In Russia there are such species entrepreneurial activity, which involve obtaining permits (most often licenses). Types of activities that are subject to mandatory licensing are specified in state law"On licensing". But many are interested in the question of who issues this or that license.

Technical licenses issued by Gostekhnadzor. They are necessary for work in production dangerous objects(explosive, chemically hazardous, when using nuclear energy), for conducting safety examinations in industry, for conducting surveying work. Communication licenses are issued by Roskomnadzor. These permits are required mobile operators, media, ambulances, taxis, Internet providers, air carriers and other organizations that use radio frequency spectrums for their work. This body also issues broadcasting documentation (it gives the right to broadcast the program on television and radio). A construction license allows you to conduct activities in the construction field and is issued by the Ministry of Construction of Russia. It is received by architects, designers, finishers, and builders. WITH full list types of licensed construction work can be found in the specialized Classifier. Fire licenses are issued by the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. All useful information can be found on the website License for medical activities can be obtained from the Ministry of Health. Production is also subject to licensing medicines, pharmaceutical activities, production of medical equipment. Licenses for detective and security activities, as well as for the acquisition of weapons, their use, and storage are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You will receive licenses for restoration and preservation of cultural heritage monuments from the Ministry of Culture. You can obtain permits for the employment of Russians abroad at the Federal Migration Service. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation issues a license for activities related to the production, development of confidential information, production and distribution of cryptographic (encryption) tools, as well as for the activities of institutions related to state secrets. The Russian Aviation and Space Agency deals with licenses for the development, production, repair and testing of aircraft. And the Federal Space Agency is for carrying out space activities. For activities related to circulation hazardous waste, documents can be obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources. You can obtain a license to maintain medical equipment from the Ministry of Industry and Energy. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation controls the activities of transportation by water, sea, air, road, by rail(Gosmorrechnadzor, Gosavianadzor, Gosavtonadzor, Goszheldornadzor). To carry out activities in the field of organizing, running sweepstakes, gambling, and bookmakers, you should obtain documents from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports. The Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade issues a license for the procurement, processing, storage, and sale of scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

If you want to start a business that involves selling alcohol-containing drinks, you must take care in advance of obtaining a special permit - an alcohol license, which gives cafes, bars, restaurants and shops the right to sell such drinks. Why is it advisable to start collecting the documents required to obtain a liquor license even before registering a company? At a minimum, because this procedure is not short-lived, characterized by a number of important nuances, while implementing without a license alcoholic products(revenue from which sometimes reaches half of total revenue) is neither legal nor individual he can’t - that’s the law. What are these nuances? What documents are needed to become a license holder? How is the registration procedure carried out? It is worth looking into this serious issue.

Licensing of alcohol trade in our country: general provisions and legislative regulations

Before applying for a liquor license, it makes sense to study in detail a number of regulatory documents regulating this procedure. The most important of them will be Federal Law No. 171 “On government regulation production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" dated November 22, 1995. In addition, you should definitely familiarize yourself with local legislative acts, since regional authorities with their own licensing bodies and independently are responsible for licensing the trade in alcoholic beverages. established requirements to applicants.

It is imperative to remember that there is no such type of activity as simply selling alcoholic beverages. You can sell low-alcohol drinks and products with a strength of more than 15 degrees, sell such goods for takeaway or for consumption at the point of sale - and all this will be considered different types activities, each of which is subject to separate licensing. For example, if a retail outlet sells both weak and strong alcohol, then its owners should obtain two licenses - and both for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption outside the retail premises.

Is it possible to obtain a retail alcohol license for an individual entrepreneur? This is a question that concerns many aspiring entrepreneurs. The answer to this, unfortunately, is negative: only entity.

Once the application is approved (preceded by the collection of all necessary papers), the license will be valid for five years. Subsequently, it can be extended - with the payment of a state fee in the amount of 40 thousand rubles annually.

What type of business must be in order for an application for a liquor license to be approved?

In order for the owner of an organization to become the holder of an alcohol license, his company must satisfy a number of certain requirements.

  1. The authorized capital of the organization must be no less than the established value. For a store this is half a million rubles, for an establishment Catering– 10 thousand rubles.
  2. The premises in which the sale of alcohol will take place must be owned by the founders or taken in long-term rental(and this fact was registered by the Ministry of Justice).
  3. The area of ​​this room must be at least 50 square meters, it is mandatory to comply with all fire and sanitary safety requirements (relevant equipment).
  4. Organization is required on the sales floor and in warehouses technical means security, including safes, as well as installation of a registered cash register.
  5. The building must be located outside the territory where educational, medical, cultural, and sports institutions are located. If we're talking about about the sale alcoholic drinks for consumption on site (catering establishments), then the distance from the building where the outlet is located to the nearest stops public transport, metro stations, places of large crowds of people, military-strategic objects must be at least 25 meters.

If you plan to sell alcohol for takeaway, then this value (the maximum distance to the places mentioned above) is determined local authorities authorities. If you want to open such an enterprise, you need to clarify the details at the location of the company.

The procedure for obtaining an alcohol license for an LLC

In order to subsequently become a license holder, the applicant must collect an impressive package of documents. The final list is approved at the local level, but approximately it looks like this:

  • application (it must indicate a list of all licensing objects, the legal address of the LLC and its details);
  • constituent documents and certificates (OGRN, TIN), letter from the state statistics body (notarized copies);
  • documents for renting premises/certificate of ownership; if we are talking about a pavilion, an additional lease agreement for the land, an acceptance certificate for the object, technical certificate, BTI documents. If documents contain several pages, they should be bound and certified with the organization’s seal;
  • a current (not earlier than six months) extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - a notarized copy;
  • a certificate of authorized capital confirming that its size meets the requirements;
  • KKM card, signed by the head of the organization and certified by a seal;
  • receipt of payment of duty.

Despite the fact that on this moment It is not required to submit permits from sanitary and fire authorities, a certificate of absence of tax arrears and confirmation of the safety of the premises (previously they were included in the list of documents required to be presented by the licensee); it is worth keeping in mind that this information can be requested by the licensing authority independently. Once the application is under consideration, you should expect an on-site inspection of the premises to ensure that all criteria are met. By this point, the owner must have already prepared the outlet properly: design the consumer’s corner and certify copies of certificates for alcohol-containing products.

By the way, just in case, it is worth having “optional” documents already at the time of filing the application, because if, for example, during the review process it is revealed that there is a debt to state budget, the license will be refused with the fee already paid being withheld.

After the application with the attached package of documents is submitted, the examination of the collected papers and verification of the company will begin. This procedure, in accordance with the law, can last up to 30 days from the date of filing the application. If during the examination/inspection any violations are revealed, the applicant will be given time to “work on mistakes” (no more than a month), and the review period will be extended accordingly. If during this period the shortcomings are not eliminated, then a refusal to obtain a retail alcohol license will follow. The licensing authority is obliged to notify the management of the applicant organization about a positive/negative decision within three days after the end of the examination and inspection period.

As for renewing an existing alcohol license, such an application can be submitted 90 days before the document expires.

So, timely receipt of a license to sell alcohol-containing products in our country allows an enterprise engaged in the sale of alcohol to work legally. It is easy to assume that such activity without a license entails liability, which can be not only administrative and civil, but even criminal.

It is worth understanding that the place of the licensing procedure in the domestic legal space may change, which means that the procedure for obtaining a license, the list of necessary documents, and the cost of the service are subject to changes. For example, obtaining a license for alcoholic beverages since 2014 has distinctive features compared to the previous year - and this is due to the introduction of new Rules for indicating information in the details of transfer orders Money for the payment of taxes, fees and other payments in budget system Russian Federation. However general provisions and the sequence of actions of the potential licensee remain unchanged.

Many people are interested in how to obtain a license for a particular activity. In fact, the process is not that simple. Especially if you don’t worry about the nuances of licensing your activities in advance. Not all types of work require a license. And this fact must be taken into account. Today we have to find out everything that only concerns the receipt of the mentioned document. The procedure for completing the paperwork will be discussed using the example of licensing the activities of a security guard, as well as the example of obtaining a weapons license. These 2 processes are seriously different from each other. So what should every citizen know about licenses? What should you pay attention to? What is the procedure for obtaining a document?


More and more often, citizens are thinking about how to obtain a license. But what kind of document is this? Without understanding this nuance, one cannot fully assert that a person knows what he is doing.

A license is a kind of permission to do something. For example, to conduct any activity within Russia. Or to carry a specific weapon. An extremely important document.

The list of types of activities that require the execution of the specified document for work can be seen in Federal Law No. 99 “On Licensing” individual types activities" dated May 4, 2011. For example, if a person plans to engage in security or detective work, he must obtain permission for this. Currently, there are active discussions on licensing psychologists. But for now, such an innovation is just rumors. How to get a license? What should you know every citizen about this process? For example, it has already become clear that this or that work requires registration specified paper. What's next?

Where to go for help

Next, you need to figure out where to go for help. More and more often, citizens are beginning to ask where to get a license. Interesting question. There is no clear answer to this question. After all modern population A small selection of places to implement the task is offered.

Among the most common organizations that issue licenses are:

  • multifunctional centers (not always and not in all cities);
  • portal "Government Services";
  • private licensing firms;
  • licensing authority (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

Quite often the latter scenario takes place. The main problem is to understand exactly what activities and where to go. For example, Roszdravnadzor is responsible for licensing pharmaceutical activities, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is responsible for licensing firefighting activities. These features should be clarified, for example, at the MFC. They will provide advice on where to obtain a license for a particular work. Multifunctional centers are also very often approached to implement the task.

Can they refuse?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a person is thinking about how to get a license, he will have to prepare in advance. Why? This is far from the easiest process. And the licensing organization has the right to refuse to issue a document.

Usually, after submitting an application of the established form with a certain package of papers, you will have to wait some time. Approximately 3-5 days of waiting for a decision following the verification of papers. Ultimately, either the citizen comes and receives a certificate, or he is refused with justification for the decision. This is a mandatory detail.

In this case, the citizen will have 30 days to correct the situation. If the errors are corrected, the license will be issued. Of course, as soon as the reason for the refusal has been exhausted, it is necessary to submit evidence to the licensing authority. Evidence is reviewed within 45 days. But this period may increase. Concerns the initial consideration of the application. Therefore, you should not think that obtaining the specified document is a quick process. We'll have to be patient. But how to get a license? What other features should every citizen know about?


For example, if a person nevertheless received a license (or an organization did so), then he will have to come to terms with the fact that his activities will be controlled. What does it mean? Owners of organizations can expect various inspections from licensing authorities. About the requirements that are put forward mainly to organizations for conducting this or that activity. a little bit later. But it is worth noting that compliance with the set requests is carefully regulated. And the specified document may be canceled during a scheduled or unscheduled inspection.

For example, management companies that have received a license are subject to mandatory control. Each type of activity has its own special schedule of scheduled inspections. Usually it ranges from 1 to 3 years. In other words, during the specified periods, 1 compliance check is carried out.

Management companies that have received a license must go through this process as planned every 3 years. But there are situations in which the relevant commissions are able to arrive earlier.

About unscheduled inspections

Before thinking about obtaining a license, every person must understand that they will have to conduct their work in compliance with all established rules. After all, scheduled inspections are not the only way control. Sometimes the relevant services are able to travel to unscheduled events.

When is this possible? Among the most common scenarios are:

  • expiration of the period allotted for eliminating certain violations;
  • when filing applications with licensing authorities for violations;
  • expiration of the license or suspension of the validity of the document;
  • independent request of an organization or citizen;
  • if there is an order from the licensing authority.

Most often there are complaints. That is why it is recommended to carefully monitor activities and work performance. Otherwise, an inspection commission may appear quite unexpectedly.

Requirements for organizations and individual entrepreneurs

Now it’s clear where you can get a license, as well as what you should prepare for in advance. After all, some believe that all problems end when the appropriate package of documents is completed.

How is a license issued? The thing is that a lot depends on the type of activity. Each job has its own requirements. What must an entrepreneur comply with if, for example, he wants to open an organization that engages in medical activities?

In this case, you will have to take into account the following features:

  1. Owned or leased there must be premises suitable for carrying out activities.
  2. The entrepreneur must have everything necessary installed medical equipment to provide certain services.
  3. Managers and responsible persons must have higher education, and medical. Qualification in this case corresponds to the direction of work. And the total experience in the medical field is 5 years.
  4. If there are employees, employment contracts are concluded with all of them.
  5. Quality and safety control. This is the most important point that an entrepreneur should pay special attention to. Very often, checks show interest in this particular component.

Similar requirements are put forward for any type of activity. Therefore, if a person is thinking about getting a license in Moscow or any other city, he will first have to:

  • get the necessary education;
  • provide premises and equipment for activities;
  • ensure the safety of employees and clients;
  • conclude agreements with subordinates.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs or organizations

Among the papers are:

  • application of the established form;
  • constituent documents, copies (certified by a notary);
  • papers that are necessary for a specific type of activity (a list of them can be found in the licensing authority);
  • a list of documents attached to the application.

The basic principle of obtaining a document is clear. Now it’s time to figure out how to get a security guard or weapons license. What remains to be done? It's actually not that difficult.

For security guards

Where can I get a security guard license? You need to contact the LRO with a certain package of papers. In addition, it should be noted that security activities are much bigger problems for a citizen. Why? You will have to think in advance about what category the citizen wants to receive. Security guards have several ranks. Depending on them, you will have to go through certain procedures.

How to get a security guard license? If you don’t think about the discharge, you can highlight the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Passing a medical commission. It is worth informing that it is planned to obtain a security guard license.
  2. Training at the academy. Usually lasts several months.
  3. Passing exams depending on a particular rank of security guard.
  4. Collection of documents: identity card, conclusion of the commission at the academy, health certificates, photographs.
  5. Submitting an application to the LRO with a package of papers.
  6. Receipt of a standard document if the decision is positive.

Now it’s clear where you can get a license to conduct security activities. What to do with weapons? How does a citizen have the right to legally carry, for example, a pistol?


This issue requires a rather serious approach. If a person is thinking about how to get a weapons license, you should be guided by the following algorithm:

  1. Decide on the type of weapon you want to carry. It's best to do this in gun store. The employee will be able to help determine the type of license you need to obtain.
  2. To store weapons you will have to install a safe. This requirement is made very often.
  3. The person must undergo a medical examination. It is necessary to undergo a psychiatrist.
  4. Collection of documents: identification card, medical report, certificates of the presence of a safe, documents of no criminal record, photographs, application, hunting license (if we are talking about hunting weapons).
  5. Submitting an application to the LRO and waiting for a decision.
  6. Obtaining a licensing certificate.

In fact, there is nothing difficult or special. From now on, it is clear how to obtain a license for a weapon or for some activity. More than recommended exact information For each type of work, check with the relevant authorities.

The profession of a security guard is one of the most in demand in the world today. They are needed in almost any organization, be it a public or private institution. In this article we will look at the list of documents, as well as step-by-step instructions for obtaining a license that allows you to engage in security activities.

Today there are private security organizations that provide their services to any institution. But in order to engage in security activities, you must obtain the appropriate license. This condition is specified in the current legislation.

Many people mistakenly believe that anyone can work as a security guard, but this is a common misconception. Obtaining a license requires a citizen to go through an established procedure. It is quite complex, since security activity itself is associated with situations involving risk to life. Therefore, qualified specialists with a security guard certificate must meet certain requirements.

The following requirements are imposed on future security guards:

  • reaching adulthood. Only people over 18 years of age can become a security guard;
  • having absolute health. People with chronic diseases, as well as those with developmental disabilities (both physical and mental) are not allowed;
  • no prohibition on carrying out security activities, i.e. no criminal record;
  • mandatory passing of a qualifying exam.

Internal affairs bodies constantly carry out procedures to improve the conditions for obtaining a license in order to improve the quality of services provided by security structures. These innovations affected not only the physical training of people, but also the issuance of certificates.

As a result, some amendments were developed, according to which the following categories of citizens do not have the right to work as a security guard:

  1. persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation;
  2. minors;
  3. people who have been recognized by the court as having limited legal capacity or completely incompetent;
  4. persons with certain types of diseases that make it impossible to conduct security activities;
  5. citizens who have a criminal record for an intentional crime;
  6. people who have been charged with committing a crime;
  7. lack of a certificate confirming completion of specialized training to work as a private security guard;
  8. persons who have been fired from any type of employment civil service, including law enforcement agencies, prosecutor's office and courts. In this case, the reason for dismissal must be the commission of an offense of any kind. In this situation, less than three years must have passed from the date of dismissal;
  9. citizens who refused to undergo fingerprint state registration;
  10. persons who have not been verified by specialized and authorized bodies.

If you do not fall into the above categories of citizens, and also meet all the requirements for security guards, you can begin the procedure for obtaining the appropriate license. Next will be given step-by-step instruction obtaining the necessary certificate.

To become a certified security guard, you must first pass a medical examination. To do this you need:

After this, you must complete special educational courses. It should be noted here that only those institutions can conduct these courses educational sphere who have a special license to train security guards.

Taking courses is paid service. Its cost depends on the region of the country, as well as on the prestige of the educational institution.

This stage involves the following procedures:

  1. registration for courses;
  2. submission of the necessary documentation - medical certificate, passport, etc.;
  3. undergoing training;
  4. passing final exams. The exam takes place under the supervision of internal affairs bodies that regulate the activities of security organizations;
  5. obtaining a certificate confirming completion of security courses.

Training is carried out over 3 months. Although in certain situations it can be extended to six months. Training is necessary to obtain the documents necessary for legal security activities. This list includes the following documentation:

The certificate issued during the course is valid for five years. But it can be extended. To do this, you need to undergo training compiled according to the advanced training program.

Upon completion of advanced training courses, you must also pass final exams. By agreement with a special commission, it is possible to combine internal and qualifying exams.

To be admitted to the exam, the person being examined must bring the following documents:

  • internal passport;
  • an application written to take the qualifying exam;
  • certificate issued upon completion preparatory courses for the position of security guard. You must present the original document and its copy;
  • medical certificate issued according to form No. 046.

Only after provision this list documentation, you will be allowed to take the exam. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the exam includes knowledge regarding the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the basics of providing first aid medical care and other skills that are needed for high-quality and professional activity security guard.

In the practical part, they test physical fitness, the ability to shoot a weapon, the correct use of a rubber baton, the use of body armor and a stun gun, etc. Next, you must pass a test, the result of which will determine the professional suitability of the person being examined. The difficulty of the questions included in the exam is determined by the rank for which the person is applying. Successful passing Both parts allow you to receive a certificate confirming the fact that you have been awarded the qualification of a security guard.

If at least one part of the exam was failed, the person will be sent to retake. Here you should know that the number of retakes has no restrictions and is not regulated by law.

After you have acquired the qualifications, you need to contact the Department of Internal Affairs, or rather its licensing and permitting department. The package of documents that should be brought may vary depending on the region of the country. Therefore, it must first be clarified at the local police department.

Typically this list includes:

A license may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. detection of inaccuracies or indication of deliberately false data in documents;
  2. presence of mechanical damage on certificates;
  3. unreadability of documentation;
  4. presence of corrections, crossing outs, etc.;
  5. lack of at least one document required by law.

If you submit the documentation correctly and completely, you should be issued a license authorizing security activities within a month from the date of your application to the Department of Internal Affairs. According to it, you can engage in security for five years. Then you need to go through the qualification enhancement/confirmation procedure.

Having this document in hand, you can get a job as a security guard in any private or state character: commercial warehouses, office buildings, outlets etc. In addition, a security guard can monitor order in public places.

A license may be prematurely revoked in the following situations:

  • repeated prosecution of a security guard for administrative violations within one year;
  • when certain circumstances arise in connection with which a person cannot apply for the status of a private security guard;
  • voluntary refusal;
  • death of a citizen;
  • decision of the internal affairs bodies.

You should know that the issued license has a category according to which a person can only carry out certain types of security activities.

Guard ranks

Today, according to adopted laws, you can receive the following categories for security activities:

Depending on the rank, the training period for a security guard will have different time frames. The longest training, accordingly, will be to obtain the 6th category. Therefore, before starting training, the future security guard should decide what rank he wants to receive. After all, the range of powers of a security guard directly depends on the rank.

The work of a security guard is a rather risky activity. Therefore, in order to be able to react correctly to various situations and to preserve the life and health of people around, the security guard must be a qualified specialist. It is the license issued to him that confirms that he has the proper qualifications.

Video “How to get a security guard’s certificate”

The video shows what documents are needed in order to obtain a private security guard certificate.

The essence of licensing is that it is subject to the most “dangerous” types of activities that may entail damage to objects under special state protection: the life and health of citizens, the country’s defense capability, etc. Licensing serves as a kind of filter that limits the access of “unreliable” entities to carry out special types of activities. Violation of licensing rights, in turn, may entail both administrative and criminal liability. Based on the above, it follows that licensing is a process of official recognition by the state of the right of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to carry out a certain type of activity with mandatory compliance with established regulatory requirements and standards. A license is a document certifying the right to carry out the activities specified in it for a certain period. The list of licensed activities has been determined federal law"About licensing individual species activities.” In order to obtain a license, prepare a certain package of documents. There are ways to do this: the first is to collect them yourself, the second is to provide this process to an organization that provides such services. For receiving licenses The following documents are required: - a written statement stating the applicant’s request for licenses;- notarized copies constituent documents(for legal entities); - receipt for payment of state duty; - copies of documents that are determined by the licensing regulations (for each specific type of activity separately), indicating that the applicant has licenses possibility of fulfilling licensing requirements. Next, provide the documents you have collected to the licensing authority. After verification of the provided documents by the licensing authority, within 45 days a decision will be made to provide licenses, or it will be denied.

A license implies a specific document that gives its owner the right to carry out certain activities. This document issued by the state licensing inspection.

According to the Civil Code, special permission granted by the state is required to carry out specific groups of activities. A license serves as such permission. In accordance with the law, about a hundred various types activities.

In addition, the law defines 19 more types of activities that are not covered by it. Licensing for such companies is carried out in a special manner. Similar areas of activity include: banking, notary, foreign economic and other types of activities.

It is the license that serves as a special permit to carry out a specific type of activity, with mandatory compliance with all licensing conditions and requirements.

At the same time, licensed types of business activities include those groups of activities that require prior approval by the licensing authority. After all, its implementation may cause damage to: legitimate interests, rights, defense or security of the state, the health of citizens, cultural heritage people of the Russian Federation.

In turn, if a type of activity is included in the list of licensed ones, it will mean that its implementation is possible only after obtaining permission from government agency. Otherwise, an entrepreneur or legal entity may be brought to administrative or even criminal liability.

At the same time, prohibitions have been established on engaging in certain types of activities for individual entrepreneurs. Typically, these activities include: development, sales and