date of birth: 0000-00-00

Version 1. What does the name Iya mean?

The meaning of the name Iya is violet (Greek).

Name day: August 24 - Venerable Martyr Iya, for spreading the faith of Christ in Persia, after suffering, was beheaded in the 4th century.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Planet - Proserpina.

Color - lilac.

The auspicious tree is willow.

The treasured plant is the violet.

The patron of the name is the snail.

The talisman stone is amethyst.


This woman, as tender as a flower, hides a strong will. Always accomplishes his plans. Iya has little ambition - she prefers the role of a guardian hearth and home. Iya is very excitable, although this property of her is hidden under external coldness. I am vulnerable and sensitive, it is difficult to get along with people, but if my soul attaches itself to someone, it is forever. She has a refined taste and very aristocratic, expensive requests.

Name day named after Iya

August 17, September 24,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Iya

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR

Iya Arepina

DOB: 1930-07-02

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress

Numerology of the name Iya

Name number: 7

Number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, calculating mind, but at the same time loves risks. In everything he prefers to be guided by his own opinion. He always achieves success in his chosen field of activity. Has a developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, willpower.
Number 7 is introverted. His motto: "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Iya

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on personal traits. Much success they manage to achieve in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Violets", "Violet Meadow" (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: You probably won’t find another name like this in Russia, of course: not only is it shorter than all other names, but it doesn’t even have a single consonant! At first glance, it seems like a trifle, but try to realize yourself through a name that is devoid of at least some sound support, which most resembles an exclamation, a cry, like “ay-ay-ay” or even the battle cry of a karateka! So, for the bearer of the name these are not just sounds, but himself, no more and no less. Hence, in the character of Ia, first of all, it will be precisely the colossal driving energy that will find its manifestation, which, alas, has nothing to rely on. It would be more accurate to say that the energy of the name inclines Iyu to show restraint, but does not provide such an opportunity.

She is very proud and vulnerable, representing a sort of tangle of feelings and nerves, which is especially pronounced during puberty. No way for calm reasoning! Sometimes she is ready to lose her temper over any little thing, and sometimes she painfully tries to restrain some passionate impulse. She really lacks some restraint. It’s good that among her inherent feelings in most cases there is also a wonderful sense of humor, so she has a good chance of venting her emotional tension with the help of jokes. With age, this excitability smooths out somewhat, but not completely, and very often behind Iya’s calmness one can feel boiling passions, which greatly complicate her life and relationships with others.

On the other hand, this endless struggle with her feelings hardens Iya and makes her a very strong-willed woman, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect once Iya finally finds inner balance. But for this you don’t need much - just accept the situation as it is. There is no need to try to suppress your feelings, it is better to try to turn them in the direction you need. In this case, Iya’s colossal energy can do real miracles and ensure her success in any career, especially related to creativity.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Iya, many are surprised by the excited notes in her voice. Everything seems to be normal, but it feels like Iya is on edge for some reason. Don’t worry, you most likely have nothing to do with it, try to maintain your balance yourself, and everything will be fine. It’s just advisable to be more careful with jokes and always take into account Iya’s pride.

The name's trace in history:

Iya Savvina

Iya Savvina (born 1936) is a wonderful Russian actress who has played many memorable roles both in films and on stage. However, her theatrical career, which began at the Student Theater of Moscow State University and then, after the Mossovet Theater, continued at the Moscow Art Theater, is undoubtedly not as famous as those beloved images that the actress created while acting in films.

Savvina’s first step in cinema was the film “The Lady with the Dog,” which revealed the actress’s extraordinary talent and defined her own style. After the debut followed " Captain's daughter", where she played the touching and fearless Marya Ivanovna, "The Sinner", "Anna Karenina" and other films - and each time the actress managed to create solid, attractive images on the screen, endowed with enormous charm and spiritual purity.

On the other hand, Iya Savvina managed not to remain hostage to any particular image (which, unfortunately, does not happen very rarely), and proof of this is her sharp comedic roles: Sonya in “Petersburg Dreams”, Lika (“Moscow Choir” ), Polina Andreevna (“The Seagull”) and others.

According to Higir

The name, quite rare in our time, is a literal translation from ancient Greek: violet, flower.

The first impression of this girl is that she is reserved, taciturn and even wild. She avoids her peers, often gets sick - she has a weak throat, and her mother allows her to skip classes. Doesn't show much enthusiasm for studying. In the morning he likes to soak in bed.

Adult Iya is a completely different woman. Where did her lethargy and gloominess go? This woman, as tender as a violet, hides a surprisingly strong will. She always carries out her plans: if she is interested in medicine, she will certainly become a doctor; if she decides that the talent of a brilliant actress is missing in her, she will enter the theater institute. However, in principle, Iya is not a career woman; she has little ambition. She prefers the role of the keeper of the family hearth, but life does not always give her such an opportunity: “summer” Ii often remains lonely.

I am very excitable, although her excitability may be accompanied by external coldness. She is vulnerable and sensitive, holding back her emotions in public, and can cry quietly into her pillow at night. It’s difficult to get along with people, but if you attach your soul to someone, then it will last for a long time. Their life problems overcomes on its own and long years waiting for her fairytale prince.

These are women of refined taste; they know how to dress discreetly, but elegantly, preferring blue and purple tones. If funds allow (and not big spenders!), they collect antiques. Make beautiful autumn bouquets.

Iya is literally obsessed with cleanliness; it is almost impossible to see her without a rag in her hand, with which she wipes off invisible dust. In the same way, she will work tirelessly on her own piece of land. For the most part, these are calm, accommodating women who, more than anything else, are afraid of unpleasant explanations and conflict situations.

In old age, their hearts and sore legs bother them, and they have a weakened nervous system.

A year ago, in August 2006, we had a dream where there was a girl, and I called her “Iya” and she came up to me and looked at me with an amazing look that was at the same time grateful, happy and impatient. That girl was in a hurry to the holiday (she was wearing blue or blue dress V white peas) and in a dream I called her “our girl.” A year later, my thoughts about Iya returned and I began to look for her life and image. Usually I take a long time to mature if I have the desire to draw up a diagram, but here I was drawn and I couldn’t stop.

September 11 of this year (the Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist) was an absolutely amazing day. I was so impressed by the life of the holy martyr Ia that I created her image, as it happened to me. Saint Iya was at first on the diagram with a cross, and her severed head was at her feet and around the violet with which the Lord glorified her and on her dress there was a Persian pattern. In the community prorisi Father Roman pop_roman suggested that the head is written separately only in John the Baptist. Therefore, the scheme was changed. The hands are framed by birds. The dress is red, a symbol of martyrdom. (Martyr in Greek is called the same word as witness). I made the choice of colors after consulting with Father Roman and wonderful person Natasha poyda from Kyiv. She scanned the pages of a very good book, where the color canons on the icons were perfectly analyzed. Now it's in the community prorisi .

Iya was a maiden from Persia.
Iya-Violet loved Christ.

Youth, tenderness and beauty
She was not stopped from standing for Christ.

Ia suffered a lot.
She was baptized Evdokia.

The sorcerer and the executioner cut off his head,
Blood flowed out and crying began.

But then a sea of ​​flowers bloomed,
The place is overgrown with violets.

They smelled fragrant and shone.
Others took Iya's place.

Natasha found me a story about the holy martyr Ia poyda . Here you need to follow this link to the end of the page and there will be a story called VIOLET.
I also want to express my gratitude to my new friend Elena Phoenix

The nature is stubborn, complex, closed. IN early childhood unsociable. Gets sick often. Nervous system weak, bad dream. According to the genotype, a lot is passed on from the mother, so relationships with the mother are complex. She likes to sleep in the morning, and is active in the afternoon. Growing up, it becomes completely different. Vitality increases, relationships with people become warmer, and communication skills increase. Loves animals - dogs, birds. Professions: actress, doctor, architect, designer, cook, weaver. In old age, leg diseases and nervous diseases are common. Likes to compile a herbarium and collect antique trinkets. Vulnerable, but outwardly she does not show any suffering - she cries into her pillow at night. She has refined taste and dresses elegantly. Favorite color is blue or purple. He is progressing poorly in his career and does not know how to get along with his superiors.

“Winter” Iya is reserved and has a hard time getting along with people. Doesn't like to go far from home.

“Letnyaya” is very obliging and devoted, and selflessly helps many.

In sex, her sensitivity excites and brings a lot of pleasure to her partner. Iya does not like to share information about her intimate relationships. It takes him a long time to find a partner. She is truly happy only after complete satisfaction of her sexual desire. Iya often changes partners and does not like constancy. She has excellent self-control, but in moments of intimacy she can forget about everything and plunge headlong into voluptuous sensations. intimate act should not be isolated, only then will I be satisfied. Feeling that her partner loves her, Iya transforms, becomes cheerful, charming, although she cannot be called romantic. Iya never uses her attractiveness for personal gain. It gives her great joy to enjoy: her partner sexual desire. She is characterized by increased passion and exaltation, she loves affection, tenderness during intimacy, and she herself conquers the hearts of her partners with tenderness and devotion. Depending on her mood, she is able to satisfy the most sophisticated demands of her partner. Iya spends a lot of effort to look strong and independent in his eyes. Having met a partner who satisfies her requirements, she becomes easily excitable, passion takes over her, but she tries to hide it, not wanting to show her feelings too clearly. If the partner is tactful and, in her opinion, sexy enough, cares about the complete satisfaction of her desires, Iya receives considerable pleasure, takes the initiative herself, chooses the position that most satisfies her (the most acceptable position for her is to lie on top, pressing her whole body closely to her partner ), rhythm of movements. Iya perceives sensually the world, her talent in the sexual sphere is unusually great, intercourse gives her not only physical, but also spiritual satisfaction. Iya is a refined nature, capable of giving warmth.

“Mayskaya” Iya Dmitrievna becomes an excellent mother, her attraction to her husband intensifies over the years. If the husband is “July”, the marriage is most successful, but everything rests on Iya’s shoulders. One child is born - a son. Iya does not create conflict situations at home and at work, she is very patient.

Men suitable for marriage: Vladimir Petrovich, Gennady Anatolyevich, Evgeny Glebovich, Leonid Alekseevich, Pavel Yuryevich, Sergey Fedorovich, Emmanuil Alekseevich.

Bronislav Ignatievich, Vsevolod Vadimovich, Nazariy Tarasovich, Nikolai Yurievich, Philip Ruslanovich, Khariton Ivanovich, Eric Kazimirovich are undesirable.

A name is given to a person for life, so parents are faced with a very difficult task. How to find a name that will emphasize the child’s individuality, but at the same time will not create problems for him in his future life?

Some people, especially girls, come up with names for their children from childhood and adolescence, playing and dreaming. Sometimes these can be the most fanciful names of some characters from fairy tales or films. But after getting married and having a child, the decision is made together. The spouse may not like the name chosen in advance, because his family may have its own traditions. Or he may decide that his wife decided to name her son after one of her past admirers, and be jealous. Controversy and family quarrels in such a situation are inevitable. But they definitely won't affect in a positive way neither on the expectant mother nor on the child.

To avoid conflicts, you need to be guided simple rules. The most important thing is that the name must be combined with the person’s patronymic and surname. Complex foreign strange names sound bad next to classic Russian surnames, and vice versa.

Originality and fashion or tradition and classics

At all times, children were named for the sake of fashion. IN Ancient Rome noble residents could give the child several names, sometimes more than ten. In the Middle Ages, it became fashionable to give children names of angels. Then the girls began to be called as gems or flowers, hence the names Esmeralda and Rosa. Revolutions and changes of rulers also influenced the choice of names for children born. Thus, by decree of the Tsar, the names Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Svetlana, popular to this day, returned to Peter’s Russia. And during the Soviet period, it was fashionable to call children communist and proletarian abbreviations. Some of them have taken root as names, for example Renat and Nina - short for revolution, science and labor and Lenin's pseudonym in reverse. But Dazdraperma comes from the slogan “Long live the First of May!” and Kukutsapol - “Kurukuza - Queen of the Fields” can hardly be called successful names.

In 2017, Russia introduced a bill that prohibits giving children strange names, especially those containing numbers and punctuation marks. There are cases in the world when people wanted to name a child “@” or “*”. This has common sense, because for the sake of fashion, numerology, astrology and simply a creative approach, parents are ready to name their son Tsar, and their daughter Queen, or even December and June. And this is not fiction, but examples from real life. Non-standard names often cause ridicule from peers. It is unlikely that loving parents deliberately want to give such a name so that the child will be teased by his friends.

If you find it difficult to choose suitable name child, you can use a name dictionary.

On the other hand, a name that is too simple and common will not emphasize individuality. When a child in a class has two or three Sashas, ​​five Nastyas, several Danils, and he has exactly the same name, he may have difficulty communicating with both friends and teachers. Children don’t want to stand out from the crowd, but being like that is unpleasant for them.

Some families have a tradition of naming their son after their father. The names San Sanych, Sergei Sergeich and Ivan Ivanovich sound quite euphonious, although not unique. And you need to accept right away that in the future your offspring, who has become an adult, will most often be called in this form. Because practically no one speaks Alexander Alexandrovich, etc.

Whether or not to follow the traditions of your family is a personal matter for everyone. And if parents don’t immediately like the combination of first and middle names, then they should abandon this name; the situation is unlikely to change over time.

It is sometimes difficult to make a choice between classic names and original ones, since it is influenced by other factors. The most important thing is to adhere to adequacy in your decision and think about the child’s future, and not about your momentary impulse.

How to choose a name for a child

You can name your child according to the calendar, according to the horoscope, or simply choose your favorite from the list of names at the family council.

Each specific family has its own approach. Grandparents sometimes take this task entirely upon themselves. And their opinion has to be taken into account, because for them this child is a long-awaited grandson or granddaughter.

If parents cannot agree among themselves, then the help of relatives, even the closest ones, can only do harm and cause even more disputes on this issue. But you need to listen to the advice of your elders.

There are many names for boys and girls in different countries and in different regions our country. And those that are appropriate in the south may seem ridiculous in the north. If the marriage is international, then the issue is complicated by the need to write and pronounce the name in two languages.

Names for girls

Female Russian names have different origins. Many of them are borrowed from other cultures. This is due to the rich and long history our country. IN different time it was influenced from outside, as a result, new words appeared in the Russian language, including names. By origin they are divided into:

  • Greek, such as Sophia and Anastasia;
  • Hebrew, the now popular name Eve, translated as “life-giver,” and the name Mary sounded like Miriam;
  • Old Russian, Yaroslava, Miroslava, Bogumila and Dobromila;
  • ancient Roman, Julia, Claudia, they were given to daughters by their father.

When choosing a name for a girl, you need to pay attention to its meaning. A name can directly affect a person's character.

In some countries, double names are popular. In Russia, the most common is Anna Maria. Double name may be required if parents want to name their child both Russian and foreign name, because they themselves live abroad or have dual citizenship.

If you and your spouse different nationalities and religion, then it is better to choose a universal name that will sound good in native language both mother and father's language.

Taking into account all the features and distinctive features family, you can choose a euphonious European, Russian or Muslim name for your newborn daughter.

Names for boys

By origin male names, as well as female ones, appeared in the Russian language from pagan, Byzantine and European culture. And their meanings most often carry strength, courage, boldness and power.

Choosing a name for your son is especially important. He will continue the family line in the future, and his name should sound good as a middle name. But borrowed from foreign languages the names are unlikely to form a good patronymic with any given name. And fictional, too original name for the child will also affect future grandchildren.

When choosing a name for your baby, you need to make a list of the best options proposed by you and your spouse. This will make it easier to decide which specific name you both like.

An interesting fact is that in ancient times the name was not given at the moment of birth. To receive it, a person had to do something outstanding.

Modern parents often, simply by the very fact of their existence, put their child on a pedestal, and give him an appropriate name. Even according to ancient philosophers, a name influences a person’s life, and, as Plutarch wrote, it can become a household name. Therefore, you should not choose a word or concept as a name; this will not lead to the child’s happiness. A boy's name should reflect his individuality, but at the same time have the features of the society in which he will grow up. International is suitable for any society, and national will emphasize belonging to one’s native country.

From the list of ancient and modern names you can choose the right one for your newborn son. Taking into account the significance and popularity of the chosen option, it will be possible to reflect the character of the child.

Names for twins

Naming a second child is sometimes much more difficult than naming the first. What if twins were born right away? In this case, the children's names should not only be combined with the surname and patronymic that they will bear, but also be in harmony with each other. The names should echo each other, but not be too similar. The main nuances of choosing names for twins are as follows:

  • the chosen names should sound good together with the middle and last names of the children;
  • a combination of foreign and native Russian names should be avoided, since this option may sound comical and cause ridicule from peers;
  • Same names for brother and sister are not allowed.

The last option concerns names that are suitable for both girls and boys, for example, Sasha, Valya, Zhenya. And if children study in the same class, this will definitely cause problems. Also brother and sister of different ages they are unlikely to achieve understanding if they are called the same. This is where parents must show their imagination, but also within reasonable limits.

Remember the books you read as a child and the films you watched. Surely there were stories about brothers and sisters. If you stretch your imagination a little, then interesting option will definitely come to your mind. All that remains is to consult with your spouse.

Name options can be gleaned from works classical literature or cinema. There are quite a lot of consonant names in folklore. A good option will name the children after both grandfathers. Also, you can resort to religious traditions and select names by church calendar.

Name for christening

Many disagreements arise in families when choosing a name for a child. And in old times This never happened in Rus'. The children were named after the Saints. The church calendar contains dates for the veneration of all Saints. According to the rules Orthodox Church the name is given not on the birthday, but on the 8th or 40th day after.

Look at the Saints when choosing a name for your child. Even if you yourself are not religious, the experience of many generations of our ancestors can come to your rescue.

It does not matter whether the parents intend to baptize the child in childhood or left unbaptized, looking in the month book can be very useful. In this collection of names by date you can find both Slavic and Greek and latin names. Sometimes they are outdated and dissonant to the ear modern man. But such a hint should not be excluded from consideration, and it is worth at least reading the proposed names for all three days. Suddenly, what you are looking for will be found there.

Muslims do not have a collection of names similar to the Saints. Parents themselves choose a name for the child, and if the Mulla considers the name suitable, then a naming ceremony is carried out. Most male Muslim names are translated as adjectives, and they mean epithets for the Almighty. It is customary for women to be given the names of the daughters and wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

What religion is professed in the family is not so important, the main thing is that the relationship is harmonious, including when choosing a name for the child. If parents want to raise their children in traditions national religion and culture, then it’s worth starting with correct selection name in accordance with one's own faith.

Name according to horoscope

Choosing a name according to the church calendar excludes the option of naming the child according to his zodiac sign, because faith and superstition are incompatible. But in the past the rich and noble families listened to the advice of astrologers on choosing a name for a child. They believed that a name given in this way would allow their son or daughter to achieve success in the future, and would serve as an additional talisman against all misfortunes.

You can choose a name from an astrological point of view only when the child has already been born. You need to know the day and time of his birth in order to compile natal chart. This is a rather complex and lengthy process. But if parents have several options for a name and cannot decide on the choice, then the astrologer will tell you which one will be more successful.

If you are into astrology, then you have probably heard about numerology. There are services on the Internet that help you choose a name based on your date of birth.

Astrologers advise naming a child with names of average prevalence. Rare names are good because they fuel a person’s personality. He is able to achieve more, be bolder and more stubborn than others. But to the help of the environment for a person with rare name there is no need to count. But a simple and frequently occurring name will endear him to the child more people. But he will not want to stand out too much from their background and will behave on an equal basis with everyone else. Therefore, in order to combine both qualities and give the child the opportunity to make independent choices in his life, it is recommended to adhere to the golden mean when choosing a name.

Memo for parents

Considering all of the above, we can say that there are no universal rules for choosing a name for a child. There are too many nuances in each specific case. This is primarily family, traditions, nationality, country of residence and much more. Sticking to a few simple tips and by remaining calm, you can resolve this issue, even if it has already become a problem in the family.

When choosing what to name your baby, you need to remember:

  1. The first name, patronymic and last name should sound harmoniously together. For simple surnames, it is better to choose names that are not complicated, and vice versa, if the surname is foreign or very rare, then the name can be just as original.
  2. You need to act outside of your own taste preferences, but think about the child’s future. The name should not be comical. The names and nicknames of your current idols will also not work; most likely, they will be forgotten over time, and the child will have the name for the rest of his life.
  3. There is no point in being too original. Common nouns, geographical names, abbreviations and acronyms should be excluded immediately. Russian law has already banned the use of numbers and punctuation marks. But even without this creative name You can annoy your own child.
  4. It is important and necessary to continue and support the culture and national traditions of our ancestors. But if you don't like church names, you are not religious and live in secular society, then it is not necessary to use the Saints. You can just look in the dictionary of Russian names.
  5. Once you have more than three options, make a list on a piece of paper. You can write down the advantages and disadvantages of each name. For example, this is the name of a beloved grandfather, but it does not fit well with a patronymic, etc. This will make it much easier to select and find arguments for and against.
  6. Say out loud all the variants of the name: full, diminutive. These are the words that people will say when addressing your child, including you.

There is one logic riddle- what belongs to you and is used by others? The answer is a name. A person himself never addresses himself by name, but this is the word he constantly hears throughout his life. Choose a name responsibly and adequately, listen more to the voice of your mind than your heart. You will always love your child with your heart. And the name should help him become strong and wise man, do not alienate others and live in harmony with your inner self.