During his studies he was involved in repertoire performances of the Saratov Theaterdramas named after I.A. Slonova: “Dreamers”, “Love and Dance”, “Long happy life", "The Marriage of Figaro", "Monsieur de Maupassant", " Magical wishes", "Krakatuk Walnut", "Breakfast at the Leader's". Since 2001, as part of the course, he went on an internship to France, which resulted in one of the graduation performances of “Pentesileus” by G. Kleist, played in France. Works in graduation performances:
  • Storyteller (E. Schwartz "The Snow Queen")
  • Pobedov, deacon ( A. Chekhov "Duel" )
  • Father Romeo (A. Zykov "Sonnets")
  • Grischuk, Muginshtein (BABEL)
  • (A. Pushkin, A. Blok “Love is crazy excitement”)
  • Antilochus (G. von Kleist "Pentesileia")

In 2006, he starred in a cameo role in the French film "The Soldier's Star" ("L"étoile du soldat", dir.Christophe de Ponfilly).

Upon completion of his studies, he was invited to the Saratov Academic Drama Theater named after. I.A. Slonova.Among the roles played:

  • Signor Goroshek, lawyer (S. Prokofieva, I. Tokmakova “Cipollino and His Friends”, directed by V. Gorbunov, premiere - 2005)
  • Tony Lamkin (O. Goldsmith "Night of Errors", dir. R. Belyakova, premiere - 2006)
  • Harmonist (A. Tolstoy “Cuckoo’s Tears”, dir. A. Pletnev, premiere - 2006)
  • Mr. Shannon (T. Williams "A Streetcar Named Desire", dir. M. Glukhovskaya, premiere - 2006)
  • Cripple (M. McDonagh “The Lonely West”, dir. A. Kovalenko, premiere - 2007)
  • Andrey Semyonovich Lebezyatnikov (F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", dir. - M. Glukhovskaya, premiere - 2007)
  • Dudley (W. Saroyan " Better days our life", dir. A. Pletnev, premiere - 2008)
  • Yarabacek (M. Beregovaya "Gonza and the Magic Apples", based on "Naughty Tales" by J. Lada, dir. A. Khalilullin, premiere - 2008)
  • Hamlet (W. Shakespeare "Hamlet", dir. - M. Glukhovskaya, premiere - 2008)
  • Igor, Ignatov's neighbor in the dacha (K. Stepanycheva " Private life", directed by D. Beznosov, premiere - 2009)
  • Ivan, younger son(V. Rusnak “Ivan the Bogatyr and the Light of the Moon”, based on the Russians folk tales, dir. D. Beznosov, premiere - 2009)
  • Max (M. Myllyuakho "Panic. Men on the brink" nervous breakdown", director Yu. Alesin, premiere - 2010)
  • Angel, Railway Worker (I. Ignatov “City of Angels”, dir. D. Beznosov, premiere - 2010)
  • The Mummer (N. Gogol "Zhe"thread", directed by A. Kovalenko, premiere - 2010)
  • Drosselmeyer, godfather of the children Stahlbaum / The Wizard in the Fairytale Kingdom (E.T.A. Hoffman “The Tale of the Nutcracker and the Mouse King”, dir. A. Kovalenko, premiere - 2010)
  • Nikolay (S. Medvedev “Hairdresser”, dir. K. Soldatov, premiere - 2011)
  • Bailiff (M. Maeterlinck "The Miracle of St. Anthony", dir. A. Khalilulin, premiere - 2011)
  • Alexander (Alik) Finkelstein (L. Chukovskaya "Sofya Petrovna", dir. M. Glukhovskaya, premiere - 2011)
  • Tsar ("In a certain kingdom...", dramatization by Yu. Kudinov based on Russian folk tales, premiere - 2011)
  • Egor Dmitrich Glumov (A. Ostrovsky “Mad Money”, dir. A. Kuzin, premiere - 2012)
  • Loveiko, neighbor of the Zemtsovs (A. Arbuzov " Cruel Games", directed by E. Marcelli, premiere - 2012)
  • The Subtle Robber (V. Lesovoy “Miracles in winter forest", directed by O. Kharitonova, premiere - 2014)
  • Lyublyukoshek (K. Stepanycheva “The Mystery of the Missing Snow”, dir. I. Bagolei, premiere - 2014)
  • Marat (A. Arbuzov “My Poor Marat”, dir. V. Berzin, premiere - 2015)
  • Louis the Great, King of France (M. Bulgakov, J.-B. Moliere “The Cabal of the Saint”, directed by M. Glukhovskaya, premiere - 2015)
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Where did it all start? When did you first think about theater? Were you somehow previously connected with the theater?

It all started with the fact that in the 5th grade I entered a music school to study accordion. At that time I was also actively involved in table tennis ( By the way, in our hero’s dressing room there is a tennis table, and in the intervals between rehearsals a close group of players gathers there - Approx. KS). And we can say that then my dreams were about a sports career.

In the 9th grade my classroom teacher asked to play the accordion in a school concert, dedicated to the Day Teachers. With my performance I received a storm of applause and I liked it. After which one of the school teachers approached me and suggested that I try my hand at singing, and I did not refuse. He listened to me and later we prepared a number with which at the end school year I performed at the reporting concert of my 32nd school at the Druzhba cultural center in Engels.

After this concert, the music school teachers saw that I felt quite free on stage and asked me to carry out a very important mission - at the skit party dedicated to graduation, bring a loaf of bread onto the stage and hand it to the director. Then, instead of the sick artist, I was offered to dance and sing. As a result, I was busy in all the numbers of the skit party, and at the end I also held a disco.

After all these stage moments, the director of the music school, Yuri Nikolaevich Trofimov, invited me to his place and asked about my future plans after school. Then I was still not serious about choosing a university and answered that I wanted to go to law school. To which he suggested that I enter the theater department of the conservatory. But since I only had to enroll in two years, I didn’t pay much attention to his proposal.

After graduating from music school with an accordion class, in the 10th grade he entered the guitar class. In addition, he played in KVN in the “Virus 100%” team and was its captain. He led discos and participated in various school and city events. There was its own show group “Party”.

And so, when the time came to choose my future path, I remembered the theater department. At that time, my dream was already a career in show business, but my parents insisted on higher education..., and I thought: “Well, the conservatory is a higher education, and studying to be an artist will help in my future plans.”

Theater Department

What happened in the entrance exams? Were you afraid of them?

There was no particular fear. I prepared the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses,” Lermontov’s poem “Call Hope as a Dream,” and a prose excerpt from Shukshin’s “Letter.” I thought this would be enough. I told everything I knew right away in the first qualifying round. They asked me what else I could do, and I sang a song from the repertoire of the group “Chizh” with a guitar and played “Dance of the Little Swans” on the accordion. I took the accordion with me from Engels, and took the guitar from other applicants. There were no problems with dancing and singing, since there were entire numbers already prepared. The colloquium scared me the most, but I ended up scoring the most among the boys.

Do you remember your first course? Did you immediately like what you started doing or were you expecting something different? How was your studies?

At the very beginning of my first year I was surprised by what was happening, because I was preparing for show business, and here were leggings, PFD ( memory of physical actions - KS), excerpts, the “typewriter” exercise... There was even depression, and I wanted to quit school. At that time, it was not clear to me why I had to drink imaginary water from an imaginary glass.

But already in the winter, after the first semester, I was taken in the drama theater performance “Monsieur de Maupassant” - I took part in dance numbers. It was very interesting: serious spectators, adult artists, folk, honored ones. Later I was included in the play “Love and Dance”. So by the end of my first year I was involved in two drama theater performances.

Also in the first year, director Pyotr Todorovsky came to us to select artists for the film. I didn’t get to the casting, but the situation itself, that we were being watched by such serious man and directors often come to the faculty to select actors for their films, I was very pleased. I thought: “What if I’m lucky?” So the depression subsided, and the second course began.

Already in my second year, I was cast in the fairy tales “The Nut Krakatuk” and “Magic Desires”, in the plays “The Dreamers”, “Breakfast at the Leader”, “A Long Happy Life”, “The Marriage of Figaro”. By the time I graduated, I was already involved in 15 repertoire performances.

Since our course was experimental - directing and acting, we, unlike others, studied for five years. During our training, our course staged 6 graduation performances. In addition, in our fifth year we went to festivals and tours - Sarajevo, Warsaw, France, Kursk, Moscow.

What was your first role with words?

The guy in Shpalikov’s play “A Long Happy Life,” and this was his most favorite character and favorite performance.

What is your hardest role while studying?

The role of Grischuk in the graduation performance “Babel”. The performance was generally emotionally difficult, both for us actors and for the audience.

Were there any unexpected situations?

Completely, for example, in the play “Duel” in the “Katya’s birthday” scene. I had to accompany Katya on the guitar with the song “The Lonely Sail Is White...”. But during the intermission, the audience accidentally knocked the guitar behind the piano, and at the time of exit I could not find it. I had to go out without a tool and simply support Katya morally...

Theater service

In many performances you play the accordion... but how did it all start?

In the second year, director Igor Konyaev arrived and he needed an accordion player for a future performance. They pointed to me with an accordion, and I sang ditties to the accordion at “Breakfast at the Leader’s.” Later, in “Duel” and “Babel” I already played both guitar and accordion. When he was accepted into the drama theater, he continued to play the guitar in the plays “Uncle Vanya”, “Cuckoo’s Tears”, “The Lonely West” and “A Little Bit About Summer”. So I continue.

Your last premiere was Hamlet. How was the work on the role?

After I was informed about the role of Hamlet, I began to watch everything I could, to observe who was playing and how. I bought discs with recordings of films and performances. I was especially happy about the disc with Smoktunovsky. I can say that when working on the role, there was a heavy burden of responsibility, which everyone told me about, and which I myself was aware of. Thanks a lot director - Marina Glukhovskaya. She helped me understand, realize and accept a lot in this role.

Who is Hamlet for you?

For me Hamlet is a common person, a regular guy. In our story, he is a medical student and about my age. He lives, studies... Everything was fine in his life until he became a victim of circumstances. A misfortune happened - my father died. But life still goes on. And then the ghost of his father appears and the world familiar to Hamlet collapses. He learns terrible things: his father was killed and the killer is his own uncle. Should I believe the sign, should I believe what he said? Hamlet needs to do something. Revenge, kill? But it's scary. He can’t just go and kill his uncle, because, don’t forget, he is a medical student, for whom life is sacred, and a ghost is no longer a living person...

Does Hamlet's madness play a special role in the play?

For Hamlet, at first madness was a protective mask. A strong shock for him was the death of people from his own own hands, first of all, the death of Polonius. His friends are dying because of him. And partly because of him, his beloved dies.

At the very beginning, Hamlet tries to save his friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, realizing that they were sent on purpose. He winks at them and, unnoticed by everyone, writes the word “Leave” on their wheel. They understood these secret signs, but they cannot change anything, since they have already become victims of circumstances. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern find themselves in difficult situation, an extra word on their part will lead to the death of both. Later, when Hamlet, accompanied by his friends, was sent to England to certain death, to save himself, he decides to forge documents and send his friends to their deaths.

Ophelia also understands everything, but understanding and accepting are two different things. But the main one who understands that Hamlet’s madness is a mask is Claudius. But as long as Hamlet is covered with a mask of madness, he is relatively safe.

Have you tried to use someone else's acting style in your work for the role of Hamlet?

As for this role itself, I have said more than once that I liked Hamlet performed by Innokenty Smoktunovsky. But I also liked the acting style of Vladimir Mashkov in the film “Liquidation”. I thought his performance in this film suited him well to play this role in our story. So I tried to take something from one, something from the other. But Marina Glukhovskaya made me into a different Hamlet, unlike anyone else.

What role did music play in the play?

Of course big! During rehearsals we remembered historical fact, when the song “Lili Marlene” performed by Marlene Dietrich was heard on the radio on the fronts of World War II, they stopped shooting on both sides of the front. And here it sounds in moments of truce and calm. As soon as the situation heats up, the music changes, and Rammstein with its powerful energy does not allow the intensity of passions to cool down.

Do you believe in theatrical omens?

Well, when a role comes up, I definitely take it. But not quite...

What are you working on now?

Currently busy in rehearsals for the play “The Best Days of Our Lives” by William Saroyan. My hero Dudley is a young man in love. Come, the performance is interesting.

Vasily Zimin, Stanislav Avdeev. June 2008

TO Asparov Alexander Isakovich – head of the design, industrial, road and construction association “Zapsibdorstroy” of the Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR.

Born on May 9, 1931 in the city of Nukha, now the city of Sheki (Azerbaijan). Mother is a housewife, father is a worker, died at the front. There were four children in the family, Alexander was the eldest among them. IN early years I worked part-time in a workshop, trying to support my family.

In 1955 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute with a degree in transport engineer. In 1955-1960 - senior foreman, foreman, senior foreman of the construction department No. 7 of the Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR (Grozny region - Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Participated in the construction of the Nevinnomyssk - Stavropol and Beslan - Grozny roads.

In 1960-1965 - senior foreman, chief engineer of the division for the construction of the Kushka-Herat highway (Kandahar province, Afghanistan). For the construction of this road, which connected the fraternal republic with the USSR, A.I. Kasparov received from the hands of the king “ Gold Star» Afghanistan.

Upon returning home, he was appointed chief engineer of the Sredazdorstroy trust. In 1969-1972 - chief specialist, leader of a group of Soviet specialists in the construction of the Puli-Khumri - Mazar-i-Sharif - Shiberghan highway (Afghanistan). On the eve of the revolution he returned to the USSR.

In 1972-1977 - deputy, chief engineer of the Dondorstroy trust. In 1977-1981 - Deputy Head of Glavzapsibdorstroy of the USSR Ministry of Transport Construction, supervised the construction of transport facilities in the regions Western Siberia.

Since 1981 - head of the design, industrial, road construction association "Zapsibdorstroy" of the USSR Ministry of Transport Construction, which was based in the city of Nizhnevartovsk.

With the arrival of A.I. Kasparov, the Zapsibdorstroy association immediately began to increase its capacity, creating new trusts: Surgutdorstroy, Strezhevoydorstroy, Urengoydorstroy, Nadymdorstroy, Noyabrskdorstroy and others.

Roads had to be laid in incredibly difficult natural, climatic and geological conditions. Almost 40% of the Tyumen region was occupied by swamps; in addition, half a million lakes and 25 thousand rivers and streams, as well as permafrost in the Far North, were natural obstacles for builders.

Harsh and long winters, a lack of local materials, as well as a lack of soil suitable for laying the roadbed, a shortage of construction bases and housing required the use of unconventional methods of road construction. During construction, prefabricated coverings made of reinforced concrete slabs, culverts made of corrugated metal, and geotextile materials were used.

The goal was set to produce 1 million tons of Tyumen oil and 1 billion cubic meters of gas per day. To achieve this goal, roads were needed.

The crews worked around the clock, in three shifts, making maximum use of earth-moving equipment and vehicles. Leaders did not leave their posts for 16 hours straight, including Saturday.

The construction site literally grew before our eyes. In 1988, the association employed 18.5 thousand people, more than 350 bulldozers, 300 excavators, 140 motor graders, as well as over two thousand trucks, which shoveled 35 million cubic meters of soil per year. Moreover, the roads passed through swamps, which had to be completely dug out and refilled with sand.

A.I. Kasparov combined a colossal workload with active social and political work, being a member of the Nizhnevartovsk city committee of the CPSU and a candidate member of the Tyumen regional party committee, a deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk district and Tyumen regional councils.

U by the President of the USSR on April 30, 1991 for outstanding production achievements and high quality works during the construction of highways and airfields in the areas of the West Siberian oil and gas complex Kasparov Alexander Isaakovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

After the collapse of the USSR, difficult times came for Zapsibdorstroy. In connection with the structural transformation of the Tyumen region, the territory of which was a construction site for the unification, economic management in the region was disrupted. Instructions coming from the head office in Nizhnevartovsk were ignored by the heads of departments. Unforeseen production costs have increased significantly building materials at northern factories: their cost was one third higher than the price of similar products with “ big land" Funding was also reduced. The association, which quite recently laid thousands of kilometers of roads per year, in 1993 laid only 174 kilometers. The fraternal republics that became sovereign states, gradually recalled their envoys. All Zapsibdorstroy trusts received the status of joint stock companies. What remained from the powerful association were trusts that were isolated and barely kept afloat, most of which, unable to cope with the raging elements of the market, one after another went to the bottom.

A.I. Kasparov headed Zapsibdorstroy until November 1999.

Under his leadership, more than 10,000 kilometers of roads to oil and gas fields were built, half of which are in the region permafrost, 14 runways (airports in the cities of Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Tyumen, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Urengoy, Strezhevoy, Raduzhny, Kogalym, Noyabrsk).

Currently he is the first deputy general director, executive director JSC Road Construction Company Avtoban (Moscow).

Lives in Moscow.

Awarded two Soviet Orders of Lenin (1985, 04/30/1991), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1963), the Russian Order of Honor (2007), medals, including the medal “For the development of subsoil and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia”, two silver medals from VDNKh USSR, foreign award - “Gold Star” 1st degree (1965, Afghanistan).

Honored Builder of the RSFSR (1990), Honorary Transport Builder Russian Federation(1991), Honorary Road Worker of Russia (1999), Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry (1996), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1996), Academician of the Academy of Transport of the Russian Federation (1996). Honorary Citizen of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug– Ugra (1998).

Portraits of A.I. Kasparov are placed on the Honor Board “Heroes of Socialist Labor - Nizhnevartovsk” in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, on the alley honorary citizens Ugra near the house of the District Government in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

At southern latitudes

When the time came to study, a conflict arose. Father took Sasha to an Armenian school, believing that a person must first of all know perfectly native language. The mother took the boy from there and took him to a Russian school - in her opinion, a citizen of the Soviet Union must first of all know the main language of interethnic communication, that is, Russian. And the adults hintedly reminded their parents: after all, you live in Azerbaijan...

In the end, friendship won. At home, Alexander Kasparov spoke Armenian, at school he learned Russian, and in the yard he communicated with his peers in Azerbaijani. So I mastered three languages.

A capable young man, having graduated from the Industrial Institute in Baku and received a diploma with honors, refused a flattering offer to enter graduate school and remain at the department of bridges and tunnels. He wanted "live" work. And he received it - along with a referral to a difficult section of the Nevinnomyssk - Stavropol highway, where he was hired as a foreman for the construction of bridges and culverts.

Everything was there: the joy of work and the indifference of the authorities, the machinations of envious people and friendship with good people. Diligence, resourcefulness, and honesty did their job: seven months later, in road construction district No. 1, he became a senior foreman, with 200 people under his command.

The young specialist delved deeper into the secrets of his profession, led the Komsomol members, fought for improvement living conditions routers. When a stream of cars poured along the completed 52-kilometer section, by order of the minister road transport and highways of the USSR, Alexander was transferred to the village of Ordzhonikidzevskaya to lay the Beslan-Grozny highway.

Kasparov recalls:

“Now this village of Ordzhonikidzevskaya, one of the largest in Ingushetia, has become notorious through the criminal efforts of terrorists of all stripes: hostages are taken here in broad daylight, explosive devices are set off, employees are brazenly attacked law enforcement and mercilessly kill Russian residents. No wonder the funds mass media it is sometimes called the “bloody village”. And then, in the mid-fifties, it was a calm, quiet and picturesque place, located on the banks of the Sunzha River. And the young people, who noticeably arrived with the start of construction of the highway, happily walked in the late evenings - both in groups and in pairs ... "

It was there, in the kind green village, that the secretary Komsomol organization construction site, Alexander Kasparov met his Liliya - a girl who, having become his wife, shared with her husband the difficulties and nomadic discomfort for many decades: after all, highway builders move from place to place all their lives.

And how many of them there were, these crossings! In the summer of 1960, Kasparov found himself in Afghanistan. Having learned that the Ministry of Transport and Construction is recruiting a group of specialists to work in neighboring country, Kasparov passed the selection and, together with his colleagues, passed the border post. Why did he make such a decision? As Alexander Isakovich himself believes, to test your strength, pass a truly difficult exam of professionalism.

The Afghan period gave a lot to the young engineer. Along deserted rocky land, baked by the summer heat and just as stubborn in the harsh cold, which Alexander never expected in southern country, the routers built a highway from the Soviet border Kushka through Herat to Kandahar. The old primer stretched for 770 km, and the new one modern road became 90 km shorter.

Kasparov quickly mastered the Farsi language, this helped him, one of the leading construction managers, to easily communicate with local workers and quickly solve production problems that arose. The Prime Minister of the state, Mohammed Daoud Khan, visited the track more than once, invariably giving highly appreciated activities of builders.

Envoys of the Soviet Union laid a line from Kushka to Kandahar, and the other shoulder - from Kandahar to Kabul - was built by the Americans. Having visited both sites, the King of Afghanistan, Mohammed Zahir Shah, said: the Russians did a better job! This praise resulted in Alexander Kasparov being nominated for the country's highest award - the Gold Star of the 1st degree.

An interesting detail: by chance, Kasparov learned that according to the status of the Golden Star, another 5 thousand rams and four wives seemed to be included... Knowing Farsi, he once overheard a conversation between two Afghans: they were discussing how Alexander would drive the herd to his homeland , so far away. He noted to himself with a smile that for some reason the interlocutors were not at all worried about the question, what would he do with four wives?! However, conversations remained just conversations. Moreover, in a foreign land, together with Alexander Isakovich, there was his beloved wife and already two children.

The southern latitudes did not let go of Kasparov for a long time. Returning to his homeland, he worked in Tajikistan (Dushanbe - Kurgan-Tube and Dushanbe - Ordzhonikidzebad highways), in Turkmenistan (Kum-Dag - Okarem - Caspian Sea and Kushka - Mary highways, which became a continuation of the Afghan road he had already laid). They say you can't step into the same river twice. And he came in. They were very strongly asked to work in Afghanistan again, and Kasparov spent another four years building roads there.

After returning to the USSR, Alexander Isakovich worked for several years as deputy manager of the Dondorstroy trust. It was time to finally stop the endless wanderings. However, it was not possible to “drop anchor” in Rostov-on-Don. They called me to Moscow, to Glavzapsibdorstroy, as deputy chief. He made his wife Lilia a promise that this was the last move, and accepted the invitation.

Siberian watch

And in Western Siberia the oil and gas revolution was taking place at that time. The fuel and energy complex required an unprecedented number of roads and airfields. In 1981, in the interests of accelerated development of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region, the Zapsibdorstroy production, construction and installation association was created with a location in Nizhnevartovsk. Over the five-year period, he had to triple the volume of commissioning runways and highways. Kasparov was instructed at the headquarters to find a candidate for the head of the association.

At the appointed time, he was called by First Deputy Minister N.I. Litvin. “Is there a worthy person?” - "Eat. Maybe not the most worthy, but quite suitable.” - "What is his last name?" - “Kasparov”. - "I'm talking seriously!" - "Me too…". N.I. Litvin did not agree with this turn and took Kasparov to the Minister of Transport Construction I. Sosnov. At first he was also against it, but in the end he gave the go-ahead.

And the long Siberian watch began... Arriving in Nizhnevartovsk, Alexander Isakovich first of all set about recruiting a reliable, highly professional team. At first, about 70 people were needed for key positions in the association. Some of the people were allocated by the Ministry of Transport, Kasparov found the rest among his own former comrades, and on the spot - after all, he didn’t start with clean slate: the Tyumendorstroy and Nizhnevartovskdorstroy trusts worked well in the region. In order to increase capacity, we had to quickly create new divisions throughout Western Siberia: “Surgutdorstroy”, “Strezhevoydorstroy”, “Urengoydorstroy”, “Nadymdorstroy”, “Noyabrskdorstroy”...

Kasparov made full use of all the knowledge, all the experience, all the skills acquired at previous construction projects. But this was not enough! The road workers worked in incredibly difficult conditions: countless shifting swamps, thousands of lakes, rivers and streams, not to mention the “trademark delights” of the North - frost and midges. And also - the lack of local raw materials and suitable soils, lack of bases, housing, communications.

But things went well. Out of old habit, Alexander Isakovich was constantly at sites scattered throughout the region, slept little, and forgot about weekends and vacations. The deserted territories of the taiga and tundra had clear lines of highways, many settlements runways appeared. Geologists, gas workers and oil workers received invaluable assistance in the development of underground storehouses.

By 1983, the volume of work had increased 6-7 times, Zapsibdorstroy began to commission up to 700 km of roads annually - this is the length of the Kushka-Kandahar highway, which Kasparov and his colleagues had been dragging out for five years! Later the figures even reached 1000 km of roads per year.

The country's leadership demanded everything from Siberians more oil and gas, additional tasks fell on the shoulders of Zapsibdorstroy specialists. Their activities were under constant control of the party and government. In 1989, the head arrived in the region. department of the CPSU Central Committee Boris Yeltsin and held a large meeting. The heads of Tyumenstroyput and Zapsibdorstroy were supposed to report. Alexander Kasparov, a holder of the Order of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor, in his speech touched on the most pressing issues of production, and Yeltsin did not like it. He tried to besiege the speaker, but he objected - firmly and reasonably. After the meeting, Boris Nikolayevich shook the debater’s hand, and to the Minister of Transport Construction Brezhnev, who was standing next to him, he remarked: “Here, Vladimir Arkadyevich, this is your real leader.”

After some time, an even more representative meeting took place in Surgut, to which they arrived Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU M.S. Gorbachev, Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee N.K. Baibakov and more than twenty ministers. And again A.I. gave a report. Kasparov, and again he had a business dispute - this time with the Secretary General. He recognized the road worker’s arguments as convincing and in conclusion asked the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU G.P. Bogomyakova: “By the way, does Comrade Kasparov have the highest award of the Motherland?” “We are already preparing the documents,” the party leader remained calm. - “Hurry up...”

But the bureaucratic machine worked slowly. The registration lasted more than a year and a half and was completed by May 1991. And on May 9, Kasparov turned 60 years old. And some smart guy from the commission remembered that there was a solution - not to award awards in connection with anniversaries. Fortunately, sober people explained to him that in this case the anniversary had absolutely nothing to do with it. The decree was issued, and in June in the Kremlin A.I. Kasparov, among other honored workers, was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. No more such lists were compiled. So in the Tyumen region Alexander Isakovich became the last Hero...

However, the path to the finest hour was not short and not easy. Constantly used in production unconventional methods, which world practice did not know. These are prefabricated coverings made of reinforced concrete slabs, culverts made of corrugated metal, two-stage construction that provided access to the deposits simultaneously with the construction of the roadbed, laying peat at the base of the embankment, the widespread introduction of hydromechanized operations, geotextile materials and much more. The most modern vibratory rollers were used to compact the soil, geogrids to strengthen slopes, special compounds asphalt concrete mixtures, modified bitumen... The association, which employed over 18.5 thousand people, had a large industrial park: 300 excavators, 350 bulldozers, 140 graders, more than 2000 heavy vehicles. They made it possible to “shovel” 35 million cubic meters of land per year.

But the decisive factor has always been people. Kasparov believed his associates as much as himself. And they justified this trust. Alexander Isakovich has always been suspicious of the assertion that there are no irreplaceable people. One of his deputies, V.S. He considered Maidanov, who represented the interests of the association in Tyumen, to be truly irreplaceable. He not only adequately communicated with the regional leadership, but also clearly demonstrated himself in a number of complex and necessary matters.

To reliably provide all links of the branched structure of Zapsibdorstroy material resources, under his leadership, a transshipment base was formed and reliably operated near the village of Parenkina on Tura, where all kinds of materials were loaded onto river ships that were heading to distant northern objects. The base was striking in its cleanliness and order. For workers there was a canteen, a bathhouse, a sauna, greenhouses, and a winter garden. In addition, V.S. Maidanov was instructed to create a subsidiary agricultural enterprise - in other words, the Dorozhnik state farm, which was to provide the highway workers with fresh food. Vitaly Semenovich coped with this task brilliantly. The village of Krasny Yar, 40 km from Tyumen, looked like a fairy-tale town and gained all-Union fame. But after…

Then other times came. The mighty one fell apart Soviet Union, the united one split into three Tyumen region, the previously strong “Zapsibdorstroy” began to fragment: individual structures became corporatized and went into “autonomous navigation.” A.I. Kasparov, who paved about 10,000 km of roads, at the end of 1998 left the northern region that had become so close. I thought: a lot has already been done, and I’m approaching seventy. It's time to rest.

However, a quiet retirement life never happened. I met many comrades from the old roads, they worked in different organizations (after all, roads will always be needed), and they invited me to join them. The rich experience of Alexander Isakovich could not remain unclaimed. At first, the veteran worked at the Interdorstroy company, then moved to the Avtoban construction company, which he headed former boss"Khantymansiyskdorstroy" A.V. Andreev.

Light of the Ugra star

In the fall of 2004, when the eight billionth ton of oil was produced in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, the grand opening of the Stars of Ugra memorial took place. On the facade of the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas, it was decided to annually install commemorative stars of glory in honor of the outstanding workers of the region. Then, at the opening, the first five stars appeared, dedicated to the head of Glavtyumenneftegaz Viktor Muravlenko, the party leader of the region Boris Shcherbina, the legendary geologists Lev Rovnin, Farman Salmanov and Yuri Ervie. In 2007, two more stars were added - Stepan Povkh, who drilled the first production well at Samotlor, and Alexander Kasparov, who built hundreds of kilometers of highways, many runways and bridges in Western Siberia.

Continuing to work - already in the European part of Russia - Alexander Isakovich was grateful to the northerners for not forgetting about him and his deeds. The light of a star in distant Khanty-Mansiysk warmed the soul of the old builder, did not allow him to relax, and helped him maintain energy and kindness.

Here's what Vitaly Maidanov says about him:

All of us, who worked shoulder to shoulder with Kasparov, felt how much communication with him enriched us professionally. He was and remains a cordial and hospitable person, a pleasant conversationalist in friendly company. Therefore, we never refused invitations, especially since his wife Liliya Pavlovna is an amazingly hospitable and skilled hostess in cooking. And usually the table was not complete without a signature dish - the famous Siberian dumplings “Kasparov style”.

Now Alexander Isakovich is over 80. Being thousands of kilometers away from each other, we often communicate by phone, sometimes we meet in Tyumen, where Alexander Isakovich still comes on business trips. How else? I can easily imagine him being businesslike, cheerful, thoughtful and even indignant, but I absolutely cannot imagine him sitting idle...

It is unlikely that these words require any clarification or addition.

Vitaly Maidanov: “All of us, who worked shoulder to shoulder with Kasparov, felt how much communication with him enriches us professionally.”