The best florists in Russia and the world

The art of floristry can be compared to painting or music. Unless in this case you have to work with more delicate material and any mistake threatens the collapse of the entire endeavor. As in any art, floristry has its “da Vinci”, “Beethoven” and “Picasso”:

Arayik Galstyan

Arayik Galstyan spent his childhood and youth among picturesque mountain landscapes Armenia, which undoubtedly affected his work style. In his works, he sometimes uses very unusual materials - silk threads, cranberries, rowan tassels, pomegranates, lace, fire-burnt wood, etc.

Over the 15 years of his work, he participated in many International competitions and creative projects around the world, founded Araik Galstyan Moscow International Floral Design school, Flowers World magazine.

On this moment Arayik Galstyan is perhaps the most titled and famous florist-designer in Russia. He has 2 World and European Championship cups, being at the same time the official florist of the Sotheby's auction house, the financial information company Bloomberg and the Skolkovo innovation center. Also, Arayik Galstyan is the only florist included in the Guinness Book of Records, having created the world's longest dress of tropical orchids.

He works at the most important protocol receptions of the Kremlin, designs major exhibitions and fashion shows. Arayik's master classes are a huge success among both beginning florists and professionals with extensive experience.

Jane Packer

Jane has worked in floristry and floral design for over 20 years and is the author of numerous books and magazine publications. Her special passion is floral compositions that imitate natural diversity - the “mirror of nature.” She skillfully combines vegetables and flowers, fruits and leaves in her creations; she uses unusual bases for bouquets - burlap, baskets, boots, stones and more.

The first floral design school was opened by Jane in 1989 in New York. Subsequently, similar centers were opened in Tokyo, Seoul, London and produced many florists in the world. Jane Packer also owns several large flower shops (New York, Tokyo). Among her regular clients are the Armani and Givenchy brands, Vogue, Country Living, Cosmopolitan, Tatler and Brides magazines, and model Kate Moss.

Jane also often travels around the world, conducting master classes and giving lectures on the philosophy of floristry.

Vladimir and Alexander Bermyakov

A creative tandem of florists who complement each other’s talents. Father and son Bermyakov do not have vocational education, but nevertheless they are successful florist practitioners who have gained success and approval both in Russia and abroad. The floristry studio “Tsubaki” (Japanese - Camellia) founded by them has no shortage of clients from all over the world.

Vladimir Bermyakov engineer forestry by education and a practicing decorator with more than 30 years of experience. He began to work with flower arrangements before the collapse of the USSR, when there was no even a hint of floristry. Many years later, his main passion became interior arrangements made from exotic plants.

Alexander Bermyakov is the winner and laureate of floristic competitions and competitions and the only domestic designer who participated in the European Youth Cup “EUROFLEURS” (2004), receiving the Audience Choice Cup. In his work, he often gives preference to wedding floristry - bride's jewelry and bouquets.

Gregor Lersch

One of the most experienced and famous florists in the world. Gregory Lersch comes from the 5th generation of a family involved in plants and landscape design, and “engaged” to floristry.

When creating flower arrangements, Lersch does not strive to please clients and does not express himself. Its purpose is to express the idea of ​​worshiping the beauty of plants. Its concept consists of a combination of bright floristry styles, complemented by architectural elements.

IN last years Gregory Lersch travels, organizing master classes and teaching floristry to all people striving for the fragile beauty of flowers. With his 40 years of experience and passion, the creative direction has attracted a lot of talent.

It's no secret that masters of floral design from Asia, in Lately confidently took a leading position in world floristry. They set trends, delight us with their incredible works, unimaginable designs and objects - delighting audiences around the globe.

10.Hariyanto Setiawan / Harijanto Setiawan (Singapore)

Hariyanto is one of the most famous florists in Singapore and throughout Asia. He is distinguished by courage and self-confidence, because he takes on the most daring and difficult tasks, brilliantly finding solutions to them.

A smiling and always calm Singaporean, today he has become for many florists an example of how creativity, non-standard design solutions and commercial floristry can be successfully combined.

For his many merits, Harianto Setiawan has received awards from the Singapore government, which has repeatedly noted his contribution to creating a positive image of the country and successes in international arena.

9. Oh Myeon (South Korea)

One of the most famous florists not only in Asia, but throughout the world, today, O Millon is a frequent guest of numerous shows, master classes and seminars. In particular, visitors to the IPM Essen-2016 exhibition could see the Korean directly at work, because his show was one of the key ones at the event.

Being inspired by the German school of floristry, he nevertheless managed to preserve the unique style inherent only to Asian masters, adding to it all the best that is in European floristry.

Since 1994, O Millon has been working at the school he founded, which is considered one of the most prestigious in the World.

8. Chang Sung Wong / Chang Sung Won (South Korea)

The South Korean became known primarily due to his successful performance at the 2010 World Championships, which took place in Shanghai. At this tournament, Chang Sung took third place, losing only to the Swiss Yvonne Rutt and the famous Norwegian Stein Ar Hensen.

7.Akihiro Nozaki / Akihiro Nozaki (Japan)

Conciseness, clarity, geometric precision of shapes, elements and lines - this is all why we love Asian florists and East style generally. We can say with confidence that Akihiro Nozaki, today, is an example of this very style, preaching its original values.

However, this does not mean that the Japanese’s work is monotonous; on the contrary, Akihiro Nozaki’s arsenal of techniques and techniques is very wide, which he often demonstrates at various foreign master classes and competitions, one of which was “Ventspils Carpets 2015”, where we all could see a different approach and different floristry in his execution.

6. Elly Lyn (Taiwan)

Probably, today, Ellie Lin is considered perhaps the most famous florist from Asia in Russian-speaking countries. This was largely facilitated by a large PR campaign organized for a florist from Taiwan by her Russian colleagues. However, to say that Ellie Lin became so widely known solely due to this factor is completely wrong.

Ellie Lin is a wonderful florist, with an unusual, unique technique, educated in the world's best schools, from legendary masters and today, she herself has already stood on the same level with the greatest florists, and if we talk about floristry of the nineties and zeros, then without mentioning her name , the story will be incomplete. Yes, probably today, other, younger florists have entered the avant-garde, perhaps her works do not evoke such a storm of emotions, and she herself does not have the same passion, but as before, her shows gather a huge audience of people who eagerly follow the master’s every move, listening to every word, because Ellie Lin was and remains one of the most significant florists of our time.

5.Solomon Leong / Solomon Leong (Hong Kong)

Doctor of Philosophy and florist - Solomon Leong, a very media character and is probably more popular and recognizable in Europe than in Asia. For florists from eastern countries, this is quite unusual, because we are accustomed to the fact that masters of floral decoration from Asia come to various shows and competitions shrouded in a haze of mystery and uncertainty, in the case of Solomon Leong this is exactly the opposite case, because he appears in the press and on English television perhaps more often than his own famous florists.

In addition, in his style of work, the materials and techniques used, Dr. Leong is a completely atypical florist for Asia, rather close to British classical floristry, which makes him even more interesting and requires our close attention, master.

4. Aritaka Nakamura (Japan)

Aritaka Nakamura is considered one of the most successful florists ever to represent Japan at local and international competitions. This is explained by the fact that the Japanese take competitive floristry with great desire and seriousness, considering victory to be the main and only goal. At the last World Championships in Berlin, which Aritaka regarded as the main challenge of his career, he confidently reached the final, where, however, he took fourth place, so there is no doubt that the talented Japanese will make another attempt to climb to the top of the podium.

3. Azuma Makoto (Japan)

Floristry should evoke emotions - surprise, inspire and even shock. This is precisely the point of view held by the Japanese florist Azuma Makoto. He launched his compositions into space, sank them to the bottom of the ocean, left them in an arid desert, and even covered them with ice.

In fact, Azuma Makoto treats floristry as an experiment, trying more and more new materials and substances, opening up new, unexplored facets of beauty for all of us, and doing this each time in an increasingly original and sophisticated way, and there is no reason to believe that a talented Japanese will stop his research, which means we should prepare for something even more interesting and fantastic.

2.Ni Ji Siang / Zhixiang Ni (China)

The Chinese florist captivated everyone with his work at the World Championships held in Berlin, but due to technical errors he dropped out at the early stage of the tournament, finishing in 13th place. Taking this blow as a lesson, Ji Siang apparently became much stronger and today is one of the most powerful florists in Asia.

The hard work, diligence and concentration characteristic of all Chinese, with which the florist approaches his work, gives reason to be sure that in the near future we will see Ni Ji Xiang in the international arena already in the rank of one of the favorites.

1.Alex Choi (South Korea)

Probably no one was surprised to see Alex Choi, a florist from South Korea, winner of the last World Championship in Professional Floristry.

Being a very modest and calm person in life, he won the love of viewers and specialists with his magical works, and his unusual style, characteristic of Korean masters, when compositions use exclusively natural elements, became thanks to his victory a real trend

Without a doubt, he is now the best florist in Asia and one of the top florists in the whole world. Colleagues look up to him, he is invited to all sorts of events and shows, and he is incredibly popular in his country. Of course, a victory at such a significant tournament, as a rule, becomes the peak of a florist’s career, but I really want to hope that we will again see this incomparable florist at one of the top tournaments as a participant and, as in 2015 in Berlin, we will admire and be amazed his stunningly beautiful work.

Famous florists and their amazing works


WITH youth Arayik was surrounded by beauty mountainous area and amazing native landscapes. Student years became decisive for him in terms of choosing a profession. One fine day he picked up flowers and put together an amazing bouquet. This event changed his whole life.

Today, a florist-designer deals only with large projects: exhibitions, festivals, presentations and similar events. He also published several books and opened his own school - Araik Galstyan Moscow International Floral Design school.

Nico de Swert is an unusual florist whose compositions differ significantly from traditional designs. His works sometimes contain completely unexpected elements, such as nuts, acorns, and fruits.

An amazing woman prefers to create compositions that are close to a “reflection of nature.”

« I strive to form bouquets in such a way that the viewer gets the impression of their natural position and growth. You could say that my compositions are a stripped-down mirror of nature", says Jane.

The designer often uses various items(vegetables and weeds - in bouquets, boots - instead of a vase, decorative baskets and other elements - instead of flower pots), which look simply great in combination with flowers. Jane has published many books about floristry and opened several schools. A special variety of lily-shaped tulips is also named in her honor.

Rebecca Cole

Rebecca Cole has been called a garden goddess and a designer with boundless imagination. She can easily realize the most incredible ideas, and her books are a godsend for gardeners and landscape designers. Rebecca is a true professional, and her unique bouquets are proof of this.

Hitomi Jiliam is a star in the world of floristry! Her works were carried out in different styles modern design. The talented florist’s activities are not limited to creating flower arrangements; she is also a writer and teacher. Thanks to her unique works, Hitomi is in demand in many countries around the world.

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From March 26 to 28, 2010 in the famous industrial city of Shanghai, China People's Republic, at the Oriental Riverside Hotel the world's strongest florists met at XIII World Floristry Championship Interflora. The fact that this championship took place in a multimillion-dollar metropolis Far East, not by chance. After all, Asia, in particular China, where flowers occupy a special place in culture, is the birthplace of many types of flowers that now grow all over the world.

Any floral designer dreams of attending such a show of the highest craftsmanship and talent. 20 best florists from different countries world: from Australia, China, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Great Britain, USA, Vietnam, gathered in Shanghai to present to the jury and viewers their art of flower arrangements. Unfortunately, our compatriots were not represented at the competition, but still sole representative from the CIS was florist Arayik Galstyan, representing Armenia.

The XIII Championship consisted of two qualifying rounds. The first preliminary round took place on March 26 and 27. The Championship participants had to create 4, the themes of which would reflect the spirit of the Far East. So all the contestants had 2 hours to create the composition “Flowers of the East”, the length and width of which would not exceed 1.2 m, and the height 2.25 m. The candidates had to develop the concept of this composition at home.

Stein Are Hansen, Norway

To test the artistry and ingenuity of the contestants, a second task was given - a surprise one. The task was to create a composition for the decoration of one of the Shanghai clothing stores within an hour. For this purpose, participants were given materials such as a silk scarf, flowers various shapes and coloring.

The next day, the contestants had to create two compositions. The first task is to decorate the table " Green tea for two". The table should be round, the height of the composition should not exceed 2 m.

Translation: Lesya Vasko
especially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your Garden"

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HELLO.RU decided to give a gift to everyone who does not want to say goodbye to the holiday spring mood and the sight of fragrant flowers. Our new Instagram selection features the world's most famous florists, art artists and even farmers - we have compiled a guide to the main people of the "flower" world.

The name Preston Bailey is widely known in Hollywood circles. He designed one of the most expensive weddings of the last decade - Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, and his regular clients are Uma Thurman, Oprah Winfrey and Catherine Zeta-Jones with Michael Douglas.

Preston Bailey was born in the late 40s in Panama, and at the age of 19 he moved to New York. Before earning fame as the best florist in the world and becoming a master of this genre of art, Preston worked as a model and dreamed of becoming a clothing designer. On the true path, which later brought him not only his own empire, but also friendship with the strongest in the world this, Preston was advised by friends. Noticing his passion for decoration, they offered to work in a flower boutique. Bailey completed his first independent commission for the daughter of actress Joan Rivers, Melissa; he decorated her wedding. The floral decoration of the ceremony created such a sensation among the guests that Preston immediately received offers from the stars and the most famous people America.

Karen Tran is often called the “Oprah of the flower business,” drawing comparisons to TV personality Oprah Winfrey and hinting at Karen’s enormous influence on the world of floristry. Perhaps the works of Karen Tran and Preston Bailey may seem too lush to some, as they say, too much, but these masters are considered classics of modern floristry. Karen organizes the most magnificent celebrations in Southern California, satisfying truly grandiose requests.

Our answer to foreign masters is florist-designer Yulia Shakirova. Yulia was responsible for the design of the “Most Stylish in Russia” ceremony according to HELLO! in 2014, and a year earlier - for floristry at the wedding of Katie Topuria and Lev Geykhman. Julia told our site the main secrets of luxury wedding ceremony and shared her knowledge about making flower arrangements.

The works of New York florist Amy Merrick adorn the pages of glossy magazines with enviable regularity, and she herself never stops giving interviews. Amy's passion for flowers began as a child. It took place on the farm where her father grew roses and other bush plants. According to Merrick, even then she tried to make compositions from them and decorate the house. Amy travels a lot in search of inspiration, so her Instagram will be of interest to all lovers of travel topics.

Flora Starkey is one of London's most sought after floral designers. She designs weddings, creates compositions for fashion shoots and shows, and her work is often published in magazines, including Vogue. Flora's compositions are imbued not only great love to nature, but also purely English melancholy.

Erin Benzacine knows everything about flowers, because she not only comes into contact with them in the course of her work, but also gives them life. Erin is a farmer-florist. Together with her family, several years ago she left the hustle and bustle of the big city and moved to the countryside. In summer, flower fields occupy the entire area around their house; in cold weather, Erin grows flowers in a greenhouse. More than 66 thousand people watch the unusual everyday life of this family on Instagram.

Artist Lim Zhi Wei, known on Instagram as Limzy, uses flowers as a tool. She was inspired to create a series of Flowergirl paintings famous models, actresses and singers - she portrayed their images in such an original way.

Justina Blakeney is a portrait painter. Her paints, like the previous participant in our selection, are replaced by fresh flowers. Justina plays with the color, shape and texture of plants, creating either a smile or a shadow of sadness on the faces of her heroines.