Each of us is familiar with the pleasant aroma of incense that we feel when entering the temple. Frankincense was one of the gifts that the Magi presented to Jesus Christ as God and High Priest. During censing, a person's reverence for God is symbolically expressed. It seems that the aroma of incense immediately makes your soul calmer, and your thoughts come into order...

What is incense? How do you get it? What types of incense are there and how to understand all this diversity?

How is incense produced?

Frankincense is an fragrant tree resinobtained from various plants, most often these are trees of the genusBoswellia. In February or March, small cuts are made in the trees, from which resin flows out over a long period of time. When it covers the tree trunk and begins to dry out, they begin to collect it.

The resin is ground into flour, water and aromatics are added. The mixture is then stirred until it reaches the consistency of dough, rolled out and formed into long strips, which are cut and dried. To prevent the pieces from sticking to each other, they are sprinkled with magnesia. Dried pieces of resin are incense. Previously, only natural resins were used in the production of incense, without aromatic additives.

Although there is no single classification of incense, three groups can be distinguished depending on the ingredients: incense made from natural resins with aromatic additives; pure natural resins, which serve as the basis for production, but can themselves be used for incense; mixtures of resins and herbs.

Flavored incense

Scented incense can be classified by place of production.

The most famous is the incense made in the monasteries, monasteries and cells of Athos.

Stands out here "Vatopedi" incense, which is considered one of the highest quality. It has a deep rich aroma, does not smoke,can be stored for a long time and its fragrance remains in the air for a long time after censing. ForIn its production, high-quality aromatic oils are selected. Conventionally, they can be divided into woody and floral groups, artificial and natural. For example, such aromas as Night Flower, Desert Flower, Flowers of Athos, Wild Rose, Cherubic, Violet, Walnut and Amber, partly Miro, Byzantium - combine several aromas at once and are attractive for this reason. Others - Rose, Lemon Flower, Cypress, Gardenia, Cinnamon - repeat the natural smell of plants.

On Athos, incense is also produced in the monasteries of Philotheus, Hilandar, the monasteries of the Great Martyr Demetrius, the Holy Righteous Anna, the cells of St. Nicholas, the Holy Apostle John the Theologian (Provata) and Great Martyr Artemy (Provat) of the Great Lavra Monastery and others.

Each type is slightly different from the other, but the recipes are kept strictly secret,You can feel the differences only by burning incense yourself.

Enjoys great respect incense made at the Stavrovouni Monastery in Cyprus. A centuries-old tradition is carefully preserved here. Abbot Daniel wrote about the trees from which resin is collected to make incense back in the 13th century. Incense from Stavrovouni has a rich aroma.

Athenian incense. The next category is incense made in private workshops in Greece. These include such types as “Athensian”, “Patriarchal”, “Agios Afon”, “Mountain”, “Sketsky”, etc. Its main difference lies in the concentration and quality of the aroma used.

The uniqueness of Jerusalem incense lies in its appearance. It is not presented in the form of small pieces, but in the form of thin plates 3 millimeters thick and 10-15 centimeters in area.

Incense is also made in monasteries in Lebanon.

The production of incense has also been mastered in Russia. Masters use ancient technologies preserved and transferred from Athos. For example, the “Athos” incense is created according to the recipes of the monks of the New Skete on Mount Athos, and the “Festive” incense is created with the blessing of the New Thebaid desert brotherhood of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery of Mount Athos. Frankincense is made from boswellia resin (olibanum) with the addition of high quality fragrant oils.

Natural resins

Natural resins can also be used as incense. natural form, without added aromatic oils: cedar of Lebanon, cypress, myrrh, dammar, but most importantlyThis is boswellia resin (olibanum). It gives off a smoky, tart, sweet, slightly oily aroma.

Boswellia grows in a number of countries - Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia. Shades in aromas may differ depending on the place of origin, growing conditions of the tree, purity and time of collection. To appreciate the aromas,I'll have to poop resin, to notice the difference.

Mixtures of natural resins and herbs

The third category is mixtures of natural resins and herbs. A certain composition of herbs is added to natural resin and a new bouquet of odors is obtained. For example, Palestine Valley Frankincense recreates the fragrance of the East by combining the natural resins of Boswellia Papyrifera, Benzoin Sumatra and Styrax Benzoin with the aroma of crushed clove buds, spicy rosemary, delicate lavender and the balsamic notes of Sandlewood.

How to choose incense?

When choosing incense, you need to rely on your own feelings and preferences. U everyone There are several more subspecies of the species,which are different from each otherdepending on the combination of flavors. For example, “Vatopedi” incense has as much 15 varieties. In order to do right choice, it is best to try burning incense yourself and “listen” to the smell.

It is also necessary to remember that the price of incense is determined by the quality and naturalness of the ingredients. The cheapest incense cannot have all the properties and depth of smell of an expensive one.

You can get acquainted with all the variety of varieties, aromas and packaging of incense in the store"Orthodox Word" , where the largest assortment in Russia is presented

Esotericism has always been quite popular among the people. People liked to use Everyday life special incense to improve physical condition, increase tone and elevate mood. One of them is incense. How to use it in different occasions?

Incense is a mixture of solidified juice (resin) mass African plants various varieties and types. Its main feature is considered to be the strong aroma that arises during the heating process. The smell is sweet, heavy and thick and belongs to the balsamic type. If the pieces of incense are heated further, then they will catch fire and will smoke heavily. This substance does not dissolve in water or alcohol, but forms an emulsion. How to use incense at home? And what general properties are attributed to this type of hardened resin of exotic plants?

The main use of incense is demonstrated in churches. It is often set on fire, and believers are fumigated with smoke. Frankincense has been known to people for a very long time, dating back to the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs. At that time it was used as incense. Incense has always been very valuable. Its cost is almost

was equated to gold, since such an exotic substance was quite difficult to obtain.

How to use incense yourself? First you need to decide on its properties. In ancient times, it was believed that the aroma of incense gave a person enlightenment and wisdom. Its smell is soothing nervous system, relieves stress and strong emotional arousal, tension. Therefore, incense is often used in the process of meditation. Such vapors make breathing more regular and deep, and restore heart rhythm. How to use incense in your apartment? It is best to enjoy its wonderful smell using a special aroma lamp.

In Egypt they used to think that even severe pain in the joints. Therefore, it was carefully rubbed into the right places. In China, it was used to treat leprosy and scrofula. Frankincense was even added to masks to rejuvenate facial skin. This is also practiced today. After all, this oil perfectly renews, restores and smoothes the skin. With its help you can even get rid of small wrinkles. How to use incense for oily skin? It can be added to previously prepared creams or rubbed into the pores before bed. Due to its astringent effect, it is very useful even for those with problem skin. Frankincense is endowed with healing properties. They are recommended to treat small wounds, rashes, inflammations of various kinds, boils and carbuncles.

How to use incense in magic? It is believed that its aroma repels and drives away evil spirits from the house that can harm a person. It can also give you strength for the whole next day. Therefore, start your morning by burning a small amount of incense on a candle or in an aroma lamp. In the evening you can take a relaxing bath. Add a few drops to the water and your fatigue will go away.

For convenience, special incense sticks and cones made of incense are now sold. They are designed specifically for home use.

Every person who once visited the temple felt that special majestic and solemn atmosphere. This atmosphere has been invariably created over a long period of time thanks to icons, church architecture, stained glass and dim light. Of course, everyone who has ever been to a church also felt that elusive aroma that always accompanies the church. This scent is a little sweet, a little spicy and of course soothing. This aroma is created by burning a substance called incense. Incense is also used during all church ceremonies.

Incense - what is it, composition and properties

Incense is a special substance obtained from resin and has a strong aroma. The resin from which incense is made comes from a small tree that belongs to the cistaceae family, native to the Arabian Peninsula. To extract resin, a special cut is made in the tree bark, and the resulting liquid is dried. There are two varieties of incense, which differ in the method of extraction:

  1. Collection of whole pieces of hardened resin is selective.
  2. Collecting resin residues from bark and soil is common.

The next step is to grind the hardened pile of resin into powder. The process is carried out using a mortar. The resulting powder is actually a substance called incense, which must be set on fire for the aromatic properties to appear. It is important to note that a special variety of trees, cistus, is considered rare plant, so incense is quite a valuable material. During times Ancient Rus' incense was the center of many pagan rites. They used to ward off evil spirits by placing incense in their homes. In addition, healing and rejuvenating properties were attributed to incense.

Composition and types of incense

Incense is a processed product obtained from resin. The so-called real incense, also known as “dewy” or “lebanese”, is obtained from resin extracted from very rare wood Boswellia, the birthplace of the tree is considered to be Arabia, it can also be found in East Africa and India. In Russia, this tree is called Lebanese cedar. Lebanese cedar divided into several types, which are distinguished by the type of incense produced:

  1. Pupirifera, is native to Ethiopia and also Somalia. Varieties of incense from this tree are called "African" or "Abyssinian" incense and "Somali" incense.
  2. Carteri, located in Arabia. The incense from this tree is called “Arabian”. It is also called pure and real incense.
  3. Serrara, grows in areas of India as well as Persia. It is called "Indian" incense. This resin has been part of various balms and ointments, as well as medications, for a long time. Resin from the bark of this tree large quantities imported into Russia. This variety of incense has a sweet, lemony aroma.

The Boswellia tree has the ability to grow only in a very limited area. climatic zone and requires a large number of conditions that cannot be artificially replicated. That is why it is listed on the pages of the Red Book. The limited number of trees and the complex process of extracting the resin and processing it into incense make it very valuable, hence the number of artificial substitutes.

Real incense is most often made in places where trees grow. It is possible to collect no more than 400 grams of resin from one tree. The procedure for collecting resin, as well as its preparation, begins at the end of winter or beginning of spring, this is determined by the climate of the area. It is best to collect resin before the rainy season. And also before the sap begins to move up the trunk. By using sharp axes a deep incision is made in the bark. The secreted sap in large quantities covers the tree trunk and then moves to the ground. The juice has a milky tint. Once the sap hardens into resin, assembly begins. The process of hardening the juice itself is quite long.

Incense has enough complex composition, including a variety of aromatic substances. A large concentration in the composition is certainly occupied by the resin itself, consisting of boswellic acid, as well as olibanoresen. Next in percentage of content comes gum. A tenth of the composition is occupied by various essential oils and their mixtures. For example, incense may contain cymene or phellandrene. When burned, incense releases incesol acetate. It is he who is responsible for aromatherapy when using incense. This acetate can put a person into a euphoric state.

Properties of incense

Frankincense has many beneficial properties, some of which are medicinal:

  1. Experts note that using incense can speed up the treatment of diseases associated with the urinary tract.
  2. Able to cope with stomach disorders and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Is a good antiseptic.
  4. An excellent remedy for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.
  5. Able to cure varicose veins.
  6. Incense - good remedy for various inflammations on skin, the appearance of rashes and acne.
  7. Puts in order the shattered nervous system.
  8. Can replace antibiotics in the fight against colds.
  9. Able to cure fungal as well as bacterial infections.
  10. Frankincense is a great way to improve memory.
  11. In addition, incense is often used in cosmetology, cooking and aromatherapy. In cosmetology, resin is added to various masks, anti-aging products and cleansing cosmetic products. Aromatherapy using incense helps calm nervous conditions and overcome long-term depression.

You can also use incense to get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Aromatherapy with incense helps reduce the urge to inhale tobacco. There is also a special recipe with which you can give up cigarettes forever. You need to prepare a special tincture, the composition and method of preparation are quite simple. You need to take about 250 ml. alcohol, as well as resin. You need to use about 10 teaspoons of resin. The resin must be crushed.

The ingredients are mixed and placed in dark place for a few days. Once the tincture is ready, you can begin to use it. It's important to do it right. It is recommended to dissolve the tincture in clean water, 20-30 drops per 100 ml. clean water. You can also rinse your mouth with the tincture. To do this, you need to take a couple of teaspoons of tincture and dissolve them in 50 ml. clean water. You can gargle with the solution several times a day.

Laboratory tests conducted in the United States have linked incense use to damage. cancer cells. At the same time, healthy cells were not damaged when using incense. The researchers specially grew cancer cells in vitro and treated them with Carteri frankincense extract. The study found that frankincense actually first stopped the growth of cancer cells and then destroyed them. American specialists We are confident that incense should be introduced into medicine and used as an alternative to traditional therapy for the treatment of cancer. Moreover, the alternative is a more budget-friendly option and will therefore be available to a wider range of people.

History of use to the present day

History knows that Christianity was not the first to use incense. Long before that beneficial features incense was discovered by the Phoenicians. They were engaged in his trade. In Ancient Egypt, incense was used for incense in temples. Incense was used as a gift to offer to the gods, and it was also used during funeral services for the departed. Even then, the Egyptians noticed that incense can have a calming effect on a person, as well as put him into a shallow trance.

Also residents Ancient Egypt they added resin to medicinal potions; in addition, women used resin for cosmetic purposes. Egyptian women made anti-aging masks with the addition of resin. People also believed that the smoke emanating from burning incense could drive away evil spirits. The Egyptians also believed that the soul of the deceased departed along with the smoke emanating from the incense.

Using incense at home

You can buy incense in shops that sell candles, at any time. Orthodox church. You can also order at large quantities online stores specializing in Orthodox topics. Many people do not know what incense is or how to fumigate a house or apartment with incense. Incense, depending on where it is made, can have a varying aroma. A standard container for sale holds up to 500 grams of incense. This amount is enough for 14 days at active use. You can also buy small boxes of incense in churches. It is also important to know how to properly light incense pieces. At home, to light incense purchased in solid form you will need:

  • censer or lamp;
  • incense coal;
  • directly incense in solid form.

There are several ways to light incense:

  1. Using a censer.
  2. Using a lamp.

A censer is a container made of metal or ceramics into which special coal is placed. It is strictly forbidden to use containers made of plastic or paper for these purposes. You can pre-heat the coal on the stove. If the charcoal is covered with white ash, it is ready for use. Next, the heated coal is placed in the censer, and incense is laid out around the coal. The aroma begins to spread within a fraction of seconds. To spread the aroma throughout the living area, you can carry the censer around the room.

The advantage of using a lamp instead of a censer is the absence of coal. Instead of coal, you must use a lamp attachment made of metal. First of all, the lamp itself is lit, then you need to place the nozzle on it and place a piece of incense on top. At this method The spread of the aroma from the incense will have to wait a little.

How to properly fumigate a house or apartment with incense?

It is important to fumigate the apartment correctly. The process of fumigating residential spaces with incense is recognized Orthodox Church. This process has been practiced for many centuries in a row. To carry out the ceremony, you must invite a priest to your home, who will correctly structure the process of fumigating an apartment or house and read special prayers. The church also allows self-fumigation of living spaces. It is important to strictly follow all instructions and rules:

  1. Before starting the process of fumigating a residential visit, check the air supply. The apartment must be well ventilated, all openings, windows and vents must be opened, as well as the balcony, if available.
  2. The process must begin from the space of the front door; they go around it clockwise. Further front door it is necessary to make the sign of the cross three times.
  3. All areas of the space must be fumigated strictly clockwise. During the entire process, the prayer “Our Father” is read.

People who comprehend the secrets of esoteric teachings have probably heard about such a substance as incense. This is a powerful remedy used to combat unclean entities that can settle not only in the house, but also firmly cling to energy shell person, and to get rid of this, you need to know how to use incense to cleanse the aura around you. This substance, which is insoluble in water and is a resin, begins to smoke strongly if it flares up strongly, so it is worth using incense, following certain recommendations, in order to obtain the desired effect. Many people are familiar with the smell of the unique exotic resin, especially those who are churchgoers. Use incense in home environment It is recommended to reduce emotional arousal and tension; its smoke can make breathing measured and heart rate uniform. If you need to use incense, it is best to use a special aroma lamp - a lamp. Before using incense in a lamp, you need to light the wick in it, and then place a metal attachment on it, where a piece of incense is placed. Incense begins to emit an aroma as soon as the stand heats up, filling the room with a light, specific smell that is already familiar to many. You can use incense in another way, for which you will need charcoal, sold in any esoteric store or shops at churches. If there is a hookah in the house, then charcoal is also suitable for it. You need to use incense starting with lighting the coal with matches. After calcining it, you should wait 15 minutes until it cools down. Only after that a piece of incense is placed on it. It is unacceptable to burn incense on a hot coal. If there is a censer that is designed specifically for using incense, then for it the coal is pre-heated on a gas stove until it is hot on both sides. The red piece of coal is then moved with tongs or tweezers into the censer, after which the incense can be used by spreading it around and covering it with a lid. Do you want to fill your home with church scent to cleanse it of accumulated negativity, but don’t have any incense? It can be replaced with incense candles, which are made using incense, as well as charcoal and aromatic additives. It is also worth remembering, when deciding to use incense to fumigate your home, that you need to monitor the concentration of the smoke, because it is quite heavy, so its excessive evaporation can lead to dizziness. In this case, it is recommended to light incense in a room that can be ventilated if necessary. Tips *You can fill your room with the aroma of incense if you use aromatic oil based on it. To do this, add no more than 8 drops to the aroma lamp. However, it is not recommended to stay in such a room for more than 15 minutes. *************************************** ALSO SEE THE BEST RECIPES. SEE THIS LINK

Many people have heard and know about such a substance as incense. Especially those who have religious beliefs and go to church. After all, it is used there every day and everywhere where rituals require it.

But not only can incense be used in church, its properties can also be used at home. So that you can definitely take everything for yourself useful qualities and make the most of incense, you need to learn more about its characteristics.

Incense is a substance made from a resin that has very pronounced aromatic properties. This resin is obtained from a small tree of the cistus family.

Trees of this variety grow on the Arabian Peninsula. To get this fragrant resin, you need to make a cut in the tree. Then you should dry the resulting liquid.

They collect both whole pieces of hardened resin and tear off the remains from the bark and the ground where it dripped. Hence two types of incense - selected and ordinary.

The resulting frozen piece of resin is very easily ground into powder using a mortar. And what has already been received is ready-made incense, which is set on fire.

There are some obstacles in the process of extracting incense. The problem is that cistus is a rather rare plant. This material is considered very valuable. But first of all, the secret lies in its ancient religious history.

Even in very ancient times, when people worshiped idols and many gods, incense was sacrificed to them. It was a kind of peaceful sacrifice, without shedding the blood of animals.

The gods were appeased with aromatic fragrances and asked for all kinds of benefits. This was done as follows: incense was placed on hot coals and from this the strongest odors spread throughout the entire circumference and rose high into the sky, to the gods.

In this way, people seemed to be giving a sign of what they wanted to receive from the gods and at the same time they were saying their requests out loud.

Later, incense did not lose this property. And Christians began to use it in their religious rites. They say that when the Magi were in a hurry for the birth of Jesus Christ, one of the gifts was also incense.

And today this aromatic substance is actively used in church rituals.

In Ancient Rus', incense was also associated with many pagan rituals. For example, it was still a very popular means of scaring away evil spirits. It was even worn together with a pectoral cross.

They also fumigated houses with it and placed it in the corners of the house so that no evil spirits could enter the home. Also, with the help of incense, they found a person possessed by a demon and drove out the evil spirit with the same fumigation.

Many more mystical stories there are people who talk about magical power incense
But our ancestors used the resin substance not only for religious purposes. It is also known for its healing and rejuvenating properties.

For example, the ancient Egyptians mixed it with other essential oils and rubbed it into the limbs. This helped get rid of joint pain and aching stretching.

Frankincense was also added to face masks. After all, it is able to smooth out small wrinkles and slow down the appearance of new ones. Today, all these properties are also actively used both in cosmetology and in perfumery.

Since cistus is currently listed in the Red Book, its resin is a very expensive product. That’s why they now more often practice making it from resin. coniferous trees- cedar, spruce.

Even in ancient times, people knew many of the properties of incense. They are also relevant today.

1) Cures rheumatism, arthritis and other similar diseases. Helps easily cope with varicose veins.

2) Frankincense is a good helper in the fight against colds. Banishes chronic bronchitis.

3) Helps with skin inflammation, rashes and acne accumulations. Cures bacterial and fungal infections.

4) Treats urinary tract diseases.

5) In combination with other vitamins, it helps improve immunity.

6) Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and copes with stomach disorders.

7) Assistant for the brain. Frankincense is added to pharmaceutical products that help.

8) Well calms and normalizes the entire nervous system.

9) Frankincense is an excellent antiseptic. That's why it is used as a healing agent.

10) An excellent carminative and expectorant.

11) Incense is actively used in cosmetology, medicine, etc.

12) Sometimes this remedy is even used in cooking. In most cases, it can be added to drinks as a flavoring.

Taking into account all these functions and capabilities of incense, many products are made from it. For example, a tincture that helps fight coughs from colds and even chronic coughs in smokers.

Also Frankincense is used to make healing ointments and moisturizing face creams.

But still, the main function of incense is the most pleasant aroma that fumigates rooms. But experts have long studied the fact that this drug is like drugs. When a person inhales the fumes of incense, he receives such an energy charge.

At this moment, the main brain receives too much charge and the person feels especially cheerful. Any mental and nervous tension is also dulled. There is complete peace. The person feels too good, he relaxes.

If you smell enough of the fumes from lit incense, you can get a kind of euphoria. If all this is accompanied by several glasses of alcohol, the effect will be maximum.

Therefore, you need to be very careful with incense. There's another one of his negative trait. He can call allergic reactions. In this case, a person experiences suffocation, dizziness and even memory loss.

You don't have to go to church to enjoy the aromas of smoking incense. You can light it at home yourself.

To do this you will need the incense itself, a censer or brazier, coals, a candle and matches. Incense itself will not burn. Therefore, a special device is needed that will maintain the desired temperature. This will subsequently cause the incense to smoke.

Such a device in churches is the censer. At home, you can use a brazier, a bowl made of refractory material, or you can simplify everything to a minimum and take a metal plate, under the structure of which you can place a candle or lamp. It should keep you warm.

Hot coal is placed in any of these vessels, and the incense itself is placed on top. In addition to coal, you can use special kindling tablets or hookah coal.

From the heat of the coals, the resin begins to melt and emit pleasant aromas. main feature this process is that The lower the heating of the incense itself, the more refined the aroma.

Once you know all the benefits of incense, you can also use it for yourself. For example, on the eve of a great holiday, you can fumigate your house.

This will not only bring peace and tranquility, but will also have a positive effect on your health. Be careful not to overdo it.