With the beginning of summer comes the vacation mood, and tourists strive to choose a place where they can relax comfortably. As a rule, you want to bask in the sun, splash in the sea and get a beautiful tan for summer season. But you should choose a resort in June with caution, since not everywhere this month has ideal weather. Before you buy a tour for beach holiday, it's worth checking out climatic features this region in June.

Beach countries where it is better to relax in June

European countries

Greece is one of the most comfortable countries for a beach holiday in June. The air temperature here fluctuates around +30 °C degrees. However, be careful when choosing a vacation spot. Mainland Greece in June is one kind of weather, and the islands are another. The difference, as a rule, is not critical, but it is still worth paying attention to.

Hot June in Israel means an air temperature of +37 °C. Thanks to a large number hospitals where they use salt and mud Dead Sea, here you can not only bask in the sun, but also get some treatment. And be sure to agree to the amazing excursion programs that will be offered to you in Israel.

A comfortable island for relaxation, especially in early June, before the sweltering heat sets in. This perfect place for a holiday in June with children - there are many water attractions, gently sloping sandy beaches, playgrounds and clubs.

Cyprus is a great place to go with children in June

This is good June weather with air temperatures up to +26 °C and water temperatures around +22 °C. In addition, your vacation can be supplemented with a gastronomic tour, shopping or traveling to beautiful sights.

In June you can have a good rest in Spain, where there are a lot of solar heat and no precipitation. Blooming vineyards in June are another reason to visit Spain this month.

Montenegro will greet you in June with a comfortable air temperature of +23...+25 °C, but it’s worth going here if you are not afraid of the occasional drizzling rain.

Arab countries

Holidays in Tunisia in June - perfect time, as later the heat intensifies to incredible levels. In June, the air is already warming up very well, and the water becomes +25 °C.

It is hot at this time, but the heat is easier to bear due to the pleasant cool winds, which, moreover, contribute to a good tan. And the ocean water is comfortable for swimming.

Asian countries

In summer Asian countries are becoming less popular with Russian tourists than in winter. However, in June you can have a good rest here east coast Thailand. Indonesian Bali will delight those who like to warm their bones with dry and hot air.

And in Vietnam comfortable temperatures air and water are preserved in southern resorts.

Countries where it's inexpensive in June

The leader of inexpensive and pleasant holidays in June is Türkiye. The sea water and air are already warmed up, and prices have not yet risen. Of course, you shouldn’t expect tropical heat and sea water temperatures above +23 °C here, but for a good tan and a refreshing swim, the June weather in Turkey will seem pleasant.

Where is a cheap holiday in June? In Turkey!

June in Bulgaria is a good time in terms of the cost of travel packages. The downside is the rare rainy days, and the upside is that the beaches are not crowded with vacationers.

Where you shouldn't go in June

If you really want something exotic, certain areas of Thailand may be suitable for a holiday in June, but the western part of Thailand is subject to storms and strong wind, so June is not the best time to holiday here.

A June holiday in Croatia can be ruined by the piercing wind, so it is better to go here from the beginning of July.

If you are not a fan of the sweltering heat, which in the UAE in June can reach +50 °C, it is better not to go to the Emirates this month.

The Maldives offers a controversial holiday in June. Firstly, this is the rainy season here. However overcast does not interfere with sunbathing, and clouds protect against the possibility of sunburn. Secondly, during the day the air warms up to +24 °C, but at night it becomes cold. The sea is warm but stormy. True, they save Coral reefs, which soften wave shocks.

In addition to a beach holiday, in June you should not ignore the excursion offers. Bus tours in European cities in the first summer month - one of the most interesting and fun options relax. Moreover, to the overview of European attractions you can add several days of relaxation at sea on the coast of Spain or Italy.

When does it end academic year In schools and universities, when the holiday season begins, a completely reasonable question arises - where to go in June 2019. Let's see where to relax in Russia at the very beginning of summer, when the days are so long and the nights are so moonlit.

Krasnodar region

First on our list is a classic of the genre - Black Sea coast. There is no holiday in June without the Black Sea, just as there is no New Year without Olivier salad. However, we will tell you about New Year’s destinations later, but for now it’s time to book accommodation near the shore in Sochi. Or with the Olympic Park in Adler. Or near the beaches of Anapa and Gelendzhik, where there is also a lot of sun and joy at the start of the summer season.

Where to stay:


We continue to move along the Black Sea and find Crimea, because such beauty is hard not to find. And not only is the peninsula beautiful, there are also many accommodation options along almost the entire coast. You can live in guest house, mini-hotel, apartment or separate room in the private sector - for reasonable money, of course.

Holidays on the eastern coast of Crimea are concentrated around the pebble and sandy beaches of Sudak and Feodosia. If you want a historical spirit, you can go to the Genoese fortress. In the south of Crimea there are the top resorts of the peninsula: Yalta, Alupka, Gaspra. Somewhere nearby is Sevastopol. And in the west, Evpatoria awaits you, which not only you, but also your children will like.

Sea of ​​Azov

Thanks to the successes of Russian commanders, we have not only the Black Sea, but also the Azov Sea, where it may even be more profitable to go in June. At the beginning of summer, it becomes very warm on the coast (usually no lower than 26 degrees during the day), and there are not many tourists, so it’s a little easier to find a place in the sun.

The Sea of ​​Azov, so to speak, rests on two whales - Yeisk and Taganrog. And if in the first you can enjoy a variety of sandy and pebble beaches, then in the second your vacation will not be limited to sand and water: you can visit historical places, associated with Peter I and Anton Chekhov.

Baltic Sea

The Baltic resorts continue the theme of Peter I. And even though he built a fleet here, there is a high probability that he also planned holiday resorts in June - after all, he is a large-scale personality and thinks big. In general, there are excellent resorts in the Baltic Sea - Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk - not so popular, but that makes them not so busy.

You can admire the local green streets, walk along the shore, breathe in the amazingly clean Baltic air and even sometimes find pieces of amber right on the beach. Not to say that you can build an amber business on this, but vacation experiences are definitely guaranteed.

Where to relax:

Saint Petersburg

It was only during the time of Nekrasov that women were beaten on Sennaya in St. Petersburg - now there are fountains here. The most beautiful of them, of course, are in Peterhof. Other St. Petersburg suburbs, for example, Pushkin and Gatchina, also delight the eye with their parks, palaces and sculptures.

Directly in the city on the Neva, everything is also of the highest standard. Nevsky Prospekt pleases with its liveliness, St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals with majesty, the Hermitage with diversity, and Klodt's horses - you know what.


If you want to change curbs to curbs, and front doors to entrances, you can go to the Mother See. Here you will find the Moscow River with its river buses, museums with them, as well as an incredible amount of other entertainment - however, you already know everything.

Inexpensive housing in Moscow:


The capital of Tatarstan is one of the best cities to visit in June 2018. The city is hosting the World Cup, and these will be unique days in which Tatar culture will seamlessly merge with many other world traditions. After all, where else can you see Germans feasting on echpochmak and Spaniards enjoying whitefish?

There will also be more familiar sights and entertainment. You can always walk around the center of Kazan, appreciate the Syuyumbike Tower, the Kul-Sharif Mosque and other wonders of the local white-stone Kremlin, wander along Bauman Street, meet colorful personalities there and buy no less colorful national souvenirs.


The Belarusian capital has a special energy and curiously combines European heritage with Soviet heritage. It’s interesting to see, especially in June, when the city’s gardens and parks bloom.

Entertainment in Minsk - after all main city countries. The key city street is Independence Avenue. In particular, the Red Church is located here, a neo-Gothic temple that has become perhaps the main symbol of Minsk. We will also highlight the unusual Minsk City Hall. If you want romance, you can take a bike ride along the Svisloch River.

At the time when the rainy season begins in Sri Lanka, Goa, Thailand, the east coast of Malaysia opens beach season.
Best time for visiting in Malaysia - the period from April to September.

What kind of islands are these? Perhentian(Perhentian Island)?
The Perhentian Islands are located approximately 19 km off the northeast coast of Malaysia in the state of Terengganu.

These are two islands: Perhentian Besar(Big) and Perhentian Kecil(Small)
Perhentian means "place of respite" in Malay - this is where merchant ships between Thailand and Malaysia used to stop to replenish their supplies. drinking water and refresh (in the sense of relaxing).

How to get to the Perhentian Islands

First you need to get into Kuala Lumpur- the capital of Malaysia.
Air tickets to Kuala Lumpur from Russia, Thailand, and any other country can be found on the website.
Secondly, you need air tickets from Kuala Lumpur V Kota Bharu(KBR).
Kuala Lumpur has two airports: international KUL and domestic SZB- be careful - you will fly to KUL from abroad!

Arriving in Kota Bharu we will take a taxi to the pier Kuala Besut, from where we will take a speed boat from the hotel to the island Perhentian Kecil, beach Long Beach.
Others use the bus service between the airport and the pier, and then buy ferry tickets to the island.
About prices: since our trip will take place within a week from the moment the decision is made, our prices may be higher than for a trip planned in advance.
In the future I will outline the budget for our trip.

Where to Stay in the Perhentian Islands

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June is the most favorable and successful month for planning a vacation abroad and within the country. While most potential tourists are just thinking about buying tour packages for vacations in the middle or end of summer, June promotions and destinations will appeal to connoisseurs of inexpensive and quality rest. What type of vacation to choose and where to go in June is a question that requires careful consideration long before the planned vacation.

The first month of summer is rich in lucrative offers from travel agencies and promotions from airlines. The advantages of an early June holiday include cheap air tickets, low cost of hotel accommodation, availability of rooms, and lack of an influx of tourists in resort areas. At the same time, in the first month of summer it is not yet so hot, and the beaches and sea coasts have retained the spring freshness after the winter lull. The choice of countries, tours and leisure options is very large, and in order to decide where to go on vacation in June, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each type of vacation.

The beginning of the beach season in Turkey

The Turkish coast awaits holidaymakers

Let's go to the sea

A beach holiday in one of the resort areas will be an excellent start to the warm season and will charge you with summer positivity for the coming months. It should be taken into account that not at all resorts during this period the sea warms up well enough, and perhaps not every day will please you with cloudless sunny weather. Unfavorable natural factors If they don’t spoil your vacation impressions, they can certainly make amendments to your plans. When thinking about where to go in June, give priority to a hotel with a pool. In case of bad weather and low sea water temperature, the pool will become your lifeline on inhospitable cloudy days.

Hotel with pool

Excellent advantageous offer and tangible money savings will be last-minute tours to countries such as Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco or Egypt. As a rule, a ticket is purchased 2-3 days before the expected departure date. These countries are extremely popular among the Russian-speaking population. Resort areas have a well-developed infrastructure, tourists are offered excellent service at reasonable prices, and service staff in large hotels can carry on a conversation in Russian.

Turkey, perhaps, occupies a leading position when planning a summer vacation and searching for a country where to go to the sea in June. The first month of summer in Turkey is dominated by mild weather, A sea ​​water warms up to optimal temperature for swimming. Since the maximum influx of tourists occurs in the middle and end of summer, in June Turkish beaches are relatively deserted and will fully allow you to enjoy a long-awaited vacation in their sandy expanses. Moreover, prices for holidays in the first month of summer are slightly lower than in the high season.

Night lights of a Turkish resort

The first weeks of June are perfect for a holiday in Morocco: it is during this period, when the air temperature goes beyond +35°C, that the heat is much easier to bear thanks to the cool temperatures monsoon winds blowing from the ocean. The water temperature reaches 24°C, which creates the most comfortable conditions for swimming.

Agadir beach in Morocco

Taghazout beach in Morocco

In Egypt, the first month of summer is usually the hottest. The mercury column of the thermometer reaches +33°C, the water warms up to almost +28°C. A person who cannot tolerate heat is not recommended to choose this country to visit at the beginning of summer. However, the advantages of a holiday in this country outweigh when the priority is given to the question of where to go in June inexpensively and as economically as possible. The advantages of holidays in Egypt include:

1. Lack of visa requirements
2. Affordability
3. Excellent developed system"all inclusive"
4. Accommodation in modern and comfortable hotels
5. No language barrier and Russian-speaking staff

South Sinai, Egypt

Holidays in Tunisia may appeal to both active and passive tourists. In addition to spending time on the beach, vacationers have the opportunity to take a trip to one of the most famous deserts in the world - the Sahara.

Holidays in Tunisia

The vast expanses of the Sahara

Features of European holidays in June

For those wishing to visit Europe in June, there are many tempting offers; there are interesting options even for certain weeks and dates of the month. So, if you are thinking about where to go in early June, take a closer look at the excursion routes. For a weekend, visiting the sights of a particular city or its environs is best. The weekend will be filled with pleasant impressions from visiting Barcelona, ​​Rome, Naples or Amsterdam. If there are several free days you can go on a longer route, for example, spend a few days in Rome, Verona, Pisa, and then live a week in Sicily. Your June holiday will be very eventful when you travel to Germany - the famous Bavarian castles will immerse you in a real medieval fairy tale!

Bavarian Neuschwanstein Castle

A combined tour will diversify your vacation - the first half of your vacation can be spent on the coast European countries, for example, book a hotel in the resorts of Montenegro, the islands of Croatia or the beaches-reserves of Greece, and devote the second part of your vacation to sightseeing. This holiday is perfect for traveling with children. Closer to mid-June, the waters of the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas warm up quite well, so children will feel more than comfortable splashing around in warm waters. sea ​​waves. Ideal for family holidays Bulgaria and its famous resorts – sunny Beach and Golden Sands. Coastal zone and the sea warm up perfectly by the beginning of summer; moreover, you can check into not only luxury multi-storey hotels, but also small private villas with all amenities.

Sunny Beach, Bulgarian resort

Fashion connoisseurs and simply those who like to dress stylishly know exactly where to go at the end of June! And this is not surprising, because in the last days of the month, namely June 26, the sales season officially opens in Paris. Boutiques and shops in Paris, Bordeaux, Nantes, Toulouse, Strasbourg and many other French regions hospitably open their doors to fashionistas from all over Europe.

The season of discounts in France is open!

Travel to festivals and holidays

If your soul requires a real holiday and vivid impressions, and you still don’t know how to organize your vacation in June, where to go with friends or how to have fun in a large and noisy company, you can time your June vacation to coincide with national holidays with their folk festivals. Numerous European holidays at the beginning of summer will definitely find their connoisseurs - young and creative people will like summer music festivals, most of which takes place in Austria, Sweden and Germany. Most performances are held under open air for several days - sunny weather helps create the right mood and maintain a festive flavor, and general fun is accompanied by swimming in rivers, picnics and festivities until the morning.

Outdoor music festival in Germany

In Denmark, every summer at the end of June - beginning of July, a Viking festival is held with a complete reconstruction of the events of the ancient era. In addition to watching theatrical performances, viewers have the opportunity to become participants in a thematic performance themselves - you can walk through the reconstructed village of ancient eras, order a Viking-style lunch, visit the local market and buy a souvenir as a souvenir.

Viking Festival in Denmark

One of the countries where lovers can go in June aquatic species, is Italy. It is there that you can witness a spectacular race of ancient ships and a costumed procession taking place in early June as part of the Regatta of the Maritime Republics. The competitions take place alternately in four cities - Genoa, Venice, Pisa and Amalfi. The race of ancient ships opens with a large costume performance with scenes from the historical past of these four regions. The second part of the holiday is represented by the sailing and rowing competition itself - a regatta, in which representatives of four rival cities participate.

Sailing on the high seas

Active holidays in June

Although ski resorts by the beginning of summer they close due to lack of snow cover, hotels remain open for connoisseurs of beautiful mountain scenery and lovers active rest. Hotels offer rooms at lower prices, which is a huge advantage for those who do not like heat and seaside resorts and prefer active holidays in high mountain landscapes.

For lovers of cycling and difficult mountain trails, Grand Bornand is a perfect choice - a picturesque place in the eastern part of France, located next to the Swiss and Italian border. Here you can test your strength on 200 km of scenic routes of varying difficulty.

Grand Bornand in June

The entertainment offered by the Italian resort of Cervinia will also appeal to fans of active recreation. Wide range various extreme programs and activities include rafting, horse riding, rock climbing and hang gliding. You can also play golf or practice tennis there.

Rafting on a mountain river

Each vacation option is interesting and attractive in its own way, and June is not inferior to others in this regard summer months. We wish you to spend your holiday as bright and colorful as possible!

Although in the summer many people prefer Russian and Ukrainian resorts because of their cheapness, some foreign countries can compete with them in price, and even more so in quality. June is the time when our North hemisphere It has already warmed up enough for a full-fledged beach season to begin in Greece, Turkey, and Spain. This material is dedicated to ideas for relaxation in the first month of summer.

List of foreign resorts where you can have an inexpensive holiday at sea in June

Calm holiday in Greece

View of the coast of Crete. Photo by Dennis AB from Flickr

In June it is already hot in Greece, although the temperature is still comfortable for excursions and swimming in the sea. sunlight floods the rocky shores of the islands, where hoteliers and bar owners who have been resting all winter are drawn from the mainland. Prices are rising, but have not yet reached their peak. An interesting holiday at this time will be in Rhodes and Crete, where the air temperature is slightly lower than in mainland Greece. At the same time, the sea is just as warm.

Historical heritage in Italy

June Sea in Sicily. Photo by gnuckx from Flickr

Italy is famous for its ancient cities: while here, you can see, visit Florence, Rome, appreciate. The most popular beach resort Italy - Rimini. From here you can go to Florence, and also look into the dwarf state of San Marino, located next door. We have a separate material dedicated to it. In general, the June weather in Italy allows you to travel around the country, although by the end of the month you can experience real heat.

With a child to Egypt

View of the Hurghada coast from an airplane. Photo by Nataraj Metz from Flickr

Egypt is almost always a universal solution for a beach holiday, especially with children. Numerous water parks, hotel water slides, swimming pools and, of course, the sea are here to entertain them. Here in the summer less people than in Turkey. Although in summer in Egypt the thermometer rarely drops below thirty, thanks to air conditioning in hotels and fresh wind from the sea, it is not so difficult to endure the heat. The water warms up to 27 degrees in Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, and Alexandria.

Türkiye and all inclusive

Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. Photo by margory.june from Flickr

Turkey is known for its all-inclusive system, and June is perhaps one of best months to go here on vacation. The fact is that the peak season here is in July, so early summer is best to go if you look at the ratio of temperature and number of tourists. However, Türkiye was also included in the list warm countries, like Egypt. Marmaris, Alanya, Bodrum, Antalya and other resorts in Turkey begin to operate at full capacity in June.

Pyrenees coast in Spain

Sunset in Tenerife. Photo by ahisgett from Flickr

Actually, you don’t have to limit yourself to the shores of continental Spain. To the Canary Islands, although it is in June in this territory eternal spring The weather begins, suitable for swimming and proper rest. The season is also beginning on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Mallorca, Ibiza are beginning to receive tourists. The air warms up to thirty, the water is ideal for swimming.

Cheap holidays in Croatia

The sea in Croatia is really clear. Photo by jojo a ivika from Flickr

It is convenient to go to Croatia for those who want to see the sea, but cannot tolerate the heat. In June there is no heat here, although the sea warms up to 23 degrees. Although some may find it chilly, the clean water and fresh air make it worth the trip during the first month of summer. Many people prefer to relax on the islands, as it is usually less people on the beaches: it is not profitable for locals from the mainland to go there.

Mediterranean coast of Tunisia

Beach in Sousse. Photo by ahisgett from Flickr

The sea reaches its ideal temperature towards the middle and end of June, when the cool winds subside and the evenings become pleasantly warm. The air often warms up to thirty degrees Celsius. Among the excursions, it is worth taking a trip to the desert with an overnight stay - this is best opportunity get to know Tunisia from the inside. If the Arabian flavor doesn’t bother you, the beaches of Sousse, Monastir, and Djerba can become places for an unforgettable vacation.

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