It turns out that not all wood is suitable for building a raft, because using some types of wood, you can get a raft that will simply sink. This is due to the fact that the density of some types of wood is higher than the density of water, and therefore such wood sinks in water.

It should be taken into account that the density of the given examples of wood is higher than the density of water under the conditions of a freshly cut trunk and after drying it may turn out to be lower than the density of water.

*For information: the density of water is considered to be 1000 kg/m3, 1 t/m3 or 1 g/ml.

These types of wood have a density greater than that of water and therefore sink in it:

And now a little more detail:

(Piratinera guianensis (syn. Brosinum guianensis)). The density of piratinera is 1500 kg/m3, which makes it one and a half times heavier than water. It is also called the snake tree.

Guaiac wood, it is also called the Backout tree. The wood is very heavy, also due to large quantity dense oils, the density can reach up to 1450 kg/m3. It grows on the South American continent.

Ipe- this is a whole variety of subspecies of wood; names can also be used: Brazil nut, ant tree, lapacho and others. Grayish-red wood can reach a density of up to 1300 kg/m3. On average, the working density of this type of wood is 1050-1100 kg/m3.

An unpretentious tree that grows on rocky and poor soils. The wood is very dense and hard. Density can reach up to 1300 kg/m3.

Collective name three types trees. The name itself comes from the Spanish “to break an axe.” This name is due to the high hardness of the wood. The color of the wood is from dark red to black. Density can reach 1200 kg/m3.

Wood is not a guarantee that a raft built from it will glide across rivers and lakes while remaining a safe craft. There are simply trees that sink in water like iron, because they have an incredibly high density that does not allow them to float on the waves.

Piratinera tree

  • Piratinera. Also called snake tree. His specific gravity in dry form - 1500 kg per cubic meter. This is one and a half times the density of water. A piece of such wood sinks to the bottom almost like a stone.

Backout tree structure
  • Guaiacum. Its second name is Backout. This is the next record holder to go to the bottom like an axe. He comes from the South American continent. It is also unique in density: it is about 1450 kg per cubic meter.

Ipe tree
  • Ipe. Ant tree, Brazil nut, lapacho - all of its names indicate the diversity of the plant. The wood is grayish-red with a density of up to 1300 kg per cubic meter (sometimes about 1100, which is influenced by the region of distribution).

Century-old Boxwood trees
  • Boxwood. Due to the fact that it is distinguished by hard wood, it serves as a raw material for the production of parts with increased rigidity requirements. It is surprising with a density of 1350 kg per cubic meter. In cross section it has a matte texture of light yellow color.

Quebracho tree cut
  • Quebracho. “Break the ax” - this is exactly how this name is translated. The density of such trees (there are three varieties) reaches 1200 kg per cubic meter. They grow in Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. They are distinguished by solid, heavy wood of a black or dark red hue.

Ebony wood blanks
  • Eben. Another record holder for density, which, like the previous sample, is 1200 kg per cubic meter. Distributed in Central Africa. It is extremely rare and expensive: its cost is calculated per kilogram. The color ranges from black-velvety to dark brown with characteristic longitudinal veins of a different palette.

Grenadil texture
  • Grenadil. A tree with black wood with a density of 1200 kg per cubic meter, which is why it is often confused with ebony, with which it has nothing in common. This is absolutely different plants. It is found in Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya. It is under threat of destruction. Also called Dalbergia, Mpingo, Babanus.

Kumaru tree structure
  • Kumara. It has many names, one of which is Brazilian teak. It has durable wood with a density of about 1150 kg per cubic meter. It sinks, but resists moisture well, so it can be used outdoors.

Azobe tree logs
  • Azobe. Or in other words - bongossi. Grows in the western part African continent. Prefers marshy areas. Resistant to putrefactive lesions. It has wood with a density of 1120 kg per cubic meter.

Larch and its texture
  • Larch. Representative of Russian northern latitudes It is also characterized by incredible hardness, which is why it quickly sinks. Its density is about 1000 kg per cubic meter, which depends on the zone of distribution (the colder it is, the stronger it is).

Rosewood wood texture
  • Rosewood. It is also called the violet tree for the characteristic appearance of the flowers (they are bluish, shaped like a forget-me-not). It is distinguished by dense, well-polished wood with a density of 1000 kg per cubic meter.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Topolek"

Summary of direct educational activities

Cognition- (formation complete picture world, expanding horizons)

Senior group No. 1 “Why”

(5-6 years)

Topic: “Tree, a tree does not sink”


Zenina Svetlana Mikhailovna

Sovetsky 2013

Subject " Tree-tree doesn't sink»

Program content

Educational area

Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world)


Integration of educational areas

Communication, Socialization, Reading fiction,

Music, Health, Safety,


GCD type

Cognitive and developmental

Children's age

5-6 years

Form of conducting GCD


Form of organization

Subgroup 10 children

Types of children's activities

Communicative (conversation,

guessing riddles, games with

rules), Cognitive-

research activities,

reading fiction.


Clarify and generalize knowledge about the properties of wood. Use experience to find the truth.

Tasks: Educational: Clarify and generalize knowledge about the properties of wood. Continue learning to recognize and study the world all senses.

To consolidate knowledge about dividing trees into deciduous and coniferous.

Improve fine motor skills using different materials.

Educational: Develop children's speech through answers to problematic issues, by introducing new words: properties, experience.

Develop creative imagination

Use experience to find the truth.

Educational: Bring up careful attitude to trees (forest, green spaces).

Cultivate joy and satisfaction from a job well done.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards healthy image life.

To cultivate a sense of kindness and belonging to all living and beautiful things that surround us.

Vocabulary workrough, properties, experience, cutting a tree.

Location: music hall

Material and equipment:

Demo:toys are made of wood, cuts of trees of different ages, houses from the fairy tale Zayushkina's hut, a rolling pin, matches, a basin of water, objects made of wood and iron, a wooden basket, bast shoes.

Handout : : sheets of paper, wood and metal objects

Preliminary work:looking at trees, forests, playing with wooden construction sets.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal - d/game “How a person and a tree are similar” reading of the poem “Live the Christmas Tree”

Practical: ; making paper balls, experience with wooden and metal objects

Visual: presentations – forests, eye exercises, toys made of wood, wooden objects from fairy tales, tree cuts

Progress of direct educational activities

1 part

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall, stand in a circle and a sound letter sounds.

On the slide, the Christmas tree asks for help. Soon New Year The woodcutters will come and cut down the Christmas trees. Guys, come to my forest and tell everyone why trees are needed in the forest. And the ball will help you with this.

Educator: Children come to me. Look what I have? Clew. He's an ordinary ball. Pass it on to each other, call it a fairy tale, and along with the fairy tale, magic will come to the ball.

Children " Teremok", "Kolobok", "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", etc.

The ball leads us to the chairs, we sit on the chairs.

Educator: Guys, where do trees grow?

Children: (plot, street, forest).

Educator: Guys, what do you think a forest is?

Generalization - a forest is a house where trees, shrubs, and birds live together. animals, insects.

Educator: What trees grow in our forests? Look carefully and listen to the noise of the forest.

Slide winter forest with sounds.

Coniferous forest slide

Educator: What kind of forest is this?

Children: coniferous.

Educator: Which trees can be called coniferous and why?

Children : Pine, spruce, cedar, larch, coniferous trees needles instead of leaves.

Winter slide deciduous forest.

Educator : What kind of forest is this? Why is this forest deciduous?

Educator : Which trees can be called deciduous and why?

Birch, poplar, aspen

Summer deciduous forest slide

Let's see if you called it right, well done.

Educator Guys, what are trees for? How can trees help us?

Children: Hide from the heat, keep you warm in winter. In the fall, collect leaves for the garden, and delight them with their blooms in the spring.

Educator: How can we help trees?

Children: Do not break branches, shovel snow in winter, hang feeders, birds will be treated for insects.

The ball shows the way

part 2

Educator: We have come to the road of fairy tales.

We approach the table on the table with two houses.

Educator: What is this house made of wood, and this house is made of ice. What fairy tale are these houses from? Zayushkina's hut.

Educator: Look what's left of Zayushkina's hut, the tree cuts.

Educator: Look carefully at these tree cuts. Touch it with your hands, which tree?

Children of Gladkoe.

Educator: Smell it. What smells? Forest, freshness, cleanliness.

Ice, what guys? The ice is cold, but what kind of wood is it? Warm.

Educator: Masha, how old are you? Guys, we can also find out how old the tree is. Each rim represents a year of the tree's life.

Educator : Tell me, which tree is older? Why?

Children: Where there are more circles, the tree is older.

Part 3

There is a rolling pin on the table. Guys, who left her? The fox was in a hurry.

I have prepared the task.

A game. “How are a man and a tree similar?”

A person's body is like a tree's trunk.

A person has skin like a tree's bark.

A man's hands are like a tree's branches.

A man has legs - a tree has roots.

A person is born, grows, ages, and a tree grows and ages. Man and tree are alive.

Educator : In fairy tales there were many things made of wood, and they were all magical. Chest, sleigh, rolling pin.

Guys, what time of year is it now? - winter. We have been walking for a long time, we are tired, sit comfortably, relax your arms, watch for moving objects, blink your eyes when objects blink.

Gymnastics for the eyes Snowflakes.


The forest has three shelves -raise your hands up

Fir trees, fir trees, fir trees -Gradually lower your hands down

The heavens lie on the fir trees - hands up

Below on the Christmas trees of snow -put your hands down

Let's go after the ball.

Educator: Look guys, there’s a basket here, what is it? Made of wood. Someone was in a hurry and got confused various items, take one item at a time. Arrange wooden objects in a red hoop, metal ones in a green one.

Educator : Where can I put the remaining items?

Children : Between the red and green hoop.

Educator : Want to know how metal objects differ from wooden objects?

Educator: Take any object and lower it into the water. What do you see?

Children: Metal objects sink, but wooden objects do not sink.

Educator: Dry your hands well so we don't get sick.

We walk in and sit down on the chairs.

Part 4

Christmas tree slide : Children, tell me, what properties of wood do people use when making objects?

Children: the wood is warm and does not sink.

Slides on how wood is used on water, wooden products from fairy tales.

Educator: Well done guys, they found out why trees are needed in the forest, people need them.

Now you tell everyone that you can’t cut down trees!

Christmas tree slide.

I'm reading a poem

"Live the Christmas tree"

I give the children posters with a poem, and next to them there is an undecorated Christmas tree.

Children, color the Christmas tree and show it to your parents. Let the parents buy a Christmas tree, or make one out of paper, and our Christmas tree remains in the forest.