Lack of money forced the actor to appear in commercials

The scandalous character of Alexander DOMOGAROV is known to everyone. On the screen, the actor breaks girls' hearts, and in life he does not stand on ceremony to confuse a journalist who turns up, and just a curious onlooker. V again the anger of the star was caused by our photojournalist, who tried to film how the movie star is working out an advertisement in one of the furniture stores.

Last summer Alexander Domogarov in a conversation with friends, he complained that he was badly affected by the financial crisis. Then the actor rehearsed the play staged Andrey Konchalovsky"Uncle Ivan".
“The crisis has crippled the film industry,” complained Alexander Yuryevich. - Nowadays films are made five times less. I used to fight off scripts, but now I have to agree to everything. You need to eat.
It seems that even today the star's wallet is not burdened with bills. The other day we accidentally saw Domogarov in a furniture shopping center, where he participated in an advertising campaign for the store. In the video, he plays himself: a business man drives up in an executive car and selects furniture. The artist was paid - 100,000 rubles, which is a penny for a person of this level.
“We didn’t expect him to agree to our proposal,” says the sales manager. shopping center Irina. - The same Khabensky for one shooting day he gets 11 thousand dollars! Apparently, Alexander has a money problem. They paid him before filming. In addition, we gave Domogarov a VIP discount on our products.

Beer belly

The shooting was not without a scandal. First, the actor demanded to arrange a dressing room for him. He flatly refused the offered utility room.

Alexander shouted that he did not want to go through the entire store, - continues Irina. - I had to close one of the salons. In addition to Domogarov, the actress also starred in this ad. Maria Shukshina... Who, surprisingly, talked nicely with store visitors and employees. I signed autographs, took pictures. When onlookers turned to Alexander with a similar request, he shouted: "How you got me all!"
- One guy took a picture of him - says an eyewitness of the incident Nikolay Zarubin... - So Alexander beat him! I took the camera and began to delete pictures with my own hand. The guy wanted to complain to the police, but Domogarov warned him that this would come out sideways.
Our photo correspondent also suffered - the artist, without ceremony, swore at the elderly man and, under the threat of beating, forced him to leave the set. A couple of miraculously preserved frames clearly illustrate the far from the best physical condition of the star. Domogarov, once slender, recovered greatly and grew a "beer" tummy! As they told us, surrounded by the actor, hormones are to blame. Alexander underwent a course of treatment with an andrologist and thus disturbed his metabolism.

The latest photographs of Alexander Domogarov demonstrated dramatic changes in the actor's appearance, which prompted his fans to think that he was seriously ill. On the other hand, Domogarov took part in the international children's film festival "Scarlet Sails" in Artek and filmed a short melodrama "How Young We Were" with the children vacationing in the camp.

Yesterday, Alexander Domogarov celebrated his 53rd birthday in his country house in the circle of family and close friends. The actor's son Alexander Domogarov Jr. gave his father e-book... Domogarov reads a lot and is constantly on the road, so it is very convenient for him to have an e-book.

It was the photographs of Alexander Domogarov from Artek that caused alarm among admirers of his talent. In the pictures, the actor's face looks puffy, his mouth is twisted. Fans sounded the alarm: "What about Domagarov, what a handsome man he was, now it's just a shock", "I think he's after a stroke .... puffiness ..... the mouth is twisted ... after a stroke, asymmetry in the face appears immediately", “Is Domogarov drinking? Or sick, but what a handsome man, and what a pity the roles. "

Earlier, news appeared in the press that the actor was taken by ambulance to the Botkin hospital with suspected ischemic stroke. However, Alexander himself denied all the rumors, saying that he was absolutely healthy and there was no reason for concern.

Some people associate the changes in the actor's appearance with the fact that Domogarov suffered a bereavement. About six months ago, the actor's beloved Larisa Chernikova, with whom the actor had a relationship since 2010, died.

Prior to that, Domogarov was married to Natalya Sagoyan, in marriage with whom he had a son, Dmitry. In 2008, he died under the wheels of a car. In 1988, the actor married the make-up artist Irina Gunenkova. They had a son, Alexander Domogarov Jr. The third time Domogarov married actress Natalya Gromushkina, they lived together for 4 years (from 2001 to 2005).

On the eve of his birthday, Alexander Domogarov spent several days in children's center"Artek", where he took part in the "Scarlet Sails" film festival and filmed the short film "How Young We Were" with the children vacationing in the camp, the soundtrack of which was the legendary composition of Alexander Gradsky.

Popular Russian actor Alexander Domogarov has once again become a victim of rumors. On January 29, 2018, Katya Lel posted on Instagram a joint photo with him, in which the artist was not even recognized.

The singer's subscribers began to take an interest in the artist's health and write unflattering comments regarding his appearance... Lel denied all the followers' speculation, after which the negative posts disappeared.
In general, the 54-year-old actor is often credited with "terrible" diseases. For example, at the end of 2017, information about Alexander's incurable illness spread on the Internet, although he himself on his page in social network only complained of cough and chest pains.

Did Alexander Domogarov do plastic surgery?

The actor's appearance was often the subject of discussion. Fans did not disregard the news that, shortly before the 50th anniversary, Domogarov made the first plastic surgery... Photographing on the birthday confirms the fact of surgery.

The picture taken in 2012 shows all the characteristic age-related changes: deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, a blurred face contour. The second photo shows a noticeably rejuvenated Domogarov. His face looks fresh, his skin is smooth and toned. Most likely, Alexander underwent contouring and “beauty injections”. Blepharoplasty is also not excluded, since the main problems in the form of lowered corners of the eyes, puffiness, overhanging eyelids have been corrected.
The effect of surgeries and fillers did not last long. Already in 2016, the actor's appearance was again discussed in a negative way.

Fans noted that Alexander has aged, looks swollen and tired. Many associated this with the death of Larisa Chernikova. According to Domogarov himself, the death of his beloved was a strong blow for him, after which he came to his senses for a long time.
The artist's latest photographs again demonstrate the presence of natural age-related changes... Probably, it was not without high-quality cosmetic care, but there are no obvious traces of plastic or fillers.

Name: Alexander Domogarov

Age: 55 years

Height: 186

Activity: actor, TV presenter, performer of Russian chanson, People's Artist of the Russian Federation

Family status: divorced

Alexander Domogarov: biography

The favorite of millions, Alexander Domogarov, by his own admission, does not seek to please. If an artist is confident in himself and honestly does his job, you should not be led by the public.

“It’s always interesting: rise and fall, rise and fall. As a person involved in the acting profession, I am excited about this swing carousel. What's in a person's head, what he breathes, what he eats to become like that. "

Childhood and youth

Moscow roots and beautiful surname the actor received from his beloved grandmother from his father. In the ancient Georgian family, princes are mentioned. Perhaps the noble origin predetermined the enormous talent, sharp personality and refined beauty of Alexander Domogarov.

The father of the legendary actor, Yuri Lvovich, is directly involved in cinema. Before the war, he played the role of a general in the film "Suvorov". In the battle near Rzhev he was wounded. V peaceful life took the position of Managing Director of Mosconcert. He was appointed to a similar position at Rosconcert. In history he is noted as the first organizer of the World Exhibition of Attractions in Moscow. Last post on the working path - manager musical theater them. N. Sats.

Mother Natalya Petrovna was not close to art, but became for her son best friend. Creative biography Alexandra Domogarova was so intense that he did not have time to spend the last weeks with his mother before his death, like his older brother Andrei.

In 1980, Alexander Domogarov graduated from two schools: music and general education. Received education moved to the theater school. Shchepkin. After 4 years I successfully completed the course. After receiving a diploma, I got a job in the theater Soviet army.


The first film debut happened in 1984. Until 1992, Domogarov's talent was not in demand, because his participation was limited to episodic roles, for example, a character in Mikhail Lomonosov. For the first time, Domogarov got a notable role in 1990, he appeared before the public in the drama "Do it - once!". The social plot did not cause a resonance, however, Alexander played his role perfectly.

He received recognition from colleagues and viewers for the role of Pavel Gorin in the cult story "Midshipmen III" in 1992. The trilogy turned out to be significant, but the actor expected great success later.

Alexander Domogarov in the movie "Midshipmen III"

The career of Alexander Domogarov unfolded 5 years later, when the serial film "The Countess de Monsoreau" was launched into the TV program. Domogarov played the role of de Bussy. His character is a real handsome man with the highest measure of nobility. The hero appeared in the form of a sex symbol, which could not pass by in real life.

The new millennium brought the actor a rise in fame. He starred in the TV series "" and "". Domogarov fell in love with viewers. Every year, numerous projects began to appear with his participation.

Alexander Domogarov in the series "Gangster Petersburg"

The fame abroad followed the shooting of Polish times in the film "With Fire and Sword". Alexander decided to play the epochal role spontaneously. The organic image of the Slavic Cossack appealed to the explosive disposition. Domogarov quickly entered the role of Bohun, as if he had switched to the life of his character.

The actor plays majestic, powerful roles, regardless of theme and era. A well-earned reputation is built on love for every episode.

“Every film is dear to me. This is my life, my roles, my cinema! ”, - says Alexander Domogarov.

The man remembered a lot about these series. They were filmed in difficult conditions, there was not enough equipment and people, but, according to the actor, such filming tempered the character of everyone who participated in them. For example, when it was required to shoot a chase scene, at night the director sat behind the wheel of the car, and the operator filmed the pursuing cars from the trunk. There were no traffic police cars for escort, no professional drivers.

In 2000, Alexander Domogarov received the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

Many people know Domogarov as an actor in TV series, but he also took part in iconic full-length projects. In 2006 he took part in the filming of the documentary Axiorix! About Patriarch Tikhon.

Alexander Domogarov as Cannibal in the film "Wolfhound"

In 2007, Domogarov became People's Artist RF. In the same year he was nominated for the MTV-Russia Cinema Award for the best villain in the first Russian fantasy blockbuster Wolfhound.

In 2008, Domogarov starred in the melodramatic series "Do not renounce in love". In addition to Alexander, other stars also starred in the picture:,. The duet of Alexander's heroes sang the song "The sky chose us", which later spread on the Web, accompanied by frames from the film.

After 3 years, the actor again took to the skies in the crime tape "Pilot of International Airlines". He became a member of the same crew with Alexander. Also involved in the film are Armands Neilands-Jaunzems, for whom the project was the last in his life.

In 2012, the actor was filmed documentary“Alexander Domogarov. Confessions of a Lonely Man ”, which was shown on Channel One.

Alexander Domogarov - "The sky chose us"

Age and pace of life made themselves felt. Alexander started having difficulties with casting and good roles... The actor became disillusioned with his appearance and in 2013 decided to undergo plastic surgery. To Domogarov's credit, he did not try to hide the very fact of plastic surgery, as many celebrities do, and openly told the press that he was quite pleased with the result.

In the fall of 2016, a new drama series with the participation of Alexander "Pearls" was released on television. According to the plot of the character, Domogarov is doused with acid by his mistress. The actor himself came up with the most realistic behavior of the hero - falling with his burnt face into the snow - and offered it to the film crew. After approval, the actor fell face down for several takes in the spring crust.

Alexander Domogarov in the picture "Bolshoi"

Alexander starred in the company of the grand ladies of Russian cinema and. In the drama "" about the difficult path of a ballerina to the stage of the renowned theater, Domogarov's character is a retired ballet dancer who has sunk to the bottom and drank. However, the hero recalls the past, seeing a girl with undoubtedly ballet skills on the street, and takes up her promotion.

Personal life

Natalya Sagoyan became Alexander's first wife. The young people had known each other since childhood and spent time together at the dacha, since the parental plots were nearby. In 1985, Alexander Domogarov's son Dmitry was born. At the age of one, the child stayed with his mother, since the couple separated. At 23, Dima was hit by a car, he died on the operating table.

At that time, the personal life of Alexander Domogarov has undergone changes for a banal reason. A new love appeared on the horizon, represented in the person of Irina Gunenkova, a costume designer of the Soviet Army theater, where he then began his career future hero female dreams.

The newly minted couple changed their status civil marriage legal ceremony after 2 years. In marriage, a son, Alexander, was born. He decided to follow in the footsteps famous father... Alexander Domogarov Jr. graduated from drama school and starred in more than a dozen films.

Sasha appeared in a cycle of films, united by the name "Yolki", and in one project with his father - in the historical film "Secrets palace coups... Russia, XVIII century ". Comparison with Domogarov Sr. young man tired, he had long dreamed of making a movie, not acting, and as a result, he stood on the other side of the camera. Alexander the Younger put on the mystical tape " The Queen of Spades... Through the Looking Glass "about the resurrection of the spirit of the killer, co-wrote and directed family drama"Palma" is about the friendship of an abandoned dog and an orphan boy.

After 10 years of marriage, Irina suffered the fate of Natalia's first wife. Domogarov had a new love in the vast filming pavilions. was 12 years younger than her lover. She came to the theater after GITIS, where the first meeting took place. Irina's attempts to save her family were in vain. In 2001, the actor asked for a divorce and immediately legalized a new relationship.

The union of Domogarov and Gromushkina lasted 4 years, another divorce followed due to new love... This time Domogarov fell in love with a young and talented actress. The love between them, played out on the screens, smoothly flowed into real life... Quarrels and reconciliations, partings and hugs lasted 2 years. This family also fell apart. This time in 2007, Marina Aleksandrova put an end to the relationship.

After some time, the actor met Larisa Chernikova, who at that time was already a very successful businesswoman. They flew on the same plane from Simferopol, Domogarov admitted that on that flight he was greatly annoyed by the girl sitting behind, chatting tirelessly with her friend. The skirmish between the actor and the businesswoman turned into a sweet conversation. Word by word, and the young people met, but Larisa eventually refused to give her phone number.

The story continued when, in 2010, Chernikova came to the play by Domogarov, since then the relationship of the couple began to develop actively. There was talk either about an early marriage, or about joint children, but the lovers were in no hurry to legalize the relationship. Larisa never managed to become Domogarov's legal wife.

In the program "Live" Alexander Domogarov admitted that his beloved is in a coma. It turned out that 30-year-old Larisa Chernikova is sick with lymphoma. All this time, the disease was slowly but surely undermining Larisa's health. While in Vienna for treatment, the girl suddenly felt bad at home, but refused to call an ambulance, deciding to go to the hospital by car. Chernikova's condition deteriorated sharply at the entrance, the doctors who arrived stated clinical death- Larisa's heart stopped.

Alexander Domogarov in the "Live" program

With hard efforts, doctors after a coronary heart attack managed to start a heart. Already at the hospital, the doctors put the girl into a drug-induced coma. On October 7, 2015, Larisa Chernikova died in Austria.

In 2016, the actor himself was hospitalized. Domogarov had a vascular crisis. Alexander's life is no longer in danger, but fans are still worried about the actor, realizing that saturated professional activity, failures in personal life had a negative effect on the health of the pet.

Now the actor is not as open as in his youth, he does not advertise his personal life. Numerous tragedies forced Alexander to fence himself off with a barrier from those who might try to reopen difficult memories.

Domogarov understands that over the years he has lost his former lightness and sociability, those around him are sometimes uncomfortable next to him, and there is a risk of losing what is left. But the artist asks not to confuse loneliness with the desire to be alone.