Guidelines on drawing up a work program

on drawing up a work program for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard

1. Introduction

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation» preschool education is one of the levels of general education. In Art. 48 of the Law states that teaching staff are obliged to carry out their activities at a high professional level, to ensure the full implementation of the taught educational subjects, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program.

Before approaching the design and writing of a work program for a preschool teacher, it is important to know the basic concepts that exist in preschool education.

1) Approximate basic educational program - developed by methodological scientists. Preschool institutions take it as a basis for developing their own educational program, taking into account the regional component and local conditions.

2) Educational program A preschool educational institution is a management document that establishes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing the educational process. Developed by the head of the preschool educational institution and the creative team.

3) Working programm teacher - developed by the teacher based on the educational program of the preschool educational institution. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved by federal level(in our case, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, which is valid from 01/01/2014). The work program is a normative document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.

Regulatory documents regulating activities educational institutions and teachers:

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

9) educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form curriculum, calendar academic schedule, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials;

Article 48. Duties and responsibilities teaching staff

1. Teaching staff are obliged:

1) carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught educational subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program.

Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees dated October 31, 2010 Section: job responsibilities:

A speech therapist teacher implements educational programs.

Educational psychologist - maintains documentation in the established form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs educational activities taking into account the individual and gender-age characteristics of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements.

Educator (including the senior) - develops a plan (program) of educational work with a group of students and pupils.

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 201 No. 1155, valid from January 1, 2014) - contains requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education, and therefore the requirements for drawing up a teacher’s work program.

2. Sample sections of the work program for the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

1. Title page

2. Contents:

3. Target section:

Explanatory note

Purpose and objectives of the main educational program

Principles and approaches to organizing the educational process

Characteristics that are significant for the development and implementation of a work program. Features of the organization of the educational process in a group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children

Planned results of mastering the Program.

4. Content section:

Curriculum for the implementation of OOP CE in a group, in the form of a table.

Forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the program in a group. In table form: direction of development; forms of program implementation (joint activity, independent activity, interaction with family; methods; methods and techniques; means)

Interaction with family and society.

Planning work with children in a group:

A model for organizing joint activities of a teacher with pupils of a preschool educational institution.

Part of the preschool educational institution: Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

5. Organizational section.

Design of the subject-spatial environment.

Daily routine, GCD structure (schedule of classes, motor mode, scheme for hardening children).

List of teaching aids (for the implementation of the main part and part of the preschool educational institution).

1. Title page

The title page is a kind of “calling card” of the program. Therefore, as in business card, only the most necessary information should be indicated here:

Full name of the educational institution according to the Charter;

Where, when and by whom was this program approved (in the upper right corner - approved by the head of the preschool educational institution (date, signature, order number, in the upper left corner - ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council of the institution, protocol number);

Full name of the program (for example, Work program for joint activities of a teacher with children 3-4 years old, junior group.);

Compiled on the basis of ...... (approximate educational program of preschool education, educational program of preschool educational institution);

Duration of program implementation (academic year);

City name;

Year of program development.

The content of the work program is written down and the pages are indicated.

3. Target section:

1) Explanatory note

Work program for child development…. group was developed in accordance with the main general education program ...... (name of educational institution), in accordance with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

The work program for the development of children ...... group ensures the diversified development of children aged __ to __ years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic-aesthetic.

Partial programs are used :

Partial programs are listed.

The program being implemented is based on the principle of personal development and humanistic interaction between adults and children.

D This program has been developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ“On education in the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”;

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”;

Charter of the institution.

Goal and tasksmain educational program of the preschool educational institution (from the sample program or educational program of the preschool educational institution)

For example


Creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the safety of a preschooler’s life.

Tasks(mandatory part):

1. Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely development of each child.

2. Creating an atmosphere in groups of a humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which allows them to grow sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity.

3. Maximum use various types children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

4. Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process.

5. Variability of use educational material, allowing the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child.

6. Respect for the results of children's creativity.

7. Unity of approaches to raising children in a preschool educational institution and family.

8. Compliance in the work of the kindergarten and primary school continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of children’s education preschool age, ensuring there is no pressure of subject-specific learning.

Tasks (part of the preschool educational institution):

Principles and approaches in organizing the educational process:

1. Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child.

2. Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy).

3. Meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allows you to solve set goals and objectives using necessary and sufficient material, getting as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”).

4. Ensures the unity of educational, training and developmental goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, during the implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children.

5. It is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students.

6. Based on the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

7. Provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

8. Involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children (play)

9. Built on the principle of cultural conformity. Takes into account national values ​​and traditions in education.

Contentpsychological and pedagogical work is focused on the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas of development and education of children: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Characteristics that are significant for the development and implementation of a work program.

- Age and individual characteristics of children in the ___group

For exampleAll children in the group have perfect self-care skills and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Most children have developed fine motor skills. The children of the group are inquisitive and show high cognitive activity, love to listen to books.

IN play activity children independently distribute roles and structure their behavior, adhering to the play role.

Speech continues to improve, including its sound side. In visual arts they can depict objects of round, oval, rectangular shape. 60% of children know colors and shades. Our children know some techniques unconventional drawing and so on.

- Planned results of mastering the Program(in the form of targets)

For example

U implementation training plan OOP DO in the senior group of the Program

Directions of development

Types of children's activities

Number of GCDs per week

Forms of educational activities

Mandatory part

Physical development

Motor activity

75 min.

(3 GCD)

Outdoor games, play exercises, physical education activities, sports games, physical education holidays

Cognitive development

Cognitive and research activities

20 minutes. (1 GCD)

FCCM, conversations, didactic games, looking at paintings and illustrations, collecting, implementing projects, quizzes


20 minutes.

(1 GCD)

Didactic and educational games, project implementation, quizzes

Speech development

Speech development

20 minutes.

(1 gcd

Conversations, quizzes, didactic games, viewing paintings and illustrations

Perception fiction and folklore

25 min.

(1 GCD)

Conversations, listening. works, reading, learning poetry, theatrical play

Communication activities

10 min.

(0.5 GCD)

Life safety, game problem situations, conversations, quizzes

Self-care and basic household work

no more than 20 minutes. (according to SanPin, clause 12.22)

assignments, duty, games, conversations, HBT

Play activity

at sensitive moments

Role-playing, didactic, etc.

Visual activities

70 min.

(3 GCD)

Drawing, modeling, applique. Collage. Project. Meeting the artists. Exhibition.


10 min.

(0.5 gcd)

Construction from paper, natural and other materials

Musical activities

50 min.

(2 gcd)

Listening, improvisation, performance, musical and outdoor games, leisure, holidays and entertainment


Part formed by participants in the educational process

6) part formed by participants in the educational process- partial programs, etc.

Planning work with children in a group ( in accordance with OS planning):

Approximate annual planning

Calendar and thematic planning (GCD and joint activities)

Model for organizing joint activities of a teacher with pupils of a preschool educational institution ( in accordance with OP OS)

H part of the preschool educational institution: Features of organizing the educational process in a group(climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

1) Climatic features:

The climate features of the region are briefly described.

2) Demographic features:

Analysis of the social status of families.

3) National and cultural features:

Ethnic composition of the group's students. Education and training in preschool educational institutions is carried out in Russian.

The main contingent of pupils lives in conditions (city, town, village).

The implementation of the regional component is carried out through familiarization with the national and cultural characteristics of St. Petersburg. Getting acquainted with his native land and its attractions, the child learns to recognize himself as living in a certain time period, in certain ethnocultural conditions. This information implemented through targeted walks, conversations, projects in the Programs section……..

5. Organizational section

Daily routine (for cold and warm periods of the year), GCD structure.

List of teaching aids that ensure the implementation of educational activities in a group

Development direction

Methodical manuals

Visual – didactic aids


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Kondrashina Irina Lazarevna

senior teacher of MBDOU d/s "Zvezdochka"

highest qualification category

30 years of teaching experience

Scroll regulatory documents methods room of the preschool educational institution:

Regulations on the methodological office;

Law of the Russian Federation on Education;

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Family Code of the Russian Federation;

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Convention on the Rights of the Child (09/15/1990);

Convention on Early Childhood Education;


Charter of the preschool educational institution; changes to the charter;

Copies of job descriptions of preschool teachers;

Letter from the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 26, 1999109/23-16 “On the introduction of psychological and pedagogical examination and criteria for evaluating toys”;

Letter from the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 04/07/199970/23-16 “On the practice of diagnosing child development in the preschool education system”;

SanPiN, as amended;

Model regulations on a preschool educational institution;

Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009.655 “On approval and enforcement of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011.2151 “On approval of FGT to the conditions for the implementation of OOPDO”

List of documents and materials of the senior preschool teacher:


Annual work plans of preschool educational institutions (for 3 years);

Materials and minutes of teachers' councils (for 3 years);

Certification materials;

Materials on monitoring the development of special educational activities and the development of integrative qualities in children;

Materials of operational, thematic and final control of the senior educator over the educational process;

Materials on self-education for preschool teachers;

Teaching aids;

Methodological office passport;

Book of accounting of the movement of methodological literature;

Various types of card files, video libraries, etc.;

Orders of the head of the preschool educational institution;

Information about pedagogical skills teachers; materials on best teaching practices;

Plan and forms of work with young specialists, mentoring;

Plan for conducting methodological associations of teachers and regional seminars;

Materials and minutes of seminars, consultations, open classes;

Plans for conducting a methodological week;

Class attendance log (recommendations and their implementation); observation schemes for teachers’ activities, questionnaires;

Plan for professional development of teachers;

Work with young professionals (plan, attending classes with mentors and being mentored by them);

Materials on interaction with parents;

Instructions, protocols for conducting briefings with preschool teachers on protecting the life and health of children; initial briefings

GCD schedule;

Employment schedule for pre-school specialists;

Schedule of individual lessons;

Schedule of additional classes;


Analysis of work for the year; reports;

Work plan for the senior teacher for the year;

Design of the educational process (curriculum) of a preschool educational institution;

Information about teaching staff;

Reference and methodological literature; publications about the teaching profession, subscription publications on preschool education;

Lists of materials and equipment for all premises of the preschool educational institution (in paper and electronic (disc) versions)

Book of reviews of graduates, parents

All documentation of the senior teacher must be stored in the methodological office or with the head of the preschool educational institution for at least 3 years.

The main directions in the activities of the senior educator, aimed at improving the quality of the educational process.


The senior teacher plans:
- annual plan of the preschool educational institution;
- long-term plan for sections of the program;
- long-term plan for various areas of activity of the preschool educational institution;
- long-term and calendar plan for the activities of the senior teacher.

One of the conditions for full planning is monitoring the activities of a preschool institution and includes the following information:
- implementation and assimilation by children of program material in all areas;
- children's readiness level preparatory groups to schooling;
-monitoring the participation of teachers in methodological events;
-creating conditions for a comfortable stay for children, etc.
The organization of the educational process includes:
- compiling a schedule of classes by age group;
-organization of the work of teachers;
- ensuring the implementation of the program;
- constant analysis of the state of educational, methodological and educational work and the adoption on its basis of specific measures to increase the effectiveness of methodological work.

Working with teachers.

Working with a team is varied and includes the following areas:
-consultations of various forms: individual, group;
-pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops and other forms of organizational and methodological events;
- open screenings, mutual visits, demonstrations of classes by a senior teacher;
exchange of experience (mentoring, teaching practice);
-in our preschool educational institution, daily detailed consultation of beginning teachers on preparation for classes has been firmly established, which in this case is predictive and anticipatory control. This type of control allows the senior teacher to present the stages of work and the expected result before starting work.
-organization of the work of the “School for Young Educators”;
-participation of teachers in the work of methodological associations;
-improving the qualifications of teachers.


The senior teacher supervises the work of teachers:
- systematically checks plans for educational work;
-attends classes in groups according to schedule;
-monitors the implementation of the annual work plan and decisions made at meetings of the teachers' council. And, of course, each control has a logical conclusion in the form of discussion, recommendations, encouragement, implementation and identification of experience.

Working with parents and society is an important direction in the activities of a senior educator, which consists of the following:

- informing parents at parent-teacher meetings about the content of work with children in the sections of the program;
-preparation of stands, moving folders dedicated to family education, etc.;
- establishing contacts with sociocultural institutions.

Our social partners are: a secondary school, a children's library, a children's music school, an after-school activity center, a museum and others.

Creation of a subject-development environment:

-organization of the teaching room space;
-purchase of manuals, methodological literature, toys;
-Design of stands and exhibitions.

The creative atmosphere in a preschool institution is facilitated by the active, scientifically based activities of the senior teacher. It is he who should set an example in the desire to acquire new knowledge, in the use of non-standard techniques in working with children and teachers. The senior educator must get to know each teacher well and choose those forms and methods of work that will ultimately contribute to the creation of a team of like-minded people, the main objective whose concern is for the well-being and development of the youngest members of society.

Who's who in kindergarten?

Each kindergarten has many employees, and each of them has their own responsibilities. But sometimes it’s quite difficult for parents to figure out who to turn to with their problems. So who is the best person to discuss parenting issues with? What can you ask a methodologist? What is the teacher responsible for? What does an educational psychologist do?


The administration of a preschool institution includes the head of the kindergarten, the senior teacher and the deputy head for administrative and economic affairs.

head of the kindergarten. Since in real life Since the kindergarten is run mainly by women, the name of this position is usually used in the feminine gender - head. The manager provides general management of the kindergarten. In its activities, it relies on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, the Charter of a Preschool Institution, and other legislative acts. She is responsible for recruiting groups of children in accordance with their age, their state of health, individual characteristics and requests of parents, selecting personnel, supervising teachers and service personnel. In addition, the manager is responsible for rational use budgetary allocations, as well as funds coming from other sources. Parents can contact the head for advice and make their own proposals for improving work with children, in particular, proposals for organizing additional services. Parents also have the right to demand from her that the team led by her provide the child with appropriate care, education and training, protection and promotion of health - in accordance with the terms of the contract.

The senior teacher is engaged in methodological work and organizes the entire educational process in kindergarten, therefore in everyday communication he is also called a methodologist. Together with the head, he manages the kindergarten staff, participating in the selection of personnel, in the development and implementation of development programs and pedagogical plans. Provides groups with educational aids, games, toys, organizes cooperation with other preschool institutions, schools, children's centers, museums, etc. The senior teacher carries out extensive methodological work in the teaching staff: open classes for teachers, seminars, individual and group consultations. In addition, he participates in working with parents: preparing stands, moving folders dedicated to family education, etc.

Main teaching staff

A teacher (teacher) is a teacher who is directly responsible for the life and health of the children entrusted to him. However, the teacher does not just “look after” the kids, she plans and conducts activities, games, walks and entertainment in accordance with the age of the children. creates conditions in the group for the successful implementation of the educational program, and, strictly speaking, implements it herself. Together with the music director and instructor physical culture prepares holidays, entertainment and sporting events. Supervises the work of the junior teacher. In addition, the teacher works with parents on issues of raising children in the family, and involves them in active cooperation with the kindergarten. Coordinates with parents the preventive vaccinations of children planned in a preschool institution. If the kindergarten is fully staffed with teaching staff, each group has two teachers who work in close cooperation with each other.

The music director is responsible for musical education. Organizes and conducts music classes, literary and musical matinees, evenings. Identifies musically gifted children and works with them individually and in groups. Participates in morning exercises, physical education and entertainment, provides musical accompaniment organized games for children in the 2nd half of the day, conducts musical, didactic, theatrical and rhythmic games.

The physical education instructor conducts physical education classes and is fully responsible for the safety of students during them. Controls motor activity children during the day. Together with the nurse, he monitors the hygienic conditions for conducting classes. Organizes explanatory work with parents on issues of physical education. like other teachers, a physical education instructor is guided by approved programs that take into account age characteristics children, and during classes takes into account the individual capabilities of each child.

Medical workers

A nurse is responsible for medical issues in the kindergarten. The nurse monitors the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the kindergarten, and also monitors compliance with the daily routine, children’s nutrition, and the correct conduct of morning exercises, physical education classes and walks. Organizes events to harden children and participates in the organization of health-improving events. Keeps daily records of children absent due to illness and isolates sick children. In addition, the nurse prepares children for medical examinations and participates in them herself, carries out weighing and anthropometric measurements of children, carries out preventive vaccinations and carries out doctor’s orders.

Junior service personnel

Junior service personnel include a junior teacher, cook, storekeeper, laundry operator, etc. All these employees ensure the smooth operation of the preschool institution, but only the junior teacher works directly with children. The junior teacher (in everyday communication - just a nanny) helps the teacher in organizing educational process, and together with the teacher is responsible for the life and health of students. The junior teacher brings food from the kitchen and helps in distributing it, then removes and washes the dishes, helps wash the children, prepares water for rinsing the mouth; in older groups, organizes table settings for children. Helps the teacher take the children out for a walk and bring them into a group, undress the kids before quiet time and dress them after it. Prepares everything necessary for hardening and hygiene procedures. The nanny is also responsible for the cleanliness of the premises; Twice a day she does wet cleaning in the group. In accordance with the requirements of the SES, the sanitary treatment of dishes is carried out. Monitors the cleanliness of towels, changes them when they become dirty, and helps the teacher in carrying out hygiene procedures with children. Bed linen is changed once every 10 days.

Who to contact?

All kindergarten teachers must have higher vocational or secondary specialized education. The head and senior teacher must have a higher education. Parents can contact any kindergarten employee with questions and receive a qualified answer. Thus, a senior teacher can answer questions regarding the organization of children’s leisure time at home, talk about the programs and methods of work used in kindergarten, what a child should know and be able to do by a certain age, and advise what books and toys a child should buy. You can discuss some parenting issues with teachers: what can you do to get your child to put away his toys? What to do with your child while preparing for dinner? How to discuss a read work with your child? What questions should you ask your child while looking at the illustrations in the book? and etc.

The junior teacher will answer questions regarding cultural and hygienic skills, the child’s appetite, and explain when and how ventilation is carried out in the group. All kindergarten employees work closely with each other, creating the best conditions for the physical and mental life of the child.

What to do if a child cries when parting with his parents?

Fortunately, not all children have a hard time experiencing a new stage in their lives - the beginning of attending a preschool institution. Educators note that children from large families(since they have already learned that they are not the only ones who are the center of attention of adults), children from families in which the child is a full partner in communication with mom and dad, and not a toy for adults, not a hindrance for them and not a model for pedagogical experiments.

If a child cries when parting with his parents in the morning, do not despair, because after the adaptation period the child will no longer be so upset about his parents leaving.

It is necessary to analyze whether the baby experiences this if it is not his mother who brings him to the garden, but his father or another family member. You need to ask the teacher how long after the mother leaves the child cries. If the child stops crying as soon as he is in the group, then the mother can safely go to work, since the tears were for the mother, and the baby feels quite well.

If the teacher reports that the child cries long after the parents leave, you need to find out what activities and what toys can distract the child from bitter experiences: an interesting book, a bright toy, breakfast or fun game with other children. Then, on the way to kindergarten, parents can tell the child in detail what a pleasant event or what interesting toy awaits him in the group. Moreover, it is necessary to speak even if the child does not yet know how to speak and cannot answer.

If the teacher says that the child cries all day, then you can invite the child to take with him to the group some item that is dear to him: a toy, a book, an item that belongs to his mother.

When saying goodbye to their child in the morning, parents should behave calmly and confidently. Otherwise, the child may pick up on the anxiety and become upset and cry even more. You cannot allow a child to manipulate his parents and, because of tears and whims, leave him at home and not take him to the garden.

Knowing that it is difficult for a child to experience separation from loved ones every morning, parents can come up with and rehearse several options for farewell the night before. For example, an air kiss, a firm handshake, mutual stroking on the back, etc. This will help distract the child from sad thoughts, and over time, becoming a kind of ritual, it will bring joy to both the child and the parents.

Even if parents are tired after work and irritated, they need not show this to their child. No matter how small he is, he will definitely “read” this state. The baby needs to feel that the moment of meeting him is a holiday for his parents. Let the parents praise the child, kiss him, or take him to the park or playground after kindergarten.

A.I. Zakharov recommends that parents give their child the opportunity after kindergarten to run, jump, and play outdoor games. And in the evening, arrange a small family celebration at home, for example, a joint tea party, during which you should praise the child for spending the day in the garden in front of all the participants in this holiday.

All this will help the child understand that they love him, are waiting for him to come home from kindergarten, and are proud of him. Most likely, such a friendly environment will help the child quickly adapt to the conditions of the kindergarten and not worry during the morning separation from his parents.


Tell your child what awaits him in kindergarten.

Introduce your child to kindergarten gradually.

Be calm, do not show your anxiety and confusion in front of your child.

Ask other family members to take your child to daycare.

Give your child a favorite toy or object with you.

Come up with and rehearse a few different ways goodbyes.

Be attentive to your child when you pick him up from daycare.

After kindergarten, take your child for a walk in the park, on the playground, give him the opportunity to move around, play, and run.

Have a family party in the evening.

Show your child your love and care.

Be patient.

Memo for young specialists “Rules of behavior and communication of a teacher in a preschool educational institution”


Have a wonderful ideal, a high dream in your soul and strive for it. Be a better person, remembering that there is no limit to improvement.

Grow professionally, keep abreast of the latest achievements in pedagogical science, and do not stop there.

Always be in balance, holding back negative emotions.

Coming out conflict situations with dignity and humor.

Forgive, sympathize, empathize, be generous and forgiving.

Living is easy, simple and joyful. See the positive in everything.

Always be friendly. Friendliness is the basis of your health.

Bring order and comfort everywhere, create an oasis of kindness, love and beauty - in the soul, in the family, at work. Pass this on to your children.

Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you do will always return to you multiplied.


"Patience is a gift from Heaven."

He who has patience will not stoop to irritation.

There is always someone who needs your help, who has a harder time than you.

The great mission of a woman is to bring love, beauty and harmony to the world.

The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with good thoughts, kind words, good deeds.

Your explanations should be simple and understandable to children.

When your child talks to you, listen carefully.

Don't be stingy with praise.

Don't create conflict situations.

Watch your appearance and behavior.

Your attitude towards work, people, objects is a role model.

When raising children, strive to:

Love the child for who he is.

Respect each child's individuality.

Praise, encourage, encourage, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

Notice not the child’s shortcomings, but the dynamics of his development.

Make parents your allies in education.

Talk to your child in a caring, encouraging tone.

Encourage your child to ask questions.

In kindergarten it is prohibited:

Shout and punish children.

Expose children's misdeeds for all to see.

Visit children in a bad mood.

Discuss with parents the behavior of someone else's child.

Leaving children alone.

Humiliate a child.

Documentation of the teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

    Attendance sheet.

    Information about children and parents (last name, first name of the child, date of birth, residential address, last name, first name, patronymic of parents, telephone numbers, place of work)

    Morning reception log (child’s personal information, date, health status, signature of parent, teacher)

    Group social passport

    Teacher's work program

    Schedule of direct educational activities

    Study schedule

    Journal of instructions for parents on transporting children in transport

    Journal of training with parents on traffic rules

    System of hardening activities in the group

    Cyclogram of the group’s educational activities

    Minutes of parent meetings

    Teacher’s portfolio or methodological passport (contains information about the teacher’s participation in methodological and innovative work at different levels)

    Calendar plan

    Long-term plans for educational areas (directions)

    Comprehensive thematic plan

    Monitoring child development

    Self-education plan

    Long-term plan for psychological and pedagogical education of parents

Teacher's work program


Title page structure:

    Full name of the institution in accordance with the Charter

    Work program approval stamp:

In the upper left corner “Accepted” (date of the protocol of the pedagogical council, protocol number)

In the upper right corner - “I approve” (signature of the manager, order number, date)

    Full name of the RP indicating the age of the children and the focus of the group

    Implementation period for this RP

    Indication of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution on the basis of which this RP was developed

    Full name and position of the author(s)

    city ​​name;

    year of program development.

CONTENT : All structural components indicating pages


1. Explanatory note , a structural element of the program that explains the relevance of studying educational fields and includes the following content:

1.1.Indication of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, the main educational program and its authors, taking into account which this RP was developed;

1.2. List of regulatory documents;

1.3. The purpose and objectives of the RP (in accordance with the OOP DO, Federal State Educational Standards DO)

1.4. Principles and approaches in organizing the educational process;

1.5. Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of RP:

    Characteristics of the children in the group; a list of children (in the table), in which it is necessary to give a psychological and pedagogical description of the children in the group, features of their development (level of speech development and state of the developmental disability, features health groups health, sports groups, deviations in physical development and their diagnosis, how many boys, how many girls, children with disabilities, children with disabilities).

    General information about the contingent of parents (social passport of families of pupils)

2. Planned results of implementation of the Program (in the form of targets).


2.1. Curriculum (variable and invariant parts)

Description of educational activities in 5 educational areas for this age group:

    Social and communicative development

    Cognitive development

    Speech development

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Physical development

2.2. Features of interaction teaching staff with families of pupils (psychological and pedagogical education and daily interaction with parents on the implementation of educational educational programs in preschool education), a long-term plan for cooperation with parents).


3.1. Group daily routine (summer and winter);

3.2. Schedule of direct educational activities in the group (in the wording of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and without exceeding the maximum permissible load, according to SanPiN).

3.3. Thematic plan for a year (possibly with detailed content)

3.4.Comprehensive thematic plan for the year.

3.5. Calendar of holidays and entertainment (copy of the appendix to

work plan for the year).

3.6. Features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment.

3.7. Evaluation and methodological materials: evaluation sheet,diagnostic sheet or diagnostic card for recording data on pedagogical diagnostics (observation) by teachers of children in groups.
3.8. Methodological support for the implementation of the RP:
List of educational and methodological literature: a structural element of the program that determines what is necessary for the implementation of this educational field methodological and teaching aids, equipment, gaming, didactic material, TSO.
The bibliography is a structural element of the program, including a list of literature used by the author.
3.9. Group calendar plan (form approved by the Protocol of the Pedagogical Council of the educational organization).

Calendar plan

Algorithm for drawing up a calendar plan for a teacher of a preschool educational institution

sheet 1 - Title page

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 6 “Bell” of a combined type municipal district Neya city and Neya district of Kostroma region

Calendar plan

educational activities with pupils of the senior group “Thumbelina”

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Teachers Tatyana Borisovna Vinogradova

Ershova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Junior teacher Berezina Elena Vladimirovna

sheet 2 - Methodological support for educational activities

(comprehensive program, partial programs), the main activity of the preschool educational institution for the year, tasks

sheet 3 - GCD schedule for the week

sheet 4 - Daily routine

sheet 5 - List of children in the group (full name of the child, date of birth, health group, height group, results of examination of children’s speech)

sheet 6 - Sound pronunciation table

sheet 7 – planned for the week:

    topic of the week

    the purpose of educational activities with students

    education of cultural and hygienic skills, hardening procedures

    working with parents

    complex of morning exercises (file card no. or text)

    physical education lesson (file card no. or text)

    finger gymnastics (card index number or text)

    breathing exercises (file card no. or text)

    gymnastics for the eyes (card number or text)

    posture exercises (index card no. or text)

    awakening gymnastics complex (card index number or text)

    final event on the topic of the week.

Before approaching the design and writing of a teacher’s work program, it is important to know the basic concepts that exist in preschool education.

1) Main educational program - developed by methodological scientists. Preschool institutions take it as a basis for developing their own educational program, taking into account the regional component and local conditions (for example, “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa; “Origins”, “Rainbow”, etc.).

2) Educational program of the preschool educational institution - a management document that establishes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing the educational process. Developed by the head of the preschool educational institution and the creative team.

3) Teacher's work program – developed by a teacher based on the educational program of the preschool educational institution. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level (in our case, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which has been in effect since January 1, 2014). The work program is a normative document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.

Regulatory documents regulating the activities of educational institutions and teachers :

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

9) educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (scope, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects, courses , disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials;

Article 48. Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff

1. Teaching staff are obliged :

1) carry out their activities at a high professional level,ensure the full implementation of the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program .

Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees dated October 31, 2010 Section: job responsibilities:

Teacher-speech therapist -Implements educational programs.

Educational psychologist - Maintains documentation in the prescribed form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and age-gender characteristics of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements.

Educator (including the senior) - Develops a plan (program) of educational work with a group of students and pupils.

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (order dated 10/17/13, valid from 01/01/2014) - contains requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education, and therefore the requirements for drawing up a teacher’s work program.

Often, novice educators have a very difficult time in terms of maintaining documentation in a preschool educational institution, since an incredible amount of paperwork needs to be filled out and maintained. And no one cares that the main task of a teacher is to love and educate the children of his group; in our country, paperwork becomes more and more voluminous every year for both preschool teachers and teachers. What documentation should be kept and how? Let's figure it out.

Due to the fact that state standards have been introduced into the educational process, for kindergartens this is the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, maintaining documentation of a preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is a necessary stage of work. But record keeping can be a stumbling block for young, inexperienced educators. But properly designed plans are not designed to make the teacher’s work more difficult, but to make it easier. This is where the paradox arises. Why doesn’t the Ministry of Education themselves develop at least rough plans, to which it remains to make adjustments in accordance with the specifics of the group. It’s unlikely that they need it; it’s always easier to push the work onto those lower on the career ladder. But that's not what we're talking about now. In the end, documentation still needs to be maintained, the system requires it.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the teacher must maintain and document:

1. Local acts– this is a folder with instructions: job description, occupational safety, health and life protection of children, modeled on your preschool institution. It is done once and updated periodically. Shelf life is permanent.

The list of basic documentation for the educator includes local acts to ensure the activities of the educator:

1.1. Job description of a teacher.

1. 2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children.

1.3. Labor protection instructions.

2. Documentation on the organization of the teacher’s work:

2.1. The work program, which was drawn up as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education by age group for 1 academic year. It reflects the main directions of educational work with children of a certain age. Take, for example, the work program “From birth to school” as a basis and, based on the general program, you need to create such a document for your group.

Comprehensive thematic planning.
It is built on a thematic principle and allows the teacher not only to systematically solve assigned tasks and easily introduce regional and ethnocultural components, but also, depending on the characteristics of his preschool institution, at his own discretion, partially or completely change topics or topic names.
Complex thematic plans are plans for working with children by season and week of each month, where general areas of work are recorded. That is, what do you want to achieve each month.

Calendar plan for educational work.
To specify and adjust the educational work provided for by the comprehensive thematic plan, the teacher uses a calendar plan in his work. For ease of use of the plan, the teacher divides it into two parts: the first and second half of the day.
To write a plan, it is recommended, in addition to a comprehensive thematic plan, to use a cyclogram of the group’s educational activities (it is not mandatory, but very convenient and helps the teacher correctly plan his work with children during the day.)
In the first half of the day, the teacher plans conversations, individual and joint activities, reading fiction, morning exercises, finger exercises, articulatory gymnastics, didactic games, instilling cultural and hygienic skills, walking.
In the afternoon - invigorating gymnastics, conversations, individual work, experimentation, role-playing and didactic games, walks, work with parents.

The calendar plan for educational activities is already specific detailed plan on every day. It must be consistent with the work program and comprehensive thematic plan. Here we write down everything that we will do with the children during the day: exercise, activities, games, walks, routine moments, work with parents, etc.

2.3. Model of organizing educational activities (grid of classes).

The activity grid simplifies the planning of educational activities and is a table by day of the week, in which we enter all activities, including music, physical education

It helps the teacher systematize work with children during the current month. According to the requirement of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” on the maximum permissible volume of educational activities, the load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups should not exceed 30-40 minutes, in senior and preparatory - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous and educational activities are at least 10 minutes.

2.4. Evaluation of the results of mastering the program

Pedagogical diagnostics.
Each teacher constantly studies his students while working. Such work is carried out during observations of the activity of children in spontaneous and specially organized activities. For this purpose, the documentation of the kindergarten teacher includes observation cards of child development, which make it possible to record the individual dynamics and development prospects of each child during various types activities (speech, cognitive, artistic, gaming, design and physical development)
During educational activities, teachers must create diagnostic situations in order to assess the individual dynamics of children and adjust their actions.
Example - ready-made observation cards of child development with recommendations for building an individual development trajectory for each child for all age groups for an approximate basic general education program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Pedagogical diagnostics folder - here are cards of observations of children, diagnostics and recommendations.

2.5. Teacher's portfolio

In a modern preschool institution, teachers have to work in conditions of constant competition. In most cases, a kindergarten teacher’s portfolio is a folder that is created and updated by a preschool teacher in order to improve their qualifications, for which proof of work activity is required. We can also say that a teacher’s portfolio is a kind of form for teacher certification, with which you can present materials from your work, courses attended, achieved successes. The teacher’s portfolio is located in the group or in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution. Shelf life is permanent.

2.6. Creative folder for self-education (Shelf life - permanent).

Any profession requires self-improvement, and even more so work related to children. One of the ways to improve the professional skills of teachers is self-education. This is the purposeful work of the teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences. During the academic year or other period of time, the teacher must study in depth a problem, the solution of which causes him certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest. Timely completion of this document also helps in collecting materials for teacher certification. Select a topic and gradually fill the folder with materials

3. Documentation on organizing work with preschool children.

3.1. Attendance sheet.

It is necessary in order, firstly, to record the number of children in the group daily. This helps ensure that children are fed and parental fees are paid.
Secondly, it is easier for the teacher to focus on conducting classes and distributing material for each child.
Thirdly, it helps to track the incidence of children in certain periods, outline the nurse’s work aimed at improving their health, and during the adaptation period, identify unreasonable omissions that complicate the child’s successful adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. Individual information about parents and pupils.

Documentation of a preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education necessarily involves identifying information not only about children, but also about parents.

In officially accepted practice in special magazine Usually the following information is available about children attending the group:
- surname, first name of the child;
- Date of Birth;
- residential address and telephone numbers;
- Full names of parents, grandparents;
- parents’ place of work and telephone numbers;
- social status families (number of children in the family, living conditions, complete - not complete family).

The teacher should, in a tactful conversation, find out information from the parents and reflect it in the journal. Moreover, the received data cannot be disclosed; this information must be confidential. Now parents are also required to provide written consent to the processing of personal data.

The information obtained helps the teacher neutralize possible negative impact family situation for the child, if any. And you can understand the child better if you know more about his living conditions and the status of his parents.

3.3. Age list of children.

The composition of children in the same group is heterogeneous in age, and sometimes the difference can reach up to a year. The teacher must take into account the age of each child in the group, since the difference in age affects the characteristics of the individual approach to each of the children. A simple age list can help prevent some very serious problems in the group.

3.4. Health sheet for group pupils.

In practice, it is important to develop a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their health status. For this purpose, groups have so-called "Health sheets", which are filled out by medical personnel. After all, as a rule, children do not attend preschool educational institutions due to illness. Medical staff and educators must work closely with each other. Without this relationship, competent health work is impossible.
The doctor distributes children into health groups. Based on the results of medical examinations (conducted 2 times a year in kindergarten groups and 4 times a year in early age groups), depending on the nature and severity of deviations in the children’s health, the doctor gives recommendations, documenting them.
IN practical work For educators, it is the recommendations that are important, not the clinical diagnosis. (it is a medical secret). All of the above is reflected in "Health sheet" for each child.

3.5. Journal of hardening events

The journal of hardening activities helps to purposefully carry out health-improving activities with children while respecting the individual characteristics of the child.

3.6. Seating scheme for children at tables.

As you know, for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of visual impairment, the correct seating of children at the table is of no small importance, for which a set of furniture is selected for each child (height of table and chair). The height and weight of children are determined 2 times a year, respectively, a set of furniture should be determined 2 times a year. For this, we need a scheme for seating children at tables, which is adjusted as necessary depending on changes in the physical condition of the children in the group.

3.7. Group daily routine.

Daily routine for warm and cold period time is necessary for rational duration and reasonable alternation of various types of activities and rest of children during the day.

3.8. Children's stool map and morning filter (only for children under 3 years old).

A children's stool map and morning filter allows you to identify a child's illness at an early stage and take measures to preserve the health of the children's group. Morning filter in others age groups carried out and filled out only during the epidemiological period.

3.9. Adaptation sheet.

For the period of adaptation of children, another type of document is introduced - an adaptation sheet. It notes the date of admission of the child, his time spent in the preschool educational institution, and behavioral characteristics in a symbolic manner. Timely analysis of this document helps teachers identify and eliminate or smooth out the child’s adaptation problem. Based on the analysis, joint work is coordinated “teacher – physician – psychologist – parents”.

3.10. Register of reception and care of children signed by parents.

The daily morning reception of children should be carried out by educators who interview parents about the state of health of the children, examine the pharynx, skin, if indicated, measure body temperature. In nursery groups, admission takes place with daily measurement of body temperature. During an influenza epidemic, body temperature is measured daily in all age groups. Children identified during examination with suspected illness are not admitted to kindergarten, and those who are ill during the day are isolated from healthy children in an isolation ward until their parents arrive.

4. Documentation on organizing interaction with families of pupils.

4.1. Interaction with parents of group students.

The content of work with parents is planned for a month or a week. It should be indicated on what days and what will be done by each teacher of the group, and what general garden events will be held. Moreover, it is necessary to write not only those events that are carried out by the teacher, but also by the specialists working in this group. Regardless of who conducts the classes, the organizer will in any case be the teacher.

Work can be scheduled in various forms carrying out:

Parent meetings,
- consultations (individual, group,
- workshops,
- thematic exhibitions,
- occasional conversations with parents,
- interest clubs,
- joint holidays,
- entertainment and leisure,
- survey,
- parent gatherings,
- trainings
- excursions,
- hiking trips,
- participation of parents in the social life of the group, etc.

How many events to plan is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Work in kindergarten with parents should be planned in accordance with the annual goals of the institution. You can find out about the joint activities of raising adults, which can be organized in a variety of traditional and innovative forms, in the program "From birth to school".

- master classes
- trainings
- assemblies,
- evenings of music and poetry,
- visits by families to family subscription program events organized by cultural and art institutions, at the request of the kindergarten;
- family living rooms,
- festivals,
- family clubs,
- question and answer evenings,
- salons, studios,
- holidays (including family,
- walks, excursions,
- project activities,
- family theater.

4.2. Minutes of parent group meetings.

The minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten are an important document. Its preparation must be approached responsibly and competently. Any decision becomes valid only if there is a protocol. It must always be carried out, regardless of the degree of importance of the issues being discussed. The protocol notebook is started during the formation of the group and is maintained until graduation from kindergarten. It is numbered page by page, filed, sealed with the seal of the kindergarten and the signature of the head.

Protocol drawing up plan:

Full name of the institution
- Date of the meeting at the preschool educational institution
- List of those present (teachers, administration, parents)
- Topic of the meeting (agenda)
- List of speakers (educators, medical worker, speech therapist, educational psychologist, heads of clubs, studios, parents, etc.)
- Solutions
- Signature of the secretary, teacher, and chairman of the parent committee

All protocols are kept by the teacher.

All this documentation can be divided into mandatory and recommended. But what is mandatory and what is not is decided not by the teacher, but by the authorities.

For competent planning and documentation, you need to firmly know the subject of the documentation: the work program of your kindergarten, on the basis of which almost all other documents are based.

The following documentation is required:

Calendar plan of educational activities for the group;
- Teacher’s work program for his group;
- Children's attendance sheet.

Recommended documentation that may or may not be kept:

Information and regulatory folder: local acts, job descriptions, safety, health, etc.;
- Planning and analysis folder: information about the children, about the parents, a plan for hardening and other routine moments, a schedule of classes, a scheme for seating the children at the table, adaptation sheets, a register for the reception of children, etc.;
- Methodological support for the educational process: a comprehensive thematic plan of work, a list of programs, technologies, author’s developments, materials for pedagogical diagnostics, a teacher’s portfolio, materials for self-education, work with parents and everything you have.

If you are not a fan of long texts, you can switch to cards. This is not prohibited and very convenient. A file of work with parents, a grid of activities, work plans can be drawn up in the form of separate sheets of cardboard with written activities.

An example of comprehensive thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

An example of how to create a comprehensive thematic plan for October for the middle group. We use the same principle to prepare for other months, but take on other tasks.

So, October:

Week 1-2 theme “Autumn”. Contents of the work: expand children’s ideas about autumn as a time of year, give an understanding of different signs and features weather phenomena autumn, teach to establish basic connections between living and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations of nature, note its changes and beauty. Give an idea of ​​the professions of agriculture and forestry. Expand knowledge about seasonal vegetables and fruits, including exotic ones. Introduce autumn flowers. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and its gifts. Generate basic information about ecology.

Events: matinee “Autumn”, exhibition of crafts from natural materials, Harvest project, targeted walks.

Week 3 theme: “The ABCs of Politeness.” Contents of the work: developing an idea of ​​moral and ethical standards, developing friendly relations between all students. Strengthen positive habits: saying hello, thanking, expressing requests correctly, etc. Filling out a development card for each child.

Activity: role-playing games"Polite Bear" puppet show"Hello!" Development of an individual development sheet for each child.

Week 4 theme: “My favorite toys.” Contents of the work: improvement and development of play activities of preschool children. Formation of knowledge and practical communication skills between peers and with adults through play. Expand gaming techniques and enrich children's experience in gaming activities. To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in the direction of independent development of new game plots. Reinforce educational material through didactic games.

Events: celebration of folk games and festivities, competitions in folk outdoor games, a set of didactic and role-playing games.

What does a calendar plan look like for each day?

Calendar-thematic plans for each day are designed in different ways; there are ready-made magazines for sale, lined up. Typically the columns are as follows: month, day of week, day. The theme of the week is in accordance with the long-term plan, for example, as I wrote above “Autumn”, “The ABC of Politeness”, “My Favorite Toys” for October.

Then the columns are as follows: vertically - joint activities of the teacher and children, organization of a subject-development environment, support for the child’s individuality. There may be other columns at your discretion. For example, by goals: social-communicative, cognitive-speech, physical and aesthetic development.

If we choose the second option for recording the plan, then what can we write in the column “ Cooperative activity"on the topic “Autumn” in the line cognitive and speech development: Observation “Autumn trees”, examining the leaves, bark of trees that are on the site, learning to determine the difference between a tree and a bush, characterizing the shape of the leaves different plants, color. Encouraging children to actively communicate. We listen to the rustling of leaves, the sound of the wind, and develop sensory sensations.

Research activity: “What do trees like?” We find out what conditions are suitable for tree growth. We develop cognitive abilities, the ability to observe, analyze, and express our thoughts.

Problem situation: autumn is a controversial time of year. We learn to analyze the cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena and people’s attitudes towards them, we try to analyze the pros and cons of autumn, and we develop the ability to prove our point of view.
Conversations on the theme of autumn. There can be many topics, I won’t list them.

FEMP: learning to count, compare quantities, in general, according to the lesson plan. Didactic games. Also a great variety, define as you wish.

This is just one column filled in. You also need to fill out the rest, based on the program and long-term plan, as well as the schedule of classes. Difficult for a beginner, right?

On our website you can find 7 gurus ready plan and simply rewrite it, changing the dates and modifying it to suit your group.

Nomenclature of methodological documentation for senior educator

The senior teacher’s information can be roughly divided into the following blocks.

Work with personnel.
Scientific and methodological support of the scientific and educational process.
Contents of upbringing and education of preschool children.
Interaction with family and community.

Each of these information blocks must be supplemented in accordance with the specifics of a particular preschool institution.

Work with personnel

1. Information about personnel
2. Information on awards, incentives and financial incentives for employees
3. Certification of teaching staff
4. Information about self-education of teachers
5. Information on the participation of teachers in methodological work
6. Information on staff development
7. Social work employees (public relations)

Scientific and methodological support of the scientific and educational process

1. Educational program of the preschool educational institution.
2. Instructional and directive documents, literature, manuals, etc.
3. Plan of methodological activities for the year (block of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution).
4. Notes of open classes and routine moments.
5. Long-term plans, notes, developments to help educators in all sections of the education and training program for preschoolers.
6. Advanced teaching experience in sections.
7. Information about events in the methodological center of the city (district).

1. Arranged in accordance with the sections of the program in which the preschool institution operates. Pedagogical analysis This information involves studying the state of work and an objective assessment of the results of the pedagogical process.
monitoring analyzes

Children's readiness for school. Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.
The organization of work of teachers with children in the preparatory group for school and their parents occupies a special place in the plans of the kindergarten.

This block information support may include the following materials:

1. Results of examination (diagnosis) of children entering school.
2. System of methodological work with educators.
3. Practical materials to help educators.
4. Folders for parents (“Getting ready for school”, “Raising a future student”, “Advice from doctors”, etc.).
5. Plan of joint activities between kindergarten and school.

Interaction with families of pupils and the public.

1. Information about the composition of the pupils’ families (complete, single-parent, large, etc.).
2. Materials on organizing parent meetings, lectures, conversations with parents, and other forms of work.
3. Plan for working with disadvantaged families.
4. Work plan of the parent committee.


table No. 1

Frame Information



Job title



Home address




Work experience



Incomplete higher

Wed. specialist.



In this institution


table No. 2

Information about rewards, incentives and material incentives.



Job title

Types of awards


table No. 3



Job title

Certification plan by academic year

Certification results

In what form are they presented?

Certification of teaching staff

table No. 4

Information about self-education of preschool teachers



Job title

Self-education topic

Report form and deadline

table No. 5


on the participation of teachers in methodological work



Speeches at the teachers' meeting

Preparation and conduct of training exercises

Working in a creative group

Generalization of teaching experience

Participation in

Showing work with


Presentation of experience in print, video recording, etc.




Review competition
