Speaking about Lyudmila Gurchenko, a woman with a vivid biography, many remember not the roles she played, but the details of her personal life, numerous husbands, « family wars" with daughter. 7 years have passed since the death of the star, and the fate of her inheritance still attracts attention.

Biography and career

The future star was born in Kharkov on November 12, 1935, and survived 2 years of occupation. After graduating from general education and music school, she entered VGIK on the first try. Lyudmila Gurchenko was popular with the opposite sex from her youth, and at the dawn of her actor's biography I have already started collecting a collection of husbands.

By the time she received her first role, she had been married and divorced.

After the success of “Carnival Night” in 1956, Gurchenko was not soon able to go beyond the role of a vaudeville actress. She began to receive invitations to dramatic roles only after her 40th birthday.

Actress in the film "Carnival Night"

On the account of Lyudmila Markovna:

  • one and a half hundred images embodied in cinema;
  • two dozen roles played in 6 theaters;
  • 17 music albums and 16 clips, including those filmed with the participation of other stars;
  • participation in numerous television programs and non-fiction projects.

The actress and singer also tried her hand as a director, composer, and wrote 3 autobiographical books.

Personal life

Lyudmila Gurchenko's life was not only intense creative biography, but also personal life, " femme fatale“Changed 6 husbands, but gave birth to only one daughter. The first husband of the 18-year-old student was 30-year-old director Vasily Ordynsky. Rumor has it that Lucy married the director, hoping for roles in his films, but the calculation did not materialize, and a little over a year later the couple divorced.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and her first husband Vasily Ordynsky

Gurchenko fell in love with Boris Andronikashvili, who studied at VGIK as a screenwriter at first sight. In 1958, the aspiring actress received her diploma, got married a second time, and a year later became a mother. The marriage for love turned out to be not much stronger and longer lasting than the first one, concluded for convenience. Soon after the birth of his daughter, Boris lost interest in his wife, rumors began to spread about his infidelities, and the family that had existed for 2 years fell apart.

Gurchenko, focusing on her career, delegated the upbringing of her daughter to her mother.

2 years after the divorce, she met the adopted son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. At the time of their meeting, Alexander Alexandrovich was playing in the theater and had not yet acted in films. By his standards, Lyudmila Gurchenko was a celebrity, and simply a very attractive woman, and Fadeev tried to win her over. The hasty third marriage lasted only 2 years, the actors did not have time to really get to know each other before the wedding, and family life turned into a series of disappointments.

Joseph Kobzon became the third legal husband of Lyudmila

Immediately, an affair began with another admirer, then still a rising pop star, Joseph Kobzon. Gurchenko met her future fourth husband at a difficult stage in her biography. The actress complained that all the directors she approached in search of work perceived her as an easily accessible woman and responded with unambiguous offers. Kobzon in those years was not so famous as to contribute to the career of his beloved, but his moral support turned out to be very valuable.

It is interesting that the “two stars” got married 3 years after the start of the romance, and only because during Kobzon’s New Year’s tour, they refused to be accommodated in the same hotel room with Gurchenko (Soviet “shape of morality!”).

Fortunately, the head of the Samara registry office turned out to be a fan of the talent of both, and urgently signed them up, despite the day off. The newly-made spouses were able to occupy one room legally.

The legal marriage lasted about as long as the premarital affair. Two bright creative personalities with complex characters were unable to start a family and separated in 1970. According to rumors, Kobzon had not officially divorced Lyudmila Gurchenko at the time of his marriage to Ninel Drizina, who gave birth to two children to the singer. After breaking up another relationship, the 35-year-old actress swore off getting married again. But soon pianist Konstantin Kuperweis appeared in her life. The singer began an affair with a young accompanist; the 14-year age difference did not bother them.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Konstantin Kuperweis

“Attempt number 5” turned out to be more successful. Gurchenko and Cooperweiss did not register their relationship, but civil marriage lived 18 years. Konstantin guessed desires and fulfilled the whims of his star wife, and she was sure that she had finally found her woman's happiness. Notification of availability common-law husband The second family turned out to be a blow for Lyudmila Markovna; in 1991 they separated.

At the same time, Gurchenko, the leading actress in the film “Sex Tale,” met 30-year-old producer Sergei Senin. At first, the actress did not even think about a serious relationship with a man who was 2 years younger than her daughter. The situation was complicated by Senin’s wife and child. But at 93, he became Gurchenko’s sixth husband, and this marriage lasted until the star’s death in 2011. According to some reports, in 2010 she exchanged her husband for a young partner, handsome photographer Aslan Akhmadov. The rumors were fueled by a thematic photo shoot of Aslan and Lyudmila, based on the myth of Oedipus.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Aslan Akhmadov

In the fall of 2010, 75-year-old Gurchenko announced her love in the show “Let Them Talk.” Around the same time, she was credited with an affair with her filming partner Maxim Averin (“Capercaillie”).

Conflict with daughter

The story about Lyudmila Gurchenko, her biography, personal life, husbands can be illustrated with numerous photographs where the star is captured in various stage images, in the company of her creative colleagues and beloved men. And here's her joint photos with a daughter - a rarity; Maria was deprived of the attention of her mother-actress from birth.

The girl did not take after her mother in either beauty or talent, and even in defiance of her, she tried to dress tastelessly and in every possible way emphasized her own unattractiveness. Because of the star's mother-in-law, Maria Borisovna's marriage to Alexander Korolev broke up, although over time they got back together.

Actress daughter

The actress, disappointed in her daughter, who became a grandmother at the age of 46, had high hopes for her grandson and granddaughter. But her grandson died of a drug overdose at the age of 16, and Lyudmila Markovna blamed her daughter for this, aggravating the existing conflict.

Mother and daughter stopped communicating 5 years before tragic death Mark Korolev. After another marriage star daughter her mother gave her only granddaughter an apartment in the capital. Elena Alexandrovna lived for another 6 years, but she announced her will during her lifetime, driving another wedge between Lyudmila and Maria. Lyudmila Gurchenko was indignant, saying that the apartment was bought with her money, and tried to challenge the will in court.

The actress's granddaughter looks very much like her star grandmother

Because of this conflict, Maria appeared in her mother's house only after her death, claiming her share of the inheritance.

Death and inheritance

After suffering a hip fracture and a major operation in February 2011, Lyudmila Markovna never had time to recover. On March 30, she died of heart failure due to thromboembolism.

According to Alexander Shirvindt, the eternally young star simply could not come to terms with the onset of old age and chose death over it. The posthumous makeup was created by Aslan Akhmadov, who during his lifetime was the actress’s personal makeup artist.

Lyudmila Markovna loved spectacular and feminine images

On April 2 it was held in last way. Contrary to at will, the actress was buried not on Vagankovsky, next to her parents and grandson, but on Novodevichy, next to other stars.

The heirs, a widower and a daughter, divided the property for 4 long years. Sergei wanted to keep his and Gurchenko’s shared apartment on Patriarch’s Street, planning to create a museum there. Maria was not delighted with this decision and demanded the 25% due to her by law. As a result of the agreement reached, she received in return a dacha in Novoglagolevo and a substantial monetary compensation, as well as valuable things of the mother.

Sergei Senin and Gurchenko

By the way, the only real jewel in Gurchenko’s inheritance were diamond earrings, a gift from Baskov for his 70th birthday. Other jewelry – high-quality costume jewelry.

Wealth did not bring Maria Borisovna happiness; in November 2017 she died of acute heart failure in the entrance own home before reaching the hospital. In 2018, the share of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s inheritance, won by her daughter (about 20 million rubles), went to the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of the actress. And the best way to tell about the creative heritage of the People’s Artist is the Museum-Workshop, which was opened by a widower on the 80th anniversary of her birth.

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev - Soviet actor, son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. He became famous for his role as the Viscount in the film War and Peace.

It is generally accepted that a person’s talent will always help him become successful in life, achieve fame and universal love. But how often has this statement turned out to be wrong? Many truly gifted people were never able to properly use this gift of fate, wasted it in vain and did not achieve any heights. This fully applies to actor Alexander Fadeev. Neither his amazing talent nor his influential parents helped him in life.

What happened, why did the artist’s brilliantly begun creative biography fade away so quickly and end with episodic roles, the name of the performer of which was not even in the credits?

Star parents

Nobody ever knew the name of Alexander Fadeev’s real father. This remained a secret that the actor’s mother kept until her death. But everyone knew Sasha’s mother very well - this is Angelina Stepanova, one of the cult actresses of the USSR, whose name was on all the Moscow Art Theater posters.

Angelina’s husband was the director of the Moscow Art Theater Nikolai Gorchakov, but this marriage cannot be called happy, because the secret passion of the beautiful Angelina was the writer Nikolai Erdman. Their romance lasted for seven whole years, but despite this, Angelina never filed for divorce from her husband and did not connect her life with her loved one. The reason is simple to the point of banality - she was afraid that this divorce would affect her career, which was so dependent on her director husband. And then divorces were not encouraged in the Soviet Union and Stepanova could easily be banned from traveling abroad, without even taking into account all her merits.

Photo: Alexander Fadeev in childhood with his family

Fate itself provided a way out of this difficult triangle - in 1933, the actress’s lover was arrested and exiled. After 2 years, Stepanova and Gorchakov finally broke up. AND real reason This breakup remained unknown, whether the actress stopped fearing for her career and broke up with her unloved husband, or Gorchakov himself was afraid for his reputation, which could be spoiled by a marriage with the mistress of a repressed writer.

But Angelina was not alone for long. While touring in Paris with the theater, she meets famous writer– Alexander Fadeev, who was there on official business.

Their romance developed very rapidly, so after returning home they decided to get married. They lived in marriage for twenty years, until Alexander’s suicide, which he committed in 1956. During this time, a lot happened - including her husband’s frequent drinking and his infidelity, but this beautiful, elegant, intelligent and courageous woman endured everything. Probably because she loved her Sasha very much. Angelina outlived her husband by 44 years and asked to be buried next to her beloved. It was in 2000, the actress turned 95 years old.

In July 1936, literally immediately after the wedding, the young couple had a son, who was named Sasha in honor of his adoptive father. Fadeev adopted the child, giving him not only his last and patronymic names, but also his first name. The son became the full namesake of his adoptive father, and to avoid confusion, they began to call him Alexander Fadeev Jr.

early years

Fadeev Sr. was a very famous writer. He wrote “Young Guard”, “Destruction”, “The Last of Udege”. These books were read to the core, they were loved by several generations Soviet people. He was a deputy awarded the Orders of Lenin and Stalin Prize, stood at the origins of the creation of the Union of Writers of the USSR, the ruling elite reckoned with him.

Angelina Stepanova was a successful, sought-after actress, prima of the Moscow Art Theater. It was not easy in those years, but the family had normal income, so in childhood Sasha Fadeev Jr. did not need anything financially.

The couple soon had a son together, who was named Misha. The boys were very friendly with each other, and tried not to forget their sister - illegitimate daughter Mashu's father. Despite so many children, Sasha was loved most of all.

Choosing a life path

It remains a mystery why Sasha decided to devote his life to the acting profession. Maybe my mother’s genes affected me, or my childhood, which was spent almost in the theater. And perhaps his refined nature liked the art of theater more than the writing of his stepfather. The young man made his choice in favor of the theater, and his parents raised all their connections to find a home for their beloved child. And immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Sasha was accepted into the Theater troupe Soviet army, where he shone for several years.

Film debut

Fadeev Jr.'s film debut took place in 1965 - he played the role of the viscount in the filming of the film "War and Peace" based on the novel by L. Tolstoy. The role was not the main one, but Alexander performed it simply superbly. A handsome young man with aristocratic manners and straight posture - this is how the audience remembered him. It didn’t even look like acting, he looked so natural in this role.

A successful debut showed everyone that the young man is undoubtedly very talented and can achieve the most high peaks to the cinema.

Only one thing depressed Alexander - his father did not see his success. By this time, Fadeev Sr. had committed suicide; he shot himself with a pistol, left alone in the country.

At that time, my wife was touring with the theater abroad. This happened tragic event in 1956, after Khrushchev made a denunciatory speech against Stalin. The writer was only 54.

This tragedy greatly affected all of Fadeev’s children. Years later, daughter Masha would also commit suicide, and Alexander Jr.’s relatives also began to notice suicidal tendencies. But this is in the future, but for now the career of Fadeev Jr. after a successful debut role quickly rushed upward - he is confirmed on main role in a film about mountain climbers.

Main role in the film "Vertical"

The plot of the film was quite simple, but despite this, “Vertical” received very highly appreciated spectators. The lion's share The success of the film lay in the songs that he wrote especially for it. These songs became hits; more than one generation of the singer’s fans listen to them. The success of the film was also brought by the actor Fadeev, who very harmoniously played the main role - Nikitin.

During filming, a romance broke out between actor Alexander Fadeev and the actress. Vladimir Vysotsky also liked the pretty girl, but his popularity could not be compared with Fadeevskaya, so preference was given to the handsome Alexander. In addition, he was a more promising party than the little-known Vladimir. Larisa was already ready to marry Alexander, but stopped in time. The actor drank heavily and a lot, became uncontrollable and impulsive, grabbed a gun to shoot himself and Larisa sometimes had to save him from certain death. This stopped the girl from getting married.

The collapse of a film career

Inspired by his first successes in cinema, the actor soared too high in the skies and very soon became a victim of a real star fever. He argues with directors, doesn’t show up for rehearsals, and shows up on set with a severe hangover. They forgave him a lot and for a long time, maybe due to his talent and charm, or maybe out of a feeling of respect for the mother, who asked for her dissolute son. It seemed to everyone that this was temporary, Sasha would come to her senses and start working at full capacity. But the actor did not live up to these hopes.

At the end of the 60s, actor Fadeev practically stopped being invited to films. After the release of the film “Vertical”, he starred in the films “One Chance in a Thousand” and “Conscience” - these were serious roles, and after that he was trusted only with episodes. “In the same microdistrict”, “Front behind the front line”, “Lonely people are provided with a hostel”, “Accident - the daughter of a cop”, “Mother” - in these films he appears exclusively in episodes; his name is not even in the credits for the films.

Theater career

Compared to his film career, the theater career of Alexander Fadeev Jr. was more successful. But this is not thanks to his talent, but rather to the efforts of his mother, who was respected among her colleagues. She realized that her son’s film career was over, and in the theater he was facing dismissal due to unworthy behavior. Therefore, he asks to admit Alexander to the Moscow Art Theater. Efremov was not delighted with such an offer, but agreed to the persuasion.

Alexander Fadeev was known for his scandalous antics, but in terms of acting was very useful in the theater. He participated in the productions of Efremov himself, he had a role in the plays “The Dream of Reason” and “Old New Year”.

But again feeling permissiveness, Alexander gradually begins to become impudent and enter into disputes with Oleg Efremov. The conflict was enormous, the Moscow Art Theater was divided into two parts and Fadeev, not wanting to work for Efremov anymore, moved to, and Stepanova remained with Oleg Nikolaevich. Fadeev continued to play in the new theater until 1993.

Personal life

Alexander Fadeev was very famous among the theater elite. And it’s not just his creativity, which began to decline - he was famous for his love affairs and revelries. Nature endowed Alexander with beauty, but this is not the main thing, he was a very charming and attentive gentleman, he knew how to look after beautifully and interest any lady. He took full advantage of his stepfather’s connections and his mother’s authority, his life was free and prosperous, and he himself did not make any effort for this.

But the time came when Alexander was fed up with novels and realized that he wanted Serious relationships. For the first time, he entered into an official marriage with. Their acquaintance took place in the WTO restaurant. Lyudochka was simply charmed by the capital’s handsome gentleman. They didn't date for long; they soon registered their marriage. But a long and happy personal life did not work out. Too spoiled by fate, Alexander continued to lead his old life - restaurants and fun companies, and Lyudmila worked hard. Their marriage lasted only 2 years, after which Gurchenko realized that it was a mistake and divorced her husband.

In the personal life of Alexander Fadeev there were two more marriages. The artist’s second wife was Natella Kandelaki. But this marriage did not last long; they divorced very quickly.

Fadeev is getting married for the third time. Now this is Nadya Stalin, the granddaughter of Joseph Vissarionovich and the daughter of his son Vasily. It was last wife actor, they lived together until her death. No one knows how happy the couple were, because Nadya never told anyone about what was going on in the family. But judging by Alexander’s character, there is no doubt that his wife’s life was difficult. In this marriage, in 1974, Fadeev had a daughter, Anastasia, who is recorded by the name of her grandfather and father, Stalin. In 1992, Anastasia gave birth to a daughter, Galya, whom her mother registered as Fadeeva.

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Komsomolskaya Pravda met with last spouse Lyudmila Markovna Sergei Senin to talk about what this inimitable woman was like in everyday life.

“I was taken aback. Numb. Gave flowers"

“I couldn’t even imagine that we would be together,” admits Sergei Senin. - 1990... “I lived in dusty Odessa back then”... (Senin is an Odessa resident - Ed.), I dropped out of graduate school at the Construction Institute and plunged headlong into cinema. I opened a film company with a friend. And away we go! Experience - zero. Ambition is darkness! First works with the legendary Ephraim Sewela and Juliusz Machulski. These are truly the dashing 90s! Director from Moscow Elena Nikolaeva invites us to produce a film based on Nabokov’s story “The Fairy Tale”, in which she invites Lucy to play one of the main roles. Oh! It immediately flashes through my head - 1980, the magazine “Our Contemporary”. Circular hall of the construction institute. I don’t listen to the lecture - I read “My adult childhood" I don't read - I swallow. Author - Lyudmila Gurchenko. Wow! I took a magazine issued for one day - there was a queue waiting! - with a great air of skepticism, and when I closed the last page, I discovered that I was sitting alone in a huge audience. No, not alone. With her. With the one that I will see with my own eyes for the first time 10 years later in Vilnius, in the pavilion of the Lithuanian Film Studio. We're filming "The Fairy Tale" there. Scene of Lucy and Sergei Zhigunov. I saw a woman of fantastic beauty. I was taken aback. Numb. Gave flowers. After filming, I was escorted to the hotel.

"Natural Romance"

- Were you still married then?

My wife emigrated with our daughter to Israel a year and a half earlier. For me, the issue of emigration was not an issue - impossible. I am one of those who loves my homeland.

We met Lyusya a year after the premiere of “Fairy Tale”, in 1992. I called - friends asked about her touring in Israel with a concert and our film. At the end of the conversation I got excited: “Let’s do something else together.” And I heard a laconic and simple answer: “Come, let’s talk.” We met. We discussed a program that later appeared on television called “Love.” Good name - Lucy suggested it. I love. I love everything - dad, people, viewers-readers, life, dogs, profession, what happened, what will happen... But... I called door bell- she opened - always looking beautiful, luxurious, it took my breath away... And it seemed to me that there, behind open door, there will be a thousand nannies, assistants, girlfriends and friends. Close people, in the end... No. I met a strong, powerful, not devastated, as Lyusya came up with in “Station for Two” - beautiful! - but a very lonely person.

“How did this all happen? What evenings? For three years I dreamed of you...” We walked with the dachshund Tuzik, talked, laughed, were sad, remembered (Lucy - always dad), had a delicious dinner at the House of Cinema restaurant. We supported each other. We really loved driving around Moscow at night in Lyusina’s Lada Nine. I went to Odessa for five days on business. It seemed like an eternity had passed. Came back... I think that's when everything happened. Lucy starred in one of her best, in my and not only my opinion, films - “Listen, Fellini”. Mosfilm. I know that she is in one of the dressing rooms. Found. He opened the doors. For this reason, her hug when we met... She clung to me like a child. Like a woman. Trusting... I fell in love.

“Gymnastics is terrible for her”

- You a big difference at the age of 25 years...

We talked about it. Sometimes. But only with humor. I always felt older.

- How was your life structured?

Everyday life... Well, where can I get away from it... The principle was defined by Lyusya: the one on whom the well-being of the family depends today (financially, first of all), is outside of everyday life... When work brought dividends from my entrepreneurial business, Lyusya was a real housewife , wife and, as they call it there, the keeper of the family hearth. In the culinary arts she had a small range. But what she cooked was always exquisite. In oatmeal - a piece of dark chocolate, plum, banana, kiwi. The main thing is proportions. It turned out very tasty! Her signature salad is grated apple, carrots, raisins, banana, dried apricots, walnuts, sour cream. I loved to fry potatoes. I loved eclairs. I was always amazed: I just look at a bun and already feel like I’m getting better, but she could eat a dozen cakes and nothing. This is from God, her dad was at the same weight all his life, and so was Lucy. No training. Gymnastics or exercises are terrible for her! Favorite mise-en-scène is lying down. That’s how I composed and fantasized. Role, music, movements, text. First in my head, then I took hold of the pen.

Survived the death of her grandson

- Were you with your wife when her grandson died? (Maria Borisovna’s son Mark Korolev died on December 18, 1998 from a drug overdose. - Ed.)

Lucy was in the hospital after a major operation. Sinusitis is a consequence of the profession. In general, fractures and sinusitis are occupational diseases of actors... It was December, I dropped by home. I heard a message on the answering machine: a young voice said that an accident had happened, Marik had died. Despite the doctors' protests, Lyusya went with me to Cemetery Vagankovsky, where Mark was buried. He often came to us. She loved him very much.

- Many people argue: were Lyudmila Gurchenko and Alla Pugacheva friends or rivals?

She had with Alla great relationship, there were simply no close intersection points. Only some individual works. The “Diva” video, in which Lucy starred, for example. Lucy and Alla are two cosmic figures who each lived on their own territory: Alla on the stage, Lucy in the cinema. Another question is that Lucy felt free on the stage, this was her second calling. But they were not friends, because this implies a closer relationship.


Left over 200 outfits

In the time of Lyudmila Gurchenko there was no expression “style icon”. But that’s exactly what she was for viewers during the Soviet years.

Lucy added something of herself to all the dresses she bought, and the result was sparkle,” recalls Sergei Senin. - I could embroider it with beads, decorate it with feathers, insert lace. More than 200 hand-made Lyusya stage costumes, accessories, and objects now exist. All this will be on Trekhprudny - the world of Lyusin is preserved there, you will feel it.

Actress Lyudmila Gurchenko does not need any special introduction. She is known and loved by several generations of viewers. She was able to be remembered for her roles in films that were watched not only by people of the older generation, but also by young people.

The most important thing is that she remained desirable to men at any age. When the actress was already over 70, there was talk of her affair with a young designer who was 35 years younger than her.

During her life, Lyudmila Gurchenko was married six times. Maybe, constant love men gave her energy and inspiration. This woman could not live a single day without love.

Marriage of convenience

Little Lucy grew up in a creative environment. Her parents were involved in art. The girl learned to sing very early and during the war years she earned her living in this way. When she graduated from school, the question of where to go to study next did not even arise. The talented schoolgirl decided to enroll in VGIK and she succeeded the first time.

Already as a student, Lyudmila began to try her hand at cinema. Not last role director Vasily Ordynsky played in this. He noticed the aspiring actress when she just became a university student. He literally fell in love with her beautiful facial features and chiseled figure.

Lyudmila decided for herself that her marriage to the director could become a profitable match for her. Ordynsky could become her personal director and direct her in his films. Lyudmila and Vasily got married. The man understood that the girl’s feelings were not sincere, but he loved her and tried to justify all her hopes.

Discord in the family occurred after Gurchenko was not approved for the main role in one of Ordynsky’s films. The commission rejected her candidacy, and the director simply could not resist her. After this incident, Lyudmila filed for divorce. The man still loved his wife and was against separation, but the actress was adamant.

People close to the director said that even decades after breaking up with Gurchenko, he could not forget her and stop loving her. And she simply chose to forget this marriage as a mistake of her youth.

Fall in love with a handsome man

Having broken off her first relationship, the actress was ready for a new one. She was young and beautiful, and her career was just beginning. New love overtook Lyudmila unexpectedly. They met their future husband Boris Andronikashvili in the canteen of VGIK. The guy passing by looked at the girl so much that she almost lost consciousness from such a look.

Lyudmila was struck by the beauty of Boris and plunged into new novel with the head. The couple got married and were predicted to have a long and happy family life. At first everything was like that. The newlyweds always appeared together at all events and looked very harmonious. Lyudmila was madly in love with her man and was ready to make any sacrifice for him.

The fruit of such love was the birth of a child. The couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. But the birth of a child was not a joy for the actress. She hoped that she would have a son, whom she would name Mark in honor of her father. Another disappointment followed.

Gurchenko's daughter - Maria Koroleva

Lyudmila was forced to leave her career as an actress for some time and start raising a child. While she was busy with household chores, her husband often stayed late at work, and preferred to spend time in the company of friends. Soon the woman found out about his many mistresses.

Lyudmila calmly packed her things, took her daughter and filed for divorce. Boris didn’t really resist. So the couple calmly filed for divorce, and the actress promised herself that she would never give birth to children again.

A fleeting romance

A woman like Lyudmila Gurchenko did not remain alone for long. Two years after her divorce from Andronikashvili, she met Alexander Fadeev, who was the adopted son of a famous Soviet writer.

Their acquaintance took place in an elite restaurant. At first, Gurchenko did not consider him as a potential spouse, but under the pressure of beautiful courtship she gave in. Lyudmila agreed to Fadeev’s proposal to become his wife. They formalized the relationship after just a few months of dating.

Interesting notes:

Lyudmila hoped that with Alexander she would find her feminine happiness. But that did not happen. Most Her husband spent time in restaurants and devoted more time to friends than to his wife. In fact, Gurchenko and Fadeev turned out to be completely different and could not give each other anything important. As a result, after two years of marriage, the couple divorced.

Two stars

Lyudmila Gurchenko and met in the same corridor. This is how their family life began. There was no acquaintance as such. The whole country knew them and they needed no introduction.

The initiative came from Kobzon. Lyudmila already had three failed marriages and was quite pessimistic. For some time she did not respond to the singer’s advances. But he did not back down and the actress gave up.

The whole country followed the development of their relationship. It seemed that such a marriage would be successful. Two accomplished stars, two strong personalities, but this is precisely what prevented their happiness.

There were constant conflicts in the family, including on professional grounds. After several years of marriage, Lyudmila filed for divorce, but Joseph did not keep her.

Hope for happiness

When Lyudmila Gurchenko was already 40 years old, and she didn’t expect to meet a real man, fate gave her a chance in the person of Konstantin Kuperweis. Their acquaintance was completely accidental, but continued for almost twenty years.

Konstantin became support and support for the actress, and for her daughter Maria he replaced biological father. The man became Lyudmila’s personal guardian angel. He tried to predict all her desires and fulfill any whim.

For Gurchenko, the news that her husband had another woman came as a real shock.

For a long time she could not believe it. How could Konstantin deceive her like that, fulfill her every whim and at the same time have relationships on the side. She was able to survive this and let go of her unfaithful husband.

Little girl

It would seem at 58 years old to look new love almost impossible. But for Gurchenko, age was not a barrier. Her last husband was producer Sergei Senin. Their acquaintance took place during collaboration on the film "Sex Tales". Next to Sergei, the actress finally felt loved and protected.

She saw her father in her wife. Senin looked like him and external features and character, and called Lyudmila his daughter. She was pleased to feel like before - a little perky girl who was loved and cared for.

Gurchenko lived with her sixth husband until the end of her life. She even died in his arms. She died happy and loved, as she dreamed of living her whole life.

The viewer is often interested not only in the creative, but also in the personal life of their favorite actors. Fans of Lyudmila Markovna know that she put a stamp in her passport more than once (it is better to keep silent about unofficial connections). Who were Gurchenko's legal husbands?

The famous temptress walked down the aisle 5 times. So, about all marriage partners in order.

Vasily Ordynsky

Young Lyudmila met the young film director in her second year at VGIK. Looking ahead, it must be said that all of Gurchenko’s husbands were associated with the stage. With Vasily, they studied in the same workshop, with the same teachers, but with a difference of 4 years: Lyudmila went to college straight from school, and Ordynsky had a front behind him. She was only 18 and her boyfriend was 30 when they got married in 1953.

Boris Andronikashvili

An impressive young screenwriter from the same VGIK immediately made young Lucy’s heart beat faster. She herself spoke about her tendency to fall in love at every turn. And in Boris she met not only a handsome man, but also talented person. By the way, he was from the famous film dynasty of Shengelaya (directors Eldar and Georgiy were his cousins). His Georgian appearance was more than charming. Subtle irony, an intellectual mindset, musicality - her new chosen one possessed these and other qualities.

Lyudmila was at the peak of her popularity. But for some reason family life did not work out. It’s no secret: some of Gurchenko’s husbands recall that she still had the same character. They also had some professional differences: Andronikashvili did not take her role as a comedian seriously. The marriage of Boris and Lyudmila lasted only 4 years, from 1958 to 1960. Even the birth of their daughter Maria could not keep these two talented people together.

Alexander Fadeev

It existed for only two years - from 1962 to 1964. new union actresses. Her husband this time was Foster-son writer Alexander Fadeev. He was also an actor, but not a promising one. Here the family did not work out because of the husband’s constant spree. The fourth attempt to start a family was also unsuccessful.

Joseph Kobzon

Yes, it was he who lived with everyone’s favorite actress for 3 years. Both consider this marriage a huge mistake and behave this way towards each other as if they were complete strangers. Most likely, two passionate and extraordinary natures could not get along under one roof. Be that as it may, they official union existed from 1967 to 1970. Gurchenko was so shocked by this experience family life, that for several years she decided to abstract herself from any relationship and did not let anyone near her, which was very unusual for her.

Konstantin Kuperweis

Some of Gurchenko's husbands were younger than her. But the significant age difference (14 years) did not prevent him and Konstantin from living together from 1973 to 1991. This is a record for the notorious heartbreaker. But they did not officially register their relationship. Konstantin was a pianist, but he pushed his career into the background, which he later regretted. He lived these years in the shadow of her fame, but then ambition took over, and Cooperweis left.

He was born in Odessa in 1961. He graduated from the Institute of Civil Engineering and got a job as a laboratory assistant within the walls of his alma mater. But unexpectedly for everyone, he changed his occupation and went to work at the Odessa film studio.

Lyudmila Markovna met him in 1993 during the filming of a film, where last husband Gurchenko was the producer. She was 58, he was 32. Of course, the ruler of men's hearts always kept her mark and at this age did not lose her charm and charm at all. The entire film crew watched how rapidly their relationship developed. There was a scandal: Sergei Senin, Gurchenko’s husband, was married at that time and had a daughter. His wife, having learned about the betrayal, immediately filed for divorce. There were no legal obstacles, and the lovers were married in the same 1993. They lived together for 18 years, until the actress’s death.

Senin himself (Gurchenko’s husband), whose biography is not replete with bright creative events, devoted himself entirely to Lyudmila Markovna and did not regret it at all. For example, he did for her creatively what others could not - he gave her participation in a musical film. This genre was Gurchenko’s dream, which came true only in 1993. The short film was called "Love". It consisted of monologues and songs. Also, Sergei Senin, Gurchenko’s husband, was the producer of the projects “Motley Twilight” and “Reboot”, where Lyudmila Markovna played herself.

It seems that it was the last marriage that brought Lyudmila Markovna what she had been looking for all her life in relationships with men: love, care, respect and understanding.