Frederick Schopin was a little more than twenty, when in 1831 he left Warsaw for the sake of the capital of the arts.
The Parisian public immediately conquered his polonesis, wals, Mazurks, who retained the traditional dance form, but filled with new content - true poetry and drama.
In addition, Frederick was an excellent pianist, he hit the listeners not only by technical perfection, but also in depth, and sincerity.
Chopin and externally corresponded to the music that I composed. He had a written dealer, before which the most beautiful women could not resist. His force was in the grace, lightness, brilliant wit, not to mention the most important thing - the music he was heard and admired.
No less noisy fame dropped out of the conqueror of male hearts Aurora Dupin - writer, who signed their novels with the pseudonym George Sand.
Long before the meeting with her, Chopin was heard about her talent, her love connections and rapid manners: she demonstratively wore pants and frak, smoked cigars.
They met at one of the secular techniques, and in the first moments of the conversation, Chopin was fascinated: this woman did not spoil neither men's clothing, no low voice with hoarse. On the contrary, all this made her mysterious, sitting.
But it was worth it to step aside, and charm dispersed: In the role of a careless dandy with a cigar in his mouth, she looked almost caricature.
And nevertheless, he was very upset when the next day did not find her in the house of common acquaintances ...
Soon, Paris was spread to the news that Chopin and George Sand went on a journey. Both were too noticeable so that this news does not cause a storm in society. The conservatory student was warmly discussed by the new novel of his maestro, some Baroness had a fit, and one famous writer did not leave the Kabak for three days ...
Paris journalist Jules Dufur wrote: "What a reasonable person will say that the love of two statues, two monuments can last longer than a day? In general, the pedestal will be boring to death. And in bed monuments are just funny ... "
Onor Balzac, when he was asked what he thinks about this sensational novel, answered like this: "Former failures in love Madame Sand concluded in her unshakable faith in happy love. She believes in her and waits for a woman. And seeks her as a man ... "
From the side it was difficult to understand what they were united - they seemed so different. However, they had a lot in common.
See you with Georges Sand Muse Chopin replaced each other, bringing him a rise of inspiration: Constance, Maryl, Dolphin Pototskaya, Maria Vodzignskaya ... Each of them was beautiful in his own way, but it always prevented something with a solid alliance: then a different social status, then Fighting pride, the disease or, finally, just a confluence of the circumstances ...
The new novel was not similar to any one former. With George Sand, he was tied not only passion, but also deep attachment, and true friendship. With anyone, Friedarch was not so frank, with whom so deeply did not discuss his professional problems.
He became a member of the Georges Sand family, he took everything to her heart that she concerned her children - Maurice and Slander.
But in character they were different. Georges Sand never complained about fatigue. She knew how to not only work around the clock, but even more fun. Chopin, painful smalod, it is sometimes painful.
At the same time, both were absorbed by their creativity that required a huge tension. Both were characteristic of creative thumbnails and even neurasthenic attacks, but Georges Sand overcame them much easier than Freedarch.
For almost ten years, from 1838 to 1847, Chopin was a permanent visitor of the Family Castle Dupenov. Castle Noan was famous for his hospitality. As in the native house, there were numerous friends, relatives, familiar hostesses and her beloved, who were lovingly called Shopinetto here.
In Georges Sand, he met Balzac, Louis Bloom, Pierre Lero ... They all became big fans of Chopin, but reigned here all the same Georges Sand, and the FRIDERIC was sometimes not able to overcome their stiffness.
He was a secular man, but the noisy life of the Paris Bohemian often tired him. In the depths of the soul, he remained Warshianin, until the end of his days did not get rid of longing in his homeland.
The test of feelings presented them with winter spent in Mallorca in the abandoned Cartesian monastery "Valdezoz".
In this fantasticly beautiful place, they both felt a special tide of inspiration. There was a chopin cycle of twenty-four preludes, reflecting various sentiments, various gusts of the soul, but permeated with one passionate desire to live and love.
Unfortunately, in the midst of the work of Chopin went the throat of blood, a severe aggravation of Chakhotka began. Georges Sand, throwing writing, did not leave him in the afternoon or at night ...
Contrary to the evil gossip, the experienced test not only did not shake their union, but, on the contrary, made it stronger. Their shared buddy Louis Polo, who often visited Georges and Chopin in Paris, flattened that they understood perfectly and complemented each other and they were very good together.
Once, when they sat in the threesome before the burning fireplace, Georges Sand began to remember his beloved village in Berry. She told so poetically and figuratively that the touched Chopin could not remain indifferent. "If it inspired you so, maybe you put my words to music?" - suggested George Sand.
And this happened more than once: one infected the other with his inspiration. Georges Sand, who loved to play with her little dog, somehow noticed Chopin: "I would certainly write some musical play in honor of my dog \u200b\u200b..." Chopin, on the memories of Louis Eno, immediately approached the piano and played Melodic waltz, which his disciples and acquaintances later called the "Waltz of a little dog" ...
Very musical from nature, Georges Sand felt fine and understood the music of Chopin, bowed to his talent.
Chopin, who stood aside from the literary process, was very interested in the work of his beloved. They rummed that he didn't even read her novels.
With such indifference, Georges Sand was difficult to reconcile. Resentment accumulated. The breakdown was found after entering the light of the novel George Sand "Lucretia Floriani".
The love story, laid in its foundation, very much resembled the novel of the writer itself with Chopin. No matter how much George Sand denied this, Friedarch learned it in the actress of Lucretia, which had three children from different husbands, and himself - in the raised, capricious prince Carol.
The first response of Chopin was shock: the history of their lives, their love, was made to the universal court. Moreover, George Sand strengthened the Narcistic features of Chopin in the novel, creating a non-reliable portrait, but rather a caricature, a cartoon.
Chopin believed that George Sand betrayed their love, which actually enriched them both. On the pages of the book, Karol and Lucretia, having survived the tragedy of the failed hopes, partitioned.
The blow on pride was fatal, and still Chopin swallowed this bitter pill. However, their relationship was given such a crack that any insignificant reason could provoke a break.
And the reason soon appeared. Georges Sand had a relationship with her daughter because of her marriage, and she insisted that Chopin stops communicating with Sange and her husband. Chopin considered such a requirement unfair. This was the reason for the gap.
Later, George Sand said that they never quarreled and did not reproached each other and that their first tapping turned out to be the latter. They did not reconcile until the death of Chopin.
Love relationships - mystery for seven seals. From the side it is impossible to understand, on whose fault the Union suffers the collapse. You can analyze just that on the surface.
Many friends and acquaintances Chopin, speaking of his novel with Georges Sand, often put it with an afflicted to whom this union brought only torment.
But there are other memories that testify that the accusations of the Address of Georges Sand are greatly exaggerated. The years spent with her were the most fruitful in his life. For your short life (Chopin lived only 39 years old) he wrote two concerts and a lot of piano plays - Sonata, Nocturons, Scherzo, etudes, fantasies, impromptu, songs ...
According to the memories of contemporaries, Georges Sand after the gap was still energetic, sociable and operational, and Chopin as if he lost air, he could no longer compose music, just performed her.
But these observations do not give grounds to blame in all Georges Sand. Isn't this woman who is accustomed to noisy success and worship, conducted whole nights in the bed of Chopin, when he was sick?
As long as their union fell her imagination and gave a powerful impetus to creativity, she was inexhaustible in devotion to him and did not disappoint himself, which gives more than he gets.
Chopin demanded a lot of attention and care, but he did not show that selflessness, which she gave it. But both were very talented, and creativity always remained the main thing in the life of everyone.
After parting with Frederick, Georges Sand seemed to be freed from the heavy nosha, which herself took over himself and was completely nine years old.
Perhaps neither he nor she suggested than the gap will be wrapped for them. Georges Sand did not guessed that it would easily transfer the separation with Chopin, and Chopin - that he could not live and work without George Sand. He suffered, rushing and did not believe that she would never return to him.
Soon, Chopin went to England. "I can not be harder than now, and I haven't experienced real joy for a long time ... I just stir and wait for the end ..." he wrote to a friend from there. "I feel weaker, I can't compose ... I never cursed, but now I'm almost ready to curse Lucretia."
Chopin was going to give a few concerts in London, but health did not allow. It was possible only twice to perform in a private house with their friends.
In Paris, the disease aggravated, and in recent months, Chopin was so weak that he could not speak, explained by gestures.
When George Sand learned about his illness, she rose to go to him, but his friends did not allow, fearing that strong excitement would worsen his condition.
And Chopin, a few days before his death, told his friend Franch: "She said that he would not let me die without her, that I would die in her arms ..."

Frederick Francois Chopin - the Great Composer-Romantic, founder of the Polish pianistic school. In all her life, he did not create a single work for the symphony orchestra, but its compositions for piano are unsurpassed peak of world pianistic art.

A future musician was born in 1810 in the family of the Polish teacher and Gutener Nicolas Chopin and the tech of Justin Ksizhinovskaya, the nobility by origin. In the town of Zheryovzov, that under Warsaw, the surname of Chopin was considered a respected intelligent family.

Parents raised their children in love for music, poetry. The mother was a good pianist and singer, she spoke perfectly in French. In addition to the little Frederick in the family, three more daughters were brought up, but only the boy showed truly great abilities to the piano.

The only preserved photo of Frederick Chopin

Having a big mental sensitivity, the little Frederick could sit for hours from the tool, picking up or learning the works like. Already in early childhood, he hit the surrounding his musical abilities and love for music. The boy began to speak with the concerts in almost 5 years, and at the age of 7 years already entered the class for the famous Polish pianist of that time to Wojcuchi lively. After five years, Frederick turned into a real pianist-virtuoso, which, according to technical and musical skills, was not inferior to adults.

In parallel with the classes on the game on the piano, Frederick Chopin began to take the lessons of the composition from the Musician of Joseph Elsner known in Warsaw. In addition to the education, the young man travels through Europe, visiting the Opera Prague Theaters, Dresden, Berlin.

Thanks to the Prince of Prince Anton Radziwille, a young musician became a senior society. Visited the talented young man and in Russia. His game was marked by Emperor Alexander I. As a award, the young performer was given a diamond ring.


Having gained impressions and first composer experience, in 19 years old Chopin begins his piano career. Concerts that the musician spends in Native Warsaw and Krakow, bring him great popularity. But the first European tour, which Frederick undertook a year later, turned out for the musician by parting from homeland.

While in Germany with speeches, Chopin learns about the suppression of the Polish uprising in Warsaw, one of whose supporters he was. After such news, the young musician was forced to stay abroad in Paris. In memory of this event, the composer wrote the first Opus etudes, whose pearl was the famous revolutionary etude.

In France, Frederick Chopin basically performed in the houses of his patrons and high-ranking friends. At this time, he composes his first piano concerts, which successfully performed on the scenes of Vienna and Paris.

An interesting fact of the biography of Chopin is his meeting in Leipzig with a German composer-romantic Robert Shuman. After listening to the performance of the young Polish pianist and the composer, the German exclaimed: "Gentlemen, remove the hats, this is a genius." In addition to the Shuman, his Hungarian Ferenic Ferrenc Ferrenic Fans Fans Fang. He admired the work of the Polish musician and even wrote a large research work on the life and work of his idol.

Flowering creativity

The thirties of the XIX century become the heyday of the composer's creativity. Under the impression of the poetry of the Polish writer Adam Mitskevich, Frederic Chopin creates four ballads dedicated to their native Poland and experiences about her fate.

The melodism of these works is filled with elements of Polish folklore songs, dances and recitative remarks. These are peculiar lyric tragic paintings from the life of the People's People, refracted through the prism of the author's experiences. In addition to the ballads at this time, 4 scherzo, waltza, mazurki, polona and nocturons appear at this time.

If the waltz in the works of Chopin becomes the most autobiographical genre, closely connected with the events of his personal life, then Mazuriki and polonesa can rightfully be called a piggy bank of national images. Mazurks are presented in the work of Chopin not only by famous lyrical works, but also aristocratic or, on the contrary, folk dances.

The composer, in accordance with the concept of romanticism, which appeals primarily to the national identity of the people, uses the sound and intonation characteristic of Polish folk music and intonation to create its musical compositions. This is the famous Bourdon, imitating the sounds of folklore tools, this is the sharp syncope, which is skillfully combined with the inherent Polish music dashed rhythm.

A new one opens Frederick Chopin and a genre of nocturne. If the name of the Nocturne first corresponded to the translation of the "Night Song", then in the work of the Polish composer, this genre turns into a lyrical dramatic sketch. And if the first opuses of its nocturns sound like a lyrical description of nature, the last works are increasingly deepening in the sphere of tragic experiences.

One of the tops of the mature wizard is considered its cycle, consisting of 24 preludes. He was written in the fracture for Frederick years of the first love and breaking relationship with the beloved. The choice of the genre affected the captivation of Chopin at this time creativity I. S. Baha.

Studying the immortal cycle of Prelude and Fugue of the German Master, the young Polish composer conceived to write a similar essay. But romance has such works received personal coloring of the sound. Prelude Chopin is primarily small, but deep sketches of the internal experiences of a person. They are written in the manner of the musical diary popular in those years.


The fame of Chopin is due not only to its composer and concert activities. A talented Polish musician manifested itself as a brilliant teacher. Frederick Chopin is the creator of a unique pianoset technique, which helped many pianists to gain real professionalism.

Adolf Gutman was a disciple chopin

In addition to talented disciples, Chopin has studied a lot of guns from aristocratic circles. But truly of all the wards of the composer became famous for Adolf Gutman, who later became a pianist and a music editor.

Portraits of Chopin

Among the friends of Chopin, it was possible to meet not only musicians and composers. He was interested in the work of writers, romantics artists, fashionable at that time of novice photographers. Thanks to the versatile ties of Chopin, many portraits written by different masters remained, the most famous of which is the work of Ezhen Delacroix.

Portrait of chopin. Artist Eugene Delakroua

Written in an unusual romantic manner, a portrait of a composer is stored now at the Museum of the Louvre. At the moment, photos of the Polish musician are also known. Historians have at least three Dougurotype, on which Frederick Chopin is captured by research.

Personal life

Frederick Chopin's personal life was tragic. Despite its sensitivity and tenderness, the composer really did not experience feelings of full-fledged happiness from family life. Frederick's first chosen was his compatriot, young Maria Vodzinskaya.

After the engagement of young people, the bride's parents put forward a wedding demand no earlier than in a year. During this time, they hoped to learn the composer better and make sure of its financial consistency. But Frederick did not justify their hopes, and the engagement was terminated.

The moment of parting with his beloved musician worried very sharply. This affected the music written by him that year. In particular, at this time, the famous second sonata appears from under his pen, the slow part of which was called "mour march".

After a year later, he was fascinated by the emancipated special, which the whole Paris knew. Baroness called Aurora Dudevan. She was a fan of the emerging feminism. Aurora, not embarrassed, wore a male costume, she was not married, but he fond of free relationships. Possessing the sophisticated mind, the young lady was engaged in writing and led the novels under the pseudonym Georges Sand.

The history of the love of 27-year-old Chopin and 33-year-old Aurora developed rapidly, but the couple did not advertise his relationship for a long time. Nor on one of his portraits Frederick Chopin is not captured with his women. The only picture on which the composer was depicted and George Sand was depicted, after his death was discovered on the broken half.

A lot of time, lovers spent in private ownership of Aurora Dudevan in Mallorca, where Chopin had a disease, which later led to sustainable death. Wet island climate, intense relationships with beloved and their frequent quarrels provoked tuberculosis from the musician.

Many familiar observed for an unusual pair noted that the volitional countess had a special influence on the weak-speaking Frederick. Nevertheless, it did not prevent him from creating his immortal piano works.


Health Chopin, which worsened every year, was finally undermined by a gap from his beloved George Sand in 1847. After that, the event broken morally and physically, the pianist begins its last tour of the UK, in which he went along with his student Jane Stirling. Returning to Paris, he again gave concerts, but soon there was no one and no longer got up.

Close people who were near the composer all the last days were his favorite younger sister Ludwick and French friends. Frederick Chopin died in mid-October 1849. The reason for his death has become complicated pulmonary tuberculosis.

Monument on the grave of Frederic Chopin

According to the testament of the composer, his heart was taken out of the chest and taken to their homeland, and the body was buried in the grave in the French cemetery. The cup with the heart of the composer and today is closed in one of the Catholic churches of the Polish capital.

The Poles are so loved chopin and are proud of them that they rightly consider his creativity by the national heritage. In honor of the composer, many museums are open, in every city there are monuments to the Grand Musician. Frederick's posthumous mask and the cast from his hands can be seen in the chopin museum in the Znilavaya Will.

Facade of the Warsaw Airport named after Frederic Chopin

In memory of the composer, many music educational institutions are named, including the Warsaw Conservatory. Chopin's name since 2001 wears the Polish airport, which is located on the territory of Warsaw. Interestingly, one of the terminals is called "etudes" in memory of the immortal creation of the composer.

The name of the Polish genius is so popular among the connoisseurs of music and ordinary listeners, that some modern musical groups use it and create lyrical compositions, stylistically resembling the works of Chopin, and attributed to them on authorship. So in free access you can find musical plays called "Autumn Waltz", "Waltz Rain", "Garden of Eden", the real authors of which are the SECRET Garden group and composers Paul de Senneville and Oliver Tusken.


  • Concerts for piano with orchestra - (1829-1830)
  • Mazurki - (1830-1849)
  • Polona - (1829-1846)
  • Nocturins - (1829-1846)
  • Waltza - (1831-1847)
  • Sonata - (1828-1844)
  • Preludes - (1836-1841)
  • Etudes - (1828-1839)
  • Scherzo - (1831-1842)
  • Ballades - (1831-1842)

Love stories of one of the most strange women of the literary world, which many considered the coarse and heartless, which were attributed to numerous connections with men and even women who were reproached in instications (hinted at physical intimacy with their own son) - all her love stories, according to the overwhelming The number of researchers in the life of Georges Sand (1804 - 1876), in fact, were the manifestations of the hidden maternal instinct, which the writer who was famous for the whole world tried to translate into relations with each man who met on her life path. And men were too much - so much that, remembering in old age, the living life, George Sand recognized: "I have experience in love, alas, very complete! If I could start a life at first, I would have chaste! "

August Chaphetier

We knew her contemporaries describe the writer as a woman of low growth, dense and autonomous physique, with huge brown eyes against the background of a rather rough feathers. Song considered the original and even beautiful. Others assured that she was too much-like to be attractive. Her manners move and speech differed sharpness, her too frank conversations were injected into the confusion of modest ladies, and men's suits that Sand preferred female, and at all hid something feminine and graceful in it. Men's hats and cigarette in her hand remain unchanged in her appearance. Nevertheless, men attracted her. A woman who has an intelligence, an unusual humor who raised in many problems is better than men, a witty interlocutor, she has repeatedly forced fans to throw everything for life with her and suffer, being abandoned by her.

Amanda Aurora Lucille Dupin is a real name of Georges Sand - Born on July 1, 1804 in Paris. Her grandmother - Aurora Saxon - the daughter of the famous Marshal and Aventurist Moritz Saxon, was a highly educated and well-supported lady. After the death of the first husband, she married an elderly poor employee Dupin, with whom was happy all the rest of his life. Her son Moritz, who served in the Napoleonic army, met an actress of the Stray theater and, having fallen in love with her, secretly married a windy beloved, which did not want to recognize his family, especially the mother. Soon after the wedding, the young was born a girl called in honor of the grandmother Aurora. However, the elder Aurora and after that did not want to recognize either his daughter-in-law nor legitimate granddaughter. He accepted the child Madame Dupin only when he once forcibly gave a four-year-old girl into his hands. Seeing huge dark eyes, grandmother learned in the features of the tiny girl of her son and softened.

Nevertheless, the breakdown with the daughter-in-law continued. Aurora-senior reproached the former actress in frivolous behavior and breakfast. The daughter-in-law was defended, and once, having gathered things, she stated that he would not return to the house until her mother-in-law was alive, and went to Paris.

Sophie-Victor Decommus - Mother Georges Sand

Little Aurora was seriously worried about separation from his mother, but she was replaced by a grandmother, who instilled his love for music and literature granddaughter, taught her good Manners and the ability to behave in a secular society. At the same time, the elderly aristocrat counted that this was not enough, and gave a girl to raise the Guesthouse at the female Augustinian monastery, where girls from the most notable and wealthy families of France were brought up. In the monastery, the future writer received excellent education and self-confidence. Grandma died when Aurora was sixteen years old. In the will, the estate in Noon went to his granddaughter.

Immediately after the death of grandma, the mother returned. On the advice of the foremanns of the monastery, she took the Aurora home. The fact is that the nuns began to often notice a girl for looking at the icons of the faces of the Saints - men - and saw the rusty of the carnal passion. Later it turned out that they were right - Aurora really fell in love with the Holy Augustine.

The former actress, barely returning to Noan, immediately removed to issue a daughter married a man who was Aurora so unpleasant that a shocked girl stopped eating and without getting up, lay in bed, hiding in her room. In order to get rid of the unloved man, she agreed to marry with another man - Casimir Dudevan, who seemed to her at first understanding and good friend. In addition, Dudevan did not limit her freedom: Aurora could ride a hunt, to meet and communicate with friends and friends, interested in not female things.

An eighteen-year-old Aurora plunged into family life, led a household, and in 1823 she gave birth to the firstborn - Moritz. Five years later, the daughter of Sange appeared. Children have become for a young woman with joy and consolation from the starting discharge in the family and misunderstandings between the spouses. The money was constantly lacked, and Avrora took up translations and writing his first novel, and after some time decided to leave to Paris. The husband did not oppose the departure of the spouse and let go of the Aurora along with his daughter.

In the capital, Madame Dudevan settled in the attic and took up literary work. Every day she wrote a dense neat handwriting several pages and kept this habit to the end of life. Then the novice writer decided to dress in a male suit; And since then, its unchanged outfit has become a dark long coat, a felt hat and heavy male boots.

Rosemary Harris in the role of Georges Sand

The novels began his Aurora to sign the male name - Georges Sand, and talk about himself - only in male genus. After some time, the Sand filed to divorce, deciding to break all the relationship with her husband. "A woman cannot surrender, as a thing! She said after the divorce. - Even the thought itself about rapprochement without love Gnusna! "

The Roman Georges Sand Indiana unexpectedly turned out to be successful for many, a little time passed - and the works of the Sand became popular in all of France.

The creative elite of Europe drew attention to the extravagant and original writer. She had many fans and fans. The number of her lovers exceeded three hundred, and many of them were famous writers, musicians, artists. Particularly stand out among them by Prospere Merim and Ferrenz Leaf.

Franz Liszt Playing In A Parisian Salon A Grand Piano by Conrad GRAF, Who Commissioned the Painting; On the Piano IS A BUST OF LUDWIG VAN Beethoven by Anton Dietrich; The Imagined Gathering Shows Seated Alexandre Dumas (Père), George Sand, Franz Liszt, Marie D "Agoult; Standing Hector Berlioz Or Victor Hugo, Niccolò Paganini, Gioachino Rossini; A Portrait Of Byron On The Wall and a Statue of Joan of Arc on The Far Left.
Josef Danhauser.

We will repeat the Sand to all their lovers experienced maternal feelings. It did not exception and the Great Polish composer Frederick Chopin (1810 - 1849). He was younger than Sand for six years and sick with tuberculosis, which way looked pale and weak. Contemporaries describe Chopin as a person with knightly manners, a beautiful, slim figure, aristocratic features of the face. The fragile and gentle young man liked the Sand, and she decided by anything to win his heart.

Frederick Chopin and Georges Sand
Eugene Delacroa

When they first saw each other in the house of common acquaintances, Chopin did not pay any attention to the writer. And after a couple of days he asked his friend: "What kind of disgusting woman is this Sand? And whether she is at all? " In addition, Chopin was already engaged, but his bride, beauty Maria Vodzinskaya, soon dissolved the engagement, saying that the groom was not the man who could make her life calm and happy. The impressionable composer was very worried about the gap with the bride, but quickly found a consolation in the arms of another woman: the sophisticated in the love affairs of the Sand knew how to find the path to the heart of the composer. "She looked so penetrating into my eyes! .. - remembered Chopin. - I was defeated! " This connection continued entirely nine years.

Initially, Chopin settled in the house next to the Sand. Their meetings were secret, and if they had to come across common acquaintances, lovers played the role of barely familiar people. A few months later it was decided to rent an apartment for two in a quiet Parisian area. At first, no one guessed them about their livelihood, and even collecting guests, Chopin kept in their general with Georges Sand House as a simple guest, was kind and attentive to the writer.

Anthony Kolberg.

A person with a very complex character, the composer was with all restrained and cold, but still besides the will each time it turned out in the center of general attention. He was sure to be asked to play anything, the improvisation of the pianist used the greatest success, and the ability to correctly imitate the surrounding brought guests to delight.

Teofil Kyatkovsky

In the autumn of 1838, Sand went to relax on Mallorca in society, as she put it, "two children" - with the son of Moritz and with the "Kid Chopin". Calm and favorable climate helped the sick composer to treat health. After returning from Mallorca, the lovers moved to Noan. Sand, believed to Chopin as a sick boy demanded from all respect for him. In addition, she was convinced that for complete recovery Chopin need abstinence. Very quickly, their relationship was turned into Platonic, and Sand complained: "... Many people blame me that I have been inflicted by my feelings. And he complains to me that I kill him my own refuse ... "

Always admired the genius of the composer, the Sand constantly encouraged his desire to work and created all the conditions for this. It was the years spent with Georges Sand, Chopin's biographers consider the most fruitful in his work.

Ambroise Richebourg.

The disease so weakened Chopin that all family troubles in Noon lay on the shoulders of one Georges Sand. At the same time, the native children of the writer were categorically against this connection. The son was constantly jealous of his mother to her lover; Capricious and selfish daughter provoked more and more new quarrels in the house. Often she even flirted with Chopin, setting it against his mother.

Sange - Daughter Georges Sand

The composer, being extremely impressionable man, could not bring a heavy atmosphere for a long time in the estate. He is tired of the permanent quarrels, the evil triberees of a capricious saltwall, unhealthy jealousy Moritz. And once, told the beloved that he wanted to visit his homeland, Chopin left Noan forever. Georges Sand did not persuade and stop him.

Felix Nadar

For a while, lovers rewrite, but constantly meeting with Chopin in Paris, the evil saltwater continued to tell the composer spicy and sometimes just fictional stories about the alleged numerous love novels of his mother. As a result, Chopin lasted the former mistress and stopped any relationship with her. He did not answer her letters, avoided random meetings ... The caring George Sand was interested in only one thing - the health of her "Third Child".

The last time they saw in 1848. Sand wanted to talk to Chopin, he turned away and went away. A year later, the composer did not.

After the death of his beloved aging Sand calmed down. The time of its numerous novels ended. Before his death, the whole fifteen years, she lived with the latest lover Alexander Manso. Her life was completely devoted to the care of the Son, the management of the farm in the house and work, which Georges Sand never changed.

Felix Nadar

François-Léon Sicard

Text Anna Sardaryan

No one could even assume that Georges Sand. and Frederic Chopin May fall in love with each other. Too different they were - a fragile painful young man with a knight manner and a decisive woman in a male suit, with a constant cigar in the teeth. Nevertheless, their novel lasted ten years and prompted both to create outstanding works - he wrote music, she is books.

"What is this disgusting woman?"

By the time she was acquainted with a solid life experience. Amanda Aurora Lucille Dupin, which was a little thirty, managed to live in the women's monastery, to throw married, give birth to a son and daughter, leave a spouse, go after the lover in Paris and write a few novels under the men's pseudonym "Georges Sand". Frederick Chopin was not even thirty. He heard a musical genius and virtuoso, traveled with concerts many countries and was thrown to the one with which he was engaged.

When they first met in a secular evening in the house of their common acquaintance, Chopin entertained guests to the game on the piano. The hostess of the house decided to acquaint two creative natures, but the musician then did not give the meanings to this meeting. And after asked familiar: "What is this disgusting woman - Georges Sand? Yes, and Woman is she at all? ". A young man with exquisite manners then shocked the frivolous behavior and an extravagant appearance of a writer, who did not just wore a male suit, but also complemented it with high rude boots, a hat and cigar. But the "outrage of calm", apparently, immediately paid attention to the young composer.

Not at all honeymoon

Sand and Chopin often intersected at different secular events. After communicating with the writer, the opinion of the musician about it has changed, and after some time a couple began to meet - while in secretly from others. After a few months, the lovers began to live together openly, and at the end of the 1838 went to "wintering" in Majorca - along with the children of Land, as one family. At that time, Chopin, who since childhood suffered from tuberculosis, was tormented by cough attacks, and the couple hoped that the mild climate would help improve their health.

Portrait of Georges Artist Artist Charpart. 1838 year.

However, on the contrary, in Spain, the musician was only worse. Sand caught him day and night, and then another apartment owner learned about the ailment of his guests. According to the laws of that time, furniture and all items, to which the patient touched, had to burn - of course, paying their cost was Chopin and Sand. The same young were put out the door. Since no one agreed to accept a person suffering from tuberculosis, they did not find other housing - they were sheltered only in the monastery.

On this misadventures did not end. In love, I had to return to Paris, but all ships refused to take them on board. After a number of unsuccessful attempts, still managed to persuade one of the captains. True, a brilliant composer, a brilliant writer and two children allocated the worse of all cabins - next to the pine pens. How then said Chopin, these pigs had an order of magnitude better than him. Sandage did not complain about anything.

Children against!

Returning to France, the "family" settled in the estate Georges Sand. But there was no happiness there: Chopin was still sick, the son was jealous of his mother to an alien man. And the opposite of a mature daughter, configured the "stepfather" against the mother. Relationships gradually began to go to no, and in 1847 Chopin could not stand. The musician collected things and gone. Sand did not stop it.

At first, they walked each other letters, but the daughter of Sand told Chopin about the treason of ex-girlfriend.

"I prefer to see you in a hostile camp than defending against the opponent, which is fed up with my breast and my milk," said Georges composer itself.

And soon the letters stopped. The last time Chopin and Sand met by chance - over a year and a half before the death of the composer. He did not talk to the former beloved, but until the end of his life supported a warm relationship with her daughter. And dying, after all, remembered the writer: "She promised that I would die in her arms."

After chopin

In the novel, Georges Sand "Lucretia Floriani" there are clear associations: Lucretia is the writer itself. And the young egoist Karol, whom she loved so and because of whom he died, very much reminds Chopin. However, reality differed from the plot of the novel. Sand survived her beloved for 27 years. After his death, she had another man - she remained with him until recent years, causing me for the farm and caring for children.

Chopin Relationships with shocking Sand was given with great difficulty, but many biographers converge in opinion: in those years, the composer wrote his best works. Their relationship lasted about ten years and brought both a lot of suffering: probably, a happy marriage and a calm family life is too complicated for two geniuses under one roof. But their novels still remember. Even after almost two hundred years.

Love Georges Sand and Frederick Chopin

Love stories of one of the most strange women of the literary world, which many considered the coarse and heartless, which were attributed to numerous connections with men and even women who were reproached in instications (hinted at physical intimacy with their own son) - all her love stories, according to the overwhelming The numbers of the Life Researchers Georges Sand (1804-1876), in fact, were the manifestations of the hidden maternal instinct, which the writer famous for the whole world tried to translate into relations with each man who met on her life path. And men were too much - so much that, remembering in old age, the living life, George Sand recognized: "I have experience in love, alas, very complete! If I could start a life at first, I would have chaste! "

We knew her contemporaries describe the writer as a woman of low growth, dense and autonomous physique, with huge brown eyes against the background of a rather rough feathers. Song considered the original and even beautiful. Others assured that she was too much-like to be attractive. Her manners move and speech differed sharpness, her too frank conversations were injected into the confusion of modest ladies, and men's suits that Sand preferred female, and at all hid something feminine and graceful in it. Men's hats and cigarette in her hand remain unchanged in her appearance. Nevertheless, men attracted her. A woman who has an intelligence, an unusual humor who raised in many problems is better than men, a witty interlocutor, she has repeatedly forced fans to throw everything for life with her and suffer, being abandoned by her.

Amanda Aurora Lucille Dupin is a real name of Georges Sand - Born on July 1, 1804 in Paris. Her grandmother - Aurora Saxon - the daughter of the famous Marshal and Aventurist Moritz Saxon, was a highly educated and well-supported lady. After the death of the first husband, she married an elderly poor employee Dupin, with whom was happy all the rest of his life. Her son Moritz, who served in the Napoleonic army, met an actress of the Stray theater and, having fallen in love with her, secretly married a windy beloved, which did not want to recognize his family, especially the mother. Soon after the wedding, the young was born a girl called in honor of the grandmother Aurora. However, the elder Aurora and after that did not want to recognize either his daughter-in-law nor legitimate granddaughter. He accepted the child Madame Dupin only when he once forcibly gave a four-year-old girl into his hands. Seeing huge dark eyes, grandmother learned in the features of the tiny girl of her son and softened.

Nevertheless, the breakdown with the daughter-in-law continued. Aurora-senior reproached the former actress in frivolous behavior and breakfast. The daughter-in-law was defended, and once, having gathered things, she stated that he would not return to the house until her mother-in-law was alive, and went to Paris.

Little Aurora was seriously worried about separation from his mother, but she was replaced by a grandmother, who instilled his love for music and literature granddaughter, taught her good Manners and the ability to behave in a secular society. At the same time, the elderly aristocrat counted that this was not enough, and gave a girl to raise the Guesthouse at the female Augustinian monastery, where girls from the most notable and wealthy families of France were brought up. In the monastery, the future writer received excellent education and self-confidence. Grandma died when Aurora was sixteen years old. In the will, the estate in Noon went to his granddaughter.

Immediately after the death of grandma, the mother returned. On the advice of the foremanns of the monastery, she took the Aurora home. The fact is that the nuns began to often notice a girl for looking at the icons of the faces of the Saints - men - and saw the rusty of the carnal passion. Later it turned out that they were right - Aurora really fell in love with the Holy Augustine.

The former actress, barely returning to Noan, immediately removed to issue a daughter married a man who was Aurora so unpleasant that a shocked girl stopped eating and without getting up, lay in bed, hiding in her room. In order to get rid of the unloved man, she agreed to marry with another man - Casimir Dudevan, who seemed to her at first understanding and good friend. In addition, Dudevan did not limit her freedom: Aurora could ride a hunt, to meet and communicate with friends and friends, interested in not female things.

The eighteen-year-old Aurora plunged and family life, led a household, and in 1823 she gave birth to Moritsa. Five years later, the daughter of Sange appeared. Children have become for a young woman with joy and consolation from the starting discharge in the family and misunderstandings between the spouses. The money was constantly lacked, and Avrora took up translations and writing his first novel, and after some time decided to leave to Paris. The husband did not oppose the departure of the spouse and let go of the Aurora along with his daughter.

In the capital, Madame Dudevan settled in the attic and took up literary work. Every day she wrote a dense neat handwriting several pages and kept this habit to the end of life. Then the novice writer decided to dress in a male suit; And since then, its unchanged outfit has become a dark long coat, a felt hat and heavy male boots.

The novels began his Aurora to sign the male name - Georges Sand, and talk about himself - only in male genus. After some time, the Sand filed to divorce, deciding to break all the relationship with her husband. "A woman cannot surrender, as a thing! She said after the divorce. - Even the thought itself about rapprochement without love Gnusna! "

The Roman Georges Sand Indiana unexpectedly turned out to be successful for many, a little time passed - and the works of the Sand became popular in all of France.

The creative elite of Europe drew attention to the extravagant and original writer. She had many fans and fans. The number of her lovers exceeded three hundred, and many of them were famous writers, musicians, artists. Particularly stand out among them by Prospere Merim and Ferrenz Leaf.

We will repeat the Sand to all their lovers experienced maternal feelings. It did not exception and the Great Polish composer Frederick Chopin (1810-1849). He was younger than Sand for six years and sick with tuberculosis, which way looked pale and weak. Contemporaries describe Chopin as a person with knightly manners, a beautiful, slim figure, aristocratic features of the face. The fragile and gentle, the young man liked the Sand, and she decided to wish his heart in order to win.

When they first saw each other in the house of common acquaintances, Chopin did not pay any attention to the writer. And after a couple of days he asked his friend: "What kind of disgusting woman is this Sand? And whether she is at all? " In addition, Chopin was already engaged, but his bride, beauty Maria Vodzinskaya, soon dissolved the engagement, saying that the groom was not the man who could make her life calm and happy. The impressionable composer was very worried about the gap with the bride, but quickly found a consolation in the arms of another woman: the sophisticated in the love affairs of the Sand knew how to find the path to the heart of the composer. "She looked so penetrating into my eyes! .. - remembered Chopin. - I was defeated! " This connection continued entirely nine years.

Initially, Chopin settled in the house next to the Sand. Their meetings were secret, and if they had to come across common acquaintances, lovers played the role of barely familiar people. A few months later it was decided to rent an apartment for two in a quiet Parisian area. At first, no one guessed about their livelihood, and even collecting guests, Chopin kept in them with Georges Sand House as a simple guest, was kind and attentive to the writer.

A person with a very complex character, the composer was with all restrained and cold, but still besides the will each time it turned out in the center of general attention. He was sure to be asked to play anything, the improvisation of the pianist used the greatest success, and the ability to correctly imitate the surrounding brought guests to delight.

In the autumn of 1838, Sand went to relax on Mallorca in society, as she put it, "two children" - with the son of Moritz and with the "Kid Chopin". Calm and favorable climate helped the sick composer to treat health. After returning from Mallorca, the lovers moved to Noan. Sand, believed to Chopin as a sick boy demanded from all respect for him. In addition, she was convinced that for complete recovery Chopin need abstinence. Very quickly, their relationship was turned into Platonic, and Sand complained: "... Many people blame me that I have been inflicted by my feelings. And he complains to me that I kill him my own refuse ... "

Always admired the genius of the composer, the Sand constantly encouraged his desire to work and created all the conditions for this. It was the years spent with Georges Sand, Chopin's biographers consider the most fruitful in his work.

The disease so weakened Chopin that all family troubles in Noon lay on the shoulders of one Georges Sand. At the same time, the native children of the writer were categorically against this connection. The son was constantly jealous of his mother to her lover; Capricious and selfish daughter provoked more and more new quarrels in the house. Often she even flirted with Chopin, setting it against his mother.

The composer, being extremely impressionable man, could not bring a heavy atmosphere for a long time in the estate. He is tired of the permanent quarrels, the evil triberees of a capricious saltwall, unhealthy jealousy Moritz. And once, told the beloved that he wanted to visit his homeland, Chopin left Noan forever. Georges Sand did not persuade and stop him.

For a while, lovers rewrite, but constantly meeting with Chopin in Paris, the evil saltwater continued to tell the composer spicy and sometimes just fictional stories about the alleged numerous love novels of her mother. As a result, Chopin lasted the former mistress and stopped any relationship with her. He did not answer her letters, avoided random meetings ... The caring George Sand was interested in only one thing - the health of her "Third Child".

The last time they saw in 1848. Sand wanted to talk to Chopin, he turned away and went away. A year later, the composer did not.

After the death of his beloved aging Sand calmed down. The time of its numerous novels ended. Before his death, the whole fifteen years, she lived with the latest lover Alexander Manso. Her life was completely devoted to the care of the Son, the management of the farm in the house and work, which Georges Sand never changed.