/ / / Man and nature in Prishvin’s fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”

Prishvin dedicated in his fairy tale most his work is precisely a description of nature. The author talks in detail about how birds meet the dawn, how they protect their offspring and conquer territory. All these details can only be learned if you observe the forest for a long time.

In addition to birds, the storyline of the life and death of the “gray landowner” wolf is involved in the work. The tale shows how strongly his instinct of self-preservation was developed. After all, there were “raids” on him more than once - hunters put up red flags and gave him real persecution with dogs. However, the wolf always managed to escape from his pursuers. He hid in a place that people avoided, and then, as if in revenge, he organized “forays” and destroyed herds of animals. IN winter time he even began to hunt village dogs, thereby showing who was the true master here.

And yet, in the fairy tale, man and nature do not fight, but try to live in harmony with each other. Yes, there were many hunters at that time, but they did not bring anything to the forest. high damage, unlike poachers. It is because of them that many animals are now listed in the Red Book, and some species have disappeared without a trace.

The position of man in Prishvin's fairy tale is not very significant. He can only admire the world where, long before the appearance of people, everything was already beautiful. The author shows that people are not the masters of the situation - but simply uninvited guests. Environment dictates to a person both norms and rules that he will have to come to terms with.

In this “fairy-tale” world, everyone takes its place, be it a simple swamp viper or a crow guarding eggs. Everything comes to life with the appearance of the first rays of the sun. Everyone rejoices at the new day, the moment when winter ends and spring begins to come into its own.

The forester was closest to harmony with nature. He lived on the edge of the forest and watched all the miracles happening around him. It seemed that he knew something more than others and he would never give up this secret. Nature gave him long life. However, she, as if in anticipation of something terrible and irreparable, took him from the people just before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Prishvin's fairy tale shows how everything in this life is relative and at the same time fair. For everything, sooner or later there comes a reckoning. Everything living, be it an animal, a person or a tree, is in its place and at its time.

There is a lot to be seen in the Sun's Pantry. These are forests, grasses, animals, and birds. And yet there are things that are not always shown to others. This is what the earth is rich with “from the inside.” What will help in further development the whole country. That's how unique and priceless our planet is.

The author shows how important it is to live in harmony with other people and with the world around us, how nature can generously reward or punish a person in case of excessive self-confidence. Therefore, a person must not only take all the benefits from outside world, but also bring goodness into it.

Characteristic great love to nature. In his works he often depicted the relationship between man and nature, human behavior in the natural world. In the world of literature, this writer is famous precisely as a singer of the joyful life of nature. The fairy tale “Pantry of the Sun” is no exception. In it he also talentedly depicts the world surrounding nature. Every tree, every plant, every Living being, everything matters in the course of the story.

From this work we learned how useful the sour cranberry can be, where it grows, and when it is best to pick it. Despite the fact that it was customary to collect it late autumn, from the author we learned that it becomes tasty only after lying under the snow. A new vision of the swamp also opens up in the “Pantry of the Sun”. If earlier we thought that this was just a dark and unattractive bog, then from the author we learned that the swamp stores in its depths sun-charged peat, which is “enough to operate a large factory for a hundred years.” Geologists often called the swamp “the pantry of the sun.”

As if in a fairy tale, trees and grass appear in Prishvin’s work. Christmas trees in the forest look like people. They have wonderful figures and can be dangerous. So, for example, one tree raised its bare branch, as if it wanted to stroke a passerby, and with another stick it was already preparing to swat you. Describing changes in weather can also make a person afraid. According to the author, the Bludovo swamp could “growl, howl and groan.” According to one legend, two seeds once fell into a swamp: one from a pine tree, and the other from a spruce tree. And two grew up in one place large trees. They have been standing there together for two hundred years. As soon as the wind howls, they begin to sway together and moan throughout the swamp, as if they were alive.

Based on the description of nature in Prishvin’s stories, we can conclude that the author urges people to take care of nature, since all its particles are absolutely alive. The author shows the same attitude towards animals. He lovingly describes the entire household of the orphans Nastya and Mitrasha. So, every morning Nastya “kicked out her beloved herd.” And Travka, the forester’s dog, loved his owner so much that even after his death he lived under the remains of the house.

According to the story, the children once decided to go to the swamp for cranberries and missed each other on the way. Mitrash chose a thinner, more dangerous road, and Nastya chose a wide, well-trodden one. Mitrash got into trouble on the way, as he was pulled into a quagmire, and Nastya, having found a whole field of cranberries, forgot both about herself and her brother. Luckily, Travka was hunting a hare there. It was she who pulled the boy out of the swamp. Moreover, she recognized him as a new owner, as if she sensed the late Antipych in him. Since then, she has not left Mitrasha. Like any good fairy tale"The Sun's Pantry" has a happy ending. Mitrasha was saved gray wolf, who kept the entire neighborhood in fear, he shot, and Nastya realized her greed for berries and decided to improve. She gave the entire basket of cranberries to children evacuated from Leningrad.

The unity of nature and man in the fairy tale by M.M. Prishvina “Pantry of the Sun”

Lesson objectives:

Show the unity of man and nature, the inextricable close connection of everything that exists in the world;

Draw wise conclusions about the high purpose of man - to be responsible for all life on earth;

Reveal the allegory and symbolism of the language of the work;

Awaken a sense of experience in students;

To cultivate in children a sense of beauty and kindness;

Reveal the skill of M.M. Prishvin as a writer.

Equipment: laptop, projector, presentation.

During the classes

What's your mood?

The poet Evgeny Baratynsky has the following lines:

With nature alone he breathed life:

The stream meant trembling,

And I understood the conversation of tree leaves,

And I felt the vegetation of the grass. (life)

Guys, to which writer can I dedicate these lines?

Indeed, these lines seem to have been written about M.M. Prishvin - a lyricist of nature, an artist-thinker.

What work did you read at home?

2. Crossword

Solve the crossword puzzle and make up the resulting words.

So what are we going to talk about today?(About the unity of man and nature, let’s try to understand who remains human even in difficult life situation)

Writing the date and topic in your notebook.

The epigraph that accompanies our lesson is:“To protect nature means to love the Motherland” M.M. Prishvin.

Our research work I suggest starting with a blitz survey.


In what year was the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” written? (1945)

The names of the characters in the work? (Nastya, Mitrasha)

The name of the swamp near which the children lived? (Bludovo)

A bog in a swamp? (Blind Elan)

How do you understand the expression “Two children were orphaned” (lost parents)

What happened to Nastya and Mitrasha's parents?

Oh what Patriotic War are we talking here?

What does Patriotic mean?

What kind of farming did the children get after their parents? (five-walled hut, cow Zorka, heifer Dochka, goat Dereza, sheep, chickens, rooster Petya and piglet Horseradish)


d\b find in the text of the work words with diminutive suffixes, as well as comparisons and personifications.

( About his love for nature, about how he treats it kindly and with respect. Talks about the author's love for his heroes).

Examples of comparisons and personifications: like the Golden Hen, like gold coins...; the trees moaned and howled...

- What role do similes and personifications play in the text? (Comparisons help to better imagine what the author is writing about; they decorate the work and our speech. Personifications emphasize the author’s perception of nature as a living being)

Some other expressions. Were you met?

Paraphrase, hyperbole

4. Conversation about genre

- Guys, tell me, what is a genre?(work form)

List these 3 kinds. (epic, lyric, drama)

Which of the 3 genera does this work belong to?(Epic)

What is reality?

What do we call a fairy tale?

5. Working with a dictionary.

Where can I look up the interpretation of the word?

A true story is something that happened in reality, a real incident, as opposed to a fable.

Exercise: choose synonyms: actual - real, existing, unimaginable.

Fairy tale -a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events involving magical, fantastic forces.

What is intertwined in this work? (fabulous and real)

6. Group work

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows,” says popular wisdom.

Group 1 finds fabulous moments in the work.

Group 2 - real moments.

Group 3 defines the function of merging the real and the fabulous. The task is to complete the sentence:“Fairy tale and reality are intertwined in the work. The author wanted to say that……..” Wherever a person is, whoever he is (big or small), for whatever purpose he turns to nature (to extract minerals or pick berries), nature will always help him, feed him, and a person must be responsible to all living things on the ground. This idea is embodied in the main characters of the work - Nastya and Mitrash.

Group 4 - works at the map

What conclusion did Group 3 come to?


- What berry did Nastya and Mitrasha gather for?? (Cranberry)

Let's follow our heroes too

The adventures of Nastya and Mitrasha on a trip for cranberries begin with a description of the Bludov swamp. (chap. 4.)

The fornication swamp seems alarming, dangerous, scary place. Nature itself here frightens not only humans, but also animals.

Prishvin makes us understand that the ordinary story has ended and a fairy tale begins. From this moment, from the first step from the Lying Stone, as in fairy tales and epics, a person begins to choose his own path, and an ordinary forest, with the help of images of pine and spruce, which grow together, moan and cry throughout the swamp, turns into an enchanted one, fairy forest, where birds and animals talk, where the dog lives - man's friend, and the wolf - man's enemy.

What figurative definitions, image-expression means make it clear to us that the forest is fabulous, enchanted?(The trees are fighting among themselves for life, and the evil wind sets them against each other. Spruce and pine are trying to overtake each other, piercing with needles, piercing, moaning and howling. It’s a pity for both spruce and pine)

Here a dog and a wolf are contrasted - a friend and an enemy of a person: “a feral dog... howled with longing for a man, and the wolf howled with inescapable anger towards him.” It was here, in this bad place, that Nastya and Mitrasha, cranberry hunters, came.

- How does nature help understand the mood of arguing children?

Find and read the description of the sun. How does the sun change?

Nature foretells evil. Another signal of an approaching discord between brother and sister is a cloud that “like a cold blue arrow... crossed in half rising Sun" The wind adds to the anxiety, because of which “the pine groaned” and “the spruce growled.”

What happens in nature after children quarrel?(Then the gray darkness moved in tightly...)

- How do you think the author feels about what is happening? ( with bitterness. He describes nature as if the gray gloom, the evil wind and the groaning of the trees want to warn children about danger and grieve with them.But this did not stop our heroes, each of them went their own path)

Where else does nature come to the aid of children?(The old fir-trees were worried and did not want to let him pass, the white-haired grass is a constant companion of the path)

What does Prishvin teach us in these episodes?(Prishvin teaches us to see, know and understand nature)

Physical education minute

We'll rest a little
Let's stand up and take a deep breath.
Children walked through the forest
Nature was observed.
Looked up at the sun
And their rays warmed them.
Miracles in our world
The children became dwarfs.
And then everyone stood up together
We have become giants.
Butterflies were flying
They flapped their wings.
Let's clap together
We stomp our feet.
Well we had a walk
And a little tired.


And now it’s time to turn to the epigraph of our lesson today. How do you understand the words?

(The author wants to tell us that nature is a living being that has a soul, has a language, and if we realize this, we will learn to talk to nature and understand it, and for this it will give us its love)

How are nature and man connected in the work? What life skills does a fairy tale teach us?

- At the end of the conversation, think about the words of M. M. Prishvin addressed to the younger generation, that is, to you:
Prishvin exclaims: “These are the riches hidden in our swamps!”

What is the writer talking about? About peat?

Of course not. About people, their spiritual wealth.“The Pantry of the Sun” is the kind ones, loving hearts people, their spiritual wealth.Possessing this pantry, keeping it in the soul, a person becomes happy and brings this happiness to others.A person must learn to use natural resources wisely, without greed, not to lose the best human qualities. “This truth is the truth of people’s harsh struggle for love.”



Write a reflection essay on the topic “Protecting nature means protecting the homeland.”

Finish the sentence. « By connecting the lives of people and nature, Prishvin expresses his main idea: a person must be…..

Write down epithets for the word sun.


Guess what item is in the "Magic Chest"

A wonderful thing, according to Mitrasha, necessary on any hike or walk in the forest, as it will always help you find your way to home. He got it from his father.(Compass)

The box contains a product of the young craftsman Mitrashi(Any piece of wooden utensils: barrel, spoon, cup, etc.)

“Muravka, Muravka, I’ll give you...!” Nastya shouted to her. What did Nastya offer to Travka?(Bread)

Why did the guys go to the forest?

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin in his works rarely depicts human relationships, dramatic situations, life turns, conventionally depicts the characters of the heroes - this is not the main thing for him. Prishvin's talent is subject to nature and man in his relationship with it, and the plot of the author's best works is human behavior in the natural world. Prishvin entered the history of Russian literature precisely as a narrator and singer of the joyful life of nature.

Prishvin loved not abstract ideas about nature, but nature itself: every tree, every animal and every bird was active and active. Any work of nature is unique, according to the writer, like a uniquely great work of art. The loss of any, even small, piece of nature is irreplaceable and sad. The writer called people who superficially admire nature “dacha residents.” The descriptions of the pictures of nature in M. M. Prishvin’s fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” are beautiful, bright and wonderful; in these pictures every detail is interesting and important. We read about the events at the Bludov Swamp. Here we will find out how useful it is, where the delicious cranberry grows and when it is collected: “The sour and very healthy cranberry grows in swamps in the summer, and is harvested in late autumn.”

But this berry is at its sweetest “when it has spent the winter under the snow.” Here is a father telling his son Mitrasha how to navigate in the forest with and without a compass.

Here interesting description Fornication swamps: “And just as there, in the real sea, there are islands, just as there are oases in deserts, so there are hills in swamps. In the Bludov swamp, these sandy hills, covered with high forest, are called borins.” Then we read unusual story Bludova swamp: about how trees appeared in it, how they grew, intertwined with roots and destinies. The writer talks about them as living people, about how close the plant and animal worlds. Prishvin’s sonorous borina is like a living creature: it “was filled with bird songs, howls, groans and cries of animals. Not all of them were here, on Borina, but from the swamp, damp, deaf, all the sounds gathered here. Borina with the forest, pine and sonorous on the dry land, responded to everything.” The dawn is wonderful and amazing: “And then the first ray, gliding over the tops of the nearest, very small fir trees, finally began to play on the children’s cheeks.” You can’t tear yourself away from the description of the singing of birds: black grouse, roosters, even crows. In the croaking of crows, the author hears the birds asking for help before a fight begins. The author conveys the instantaneous change in weather in a few precise phrases: “Then the gray darkness moved in tightly and covered the entire sun with its life-giving rays. The evil wind blew very sharply. The trees intertwined with roots, piercing each other with branches, roared, howled, groaned throughout the Bludovo swamp, causing the animals that heard them to groan and growl.

Here is a story about the difficult life of a forest thunderstorm - a wolf nicknamed Gray, here - sly fox, here is the cowardly little hare, here are the old Christmas trees, not allowing Mitrash to pass through their branches-arms, here again are the birds, encouraging and telling the boy the way with their singing. And here are more berries - thin, slender blood-red lingonberries, blueberries, red-ruby stone fruits, which Nastya skillfully collects. A. here is a kind elk who is accustomed to people: people “have all the habits of ordinary animals, which he looks at indifferently... .

* “We are scouts of swamp riches,” says Prishvin. - And we found out that there is enough peat in this swamp to operate a large factory for a hundred years. These are the riches hidden in our swamps!”

The author calls these riches the pantry of the sun. Prishvin understood that rapid development industry can cause irreparable harm to nature, and therefore stood up to protect all living things. In his works there is the idea of ​​the need careful attitude to nature, about the harm of its thoughtless exploitation, about its moral value, ennobling ability to act on a person’s soul and shape his inner world.

GBOU "Kurgan Regional School of Distance Learning"
Teacher of Russian language and literature Kuchma Polina Yurievna
Kurgan, 2017
Man and nature in the work of M. M. Prishvin “The Pantry of the Sun” Man and nature are closely related to each other in the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”. This connection can be found throughout the entire work, from its beginning to the very end. The action takes place in a village, near the Bludov swamp, in the area of ​​​​the city of Pereslavl - Zalesky. The main characters are Nastya and Mitrasha. we see that they have a cow, a heifer, a goat, sheep, chickens, a rooster and a pig, as well as a vegetable garden. It's all part of nature. The children take care of the farm, and the animals give them milk, meat, a garden and vegetables. They can't do without each other. This is where the relationship between nature and man appears. One day the children went to the swamp to get cranberries. It was very large and looked like the sea. There were hills with forest in it. They were called Borins. One of them was called Zvonka. There were many birds in the trees, each making its own sound to welcome the sunrise. It seemed like they were trying to say “hello.” Birds sing because they cannot say anything, so they have to “sing, shout, tap.” Whoever is able to understand them answers: “Hello.” When describing the forest, the author endows all its inhabitants with the habits of people. Here Nastya and Mitrash meet a wood grouse and a raven. At the cry of the kosach, all the black grouse flocked, who first mated and then fought among themselves. During the fight, a raven crept up to the scythe and hit him with its beak. People behave the same way. While you are proving to your comrades that you are the best, an enemy will sneak up on you unnoticed and strike you. The author shows us what we can learn from nature. In addition, Prishvin describes trees as living beings. He introduces into the narrative a story about a spruce and a pine tree growing together. Once upon a time, their seeds were carried by the wind and thrown into one hole. They grew and intertwined their roots. This episode is symbolic. It shows that only together people are strong. Just at that moment the children quarreled over which path to take. As a result, they each went their own way. Then the wind suddenly blew, the trees groaned, and the “gray gloom” covered the sky. This is how nature tries to warn children about danger, but they do not pay attention to it. As a result, Mitrasha ended up in the Blind Elan and almost drowned there. His dog Travka saved him. She was chasing a hare and suddenly noticed little man in Elani. The boy recognized the dog and called it. She saw in him the former owner Antipych. The man was calling her, but something strange and insincere seemed to her. Mitrasha was cunning so that she would not throw herself on his neck and drown him in the swamp. The boy's trick was a success, and he safely got out of the Blind Elani. Then he decided to kill the hare, but saw a wolf nearby and shot at him almost point-blank. This is how the Gray Landowner was killed - the thunderstorm and horror of those places. Nastya came running at the sound of the shot, and the guys returned home with cranberries and a dog. Grass saved Mitrash, because she saw the young Antipych in him. Her previous owner died, and she missed him very much. Dog - true friend man, and she is destined to protect him. Antipych loved her and protected her from wolves. Even now, when he was already dead, he saved her from the Gray landowner. The author shows us: be kind to nature, and she will answer you with good, and you will pay back for evil with evil. Mother nature is the storehouse of the sun. She stores countless riches and transfers them to man. Everything in it is interconnected, and man is just a part of it.