So, creating a book includes the following steps:

1. Acceptance of the manuscript to the publishing house

This seemingly simple process contains a number of important procedural issues that can become important in the future in organizational, legal and other respects. After reviewing your manuscript, our managers, based on the genre, the presence of diagrams, drawings, tables, illustrations, will assess the complexity of the layout, advise on the optimal volume and execution of the publication, and help you choose the most suitable materials for the design of the book and its printing, they will make a preliminary calculation of the costs of publication. Depending on the purpose of publishing the book (a gift to the author, for distribution to friends, for sale), they will advise you and select best option legal relations between you and the publishing house. Acquainted with standard contracts You can contact the Book Maker publishing house.

2. Preliminary study and evaluation of the manuscript

The manuscript accepted by the publishing house is reviewed by the executive secretary and transferred to the editorial office dealing with this topic. Publishing house specialists, when viewing or selectively reading the manuscript for the first time, come to general opinion regarding whether this manuscript is ready to be accepted for production or whether the author needs to refine the text, illustrative materials, invite the executive editor, submit the manuscript for external review, etc.

3. Review of manuscripts (at the request of the author)

A review is a text containing a critical assessment of a work. External review - carried out by an authoritative specialist (or several specialists) known in a given narrow field of knowledge. (We may not be talking about the entire work, but about its most specific part). One of serious problems- search for a worthy reviewer. After all we're talking about not only about a specialist, but also about a person who is capable of showing integrity and objectivity despite the fact that, due to the coincidence of the sphere of creativity, his interests may conflict with the interests of the author. A variety of collisions are possible here, but one of them is very important - the reviewer belongs to another creative school, to different views than the author, with a high professional level of both. The choice of reviewer is a major concern for the publisher. The reviewer, within the deadlines established by the publishing house and in accordance with the requirements of the publishing house set out in the memo to the reviewer or in a letter to him, sends a review containing a comprehensive analysis of the author's work, relating mainly to a special part of the text. The reviewers who constantly collaborate with the Book-maker publishing group include reputable scientists and specialists from the faculties of Moscow University and a number of academic institutes in Russia.

4. Literary editing (at the request of the author)

Editing (from French redaction, Latin redaktus - put in order) is a multi-valued concept, in our case it is part of the publishing process, the content of which is work on the manuscript of a work in order to improve it in literary, linguistic, professional, scientific, social relations. Types of editing used in the publishing process: literary, scientific and/or special, artistic, technical. However, the main one is literary. . First, the editor reads and analyzes the manuscript in order to evaluate and determine the possible perception of the work by the reader, the correspondence of the concept, title, subtitle to the content and genre of the work. Then the composition and structure of the text is analyzed and, if necessary, changed, dividing it hierarchically into parts (chapters, paragraphs, general and specific elements). Work on the structure of the manuscript and its improvement is exclusively important stage editing, which influences the reader's perception of the book. The editor establishes all the compositional elements, determines the system of headings and subheadings, decides on the introduction of headers and footers, a table of contents, in-text and extra-text editorial notes and the content of these structural elements. After this is carried out important work over the correspondence of the style to the genre of the work, and then scrupulously eliminating semantic, stylistic, grammatical and other errors and shortcomings. The editor takes part in the preparation of the design project for the publication, and the technical and artistic editors agree on fundamental decisions with him. An important part of the work of editing a book is the creation (if necessary) of a reference apparatus, including a preface, afterword, book annotation, comments, notes, as well as various indexes - subject, alphabetical, index of names, titles (depending on the subject of the book - periodicals, cities, animals, coals, cars, plants, etc.) found in the text. The presence of indexes in the book indicates the culture of the publication. The editor works in direct communication with the proofreader and the author, coordinating all types of edits at all stages and controls all changes in the text made by the author and employees of the publishing house and printing house, and, naturally, with the technical editor, coordinating with him the most convenient and effective methods for perception presentation of structure elements in the text (choice of location, fonts, highlighting of each fragment).

5. Scientific or special editing (at the request of the author)

This stage is not mandatory, in some cases it may not occur, but often, when more thorough editing is required in terms of professional or scientific subtleties, the specifics of the text, it is carried out by specialists working in the publishing house or invited to perform this work. Special meaning in this process, the text uses scientific documentation, information publications, state standards and others regulatory documents. Important elements of scientific editing are editing tables, formulas, technical illustrations, diagrams, graphs, correct notation in accordance with international and domestic standards physical quantities, symbols, etc. In scientific and specialized literature, the reference apparatus of the publication is important. Scientific or special editing is done before literary editing or after it, and sometimes in the middle of this process. This type of editing is carried out by a scientific editor.

6. Proofreading work

Proofreading (from Latin correktura - correction, improvement) - stage production process publishing books, newspapers, magazines and other printed materials, which eliminates various errors and shortcomings made during editing and typesetting. Proofreading is a very important publishing process designed to eliminate errors, typos, misprints and other shortcomings that reduce the perception of the text in the finished, published work. Work on proofreading the same work is carried out in several stages: first on the manuscript, then, after typing, on the proof proofs and, finally, before printing - in order to identify and, if possible, eliminate errors before the book is published. Proofreading work is carried out not only by the proofreader, but also by the author and other employees of the publishing house (editor, technical editor, art editor), as well as the printing house, which has its own typographical proofreader. Accordingly, a distinction is made between author's, publisher's and typographical proofs. Based on the nature and methods of its execution, proofreading is divided into proofreading, during which technical errors are corrected through careful reading; editing-reconciliation to check corrections in the layout sheets, carried out by both end-to-end reading of proof sheets and line-by-line reading; proofreading performed by two proofreaders, one of whom reads the original text aloud, and the other monitors the corrections and reports each of them to the second proofreader in order to eliminate omissions in the editing and inconsistencies with the original; a summary produced in a printing house for the purpose of compiling all types of edits and monitoring the correctness of lines, stripes, printed sheets in general, crippled.

7. EDITION design

After proofreading the manuscript (and often earlier), work begins on the artistic design of the work. This essential element preparation of the publication. The reader's attitude towards the book largely depends on how effectively and professionally the artwork is executed. Publication form appearance, attractiveness, convenience and comfort of perception components and elements primarily contribute to interest in the work, the content of which is still unknown to the reader. A book that is professionally and aesthetically designed makes you want to read it; it is difficult to let go of it when looking at it in a bookstore; you want to return to it more often if the content turns out to be interesting and useful. At this stage, the art editor, together with the author and the leading editor, resolve issues related to the placement, nature and number of illustrations, cover design, title page, flyleaf. If the publication is extensively illustrated, a design design will be required. It is very important to create a design style and the interconnectedness of its parts. In this project, based on data on the type of publication, genre of the published work, readership, volume, circulation and composition of illustrations, decisions are developed on methods and forms of illustrations, production of printing forms, bookbinding works. The project includes the selection of materials for publication (paper, cardboard, fabrics, etc.).

The designer creates a design project and organizes its coordination with other specialists from the publishing house and printing house. He supervises the work of artists, photographers, graphic artists, retouchers, who perform one or another part of the design in accordance with their specialization, and controls each type of these works, as well as printing processes associated with printing. Edits illustrations and performs some types of design work independently.

8. Technical editing

Simultaneously or in parallel with the artistic work, technical editing is carried out, the content of which is the choice of publication format, size and font typefaces, the use of rulers and other elements for highlighting text, the structure and placement of text and illustrations on each page. The choice of format depends on the type of publication, functional purpose books. Collection of poems, textbook, scientific monograph, a souvenir edition, a geographical atlas or an album of reproductions from an art gallery, of course, must have a different format. Besides, important role When choosing a format, the technological capabilities of the printing house where the book will be printed and the convenient line length play a role. The choice of font is also related to the purpose of the book, compliance with its content, aesthetic and hygienic requirements. Along with the choice of typeface, depending on the genre and style of the work, the selection of point size is important. For ease of reading, the preferred size is no less than 9 and no more than 14, and the line length is 50-55 characters. What is also important is the normal arrangement of characters and words in a line, normal (not too narrow, but not sparse) spaces between characters and between words. The choice of typing method is important - with justification of lines, that is, maintaining their graphic completeness, or to the detriment of the latter, creating equality between word spaces. It is possible to use hyphens at the end of lines, eliminating the disadvantages of both options. The commonly used single-column typesetting in certain cases, for example, when publishing poetry or when the publication format is too large, can be effectively replaced by two or multi-column ones.

The technical editor is engaged in the creation and placement of texts located on the cover, flyleaf, dust jacket, title page, captions, footers, and table of contents. One of the main tasks of technical editing is preparing a set of design projects, and, if necessary, a layout of the publication. The technical editor prepares a technological specification for a printing enterprise, which, together with a set of other documents and materials, is transferred to the printing house as a task from the publishing house for execution printing works.

9. Typesetting and layout

Working on a manuscript in a publishing house - editing of all types, proofreading, artistic and technical editing in total lead to the creation of an original layout prepared for transmission to the printing house.

The original layout, compiled in the publishing house by professional layout designers, is transferred to the printing house both in printed form and in electronic form - on floppy disks or laser disks.

Also in our publishing house it is possible to display photo transparencies on desktop publishing systems, which significantly increases the reliability in preparing a high-quality original layout. With this technology, the printing house only produces printing and subsequent production processes.

Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees
(approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 N 37)

Technical editor

Job responsibilities. Carries out technical editing of publications in order to ensure their high-quality printing. Participates in the development of artistic and technical design projects for publications. In accordance with the nature of the publications, he clarifies the structure of the manuscript, checks the correctness of its structure (breakdown into sections, parts, chapters, etc.) and the subordination of headings in the table of contents. Determines the technical suitability of the original for typesetting. Makes markings of the original publication, indicates the typesetting technique, the order of arrangement of illustrations and design elements of publications. Prepares layouts of artistic and technical design of complex publications, complex in the construction of pages (tables, drawings, ornaments). Checks the author's original illustrations in order to determine the possibility of their use to create originals suitable for printing reproduction, and determines technological features their manufacture. Draws up technical publishing specifications and monitors the implementation of instructions for the printing execution of the printed publication. Checks and processes proof prints, evaluates the quality of the typesetting, the composition of each page and spread. Monitors compliance by printing enterprises with the requirements established by specifications, gives appropriate instructions for correcting typing errors and technical design deficiencies. Processes proofs of proofs of illustrations, pastes them in numbering order. Eliminates violations caused by text changes by the editor, checks the table of contents with the text, checks the correct construction of headings and their font design, and marks inserts. Together with art editor prepares the cover (binding) for printing. Checks and fills in the output of the publication. Reviews signal copies, checks the quality of printing, bookbinding and finishing work. Takes measures to improve the printing performance of publications in the production of circulation.

Must know: methods of technical editing of scientific and methodological literature, information and regulatory materials; technical rules for the preparation and marking of text originals for book and magazine publications, preparation and design of original illustrations; the procedure for drawing up technical publishing specifications, projects for artistic and technical design of publications; rules for preparing a manuscript for production, proofreading for printing; standards and technical specifications on artistic and technical design of publications; typographic fonts and rules for their use; procedure for calculating the volume of publications; planning accounting units of measurement of publishing and printing products; standard proofreading marks and notations; current standards for technical editing; printing production technology; economics and organization of printing production; basics of labor organization and labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years.

Technical editing terms


Basic concepts and terms of technical editing, such as publication, publisher, publishing house, publishing organization, publishing products, manufacturer of publishing products, etc.

Publication - a work (document) that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, produced by printing, embossing or other methods, contains information intended for distribution, and meets the requirements of state standards and other regulations regarding publishing design, printing and technical performance.

Publisher - physical or entity, which prepares and publishes the publication.

A publishing house is a specialized enterprise whose main activity is the preparation and production of publishing products.

Publishing organization is an enterprise, institution or organization whose charter, along with other types of activities, provides for the preparation and release of publishing products.

Publishing products are a set of publications prepared for release or released by the publisher (publishers).

Manufacturer of publishing products - an individual or legal entity that produces the ordered edition of a publication.

The publication can be divided into types according to the following criteria:

Special purpose;

Material construction;

Sign nature of information;

Composition of the main text;



The degree of analytical-synthetic transformation of information.

There are different types of publications. For example, reference publications are divided into dictionaries, reference books, and encyclopedias; educational publications - for textbooks, teaching aids, problem books, etc..

Publishing is aimed at:

Satisfying the needs of an individual, society, state in publishing products and making a profit from this type of activity;

Creating opportunities for citizens to self-identify as authors, regardless of race, skin color, political, religious and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other characteristics;

Ensuring the right to freedom of thought and speech, to freely express one’s views and beliefs;

Promoting the national and cultural development of the Ukrainian people by increasing total number circulation, volumes and expansion of thematic areas of Ukrainian book publishing;

Ensuring access of Ukrainian society to universal human values ​​through translation state language best achievements world literature, science, etc., establishing cooperation with foreign publishing houses, the Ukrainian diaspora, concluding relevant international agreements;

Increasing the number of publications by foreign languages, which would spread knowledge about Ukraine throughout the world;

Strengthening the material and technical base of the publishing and printing complex and the distribution network of publishing products.

When studying the topic, you should also define such concepts as book publication, book, brochure, text publication, text, publication format, its architectonics, etc.

A book edition is a publication in the form of a block of sheets of printed material of a certain format bound at the spine in a cover or frame.

Book - book edition of over 48 pages.

Brochure is a book publication ranging from 4 to 48 pages.

The text edition is the edition most the volume of which is occupied by verbal, digital, in the form of hieroglyphs, formulas (chemical or mathematical) or mixed text.

Text is a part of a publication that contains information depicted using a specific set of characters.

Publication format - the dimensions of the finished publication, which are determined by the width and length of the publication page in millimeters or the width and length of a sheet of paper in centimeters, indicating the share that the publication page occupies on it.

The architectonics of a publication is the art of its construction, the harmonious and thoughtful arrangement of all elements of the publication: text, illustrations, decorations, etc., a component of its artistic design. It expresses the structure, the architectonics of the work(s) placed in it and the entire publication.

Printing products are extremely necessary in our lives, including science, culture, education, medicine and other areas. It is used for personal, public and industrial needs.

A significant range of products is due to the variety of their circulation, formats, purposes, and designs.

All printing products can be divided into five main types:

publishing products that are produced by publishing houses or organizations that sell (distribute) them. The main purpose of this product is an informative function;

label and packaging products, on which competitiveness and purchasing power in the world largely depend market conditions;

business printed products that perform organizational functions, which are also called display and form products (reports, forms, etc.);

special products of ministries and departments ( securities, stamps, forms of strict reporting documents);

products and semi-finished products for other industries (wallpaper, texture materials, decalcomania).

The main one here is publishing products, which are one of the means (along with such as television, radio, Internet networks) of disseminating information, scientific knowledge, political social thought, preservation of spiritual values ​​of generations and peoples.

There are a number of requirements for publishing products, the main ones being maximum information content and a relatively low cost so that it can be purchased, as well as updating and a significant shelf life.

Publishing houses and printing enterprises must cooperate closely, since their joint and efficient work depend on both the quality of the products produced and the creation of printed products that meet the highest aesthetic and artistic requirements. This also applies to the literary, scientific, information levels of materials that are published on the pages of publications, the form of their presentation, technical and decoration. Publishing houses provide the preparation, editing and design of publications, and printing enterprises must properly ensure the technical and aesthetic execution of the publication in a certain circulation within the established time frame.

The artistic and technical design of a publication is the first stage in the creation of publishing products; the next stage is its printing, which ultimately determines the face of the publication. The quality of the printing design of a publication is determined by a number of factors: the quality of the artist’s execution of the original design, the correct choice of printing equipment and technology, and the quality of printing work.

The beauty of the publication lies not only in its illustrative nature. Using only printing means of design (fonts, ornaments, type of paper), you can design the publication well. The category of the future reader should also be taken into account. The choice of printing method has an important influence on the quality of the publication's printing.

The purpose of publishing both printed and electronic publications is to satisfy the needs for printed products as a means of information. The design of the modern edition has purposeful nature, which manifests itself in finding the best option sending a text message to the reader. In the practice of publishing publications, publishing houses strive to disclose artistic image publication and its architectonics (construction), ensuring the ease of reading the text, using the publication, the appropriateness of the choice of materials, technological processes. We should not forget an important principle - the cost-effectiveness of the publication, which is ensured the right choice fonts, publication format, as well as compliance with technical conditions for the production of printed forms.

Editorial and technical preparation of information and development of a printing project for the publication are carried out in the publishing house in accordance with industry and state standards. In case of deviations from the norms of these design standards, the publication must be agreed upon with the printing company that will issue it.

Probably, in no other sphere of public activity do so many diverse specialists from various spheres of production and service provision collaborate simultaneously as in the publishing and printing business. A printed publication is prepared for release by the author of the work, a literary or scientific editor, a graphic designer, a technical editor, printing technologists, and scientists who are working on the development of new technologies and materials. Perfect content and high quality The execution of the publication depends on the level of their qualifications, as well as cooperation. Each of the above-mentioned specialists must have both comprehensive training in general education and applied disciplines in their specialty, as well as certain knowledge about the specifics of the work of other specialists involved in the birth of the printed publication. Among the above-mentioned specialists, a significant role in the creation of printed materials is played by a technical editor, who designs the image of the future publication and translates it into the system symbols, layouts that are understandable to the printing house workers who implement this project. He monitors the printing process of the publication at every stage technological process, he must not only correctly assess the quality of the work, but clearly and competently express his comments and give instructions regarding the correction of identified errors.

2.1 Originals for printed publications

An original for printing publications is text or graphic material that has undergone editorial and publishing processing and which is the basis for creating a printed publication by means of printing: recreation by typesetting, reproduction by photochemical or electronically, replication on printing machine and transformation after the bookmaking, palette and finishing processes into a circulation of the finished publication.

The basic requirements for the author's text and visual originals, which are transferred by the author (team of authors) to the publishing house (publishing organization) for publication in accordance with the concluded agreement, as well as for the publishing text originals, which are transferred by the publishing houses (publishing organizations) to the printing enterprise, are regulated by the state standard.

The above standard does not apply to text originals for some types of publications that require special methods for producing printed forms: unique, facsimile, experimental, music (without text), cartographic. The standard also does not apply to originals for the production of printed products (labels, stickers, white goods, etc.), microcopies, photocopies.

There are three main types of originals: author's, publishing and original layout (reproduced original layout).

The author's original is the original prepared by the author (team of authors) of the work, which includes all the necessary components (main, additional and auxiliary texts, original illustrations, captions, etc.) for transmission to the publishing house with subsequent publishing and editorial processing and release.

Publishing original is the author's original after its editorial and publishing processing, supplemented by originals external design and marked for printing; it has a publishing specification, which indicates the technical and technological parameters of the future publication. To summarize, we can say: the publishing original is a complete draft of the publication, which serves as a guide for printing execution.

The original layout is a publishing original, each page of which coincides with the page of the future publication. The original layout can be typewritten (printed on a regular printing press) or compiled on a computer information system; it is signed for printing and sent to the printing house for layout and printing.

A reproduced master layout is an original prepared for the production of a photographic plate or printing plate by photomechanical means or by scanning, like an image. Now, due to the spread of computer typesetting and computer information systems, this type of original is widely used for printing operational one-color publications with a small circulation (abstracts, conference materials, postcards, etc.). When classifying originals, four main criteria are used:

The halftone or line original determines the nature of the signal that creates the binary image. (All text originals belong to linework);

An opaque or transparent original determines the principles of signal formation and transmission when the image is perceived in reflected or transmitted light;

The black and white or color original determines the characteristics of the spectrum of the signal that creates the image;

A pictorial or textual original defines an image or logical (textual) information.

Originals also differ in the method of their production: drawings, paintings, photographs, reflections.

Electronic images as originals for printing. IN Lately Bitmap originals are widely used, both single and multi-color on prints, prints or on copying machine copies. With the introduction of CIS into printing, electronic images created in computer systems(computer graphics), digital cameras, recorded on CD-ROM, as well as images received via the Internet.

Images on CD-ROM. The development of digital technology has made it possible for companies that offer image archives to produce their own electronic catalogs. The idea of ​​a one-time high-quality scan with the next sale in digital form at a relatively low price turned out to be successful. A CD-ROM with digitized images appeared.

Digital photography. Period from 1991 to 1994 became a turning point. Printers and publishers have stopped shying away from desktop publishing systems (DTP). DTP technologies created new way preparing the original for publication.

In 1997 -1999 The world of photography experienced a similar transformation. After a quick conversion digital cameras from an expensive toy to professional tool The traditional role of the photographer has changed. He no longer has to wait for pictures from the darkroom. The photographer and the customer can see the picture on the monitor almost immediately after shooting.

Digital photography gives the photographer the opportunity to experiment. Previously, his work was completed when he saw that the pictures were clear, with good composition and correctly conveyed the color. Now the photographer is responsible not only for the quality of the image, but also for the suitability of the electronic file for further use. Not only photographers are getting used to this, but also art editors, who change the usual criteria for evaluating a photographer’s work. And although other specialists are still involved in color separation, photographers are still forced to familiarize themselves with the features of conversion in the RGB and CMYK color models.

The author's textual original is the text part of the work. prepared by the author (team of authors) for transmission to the publishing house with subsequent publishing and editorial processing and release.

A publishing text original is the text part of a work that has undergone editorial and publishing processing and is signed for typesetting or printing. responsible persons publishing house (publishing organization) and prepared for transfer to a printing company.


Printouts prepared on personal computers;


Publishing text originals, depending on the nature of their processing in the publishing house, are divided into:


Printed for reprinting without changes (repeated);

Printed for reprint with changes;

Job responsibilities Technical editor. Carries out technical editing of publications in order to ensure their high-quality printing. Participates in the development of artistic and technical design projects for publications. In accordance with the nature of the publications, he clarifies the structure of the manuscript, checks the correctness of its structure (breakdown into sections, parts, chapters, etc.) and the subordination of headings in the table of contents. Determines the technical suitability of the original for typesetting. Makes markings of the original publication, indicates the typesetting technique, the order of arrangement of illustrations and design elements of publications. Prepares layouts of artistic and technical design of complex publications, complex in the construction of pages (tables, drawings, ornaments). Checks the author's original illustrations in order to determine the possibility of their use to create originals suitable for printing reproduction, and determines the technological features of their manufacture. Draws up technical publishing specifications and monitors the implementation of instructions for the printing execution of the printed publication. Checks and processes proof prints, evaluates the quality of the typesetting, the composition of each page and spread. Monitors compliance by printing enterprises with the requirements established by specifications, gives appropriate instructions for correcting typing errors and technical design deficiencies. Processes proofs of proofs of illustrations, pastes them in numbering order. Eliminates violations caused by text changes by the editor, checks the table of contents with the text, checks the correct construction of headings and their font design, and marks inserts. Together with the art editor, prepares the cover (binding) for printing. Checks and fills in the output of the publication. Reviews signal copies, checks the quality of printing, bookbinding and finishing work. Takes measures to improve the printing performance of publications in the production of circulation.
Technical editor Must know: methods of technical editing of scientific and methodological literature, information and regulatory materials; technical rules for the preparation and marking of text originals for book and magazine publications, preparation and design of original illustrations; the procedure for drawing up technical publishing specifications, projects for artistic and technical design of publications; rules for preparing a manuscript for production, proofreading for printing; standards and technical conditions for artistic and technical design of publications; typographic fonts and rules for their use; procedure for calculating the volume of publications; planning accounting units of measurement of publishing and printing products; standard proofreading marks and notations; current standards for technical editing; printing production technology; economics and organization of printing production; basics of labor organization and labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.
Qualification requirements for a Technical Editor. Higher professional education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years.

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees
Sections « Industry-wide qualification characteristics of positions of workers employed in enterprises, institutions and organizations" And " Qualification characteristics positions of workers employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations", approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 N 37
(edited on May 15, 2013)


Technical editor

Job responsibilities. Carries out technical editing of publications in order to ensure their high-quality printing. Participates in the development of artistic and technical design projects for publications. In accordance with the nature of the publications, he clarifies the structure of the manuscript, checks the correctness of its structure (breakdown into sections, parts, chapters, etc.) and the subordination of headings in the table of contents. Determines the technical suitability of the original for typesetting. Makes markings of the original publication, indicates the typesetting technique, the order of arrangement of illustrations and design elements of publications. Prepares layouts of artistic and technical design of complex publications, complex in the construction of pages (tables, drawings, ornaments). Checks the author's original illustrations in order to establish the possibility of their use to create originals suitable for printing reproduction, and determines the technological features of their production. Draws up technical publishing specifications and monitors the implementation of instructions for the printing execution of the printed publication. Checks and processes proof prints, evaluates the quality of the typesetting, the composition of each page and spread. Monitors compliance by printing enterprises with the requirements established by specifications, gives appropriate instructions for correcting typing errors and technical design deficiencies. Processes proofs of proofs of illustrations, pastes them in numbering order. Eliminates violations caused by text changes by the editor, checks the table of contents with the text, checks the correct construction of headings and their font design, and marks inserts. Together with the art editor, prepares the cover (binding) for printing. Checks and fills in the output of the publication. Reviews signal copies, checks the quality of printing, bookbinding and finishing work. Takes measures to improve the printing performance of publications in the production of circulation.

Must know: methods of technical editing of scientific and methodological literature, information and regulatory materials; technical rules for the preparation and marking of text originals for book and magazine publications, preparation and design of original illustrations; the procedure for drawing up technical publishing specifications, projects for artistic and technical design of publications; rules for preparing a manuscript for production, proofreading for printing; standards and technical conditions for artistic and technical design of publications; typographic fonts and rules for their use; procedure for calculating the volume of publications; planning accounting units of measurement of publishing and printing products; standard proofreading marks and notations; current standards for technical editing; printing production technology; economics and organization of printing production; basics of labor organization and labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years.