The formulation of the question in itself already assumes the presence of this extremely toxic liquid metal in lighting devices (they say, any device, by definition, must contain mercury). But today this is far from the case.. Along with the advent of the new millennium, the era of semiconductor LED, more energy-efficient light emitters began, which are increasingly entering our lives. Lamps based on them are not only absolutely harmless and environmentally friendly, but they can also give odds to all sorts of energy-saving devices of the previous generation. If, for example, we level out the luminosity indicator, then a traditional (incandescent) light bulb will consume 100 W, Fluorescent Lamp daylight – 30 W, based on LED emitters – 16 W.

But, nevertheless, luminescent emitters today are the most common and economical ones.

Therefore it remains topical issue– is there mercury in energy-saving lamps?

Actually, yes, there is! And there is nothing good in the situation if such a light bulb at home bursts, cracks, or falls and breaks. This is potentially dangerous, but how dangerous?

Mercury in energy saving lamp

How much mercury is in lamps?

A traditional thermometer can be used as a reference example. Its flask contains no more than 2.6 g of mercury; the content of mercury vapor in a single-lamp fluorescent lamp does not exceed 1–5 mg (i.e., several thousandths of a gram). Such an amount cannot cause serious intoxication of the body, however, there are extremely unpleasant consequences.

Mercury content in the lamp

Attention! Back in 2004, there were applied research with breaking fluorescent lamps. “Full-scale tests” were carried out inside a closed container in which an energy-saving lamp broke. The experiment gave the following results:

  1. Immediately after breaking the flask, more than 50% of the total amount of mercury vapor it contained is released.
  2. Mercury in amounts up to 40% is gradually released from the fragments in the form of vapor. (The remaining amount remains on the bound inner lining of the broken flask).
  3. In the first 24 hours, approximately half (i.e., up to 20% of the total amount) of the toxic metal is released from the fragments. As a result, after 24 hours, at least 70% of 2.5 mg of mercury (the most common content) will accumulate in the atmosphere of the apartment, if ventilation is not done.

This will lead to the fact that the maximum permissible concentration of highly reactive and hygroscopic mercury vapor, which will be contained in the atmosphere of the house, will exceed the norm by 5 to 10 times (depending on the area of ​​the space). But the concentration will be within the so-called. "industrial" MPC.

So, summary:

  • It is impossible to quickly become poisoned by such an amount of mercury - its content is too insignificant.
  • The real danger is posed by the careless behavior of a person when the lamp is broken, and he continues to be in the room, and does not take measures to localize the fragments, as well as through ventilation. However, such harm to health is cumulative in nature, and its consequences manifest themselves over a long period of time.

Types of mercury lamps

The spread of mercury lamps is associated with the active exploitation of the phenomenon of fluorescence, where the inner coating of the lamp bulb (phosphor) is “made to glow” by excited electrical discharges mercury vapor. Of course, as presented above, they are not completely safe. But how effective they are in energy saving! At least 3 times (i.e., with the same electricity consumption, they provide at least 3 times more saturated luminous flux in Lumens).

Depending on their device, the following types of such lamps are distinguished:

Arc metal halide
  • Metal halide, mirror (the design contains a reflective mirror layer, thanks to which such lamps are able to generate a narrowly directed light flux).
Metal halide, mirror
  • Mercury-quartz (this type of lamp has a modified bulb shape).

  • Fluorescent (the most common office lamp for us).

Fluorescent lamp

The largest supplier companies operating in the market of energy-saving lamps (where you can find all of their varieties indicated) are the following companies: Esl;MAXUS(Maxus) and Camelion.

What to do if an energy-saving light bulb breaks?

It is necessary to immediately take measures to localize and eliminate the consequences. It should be remembered that, as mentioned above, there is no direct threat to life and health in this case, so there is no reason to panic. There is also no need to call and wait for specialists from the SES to arrive - you can perform all the necessary actions yourself (approximate instructions are given below).

Broken energy saving lamp


  1. All windows and doors should be opened immediately, creating a draft. You need to leave the room for at least 15 - 20 minutes. Staying in the room during this period is especially harmful to health.
  2. You immediately need to turn off the power to the broken lamp socket (it’s better to turn it off in the panel), then remove the base (if it’s stuck).
  3. After a quarter of an hour has passed, you must put on thick rubber gloves and collect all possible fragments. Do not rake them with your hand (even with gloves) - use sheets of paper. The fragments must be placed in a separate plastic bag.
  4. In addition to the fragments, powdered phosphor will be scattered on the floor. It is recommended to collect it, as well as very small fragments, using tape.
  5. The cleaning sequence is from the periphery of the room to the center.
  6. Next is wet cleaning. Needs to be taken out of the room maximum amount pieces of furniture and you should not skimp on strong liquid detergents (for example, Domestos). Use as much as needed; the main task is to remove all layers of dirt that can trap the insides of the flask.
  7. You also need to wipe down your shoes (with a damp sponge).
  8. All those items that were used during cleaning (sponges/rags/sheets of paper) are classified as waste containing mercury. They must not be thrown into the general trash bin. Place them in the same bag as the broken pieces.
  9. To dispose of this package, you will need the help of the sanitary and epidemiological service. You can hand over mercury-containing waste only to them or other specialized organizations (can be viewed on the official website of the SES).

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Important! It is unacceptable to use items made of fabric (sheets, bedspreads, clothes) that have been exposed to fragments of a broken lamp. All of them must be disposed of according to the procedure described above. In addition, doctors’ recommendations for those who directly carry out wet cleaning in rooms where... They recommend that they get some sleep (however, not in this room).

The ideal option for localizing this type of accident is to treat the floor in the room with a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). An alternative is ferric chloride or ordinary sulfur. However, it is ordinary only if it is available (and this is a very non-trivial case). All these reagents bind mercury very well. However, if they are absent, the above algorithm should be followed.


Neglecting safety rules can cause serious damage to your health. If the room is not properly ventilated, it can cause mercury vapor poisoning. The symptoms here are:

  • unnatural feeling of weakness in the body;
  • rapid and deep (unbearable) fatigue;
  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps.

Broken mercury-containing lamps can cause:

  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • organ damage abdominal cavity(gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver);
  • lesions of the genitourinary system.

Disposal of energy-saving lamps

Energy saving is starting to cost society too much in terms of ensuring household safety:

  • Any industrial products containing mercury or its vapors (including lamps) are considered extremely hazardous waste.
  • The law imposes a direct, categorical ban on mixing such disused objects with other items of household waste.
  • In order to simply provide services for the acceptance of mercury-containing objects, you need to obtain a license from Rosprirodnadzor.

Disposal of burnt-out lamps by storing them in open landfills is prohibited. In the event of an uncontrolled landfill, mercury vapor from broken flasks will accumulate in the trash layer, condensing on objects and ending up in underground water horizons along with sediment. Mercury is extremely hygroscopic (i.e., all-pervasive) and also very heavy (13 t/m3).

Of particular danger is storage under open air gas discharge lamps high pressure. Sooner or later, under the influence of regular seasonal temperature changes, such a lamp will explode. The dispersion of fragments occurs within a radius of up to 2 m. Moreover, it is precisely these lamps that contain greatest number mercury (up to 5 mg.).

Fluorescent lamps are high-tech devices, the disposal of which is a capital-intensive procedure, requiring the construction of entire factories, and an environmentally unsafe procedure for handling mercury. Including the cost of disposal in the price of such light emitters will entail their rise in price to a level almost exceeding the cost of new ones LED lamps. Therefore, there is a lag in recycling throughout the world; the fate of used mercury-containing lighting elements is somewhat reminiscent of the fate of waste nuclear fuel– storage and accumulation until better times.

  • There is a strong desire to solve the problem of small fragments using a vacuum cleaner. Fast, convenient, high quality. However, it was indicated above specific gravity mercury – 13 t/m3. This also means the monstrous density of its evaporation. One ball of mercury, 3 mm in diameter, can poison the air for 3 years! There is no need to think that if mercury is not visible, then it is not there. Microscopic beads are even more dangerous because their total surface area is greatly increased. And then imagine that you start using a vacuum cleaner. No filters will retain mercury vapor, the oxide film covering the balls will be broken, and the intensity of evaporation using a vacuum cleaner fan will increase by several orders of magnitude. In just a few seconds of use, the maximum permissible concentration of mercury in a room can be exceeded 100 times or more.
  • If the number of broken lamps exceeds at least 2, then eliminating the consequences of the accident on your own becomes, firstly, impossible, and secondly, dangerous to health. The difficulty here is to simply ventilate the room. When there is more mercury vapor, it interacts poorly with convection currents inside the room. Installation of fans and ventilation for several hours is required. In this case, you need to direct the fans not only towards the window, but you also need to blow out fumes from the corners. If you have several of these devices at once, and you understand how they need to be positioned, then, of course, you can try to do it yourself. But, as a rule, there are no such opportunities, so you should wait for specialists.
  • Simple replacement of mercury-containing lamps is a matter for qualified craftsmen. In post-Soviet countries, home owners are actually prohibited from touching these devices. The law is reinsured: after all, it is the lack of awareness of the consequences (to the fullest extent) that leads to seemingly insignificant accidents that entail serious consequences for the health of everyone around them for a long time. It's better to let the professionals handle it.

Mercury lamps of various designs are still used today, as they have found their niche: they are used in organizing lighting systems for large industrial facilities, streets. The general designation of the most common high-pressure version is DRL, which means arc mercury fluorescent lamp. This variety represents gas-discharge light sources and is characterized by hazard class 1 due to the fact that the composition, among other things, includes mercury.

Device Features

The design includes several main elements:

  • the base is the contact part, and lighting elements with holder E40, E27 are easy to install in any modern lamp;
  • quartz flask - contains an inert gas and a certain amount of mercury, connected to electrodes;
  • outer flask - made of heat-resistant glass, shaped like an incandescent bulb, inside there is a quartz flask (burner).

Gas-discharge light sources are coated with phosphor from the inside. Arc lamp contains carbon dioxide, which fills the outer flask. Most of these lighting elements operate via ballasts (ballasts), but there are also separate species– direct-on gas-discharge lamps, which do not require the installation of ballasts, but are connected directly to the network.

DRL lamp design

Arc light sources operate based on the phenomenon of luminescence. In this case, the glow occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is also produced by mercury vapor, which is part of the gaseous filling of the quartz flask. These processes occur under the condition that an electric discharge passes through the quartz burner.

Review of existing species

High-pressure gas-discharge light sources, which include DRL arc lamps, are divided into two main groups: general and narrow special purpose. The first option is installed in a street lighting fixture. The second group of high-pressure light sources is used in medicine, certain industries, and agriculture.

In addition, gas-discharge lamps are divided into types in accordance with structural and functional differences. Power range: from 80 to 1,000 W. More often used powerful performances 100 W, 250 W, 400 W, etc. Moreover, there is a division according to the number of electrodes: two-electrode (power from 80 to 1,000 W); four-electrode (250 -1,000 W).

Arc metal halide light sources (MAL)

The peculiarity of such lamps lies in the emitting additives, hence the designation: DRI (mercury arc lighting elements with emitting additives). By external signs this light source is similar to the DRL analogue.

Mercury vapor lamps DRI

The difference between them is that the composition of DRI also includes specialized components that are strictly dosed: sodium halide, indium and some others. This contributes to a significant increase in radiation efficiency.

The flask can be shaped like an ellipsoid or a cylinder. Mercury lamps of this type today increasingly contain a ceramic burner instead of a quartz analogue. Also, gas-discharge light sources of this group have a more advanced design, in particular, the shape of the inner bulb can be spherical. DRI mercury lamps require inclusion in the inductor circuit.

Gas-discharge lighting elements of this type are used in organizing outdoor lighting: parks, streets, squares; they are used as lighting for buildings, shopping and exhibition halls, as well as large venues (sports, football fields).

Metal halide with a mirror layer (DRIZ)

Mercury lamps of this type have a similar composition to DRI analogues: main filling + emitting additives. But in addition, the design provides a mirror layer. Thanks to this feature, DRIZ high-pressure bulbs provide a directed beam of light.

Metal halide light sources with a mirror layer (DRIZ)

They are used in poor visibility conditions because high level power, along with design features, contributes to the organization of effective lighting of an area of ​​the object due to directional glow.

Mercury-quartz ball light sources (BLS)

Such high-pressure bulbs stand out from a number of analogues. This is facilitated the following factors: spherical bulb shape, high intensity radiation. And in addition to that, mercury quartz lamp characterized by ultra-high pressure.

High pressure lamps DRSh

Area of ​​application - highly specialized areas, in particular, projection systems, laboratory equipment.

Mercury-quartz (PRK, DRT)

This type of light bulb has a different bulb shape than the analogues discussed above. For example, PRK stands for direct mercury-quartz lighting element. This is the original designation of the DRT (tube-shaped mercury arc) lamp.

The transition to another marking occurred in the 80s. last century. The mercury quartz lamp in this design is characterized by the shape of the bulb in the form of a cylinder, and the electrodes are located at the end sections of the bulb.

Emission color

Due to the presence of a phosphor in the design, mercury-containing lamps produce an output color as close as possible to white. The neutral shade is obtained by mixing the radiation of the gaseous components of the bulb and the phosphor. In particular, mercury vapor produces a glow different colors: blue, green, purple, orange. And besides this, they emit ultraviolet light (soft, hard).

The combined glow of the phosphor and the gaseous filling of the flask located inside the high-pressure DRI light bulb makes it possible to obtain different colors glow: green, violet, etc. This is achieved by changing the composition and ratio of emitting additives.


Fluorescent mercury lamps are connected to the network in most cases through a choke (ballast). In essence, this unit is a current limiter that facilitates the smooth commissioning of a high-pressure light source. In the absence of a ballast, the DRL lamp will burn out due to the passage of high current values ​​through the electrodes.

However, there are also analogues of direct inclusion. For their normal operation, a choke is not required; a high-pressure lamp can be installed in the lamp. Such light sources are designated MRV (mercury arc tungsten). They are similar in characteristics to the DRL version. The choice of ballast is made based on data on the power of the light bulb.

General technical specifications

Definition of the most suitable type lamp is carried out taking into account the basic parameters of the light source:

  • supply voltage - usually indicated for direct-on lighting elements installed without a choke (DRV);
  • power – varies from 80 to 1,000 W;
  • luminous flux directly depends on the level of load created: varies from 1,900 to 59,000 lm;
  • burning duration: from 1,500 to 20,000 hours, with the most short term functioning is noted for direct-on tungsten lamps;
  • base type: E27, E40;
  • Dimensions of the product vary depending on the design of the lamp.

Features and Specifications various sources Sveta

For DRL light sources and other analogues connected with a choke, the voltage on the lamp can be indicated.

Storage and disposal

Considering that lighting elements of the DRL type and other similar designs contain mercury (hazard class 1), it is prohibited to store products with damaged bulbs in premises unprepared for this purpose. Especially if we're talking about about quantity hazardous waste V industrial scale. Storage, transportation and further disposal must be carried out by organizations that have the appropriate license (UNEP).

The thermometer is broken, the whole apartment is running around looking for a broom and dustpan to collect the mercury. And she has already turned into balls and runs away under the bed, then under the table, then somewhere else. And you all run and run after her. But when you screw an energy-saving lamp into a socket, and it accidentally slips out of your hands and falls, for unknown reasons, no one panics. But it would be worth worrying about the lamp more than about the thermometer. In addition to small fragments, there are also many harmful and negative aspects. And the worst thing is mercury vapor. So, let us exhale, calm down, put aside panic, and we begin.

The first thing to start with when talking about the consequences of a broken fluorescent lamp is mercury. I hasten to please you that there is no free mercury in an energy-saving lamp. For those who don't know, or simply forgot, free mercury is a liquid, silver-colored metal. The lamp does not contain the same amount of mercury. There is evaporated mercury, or more precisely, mercury vapor. They are very harmful because when they break the lamps they go straight into Airways and are absorbed into the body through the lungs.

Now take a deep breath. One lamp, depending on the power, contains from 0.1 to 0.5 grams of mercury. As I said earlier, it is contained in the form of vapor. And steam is the most harmful thing. The mercury that became balls after breaking the thermometer can be collected. It is most convenient to use regular wide tape or children's plasticine. But how will you collect pairs? They can be ventilated. It is fair to say that this is not some kind of fatal dose of mercury, but it may be poisoning. The main thing is not to forget that everyone different organism, and, accordingly, everyone’s immunity is different. And some may not have anything, but others will be poisoned. So you need to be careful.

Now I propose to delve a little into anatomy and talk about the impact directly on the body. And, no less important, about the consequences of such exposure. The consequences can be very different. First, let's look at the possible options for poisoning.

The most dangerous variant of mercury vapor poisoning is acute poisoning. With this option, the human body gets into the human body over a short period of time. a large number of mercury vapor. If poisoning occurs, the consequences will not be long in coming. A couple of hours and the primary signs of poisoning will appear. And they are very diverse. From abdominal pain to bloody diarrhea, from pneumonia to swollen gums, nausea and vomiting. Most often the temperature rises to at least thirty-eight degrees. In case of particularly severe poisoning, it is possible death. But let's not talk about sad things. This is actually not a common occurrence. Most likely, a broken light bulb will not poison you, but no one has canceled safety precautions. The last thing you want to do is break a hot energy-saving fluorescent lamp. The most dangerous fumes are hot ones, so it is not recommended to break a lamp that has just been turned off. According to statistics in living conditions Mercury poisoning is extremely rare, but, I repeat, you need to be careful not to become one of the sad statistics.

The next two types of poisoning have nothing to do with broken lamp, but it is useful to know about it. At a minimum, to know how to act in such a situation. The first of these is chronic mercury vapor poisoning. It occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to vapors with a slight excess of mercury content. This impact can last up to several years. And it hits the center nervous system. Depending on the type of lesion, symptoms appear. It could be simple fast fatiguability, drowsiness or apathy. In more severe forms, the effect on the brain is manifested, and this is bad. There may be memory loss and severe tremors in the limbs.

The second form is micromercurialism. This poisoning occurs gradually. As a rule, the body is constantly exposed to a tiny concentration of mercury vapor over a very long period of time. Long before the appearance of primary symptoms, the ability to smell is sharply reduced. Signs of such poisoning include decreased performance, drowsiness, apathy and memory loss. This general poisoning of the body also leads to a reduction in immunity. Most often, such poisoning occurs in those who work in mercury-related industries and neglect safety measures. But the reasons may be different, and such poisoning is possible in domestic conditions. Especially in cases where the mercury from the broken thermometer was not carefully removed. It can lie in the folds of the parquet, evaporate and slowly poison you.

Now, I think everyone is interested in learning about precautions and safety measures. It might also be interesting to know what to do if a thermometer or lamp breaks. So at the end of the article we’ll talk about this. You checked the temperature. Everything is fine with my health. But, while putting the thermometer in its case, it jumped out of my hands and... Well, in general, it broke. Mercury rolls around in balls on the floor, what should I do? First of all, don't panic. Panic is bad and, in general, this is the lot of the weak. The first thing to do is open the window and close the door. It is necessary to ventilate the room for a couple of hours, without creating a draft, as this can spread the fumes throughout the apartment. It’s also worth limiting people’s access to the place terrorist attack thermometer. Under no circumstances use a broom or vacuum cleaner to collect mercury. Will be worse. In this situation, tape and children's plasticine are our everything. They will stick the mercury to themselves, rather than chase it from corner to corner.

Now about the terrorism that a fluorescent lamp can cause. She crashed, but it's easier to cope with. Firstly, there is four times less mercury in the lamp. But the downside is that, unlike a thermometer, the lamp does not contain metal, but its vapor. It is worth expelling everyone from the room in which the sabotage occurred. Just like with a thermometer, in no case should you create a draft. In this situation he is even more dangerous. If possible, you will need a jar, preferably with a solution of potassium permanganate. A jar of water will also work. You need to collect all the fragments that you can collect with your hands and take them for disposal. If this is not possible, you need to pack it well and throw it away. Then vacuum or wipe the floor with a wet cloth. After the room has been ventilated, it can be considered that the danger has passed.

Fluorescent lamps begin their history with gas-discharge devices invented in the 19th century. In terms of light output and efficiency, they are significantly superior to incandescent lamps. They are used for lighting residential premises, institutions, hospitals, sports facilities, and workshops of manufacturing enterprises.

Operating principle and main properties

For a discharge to occur, to the flask with opposite sides electrodes are connected. Gas-discharge lamps cannot be connected directly to the network. Be sure to use ballasts.

If the number of starts does not exceed 5 times a day, then the luminescent source is guaranteed to last 5 years. This is almost 20 times more than for incandescent lamps.

Among the disadvantages of fluorescent lamps are:

  • Unstable operation at low temperatures.
  • Need for proper disposal due to mercury vapor.
  • The presence of flicker, to combat which it is necessary to complicate the circuit.
  • Relatively large sizes .

However, fluorescent lamps are extremely economical because they consume little energy, produce more light and last longer. Not surprisingly, they have replaced conventional light bulbs in almost all institutions and businesses.

Types of fluorescent lamps

Lamps come in low and high pressure. Tubes low pressure installed in rooms, high pressure - on the streets and in powerful lighting fixtures.

The range of fluorescent lighting devices is quite wide. They differ in the size and shape of the tube, type of base, power, color temperature, light output and other characteristics.

Depending on the shape of the tube, fluorescent lamps are:

  • Tubular (straight), designated by the letter T or t, have a straight shape.
  • U-shaped.
  • Ring.
  • Compact, used for lamps.

Straight, U-shaped and ring types will be combined into one type of linear lamps. Most common lighting in the form of tubes. After the letter T or t there is a number. It indicates the diameter of the tube, expressed in eighths of an inch. T8 means the diameter is 1 inch or 25.4 mm, T4 means 0.5 inch or 12.7 mm, T12 means 1.5 inch or 38.1 mm.

To make the lamp more compact, its bulb is bent. To start such lamps, a built-in electronic choke is used. The base is made either for standard lamps or for special lamps.

The fluorescent lamp base can be type G (pin with two contacts) or type E (screw). The latter type is used in compact models. The numbers after the letter G indicate the distance between the contacts, and after the letter E the diameter in millimeters.


Domestic and international labeling is different. Russian originates from the times Soviet Union, it uses Cyrillic letters. The meanings of the letters are as follows:

  • L lamp;
  • D daylight;
  • B white;
  • T warm;
  • E natural;
  • X is cold.

For compact models, the letter K is placed in front. If there is a C at the end of the marking, then a phosphor with improved color rendering is used. Two letters C mean that the color reproduction is of the highest quality.

If the lamp produces colored light of a narrow spectrum, then after L there is a corresponding letter. For example, LC means a source of red light, LV means yellow, and so on.

According to international markings, the power is written on the lamp and separated by a slash three digit number, which determines the color rendering index and color temperature.

The first digit of the number indicates color rendering multiplied by 10. Than higher figure, the more accurate the color rendering. The next two numbers indicate the color temperature, expressed in Kelvin and divided by 100. For daylight, the color temperature is 5-6.5 thousand K, so a lamp marked 865 will mean daylight with high color rendering.

For housing, lamps with codes 827, 830, 930 are used, for external lighting with code 880, for museums with code 940. More information about the meaning of the marking can be found in special tables.

Power is traditionally denoted by the letter W. In light sources general purpose The power scale varies from 15 to 80 W. For special-purpose lamps, the power can be less than 15 W (low-power) and more than 80 W (high-power).


Fluorescent lamps with various shades white used for lighting rooms and streets. With their help, plants in greenhouses and greenhouses, aquariums, and museum exhibits are illuminated.

The most common T8 tubes with a G13 base with a power of 18 and 36 W. They are used in institutions and in production. They easily replace Soviet lamps of the LB/LD-20 and LB/LD-40 types.

Since fluorescent sources heat up slightly, they can be used in all types of lamps. By choosing the appropriate base, power and size, they are installed in sconces, pendant chandeliers, and night lights. Used in kitchens, baths, garages, and offices.

They produce fluorescent lamps that emit ultraviolet light. They are installed in laboratories, research centers, medical institutions– wherever this type of radiation is required.

The phosphor can produce colored light (yellow, blue, green, red, and so on). Such sources are used for design purposes decoration shop windows, illumination of signs, building facades.

In order for a luminescent device to last as long as possible, it is necessary to provide it with a stable voltage and infrequent switching on/off. Because the bulb of a fluorescent light source contains mercury, it should not be thrown away with other household waste. Fluorescent lamps must be returned to special items reception. These could be rescue services, stores that sell electrical goods, or hazardous waste disposal companies.