Every person is connected with organizations in one way or another throughout his life. It is in them or with their assistance that people grow, study, work, overcome illnesses, enter into diverse relationships, and develop science and culture. Within organizations, it is carried out everywhere human activity. There are no organizations without people, just as there are no people who do not have to deal with organizations.

An organization is a complex organism. It intertwines and coexists the interests of individuals and groups, incentives and restrictions, rigid technology and innovation, unconditional discipline and free creativity, regulatory requirements and informal initiatives. Organizations have their own image, their own culture, their own traditions and reputation. They grow confidently when they have a sound strategy and use resources effectively. They are rebuilt when they no longer meet their chosen goals. They die when they are unable to perform their tasks.

The purpose of writing this essay is to study the organization as a system.

The object of study is the concept of organization.

When starting a comprehensive study of organizations, you need to know that there are differences in the interpretation of the term “organization.” In some cases it is used to denote a property understood as the activity of ordering all elements specific object in time and space. This interpretation is close to the concept of “organize.” In many other cases, the term “organization” is considered as an object with an ordered internal structure.

Evolution of the concept of “system”

One of basic concepts in “Organization Theory” is the concept of a system, which, as is known, has long been successfully used in other branches of knowledge. The concept of a system has a long history. Even in antiquity, the thesis was formulated that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The Stoics interpreted the system as world order. Plato and Aristotle paid great attention to the features of the system of knowledge and the system of elements of the universe. The concept of a system is organically connected with the concept of integrity, element, subsystem, connection, relationship, structure, hierarchy, multi-level, etc. The term is used when they want to characterize a complex object as a single whole. A system is generally defined as a collection of elements brought together by some form of regular interaction or interdependence to perform a given function. At different stages of its consideration, one can put different content into the concept of “system”; one can talk about the system in its different forms, depending on the task that the researcher sets for himself. In the philosophical dictionary: a system is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form some kind of integral unity.

According to general theory systems:

A system is a real or conceivable collection of parts, the integral properties of which are determined by the connections between the parts.

A system is an organic set of interacting elements.

Physiologist P.K. Anokhin in his famous work “The Theory of a Functional System” (1970) cited 12 formulations of the concept of a system by different authors. In the textbook by V.N. Volkova and A.A. Denisov “Fundamentals of systems theory and system analysis"(1999), the authors already talk about 30 definitions of the concept “system”. Now such formulations can be collected several times more.

The definition of a system has constantly evolved. L. von Bertalanffy - defined a system as “a complex of interacting components” or as “a set of elements that are in certain relationships with each other or with the environment.” In big Soviet Encyclopedia“a system is an objective unity of naturally interconnected objects, phenomena, as well as knowledge about nature and society.” Later, the concept of goal is introduced into the definition of “system”: in Anokhin’s interpretation, “a system can only be called such a complex of selectively involved components, the interaction and interrelationship of which acquires the character of interaction of components to obtain a focused useful result.” Emphasizing that the “interaction of components” is common to all formulations, Anokhin regulates the insufficiency of interaction itself for any systemic process. He argues key value the result (goal) of an activity that aims to limit a set of arbitrary interactions. Thus, a “goal” is introduced into the definition of the system.

Yu.I. Chernyak, whose object of study was economic systems, introduces an observer into the definition of a system. “The system is a reflection in the consciousness of the subject of the properties of objects and their relationships in solving the problem of research, cognition” later, he also: “The system is a reflection in the language of the observer of objects, relationships and their properties in solving the problem of research, cognition.” Thus, comparing the evolution of the definition of a system, it should be noted that first “elements and connections” appear in the definition, then “target”, then “observer”. IN economic systems, if you define an observer, then you may not achieve the goal for which the system is created.

With some convention, all concepts of “system” can be divided into three groups.

Definitions belonging to the first group consider a system as a complex of processes, phenomena and connections between them that exist objectively, regardless of the observer. The task of the observer is to isolate this system from the environment, i.e., at a minimum, to determine its inputs and outputs, and, at a maximum, to analyze its structure, find out the mechanism of functioning of its elements, connections, and influence it in the right direction. In this understanding, the system is an object of study and management.

Definitions of the second group consider the system as a tool, a way to study processes and phenomena. The observer, having a goal in front of him, constructs the system as some abstract representation of real objects. In this case, an abstract system is understood as a set of interrelated variables representing certain properties, characteristics of elements, objects that are considered in this system. In this interpretation, the concept of a system merges with the concept of a model. When talking about the synthesis of a system, we mean its macromodel, while analysis coincides with the micromodeling of its individual elements and processes.

The third group of definitions represents a compromise between the first two. The system here is an artificially created complex of elements designed to solve a complex organizational, technical, and economic problem. Consequently, here the observer not only isolates the system from the environment, but also creates and synthesizes it.

The system, on the one hand, is a real object and at the same time an abstract reflection of the connections of reality, a model. However, in all three groups of definitions, the term “system” includes the concept of a whole consisting of interconnected, interacting, interdependent parts. Moreover, the properties of these parts depend on the system as a whole and, conversely, the properties of the system depend on the properties of its parts. In all cases, this refers to the presence of an environment in which the system exists and functions. For the system under study, the environment can be considered as a supersystem, and, accordingly, its parts - as subsystems. A more complete definition, including elements and connections, a goal, an observer, and sometimes a system display language, helps to more specifically formulate the problem, define tasks, and outline the main stages of system research.

The human brain is made up of neurons that, by themselves, are incapable of any intelligent action. But in their totality they give rise to a certain systemic property inherent in this totality, which we call thinking. Its study is not limited to studying the properties of individual neurons; it is truly a systemic property of a collection of neurons. In other words, the system has special system properties. The study of the properties of cooperative interactions seems to be the most important direction of modern science.

One of the main properties of a system is that it consists of elements. These elements are usually called subsystems.

Another important property of systems is that any of them is itself part of some even larger system.

All organizations are systems. Regardless of the goals of the organization - production, economic, educational, political, medical - they all belong to the class organizational systems and have all the signs of an open, dynamic system.

In the middle of the 20th century. Cybernetics, systems approach and systems analysis have become of great importance for understanding the behavior of large, complex systems. They quickly received a wide range of practical applications in various fields of knowledge.

The concept of organization and its characteristic features

The first major specialist in the field of systems approach was Chester I. Bernard (1886-1961). He believed that an organization is “a system of consciously coordinated action in which the leader is the most important strategic factor,” and that a leader can achieve superior results in his work only by doing three important conditions: providing a communication system, making the efforts necessary for the operation of the system, formulating and defining the goals of the system.

A system is a certain integrity consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole. Organization (organization) is an integral property of any system.

The comprehensive nature of the concept of “organization” was noted by the Russian philosopher and economist A.A. Bogdanov, who considered the theory of organization as a universal organizational science.

All socio-economic systems (enterprises, firms, concerns, etc.) are organizations.

An organization is a group of people (at least two) whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve common goal or several targets (Mescon). This definition refers to formal organizations, i.e. specially created, in which management is carried out by a specially appointed manager.

Organization is the spatio-temporal structure of production factors and their interaction in order to obtain maximum qualitative and quantitative results in the most a short time and at minimum costs factors of production.

The organization has the following general characteristics:

1. Determination of its nature by personnel and manager; combining processes that otherwise interact inappropriately or ineffectively.

2. Preservation of both the pre-planned order of the process and the operational, situation-dependent response of the employee and manager. Unplanned actions imply the establishment of responsibility in management.

3. A certain process-dependent flexibility that ensures the functioning of the system in changing conditions.

4. Unity of work processes and management processes as a result of a reasonable division of labor.

The basic laws of rational organization are: ordering tasks in accordance with the most important points of the process; bringing management tasks in accordance with the principles of competence and responsibility (coordination of competence and responsibility, coordination of the “decision field” and available information, the ability of competent functional units to take on new tasks); mandatory distribution of responsibility (not for the area, but for the “process”); shortcuts management; balance of stability and flexibility; ability for goal-oriented self-organization and activity; the desirability of stability of cyclically repeated actions.

Thus, we can conclude that the Organization is a unity of state and process, since it provides stable organizational decisions, but is itself only relatively stable due to the constant development of the external and internal environments of the company.

1.2 Basic elements of an organization as a system

In the course of studying organizations within the framework of a systems approach, it turned out that social organization as a system it has a number of specific properties that distinguish it from other systems (biological, technical, etc.). But system-theoretical studies of organizations and management processes from the standpoint of general systems theory turned out to be ineffective due to the abstract nature of system-wide concepts.

Considering the organization as a whole using a systems approach, we can indeed say that it, like any system, represents an order determined by a planned, correct location parts as a whole, determined by the interrelations of the parts. However, the organization has specific properties inherent only to it. In this regard, there was a need to develop special theory systems as applied to organizations. The American scientist J. Miller identified the following main elements of the system model of the organization:

Miller considers the main differences between an organization and other systems (for example, biological) to be the presence of independent goals of the system and a complex management subsystem, which is presented as multi-level and organized according to a hierarchical principle.

Miller describes the main, management subsystem as a certain decisive device, which consists of individuals who are at the highest level of power and make decisions responsible for the organization.

Thus, any organization consists of subsystems, each of which can be considered as a system of more low level. At the same time, the organization itself, having a certain number of levels of subsystems, in turn can be considered as a subsystem in a system of a higher order (for example, an enterprise, acting as an independent system, is divided into a number of workshops-subsystems and at the same time, as a subsystem, is part of a production association) . The property of an object to be both a subsystem and a complex system with the presence of elements of subsystems is defined as the property of recursivity.

So, when studying an organization from the perspective of a systems approach, the following come to the fore: a) dividing the organization into subsystems; b) vertical and horizontal connections of the organization. A comparison of diagrams built on the basis of simple analysis and a systems approach shows that with a systems approach the main attention is paid to the subsystems of the organization and the connections between individual system units.

If an organization is viewed as open system, it fits organically into the external environment and is considered its subsystem. In this case, the boundaries of the system are a closed curve passing along the perimeter of the objects under study (along the perimeter of the organization) so that it delimits the area with lower intensity of interactions outside this curve from the area with high intensity inside it. Here, the organization's environment is not passive and can be defined as a set of objects external to the organization that are associated with one or more system units of the organization so that a change in one or more properties of external objects changes the behavior of the system, which in turn leads to a change one (or more) properties of external objects.

2 Organizational and legal forms

2.1 Main types of organizational and legal forms

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, following forms legal entities for commercial and non-profit organizations.

Commercial organizations

Economic Economic Industrial Unitary

societies partnerships cooperatives (artels) enterprises

Figure 1 - Types of legal entity for commercial organizations in Russia

Non-profit organizations

Other Forms, Consumer Public Religious Foundations

provided - cooperatives organizations organizations

statutory (associations) (associations)

Figure 2 - Types of legal entity for non-profit organizations in Russia

Let's consider the main types of legal entities for commercial organizations.

Business societies and partnerships are commercial organizations with the authorized (share) capital divided into shares (contributions) of the founders (participants).

Property created through the contributions of founders (participants), as well as produced and acquired by a business company or partnership in the course of its activities, belongs to it by right of ownership.

In a limited liability company, participants are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, up to the value of their contributions.

Business societies

with limited with additional company

responsibility responsibility

Closed Open

joint stock

society society

Figure 3 - Business entities in Russia

In a company with additional liability, participants jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability for its obligations with their property in the same multiple of the value of their contributions, determined by constituent documents society. In the event of bankruptcy of one of the participants, his liability for the obligations of the company is distributed among the remaining participants in proportion to their contributions, unless a different procedure is provided for by the constituent documents of the company.

In a joint stock company, the company's participants (shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the company's activities, within the limits of the value of the shares they own.

In an open joint stock company, participants can alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders. In a closed joint stock company, shares are distributed only among its founders or a predetermined circle of persons.

A subsidiary is a business company in which another (main) business company or partnership - due to a predominant participation in its authorized capital or otherwise - has the opportunity to determine the decisions made by this company.

A business company in which another (dominant, participating) company has more than twenty percent of voting shares is recognized as dependent. joint stock company or more than twenty percent of the authorized capital of a limited liability company.

A general partnership is recognized as a partnership whose participants (general partners), in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, engage in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and bear full responsibility for its obligations with the property belonging to them. Legal or individual can be a participant in only one general partnership.

A limited partnership, or limited partnership, is a partnership in which, along with the participants carrying out activities on behalf of the partnership entrepreneurial activity and liable for the obligations of the partnership with their property (general partners), there are one or more participant-contributors (limited partners), who bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the partnership, within the limits of the amounts of contributions made by them, and do not take part in the partnership’s business activities.

A production cooperative (artel) is a voluntary association of citizens on the basis of membership for joint production or other economic activity, based on their personal labor and other participation and the pooling of property share contributions by its members (participants).

A unitary enterprise is a commercial organization that is not endowed with the right of ownership to the property assigned to it by the owner. The property of a unitary enterprise is indivisible.

In the shape of unitary enterprises Only state or municipal enterprises can be created.

Unitary enterprises (depending on the relationship with the owner) can be based on the right of economic management or on the right of operational management.

2.3 Legal forms of organizations in Western European countries

To create a sole proprietorship in many countries, it is sufficient to obtain permission to engage in a certain type of activity and enter the enterprise into the trade register.

Legal entities

Joint Stock Company Limited Partnership

Figure 4 - Types of legal entities of organizations in Western European countries

A civil code society arises as a result of an informal agreement between several individuals to achieve a specific goal. It is not entered into the commercial register. Examples of companies can be construction and credit consortia.

Open trading partnership. Current legislation does not give it the rights of a legal entity. However, in many ways this type The partnership has the following status: it can acquire rights (including registration in the cadastre of owners), assume obligations, and act in court as a plaintiff and (or) defendant.

Each member of the partnership has the right to represent it in external relations. Members of the partnership bear unlimited, joint and several personal liability. The creditor may, at his discretion, demand (including in court) the performance of services from the company or its members or from both at the same time. Upon withdrawal from the partnership, the withdrawing participant bears unlimited liability for all debts incurred before his withdrawal from the company for the next five years.

IN limited partnership There are two groups of participants. Complementaries have unlimited personal responsibility and, as a rule, supervise his work. Limited partners bear liability (more precisely, the risk of losses) only to the extent of their contribution. Often they also have the right to give consent on certain aspects of the management of the partnership.

An anonymous society is a purely internal structure of the organization and is not included in the commercial register. The secret partner participates with his own funds in the activities of the company and receives a portion of the profits.

A limited liability company is a legal entity. It is liable for its obligation with all its property. A company participant who has fully contributed his share of the fixed capital does not bear any liability beyond this.

To establish a company, it is necessary to conclude a constituent agreement in the form of a notarial deed. The agreement specifies the company name, location, areas of activity, the amount of fixed capital and its distribution among members of the company, and the representative office of the company.

The highest governing body of the company is general meeting members, held at least once a year. The meeting has the right to adopt the most important decisions, in particular, to make changes to the constituent documents, make decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of the company, approve the annual balance sheet, distribute profits and write off losses, appoint and dismiss directors of the company.

Directors manage the company and are responsible for their actions to the company, and in some cases to creditors, even criminally.

A supervisory board may be appointed by the company to monitor the activities of the directors.

Joint stock companies are legal entities. The liability of members of the company - shareholders - is limited to the nominal value of the shares acquired by them, which can be registered or bearer. In addition, a distinction is made between common (ordinary) and preferred shares.

The charter of the company must include the company name, location, subject of activity, the amount of fixed capital, par value and type of individual shares, the number of board members, and the form of publications of the company.

The supreme governing body is the general meeting of shareholders, held at least once a year. The meeting must form a supervisory board and appoint a board that manages the current activities of the company.

3 Branch "Surgutgaztorg": direction and specialization of activity, legal status, management structure

In November 1976, a small trading branch was founded, which was subsequently formed in ORS No. 13. The number of the department was 10 people. A year later, the strengthened and grown division was already servicing 5 compressor stations of gas workers at the Vyngapurovsky gas field. ORS put new shops and canteens into operation.

The first retail outlet was opened in an industrial zone in the village of gas workers. Later, ORS No. 13 opens stores in Bely Yar and Solnechny. The current base of ORS is one of the most significant, well-equipped trade departments of the city.

It is necessary to bring everything to the distant points of the route that will allow people to live and work normally. This is one of the most important tasks, for the solution of which the work supply department was created, although big profits doesn't have it there. Today, the trading system of ORS No. 13 is experiencing its rebirth. The stores previously transferred to municipal ownership are being returned (Niva, Ledinka, Nadezhda). ORS outlets have always been distinguished by the low cost of goods and their wide selection. Today, these advantages have been supplemented by the comfort and beauty of the design, the politeness of the employees and the ability to get things done.

ORS No. 13 has 25 canteens in its system, employing more than 150 people, constantly serving about 30 thousand people. Canteen workers serve gas workers at compressor stations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and feed gas processors at the Condensate Stabilization Plant. The canteens in the Surgut PTTiST, the management staff of the Surgutgazprom enterprise and other departments are working productively.

In 1996, ORS No. 13 was renamed the Surgutgaztorg branch.

The mission of the enterprise is to provide gas workers necessary goods consumer consumption in a wide range.

The main goals of creating the Surgutgaztorg branch are to most fully satisfy the needs of gas industry workers in the field of trade, public catering, production of consumer goods, organization of transportation, as well as other activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, making a profit.

The branch "Surgutgaztorg" LLC "Zapsibgaztorg" carries out the following types activities:

1. Retail and wholesale food and non-food products, including:

Semi-finished products and culinary products;

Alcoholic and low-alcohol products;

Tobacco products;

Products made of precious metals and stones;

Carpet and fur products;

Motor vehicles and spare parts for them;

2. Provision of catering services.

3. Production of beer and soft drinks, confectionery, culinary products and semi-finished products.

4. Processing of meat and fish products, bakery;

5. Organization of fairs, exhibitions, auctions;

The Branch is managed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Company and these Regulations.

Legal status

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws “On Limited Liability Companies”, it created a branch on the territory of the Russian Federation in compliance with the requirements of federal laws.

The branch of Zapsibgaztorg LLC is Surgutgaztorg. The Surgutgaztorg branch of Zapsibgaztorg LLC is a separate division located outside its location and performing all of its functions, including the functions of a representative office or part thereof.

The Surgutgaztorg branch is not a legal entity; it operates on the basis of the regulations approved by Zapsibgaztorg LLC. The Surgutgaztorg branch is provided with the property necessary for their functioning, which created them, Zapsibgaztorg LLC. This property is accounted for both on the balance sheet of the Surgutgaztorg branch and on the balance sheet of the company that created them. The Surgutgaztorg branch operates on behalf of the company that created them. Responsibility for the activities of the Surgutgaztorg branch lies with the company that created them.

The head of the Surgutgaztorg branch is appointed by the company and acts on the basis of an agreement issued by the company.

In accordance with Art. 65 of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” the competence of the board of directors (supervisory board) of an LLC includes the creation of branches and the opening of representative offices. Zapsibgaztorg LLC must keep the regulations on the Surgutgaztorg branch.

The charter of Zapsibgaztorg LLC must contain information about its branches and representative offices. Messages about changes in the company's charter related to changes in information about branches and representative offices are submitted to the body carrying out state registration of legal entities in a notification manner. The specified changes in the company's charter come into force for third parties from the moment of notification of such changes to the body implementing state registration legal entities.

The Surgutgaztorg branch operates according to a linear structure. The structure of the plant is as follows: at the head of the Surgutgaztorg branch is the general director of Zapsibgaztorg LLC, and all services report directly to the director of the Surgutgaztorg branch.

A linear structure is formed as a result of constructing a management apparatus only from mutually subordinate bodies in the form of a hierarchical ladder.

At the head of each department (marketing, commerce, accounting, economics and analysis, etc.) is a manager who is vested with full powers and exercises sole management of the employees subordinate to him, concentrating in his hands all management functions. The manager himself is directly subordinate to the top-level manager [See. Appendix A].

In a linear structure, the division of the management system into its component parts is carried out according to production characteristics, taking into account the degree of concentration of production, technological features, breadth of product range, etc. With this structure, the principle of unity of command is observed to the greatest extent: one person concentrates in his hands the management of the entire set of operations, subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any executors, bypassing their immediate supervisor.

The structure is used by small and medium-sized firms engaged in simple production, in the absence of broad cooperative ties between enterprises.

Advantages of a linear management structure:

· unity and clarity of management;

· consistency of actions of performers;

· a clear system of mutual connections between the manager and the subordinate;

· speed of reaction in response to direct instructions;

· receipt by performers of interconnected orders and tasks provided with resources;

· personal responsibility of the manager for the final results of the activities of his department.

The disadvantages of a linear structure are as follows:

· high requirements for the manager, who must have extensive, versatile knowledge and experience in all management functions;

· overload of top-level managers, great amount information, flow of papers, multiple contacts with subordinates and superiors;

· tendency to red tape when resolving issues relating to several departments;

· lack of planning and preparation links management decisions.

Figure 5 – Linear management structure


A systematic approach in management is understood as a systematic way of thinking, according to which the process of justifying a decision is based on determining the overall goal of the system and consistently subordinating to it the activities of many subsystems, their development plans, as well as performance indicators and standards. In a general sense, a systems approach is viewed as an orderly and repeatable procedure for generating solutions, applicable to analytical problems of any kind and scale.

The value of the systems approach is that managers can more easily align their specific work with the work of the organization as a whole if they understand the system and their role in it. This is especially important for the CEO because the systems approach encourages him to maintain the necessary balance between the needs of individual departments and the goals of the entire organization. It forces him to think about the flow of information passing through the entire system, and also emphasizes the importance of communication. The systems approach helps to identify the reasons for making ineffective decisions, and it also provides tools and techniques for improving planning and control.

A modern leader must have systems thinking because:

· the manager must perceive, process and systematize a huge amount of information and knowledge that is necessary for making management decisions;

· the manager needs a systematic methodology with the help of which he could correlate one area of ​​activity of his organization with another, and prevent quasi-optimization of management decisions;

· the manager must see the forest for the trees, the general for the particular, rise above everyday life and realize what place his organization occupies in the external environment, how it interacts with another, larger system of which it is a part;

· a systematic approach to management allows the manager to more productively implement his main functions: forecasting, planning, organization, leadership, control.

Systems thinking not only contributed to the development of new ideas about the organization, but also ensured the development of useful mathematical tools and techniques that greatly facilitate the adoption of management decisions and the use of more advanced planning and control systems. Thus, the systems approach allows us to comprehensively assess any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help analyze any situation within a single system, identifying the nature of the input, process and output problems. The use of a systems approach allows us to best organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system.

Despite all the positive results, systems thinking has still not fulfilled its most important purpose. The claim that it will enable the application of modern scientific method to management has yet to be realized. This is partly because large-scale systems are very complex. It is not easy to understand the many ways in which the external environment influences internal organization. The interaction of many subsystems within an enterprise is not fully understood. System boundaries are very difficult to establish; too broad a definition will lead to the accumulation of expensive and unusable data, and too narrow a definition will lead to partial solutions to problems. Even if the best and most logical solution is found, it may not be feasible.

List of sources used

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2. Anfilatov V.S. System analysis in management / V.S. Anfilatov, A.A. Emelyanov, A.A. Kukushkin. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009.

3. Barannikov A.F. Organization theory. Textbook for universities. – M. Grif Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; 2004.- 304 p.

4. Bogdanov A. A. Tectology: (General organizational science). In 2 books: Book 1\2. - Moscow: Economics, 2009.- 304

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13. Regulations of the Surgutgaztorg branch of Zapsibgaztorg LLC. Approved by Zapsibgaztorg LLC, Surgut on July 30, 1996 No. 196.

14. Robins, Stephen, P., Coulter, Mary. Management, 6th edition: Trans. from English – M.: Williams Publishing House, 2002.

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Chuikin A.M. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook / Kaliningrad. univ. - Kaliningrad, 2006. - 35 p.

Regulations of the Surgutgaztorg branch of Zapsibgaztorg LLC. Approved by Zapsibgaztorg LLC, Surgut on July 30, 1996 No. 196

Organizational structure of the Surgutgaztorg branch of Zapsibgaztorg LLC.

Volkova V.N., Denisov A.A. Fundamentals of systems theory and system analysis: Textbook for university students. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Technical University, 2007.

it is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

Requirements for the organization:

1. Having at least two people who consider themselves part of this group.

2. The presence of at least one goal (i.e., a desired end state or result) that is accepted as common by all members of a given group.

3. Having group members who intentionally work together to achieve a goal that is meaningful to everyone.

Systems theory was first applied in the exact sciences and technology. The application of systems theory to management in the late 1950s was the most important contribution of the school of management science. The systems approach is not a set of guidelines or principles for managers - it is a way of thinking in relation to organization and management.

A system is a certain integrity consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole.

All organizations are systems. Because people are, in a general sense, components of organizations (social components), along with technology, that are used together to perform work, they are called sociotechnical systems.

A closed system has rigid, fixed boundaries; its actions are relatively independent of the environment surrounding the system.

An open system is characterized by interaction with external environment. Energy, information, materials are objects of exchange with the external environment through the permeable boundaries of the system. Such a system is not self-sustaining; it depends on energy, information and materials coming from outside. In addition, an open system has the ability to adapt to changes in the external environment and must do so in order to continue to function.

Managers are primarily concerned with open systems because all organizations are open systems. . The survival of any organization depends on outside world. The approaches developed by the early schools of management could not suit all situations because they assumed, at least implicitly, that organizations are closed systems. They did not actively consider the environment as an important variable in management.

Subsystems. Large components of complex systems, such as an organization, a person, or a machine, are often systems themselves. These parts are called subsystems . The concept of a subsystem is an important concept in management. By dividing an organization into departments, management intentionally creates subsystems within the organization. Systems such as departments, departments, and various levels of management—each of these elements plays a role important role in the organization as a whole. The social and technical components of an organization are considered subsystems.

Subsystems can, in turn, consist of smaller subsystems. Since they are all interdependent, the malfunction of even the smallest subsystem can affect the system as a whole. The work of every department and every employee in an organization is very important to the success of the organization as a whole.

Model of an organization as an open system. As inputs, the organization receives information, capital, human resources and materials from the environment. These components are called inputs. During the transformation process, the organization processes these inputs, converting them into products or services. These products and services are the organization's outputs that it releases into the environment. If the management organization is effective, added value of inputs is generated during the transformation process. As a result, many possible additional outputs appear, such as profit, increased market share, increased sales, implementation of social responsibility, employee satisfaction, organizational growth

This theory does not specifically identify the major variables that influence the management function. It also does not determine what in the environment affects management and how the environment affects the results of the organization's activities.

Obviously, managers must know what the variables of the organization as a system are in order to apply systems theory to the management process. This identification of variables and their impact on organizational performance is the main contribution of the situational approach, which is a logical extension of systems theory.

Great importance in management complex systems acquires homeostasis - a mechanism of self-regulation and self-education of the system, allowing it to withstand disturbances from the outside or restructure itself for the purpose of self-preservation. In this regard, management should be based on natural processes self-regulation of society.

The secret of success is
ready to take advantage of favorable opportunities,
when they appear.

The company is open holistic system, it is connected by numerous threads with the internal and external environment (Fig. 1.1), changes in which have a control effect on the company’s activities with its own goals. The more complex and large-scale the company, the more management has to pay attention to analyzing and assessing the environment and taking into account its impact on the quality of its own management.

Figure 1.1 - External environment of the company.

Thus, an important element of management and planning in a company is the analysis and assessment of the external environment, in particular monitoring of business markets. The threats that lie in wait for a company in the process of doing business, and the opportunities that are provided to it - all this is present precisely in the external environment, of which the company is a part and which interacts with it.

In the external environment, the company is threatened by competitors, unscrupulous suppliers, changing legislation, social disasters and many other “surprises”. In addition, clients are waiting for the company, whether there are or are not sufficient resources to conduct the business.

Analysis of external aspects helps to develop strategic decisions that provide algorithms for the company’s interaction with the environment in the short-term and long term, which will allow maintaining its potential at the level necessary to achieve the vector of the company’s goals, helps to reveal threats and opportunities.

The external environment is usually divided into two parts:

macro environment-microenvironment

If it is difficult to significantly influence the macroenvironment of a company or control its processes, then the dynamics of the microenvironment may directly depend on the choice of the company's strategy.

Open systems, however, have some specific features, which those who study company management systems need to know. One of these features exists border, separating the company from its environment; - changes in the environment affect one or more aspects of the company, and vice versa, changes in the company affect the environment.

Without a boundary, there is no company, and the boundary or boundaries define where the company begins and ends. Boundaries can be physical or have psychological content through symbols such as names, dress codes, and rituals. The concept of boundaries is required for a deeper understanding of the company. So the boundaries of the company should be “drawn” where the influence of the company’s management systems ends, i.e. on those aspects of the environment that the company can no longer purposefully manage at its own discretion.

The company must reflect the external environment. Its construction is based on prerequisites of an economic, scientific, technical, political, social or ethical nature. In this sense, a company cannot be static. She must quickly learn about all changes in the environment, imagine their significance, choose the best response to achieve her goals, and respond effectively to environmental influences.

In order to consider a company as an open system, it is useful to return to the concept complete control function , which was discussed in Chap. III r. 1 “Goal setting.” The steps of the complete control function are presented in Table 1.1. Column 1 is the numbering of the stages of the complete function. Column 2 - content of each stage. Column 3 - parameters that need to be monitored during the full function control process.

Table 1.1. Full control function.

Item No. Contents of the stages of the complete control function Contents of control by stages of the complete control function

Identification of the environmental factor that causes subjective need for management.

Management starts here.

Has a real factor been identified, or has someone's nonsense or illusion been elevated to the role of an objective factor?
— You can only manage objectively existing processes or objectively feasible projects.

— The feasibility of this stage of the full function presupposes the preliminary accumulation of a certain minimum of information about the environment with which the company interacts, since otherwise it is not able to recognize the influencing factors in their full spectrum.

2 Formation of a skill (stereotype) for recognizing an environmental factor for the future and disseminating it in the company’s culture.

Essentially, these are questions of metrological consistency of identifying a factor.

— It is necessary to identify and analyze a list of parameters characterizing the presence of a factor that requires management, and decide on a measurement system for each of the parameters.


Goal setting in relation to the identified factor.

At its essence, goal setting is the formation of a vector of management goals in relation to a given factor and the inclusion of this vector of goals in the general vector of the company’s goals.

Analysis of goals, metrological consistency of each of them.

Analysis of the structure of the goal vector for the absence of defects in it (mutually exclusive goals, violation of the order of goals by priority, repetition of the same goals at different priorities, etc.).

4 Formation of a management concept based on solving the problem of predictability of company behavior under the influence of: the external environment, own changes in the company and management. Has the problem of forming a strategy been solved and how has it been solved in relation to the impact of the factor identified in paragraph 1 and the possibilities of achieving the set goals in relation to it?
5 Implementation of the management concept in life - the organization of new or reorganization of existing management structures in the company. Company management in practice this is the distribution of personal sole responsibility for different stages of activity between different people, the distribution between them of powers and heterogeneous resources necessary for them to carry out their functions.
6 Control (monitoring) of the activities of structures in the process of management carried out by them, and coordination of the interaction of different structures. Strictly speaking, this is control over the activities of the company and the activities of structures and officials, heading each of them personally.
7 Improving the current concept if necessary. Similar to steps 1-4 of the full function.
8 Elimination of existing structures and release of used resources when no longer needed or maintaining them in working order until the next use.

In the event of liquidation, the first question is: who is the recipient and custodian of the results of the activities? and further employment of released personnel and sale of equipment that has become unnecessary.

If it is maintained in working condition, questions arise about maintaining staff at the proper professional level, supplying new equipment, etc.

Points “1” and “8” are always present in the complete control function. The intermediate ones between them can be combined or more deeply detailed, presenting them as a successive sequence of some smaller “stages” in accordance with the needs of the company’s practice.

Analysis of the complete management function leads us to the conclusion that the internal environment of a company, like the company itself, is essentially a reaction to the environment. The future of the company, its safety and the stability of its position in the market will depend on how well the company organized the work at stages 1 and 2 of the complete management function. Since it is environmental factors that determine goal setting and, as a consequence, the company’s attraction of the necessary resources. In the event of an error, the expenditure of resources will never pay for itself.

Direct and feedbacks:

  • from the company and the environment surrounding the company into the company's management system - feedbacks;
  • and from the management system to the company and environment - direct connections.

Direct connections are divided into internal And external:

  • localized within the company and its management system - internal direct connections;
  • leaving the management system and the company to the external environment - external direct connections.

Similarly on external And internal are divided and feedbacks:

  • those that provide information about the state of the environment and the company’s position in it—external feedback;
  • and those through which information is received about the state of the elements of the object and its control system are internal feedbacks.

All companies, no matter how big or small, face internal and external factors, which create uncertainty about whether they will be able to achieve their goals. The effect of this uncertainty is “risk” and it is inherent in all activities.

Fourth stage complete control function involves solving the problem of predictability of company behavior, influenced various factors. Solving these types of problems requires organizing work in the company, including those related to risk analysis, in particular risks that arise in the external environment and may affect the achievement of the company’s goals.

From the above it is clear that the activities of the main areas of the company are intertwined and depend on each other and on the external environment. Thus, we can say that the management of a company is determined by two factors: the peculiarity production process and the nature of the external environment.

For questions: klubok@site

An organization interacts with the external environment, must adapt to changes in it in order to function normally, and as such must be considered an “open system”. An open system depends on energy, information, materials that come from the external environment.

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