Simplicity in maintenance, calm disposition, funny behavior, strength and dexterity, peculiar grace - all these definitions fully apply to the Australian lizard called the bearded dragon. The exotic reptile has taken root in domestic terrariums so easily and well that its circle of owners numbers about a million people. No wonder: many people want to have a real descendant of dinosaurs in their home!

The lizard's habitat is the central and eastern parts of Australia; In other places in the world, no one has seen a bearded dragon in natural conditions. Thus, it is considered an endemic animal.

The lizard lives mainly in desert areas, but is often found in the mountains and even on tree branches. It can dig holes in the ground, and also hide well in mountain crevices. It feeds on insects and small rodents.

It was classified at the beginning of the 20th century and assigned to the class Reptiles, the order Squamate, the Agamaceae family and the genus Pogona. On Latin The dinosaur's full name is spelled Pogona vitticeps, with Pogona meaning "bearded" and vitticeps meaning "bulbous head".

In addition to the bearded dragon, the genus Pogona includes 7 more species of animals.


Agama is considered quite large lizard, length adult along with the tail wild conditions can reach 60 cm, with the tail making up about 50% of the total length.

It received its name due to the presence of special scaly spines on the throat and sides of the head, which swell in case of danger; in this position, the throat spines just resemble a beard.

The lizard's body is flattened on top, disc-shaped, its legs are muscular and very strong, its fingers have sharp claws, its body color is usually gray or greenish-brown. Why as a rule?

Because a dragon can change its color depending on its mood and the surrounding air: when low temperature the body becomes noticeably darker. Not a chameleon, of course, but still...

The agama's mouth is wide, its teeth are quite sharp, and the front teeth are more suitable for capturing prey, and the back teeth are more suitable for chewing food. At the end of the wide tongue there is a sticky area with which it deftly captures various insects. The lizard has excellent hearing and vision, which greatly helps it in hunting.

On the sides of the body from the anterior to hind legs Small, relatively sharp thorns are located in two even rows.

Frightening appearance, isn't it? However, in fact, the bearded dragon is a calm, unpretentious and completely non-aggressive animal. If, of course, it is maintained correctly and treated with understanding.

Capacity. Naturally, it must be kept in a terrarium; it cannot be allowed to swim freely around the apartment or house. Moreover, based on the considerable size of the lizard, the terrarium should be quite large: 1.8 m in length, 0.5 m in width and 0.4 m in height. And this is for one individual. For two or more lizards, the volume of the terrarium should be significantly larger.

Experts especially pay attention to the fact that access to the inside of the terrarium with agamas is not from above, but from the side. It would seem, what's the difference?

But it turns out that the dragon can mistake the owner’s hand coming down from above for a bird of prey - the eternal enemy of all lizards - and react accordingly.

Bottom. It is recommended to use coarse sand as soil and never gravel, especially fine gravel: the animal may swallow stones. But reptiles will happily bury themselves in the sand.

The terrarium must be covered. It is better if it is a grill to ensure air circulation.

Temperature very important! During the day, the temperature in the terrarium must be maintained at no lower than + 30 degrees, and at night at no lower than + 20. This will correspond natural conditions a habitat. Therefore, it is necessary to install a heating device (such special devices for terrariums are sold in many pet stores).

Water. At least once a week you need to carry out water procedures - bathe the lizard in warm water or spray it, then dry it with a soft napkin.

Food for agama

The bearded dragon is omnivorous and unpretentious in food. You can give both plant and animal food: crickets, cockroaches, eggs of small birds.

Plant foods usually include grated carrots, cabbage, dandelion leaves, parsley, lettuce, and apples.

It is advisable to change the diet from time to time. Commercial vitamin supplements should not be abused; they can be given no more than once a month.

You should purchase a massive feeder so that it does not accidentally tip over; feed needs to be added every two days.

The lizard drinks little; experienced terrarium owners recommend pouring mineral water into the drinking bowl.

Reproduction in a terrarium

Agamas reach sexual maturity by 2 years. Subject to special temperature conditions, mating of individuals usually occurs in March. The gestation period lasts about 30 days.

This species is oviparous, so a number of conditions must be met for laying. The female buries the eggs deep in the sand (to a depth of 40 cm), which is why the expectant mother needs to be moved to a separate deep terrarium or box with sand.

As a rule, a typical clutch consists of 8-20 eggs, incubation period is up to 2 months.

It is better to transplant young agams from a sandbox. Still inexperienced and stupid, they may accidentally swallow grains of sand. It is better to transplant them into a container where the bottom is covered with soft napkins.

Bearded dragon at home

In captivity, these reptiles live quite a long time - 10 years or more. These years can be a period of interesting interactions with your bearded dragon.

It is believed that she is one of the few lizards with remarkable intelligence: she quickly gets used to her owner, home environment, with visible pleasure enjoys light stroking, sits with pleasure on the owner’s shoulder, recognizes the voice of its owner.

To make the baby dragon comfortable and interesting at home, you can walk around the house with him, but you should not leave him unattended.

It is advisable to create decorations in the terrarium: install a thick one on which the agama will lie, build a slide or grotto from flat stones.

The agama becomes truly tame if you communicate with it every day, talking in a quiet voice, gradually trying to give treats from your hands, lightly scratching its spiky chin. There is no need to scream if your pet tries to bite; after all, this is not a service dog that is trained to obey commands. Patience, affection and calm treatment - this is what will lead to the appearance in the house of a devoted and sociable exotic animal that will recognize household members by its voice.

The bearded dragon is fairly easy to tame and is not difficult to keep. Yes, the terrarium takes up a lot of space, but the inconvenience is more than compensated by the joy of communication between a person and a pet dragon. And this joy is mutual...

The bearded agama is a fairly unpretentious Australian lizard that is often recommended for beginners. Thanks to its unusual color, calm disposition and ease of care, it is very popular today. Not to mention her interesting appearance, which casts doubt on its earthly origin.


Agama has several species, but the most popular is Pogona vitticeps. They live in arid areas, preferring daytime, and lead an arboreal and terrestrial lifestyle. They got their name from the small pouch located under the jaw. In cases of danger and during the breeding season, they tend to inflate it.

These lizards are very large. A bearded dragon at home can reach a length of 40-55 cm and weigh from 280 grams. They live for about ten years, but good conditions this period can almost double.

The color can be quite varied - from reddish to almost white.

Content Features

A terrarium for a bearded dragon will require a rather large one. Minimum sizes for keeping one individual:

  • Length – from 2 m;
  • Width – from 50 cm;
  • Height – from 40 cm.

It is impossible to keep two males in one terrarium - battles for territory can be extremely brutal. Ideally, it is best to take two females and a male. Another requirement for a tank for keeping agamas is that it must open from the side. Any intrusion from above will be perceived as an attack by a predator, therefore, the pet will immediately show aggression. The terrarium must be closed. It is better to use a grille, this will provide additional ventilation.

You can put coarse sand on the bottom. Do not use gravel as soil; lizards may swallow it. And they will rummage in the sand.

It is important to monitor the temperature. During the day it should not fall below 30 degrees, and at night - below 22. To maintain this regime, you will need to place a special heater in the terrarium. Natural light can be perfectly replaced by an ultraviolet lamp, which should burn 12-14 hours a day.

Every week the agama needs to be bathed or sprayed with a spray bottle. After water treatments, the pet should be wiped with a cloth.


These lizards are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal foods. The ratio of these types of food is determined based on the age of the agama. Thus, the diet of young individuals consists of 20% plant food, and 80% animal food. Gradually, this ratio changes, and upon reaching sexual maturity, these indicators become exactly the opposite, that is, the number of insects on the menu is greatly reduced. Pieces of food must be cut; they should be no larger than the distance from one eye to the other of the lizard.

Little agamas grow rapidly, so they need a lot of protein. It can only be obtained from insects. Therefore, young lizards often refuse to eat plant foods altogether. They are given insects three times a day. There should be enough food for the pet to eat it in 15 minutes. After this time, all remaining food is removed from the terrarium.

Adults no longer need as much protein, so they prefer vegetables, herbs and fruits. Insects can be given only once a day.

Please note that agamas are prone to overeating. If there is too much food, they will quickly become fat and lazy.

Let's list the insects that can be given to lizards: domestic cockroaches, zoobass, flour and earthworms, crickets.

Plant foods: dandelions, carrots, cabbage, alfalfa, apples, melon, strawberries, peas, grapes, green beans, sweet peppers, eggplants, squash, clover, beets, blueberries, dried bananas.


Bearded dragons reach puberty at two years of age. Mating most often begins in March. To achieve this, you need to follow one rule - maintain standard temperature regime and avoid sudden changes. Pregnancy in lizards lasts about a month.

Agamas are an oviparous species. But in order for the female to lay eggs, she needs to dig a hole 30-45 cm deep. Therefore, the pregnant agama is usually placed in a special container filled with sand. Do not forget that the temperature in it must be maintained at the same level as in the terrarium. At one time, the lizard is able to lay an average of 10 to 18 eggs. They will ripen in about two months.

When the cubs appear, they will need to be transferred to protein diet. Do not leave babies in an aquarium with sand; they may ingest it and die. Place them in a container, the bottom of which will be covered with napkins. As you can see, breeding agamas is not such a complicated process.

The bearded dragon, which is a representative of Australian lizards with a calm character and captivating color. Such a pet will certainly appeal to all lovers of unusual pets.


The most known species The agamas are Pogona vitticeps, which tend to live in arid areas. Lizards live both on the ground and in trees. They are most active during the daytime. Due to the presence of a special pouch located under the jaw, they got their name. IN mating season or at the moment when they are in danger, the reptile inflates this pouch.

The bearded dragon, a photo of which can be seen below, has quite impressive size of her body, namely from 40 centimeters to just over half a meter, while her weight ranges from 280 grams. up to one and a half kilos. The lifespan of such an unusual pet varies on average from ten years, however, if all the necessary comfortable conditions, they can live much longer.

The bearded dragon can have a variety of colors, from red shades to almost white.

A terrarium for an agama must have minimum size: 200x50x40 cm.

Males tend to defend their territory, so two males will not get along in the same terrarium. The best solution would be to get two females and one male. An important nuance in arranging a terrarium is that it should open from the side. This arrangement of the side door is due to the fact that the pet will perceive an attempt to enter the terrarium from above as an attack by a predatory individual, and, consequently, an aggressive reaction will follow. It is best to use a lattice to furnish the lizard’s home, which will completely cover the terrarium and at the same time provide additional ventilation.

A terrarium for a bearded dragon should be covered with sand, but gravel should never be used, since the lizards can consume it with their food.

Keeping bearded dragons requires a certain temperature regime. During the daytime, the temperature should be no lower than 30°C, but at night minimum temperature should be 22°C. To maintain this mode, it will be necessary to provide the terrarium with a heater. So that the lighting in the lizard's home is similar solar radiation, must be used.

The lizard must be sprayed or bathed weekly. At the end of this procedure, the pet should be wiped with a light cloth.


The bearded dragon, which is not very difficult to care for, also needs a certain diet.

When answering the question of what to feed your bearded dragon, it should be noted that these fascinating exotic pets will consume both plant and animal food. When determining the percentage of food, the age of the agama should be taken into account. Young animals should be given 1/5 of plant food, and 4/5 of the animal. When lizards reach more mature age, the feed ratio needs to be changed, most should consist of plant food, but insects should occupy 1/5 of the diet. Pieces of food intended for agamas should be divided so that they are no larger than the distance between the pet’s eyes.

Young animals in the stage of intensive growth must be given a large number of squirrel. Because of this, small agamas may not eat plant foods at all. They should be fed three times a day. The amount of food should be as much as the lizard can consume in a fifteen-minute period of time, after which the remainder must be removed.

For mature individuals, squirrels do not have this great importance. Therefore, they eat more fruits, vegetables and grass. Insect feeding can be done once a day.

The bearded agama is prone to obesity at home, so the amount of food must be observed and the lizard must not be allowed to overeat. Suitable insects:

  • crickets,
  • cockroaches,
  • earthworms,
  • zoophobes.

From plant food it is best to give:

  • carrot,
  • dandelions,
  • apples,
  • cabbage,
  • alfalfa,
  • grape,
  • peas,
  • melon,
  • eggplants,
  • blueberries,
  • Bell pepper,
  • clover,
  • zucchini, zucchini and squash.

Features of reproduction

Upon reaching two years of age, bearded dragons become capable of producing offspring.

The mating period begins in the first month of spring. To provide favorable conditions, lizards need to create the desired temperature regime, the maintenance of which is mandatory. The female bears the offspring for one month.

Since agamas lay eggs, the female must be transplanted into a special terrarium equipped with enough sand so that the female can dig a hole 0.35-0.4 m deep. The female lays eggs, the number of which varies from 10 to 18 pieces, and They mature in about two months.

After birth, the babies need to be placed in a separate container, the flooring of which will be made of napkins. Sand is not suitable for young animals; they can consume it along with food and not survive.

You can buy a bearded dragon at a price ranging from 1000 to 5000 rubles.

With the right approach, keeping pet agamas is not difficult at all.

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Many people keep exotic animals as pets. predatory fish, poisonous spiders and various reptiles. IN Lately The bearded dragon has gained popularity. It is not difficult to keep such a lizard - just create it the right conditions maintenance and provide the necessary food.

Keeping a bearded dragon is not difficult - just create the right conditions for it.

Appearance of a reptile

Breeders refer to a lizard such as agama as large breeds. In its natural environment, it can reach 60 cm in length, with more than half of the length being its tail. This reptile is nicknamed Bearded because of its spines on its head and throat, which swell greatly if it senses danger. At such moments, these thorns are very similar to a beard.

Her body itself gray or a mixture of brown and green shades, has a flattened shape. The color may change periodically, its color will depend on climatic conditions, as well as the mood of the animal itself. The agama has fairly strong and muscular legs, the toes of which have sharp claws. Some breeds have small pointed spines on the sides of the body.

The lizard's mouth is quite wide, its teeth are sharp. The reptile captures its prey with its front fangs, but with its back teeth it processes it. The wide tongue has a sticky zone with which the agave catches insects.

In addition, the reptile has very sensitive hearing and excellent vision, which help it successfully hunt at any time of the day.

Lifestyle and character

The menacing appearance of this pet often creates the misconception that this pet dragon is very dangerous. In fact, this reptile is very affectionate and calm. She willingly goes into her arms and enjoys being scratched. But the stance that frightens many can only be observed in males and during the race, when he demonstrates his strength to the female and threatens enemies who encroach on his beloved.

This breed of reptile is quite fearless. Agamas always try to attack the enemy first, and they try to do this with the help of their external characteristics, take a frightening stance, emit a snort, jump and actively wag their tail.

Experienced breeders do not recommend keeping several individuals in one terrarium at once. The fact is that they rarely get along together, which leads to frequent clashes. This is why it is extremely rare to see a lizard with a tail at home, since they lose it during collisions, and their tail, unlike other breeds, no longer grows back. And reptiles are combined only during the rutting season to give them the opportunity to reproduce.

In its natural environment, a bearded dragon can live for about 8 years, but if left to the reptile ideal conditions, then you can extend its life to 10-12 years. Before getting such an exotic animal, you need to find out in what container it needs to be kept and what food it prefers. Only after learning all the subtleties of care can you purchase a reptile.

Preparing the container

Such a pet must be kept only in a special terrarium.

In this case, the container itself should have enough big sizes so that the lizard can move freely along it and not feel constrained.

Mainly for bearded agave acquire containers of the following sizes:

  • length - 0.8 meters;
  • height - 0.4 meters;
  • width - 0.5 meters.

If you plan to keep several individuals in a container, then you need to choose a larger terrarium.

Bearded dragons must only be kept in a special terrarium.

At the same time, it is better to take containers that have an entrance located on the side, and not on the lid. The fact is that the lizard reacts extremely negatively to the hand that comes down from above, mistaking it for a predator, and can bite it.

It is necessary to pour coarse sand into the bottom of the container, into which it will be happy to bury itself. But you cannot put small pebbles into the terrarium; the agama can swallow them. The container must be closed; it is best to choose a lattice lid for this, then fresh air will always circulate in the terrarium.

Temperature and light conditions

Air temperature is very important for reptiles. A terrarium that is too cold or, conversely, a very hot temperature will have a negative impact on your exotic pet. To maintain optimal conditions, it is necessary to install a thermometer inside the container to monitor the temperature, namely:

  • during the daytime it should vary from +25 to 30 degrees;
  • at night, try not to lower it below +20 degrees.

You can purchase such thermometers at pet stores. In addition, reptiles need weekly water procedures. To do this, you can simply wipe the individual wet wipe or spray the lizard with a spray bottle.

It is also necessary to create good lighting for the agama. This can be done using an ultraviolet lamp, which perfectly replaces natural sunlight. Daylight hours for an agama should last at least 12 hours.

Nutrition Basics

What do bearded agaves eat? plant foods, and animal. But their diet needs to be tailored to their age and size. Young individuals grow quite quickly, so it is better to feed them protein foods.

It is better to prepare a special mixture for them, which includes:

  • various insects - 80%;
  • vegetables, green grass, fruits - 20%.

Bearded dragons feed on both plant and animal foods.

You should not feed your agama protein food every day; it is enough to do this once every three days; if the food remains uneaten, it must be removed. The fact is that agama at home often suffers from obesity, so you need to try not to overfeed it.

All food should be very finely chopped to prevent your pet from choking. If you plan to feed your agama insects, you should not catch them yourself; they may be sick or infectious. Pet stores sell special live food for bearded dragons.

Agamas need calcium, it must be given in the form of mineral supplements, which are first sprinkled with protein food. You can sometimes pamper your reptile with eggshells, but be sure to crush them finely. Breeders also recommend adding multivitamins that are intended for reptiles to their food at least once a month, but they must be given strictly according to the instructions.

Agamas need calcium, it must be given in the form of mineral supplements.

Agama breeding

Bearded dragons are oviparous species. Their sexual maturity occurs approximately in the second year of life. As a rule, they reproduce after wintering. It is during this period that experienced breeders begin to irradiate reptiles and feed them special drugs, which are rich in vitamin E. After the males change color, it is necessary to add a female to them.

At first, you need to carefully observe the behavior of the female. If she is lethargic and does not show obvious interest in the other half, then it is better to put her away, since, most likely, she is simply not ready to reproduce. You can try again in a few days or add another individual.

You can tell that the female is ready to mate by her characteristic movements. She begins to actively wag her tail and head, raise her paws and inflate her throat. Mating itself lasts no longer than five minutes.

Sexual maturity of the agama occurs approximately in the second year of life.

The female lays eggs after 50-60 days. For this she digs herself a shallow hole in advance. That is why you need to prepare conditions for her, move her to a separate terrarium with a sufficient layer of sand, which needs to be slightly moistened.

Basically, the agama lizard brings eggs in the amount of 10-25 pieces, but most of them remain unfertilized. In the container where the eggs are kept, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 30 degrees; the higher this figure, the faster the young will hatch. The average period of such incubation is 50−90 days. You can feed small reptiles already on the second day after birth. Basically, a female can produce two clutches of eggs per season.

Such exotic pet, as a bearded dragon takes root well in apartment conditions, and it does not need to purchase any expensive equipment or buy exotic supplements. Such reptiles quickly get used to people, giving them affection and lifting their spirits. But for the lizard to be healthy and able to live long years, it is necessary to properly care for it and not overfeed it. It is also important to provide her with a spacious home in which she can live and reproduce.

IN modern world lovers of everything special, exclusive and exotic are increasingly bringing such an unusual lizard into their homes as pet. In addition to its unique appearance, this beauty is not at all whimsical in caring for herself and feels great in apartment conditions.

But still, in order to ensure your for a pet correct and comfortable living conditions, you need to get to know him better before you bring him to your abode.

Origin and natural habitat of the bearded dragon

The bearded dragon is a fairly large lizard of the agamidae family. It is also classified in the phylum Chordata, the class Reptiles, and the order Squamate.

In order to meet the original lizard in its native territory, you should go to distant Australia. This is where this miracle of nature lives; moreover, it happily inhabits those locations that most representatives of the Australian fauna try to avoid. Agama feels very comfortable in those parts of the continent that do not have the slightest access to the sea coast. Desert and semi-desert biotopes, arid ones, are excellent for dragon life. wooded areas, bush thickets and rocky semi-deserts.

Peculiarities of lizard behavior in open nature

The active period of this scaly animal occurs during the daytime; at night, the “animal” prefers to rest in its houses or shelters. As the latter, they use areas under piles of stones, crevices of trees and shrubs, as well as burrows of other animals. It also happens that the agama independently begins to build a hole. Her lifestyle is predominantly terrestrial, although it happens that during extreme heat she climbs the trees in search of fresh cool air.

The bearded dragon is very patriotic by nature; he spends his entire life on his territory, never moving significant distances from his home. You could say that this is mysterious creature leads mainly predatory image life. The basis of its diet consists of a variety of insects, small birds and rodents. Sometimes he can afford to indulge in some delicacy of plant origin. Due to the fact that the agama inhabits areas that are distant from water sources, required amount She gets liquids from food. The big holiday for the lizard is the rainy season, then it enjoys the water to its fullest, and it does this in a very unique way: tilting its body forward so that the water can flow down it and thus drinks the flowing liquid.

Continuing the lineage of the bearded dragon

This pretty reptile belongs to oviparous species. These “little animals” reach sexual maturity at approximately two years of age. When the female is ready to mate, she shows the male dragon her consent in every possible way. And she does this with the help of a variety of movements of the head and tail. If the male understands the female agama’s hints, he begins to pursue her, when they catch up with them, he holds them with his teeth, and only then does the mating process begin.

After this, after approximately 50–70 days, the females lay eggs. By their nature they are very prudent. Before laying a clutch, the lizard digs a hole at least 35–40 cm deep. After about two to three months, small dragons are born, numbering from 10 to 20 individuals. During the year, the female produces offspring at least twice.

Features of the original appearance of the bearded dragon

Among its entire suborder, the bearded dragon is considered a fairly large lizard; the body length of an adult can reach approximately 60–70 cm, taking into account the fact that the body and tail are almost equal to each other, and sometimes the tail is much longer than the body. In the projection of the throat and on the sides of the lizard’s head, you can easily notice the presence of peculiar scaly spines, which many call the dragon’s beard; in all likelihood, this is where the strange name of this representative of the large kingdom of reptiles came from. These scales tend to swell during danger or mating season.

The body of this lizard has a somewhat flattened elliptical shape. The limbs are shaped like a disc and are particularly strong and muscular; the fingers end in sharp claws. The original scales are also arranged in regular rows along the body of the agama; thanks to the spines, the reptile visually increases in size and thereby gives itself a more original and at the same time ferocious appearance.

As for the colors of the dragon, the main range is represented by gray, yellowish or most often brown tones. But it happens that the color may change slightly, it depends on temperature conditions, and the state of health and mood of the lizard. In young individuals, the main shade can be diluted with various stripes and spots, which in turn form a unique pattern. Older representatives do not have such decoration on their body.

In order for your new Australian friend to live and enjoy life in the conditions of your home, it is necessary to create for him conditions similar to the climate of his native territories.
  • Optimal terrarium sizes. Taking into account the fact that your scaly pet will constantly grow, it is best, and more economical, to purchase and construct a terrarium with an adult agama in mind; it should be a container with a volume of at least 200 liters and at the same time quite long. If you intend to have several representatives of the agamidae family, then each of them requires a fairly large living space. You need to remember that it is not recommended to have two males, as they will quarrel with each other, which may not end entirely well. The most optimal option is for one female and two males to live in one terrarium. The terrarium must have good ventilation, so it is best to use a grille as a cover, since glass, plastic or wood will create obstacles to fresh air.
  • Own sun rays. Due to the fact that the bearded dragon is a reptile that prefers to be active during the day, and in its homeland the days are quite long, you need to create the necessary conditions for your friend. If you think that you will place a terrarium on a large window where the sun constantly hits and this will be enough for your pet, you are very mistaken. The whole point is that with a lack sunlight or artificial ultraviolet rays, the synthesis of cholecalciferol is inhibited in the lizard’s body, the deficiency of which significantly reduces the absorption of calcium, which can lead to a serious deterioration in the health of your pet. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, in most specialized stores you can purchase the necessary ultraviolet lamps, which are designed specifically for reptiles. Such a light source should be installed directly inside the terrarium, this will avoid the loss of such necessary rays.
  • Temperature range for your scaly dragon. The fact that your Australian puppy arrived at your home from a desert area already speaks for itself that she needs a fairly high thermometer. The optimal air temperature for an agama is considered to be no lower than 30 degrees, but in no case exceeding 40–41 degrees. It is not recommended to use stones that are equipped with a heating device inside as a heating device, because they very often cause severe burns to the delicate skin of reptiles. It would be best to go to the same pet store and they will offer you specialized incandescent lamps or lamps designed for heating the terrarium. In case if total area your dragon’s personal home allows, it is advisable to roughly divide it into two zones - cool and hot. This section will allow your scaly friend to choose the appropriate conditions for himself, and he will be heated and cooled as needed. It is also advisable to purchase the necessary devices that will allow you to constantly monitor the temperature and humidity coefficient of the air.
  • Sufficient amount of liquid. Your pet dragon will not require you to constantly replenish the water container, but it still requires a certain amount of liquid. To do this, you can sprinkle the walls of the terrarium with water, and your “animal” will lick it off from there. You can also install small drinking bowls that can be decorated to resemble stones; in this case, you need to ensure that the water there is always clean. It is necessary to spray the terrarium more frequently during the molting of its inhabitants, since the lower the air humidity, the more problematic the molting process is.
  • Secluded corners. Like any living creature on the planet, your pet reptile needs a place where he can relax and think about life alone, not in front of all the inhabitants of the apartment. You can make a shelter with your own hands or buy it at a pet store - here the choice is yours and your wallet. The main condition for proper shelter is its size; it must be large enough so that the lizard can fit comfortably there, and even turn around. There may be times when your Australian Dragon will spend most of the daytime in his nook - no need to worry, this is completely normal for him.
  • Soil for a bearded dragon. It is best to use special substrate mats as flooring in the terrarium, according to appearance they resemble grass - this is both beautiful and safe for the agama, since sand, gravel, sawdust or other small elements can be absorbed by your lizard, causing serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Let's decorate your friend's house. As interior elements for a bearded dragon's terrarium, you can use a variety of driftwood and branches, the main thing is that they do not have bark, which the reptile can swallow, or sharp ends, which could injure your pet. It is important to remember that this is quite large reptile, so branches need to be chosen of sufficient thickness. Your little friend will climb on it, which will help him, support himself in the right physical fitness, and while away the time waiting for his owner from work.
You can also place some artificial platforms or flat stones directly under the heating lamps, where the agama will climb and warm up its spectacular body.

Diet of the Australian dragon

In order for your friend to be full of strength and energy and delight you with the beautiful bright coloring of his body, you need to provide him with complete and balanced diet. By nature, the agama is not picky about food, you just need to learn one simple rule, which is that young individuals need to eat more nutritious food, since they grow and develop quite quickly. For this reason, the bulk of food for young agamas should be represented by insects, and as additional food you can pamper them with vegetables and fruits.
  • Vegetables and fruits. For this cute reptile, they are considered safe following products: parsley, alfalfa, apples, cabbage, dandelions, strawberries, melon and carrot tops.
  • Features of purchasing and price of a bearded dragon

    Due to the great popularity of such original and extraordinary little animals as pets, finding a bearded dragon in large pet stores will not be difficult. If you have already made your final choice when you come to the store, still do not rush to make such a purchase. First, make sure that you are purchasing a healthy animal, because, firstly, this little dragon is not so cheap, and secondly, you want your new friend lived in your house for a long time and happy life. When examining a reptile before purchasing, you need to check for wounds and any other damage, both fresh and already healed. Even long-standing scars can seriously come back to haunt your friend’s health in the near future.

    Also look carefully at whether all her body parts are intact and in place. Salespeople can tell you anything to achieve their sales target, but remember: “bearded dragons do not have a tendency to regenerate lost body parts!” Therefore, buy exclusively the reptile that has everything in its place. But the absence of a finger or the tip of the tail process is already a normal and common occurrence; there is no guarantee that you will be able to find a dragon completely without flaws.

    When you start examining the head, pay attention to the fact that there should be no foam or even liquid in the area around the mouth and eyes - this may be the first sign of pain in the agama. The lizard's nostrils should also be clean.

    With such careful observation, you should also take into account the behavioral characteristics of the fauna specimen you like. In conditions wildlife They tend to always be ready to pounce on their prey, so healthy reptiles are always active and keep their ears open. But, do not forget that this “predator” is not active around the clock; it can also rest.

    The average cost of one reptile with a beard ranges from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles.

    For more information about the bearded dragon, see here: