The expanses of the sea have always aroused awe in people. Legends were made about the creatures that could lurk in their depths. Some live to this day, terrifying the inhabitants of coastal areas. A lot of strange facts connected with the Black Sea, where, according to local residents, more than one prehistoric monster lives. Nobody knows how sea ​​monsters managed to survive, but there are enough eyewitnesses of their existence.

Karadag snake

This legendary monster was seen in the Black Sea back in the Middle Ages. In the 16th-18th centuries, reports sent to the Sultan by Turkish sailors were full of reports of a gigantic sea ​​monster. According to eyewitnesses, it resembled a huge eel with bony paws and a long tangled mane. The “snake” lived somewhere near the Karadag massif; probably even hiding in one of its underground sea caves. For this, the beast received its current name.

U Crimean Tatars full of legends about a snake living in underwater caves. In the 20th century, there were also many witnesses to its existence. Among them is Pyotr Semenkov, director of the Karadag Nature Reserve. In 1990, he spoke about an amazing incident.

Not far from Frog Bay, fishermen caught a two-meter Black Sea bottlenose dolphin (a species of dolphin). Her entire belly, along with her ribs, was bitten off right down to her spine by one powerful bite. Only a giant animal could do this, but there are simply no such animals known in the Black Sea.

In 2014, the Karadag monster was observed by several tourists vacationing in Crimea and border guards patrolling the territory on a boat. They described the animal as a 30-meter snake. All this leads local residents to believe that the legendary monster still lives in the Black Sea and is doing well, reproducing and hunting successfully.

Other types of monsters living in the Black Sea

Messages about strange creatures, inhabiting coastal waters Crimea, a lot. In September 1952, near Cape Boy, local resident Varvara Zozulya was collecting brushwood. She had to make her way through the thickets, where the woman stepped over the “log.” It suddenly moved, made a jerk and energetically crawled into the water.

The Crimean woman described the animal as a snake with a thick body and a small head on long neck. He had 2 pairs of limbs. What seemed most frightening to the woman was the fact that the strange, similar creature made a high-pitched squeak.

In 1992, Vladimir Belsky, an employee of the Feodosia City Council, also personally met with another unusual inhabitant Black Sea. In mid-August he sailed near Cape Kiik-Atlama. Having reached a depth of four meters, the swimmer emerged to take a breath of air.

What he saw on the surface shocked Belsky. A one and a half meter snake head on a thin neck swayed just some 30 meters from him. The creature made a sharp throw towards the swimmer, forcing him to vigorously row towards the shore.

Messages about meetings with monstrous the inhabitants of the Black Sea still do. It is not known for certain whether they all belong to any one species or are different representatives of the most ancient marine fauna. So far there is no clear evidence or refutation of their existence. The reptiles that thrive in the waters near Crimea are extremely careful and do not allow themselves to be caught.

The Crimean peninsula is famous not only for its natural beauty, unique historical and architectural buildings, sweet wines and juicy fruits, but also for its amazing mysteries, the explanations of which no one has yet found. One of these secrets is the Karadag snake, a creature that lives in the waters of the Black Sea.

Monster egg weighing 12 kilograms

Even the “father of history” - Herodotus - mentioned in his works that in the depths of the Black Sea, or, as the Greeks of those times called it, Pontus Euxine, lives huge monster, catching up with the movement of the wave. The Karadag serpent repeatedly appeared to sailors. Thus, the Turks, who regularly sailed to the Crimea and Azov, wrote reports to the Sultan about the dragon.
According to eyewitnesses, the creature was about 30 m long, covered with black scales, and had a comb fluttering on its back, reminiscent of a horse's mane. Her movement was swift, she easily left behind the fastest ships, and the wave created by her was similar to the one that occurs during a storm. People who inhabited coastal zone, were also familiar with the sea reptile first-hand, which was reflected in fairy tales and myths. The image of the monster was even on the coat of arms of the Bakhchisarai Khan!

In 1828, the Evpatoria police officer reported to higher authorities about the appearance of a huge sea ​​snake. Emperor Nicholas I, who, like Peter I, was distinguished by his curiosity, learned about the Black Sea monster and ordered scientists to be sent to Crimea to find and catch it.
Since evidence of sightings of the monster came mainly from the Karadag region, scientists from the expedition decided to look for it there. They didn’t find a monster, but they found an egg weighing 12 kg, containing an embryo resembling a fairy-tale dragon with a crest on its head. Nearby were found the remains of a rather impressive tail, which was characterized by a scaly-shell-like structure.

The Soviet writer saw a monster!

For several thousand years, residents and guests of the peninsula claim that they somehow met this incomprehensible and unknown resident. sea ​​waters. And it must be said that among the eyewitnesses there were famous and serious personalities whom there is no reason not to believe. Among them are the director of the reserve, geologists, a poet, an official of the local executive committee, and the military. It is clear that these people are educated and, most likely, are not prone to mystification and inventions.
In 1952, the Soviet writer Vsevolod Ivanov happened to see the monster from a cliff in Carnelian Bay. Perhaps, it was he who made one of the longest observations of the monster; he looked at it for about 40 minutes. According to him, the monster had impressive size: 25-30 meters long, and as thick as a tabletop desk, if you turn it sideways." It had a snake-like head “the size of an arm span” with small eyes, and the upper part of the mysterious creature was dark brown in color.

After such a unique observation of the monster, Vsevolod Ivanov tried to find out if any of the local residents had seen this monster, and undertook a small investigation. M. S. Voloshina told him that in 1921, a small article flashed in the Feodosia newspaper, which reported that a “huge reptile” had appeared in the area of ​​Mount Karadag, and a company of Red Army soldiers was sent to catch it. As far as is known, the “reptile” was not caught then, but her husband, the famous Russian poet and artist M. A. Voloshin, sent this clipping about the “reptile” to M. Bulgakov, and it formed the basis of the story “Fatal Eggs.” Also, Vsevolod Ivanov, with the help of Voloshina, managed to find out about the fact of an encounter with a monster by one collective farmer, who came across a monster resting on the shore while collecting driftwood for firewood.

Real evidence? Please!

The Karadag snake leaves very real traces of its existence. A few years ago, Turkish fishermen pulled a dolphin from the sea, which had been bitten in half by some monster. The remains of the dolphin were rushed to Istanbul University, where scientists examined the find and confirmed that the marks on the dolphin were not wounds from a ship's propeller and, without a doubt, were left by the teeth of a large animal. The same dead dolphins with huge wounds and even traces of 16 large teeth were seen by Crimean fishermen in 1990 and 1991, and one of them was even taken to the Karadag Nature Reserve.

By the way, Crimean Alexander Paraskevidi has even more material evidence of the existence of the monster - his tooth. Six centimeters long, red-brown in color, this tooth was discovered on the beach, near the village of Maly Mayak, sticking out in a small piece of wood. Turkish ichthyologist Arif Harim, who examined and analyzed the tooth, is confident that it belongs to an animal unknown to science.

Shocking encounters with the Karadag snake

In May 1961, a rather shocking encounter with a monster took place in Crimea. Local fisherman M.I. Kondratyev, director of the sanatorium "Crimean Primorye" A. Mozhaisky and Chief Accountant of this enterprise, V. Vostokov went fishing on a boat one morning. They walked only three hundred meters from the pier of the Karadag biological station towards the Golden Gate, when suddenly, 60 meters away from them, they saw a brown spot under the water. They sent the boat towards it, and it suddenly began to move away from them.

When we managed to get closer to the “spot,” it became clear that there was something very impressive and creepy under the water. The head was quite clearly visible 2-3 meters under water huge snake, about a meter in size. The surface of the monster's head was covered with brown hairs, reminiscent of algae. Behind the head, horny plates were visible on the monster’s body. At the top of the head and back, a characteristic mane swayed in the water. The monster's belly was lighter - gray, in contrast to the dark brown back.

When people saw the monster’s small eyes, they literally became numb with horror. Fortunately, Mikhail Kondratyev quickly managed to come to his senses, he turned the boat around and headed it towards the shore at full speed. Amazingly, the monster chased them! Its speed was quite high, but 100 meters from the coast it stopped the chase and headed out to the open sea. Seven years later, Mikhail Kondratyev again observed the Black Sea monster near the Karadag biological station under similar circumstances.

In the 80s 20th century vacationer Grigory Tabunov had a chance to meet the monster. This is what he recalls: “I lived in Nikita, quickly went down to the sea, undressed and fell into the water. He swam about two hundred meters away, lay on his back, rested, and was just about to swim back when he noticed a dark spot nearby in the waves. Dolphin, probably, he thought. What a dolphin! A huge head appeared above the water. Out of fear, I screamed as loud as I could and rushed to the shore. All this lasted a few seconds, but I remembered what I saw for the rest of my life. The monster’s head was greenish and flat...”

On August 12, 1992, V.M. Belsky, an employee of the Feodosia City Council, encountered the monster. He swam in the sea, dived until, having emerged, he saw a huge snake head almost next to him... In horror, Belsky rushed to the shore with all his might, jumped out of the water and hid among the stones. Looking out from behind the stone, he saw that where he had just bathed, the head of a monster appeared, with water flowing from its mane. Belsky was able to even see the skin and gray horny plates on the head and neck. The monster's eyes were small, and its body was dark gray with a lighter lower part.

Relatively recently, our compatriot Vladimir Ternovsky even managed to ride on the back of a Black Sea monster! He was windsurfing 2-3 km from the shore, when suddenly someone from below threw the stern of his board. After this push, he fell into the water, however, to his amazement, he felt something solid under his feet. He was standing on something big, wide and alive, and it was moving! Fortunately, he managed to overcome his fear, jumping off the monster and quickly reaching the shore. The monster did not pursue him.

The servants of one of the monasteries once observed two monsters at once, which, clearly acting in coordination with each other, started a hunt for dolphins.
Karadag monster submariners also saw it. This happened during the dive of Benthos-300, a laboratory working at depth. Having reached a dive level of 100 meters, the hydronaut saw a vague shadow with right side ship. A giant snake, slowly wriggling, swam up to the porthole, as if studying people with its small eyes. However, as soon as the scientists decided to photograph it, the monster, as if reading their thoughts, rushed into the depths.

So who swam into Crimean waters? They talked about a frilled shark with flat sides, resembling a huge eel; according to another version, it was herring king- a belt fish up to nine meters in length, found in the Northern and Mediterranean seas... Maybe some kind of lizard has been preserved in the Black Sea since ancient times? After all, what do we know about Karadag, which was a nature reserve for decades? And why shouldn’t this majestic mountain be a haven for exotic species?
Karadag is the remnant of an ancient volcano, the underwater part of which has not been studied. Once upon a time, displacements of earth layers and volcanic clay led to complex layers, the formation of underwater caves, unknown passages and tunnels.

On this moment there is no official confirmation that the Karadag snake is real creature, he seems to feel that they are looking for him, and goes into the depths of the sea at the slightest attempt to film him on video or with photographic equipment. Perhaps expeditions could clarify the situation, but such events require financial investments, which neither officials, nor scientists, nor individuals are in a hurry to make. The waters of our planet still firmly keep their secrets - the Loch Ness, Karadag, and other water monsters do not seek contact with people.
Official science is sure: if Karadag lives Living being, there should be several of them - mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, etc. But neither the remains nor the clutch of eggs of these creatures have yet been discovered. In addition, Crimean hydronautics is completely destroyed today, deep-sea equipment has been sold for scrap.
It is known that North American zoologists successfully continue such research in their territories. In 1995, two Canadian oceanographers - Dr. Edward Bousfield (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto) and Professor Paul Le Blond (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) - in the April issue scientific journal"Amphip-tsifika" described what was discovered in the fjords of British Columbia, on the Pacific coast of Canada, new to science. close-up view animals - Cadborosaurus.
They classified it as a plesiosaur, a group of highly specialized marine reptiles that went extinct in Mesozoic era. This “saurus” got its name from the Cadboro Bay, where it was most often observed.

The message caused a furore in the media. Newspapers immediately gave the creature the nickname Caddy, and local environmentalists demanded that the government immediately ensure the protection of such a rare and obviously vulnerable species.
If you believe eyewitness accounts, the Cadborosaurus, by the way, which has been mentioned in Indian folklore since ancient times, is exactly like the Black Sea serpent, but feeds on fish, sometimes trying to hunt seabirds.

Scientists have no doubt that the depths of the World Ocean hold many unexplored secrets. But they need facts. However, not a single one has been done so far high-quality photo- neither ours nor theirs.
This is persistently explained by the fact that mysterious creatures appear and disappear suddenly, as if only to remind: living earth It was not born yesterday, but it must be studied and protected in all its manifestations, especially in unique ones.

There are many mysterious phenomena and events on our earth, and one of them is Karadag monster. Photo and video Black Sea monster, who is also called Karadag snake, are given in the article below. You can believe in its existence or not, but myths and legends, fairy tales, are not born out of nowhere.

All of them were created by the people based on what people once managed to see. Of course, people’s imagination added something to what they saw, and sometimes distorted it, but it’s still not worth denying the presence of animals, including dragons.

The Karadag monster loves to swim near this rock

And now some lucky people manage to see from time to time unexplained phenomena or animals that seemed to have become extinct long ago. But we must not forget that our planet is still little explored and scientists every year discover previously unseen plants and animals, especially in remote corners of the Earth.

The most mysterious places on earth are underwater, in the oceans and seas. No scientist can answer how many secrets they keep water depths, How many underground seas and rivers exist on Earth and what animals can live in them.

So it is with the Karadag monster, it is not yet known for sure whether it exists or not, but according to people, it really exists. Where did this dragon come from and why does it live in the Black Sea, and since when? All these questions have yet to be answered.

History of the Karadag monster

The history of the Karadag monster goes back many centuries. In general, about the fact that a real Serpent lives in the sea
Gorynych, it has been known for a long time; even ancient people created a legend about him. The ancient Greeks knew about the Black Sea, which was called Pont Euxine a long time ago. And one of them, Herodotus, even in those days wrote that a terrible, terrible monster lives in this sea, it’s almost terrifying! According to his description, this snake was long with a large body and tail, an eerie, toothy mouth that could easily bite not only a person, but also chew blood or a horse. This monster also had a ridge running down its back, and its strong paws with claws could grab the victim and hold it until scary beast had lunch. Burning red eyes frightened and forced ancient travelers to avoid the Black Sea.

The Karadag monster is 10 times scarier than this monster

But the sailors were not always able to get to the place they needed; sometimes they had to sail through the Black Sea and they often saw the thirty-meter body of a monster, which, when moving, raised strong waves, comparable to a storm. If we talk about its length, it is the height of a 10-story building!

And what was even more terrible for the sailors was that the snake moved with enormous speed and no matter where they were in the sea, he could always catch up with them. The wave from its movement was so high that there was a storm in the sea right there. The monster moved along the surface of the sea, which made it possible to see it well and talk about it, of course, if after meeting it you managed to stay alive.

Not only the ancient Greeks, but also Turkish sailors saw the monster. They wrote in their reports about
travel to the Turkish Sultan and told him about scary snake, which destroyed ships. Their words
was confirmed by Russian navigators, and everyone wrote about the terrible Karadag monster as a huge monster, terrifying at the sailors, who were frozen with fear of him and could not even move, how terrible he was.

But they were not the only witnesses who managed to see the snake. So one of the Evpatoria
police officers reported to the tsarist Russian chancellery about the existence of a terrible toothed snake with red
eyes, which ate all living things that he managed to meet on the coast. And this was during the time
Emperor Nicholas I, who was very fond of all kinds of secrets, amazing phenomena, of which there were plenty on Russian soil.

Expedition to Crimea in search of the Karadag serpent

As soon as the office received a story from the shores of the Black Sea, the tsar ordered to organize an expedition to the Crimea to study the terrible Karadag snake and sent her there so that people would know whether it was true or just fiction.

It is also interesting that the snake lived near Karadag, which is why it was customary to call it that - the Karadag monster. Karadag means Black Mountain in Turkish. The expedition arrived in the area, pitched their tents and began searching. Scientists literally combed the area, and soon they were fabulously lucky, they found baby monster egg, weighing 20 kg, while nearby there were also fragments of the skeleton of the monster itself - part of the tail. But at this point the search was stopped, and only certain people who saw the living monster and happily avoided direct contact with it wrote to the king about it, telling in horror how big and terrible it was.

However, the monster itself was soon frightened, and most likely tried to hide, or even leave the Black Sea, because ships appeared in its waters - steamships, cruisers and battleships. This happened before the start of the First World War in 1914.

Surprisingly, as soon as the war began, the monster appeared again in the waters of the Black Sea, as if it wanted as many people as possible to know about it, and maybe it started good time, because how many people died during hostilities in the depths of the sea, for him it was a real feast.

During the war, the Germans also started talking about the Karadag monster. So one of the submarine captains
times, standing somehow moonlit night on board his submarine, which had risen to the surface of the sea, I saw not far away a strange and very large creature, which very quietly swam nearby and moved away. And this happened in the Crimea region, during the lull between battles, perhaps the monster decided to feast on the corpses of the dead soldiers at the moment of calm! There was definitely plenty of food for him at that time!

The captain was very frightened and immediately sent a report to the command, although he did not tell his subordinates anything so that there would be no panic on the ship. The only thing he did was give the command to his subordinates to urgently dive in order to avoid meeting him.

Other stories from writers about the monster from Karadag

The evidence of the encounter with the monster does not end there. Maximilian Voloshin, a Russian poet who visited this region of Crimea in 1921, also talks about his meeting with him in his notes. He writes that a lot of Red Army soldiers were sent to search for the snake, but they never managed to catch the monster. This was published in a local newspaper, which was immediately sent to the great writer Mikhail Bulgakov, who wrote the story “Fatal Eggs” based on the information received.

There was another Russian writer who observed scary creature- Vsevolod Ivanov. One day he watched dolphins peacefully having fun in the bay. Suddenly he saw on the surface of the sea some strange ball, similar either to sea mud, or to a suddenly formed island covered with vegetation. The diameter of this ball was approximately 10-12 meters, and it rested peacefully on the waves, but suddenly it moved and began to unwind. And when it unwinded, the writer saw a disgusting, terrible animal that resembled a snake, which began to move towards the dolphins.

The length of the Karadag monster is about 30 meters

But dolphins are very unusual creatures. They sensed something was wrong and instantly disappeared from the snake’s field of vision. While the monster was approaching the dolphins, the writer managed to see that his stomach light color, while the back is brownish-brown, and it swims just like simple snakes. It was the coloring that misled the writer, which is why he mistook the snake for a ball of algae. A old snake Karadagsky, meanwhile, seeing that he could not catch up with the dolphins, again curled up into a ball and, in order not to waste his strength in vain, decided to swim with the flow. Swim to former place habitat, the monster spun again and, unexpectedly for the writer, raised its head out of the water. Either the writer was far away, or he simply did not have very good eyesight, or maybe the monster dived quickly, but the writer only managed to notice that the head of this creature resembled a snake in its shape, but he did not notice the eyes. Perhaps the eyes were simply very small.

Having examined the space surrounding it, the snake quickly retreated into the gorge; apparently there were no more objects for its dinner.

Such phenomena were constantly observed by residents of the coastal zone, and from time to time their stories ended up in
magazines and newspapers.

How the Karadag monster killed dolphins

Just twenty years ago, the story about the monster reappeared in the press, and he wrote about the Karadag monster
director of the reserve P. Semenkov. He talked about how the fishermen saw the snake. Early in the morning, the fishermen decided to collect the nets that they had installed the day before, they got into their boats and went to the location of the nets. They swam and began to pull out the nets, but there were still no fish; they only managed to pull out torn nets. True, in these nets they found a dead dolphin whose belly had been bitten off. At the same time, the fishermen assumed that it was the snake that killed the dolphin, because the dolphin lost its stomach with one bite.

There are simply no other animals that have such a large mouth in the Black Sea! On the surface of the wound in the stomach, the fishermen saw traces of large teeth, the distance between which was about 2 cm. And there were 16 such teeth. The fishermen were very scared when they saw the dead dolphin, recently killed, because blood was still pouring from its body. The fishermen panicked and quickly cut the rope of their nets and quickly swam away from the scene of this incident.

A year later, fishermen again found a dead dolphin in the waters of the sea with exactly the same bites. Moreover, they found this dolphin in almost the same place, and Turkish sailors also found bitten dolphins in this area, and again traces of large teeth were visible on their remains.

Turkish fishermen brought one of these finds to their homeland and took it to Istanbul University. It was carefully examined by scientists and confirmed that no known animal could have left such marks on the belly of the poor dead dolphin, or rather, what was left of it.

A year later, V. Belgian, a resident of Feodosia, had to meet the monster. On August 12, he left home and went to the sea to swim. He plunged into the warm sea, swam some distance and emerged. It's good that he was healthy person, because not everyone could withstand it and not die from fear. As soon as he surfaced, he saw a scary big head of a snake! Fear gave the swimmer strength, and he quickly swam to the shore. When he came out, he rather hid and watched the animal from behind the stones. A couple of minutes later, he saw the head of the snake appear in the place where he had previously been. He managed to make out the monster's head, which was not only large, but also had a large crest that ran down its back. Half dead from fear, he ran home.

Another journalist managed to meet the monster in the late 90s of the last century. He talked about how the workers of the underwater laboratory, submerged in the sea, saw a monster in the porthole. It looked at people, people looked at it, numb with fear. And when the submarine workers came to their senses and decided to photograph the snake-like animal, it turned around and quickly moved away, so there were no unique photographs.

Among coastal residents, in places where this unknown animal is most often found (Ayu-Dag, New World,
Koktebel), there is even his tooth. This evidence of the existence of an animal has been studied more than once by scientists,
each of which confirmed that this tooth does not belong to any known animal.
There is a lot of evidence that the Karadag monster really exists, but there are people who, despite this, do not believe what eyewitnesses say.

So there are scientists, oceanologists who put forward their arguments, among which the most important is the age of the Black Sea, which is no more than 7,000 years. But the Black Sea has special water filled with hydrogen sulfide, and scientists do not know for certain what can live in such an environment. In addition, the bottom of the sea has not been explored, which means that there may be underground reservoirs, lakes and rivers, where other animals may well live. It is possible that they, these prehistoric monsters, live there and even
move to other seas and oceans through underground reservoirs and their currents.

The hydrogen sulfide environment of the Black Sea is also important, because completely unknown life can arise in its waters.
It has not yet been possible to confirm the correctness of eyewitnesses of the monster, but perhaps some people who are burning
desire to see and take reliable photographs of this snake, they will be able to meet it. Each sea is full of secrets that are yet to be discovered!

Video about the Karadag monster

People managed to film a unique video about the Karadag monster from above, from the mountain. Looks like Black Sea
the dragon really exists. Next year I will go to Crimea in the summer especially because of the Karadag monster,
I’ll ask a friend for a video camera with a powerful telephoto lens - maybe I’ll get lucky and my video footage will turn out to be
better quality!

According to the most common version, mythical monsters, dragon snakes owe their origin to the remains of dinosaurs that our ancestors found from time to time. However, myths about monsters live in the memory of all peoples of the planet, and easily accessible remains of dinosaurs were found only in desert areas Central Asia. At the same time, the bones found are very different from each other, and the fairytale gorynych snakes are similar, like twin brothers. So, maybe it’s not about ancient bones at all and fairy tales were born after real encounters between people and living monsters, surviving to this day?

Crimean legends and tales of giant snakes were born in time immemorial...

In 1921, a Feodosia newspaper reported that a huge reptile appeared in the sea near Kara-Dag. A company of Red Army soldiers was sent to capture him. But the soldiers, having arrived in Koktebel, did not find anyone, they saw only a footprint in the sand left by a monster that had crawled into the sea. The poet Maximilian Voloshin sent a newspaper clipping with this message to the writer Bulgakov. Mikhail Afanasyevich, after reading the note, wrote the story “Fatal Eggs”. In the thirties, a fisherman from Kuchuk-Lambat (Small Lighthouse) saw a huge monster on the shore among the rocks. He screamed in horror, but when people came running, he could only whisper: “Dog's head” - and he was paralyzed. A month later the poor fellow died.

Are these all fairy tales or incredible, but quite real events, it's up to everyone to decide. But it is worth remembering that the most incredible and inexplicable things eventually find a simple explanation and even become commonplace. And it’s also worth taking into account that all the informants are in no way connected with each other. In Crimea, a thirty-meter snake and an eight-meter monster were most often encountered in the area of ​​​​Kara-Dag and Cape Meganom. In September 1952, V.K. Zozulya was collecting brushwood in the area of ​​Frog Bay. Returning home, not far from the shore she saw something that she initially mistook for a fallen tree. Suddenly this something moved, began to unfold, stood on hind legs and hissed. The total length of the green-brown creature was eight meters. Horny plates similar to snake scales covered top part torso. The paws have large claws. The head is like a snake. Eyes Green colour. From their gaze, the frightened woman became even more frightened, and she backed away. And the monster sank onto all four paws, turned around, walked rather quickly towards the sea and disappeared under the water.

In 1967, many residents of the villages of Koktebel and Ordzhonikidze saw a similar monster. On May 14, 1952, the writer Vsevolod Ivanov was sitting on the shore of the Carnelian Bay of Kara-Dag. About fifty meters from the shore he noticed something that looked like a ball of algae. Suddenly this ball began to unfold and lengthen and turned into a huge snake about thirty meters long. The head is about a meter in diameter, the lower part of the body white, the upper one is dark brown. The monster, wriggling in the same way as all swimming snakes, slowly swam towards the playing dolphins, who immediately began to quickly move away into the open sea. After swimming a little, the monster curled up into a ball again, and the current carried it to the left. In the center of the bay it turned around and raised its head, like a snake. Small eyes were clearly visible. For about two minutes the snake swam with its head raised, then it turned sharply, lowered its head into the water and quickly swam behind the rocks of Carnelian Bay. The writer watched him for more than forty minutes.

In May 1961, local fisherman Mikhail Kondratyev and his guests (director of the Crimean Primorye sanatorium A. Mozhaisky and chief accountant V. Vostokov) went fishing on a boat early in the morning. Moving away from the pier of the Karadag biological station, they turned to the Golden Gate area. Suddenly, 300 meters from the shore, we saw a brown spot under the water. We decided to approach him, but strange object began to move away from them into the sea. The fishermen pressed on. And when the distance between the boat and the object was reduced to about fifty meters, something huge and terrible appeared above the water! Head giant snake a meter in diameter, covered with brown tufts similar to algae. The horny plates were clearly visible on the body. The belly is light gray. Small eyes sparkled through the mane at the top of the head. The fishermen were horrified. Kondratiev set off at full speed towards the shore. The monster rushed after the boat. The race continued for several minutes. About a hundred meters from the shore the snake stopped and turned into the open sea. After this unexpected meeting, none of the fishermen went to sea for several days...

And Kondratiev had to meet the same monster in 1968. The company was returning from fishing. Having approached the nets placed near the Karadag biological station on our felucca, we saw a large brown spot under the water. We approached him about fifteen meters. Suddenly the water foamed, a back with a mane appeared, and in the same place a whirlpool with a funnel more than ten meters in diameter formed. The frightened company rushed to the pier.

In December 1990, fishermen discovered a dolphin in torn nets. Having pulled him ashore, they saw that the poor fellow’s stomach had been bitten out to the spine in one bite. The width of the bite in an arc is about a meter. Along the edge of the arc on the skin of the unfortunate animal, traces of huge teeth were clearly visible. Sixteen such tracks were counted. The dolphin's head was severely deformed, as if they had tried to drag it through a narrow hole. The fishermen cut off the tattered net, threw it away along with what was left of the dolphin, and hastened to leave the area. And in the spring they found another dolphin with similar teeth marks. They brought it to the village, put it in the refrigerator, but after a few days the refrigerator defrosted due to an accident, and the “material evidence” had to be thrown away. () Based on the teeth marks on the bodies of the dead animals, they estimated the size of the predator - thirty meters in length. During one of the dives of the Benetos-300 submarine in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, our hydronauts in the eighties of the last century saw a strange animal at a depth of 80 meters. It crossed the course of the PLB and was clearly visible simultaneously through all the windows (the width of the laboratory is 6 meters). An animal more than 20 meters long passed along the nose of the PLB. Unfortunately, it was not possible to photograph it. Ichthyologists were never able to determine the type and genus of the unknown creature.

For local fishermen, the Black Sea monster is as real as all the inhabitants of the sea. Having observed monsters for many years, they found out that snakes, as a rule, appear after strong storms and during the spring and autumn migration of dolphins. Most often they were seen in areas from the New World to Cape Kiik-Atlama. On Kara-Dag and Cape Meganom there are several underwater caves in which these monsters may live.

In 1994, two employees of the Karadag biological station dived with scuba gear in the Golden Gate area. At a depth of 20 meters they saw an animal more than 15 meters long, similar to a giant fur seal. They observed it for several moments, then it disappeared into the abyss. In 2006, boat passengers saw a snake in the Feodosiya Bay that was chasing a school of dolphins. Three rings and a head covered with armor plates and algae were clearly visible.

The old people who lived in Crimea before the war told many more interesting things. Long before the war, near the hydrogen sulfide spring Kukurli-Su, which is located near Sudak, lived unusual snake. Its length was 5-6 meters, its body color was red-brown, and on its head, similar to a dog, growths resembling horns or ears were visible. The underbelly is green-gray. On the back there is a mane similar to a horse's. The diameter of the body is about 40 centimeters. The mother of one of the old-timers lived next to the spring and often watched the snake. That's what she said. “He usually crawled out to the source at 10 o’clock in the morning and lay on the shore all day. healing water a lot of people came. People got used to the snake, no one was afraid of it. At about 4 pm he crawled into his cave. During the war, the monster was scared off by shots and explosions and disappeared. After some time it appeared near the village of Kutlak (Veseloye). And after 1944, no one saw the snake anywhere else."

The Sevastopol artist Vladimir Dovgan managed to sketch one of the monsters. (I couldn’t find the drawing..) He was returning with friends from a hike. Near a forest lake, not far from the village of Reservnoye, we saw a gray snake more than a meter long hanging on the branches. On the body, at a distance of ten centimeters from the head, two legs were clearly visible. The artists looked at it for a full minute until the monster disappeared among the branches.

Before the war, the shores of all Crimean rivers were covered with impenetrable thickets of thorns, rosehips, wild cherries, and dogwoods. Forests and steppes were not as densely populated and plowed as they are now. So relict species reptiles and animals, hitherto unknown to our scientists, could well have survived. Author: A. Tavrichesky

For thousands of years, an animal unknown to science has been encountered in the Black Sea, resembling a prehistoric dinosaur. Some call it Blackie, others call it the Black Sea Nessie or the Karadag Serpent. Hundreds of years before our era, Herodotus wrote about a mysterious monster that lived in the waters of the Pontus Euxine, which is what the ancient Greeks called the Black Sea. In Crimea, every year more and more evidence about the Karadag snake appears. There have been cases of attacks by the Karadag monster on people. For example, in 2011, a tragic incident occurred: “In the small town of Ordzhonikidze, in Crimea, there was a commotion - an unknown animal bit off the side of a girl who decided to swim in the sea in the evening. According to local residents, the tourist was dragged ashore dead - without internal organs. They say that the girl is from Kharkov, she came to visit her boyfriend, who went to summer time to Crimea to work as a cook. He is also from Kharkov. The tragedy took place around 9 pm, when it was already dark outside, says Dmitry. – Two girls decided to swim and at first swam peacefully near the shore. Suddenly one of them sank like a stone. Her friend managed to grab the victim by the hair and pull her ashore before the creature managed to drown its prey. Already on the beach it became clear that the victim was severely injured. The creature vomited for her big piece meat near the spleen. The unconscious girl was taken to the first City Hospital of Feodosia, where she died a few hours later." AFTER THIS NOBODY WILL GO TO THE CRIMEA. THE KARADAG MONSTER IN THE CRIMEA. THE KARADAG SNAKE MONSTER The Karadag serpent. The Karadag monster. Legends and secrets of the Black Sea - Even the “father of history” - Herodotus - mentioned in his writings that in the depths of the Black Sea, or, as the Greeks of those times called it, Pontus Euxine, there lives a huge monster, catching up with the movement of waves. The Karadag serpent repeatedly appeared to sailors. Thus, the Turks, who regularly sailed to the Crimea and Azov, wrote reports to the Sultan about the dragon. According to eyewitnesses, the creature had a length of about 30 m, was covered with black scales, and fluttered on its back crest, reminiscent of a horse's mane. Its movement was swift, it easily left behind the fastest ships, and the wave created by it was similar to the one that occurs during a storm. The people who inhabited the coastal zone were also familiar with the sea reptile firsthand, that reflected in fairy tales and myths. The image of the monster was even on the coat of arms of the Bakhchisarai Khan! In 1828, the Evpatoria police officer reported to higher authorities about the appearance of a huge sea snake in the district. Emperor Nicholas I, who, like Peter I, was distinguished by his curiosity, learned about the Black Sea monster and ordered scientists to be sent to Crimea to find and catch it. Since evidence of sightings of the monster came mainly from the Karadag region, scientists from the expedition decided to look for it there. They didn’t find a monster, but they found an egg weighing 12 kg, containing an embryo resembling a fairy-tale dragon with a crest on its head. Nearby were found the remains of a rather impressive tail, which was characterized by a scaly-shell-like structure. ➊ SUBSCRIBE TO NEW ISSUE