Most come to Vietnam by sea. And what surprise and disappointment overtakes some tourists when they find out that the sea in Vietnam is not always and not everywhere clear and blue. After all, most people think that there are many beaches there and there will be no problems with swimming and sunbathing in Vietnam. And they don't even wonder “What is the sea like in Vietnam?”. The main thing is that it exists!

Anyone who has ever seen Vietnam on a map knows that it is washed on both sides by the South China Sea, has several islands, and is located in that part globe where there is never winter. But the sea in Vietnam is not always ideal and is not always suitable for a beach holiday. Alas and ah!

Why? There are several reasons why beach holiday By the sea in Vietnam you need to plan very carefully.

Reason one. The South China Sea is not the most transparent, clean, calm and rich in diversity undersea world. It cannot stand any comparison with the same dearly loved Red Sea by our compatriots.

Sea in Vietnam

On the beach of Phu Quoc island

But there is one undoubted advantage - in Vietnam the sea is always warm.

Reason two. It’s impossible to say about Vietnam that this month is a season, and another month it’s not a season at all. The climate in the country is extremely heterogeneous, and if south coast the sun is shining with all its might, and the sea is completely calm, then in the center at the same time there may well be a stormy wind, lashing rain and crazy waves in the muddy sea.

It's important to spend a little time researching before purchasing tickets. climate map Vietnam. And then you won’t have to wonder why your friends returned from a popular resort tanned and happy, and you have to watch the palm trees swaying from the gusts of wind from the wet hotel window.

Reason three. The Vietnamese are not known for their love of pedantic cleanliness. This, of course, is their business, we are also not without sin, but the sea in Vietnam cannot be called crystal clear.

This is especially true for the coast near major cities, such as Vung Tau or the much-hyped one. Yes, people swim there, but if for some people passing by plastic bags and beer bottles go unnoticed, then for others it can completely poison their entire vacation.

To be fair, it should be noted that in the absence of several days strong winds the entire coast and sea are cleared, but this is a matter of luck.

Where to find a beach holiday in Vietnam

Bai Sao beach on Phu Quoc island

So what now, in Vietnam there is nowhere to shop? Don't be upset, there are excellent ones in Vietnam beach places for the soul, body and stomach. It is best to relax on the islands, for example, Fukuoka.

Personally, I didn’t like Mui Ne as a beach holiday. But there are tourists who come to Mui Ne every year and are very happy with their holiday. A matter of taste!

Answering the question what kind of sea is in Vietnam? I would say that there is a beach holiday in Vietnam. But how memorable, useful, interesting and rich in pleasure and pleasant impressions will it be? It depends on how much information you stock up on before traveling to Vietnam and how much patience you have.

One extremely useful information I'll give it to you right now! Below is a calendar of the cheapest flights to Ho Chi Minh City. And from Ho Chi Minh City to the sea it’s very close!

Nor the sometimes unsafe surf of Thailand. Still, it’s better to spend your vacation or vacation in comfort: swim in the warm sea, sunbathe under the moderately bright sun and not worry about the consequences. What sea is in Vietnam and at what time is it best to plan a trip - let's try to figure it out.

What is the sea like in Vietnam?

Vietnam, unlike Thailand, is a country firmly “grown” into the mainland; its shores are washed only by the South China Sea, including the Tonkin (new name - Bakbo) and the Gulf of Thailand. There are no others here - the traveler simply cannot confuse the names, which means he will have more time for a good rest.

What is the ocean like in Vietnam?

Directly Vietnam is not washed by any ocean; The South China Sea, which has already been mentioned, belongs to Pacific Ocean- warm, less salty and in this region much cleaner than the nearby Indian one.

What are the sea conditions in Vietnam?

Throughout coastline Vietnam's South China Sea is calm, not characterized by unexpected high tides or sharp ebbs, and is always warm: even in winter, its temperature does not fall below +20°C, and in summer it reaches +30...+32°C. The water in it does not contain excess salt and most year, excluding the high tide season, exceptionally clean.

The tourist does not have to worry about the winds: the coast of Vietnam is almost always calm or there is a light breeze that is pleasant to the skin. Once under it, it is impossible to catch a cold, even when leaving the water that has cooled over the winter to the shore. Marine fauna, like the flora, is extremely diverse, but almost 100% safe: the traveler is guaranteed not to meet sharks here, poisonous jellyfish and other unpleasant creatures.

A little about the most popular beaches in Vietnam:

  • Nha Trang- features a beautiful, well-groomed coastline, always clear water, ideal for windsurfing, diving and beach sports;
  • Phan Thiet- a great place for a relaxing family vacation on clean white sand and under the shade of luxurious spreading palm trees; It will be even more convenient to enjoy the view of the sea and the beach from a separate bungalow, which can be rented for little money;
  • Phu Quoc- the cleanest beaches in Vietnam, regularly cleaned beaches, plenty of sun and transparent, except spring months, water; the sea is suitable for swimming and swimming, as well as for extreme entertainment;
  • Hoi An- a remote, still little-known resort that will fully meet the expectations of a tourist who does not want to participate in any lively activities; here you can swim all day, bask in the sun and lie in a hammock, without rushing anywhere and without worrying about anything;
  • Con Dao- in coastal waters there are many unique species animals - from sea ​​turtles to dolphins; The sea is ideal for swimming, diving, yachting and other entertainment, or for a peaceful relaxation on the shore.

When going to Vietnam, a tourist should plan travel routes and instructions in advance: this will help him take his time on the spot, devoting the time freed from haste to his favorite activities.

Let's sum it up

AND coastal waters Vietnam, and warm, filled with life and practically safe. A tourist vacationing here can swim, dive or surf, or simply sunbathe on the shore - any option has a right to exist. The sea temperature near Vietnam (from +20°C to +30°C), dropping slightly in winter, quickly warms up with the arrival of spring.

The coast of the country is washed by one sea - the South China Sea, which belongs to the Pacific Ocean. A tourist need not worry about making a choice: a holiday in Vietnam, if properly organized, will bring only positive emotions. And in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, he should familiarize himself with and prepare the documents in advance - it is better to tense up before the trip than to worry about little things at the airport.

Vietnam has long been considered one of Asia's fashionable holiday destinations. The famous Vietnamese resort, previously a simple fishing village, began to turn into a fashionable place for sea baths during Indochina times.

Nha Trang is washed by the South China Sea, which can be called part of two oceans - the Indian and the Pacific. The sea in Nha Trang is one of the local attractions. People come here throughout the year from different corners Earth, because the South China Sea warms up well and is suitable for swimming in winter and summer.

Sea off the coast of Vietnam

Nha Trang offers its guests wide and long beaches, moderately salty sea, amazing beauty bays, embankments, along which palm trees stretch in orderly rows, Coral reefs with a variety of inhabitants that are so interesting to watch.

Select high season It’s difficult in Nha Trang. The climate here is such that the air and water temperatures allow you to enjoy the sun and sea at any time. In winter, the water temperature near the shore fluctuates around 18-20 degrees, in summer it rises to 27 degrees.

Low season, during which there are still no fewer tourists at the resort, can be called the period from the end of September to the beginning of January. At this time, rains, piercing winds and sometimes typhoons come to Nha Trang. The sea at this time is not calm. It has strong waves that can interfere with swimming. With the waves, sand rises from the depths, so the water is no longer transparent and takes on a brownish tint. Interestingly, until 11 am during this period the water will be clear and only then will it become cloudy. Therefore, in the morning hours late autumn And early winter The beaches of Nha Trang are especially crowded with people.

Beaches of Nha Trang

Three local beaches are recognized as some of the best in. All of them belong to the city, so they are free for everyone. Near large hotels you can see umbrellas and sun loungers available for rent at reasonable prices. Luxury hotels, marked with five stars, have their own beaches in Nha Trang, where guests of other hotels are not allowed.

Outside the city there are several famous beaches:

  • Jungle, near which there is only one hotel. This beach can be called secluded. It is reliably protected from strong winds by high hills and hidden from indiscreet eyes by lush vegetation;
  • Bai Dai. This 15 km long light yellow sand beach is located about 30 km from Nha Trang. It is perfect for families with children, as the sea depth near the shore is low. Sometimes they come here high waves what local surfers use;
  • Zoklet is a 6 km long beach that can be found 50 km from the city. Not all areas of the beach are suitable for sea bathing. Only him central part cleared of debris. It is owned by two hotels, which monitor the cleanliness of the sand. They also charge a fee for visiting Zoklet. The sea near the shore is not very deep, so people often come here with small children.

Safety on Nha Trang beaches

Vacationers on the beaches of the famous Vietnamese resort several dangers await. First of all, guests of Nha Trang should pay due attention to the colored flags that are installed on the beaches. If the recreation area is marked with a green flag, then there are no dangers in the form of strong waves or wind, and you can swim without fear for your life. If a red or black flag is hung on the beach, then you should not go into the water. Strong waves They can knock down and drag even experienced swimmers into the depths.

On the beaches of Nha Trang, well warmed by the sun, there are small sand fleas, whose bites are not fatal, but painful for humans. For faster healing, wounds after insect bites should be smeared with “Gentridecme” cream or the popular “Zvezdochka” cream. You can avoid contact with sand fleas by following simple rule: bask in the sun not on the sand, but on a sun lounger.

There are jellyfish in the sea off the coast different types. Box jellyfish are considered the most dangerous. Almost all Vietnamese swim in thin shirts and trousers to protect themselves from jellyfish. You can significantly reduce the risk of encountering jellyfish in the water by refusing to swim during high tides. Other dangerous sea ​​creatures not near the coast.

Vietnam is one of the most interesting countries region South-East Asia. “The country of the Vietnamese in the south,” as its name is literally translated, is really located in the southern part of Asia - on the Hindustan Peninsula. It borders countries such as Cambodia, Laos and China. But for tourists, in addition to this knowledge, the answer to the question is usually more interesting: what seas wash Vietnam?

In fact, the state is famous not only developed system trade, interesting story and culinary delights that attract many tourists from all over the world to the Vietnamese country. This country has excellent seaside resorts: Nha Trang, Ha Long, Da Nang, Vung Tau or Cape Saint Jacques. All of them are located on the coast and are beautiful places for a beach holiday. But the question remains open: “What kind of sea is in Vietnam?” Of course it's warm. Moreover, throughout the year its average temperature ranges from 20 to 27 degrees Celsius. This allows you to practically all year round ensure an influx of tourists to the beaches of this country. But seriously, to answer what kind of sea is in Vietnam, just look at the globe: like its older neighbor, China, this state is washed by

It is located between Quiet and and covers an area of ​​as much as 3,500,000 square kilometers. Its depth reaches 5560 meters at its most lowest point. But if you look more globally, this answer to the question of what kind of sea is in Vietnam is not entirely accurate. It can also be stated that in fact this country is washed by the Australasian Mediterranean Sea- such a geographical term is used to designate the sea basin between Asia and Australia in the west

In general, the South China Sea is very beautiful and ideal for diving enthusiasts, because the main topography of its bottom is made up of countless coral reefs and atolls. Because of this, sailing through its waters is quite a dangerous activity - inexperienced captains can easily run a ship aground or end up on reefs. Monsoons and typhoons also contribute to this.

Therefore, a good knowledge of the so-called Main Sea Route is required to travel by sea from China or Russia to Vietnam. We actually found out what kind of sea washes the shores of this country. But here interesting fact- for Filipinos and Indonesians its name is incorrect. The fact is that traditionally, Indonesians call the South China Sea exclusively Indonesian. And in 2012, the Philippines also joined in with similar possessive sentiments. The country's President Benigno Aquino III renamed the sea the West Philippine Sea by decree on September 5 last year. Thus, it already has as many as 4 names that can be found on geographical maps.

Now that you know what the sea is like in Vietnam, imagine its beauty, warmth and stunning underwater aquatic species, it’s time to pack your bags and get ready to travel, because it’s the warm season in the South China Sea, which means it’s a great time for an unusual and exciting vacation.

You can bet that the question: “What kind of sea is in Vietnam?” Not everyone will find the answer at the same second. We answer: South China. And this is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

What kind of sea washes Vietnam?

The coast of Vietnam is washed by the South China Sea. In addition to Vietnam, on the northern side it washes China, Cambodia, Thailand, in the southwest Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. The South China Sea is located between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The largest bay in this sea is the Gulf of Siam, which borders such resorts as Pattaya and Koh Samui (Thailand).

The famous Chinese resort of Hainan Island is the largest island in the South China Sea.

The maximum depth of the South China Sea is 5560 meters, and the area is 3537,000 square meters. km. In the east the sea is deeper, in the west it is shallower and strewn coral islands. On the coasts surrounding this sea, monsoon climate. Once a year, countries bordering the South China Sea experience a rainy season, and typhoons are possible at sea at this time.

The South China Sea is warm all year round: in winter the water temperature is never less than 20 degrees, and in summer it is about 28-29 degrees. The sea salinity is only 32-34%. This sea is very gentle and beautiful; near the shore it is light green in color, and at the depths it is bright emerald. Hot flashes are possible during the day and can be quite strong.

Fauna of the South China Sea

Coral islands scattered around South China Sea, form their own unique and amazing underwater world. The most important inhabitants of coral reefs are moray eels, some of their subspecies are about a meter long. Also one of the local hunters is the warty fish, which is also called the stone fish due to its ability to camouflage itself in the ground. On her back there are sharp and poisonous rays that can pierce the sole of a shoe. The poison contained in its rays is poisonous to humans: it has a paralyzing effect, it is even possible fatal outcome. Whistling fish and flutefish are other representatives sea ​​predators living in this sea. Such a number of aggressors contributed to the development of a protective arsenal in other fish - shells with sharp edges, needles and other weapons.

Beach resorts in Vietnam

The southern resorts of Vietnam operate year-round, the rest from 6 to 9 months.

The largest seaside resorts in Vietnam: Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Do Son, Kyalo, Sham Son, and the islands of Phu Quoc and Con Dao. At some resorts it is possible to take such healing procedures as therapeutic mud baths, herbal medicine and mineral water. All resorts have a large number of massage parlors. Seaside resorts are popular among tourists not only due to the opportunity to swim in the clean and gentle sea, but also to visit historical and natural attractions located nearby.

  • Nha Trang is considered the main tourist center of Vietnam. It offers quite a lot of services for Russian citizens: excursions, diving, restaurants.
  • The main direction of Mui Ne is beach holidays and water sports.
  • Doshon is located in the northern part of the country and is mainly visited by Chinese tourists.
  • Shamshon and Kyalo are the most rarely visited resorts, as they are seasonal and there are few attractions nearby.
  • Phu Kok Island Lately is becoming popular among Russian tourists, and people are just beginning to learn about the island of Con Dao. They are mainly famous for their excellent beach holidays.
  • Da Nang, Hoi An, Hue, Cat Ba Island, and Ha Long Bay primarily attract tourists interested in exploring natural and historical attractions.