk about in class today.

(Children's answers.)

That's right, about wintering birds.

What birds do we call wintering?(Wintering birds are those birds that are not afraid of the cold, remain with us for the winter and do not fly south to warmer climes).

We will solve riddles about wintering birds, remember what they eat, and I will also try to tell you interesting things from their life.

First, we will go with you to a bird exhibition. Our guys will be the guides.

A child comes out and asks a riddle:

The back is greenish,The belly is yellowish,Little black capAnd a strip of scarf (Tit).

Who is this?-What do you know about her? (The bird is a forest bird, but in winter it moves closer to people. - What does a tit eat? (In winter, the bird eats everything: bread, grains, lard, cereals).

A picture of a tit is placed on the exhibition board.

Educator: A tit is a small bird with a yellow belly, and on its head black cap. These are very nimble and lively birds. Tits do not fly away to warmer regions for the winter, but survive the winter by hiding in a hollow. In the snowy winter there is very little food, and the birds have a hard time. In search of food, they fly to human habitation.

The child comes out and asks another riddle.

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, this is... (Bullfinches)

A picture of a bullfinch is placed on the exhibition board.

Children answer the questions:

Is the word “bullfinch” related to the word “snow”? (No, the birds got the name “bullfinch” for the bright red tint of their abdomen).

How does a female bullfinch differ in appearance from a male one? (Females differ from males in that their breasts are not red, but brown with a gray tint).

What do bullfinches eat? (Bullfinches feed on seeds, plant buds and berries, from which they peck seeds. They also feed their chicks plant feed. Brightly colored birds almost never eat insects.

Educator: The bullfinch is the most winter bird. When snow falls, the bullfinch becomes very visible everywhere, thanks to its red breast. Bullfinches hang on to rowan trees, maples, and viburnum bushes, picking off berries and pecking at seeds.

The next child comes out and asks a riddle.

He collects quickly

A handful of grains thrown

And nests under the eaves

Our beloved... (Grey pigeon)

Children answer the questions:

What color is the pigeon? (The color of pigeons can be black, chestnut, blue, light gray (blue), lilac, brown, yellow, red, cherry, ash, white, etc.).

Is a dove smaller or larger than a sparrow?

What do pigeons eat? (Feeds on plant seeds, grain crops).

Can pigeons send letters?

Generalization of children's answers: “Pigeons are birds that can be taught to transmit letters. To do this, a letter is tied to the pigeon's legs, and he brings it to specific place- to your dovecote. During the war, pigeons served as postmen and delivered valuable letters addressees. The pigeon is one of the kindest and most peaceful birds. For this, people chose her as a symbol of peace and friendship. And the twig in the dove’s beak means that it brings good news of peace and friendship.”

Physical education lesson “A nimble tit is galloping”

The nimble tit is jumping,

She can't sit still,

(jumping on the left leg)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

(jumping on right leg)

Spun like a top

(spinning in place)

I sat down for a minute,

(sit down)

She scratched her chest with her beak,

(stand up, tilt your head to the right - left)

And from the path to the fence,

(jumping on the left leg in place)


(jumping on the right leg)


(jumping in place on two legs)

Educator: Have you rested? Let's continue.

A child comes out and asks a riddle.

Knocking all the time

The trees are being hollowed out.

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them. (Woodpecker)

Children are asked to answer the questions:

What color is a woodpecker? (The male has a beautiful bright red “cap” on his head, but the female woodpecker does not have one.)

Why does a woodpecker often knock on wood in the forest? (The woodpecker heals trees by extracting harmful bugs from under the bark).

What do woodpeckers eat?

A picture of a woodpecker is placed on the exhibition board.

Educator: So guys, what birds are in our bird show? (the teacher shows the bird, and the children name it).

The presenter reads the poem:

Our sister swallows,

But they don’t live together!

Nests in a special place

These birds are building.

Who chooses under the roof

Bedroom for kids

Who's digging under the shore?

Minks for babies.

Swallow friends,

How I love you!

The presenter invites the children to find and show an image of a swallow, consider and write a story about the bird.

The presenter summarizes information about the swallow. (The swallow has an oblong body, a flattened head with big eyes, short, wide and flat beak, small legs and long sharp wings. The length of the wings of swallows is much greater than the length of their body. Most life spend in the air, but sometimes they sit down somewhere to rest. They descend to the ground only for nesting material, and at the same time move very awkwardly, in small steps.
Swallows also drink and bathe while in flight, touching the water with their bodies. Swallows are insectivorous birds and, due to the fact that they usually live near homes, gardens and crops, they benefit agriculture.

The presenter reads the following poem:

What a joy! Finally

A starling flew into our garden.

Our singer is brilliant black,

It scurries nimbly across the grass.

He won his house:

Vorobyov dispersed everyone!

Hastily looking businesslike

He flies into his birdhouse.

Step up without worries

He sits down and sings

So what touches the soul!

Children are invited to find and examine the starling and talk about it.

The presenter asks questions:

What are the names of birds that fly to warmer regions in the fall? Swallow and starling, wintering or migratory birds? What other migratory birds do you know?

Why do some birds fly to warmer climes, while others stay for the winter?

Okay, well done to both teams! Friendship won.

Game "Divide the birds into wintering and migratory."

Each child voices the name of their bird and then attaches it to the correct tree.

There is a knock on the door. The postman brings a parcel. The teacher reports that this is a package from Grandfather Nature Scientist. He opens the package and takes out a feeder.

Educator: What do you think this is? This is a feeding trough. And there is also a letter here. “Hello, dear children! Winter came, it became cold and a lot of snow fell. I took care of our friends, the birds, in advance. I made a feeder for them, but there are a lot of birds, and I am alone. Help me make some bird feeders! Your friend is Grandfather Naturalist.” We are asked to make feeders.Let's think about what feeders can be made of?

Made of wood, what kind is it? Wooden.

Made of plastic, what kind is it? Plastic.

What kind of thick paper? Cardboard, paper.

Guys, let's remember what birds like to eat? (Birds love crumbs, grains, seeds).

Tits love lard most of all, but it should be unsalted.

What does the bullfinch like? Favorite treat bullfinch berries, rowan berries, viburnum, rose hips, seeds.

Sparrows love a variety of food, but especially seeds. But before you treat the birds, the seeds need to be slightly flattened. For example, roll a glass bottle over them.

What does a magpie like? Magpie loves grain most of all. And now we will treat our friends.

Who will you give pieces of lard to? (I give pieces of lard to the tit).

Who will you treat with seeds? (I will treat the sparrow with seeds).

Who will you give the berries to? (I will give the berries to the bullfinch).

What can you treat a magpie? (You can treat a magpie with grain.)

Game “Which bird flew away? »

Educator : Look carefully how many birds we have in the trees, and now one, two, three - don’t look. (Children close their eyes, the teacher removes one picture).
One, two, three - look. Children name which bird is gone. (The game is repeated 4-5 times.)


Educator: Guys, look, all the birds have flown away, but they will definitely return to us when we hang up their feeders. Did you like the lesson? What new have you learned? (Children's answers).

Educator: Well done, you have worked hard, but you will have to work harder at home. We need to make feeders and bring them to kindergarten. We will hang feeders and our friends, the birds, will be fed all winter.

Organization: MDOU Bolshenagatkinsky general developmental kindergarten "Romashka"

Locality: Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district, village. Bolshoye Nagatkino

Goals: to form an ecological culture in children of senior preschool age.


  1. Expand children's understanding of bird species native land through project activities
  2. Develop the ability to coherently, consistently, compose a story from pictures with sequential developmental action; practice forming nouns in the genitive case.
  3. Cultivate a friendly, caring attitude towards birds;
    evoke a desire to protect them and help wintering birds.

Previous work:

Conversations about birds; reading the works of M. Gorky “Sparrow”, V. A. Sukhomlinsky “What is the titmouse crying about?”... Learning poems, proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles; making observations on a bird walk, looking at pictures of birds, using board and printed games: “Cut Pictures”, labyrinths “Help the Birds”, outdoor games (“Sparrows and the Cat”, “Migratory Birds”, “Raven”, “Birds” ...)., GCD in the area " Artistic and aesthetic development" on the topics: "Birds", "Let's hang a feeder in the garden", "Bullfinches and tits" - use unconventional technology painting with palms and fingers, sculpting wintering birds. Watching cartoons about the life of birds: “High Hill”, “ Orange neck", "Fun Garden", "How Grandfather Disturbed the Great Balance", presentations "Wintering Birds". Consultations with parents, production of feeders and participation in the “Bird Canteen” preschool educational institution.

Teacher training: Selection of poems, riddles, games, pictures for the presentation “Wintering Birds”, creation of a presentation, recording of birdsong, a panel depicting a tree, selection and printing of colorful pictures depicting wintering birds. Creation of a joint children's parent project"Let's help the birds in winter."

Material for the lesson: Presentation, ball, panel with a picture of a tree, pictures of wintering birds, scissors, red and gouache yellow color, wet wipes.

The course of direct educational activities.

Educator: Guys, we received a letter, but there’s a riddle here, listen:

Who took off
Does it carry a twig in its beak?

A spider dreams at night
Long beak and two wings.
Arrives - things are bad.
Who is the spider afraid of?
Did you guess it? This is... (That's right, a bird.)

What do you think we will talk about today?

Today, we will talk about birds.

A picture of different birds appears on the slide.

Slide No. 1 " Beautiful birds on the tree".

Who are these birds? (Children's statements.). Birds are animals whose bodies are covered with feathers. Birds are our faithful feathered friends. They are a true decoration of our nature (especially in winter), thanks to their bright plumage, original appearance or peculiar “singing”. They bring great benefits to humans: they exterminate harmful insects, destroy worms and beetles. Birds have wings and can fly.

Educator: Guys, but there are birds that cannot fly. Name them.

Slide No. 2 with the image of birds. (Bullfinch, swallow, dove, ostrich, penguin). Yes, ostriches and penguins cannot fly. How are they different from other birds?

The ostrich is the largest of all birds. The ostrich runs very fast and over long distances. The penguin swims very well.

Educator: What groups can other birds be divided into?

Slide No. 3 “Birds are domestic and wild.”(in the top row there are wild ones: cuckoo, swan, sparrow; in bottom row: turkey, chicken, goose, duck.)

Why are birds called domesticated? Birds that live near humans are called domestic birds. A person looks after them, cares for them, feeds them. Birds benefit humans. Katya, show and name the domestic birds.

Guys, what birds are called wild? That’s right, wild birds are those that live far from humans, find food on their own, and build their own nest. They hatch and raise their chicks. They independently escape from enemies.

Educator: Name other groups. Birds are migratory and wintering.

Slide No. 4 “Flight of a flock of birds to the south.” Why do you think they are called migratory? They are called migratory because every year with the onset of cold weather they fly to warm countries and return back in the spring. .

Slide No. 5 “Wintering birds.”

Why are birds called winter birds? Children's answers. Winterers are birds that remain for the winter. They need human help.

Educator: Today, we will talk about wintering birds. I suggest you play. Stand in a circle. I will throw the ball, and you must catch the ball and name the wintering bird. Well done, you completed the task.

Now we will solve riddles with you. Irina, ask the guys a riddle: “Bluish back, yellowish belly, black cap, white cheeks.” Who is this? Now we will check if you guessed correctly. The answer will appear on the screen.

Slide No. 6 “Titmouse”. That's right, well done.

Dima, tell us a riddle: “Black-winged, red-breasted will find shelter in winter. He is not afraid of colds. With the first snow it’s like here.” Who is this?

Slide – animation No. 7 “Bullfinch”.

Seryozha, make a wish: “A black vest, a red riding hood, knocks on trees, but does not cripple them, but heals them.” Who is this? Children guess.

Slide animation No. 8 “Woodpecker”

Nastya, make a wish: “A motley fidget, a long-tailed bird.” The talkative bird is the most talkative. That's right - it's magpie.

Slide animation No. 9 “Magpie”.

Educator: Now let's play the game "Fourth Odd."

Slide No. 10 « Image of birds: sparrow, rook, dove, rooster.” Why do you think it's a rooster? The rooster is a domestic bird, and the sparrow, rook and dove are wild birds.

And now we will play the game “Guess the bird”.

Slide – animation No. 11 “Guess the bird.” Separate parts of the bird image (cut pictures) appear on the screen. Children guess the picture of the bird and name it. The correct answer appears on the screen (in turn: bullfinch, sparrow, woodpecker).

Next game “Guess who’s missing?”

Slide number 12 “Guess who’s missing?” The slide shows an image of wintering birds (sparrow, bullfinch, pigeon, woodpecker, tit, magpie). Children close their eyes, using animation in the presentation - the bird disappears. The teacher asks the children when they open their eyes: “Who is missing?” Children call: the bullfinch, the magpie, the woodpecker are gone. Well done, you guessed and named correctly.

Slide number 13 “The ruffled sparrow.” Educator: “What do you think happened to him?” Statements from children... Winter is very hard time year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Guys, how can you and I help the birds in winter? (Make a feeder and feed the birds).

Educator: I suggest you, children, listen to Dima’s story. (Presentation of the children's and parents' project “Let's help the birds in winter”) He will tell you how he and his dad built a feeder. A child's story from experience using slides. My dad and I decided to help the birds - make a bird feeder.

Slide number 14 “Types of feeders: wood, plastic, cardboard.”

We looked on the Internet different types feeders. The feeder can be made from different materials: from a glass jar, from a cardboard box, from plastic bottle, from wooden boards...

Slide number 15 “Wooden feeder”. We decided to make the feeder out of wood, as it is the most durable and practical.

Slide number 16 “Dima draws a feeding trough.” I came up with and drew my feeder on a piece of paper. We decided to make it according to my sketch.

Slide number 17 “Dima with a set of tools” My dad and I prepared everything we needed for the work: planks, nails, a hammer, a hacksaw.

Slide No. 18 “Taking measurements.” Using a ruler and pencil we drew the lines.

Slide No. 19 “The work is progressing.” Using a hacksaw, we cut out the necessary parts. They nailed the pillars and roof.

Slide number 20 “Our feeding trough.” Our feeder is ready. The feeder turned out to be beautiful, unusual, good quality, durable, wooden.

Slide number 21 « Dima and dad are hanging a feeder.” We put on our winter outerwear and went out into the garden. They tied a rope to the feeder and hung it on a thick branch of an apple tree.

Slide number 22 “Feeding the birds.” Every day we feed the birds. Birds have become frequent guests in our garden. I told my friends in kindergarten about this.

Slide number 23 "Bird's dining room." Dad and I made another feeder and took an active part in the kindergarten’s “Bird Canteen” campaign. All the children in our group took an active part in this event.

Slide number 24 “On the kindergarten site.” With the whole group, we hung feeders on the branches of trees in our area, as well as in the nearest park and in the square of the village of Bolshoye Nagatkino. We rejoice when birds come to visit us.

Feed the birds in winter

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed

One handful is not scary

It will be winter for them.

How many of them die?

It’s hard to count, it’s hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And it’s warm for them.

How can we forget:

They could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Together with people.

Educator: Guys, what can you feed birds in winter? Children list. Now we’ll check what every wintering bird likes to feast on.

Slide number 25 “What do birds eat?

Seeds suitable for bird feed various plants: sunflower, melon, watermelon. Only sparrows peck at oats and millet; bread crumbs are also suitable for them. Tits, in addition to seeds, love raw unsalted lard or meat. Crows are omnivorous birds. Bullfinches prefer rowan berries, sea buckthorn, barberry, watermelon seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Pigeons love cereals and bread. The crossbill loves spruce and Pine cones, the strong beak deftly peels the pine cones in a cross. The crossbill is also amazing because it hatches chicks in the bitter cold.

Slide number 26 “What not to feed.” (Brown bread, fried seeds, chips).

And now you and I will “turn” into bullfinches (children run around the hall and stop at the teacher’s signal).

Physical education minute:

The bushes turned red

Not from the morning dawn (Pinch cheeks)

These are red lanterns

The bullfinches lit up. (Raise your arms - rotate your hands)

Cleaning crimson feathers (flapping hands)

They drink water from a spring. (Hands behind your back, bend forward)

Play bells (Clap hands).

We can hear from afar!

Educator: I propose to compose a story based on the plot pictures “How the children saved the sparrow.” Who wants to tell?

Slide number 27 “The children found a sparrow in the snow.” Who do you see in the picture? What season? How did you guess? Look carefully, think and tell me how the guys ended up here? Why is there a sparrow in the snow? What sparrow? What did the children decide to do?

Slide No. 28 “Children are rushing home" Who wants to tell from this picture? What do you see in this picture? Where is the sparrow? Where do you think the children are going? Why are they in a hurry?

Slide number 29 “Children feed the bird.” Think and tell us: “Where are the children?” Why do you think so? What are they doing? What is the sparrow doing? What did the sparrow become?

Slide number 30 “The children released the sparrow into nature.” Where are the children? What are they doing? Why did the guys release the sparrow? What is the bird doing? What did the sparrow become? What do you think about the children's actions? What can you say about them?

Slide number 31 “How the children saved the sparrow.”(4 story pictures). Guys, look carefully, and who wants to tell us the story: “How the children saved the sparrow” in full.

It was freezing clear weather. Seryozha and Lena decided to take a walk. We put on warm fur coats, knitted hats, fur mittens, put on felt boots and went outside. The ground is covered with snowy, fluffy, white snow. Snow on the roofs of houses, on trees. They decided to go to the park. They walked and walked and suddenly they saw a sparrow in the snow. The children approached him. Lena squatted down, took off her mittens and took the bird in her hands. The sparrow was small, cold, and hungry. The girl began to warm him with her warm palms and her breath. Seryozha leaned over and watched them.

The children decided to take the bird with them. They put the sparrow in mittens and went home with quick steps. The children were in a hurry, because the sparrow was very weak. They walked along the path past the houses, past the trees.

The children came home: filmed outerwear, sat down on the carpet near the warm radiator, which heated the room. They placed a saucer near the sparrow and poured food into it. He warmed up and began to peck the grains. He perked up, became joyful and active. The guys sat and admired him. They were glad that they helped him in difficult times.

So the sparrow stayed as a guest. The children knew that wild birds living in captivity could die, so they decided to release the bird into the wild. And for this, Seryozha made a feeder and hung it on a tree branch in the park. Lena poured sunflower seeds into the feeder. The sparrow was picked up and carried to the park and placed in a feeding trough. Sparrow was very pleased. Since then, the guys have become frequent guests of the park. Lena and Seryozha were attentive, caring, and friendly towards the birds.

Educator: I propose to create a collective work: “Wintering Birds.” You need to split into two subgroups.

There are pictures of birds on the table, the first subgroup, please come up and take the bird that you liked. It will be necessary to cut it out, with reverse side take off protective film and stick it on the tree. Children come up, take a picture of a bird and complete the task.

The second subgroup will feed the wintering birds. You need to put red gouache paint on your finger and draw bunches of rowan berries on the tree. Using yellow paint, paint the grains in the feeder (made from a box and tied to the picture).

Look at the picture we got. The birds are very happy.

Summary What new did you learn? Why are birds needed?

Slide number 32 “Life with and without birds.”

In summer, birds will help us; they will eat pests and continue to protect gardens and parks. And if there are no birds, what could happen? (Children's statements). Therefore, birds need to be protected, protected and helped in difficult times.

Svetlana Agafonova
Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the senior group “Wintering Birds”

Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in a senior group on the topic: « Wintering birds»


Clarify and expand children's knowledge about wintering birds;

Ideate « wintering birds» ;

Introduce living conditions birds;

Cultivate a desire to care for birds, feed them in winter.

Demonstration material.

Pictures from birds(crow, sparrow, tit, bullfinch, pigeon, waxwing)

1. Organizational moment

There are birds are different:

Some people are afraid of blizzards

And they fly away winter

To the good, warm south.

Others are a different people:

In the frost they circle over the forest,

For them, separation from their homeland

Worse than a severe cold.

2. Main part

A) Conversation

Which ones? birds says in poem:

"And they fly away to winter

To the good, warm south...” (migratory)

Why do they fly away (it's getting cold, food is becoming scarce)

What does the poem say about wintering birds?

… “For them, separation from their homeland

Worse than the severe cold...”

Which birds are called winterers(which do not fly away to warmer regions with the arrival of winter, but remain to spend the winter in their own region.

Which you know wintering birds(crow, sparrow, dove)

And what birds appear with the arrival of winter (tit, bullfinch, waxwing)

B)Game "Guess bird»

Small, colorful, nimble, wintering bird, urban (sparrow)

Small, bright, red-breasted, fast; wintering bird, urban (bullfinch)

Large, gray, black-winged; wintering bird, urban (crow)

Small, yellow-breasted, fast; wintering bird, urban (tit)

The body is covered with grayish-pinkish plumage, with a crest on the head, not small (waxwing)

Pigeon – large bird with short neck , small head, motley or plain with a grayish tint, urban, wintering(pigeon)

B) Structure birds

Tell us what everyone has in common birds?

U there are birds...body,…. head, .... wings, .... beak, ... tail, ... plumage, ... two legs, ... neck)

D) Physical exercise

Turned red bushes

Not from the dawn (pinch cheeks).

These are red lanterns "flashlights")

The bullfinches lit up. (flapping hands like wings)

Cleaning crimson feathers, ( "cleaning feathers")

They drink water from a spring ( "drink").

Playing bells

I can hear from afar (rhythmic hand clapping) .

3. Consolidation of the material covered

A) Game "The Fourth Wheel"

Sparrow, crow, tit, swallow

Why is there an extra swallow in this row? (she flies away)

Tit, sparrow, dove, rook

Which the bird is odd in this row(rook, she also flies to warmer climes)

Bullfinch, crow, waxwing, wagtail (flies away to warmer climes)

B)Game "Each the bird has its own food»

Sparrow feeds on crumbs

The tit eats lard

Bullfinch - rowan berries

Waxwing - insects, rowan berries

Dove - plant seeds, various grains

Crow- (omnivore) bread crumbs, berries, grains...

B) Game “What are feeders made of?”

Look at the feeders and tell me what they are made of?

(children are offered pictures of feeders made of wood, plastic bottle from milk carton, cardboard, metal)

D) Summing up

IN:-About which ones birds did we talk to you today? (wintering)

IN:-how we can help in winter birds(we can feed them)

IN:-Birds in winter it is necessary to feed, since during snowfalls and in very coldy It is difficult for them to find food. In this weather there is a lot birds die of hunger. Therefore, chilled sparrows and tits huddle close to human habitation, as if they know that we will not leave them in trouble in the bitter winter cold. Bread crumbs, grain, melon, pumpkin, and watermelon seeds will save our friends!

Publications on the topic:

State Budgetary Educational institution Gymnasium No. 1538 Integrated open lesson on the surrounding world with the artistic one.

Summary of educational activities on the surrounding world “Migratory birds” in the middle group Goal:Expanding and consolidating children’s ideas about migratory birds, their appearance, lifestyle, body structure, distinctive features.

Summary of GCD on the surrounding world in the senior group using the EER “Zoo” Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world in the senior group using electronic educational resources. Topic: “Zoo” Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​diversity.

Objectives: 1. Expanding and consolidating ideas about transport; 2. improve dialogical speech; 3. enrichment and clarification, activation.

Summary of a lesson on the world around us for children of the senior group “Around the World Trip” Lesson in the senior group to familiarize children with the world around them Topic: “Travel around the world” Objectives: 1. Give children an idea of.

Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the preparatory group “Wintering Birds” Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment on the topic: “Wintering birds.” Program content: - consolidate and clarify ideas.

Tatyana Matsaeva
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic “Wintering birds”

Target: To form and consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.

Tasks. Educational: consolidate knowledge about wintering birds; continue to learn to distinguish wintering and migratory birds; evoke a desire to learn new facts from their lives; expand and activate the vocabulary of topic« Birds» . Educational: to form a kind and caring attitude towards wintering birds. Developmental: improve the ability to establish causality investigative connections, attention, memory, holistic perception.

Material. For the teacher: tape recorder and audio cassette with recordings of forest voices birds; colored silhouettes birds(bullfinch, tit, sparrow, dove, crow, magpie, waxwing, owl, crossbill, woodpecker) with stands; wooden feeder; a tray with rowan berries and rose hips, maple, sunflower and pumpkin seeds; millet, buckwheat, bread crumbs, lard; letter from Soroka in an envelope. For children: coloring pages topic, trays with schematic details of parts of a magpie made of black paper (beak, wing, head, paws, tail) And white (torso). On the wall - posters: « Winter forest» , "Winter Hut", under them there is a cardboard feeder and a tree branch.

Educator. Right. It was summer and birds they sang loudly and beautifully. Autumn has come, and many birds flew away to warmer climes. What are they called? birds? That's right, migratory ones. Name the migratory birds.

Children. Geese, rooks, cranes, starlings, swallows...

Educator. And some the birds stayed for the winter. What can they be called?

Children. Wintering.

Junior teacher (included). You have received a letter from a magpie! Hands the teacher a large envelope with the address “ Kindergarten "Sun". For children senior group».

Educator (reads the letter).

"Dear Guys! I invite you on an exciting journey in which you will learn a lot of interesting things about us, wintering birds, and most importantly, help us survive the winter. To make your journey interesting, complete my tasks! Ready? Then sit down!”

Children sit at the tables and complete the first task Magpies: "Fold bird There are details of body parts on the tables birds, from which children collect bird. The child who completes the task first does the same on the board.

Educator. Which you folded the bird?

Children. Magpie.

Educator. What parts did you put it together from?

Children. Body, head, wings, tail, legs.

Educator. Let's let's think about it: Why does a bird have a beak, wings, paws, feathers, tail, claws, eyes, neck? (Answers.) Is that all? the birds are the same? What is the difference? (Answers.) That's right, size, color, shape of body parts, etc. Well done! We completed the first task. Now let's go to the forest clearing. To do this, you need to stand up, turn to the right and take six steps forward, clap behind your back three times and sit in a semicircle on the mat.

Children follow the instructions for an exercise on spatial orientation and complete the second task Magpies: “Guess the riddles and tell us about the answer!” Children guess riddles, the teacher takes out a colored silhouette birds and puts it on the table. Children talk about birds. The teacher complements their answers interesting facts from life birds.

First riddle

He knocks all the time, he hammers trees,

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them.

The woodpecker is the doctor of the forest kingdom, cleanses the bark of trees from the larvae of harmful insects. With a strong, straight, sharp beak, it extracts beetles - bark beetles and caterpillars - from under the bark of trees and licks them off long tongue covered with sticky saliva. And the woodpecker also loves feast on: plucks spruce or pine cones from a branch, secures it in the fork of a tree and husks out tasty seeds. The woodpecker has stiff tail feathers and short legs, with two toes facing backwards. This helps it move vertically along the tree trunk.

Second riddle

The trees are sleeping, the grass is sleeping,

But she doesn't sleep all night.

Mom teaches kids

Catching mice at night.

Owl - predatory bird. She hunts at night and sleeps during the day, hidden in a deep hollow. Sees great in the dark. And an owl's hearing is fifty times better than a human's. Lush plumage protects it from the cold, and rounded wings and wide short tail helps you fly silently. The sharp claws of an owl are designed so that bird can firmly grasp prey and deftly climb tree trunks.

Third riddle

Bird on a big pine tree

It chirps to us: “Kle-kle-kle!”.

The hard beak looks like a cross,

Eats seeds from cones.

The crossbill has an amazing beak - very strong, thick, compressed from the sides, in the shape of a cross. It allows you to easily and quickly extract seeds from pine and spruce cones - the main food of crossbills. What’s also surprising is that they hatch their chicks in the winter, during the harshest January frosts. The chicks are saved from the cold by a deep nest with thick walls, insulated with a carpet of down, feathers and hairs. The mother crossbill does not fly out of the nest until the chicks fledge. At this time, her caring father, the crossbill, feeds her.

Educator. Where do these people live? birds?

Children. In the forest.

Educator. What can they be called?

Children. These are forest birds.

Then the children complete the third task Magpies: “Let’s play!”(an outdoor game is organized "Birds").

Birds sitting in a nest (children crouch)

And they look at the street (turn head to the sides).

They want to go for a walk

And everyone flies quietly (children "scatter", flapping their arms like wings).

Sitting in the nest again (children crouch).

Then it is carried out finger gymnastics “Sing - ka, sing along - ka, ten birds - a flock”. Children pronounce words, bend their fingers, starting with the little finger; At the end, they clench their fingers into fists.

Sing - ka, sing along - ka, ten birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale,

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl, a sleepy little head,

This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a starling, a gray feather,

This one is a chaffinch, this one is a swift, this one is a cheerful siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds, go home!

Children sit in their places in a semicircle and complete the fourth task Magpies: “Guess and name it!”.


We differ in color

You will meet us in winter and summer.

If we flap our wings -

We'll be in the blue sky.

We can twitter

Caw, sing and coo.

Feed us in winter...

Children, who are we? Name it!

Children call wintering birds(finch, tit, sparrow, magpie, crow, pigeon, waxwing, the teacher displays their colored silhouette images. Children note characteristic features birds, the teacher supplements the answers if necessary.

The bullfinch has a bright red chest, and its wings, tail and cap are black. It feeds on berries, extracting seeds from them.

The titmouse is a small bird, its belly is yellow, its back is greenish, its head is black, and its cheeks are white. In summer it feeds on insects and plant seeds, and in winter it flies closer to human habitation.

The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes, its tail and wings are dark brown, and its head is gray.

The magpie has a black head and wings. The tail is also black, long and straight like an arrow. Magpies – birds are necessary and useful. They save trees from beetles and larvae, they pick up all kinds of garbage with their beaks, like street sweepers.

Crow - large bird. The head, beak, throat, wings, tail and legs are black, and the chest and back are gray.

Crows are omnivores birds.

Waxwings have elegant plumage, pinkish-brown in color. The head is decorated with perky silver-pink tufts. And on the wings there are bright red even stripes. Waxwings love ripe rowan and hawthorn berries.

Then the children complete the fifth task Magpies: "Arrange birds. There are posters hanging on the wall "Winter forest" And "Winter Hut", under them is a feeder made of cardboard, a tree branch.

Educator. Guys, choose one at a time bird, call her and find her a place in the forest or on a feeding trough, near human habitation.

Sample: “The crossbill lives in the forest, it feeds on the seeds of pine and spruce cones”.

Educator (talks about why some birds in winter they fly closer to humans and human habitation). Wintering birds They feed not only on insects and worms, they eat the seeds of various plants, and near people’s homes they find crumbs of bread and cereals, and in the cold season they can do without live food. But on a short winter day birds do not have time to find food in sufficient quantities, especially in snowstorms, frosts, and also after thaws, when on tree branches and shrubs ice crust, and then winter feeding saves them from death. Guys, we can help you wintering birds? what is needed for this? (Answers.) Now let’s get up, turn to the right, take five steps forward, look first up, then to the left, bend over, look into the closet.

Children complete the sixth task Magpies: "Find the item!". Find a wooden feeder and a tray with prepared food for birds: rose hips, unsalted lard, millet, seeds, white bread, oats, etc.

Educator (together with the children he says what is on the tray). here is food for everyone taste: soft bread crumbs, nourishing, delicious seeds, healthy rolled oats, delicious ripe berries, nutritious, fresh lard.

Children carry the feeder to the table where the figures stand birds, and complete the seventh task Magpies: "Fill the feeder for wintering birds» . They fill the feeder, saying who they want to treat and what.

Sample: “I’ll pour some seeds for the sparrow, because they’re tasty and filling.”.

Then the children complete the eighth task Magpies: “Name the rules of feeding birds. Call the rules (the teacher helps if necessary): feeders are hung in quiet places on tree branches, bushes; fill them every day; during severe frosts and snowfalls, add more feed; feeders are regularly cleaned of husks, litter, and snow; never feed birds black bread and salted lard.

Educator. It's time to complete the last, ninth task Magpies: “Don’t yawn – answer the questions!”. So, questions.

What do they call birds, which do not fly to warmer climes? (Wintering.)

Why in winter many animals and birds from the forest thicket huddling towards human habitation? (Easier to find food.)

Which bird hatches chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

Who is called "doctor of the forest kingdom"? (Woodpecker.)

Why do you need to feed in winter? birds? (In winter, feed the birds don't have enough.)

Did you enjoy the trip? (Answers.)

Educator (reads the second part of Soroka’s letter). "Dear Guys! Today you have successfully completed all my tasks, learned about what we are like, birds, different, what benefits we bring, and how you can help us. I hope that while watching us, you will receive pleasure and joy, and that you will find a convenient place for the feeder and will take care of us all the time. winter. And I hope that you will tell other children about us. I am giving you, friends, small gifts. Your Magpie."

The teacher gives children gifts from Magpie - coloring pages « Birds» .

Educator. Let's fulfill Magpie's wishes? Let's take this feeder to our site. And I also think we need to tell children from other countries groups about wintering birds. Let's make an album « Birds» and give it to the guys. In this album we will place your drawings, applications and stories about birds and that how to take care of them.

Children take the feeder to the site, find a place for it and feed it. birds daily. Gradually creating an album « Birds» and give it to middle school children groups.

Regions: Socialization, communication, cognition, artistic reading, artistic creativity, world of music.

Target: To deepen and concretize the understanding of the living conditions of wintering birds.


1. Develop coherent speech skills, form the correct lexical and grammatical formatting of speech statements.

2. Teach the ability to solve riddles and develop imaginative thinking.

3. Develop visual attention, consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.

4. Cultivate friendly relationships, establish positive contact, and form adequate self-esteem.

Equipment: text of the story, scheme for telling the poem, “snowball”, snowflakes on strings, cards with wintering birds, a picture about winter, small toys of domestic and wild animals, felt-tip pens for each child.


1. Organizational moment “Circle of Good” , children stand in a circle, touching their palms to each other and say sweet words.

Educator: Well done, guys, we all gave each other a piece of goodness. Now please tell me what time of year we are in now?

Educator: Prove to me that it is really winter, but I tell you that it is spring. Prove it.

— It’s very cold outside (I agree)

— Lots of snow, slippery (good)

— People are dressed warmly (hats, mittens, fur coats, coats, scarves and felt boots)

— There is ice on the rivers, the fish have fallen to the bottom (I agree)

— The birds flew to warmer climes, but the wintering ones remained (well done)

- The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

Educator: Well done, you probably already guessed that today we will talk to you about winter-winter. I'll tell you a wish now puzzles, and you listen carefully.

1. Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains!

Don't be shy, who is it? (sparrow)

2. Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again (bullfinch)

3. Black vest, red beret,

The tail is like a stop, the nose is like an ax (woodpecker)

4. White cheeks, blue bird.

A sharp beak, a small one,

yellow breast is... (titmouse)

5. Motley fidget,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

Lucky white-sided, and her name is (magpie)

(Children guess riddles and show the birds on the poster)

Educator: Guys, what can you call these birds in one word?


Educator: That's right. And then tell me, what is the name of our city, where you and I live?

— Okhotsk.

- What do you think, do we have these birds in Okhotsk? (Yes)

Educator: Okay, well done! I agree with you. You know, guys, it’s very difficult for birds in winter, there are severe frosts and it’s difficult for birds to find food.

Now I want to tell you one history. Do you want to listen? (Yes)

In winter, Masha and Vitya walked in the park. In the snow, the guys saw a freezing sparrow. Masha took the bird in her hands and began to warm him with her breath. The guys decided to save the sparrow. They put the bird in their mitten and hurried home. At home, the sparrow warmed up and began pecking at the seeds. In the evening, Vitya made a feeder. The next day, the guys released the sparrow into the wild, and hung a bird feeder on a birch tree in the park. Every day the children brought bread crumbs and seeds to the feeder. This is how the guys helped the birds survive the harsh winter.

— Did you like the story? (Yes)

— What were the names of the girl and boy? (Masha and Vitya)

Who did they find? (sparrow)

— how did they help the sparrow? (put it in a mitten and took it home)

- What did Vitya do? (feeder)

Why do birds need a feeder? (for the birds to eat)

— Tell me, what is actually most terrible for birds is hunger or cold? (hunger)

Of course, guys, hunger is terrible, because birds are warmed by feathers, and under the snow it is difficult for birds to find food.

- Do you think the guys did a good deed? (Yes)

Educator: Would you like me to read the story to you again? (Yes)

(Takes a piece of paper) But the trouble is, I put the piece of paper on the table, and there was water here and some of the words turned out to be blurry, but I really wanted to read the story to you again, maybe you can help me, and we can read it together? (Yes)

(The teacher reads and the children complete)

Educator: Well done, thank you guys, maybe someone wants to retell our story? (children retell)

Educator: Thank you, guys. It's so cold outside, even our hands are frozen. Let's warm them up. (self-massage of hands is performed)

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five (curls fingers)

We went for a walk in the yard (walk fingers over palm)

They sculpted a snow woman (roll the lump with two palms)

The birds were fed crumbs (crumb the bread)

Then we rode down the hill (run a finger across the palm)

And they were also lying in the snow (put palm on top of one palm,then the other side)

Everyone came home covered in snow (we shake off our palms)

We ate soup and went to bed (movement of an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheek) 2 times

Educator: While we were playing, it snowed heavily and real snowflakes flew to us. Look what they are?

Do you want the snowflakes to spin? (Yes)

- Then you need to blow on them (slowly draw air through your nose. Don’t puff out your cheeks, stretch your lips like a “tube” and blow on the snowflakes.

(children perform exercise "Snowflakes" 3-5 times)

Educator: And now I propose to play again. The game is called: “Pass the snowball – say words of action”

It happens outside in winter different weather, then a blizzard breaks out, then there is severe frost, then there is snowfall. I will ask you questions, and you answer.

- Frost (what does it do?) - freezes, pinches, bites

Blizzard (what is it doing?) – howls, rages, sweeps

- Snow (what does it do?) - goes, circles, flies, falls

Children (what are they doing?) - playing, riding, rejoicing, having fun

— The sun (what is it doing?) – shines, but does not warm

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task. Now come to me and look at our diagram. Let's we honor those already familiar to us poems in various ways.

(Children look at the diagram and explain how to read - loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly, cheerfully, sadly)

Children play and read poems in pairs:

The bear got very sick, the bear ate a lot of honey

The bear cries and growls. My stomach hurts.

Educator: I really liked how you read the poems correctly according to the scheme. And I’ve also prepared a picture for you about winter (after all, it’s winter here now). Your task, guys, is to place the animals correctly where they should live.

Children: - This is a wolf, he lives in the forest.

- This is a bear, he lives in the forest.

- This is a cat, she lives with a person.

- This is a dog, she lives with a person and... etc.

Educator: Guys, while we were studying, our snowflakes that flew to us melted, because it’s warm in our group (and the snow, remember our experiments, melts in the warmth), I suggest you draw the snowflakes yourself, take markers and draw.

Children draw on their own while listening to music.

Have a nice day everyone!!!

See you soon!!!