"... No offense be said to the jealous admirers of the Volga, in my life I have not seen a river more magnificent than the Yenisei. Let the Volga be an elegant, modest, sad beauty, but the Yenisei is a powerful, frantic hero who does not know what to do with his strength and youth. " This is how Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote about the great Siberian river.

Perhaps there is no river on Earth, the banks of which are so diverse! Here are the snow-capped Sayan ridges, and the steppes of the Minusinsk basin, and the endless Turukhan swamps, and the wooded hills of the Yenisei ridge, the bizarre rocks of the Krasnoyarsk Pillars and the black basalt cliffs of the Putorana polar plateau, the Taimyr tundra and pine forests Angara…

And how beautiful and unlike each other are the tributaries of the Yenisei! Each of them is remembered for something special, inherent only to him: the calm, unhurried Lower Tunguska and the furious Big Pete, the taiga beauty Mana and the gloomy swampy Kae, the mighty Angara and the fast rapid Khamsara.

The Yenisei is the most abundant river in Russia. It takes out six hundred cubic kilometers of water a year into the Kara Sea. This is three times more than the flow of the Volga, and more than all the rivers of European Russia carry out to the sea.

So it is no coincidence that the Yenisei is called the brother of the ocean - it is so long and powerful, swift. Flowing almost strictly along the meridian from south to north, the Yenisei divides Siberia approximately in half.

In the upper reaches, the river is surrounded on all sides by mountains, and in the middle and lower reaches, its channel serves as the boundary between the lowland Western Siberia and the Central Siberian Plateau. The source of the Yenisei is considered to be Lake Kara-Balyk in Sayan mountains. From here he rushes through the rapids and rifts to the Tuva basin. Here, in the intermountain depression, it merges with the Small Yenisei and forms the Yenisei proper.

The Russian Cossacks mighty river got her name. Kyzyl city is located exactly in the middle of the Asian part of the Eurasian continent. There is an obelisk with the inscription: "Center of Asia". In the Tuva basin, breaking out of the mountains for a short time, the Yenisei temporarily calms down and breaks into many sleeves.

This place of the river is called therefore "Forty Yeniseev". At the outlet of the basin powerful river half a kilometer wide is forced to break through the Sayan again. The high rocky ridge of the Western Sayan leaves only one narrow gap to the Yenisei.

Now, at the exit from the mountains, a two-hundred-meter dam of the Sayan hydroelectric power station has been built, and the entire turbulent section of the upper Yenisei has become a reservoir. Below the dam, the river enters the Minusinsk Basin, where it is surrounded on both banks by free Abakan steppes. The channel of the Yenisei again branches, islands appear, and the tributaries flowing from the left and right all add water to the wide and deep stream.

Below the city of Abakan, the wide expanse of the reservoir begins again, this time the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, after which huge rocks of a bizarre appearance appear on the right bank, now looking out from the green sea of ​​the taiga, now approaching the very coast. It's famous Krasnoyarsk Pillars- one of the most interesting corners of Siberia.

Stolby is the last western outpost of the Eastern Sayan. Having passed the mouth of the Kan, the Yenisei rushes to the north, collecting the waters of numerous new tributaries along the way and becoming truly heroic. waterway. Moreover, the main share in its “supply” is made by right tributaries. Of the nearly one hundred rivers that flow into the Yenisei from the east, six are larger than the Oka.

The most powerful of these tributaries, the Angara flowing from Baikal, flowing into the Yenisei, immediately doubles the amount of water in an already powerful stream, sometimes spreading four kilometers wide. But before meeting with it, the mighty river manages to break through the Kazachinsky threshold bristling with stones with a roar and splash. From the mouth of the Angara to the confluence of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, high wooded cliffs of the Yenisei Ridge stretch along the right bank.

In several places, its rocks hamper the river, forming new rapids. The captains considered the Osinovsky threshold, the last barrier on the long way of the Yenisei to the sea, to be especially dangerous.

From the tops of the coastal cliffs, waterfalls fly down. From a distance it seems that the waterfall froze on the fly. On the left bank remains behind the most ancient city on the river - Yeniseisk, founded almost four centuries ago.

And on the right, from under the gold-bearing hills of the Yenisei Ridge, Big Pete runs down to the Yenisei. It once laid the path to the gold mines. It was not easy to navigate this river, which rose ten meters in high water and was not accidentally nicknamed "mad".

And a little lower, from the left bank, the inconspicuous and quiet river Kas flows into the Yenisei. Two hundred years ago, the Ob-Yenisei Canal was built in its upper reaches, connecting it with the Ket River, the right tributary of the Ob. This waterway of Siberia served a lot. The Yenisei, having broken through the Osinovsky threshold, finally calms down and slowly runs to the ocean, taking in more and more tributaries.

After the confluence of the Podkamennaya and Lower Tunguska, the width of the river is on average five kilometers, and in some places - fifteen! The depth of the Yenisei here reaches fifteen meters, and sea ​​ships climb it to Igarka, located almost seven hundred kilometers from the sea. Igarka is a forest port, and everything in it is saturated with the smell of freshly sawn pine boards, sawdust and resin. The houses of Igarka are predominantly wooden, and even the sidewalks are made of planks.

The immensity and boundless expanse of the Yenisei in this area is not just amazing, but somehow does not even fit in the mind. A traveler sailing on a ship, looking from the deck at the shore, barely visible in the distance, thinks admiringly that he has never seen such a wide river in his life. And in the lower reaches, after Dudinka, the banks sometimes disappear altogether. And no wonder: after all, the width of the Yenisei here exceeds twenty kilometers! All the way from Krasnoyarsk to the very mouth of the Yenisei, as already mentioned, serves as a border between Western and Eastern Siberia.

The rivermen call the right bank "stone": it is high and mountainous. And the left one is called "Polish": fields and meadows stretch along it, and in spring it is filled with hollow waters. Swampy forests of fir and spruce grow on the left bank, and there are almost no swamps on the right bank; light green Dahurian larch, the northernmost tree, has firmly settled there. the globe, resistant to frost and not afraid permafrost in the soil.

below the mouth Lower Tunguska Two more tributaries, the Kureyka and the Khantayka, flow into the Yenisei from the right, flowing from the narrow and deep lakes of the mysterious Putorana Plateau. Here, beyond the Arctic Circle, the taiga gradually becomes smaller, passing into the forest-tundra, and near Dudinka it finally gives way to the Taimyr tundra covered with blue lichen.

From here, from Dudinka, the northernmost in the world is laid to Norilsk Railway. For Dudinka everyone is already measuring maritime measures. Even a traveler who has been here more than once will not be able to determine where huge flow flows into the waters of the Yenisei Gulf - such an endless expanse surrounds the ship ..

reindeer they graze on the banks... If the sky frowns, the bay is gloomy. But how wonderful is the play of pure, unclouded colors on a clear sunny day: sparkles of unmelted snow, rusty-red cliffs, blue of the sky, white of clouds and gray-blue tints on the water ...

Having passed the last pier on the Yenisei, the Northern Sea Route passes, powerful nuclear icebreakers. There is enough work for icebreakers on the Yenisei as well: after all, since mid-October, the lower reaches of the river have been covered with ice. Slowly but surely, the ice edge moves up the river - to the south, until by mid-November the ice covers the entire river.

Only near Krasnoyarsk, below the hydroelectric dam, does a hundred-kilometer polynya remain unfrozen all winter. Six months, and in the north, the Yenisei sleeps under strong white armor. And in early May, the river begins to free itself from ice captivity. Ice drift on the Yenisei is a grandiose sight. Sometimes, on steep meanders, ice gets stuck and powerful jams form. Like dams, they hold back the flow, and the river overflows its banks. Taking out of his pool a huge mass of warm fresh water, the Yenisei desalinates and heats the adjacent part of the Kara Sea. The Yenisei heat would be enough to melt a “cube” of ice four kilometers long, wide and high! The Yenisei, of course, is not only picturesque water flow. He works in the turbines of hydroelectric power plants, waters cities and even melts ocean ice. No wonder it is called "the main blue road of Siberia".

And for those who decide to make a trip along this route, two and a half thousand kilometers long, there will be enough impressions for the rest of their lives. Such is the charm of this largest and most beautiful Russian river, crossing from south to north half of the greatest continent of the Earth.

Which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? This question may be of interest to many. Including residents of Russia - the country through which these rivers flow. Let's try to answer it in this article.

Determining the length of a river - a geographical problem

Every watercourse has a source and a mouth. The distance between these two points along the channel is the length of the river. This hydrographic value is determined, as a rule, from large-scale topographic maps.

It should immediately be noted that determining the length of the river is a task that geographers can not solve very easily. It would seem that this is difficult? But in practice there are many nuances that greatly complicate the process of measuring the lengths of rivers. We list these nuances and difficulties:

  • sometimes it is difficult to establish where exactly this or that river begins;
  • Difficulties in measurement can also arise when it is not possible to determine exactly which of the sources should be considered the source of the main river;
  • the process of calculating the length of a stream can be complicated by seasonal factors;
  • it can also be very difficult to mark the end of the river (mouth), especially if it flows into the sea in the form of a vast estuary;
  • the accuracy of the geographic maps used also depends on the accuracy of measurements.

Today, satellite images of the Earth's surface are available to geographers, so one of the above problems has become less. However, other difficulties in measuring the length of streams remain relevant and unresolved.

Which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? Unfortunately, geographers cannot answer this question quite unambiguously.

The Volga River is the largest river system in Europe

The Volga is the largest European river and the largest on the planet among those that flow into inland waters (that is, they do not have a direct flow into the Ocean). Its length, according to hydrographers, is 3530 km. Although some researchers believe that the Volga is a hundred kilometers shorter.

One way or another, Volzhsky Square river basin colossal - 1.36 million square meters. km, which far exceeds the area of ​​any of the modern European countries. On its long journey, the river takes in over 150,000 streams of various sizes.

Volga - typical flat river. The speed of the current is low (up to 6 km/h), and the general slope of its channel is negligible and amounts to only 0.07%.

The Volga begins on the Valdai Upland and flows, strongly winding, mainly in a southerly direction. The river flows into the Caspian near Astrakhan, forming a wide delta, in which geographers count up to five hundred branches! At the same time, the mouth of the Volga is located at an altitude of -28 meters in comparison with sea level.

One of the most remarkable Volga landscapes is presented in the photo below. This is the Nikolskaya bell tower partially flooded by the waters of the river in the city of Kalyazin.

Yenisei: features of the river and its length

The Yenisei is a mighty and severe Siberian river. Its banks are very different from each other: the right one is high and wooded, and the left one is bare and flat. Yenisei - amazing river. Indeed, in its upper reaches you can ride on the back of a camel through semi-desert landscapes, but in its lower reaches you can watch how fish are caught in ice water white polar bears.

The length of the Yenisei is a question that still haunts many geographers. Indeed, in the case of this river, the problem of determining its source remains unresolved. If we consider its beginning to be the confluence of the Small and Big Yenisei, then the length of the watercourse is 3487 km. If we start counting the length from the source of the Ider River, then this value will be much more significant - 5238 km.

One way or another, according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit drainage basin The Yenisei is one of the ten largest river systems on the planet.

Which river is longer: the Volga or the Yenisei?

Both river systems are among the ten largest on the Eurasian continent. But which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? Even if you look at a detailed physical map of the continent, the answer is not so obvious.

The length of the Volga is 3530 km, and the Yenisei is 3487 km. Thus, if we consider the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei as the beginning of the river, then the Volga will be longer. If we consider the source of the Ider in Mongolia as the beginning of this river, then the Yenisei will receive the “palm”.

Which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? This question may be of interest to many. Including residents of Russia - the country through which these rivers flow. Let's try to answer it in this article.

Determining the length of a river is a geographical problem

Every watercourse has a source and a mouth. The distance between these two points along the channel is the length of the river. This hydrographic value is determined, as a rule, from large-scale topographic maps.

It should be noted right away that determining the length of the river is a task that geographers can not solve very easily. It would seem that this is difficult? But in practice there are many nuances that greatly complicate the process of measuring the lengths of rivers. We list these nuances and difficulties:

  • sometimes it is difficult to establish where exactly this or that river begins;
  • Difficulties in measurement can also arise when it is not possible to determine exactly which of the sources should be considered the source of the main river;
  • the process of calculating the length of a stream can be complicated by seasonal factors;
  • it can also be very difficult to mark the end of the river (mouth), especially if it flows into the sea in the form of a vast estuary;
  • the accuracy of the geographic maps used also depends on the accuracy of measurements.

Today, satellite images of the Earth's surface are available to geographers, so one of the above problems has become less. However, other difficulties in measuring the length of streams remain relevant and unresolved.

Which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? Unfortunately, geographers cannot answer this question quite unambiguously.

The Volga River is the largest river system in Europe

The Volga is the largest European river and the largest on the planet among those that flow into inland waters (that is, they do not have direct flow into the Ocean). Its length, according to hydrographers, is 3530 km. Although some researchers believe that the Volga is a hundred kilometers shorter.

One way or another, the area of ​​the Volga river basin is colossal - 1.36 million square meters. km, which is much larger than the area of ​​any of the modern European countries. On its long journey, the river takes in over 150,000 streams of various sizes.

The Volga is a typical flat river. The speed of the current is low (up to 6 km/h), and the general slope of its channel is negligible and amounts to only 0.07%.

The Volga begins on the Valdai Upland and flows, strongly winding, mainly in a southerly direction. The river flows into the Caspian near Astrakhan, forming a wide delta, in which geographers count up to five hundred branches! At the same time, the mouth of the Volga is located at an altitude of -28 meters in comparison with sea level.

One of the most remarkable Volga landscapes is presented in the photo below. This is the Nikolskaya bell tower partially flooded by the waters of the river in the city of Kalyazin.

Yenisei: features of the river and its length

The Yenisei is a mighty and harsh Siberian river. Its banks are very different from each other: the right one is high and wooded, and the left one is bare and flat. The Yenisei is an amazing river. Indeed, in its upper reaches you can ride on the back of a camel through semi-desert landscapes, but in its lower reaches you can watch how polar bears fish in icy water.

The length of the Yenisei is a question that still haunts many geographers. Indeed, in the case of this river, the problem of determining its source remains unresolved. If we consider its beginning to be the confluence of the Small and Big Yenisei, then the length of the watercourse is 3487 km. If we start counting the length from the source of the Ider River, then this value will be much more significant - 5238 km.

One way or another, in terms of the area of ​​its drainage basin, the Yenisei is one of the ten largest river systems on the planet.

Which river is longer: the Volga or the Yenisei?

Both river systems are among the ten largest on the Eurasian continent. But which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? Even if you look at a detailed physical map of the continent, the answer is not so obvious.

The length of the Volga is 3530 km, and the Yenisei is 3487 km. Thus, if we consider the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei as the beginning of the river, then the Volga will be longer. If we consider the source of the Ider in Mongolia as the beginning of this river, then the Yenisei will receive the “palm”.

Today, satellite images of the Earth's surface are available to geographers, so one of the above problems has become less. However, other difficulties in measuring the length of streams remain relevant and unresolved.

Which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? Unfortunately, geographers cannot answer this question quite unambiguously.

The Volga River is the largest river system in Europe

The Volga is the largest European river and the largest on the planet among those that flow into inland waters (that is, they do not have direct flow into the Ocean). Its length, according to hydrographers, is 3530 km. Although some researchers believe that the Volga is a hundred kilometers shorter.

One way or another, the area of ​​the Volga river basin is colossal - 1.36 million square meters. km, which is much larger than the area of ​​any of the modern European countries. On its long journey, the river takes in over 150,000 streams of various sizes.

The Volga is a typical flat river. The speed of the current is low (up to 6 km/h), and the general slope of its channel is negligible and amounts to only 0.07%.

The Volga begins on the Valdai Upland and flows, strongly winding, mainly in a southerly direction. The river flows into the Caspian near Astrakhan, forming a wide delta, in which geographers count up to five hundred branches! At the same time, the mouth of the Volga is located at an altitude of -28 meters in comparison with sea level.

One of the most remarkable Volga landscapes is presented in the photo below. This is the Nikolskaya bell tower partially flooded by the waters of the river in the city of Kalyazin.

Yenisei: features of the river and its length

The Yenisei is a mighty and harsh Siberian river. Its banks are very different from each other: the right one is high and wooded, and the left one is bare and flat. The Yenisei is an amazing river. Indeed, in its upper reaches you can ride on the back of a camel through semi-desert landscapes, but in its lower reaches you can watch how polar bears fish in icy water.

The length of the Yenisei is a question that still haunts many geographers. Indeed, in the case of this river, the problem of determining its source remains unresolved. If we consider its beginning to be the confluence of the Small and Big Yenisei, then the length of the watercourse is 3487 km. If we start counting the length from the source of the Ider River, then this value will be much more significant - 5238 km.

One way or another, in terms of the area of ​​its drainage basin, the Yenisei is one of the ten largest river systems on the planet.

Which river is longer: the Volga or the Yenisei?

Both river systems are among the ten largest on the Eurasian continent. But which river is longer - the Volga or the Yenisei? Even if you look at a detailed physical map of the continent, the answer is not so obvious.

The length of the Volga is 3530 km, and the Yenisei is 3487 km. Thus, if we consider the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei as the beginning of the river, then the Volga will be longer. If we consider the source of the Ider in Mongolia as the beginning of this river, then the Yenisei will receive the “palm”.

withstood the siege. B. A cloud hanging over high peaks the poplars were already raining down. C. The earth warmed by the sun dries up. D. Archaeologists worked in the famous old town. 2. Choose the correct answer. Indicate the column: a), b), c) or d), in which consecutive letters correspond to the letters missing in these words: yu yu hiding in the bushes u u a creeping on the ground yu yu 3. Choose the correct answer. A task similar to task 2: a) b) c) d) tormented by doubts and interrupted by questions. e 4. Point out errors in education passive participles past tense: a) take - taken; b) understand - understood; c) knead - mixed; d) lose - lost. 5. H or nn? Task similar to task 2: a) b) c) d) coz..th lattice 6. What should be inserted: n or nn in these sentences? 1. Purchase..th newspaper. 2. Intricate ..th plot. Choose the correct answer. A. In both cases, you need to insert nn. B. In both cases, you need to insert n. B. In the 1st case, you need to insert n, in the 2nd - nn. D. In the 1st case, you need to insert nn, in the 2nd - n. 7. Name a word consisting of a prefix, a root, and a suffix and an ending. a) gutted, b) jumping up, c) piled up, d) high-rise. 8. Choose the correct answer. A task similar to task 2: a) b) c) d) delayed .. e a e a viewing .. a. - it is written in both cases: a) more beautiful ..y, nightingales ..yy, b) unexpected ..yy, carried away ..yy, c) not planted ..y, horseshoe ..yy. 10. In both cases, ё is written: a) surrounded..ny, canvas..vyy, b) guard..t, illuminated..ny, c) oven..nka, hare..nok. 11. Indicate the sentences in which punctuation errors were made. A. She sat with her eyes shut. B. He screamed without taking breath. B. It has been raining since morning. G. He took the ball and, burning with curiosity, looked at Tom. 12. In which rows is it not written separately? a) still (not) well-groomed, (not) was, b) (not) always, (not) comradely, c) (not) from where, (not) everyone, d) (not) loud, (not) in a hurry . 13. Where is the mistake made in the use of the adverb? A. He listened more attentively in class. B. He did the best job. Q. I try to write more beautifully. G. My friend is the most attentive of all in the class. 14. Indicate which adverbs are not written together: a) (not) in a comradely way; b) (not) ridiculous; c) (not) at the top; d) (not) convincingly. 15. It is written with a hyphen: a) (c) running, b) (in) friendly, c) as (as if), d) somewhere (anywhere), e) something (or), e) (in) truth. 16. Where is needed? A task similar to task 2: a) b) c) d) get carried away. mistakes? A. The thirst for glory tormented him, tormented and burned. B. Work is on schedule. B. He came home from school. D. Met on the arrival of the train. D. He entered the institute after graduating from school. 18. In which sentences are the highlighted words - prepositions? A. It was quiet around. B. I was passing by the school. B. They went out to meet their friends. G. Walked, (not) looking under his feet. D. He subsequently read the novel. 19. What letter should be inserted? A task similar to task 2: a) b) c) d) during .. summer and f and during .. stream and and f during .. lesson and f and 20. Which letter should be inserted? A task similar to task 2: a) b) c) d) according to the order .. y a y thanks to the advice .. y a y a contrary to the prediction .. y y y 21. Name the sentence in which is a particle. A. I also wrote an essay. B. I wrote the same essay as you. 22. Indicate the sentences in which the highlighted words are conjunctions. A. And so (same) the moon shone motionlessly. B. What should I do? B. We were late, for (then) we looked New film. D. We did everything to make the holiday memorable. 23. Indicate in which sentences would be a particle. A. In order to shorten the path, we went to the river. B. Difficulties exist to overcome them. Q. What should I tell my father? G. Do it by all means. 24. Where not, where not? What n..(1) say, he n..(2) could n..(3) know about it, but behaved like n..(4) in what n..(5) happened. Choose the correct answer: a) in all cases - not; b) not - 2, 3, 5; neither - 1, 4; c) in all cases - none. d) not - 1, 3, 4, nor - 2, 5. 25. In which sentences is not a particle? A. For a minute he remained (im)movable. B. The father (did not) have any office. V. At the threshold stood a grandmother (not) noticed by anyone. G. The drawing seemed to me very (not) careless. 26. Determine in which sentence that is a particle. A. Something must happen. B. Boats in the waves (then) will appear, (then) hide. B. Hide behind (that) tree. G. “And what a big (it) has grown!” Mom exclaimed. 27. Choose the correct answer. A task similar to task 2: a) b) c) d) intelligence ..gent e and e and pr. f f and f 28. In what order should the sentences follow to form a text? A. It is easy to mine, breaking off either large or small pieces, and also easy to process. B. In a word, this stone is often used in Russia as a beautiful construction material. B. And at the same time White stone strong and reliable, buildings built from it stand for centuries. D. Builders in Russia have long called limestone white stone - soft rock, whose deposits are found in the Volga-Oka interfluve. a) D, B, A, C; b) D, A, B, C; c) A, C, B, D; d) D, A, C, B. 29. What is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences? a) extract and process it; b) limestone - soft rock; c) the builders called. 30. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Reading the book, ... a) ... I was interested. b) ...sometimes notes are made in the margins. c) ... do not get carried away only by the plot. d) ... good lighting is necessary.