Kaliningrad hunting club

Boar tusks - a valuable trophy

At the IV All-Union Hunting Exhibition in 1985, the first and second places with a score of 148.85 and 143.40 points were taken by wild boar tusks from the Vitebsk region. Vitebsk hunters also have other wonderful trophies: at the World Exhibition in Plovdiv (1981), the fangs exhibited by the hunter I. A. Shipulo were rated at 136.00 points; hunter I. F. Luzgin is the owner of the trophy with 129.90 points.

Most obvious reason The good trophy qualities of the wild boar in the Vitebsk region is the selectivity of the hunting method that exists here. In the region, as well as in Belarus in general, there are practically no individual hunting for wild boar, licenses are issued only to teams of hunters. In collective hunts, hunters prefer to bypass the herd of wild boars, and then drive it to the chain of shooters with the help of beaters with dogs, that is, to conduct a round-up. The usual results of such hunts are piglets of the year and pigs that are with the herd. Cleavers aged one and a half years and older, leading, as a rule, single image life, if they are in salary, then by sounds and smells they are well oriented in the environment. They are not afraid of the noise of the pen and the barking of dogs, they often hide and leave the salary unnoticed, and when raised, they leave unharmed through the flanks or a rare chain of beaters. As a result, the proportion of old bulls has been high in the wild boar population for many years.

Other possible reason- traditions of caring attitude of Vitebsk hunters to feeding wild boar in winter. Even in the farms of the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen, conducted on a voluntary basis, feeding grounds are not uncommon, where up to 40 wild boars gather. Exemplary feeding is carried out on farms with a huntsman service. And the feeding conditions in the first two years of the life of the animal, according to the most authoritative specialist in wild boar professor from the GDR L. Briedermann (Briedermann, 1986), render big influence for canine development. Good trophies cannot be expected from piglets that are lagging behind in development due to poor fodder harvest, harsh wintering conditions. There is another reason - low rates of wild boar production in the republic. The influence of good hereditary inclinations of the wild boar population in the north of the republic - the Belarusian Lakeland is not excluded.

The size of the fangs depends primarily on the age of the beast. The opinion among hunters that the size of the fangs does not depend on the weight of the boar is apparently explained by the fact that the billhooks participating in the rut become very thin. Of course, individual variability also matters. Already in a one and a half year old gilt, 3.5-4.0-centimeter fangs protrude from the lower jaw. Their width at the exit from the gums is about 14 mm, at the base about 21 mm. This uneven width hallmark the youth of the animal. Boars at the age of 2.5 years are the most dangerous for a dog, they are light (75 kg), fast beasts, their fangs are sharply honed and stick out by 5-6 cm. However, only the fangs of a wild boar at the age of 4-5 years are of trophy value, they protrude a little more (6-7 cm) with a total length of about 21 cm, but their width is evened out and is 24-26 mm. The fangs reach full development in billhooks of 7-8 years of age, their length is usually 21-23 cm, width - 28-29 mm.

In the future, the tops of the fangs become not so sharp, often break off. The development of the canines stops, and the length may even decrease due to grinding. Such animals do not participate in the rut, their meat does not have a specific smell, they are well fed.

However, our hunters for the most part do not know how to properly remove the fangs of a wild boar from the jaw, nor to save them. It's annoying to see spoiled fangs, which, if properly processed, could decorate any exhibition. Every boar hunter should know for sure that only a third of the lower canines are visible from the outside, and two thirds are in the jaw. Attempts to cut down fangs with an ax, in which their lower ends break, are by no means uncommon. The most common cause The death of trophies is their cracking.

The processing of the fangs is as follows: the skin is removed from the head of the boar, the tongue and the largest muscles are separated. Although the ends of the canines of the lower jaw are located at the level of the fourth premolar, it is recommended that sawing be carried out behind the last molar. Of course, the lower jaw can be boiled as a whole, if the dishes allow. There are no mistakes when sawing off the upper jaw, it is enough to step back 2-3 cm behind the characteristic, highly developed crest of the alveolus of the upper canines, which corresponds to the level of the third premolars. common tool for this operation - a hacksaw for metal.

Sawed off jaws are placed in cold water and boil for about an hour, from old animals - longer, then let the water cool. The fangs of old billhooks are easily removed (pulled out), while in young ones, due to the mentioned uneven width, they can only be removed by sawing off the lower jaw at the level of the fourth premolars and pushing them in the opposite direction.

In the extracted fangs, a thin adhesive layer of soft tissues is carefully removed with a blunt scraper, the pulp is removed from the cavity with tweezers or a wire hook. The fangs are wiped and left to dry in a cool room. Here comes the most dangerous moment: later in a village house, and in a city apartment, where air is very dry in winter, longitudinal cracks may appear on the fangs on the third day, and then whole pieces often fall off.

Therefore, it is desirable to fill in the fangs no later than a day of drying. In the hunting literature there are recommendations to fill the fangs with paraffin, wax (M. Kulikh, 1980), rub with paraffin (I. Roskopf, 1977). However, with sudden changes in air temperature, especially during winter transportation of trophies to exhibitions, with great dryness of the air, paraffin does not protect the fangs from cracking. Equally ineffective is filling the fangs in several layers with BF glue.

The most reliable means is a two-component epoxy-based casting composition (E. Hausa, V. Vernits, 1975; M. Kulikh, 1980; A. A. Fandeev, V. P. Nikolskaya, 1983).

Before pouring, the internal cavities of the fangs must be degreased with gasoline, alcohol, ether, acetone. Resin consumption for pouring all four canines is about 40 ml (the capacity of one lower canine is 9-12 cm 3 , the capacity of the upper canine is about 4 cm 3). Before the resin hardens, it is recommended to insert a piece of copper wire into the cavity of the fangs, with which the fangs will be attached to the stand. It is necessary to work with a hardener in rubber gloves. Vapors generated when mixing resin and hardener are undesirable for people prone to allergic diseases.

Unfortunately, the filling does not protect the enamel along the outer edge of the lower canines from destruction; the enamel on the upper canines also crumbles. Realizing that covering trophies with varnish or glue spoils them appearance, in this case, for the sake of preserving the trophy, we would recommend applying two layers of colorless PVA glue, produced by p / o Azot, to the surface subject to destruction. A. A. Fandeev and V. P. Nikolskaya (1983) advise covering the fangs with a thin layer of colorless synthetic varnish. L. Briderman (1986) advises impregnating the outer surface of the fangs with a fatty composition to avoid drying out. But you need to know that all efforts to process fangs will be in vain if you store them near heating devices.

It is not recommended to bleach the fangs in hydrogen peroxide; it is advisable to leave a dark strip decorating them on the fangs just below the section. Broken fangs should not be thrown away, they can still be saved by applying Moment glue and tightly bandaging with insulating tape, followed by filling.

The rules for evaluating wild boar tusks are the simplest in comparison with other trophies and are available to every hunter.

The length of the lower fangs is measured with an accuracy of 1 mm from the base to the point along the outer edge using a tape measure, the average value in centimeters serves as a point.

The width of the lower canines is measured to the nearest 0.1 mm with a caliper at its widest point; the mean value in mm multiplied by a factor of 3 serves as the score.

The circumference of the upper canines is measured at its widest point with a narrow tape, the sum of the values ​​of both canines in centimeters serves as a point.

An extra charge of up to five points is given for the symmetry of the canines, the twisting of the upper canines, the presence of a dark strip at the section. The discount is given for the asymmetry of the fangs and other shortcomings.

A bronze medal is awarded to fangs that score from 110 to 114.9 points, silver - from 115 to 119.9, gold - from 120 points and above.

As an example, we give the price of canines that won first place at the All-Union Hunting Exhibition in 1985. Thus, the main thing when evaluating canines is their width. If we turn to the catalogs of exhibitions, we can see that the most common values ​​for the width of canines rated "for bronze" are 24-25 mm, "for silver" - 26-27 mm, "for gold" - 28-29 mm.

Index The size Sum Mean Coefficient score
Lower canine length
left 27,5 54,7 27,35 1 27,35
right 27,2
Lower canine width
left 33,0 67,0 33,5 3 100,5
right 34,0
Upper canine circumference
left 9,0 18,0 1 18,0
right 9,0
Surcharge 3,0
Discount -
Final score 148,85

Fangs are usually placed on round stands, proportionate in size, painted with dark brown stain; against this background, the fangs stand out well.

Boar tusks are one of the best hunting trophies! BUT boar hunting is an unambiguously dangerous occupation with a lot of thrills, adrenaline in the blood, and, possibly, with piercing and cutting wounds in a dog that often falls under the sharp fangs of a billhook. This article will discuss one of the best hunter trophies, how to properly extract boar tusks, how and how to process them to save them on long years and how to avoid cracking and damage to the fangs.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the best fangs for a trophy are considered fangs 20-23 cm long and about 25 mm uniformly wide. Such fangs are possessed by billhooks at the age of 4-5 years. In old boars, which are 6-8 years old, fangs can reach 25 cm in length and 30 mm. in width. But in wild boars older than seven years, very often (compared to younger individuals) the fangs are broken off or worn off by several millimeters. In a piglet at the age of one year, small fangs about 2 cm long are already visible. And already at the age of 1.5 years, they can reach 4 cm. After another year, the fangs protrude by 5 cm or more. At this time, they become razor-sharp.

If you have not yet removed the fangs from the skull of a wild boar, then it is better to ask a more experienced hunter to help you the first time. If this is not possible, then use the recommendations below, and you will succeed!

First of all, we remove the skin from the head of the boar, cut out all the muscles in the jaw area and the tongue. After that, we need a hacksaw for metal. But we will saw off not fangs, but jaws. The lower jaw of the billhook is sawn off at a distance of 10-15 cm from the fangs, the upper one - at a distance of 5-8 cm. It is necessary to saw off parallel to the growth of the fangs.

After we got the jaw, it must be boiled. Pour cold water into some container (bucket or pan), put it there boar jaw and boil over low heat. You need to boil until the fangs can be freely removed from the boar's jaw. This is usually achieved by boiling for just over an hour. Then you have to wait until the water cools down and remove the fangs. After extracting the fangs, they must be freed from the soft tissues adjacent to the canine with the help of a hard tissue. Then the internal soft tissues of the tooth (pulp) are removed. Ordinary tweezers will help us with this, or, if this “tool” is not available, then ordinary wire. Fangs are wiped with a soft cloth inside and out. Some hunters wipe their fangs with a rag soaked in alcohol. The fangs are dried for no more than a day, because due to a sharp change in temperature, they crack and fall apart. After drying, the fangs are poured.

Important!!! Before pouring, fangs must be degreased with gasoline or alcohol.

Some hunters use wax or paraffin for pouring. But these materials are suitable for pouring fangs, which will always be in one temperature regime. If the temperature changes, sooner or later they will crack. The most reasonable solution would be to fill the boar's fangs with epoxy. After pouring, until the resin has hardened, it is recommended to insert a wire into the fangs (we will use it to attach the trophy to the stand board). But the filling only protects the fangs from cracking, and it cannot prevent the destruction of the enamel. To preserve the enamel, boar tusks are covered with two layers of colorless varnish or colorless glue. The treatment of fangs with fat can also save from the destruction of enamel.

The choice of the place where the trophy will be stored is also important. No need to hang it in the kitchen, where there is constant heat from the stove, near the heaters and where it gets sunlight. In short, avoid high temperatures! Good luck on your hunt and great trophies!

The wild boar is the most common type of animal that has good trophy qualities. Hunting for a wild boar is dangerous, but also interesting, as this animal is unpredictable and distinguished by its audacity. If the boar has gained full strength, then it is called a boar, and even bears and tigers try to avoid meeting with it. Considering all of the above, it becomes clear why the trophies obtained are valued so highly.

Currently, only canines are included in the assessment methodology.
this unpredictable beast. The size of the canines primarily depends on
the age of the animal itself. A one and a half year old gilt has fangs from the lower jaw
protrude by three to four centimeters, the width of the fangs is uneven. In an adult animal, this feature
disappears - fangs at 5-6
centimeters rise above the jaw. Boars that have reached
2.5 years of age, due to the sharpness of the fangs and their mobility, are especially dangerous. Trophy
fangs of an animal aged 4-5 years are of the greatest value. This boar has fangs
protrude from the jaw by 6-7
centimeters, the width of such fangs reaches 25-26 cm, and the total length is 21 cm. In the future, the length
canines increases slightly, the tops of the canines become not so
sharp, and sometimes even can be broken off.

Every year many wild boar heads appear at exhibitions,
however, the quality of their production is very low. The same can be said about
a large number of fangs sent for examination. Many hunters are
know how to extract, process and store the trophy, and this despite
trophy value of fangs and large volumes of prey. There were times when fangs
were hewn from the jaw with an ax or were cut off at the base. In such
cases, an adequate evaluation of canines is impossible, since most of length
the canine is lost.

At good hunting many have a natural desire
make a scarecrow or carpet out of a trophy. It should be remembered that the fangs of a wild boar
must be processed and determined for the medallion separately, regardless of whether
Are you planning to make a scarecrow or a carpet.

Before removing the fangs, you must first remove the skin
(this process begins with the boar's head) and separate it from the large muscles and
tongue skull. Cut off jaws must be placed in a cold run. Under the flow
water, the blood removal process will be faster. Further jaws for 1.5 h
are boiled and left in water until completely cooled. Such
procedures are aimed at ensuring that the canines due to temperature changes do not
cracks have formed. Now you can extract the fangs. with bottom
fangs will have to work hard, but the upper fangs are extracted quite easily.
This is explained by the fact that part of the canine (2/3) is in the jaw and their diameter
exceeds the dimensions of the outlet. To extract the lower fangs you need them
pull forward, then back open jaws at level 4
prerooted and push out the fangs with the help of a wooden block.

After that, a thin layer must be carefully removed from the fangs.
tissues that surround it. This is best done with a non-sharp scraper. Further
the pulp should be removed from the tooth cavity with tweezers or a hook. Internal
the surface should be degreased with acetone or alcohol. After this preparation, the tooth
should be placed in a dark, cool place to dry. There is a risk that
during drying, the enamel will crack from drying out. In a country house it can
happen three days later and later, in a city apartment earlier. So if after
installation of boar tusks for drying took one day, try to make
filling procedure. Filling will not allow the fang to collapse and extend the time
trophy storage.

What composition to use for filling? There are many
recommendations, but the most common are paraffin, BF glue, wax,
two-component composition, which is based on epoxy resin. Paraffin and
wax cannot ensure the stability of fangs to temperature extremes. Clay BF
slightly more effective, but the most reliable agent is epoxy
resin with filler (cotton wool or similar filler). Fill does not protect
the outer surface of the fang from destruction, for this purpose the enamel of the trophies is processed
additionally. To do this, use compositions that do not give shine: several layers
PVA, wax-paraffin mixture or modern non-reflective varnish coatings. Dark
the stripe on the fangs is best left as a decoration.

The most critical stage is the processing of the outer and
the inner surface of the trophy, since the period depends on these stages
fangs storage. But remember, if the trophy is stored near heating
appliances, no processing can protect it. If the fangs burst,
then they should be glued with Moment-type glue, then tightly wrapped with electrical tape and poured
epoxy resin.

The final stage of processing fangs is the installation of a trophy on a medallion.
For each trophy, the medallion is created individually, taking into account the features
specific instance. The interior in which the medallion will be
installed, and of course the preferences of the owner are taken into account. When installing
one rule must be followed - fangs to be measured by experts
should be easy to get. You can fasten the fangs with a wooden lining or with
the help of narrow metal clamps. Another mounting option is the screw head
is placed in the holes drilled before pouring. When the installation takes place
on the medallion, the screws are inserted into the pre-drilled holes in the medallion,
then tighten with nuts.

Sometimes fangs are attached with double-sided tape. But most often
the wire in the process of pouring is strengthened at the base of the canine. When it happens
installation on the medallion, this wire is inserted into the holes on the medallion itself
and fixed on the back.

On the medallion you can place not only the tusks of a wild boar, but also
his head. In this case, the fangs are set under the head (classic
execution), in which artificial fangs are already installed.

Well, the final touch is to indicate the name on the medallion
owner, date and place of extraction of the trophy.

It doesn't matter what year it is, what era, and which way is developing civilization, the magic of animal amulets, the boar's fang amulets, is still in each of us in the blood. Created by Svarog in the world revealed by Rod, we remember the dull bitter smell of pine forest and snow, we hear the howl of wolves and snowstorms, our ear sensitively picks up the sound of a shot arrow. And may we, the children of megacities and high technology, have never experienced it, our genetic memory stores these memories.

The cult of wild animals in an archaic society, where hunting was one of the main activities of man and the guarantor of his survival, is associated with the use of animal parts in cult practices. It was believed that with boar fang amulet, warrior or hunter could get the spirit of the beast as an ally. But, gaining the spirit, a person receives strength not, but of a whole kind. An animal-spirit has its own characteristics and capabilities, and a person who enters into a spiritual union with him has a chance to develop the corresponding abilities in himself.

If your totem is a boar, you can become a good healer, you can learn how to heal ailments. The boar is prudent and cautious, but it happens that in moments of danger it goes ahead, regardless of the real risks.

Wild boar dedicated to Perun strong amulet Fang of a wild boar

The boar is mighty, he is the real master of the forest, the wolves are merciless, the lynxes are cunning and angry, but the hunter was not so afraid of them, as he was afraid to grapple one on one with a wild boar. This beast is cruel and obstinate. Having angered him, the fierce death will not have to wait long. The features of this predator inspired respect and horror in people. The Slavs dedicated the boar to Perun, the god military power, the lord of thunderstorms. The boar symbolizes military prowess, but at the same time - greed, indefatigable pride, lust and trampling on innocence. so much to it ferocious predator was observed everywhere. So, it is known that the boar was depicted on the helmets of warriors in Ancient Greece to emphasize military power states.

Real boar tusk has long been used as amulet. Despite the fact that this is a male amulet that gives strength and perseverance in achieving the goal, it was also worn by women in the form of pendants, around the neck or on the belt. Two boar tusks connected in the form of a crescent were used to protect the horse. Boar Fang can be used in an amulet amulet, as a setting for the Boar totem, as a key to a powerful egregore.

Published on 06.05.2017 Views: 3

One of the main requirements for the design of trophies of both wild boar and other animals: the trophy should be easily removed from the medallion. This unwritten rule applies primarily to those trophies that will be judged by experts or intended to be shown at exhibitions. In these cases, the owner of the trophy needs to do everything so that the judges can easily and effortlessly remove the trophy from the medallion, make the necessary measurements and then just as easily and conveniently attach it back. In the end, what trophy the hunter gives for evaluation is the one he wants to get back. But is this possible if, for example, the fangs are glued to the medallion with epoxy resin? Therefore, do not be surprised and do not raise a fuss if in this case the experts refuse to evaluate your trophy.

In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation and to ensure that your trophy is perfectly prepared for display, here are the basic principles primary processing boar tusks.

If you got a trophy boar, then you should act like this:

It is necessary to skin the pig's head, separating as much excess meat as possible.

The head must be boiled. In order not to cook the upper and lower jaws completely, you can file them, but you need to keep in mind that only 1/3 of the canine is located on the outside of the lower jaw, and 2/3 are hidden in the bone itself. You need to carefully calculate how much to saw off so as not to damage the canine. The same applies to the upper fangs, which are immersed in the jaw by more than half. It is not recommended to separate the upper and lower jaws before cooking, as the fangs may crack. In no case should the jaw bones be cut - in the "raw" form, the fangs are very fragile, especially in the part that is inside the jaw.

The next principle related to cooking fangs is that the trophy should be placed in cold water. Cooked fangs need to be cooled without getting out of the water. The purpose of this is to get rid of sudden changes in temperature, which will protect the fangs from cracking.

In no case should you boil the head of a boar under pressure, trying to reduce the cooking time. Know that in this case the fangs will be damaged irrevocably.

After cooking, the fangs must be separated from the bone. The tusks of an adult boar are simply pulled out, while the tusks of a young boar are usually removed by breaking the jawbone.

When the fangs are removed from the bone, they must be cleaned of fat with a simple rag using laundry soap. In no case should bleaching powders be used - they affect the color of the canine, and in this case the trophy is lost as such.

When the cleaning is finished, taking into account the experience of many hunters, it can be advised to apply the "PVA glue method". Glue is poured into the fang, wait a moment, then pour the excess glue and wait until it dries on inside fang. This is done twice. This creates a layer of glue that will not allow the fangs to fall apart if they crack. Then all the free space inside the canine is filled with cotton. The top layer of cotton wool is poured with PVA glue, they wait until everything dries and ... the fangs are ready!

By no means should one follow the example of such "craftsmen" who fill the fangs with epoxy, and, in addition, put nails in the resin so that they can be attached to the locket. When the resin cures, due to the force of surface tension, the enameled portion of the canine tooth may separate over time as the resin contracts more than the canine itself. The size of the canine changes (width decreases) only for the first time. It is not for nothing that this trophy is allowed to be evaluated no earlier than two months after extraction. At this time, significant changes occur, and further changes are of little importance.

In addition, it may be advisable, after filling with cotton and glue, to dip the fangs in liquid paraffin, or, even better, dip the cotton in paraffin and cover the trophy with it to avoid being affected by strong temperature fluctuations. The canine treated in this way is protected from the effects of temperature and humidity, however, there have been cases when, after many years, paraffin-treated canines also deteriorated. The microclimate is more important: if the trophy is in a hunting lodge or a room where the humidity level is relatively stable, then no damage threatens it, but rooms with central heating are less friendly with trophies.
And, finally, about attaching the trophy to the medallion. This can be done without damaging the fangs using decorative loops or other methods, but most importantly, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, the trophy should be easily removed and attached to its place.