The interpretation of astrological charts is based on the fact that “ characters» Astrology, in particular, the planets, are symbols that are displayed in a specific way for each specific problem. So, for example, the Sun in Mundan astrology symbolizes the head of state, and in natal astrology— individuality, creative potential of a person, a father. The Moon in natal astrology can be a symbol of the mother, a way of behavior, and so on. A lot of different examples of this kind can be cited, but no matter what side specific situations This or that planet has not turned towards us, it always retains something inherent only to it: the Sun will always be the Sun, the Moon - the Moon, Uranus - Uranus.

This “something” is, first of all, the principle of the planet. We have already talked about the principles and expressed them using numbers, and now we will look at the symbolism of the principles expressed by the names of the planets. By the principle of a planet we will understand such a characteristic of it that is inherent only to this planet (planet means...) and allows us to interpret from the most general positions its properties and “behavior” within the framework of each specific task, for example, when studying the specifics of human thinking, state his health, rational professional orientation, family life and so on.

The principles of the planets will allow you to see the functions that certain planets can take on (the planet performs...), and the roles played by them. If the principles of the planets in the most general sense symbolize their essence, then their functions, directly resulting from the principles, are symbols of what the planets can “do,” and the roles of the planets characterize the specific manifestation of their principles (the planet is...).

This trinity of approaches to the description of planets (three ways of their implementation) allows us to identify their characteristics with the properties of the Zodiac crosses. It is obvious that the roles of the planets associated with their manifestation reflect their properties, the principles that are constant and basic characteristics -, and the various functions -.

If the principle of the planet is universal, then its functions and roles are diverse and depend on the specifics of the task in which the principle is implemented, for example, professional suitability, family relationships, specific thinking, health, financial situation, and so on. We will consider the functions and roles of the planets, as well as the principles, in the most general terms, which will make it possible to determine their numerical symbolism for each planet, using the material of the previous chapters.

The basis for determining the principle of planets, as well as their functions and roles, will be based on traditional ideas about the planets, their properties and qualities, set out in the works of various astrologers, from up to our contemporaries. Of course, we will use the generalized results of this literature review.

We should not forget that the planets visible to the naked eye, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, have been known to people since time immemorial; an incalculable number of their complete cycles have passed since astrology began to study them. Therefore, their properties and qualities are well known and modern researchers can only add to them nuances associated with their own understanding of their essence and ways of manifestation, with a new angle from which they can be viewed. The situation is different with the recently discovered (1781), (1846) and (1932) and, even more so, with Proserpine and the twelfth planet not yet discovered by astronomy. If since its discovery Uranus has managed to make two full cycle, then Neptune only completes, and Pluto begins first. And although modern astronomy and history allow us to conduct a retrospective analysis of the “behavior” of these planets, it will take a lot of effort and time to know and understand the higher planets, especially those that have not yet been discovered, as well as the planets.

Let's consider the planets from the Sun to Pluto, the characteristics of which have been studied to one degree or another today.


1 Principle. The most characteristic feature of the Sun, which no other planet possesses, is the need and ability for self-expression, for individual creativity, not related to external causes and circumstances. It is the creator of everything that is on earth. It is creativity that is the principle of the Sun. The number symbolizing individual creativity and, therefore, the principle of the Sun is “five”.

2 Function. Any creativity requires implementation, and one of the properties of the Sun is the need to be, and to be an individual, different from everything else living, the need for external expression. Therefore, the function of the Sun is the creative realization of individuality. Let me remind you that the number symbolizing realization is “four.”

3 Role. Traditionally, the Sun is considered the center and source of life, the basis of integrity, a symbol of inspiration, active and hot planet external manifestation.

Therefore, it is associated with the need and desire (intention) for the creative realization of individuality. If this is so, then the role of the Sun is to be the primary creative impulse of individual manifestation, and the numerical symbol of the original impulse is “one.”


1 Principle. According to traditional ideas, the Moon is a symbol of all adaptation mechanisms, psychological, symbolizing the subconscious, social, determining human behavior and response, biological, being associated with nutrition, and so on. This property is inherent only to the Moon and is decisive for it, therefore, the principle of the Moon is adaptation. What is adaptation from the standpoint of individuality? This is an ability and a desire (not an intention, as in the case of the Sun, but a desire that has emotional coloring) to optimally realize in the external world all of one’s internal capabilities, all the properties and qualities inherent in it (individuality). In other words, adaptation is a process of implementation and the numerical symbol of the Moon principle is “four”, which coincides with the symbol of the Sun function.

2 Function. Since the principle of the Moon is adaptation to the conditions of existence, its function is survival, individual life. That is why in specific tasks it symbolizes everything that contributes to this - mother, homeland, home, the nature of emotional reactions, the most comfortable place and circumstances of existence, and so on. To realize individual life, it is necessary to automatically, without the participation of consciousness (without using a conscious analysis of the situation, instinctively) manifest one’s uniqueness, the creative solar principle. The manifestation of individuality and creative potential, as well as creativity itself, as the principle of the Sun, is symbolized by the “five”.

3 Role.

The moon gives a person the appearance of life, gives the solar creative impulse an external form of expression, determining the specifics of the emotional state and behavior, and their changes. In this sense, the roles of the Sun and Moon are oppositional - the Sun symbolizes content, and the Moon symbolizes form, here the Sun is active, and the Moon is passive. Consequently, the role of the Moon can be defined as an appearance, a form of manifestation, and the numerical symbol of this role will be “two”.


1 Principle. The most Mercury-specific “character” trait is traditionally considered to be the ability to establish relationships. Myths also said that Mercury (Hermes) is an intermediary between Olympus and the earth, a messenger of the gods, connecting their world with the world of people by transmitting information (commands of the gods to people, requests of people to the gods). In other words, it connects systems and processes of various levels of the hierarchy, for example, giving continuous information a discrete form (expressing images in words and signs - analysis and thinking), defining interactions such as superior-subordinate, person-organism (hygiene), organism-organs (diseases). ), teacher-student. This suggests that the principle of Mercury is interconnection, harmonizing vertical relationships in hierarchical systems, and the number symbolizing this is “six”.

2 Function. The implementation of the Mercury principle, the relationship between the integrity of various levels of the hierarchy, requires the establishment of contacts between them. And this requires precisely those properties of which it is traditionally a symbol - rational thinking, the ability to create mental constructs, collect information, formulate thoughts, separate the main from the secondary, the desire and ability to understand the interlocutor, activity and mediation abilities. These qualities are realized in different ways in specific tasks - in science and business, in journalism and biology, in interaction between people, but no matter how they are realized, they are always aimed at establishing contacts and exchanging information or material values, at shaping the efforts of various integrity for solving such problems. Thus, the function of Mercury is to create opportunities for contact and exchange, which is symbolized by the number TRI.


1 Principle. Venus, due to astrological tradition, is considered a symbol of beauty and harmony. What is important here, however, is the way they are defined. If, for example, harmony is determined as a result of a detailed analysis of compliance with some standards, if it can be “checked by algebra,” then this is the harmony of Mercury and Saturn, if “beautiful is when there is a lot,” then this is the Jupiterian understanding of beauty. Beauty and harmony, determined by external criteria, have nothing to do with Venus; she (Venus) symbolizes the internal, intuitive understanding and feeling of the beauty of things and the harmony of relationships, mutual correspondence. These properties give her the opportunity to freely, regardless of other people’s opinions and prevailing ideas, choose one of existing options the implementation of any manifested partnership (Venus is not Neptune, she does not hide anything) and the method of conscious behavior (unconscious behavior is symbolized by the Moon), gives the ability to formalize relationships.

This choice is designed to harmonize the relationship between the internal and the external; it allows you to intuitively, based on your own internal criteria, evaluate the prospective partner and the situation that has arisen, separating what is yours from what is not yours. Choice is the principle of Venus, and its numerical symbol, as follows from the above, is “seven”.

2 Function. If the principle of Venus, choice, is associated with the harmony of relationships, then its function is more focused on the realization of beauty, the creation of forms that are beautiful and, naturally, harmonious. This concerns the forms of things and relationships, external design internal properties (opposition content-form) and possibilities, that which belongs to itself. That is why the symbolism of Venus is associated with the accumulation of everything one has - knowledge, energy, strength, material assets. Material values ​​themselves and their generalized expression, money, are also symbolized by Venus. All this suggests that the function of Venus, the design, symbolizes, as well as the role of the Moon, the number TWO.

3 Role. As shown above, the principle of Venus is choice. In accordance with her principle, Venus intuitively evaluates what is presented to her, isolates what is unsuitable, ignores what is alien, and selects for herself what, according to her criteria, seems to be her own. What is presented to Venus, which symbolizes beauty and harmony, in other words, aesthetic values? Everything that requires evaluation and sorting is the result of one’s own and collective experience. Being a symbol aesthetic perception and forming the values ​​of culture, Venus selects what is significant (her own) for each specific integrity - for lovers of poetry there is no beauty in the formulation of a theorem and the elegance of its proof, a music lover will not feel the beauty of a goal scored, for an adherent of any system of religious ideas the harmony of another religion is not essential, specificity national culture may not be perceived by representatives of other nations. This, of course, does not mean that an athlete cannot love and understand music, and every mathematician is indifferent fiction(a person is complex, his interests and passions are diverse), that the specifics of cultures and religions can only be studied from the inside, we are simply now considering the positions of isolated entities, specific communities.

As a result of the selection carried out by Venus, it becomes possible to develop integrity (for example, culture), the quality of its forms and content, that is, if we use familiar terms, a new impulse is formed that will give impetus to the next cycle of development (for example, Russian literature after Pushkin). The symbol of action that generalizes collective experience based on the internal criteria of specific communities and leads to the emergence of a new impulse that initiates their development is the number “twelve.” It is difficult to find a term in the language that fully corresponds to the role of Venus and characterizes it (the role), and Venus itself does not allow the use of cumbersome and ugly constructions. Therefore, for this purpose we will use a word that at least approximately corresponds to the role of Venus, the word “appraiser”.


1 Principle. Traditionally, Mars symbolizes the will to act and the active force, the action itself. This will to action is not associated with external motivating reasons, and the force (its action) is aimed at implementing the choice made by Venus. If Venus chooses a path, then Mars moves along it, not paying attention to obstacles, if Venus chooses a form (for example, jewelry), then Mars does the work of creating it, if Venus chooses war or confrontation, then Mars fights, if Venus chooses a partner, then Mars implements joint actions (for example, in sex life or in business). If a choice is not made, a decision is not made, then Mars “does not know” what to do. Thus, the principle of Mars is action aimed at realizing choice. The characteristics of Mars and the semantic opposition of its principle to the principle of Venus (choice-execution) indicate that the numerical symbol of the principle of this planet is “eight”.

2 Function. Mars acts when there is an internal impulse prompting it to do so, external reasons do not matter to him, he does not evaluate them (this is the business of Venus and Jupiter). The nature of this impulse can be different; it may be the primary creative solar impulse, but it may also be the initial impulse of the beginning cycle, which does not externally determine motivated action, associated with the desire and need to bring new opportunities to life and into action. Therefore, we can say that the function of Mars is to manifest power, including the power of self-expression, and corresponds to the symbolism of the “one”.

3 Role. If the principle of Mars is action, and the function is the manifestation of force, then what role can this planet play? The activity of Mars is to realize the goal set by someone, to solve the problems set by someone. These can be collective goals or individual goals related to the interests, tasks and goals of some community, that is, determined by external circumstances, then these goals are set by Jupiter, they can be formed as a result of one’s own choice, then they are determined by Venus, the need may arise that - to say, then the task is set by Mercury, and so on. But Mars practically solves problems, realizes goals, this is precisely his role. One could say that Mars is a implementer if such a word existed in the Russian language, but since it does not exist, we will use the term “performer”, which is close in meaning to it.The numerological symbol for the role of Mars is the number ten.


1 Principle. The astrological tradition claims that Jupiter symbolizes purposeful, externally manifested activity (unlike Mars, which simply acts), which requires the ability to see or form a goal, the ability to choose due to external criteria associated with social significance situations, unlike Venus, who chooses intuitively. Such activity always leads to the expansion of everything that Jupiter “reaches”, be it expansion of the territory or zone of influence due to targeted expansion, expansion of the body’s capabilities through the use of compensatory mechanisms, expansion of the possibilities of integrity or individuality due to its inclusion in some community, expansion of intellectual capabilities due to the ability to summarize information. Jupiter has the ability to accumulate unlimited amounts, but not to hide what has been accumulated in a dark corner, but to demonstrate it and thereby emphasize its social, material or other achievements and broad capabilities. This ability to expand everything is specific only to Jupiter, because expansion is its principle. The number that is a symbol of the Jupiter principle is “nine”.

2 Function. Jupiter's ability to choose, using external reasons as a criterion for choice, allows him to judge what is useful for the implementation of his principle - expanding the capabilities of any integrity, be it an individual or a community. To develop this judgment, it is necessary to generalize the results of the past cycle of development of this integrity and correlate the resulting generalization with the external, demonstrated interests, its goals. And after the choice is made, Jupiter generously, without stinting, gives what is chosen, what allows you to create the conditions for further development integrity, the initial impulse of his new cycle. It should be noted that since the choice is made by Jupiter due to external criteria, it happens that external, apparent benefit does not fit in with internal qualities, properties and needs of integrity. Remember from Burns:

Therefore, an adequate initial impulse is formed not only by Jupiter; this requires the participation of other planets, primarily Venus, which selects according to internal criteria. But the formation of such an impulse without the participation of Jupiter is impossible, otherwise the integrity will be closed and cannot exist in the outside world.In other words, if the verbal symbol of the function of Jupiter is the term "development", then its numerological symbol, as well as the symbol of the role of Venus, is the number "twelve".

3 Role. We have already said that Jupiter’s ability to accumulate (knowledge, material values, opportunities) social plan), to expand its own in a broad sense wealth, appropriation and development are not limited. He is a symbol of abundance and growth. According to Jupiter, his home is the whole world and he is its master, infinitely generous towards those he likes (but woe to those who do not like them, their misfortunes are also unlimited). And only Saturn can restrain Jupiter’s desire for endless movement outward, locking him into the framework of any structure and defining the true boundaries of his home, the boundaries of the space where he can dominate and whose internal resources he can realize.

Thus, we see that the role of Jupiter is to realize the internal capabilities of any integrity, in contrast to Mars, whose role is to realize a goal or desire. And the realization of internal capabilities, as follows from the properties of the phases of cycles and signs of the Zodiac, is symbolized by the number “four”. The very role of Jupiter is the master.


1 Principle. Saturn symbolizes limitation in time (everything that once began must end someday, everything passes) and in space (nothing should go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted). Therefore, Saturn limits the targeted expansion of Jupiter and the global expansion of Neptune, putting obstacles in their path and introducing them into acceptable limits, therefore Saturn is structures and forms, the boundaries of their existence, spatial, temporal and legal, and their preservation. Limitation within a given and maintained structure means a place in this structure. For example, for a person this may be a position in a hierarchical system (social position), achieved through labor and effort and determined by available opportunities and resources. In other words, the symbolism of Saturn is associated with the implementation of goals, their implementation, and the solution of assigned tasks. Here the term “incarnation” must be understood as broadly as possible, from embodiment in incarnation (we cannot know exactly its purpose, but we know that it exists, otherwise there would be no incarnation) - Saturn is considered the planet of fate, to the embodiment of a dream or the implementation of a specific plan. The Saturn principle, a limitation associated with the realization of goals in the external world, as well as

the role of Mars is symbolized by the number ten.

2 Function. The Saturn principle allows it to be the force that leads through trials and obstacles to development - obstacles are overcome and limitations are changed over time. But any development is associated with the manifestation of new qualities and capabilities, with the creation of new forms and structures to replace outdated ones, destroyed by time or circumstances.

The function of Saturn is that, creating new structures, it unites and formalizes various and numerous individual manifestations of individual and collective creativity, which at first glance are not related to each other, but are essentially elements of one integrity, in the structuring of entireities. So, for example, the results of individual studies are combined into science, Saturn determines the limits of applicability of certain of its provisions (for example, classical mechanics describes the movement of macroscopic bodies at relatively low speeds) and, based on research results that do not fit into the old framework, forms new directions (for example, quantum mechanics).

The situation is similar in art, for example, Russian literature before and after Pushkin, music before and after Beethoven, the formation of various “isms” in poetry and painting, and trends in architecture. Saturn himself has nothing to do with the emergence of all these innovations, but without him they would have remained separate manifestations of the creative individuality of their creators and discoverers. So, the function of Saturn is structuring, and its numerological symbol is the number “eleven”.

3 Role. Since the Saturn principle is limitation, it symbolizes the norm, the law. Unshakability, fanatical adherence to the norm and the law make it possible to harmoniously, from the standpoint of the law, from external positions, from the standpoint of “possible and impossible”, balance the internal with the external, leading to stability of form. Let us note that Venus is also involved in harmonizing the internal with the external, but she does this from the standpoint of individuality, with internal positions, from the standpoint of “I want or I don’t want,” which can lead to the destruction of the form, to the destructuring of integrity. Saturn limits the freedom of choice of Venus, bringing it into compliance with the law and introducing it into a normative framework, cold-bloodedly and cruelly (the law is harsh, but it is the law) punishing violations.


1 Principle. Uranus is the first of the so-called higher planets, the first planet of the sphere beyond Saturn. Symbolically, this means freedom from the limitations of Saturn, temporal, spatial, causal, legal and so on, the limitations of the manifested, visible world. Therefore, Uranus symbolizes unexpected changes that occur for no apparent reason, independence from canons and rules, revolutions and revolutionary transformations, insights as manifestations of the direct connection of the individual mind with the collective, not limited by prohibitions and obstacles (the collective mind is also called the information field or cosmic consciousness), multiplicity outwardly unrelated to each other and not fitting into existing ideas, structures and forms of facts and phenomena.

This symbolism of Uranus connects it with discoveries and science in general, with the creation of new designs, with a direct and instantaneous connection between different levels of hierarchical systems (vertical communication), with what in the first lecture of our course was called collective creativity, based on the collective mind, collective thinking. Collective thinking in this case refers to the ability of many different people, not connected with each other either in space or in time, independently of each other create fragments of mental structures that can be united into any system and on the basis of which a certain structure can be created (this is how, for example, science is built). The concept of “collective thinking” is constructed in fundamentally the same way as the concept of “collective creativity”. Then we can say that the principle of Uranus is collective thinking, and its numerological symbol is the number “eleven,” which also symbolizes the role of Mercury and the function of Saturn.

2 Function. The principle of Uranus is realized through the revolutionary, decisive and rapid establishment of a new order, liberation from old norms, dogmas and rules, the destruction of old structures that do not meet new ideas and requirements, and the creation of new structures. These new structures come under the jurisdiction of Saturn and are preserved by him until the next surprise shows their inconsistency and destroys them, building something new in the vacant place.

In other words, the function of Uranus is that it implements in the world of Saturn that new thing that it itself brings there, be it scientific discovery, style in art (the style itself, its specificity, is determined by other planets, primarily Venus and Jupiter, but its novelty is Uranus) or public relations. Therefore, the numerological symbol of the function of Uranus, the realization of the new, that which is connected with the principle of this planet and came into the world “from outside”, is the number TEN, a symbol of the role of Mars and the principle of Saturn.

3 Role. In order to realize the principle of Uranus and fulfill its function, it is necessary to ensure a direct connection between the manifested world of Saturn and the “higher” spaces beyond Saturn. We know that the relationship between structures and processes at various levels of the hierarchy is the principle of Mercury, and Mercury in this case transforms, systematizes and comprehends information. Uranus, on the other hand, does not process what it transmits; it conducts information and energy, and if one manages to perceive and use its gifts, then something new is born in the world. So, the role of Uranus is a conductor, and the numerological symbol of this role, as well as the principle of Mercury, is the number “six”.


1 Principle. Neptune is a secret, intuitive knowledge expressed in images, possibly false - “I know that this is so because I know it,” but a person can be mistaken, and the interpretation of an image, a symbol with words and signs is the prerogative of Mercury, and not Neptune. This planet (Neptune) is a symbol of ideals (including social ones) inexpressible in precise words, fantasies, dreams that lead away from reality, not concrete planning followed by action, but dreams (it would be good to live well), unification according to indefinable, hidden criteria for dissolution in the mass.

Really try to give rational definition such a concept as, for example, nationality. How does a German, whose ancestors have lived in Russia for hundreds of years, differ from his Russian neighbor? Yes, nothing, but by nationality, “by blood” he remains (or feels himself?) a German, something elusive, unclear makes him such, makes a person an element of some kind of integrity, characterized by his own system of values ​​and ideas, the same as and its other elements, in in a certain sense indistinguishable from them. Wholeness absorbs its elements and, in a sense, blurs their individual differences.

Of course, what has been said applies not only to nationality, but also to any such kind of association of people, for example, to an association based on religion or confession. In this case, people are united by common ideas about ideals and the universe. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the principle of Neptune is collective existence, the life of some specific homogeneous wholes, environments that differ from each other, but cannot be compared in terms of worse-better, superior-subordinate, right-guilty. They're just different. These environments perceive the outside world in their own way and react to its influence, selecting for themselves what they consider valuable, using and developing it. The material of the previous chapter shows that the principle of Neptune, its characteristics, are symbolized by the number twelve, similar to the function of Jupiter and the role of Venus.

2 Function. Collective existence presupposes life together some integrity. The condition for the successful existence and development of these entities (these are their goals by virtue of the Neptune principle itself) is the expansion of capabilities. It is this work that Neptune does, using for this the resources of each of the elements of the integrity - procreation (increasing its number and conquering living space for it, expanding its habitat), missionary activity, compensatory capabilities of organisms (the absence of clear boundaries for the functioning of their various systems and elements) - all this is an expansion of the capabilities of integrity.

However, this expansion will differ from the expansion characteristic of Jupiter. If Jupiter develops goals determined external conditions and circumstances, synthesizing and generalizing the information received for this purpose, and then purposefully moving in the chosen direction, then Neptune’s goals are determined by the internal, hidden needs of integrity. The expansion of possibilities necessary in this case does not have a Jupiterian direction, it is directed in all directions at the same time and occurs slowly and gradually. Thus, a numerous people, penetrating into foreign territories (without conquering them, then this would be Jupiterian penetration), assimilates small ethnic groups, making some adjustments to their genetic characteristics, the basic religion assimilates their beliefs, while it itself is somewhat transformed and enriched. So, the function of Neptune is assimilation, absorption, which is a form of expansion of collective capabilities, therefore this function is symbolized by the number “nine”.

3 Role. As stated above, Neptune's goals and therefore tasks are determined by the internal needs of integrity. But each individuality is also an integrity, the need of which is creative, individual self-expression.

There are many ways to express yourself like this, various types individual creativity. This is everything that is associated with the creation of something that does not yet exist in the world and cannot appear without the participation of this individuality - the birth of a specific child, the creation of artistic values ​​in any form of art (literature, music, etc.), love that unites people according to unformalized criteria , game, risk. Not a single type of individual creativity (let’s call it artistic), as a result of which something specific and new appears - poetry, music, discovery, can do without the participation and support of Neptune, which is a symbol of fantasy, intuition and, therefore, activating talents. The birth of children, in the sense that this is the realization of a connection “by blood”, the continuation of the family, that is, the expansion of the possibilities of individuality in time, removing it from the influence of Saturn, and the quantitative expansion of the community (family, clan, people, all humanity) is also manifestation of Neptune. Of course, not only Neptune is symbolically involved in the birth of children, for example, the appearance of a new person is an event symbolized by Uranus, the creative manifestation itself is symbolized by the Sun.

It is clear that the symbol of Neptune's role is the number FIVE, and the role itself can be defined as the role of the initiator. Of course, since we are talking about Neptune, there cannot be strict formulations here and its role does not have clear boundaries, but, perhaps, the term “initiator” characterizes it most fully.


1 Principle. Pluto symbolizes the forces that determine and lead the evolution of the visible world. His activity is based on ulterior motives, which he reveals, dispelling omissions and deceptions, identifying honest mistakes and delusions. Pluto, no matter what, realizes externally the possibilities inherent in the system that requires development, sweeping away all obstacles in its path. Therefore, the Pluto principle lies in action, collective or aimed at the interaction of any entities, uniting these entities to achieve common goals. Since the action of Pluto is oriented towards the development of internal properties and capabilities, it is analogous to the action of the original impulse and, therefore, its principle, collective action, just like the role of the Sun and the function of Mars, is symbolized by the “one”.

2 Function. It is generally accepted that Pluto is a symbol not only of external forces, but also of the deepest, most subtle and defining processes and structures (in particular, the most subtle programs of the subconscious). This allows him to distinguish the smallest details and establish the correspondence or inconsistency of the internal with the external, the possibility or impossibility of combining the internal with the external into a single integrity for organizing joint (collective) action.

If the creation of such integrity is impossible, then such a situation is an obstacle to the implementation of the Pluto principle, collective action, and it mercilessly destroys this obstacle, which is why Pluto is associated with irrevocable losses. For example, if internal state If a person does not meet the requirements of the outside world in some way, then the person dies; if the properties of the house do not correspond to the seismic characteristics of the area where it is built, then such a house will be destroyed by the first earthquake. However, if there are any opportunities to create or maintain integrity, then Pluto uses each of them, changing something (possibly violently), transforming and regenerating (for example, body tissue, promoting the healing of wounds).

Thus, it becomes clear global function Pluto, the implementation of which is necessary for the implementation of his principle. This fiction consists in the search for possibilities of combining elements into integrity, in the unification itself and in the destruction as unnecessary of that from which such integrity cannot be created, that is, in the organization of a collective active principle and clearing the space for its activity. Correlating the characteristics of the Pluto function with the properties of the phases of the time cycle and the signs of the Zodiac shows that the symbol of this function is the number “eight”, which also symbolizes the principle of Mars.

3 Role. The role of Pluto follows directly from its principle. Since its principle is collective action, this planet creates the opportunity for the purposeful activity of groups, and for the individual the opportunity to act in the interests of any integrity, using external resources. Consequently, the role of Pluto is symbolized together with the principle of Jupiter and the function of Neptune by the number "nine" and can be defined as an active force.

The interpretation of astrological charts is based on the fact that the “actors” of astrology, in particular the planets, are symbols that are reflected in a specific way for each specific problem. So, for example, the Sun in mundan astrology symbolizes the head of state, and in natal astrology - individuality, the creative potential of a person, a father. The Moon in natal astrology can be a symbol of the mother, a way of behavior, and so on. There are a lot of different examples of this kind that can be cited, but no matter which side this or that planet turns towards us in specific situations, it always retains something unique to it: the Sun will always be the Sun, the Moon will always be the Moon, Uranus will always be Uranus.

This “something” is, first of all, the principle of the planet. We have already talked about the principles and expressed them using numbers, and now we will look at the symbolism of the principles expressed by the names of the planets. By the principle of a planet we will understand such a characteristic of it that is inherent only to this planet (planet means...) and allows us to interpret from the most general positions its properties and “behavior” within the framework of each specific task, for example, when studying the specifics of human thinking, state his health, rational professional orientation, family life and so on.

Principles of the Planets will allow you to see the functions that certain planets can take on (the planet performs...), and the roles played by them. If the principles of the planets in the most general sense symbolize their essence, then their functions, directly following from the principles, are symbols of what the planets can “do”, and roles of planets characterize the specifics of the manifestation of their principles (the planet is...).

This trinity of approaches to the description of planets (three ways of their implementation) allows us to identify their characteristics with the properties of the Zodiac crosses. It is obvious that the roles of the planets associated with their manifestation reflect their cardinal properties, the principles that are constant and basic characteristics are fixed, and the various functions are mutable.

If the principle of the planet is universal, then its functions and roles are diverse and depend on the specifics of the task in which the principle is implemented, for example, professional suitability, family relationships, specific thinking, health, financial situation, and so on. We will consider the functions and roles of the planets, as well as the principles, in the most general terms, which will make it possible to determine their numerical symbolism for each planet, using the material of the previous chapters.

The basis for determining the principle of planets, as well as their functions and roles, will be based on traditional ideas about the planets, their properties and qualities, set out in the works of various astrologers, from Ptolemy to our contemporaries. Of course, we will use the generalized results of this literature review.

We should not forget that the septenary planets, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, visible to the naked eye, have been known to people since time immemorial; an incalculable number of their complete cycles have passed since astrology began to study them. Therefore, their properties and qualities are well known and modern researchers can only add to them nuances associated with their own understanding of their essence and ways of manifestation, with a new angle from which they can be viewed. The situation is different with the recently discovered Uranus (1781), Neptune (1846) and Pluto (1932), and, even more so, with Proserpina and the twelfth planet, not yet discovered by astronomy. If, since its discovery, Uranus has managed to complete two full cycles, then Neptune is just completing, and Pluto is beginning the first. And, although modern astronomy and history make it possible to conduct a retrospective analysis of the “behavior” of these planets, it will still take a lot of effort and time to know and understand the higher planets, especially those that have not yet been discovered, as well as the septenary planets.

Let's consider the planets from the Sun to Pluto, the characteristics of which have been studied to one degree or another today.


1. Principle

The most characteristic feature of the Sun, which no other planet possesses, is the need and ability for self-expression, for individual creativity, not related to external causes and circumstances. It is the creator of everything that is on earth. It is creativity that is the principle of the Sun. The number symbolizing individual creativity and, therefore, the principle of the Sun is “five”.

2. Function

Any creativity requires implementation, and one of the properties of the Sun is the need to be, and to be an individual, different from everything else living, the need for external expression. Therefore, the function of the Sun is the creative realization of individuality. Let me remind you that the number symbolizing realization is “four.”

3. Role

Traditionally, the Sun is considered the center and source of life, the basis of integrity, a symbol of inspiration, an active and hot planet of external manifestation.

Therefore, it is associated with the need and desire (intention) for the creative realization of individuality. If this is so, then the role of the Sun is to be the primary creative impulse of individual manifestation, and the numerical symbol of the original impulse is “one.”


1. Principle

According to traditional ideas, the Moon is a symbol of all adaptation mechanisms, psychological, symbolizing the subconscious, social, determining human behavior and response, biological, being associated with nutrition, and so on. This property is inherent only to the Moon and is decisive for it, therefore, the principle of the Moon is adaptation. What is adaptation from the standpoint of individuality? This is the ability and desire (not intention, as in the case of the Sun, but a desire that has an emotional connotation) to optimally realize in the external world all of its internal capabilities, all its (individuality) properties and qualities. In other words, adaptation is a process of implementation and the numerical symbol of the Moon principle is “four”, which coincides with the symbol of the Sun function.

2. Function

Since the principle of the Moon is adaptation to the conditions of existence, its function is survival, individual life. That is why in specific tasks it symbolizes everything that contributes to this - mother, homeland, home, the nature of emotional reactions, the most comfortable place and circumstances of existence, and so on. To realize individual life, it is necessary to automatically, without the participation of consciousness (without using a conscious analysis of the situation, instinctively) manifest one’s uniqueness, the creative solar principle. The manifestation of individuality and creative potential, as well as creativity itself, as the principle of the Sun, is symbolized by the “five”.

3 . Role

The moon gives a person the appearance of life, gives the solar creative impulse an external form of expression, determining the specifics of the emotional state and behavior, and their changes. In this sense, the roles of the Sun and Moon are oppositional - the Sun symbolizes content, and the Moon symbolizes form, here the Sun is active, and the Moon is passive. Consequently, the role of the Moon can be defined as an appearance, a form of manifestation, and the numerical symbol of this role will be “two”.


1. Principle

The most Mercury-specific “character” trait is traditionally considered to be the ability to establish relationships. Myths also said that Mercury (Hermes) is an intermediary between Olympus and the earth, a messenger of the gods, connecting their world with the world of people by transmitting information (commands of the gods to people, requests of people to the gods). In other words, it connects systems and processes of various levels of the hierarchy, for example, giving continuous information a discrete form (expressing images in words and signs - analysis and thinking), defining interactions such as superior-subordinate, person-organism (hygiene), organism-organs (diseases). ), teacher-student. This suggests that the principle of Mercury is interconnection, harmonizing vertical relationships in hierarchical systems, and the number symbolizing this is “six”.

2. Function

The implementation of the Mercury principle, the relationship between the integrity of various levels of the hierarchy, requires the establishment of contacts between them. And this requires precisely those properties of which it is traditionally a symbol - rational thinking, the ability to create mental constructs, collect information, formulate thoughts, separate the main from the secondary, the desire and ability to understand the interlocutor, activity and mediation abilities. These qualities are realized in different ways in specific tasks - in science and business, in journalism and biology, in interaction between people, but no matter how they are realized, they are always aimed at establishing contacts and exchanging information or material values, at shaping the efforts of various integrity for solving such problems. Thus, the function of Mercury is to create opportunities for contact and exchange, which is symbolized by the number TRI.

3. Role


1. Principle

Venus, due to astrological tradition, is considered a symbol of beauty and harmony. What is important here, however, is the way they are defined. If, for example, harmony is determined as a result of a detailed analysis of compliance with some standards, if it can be “checked by algebra,” then this is the harmony of Mercury and Saturn, if “beautiful is when there is a lot,” then this is the Jupiterian understanding of beauty. Beauty and harmony, determined by external criteria, have nothing to do with Venus; she (Venus) symbolizes the internal, intuitive understanding and feeling of the beauty of things and the harmony of relationships, mutual correspondence. These properties give her the opportunity to freely, regardless of other people’s opinions and prevailing ideas, choose one of the existing options for the implementation of any manifested partnership (Venus is not Neptune, she does not hide anything) and a method of conscious behavior (unconscious behavior is symbolized by the Moon), gives the ability to formalize relationships .

This choice is designed to harmonize the relationship between the internal and the external; it allows you to intuitively, based on your own internal criteria, evaluate the prospective partner and the situation that has arisen, separating what is yours from what is not yours. Choice is the principle of Venus, and its numerical symbol, as follows from the above, is “seven”.

2. Function

If the principle of Venus, choice, is associated with the harmony of relationships, then its function is more focused on the realization of beauty, the creation of forms that are beautiful and, naturally, harmonious. This concerns the forms of things and relationships, the external design of internal properties (content-form opposition) and possibilities, that which belongs to itself. That is why the symbolism of Venus is associated with the accumulation of everything one has - knowledge, energy, strength, material values. Material values ​​themselves and their generalized expression, money, are also symbolized by Venus. All this suggests that the function of Venus, the design, symbolizes, as well as the role of the Moon, the number TWO.

3. Role

As shown above, the principle of Venus is choice. In accordance with her principle, Venus intuitively evaluates what is presented to her, isolates what is unsuitable, ignores what is alien, and selects for herself what, according to her criteria, seems to be her own. What is presented to Venus, which symbolizes beauty and harmony, in other words, aesthetic values? Everything that requires evaluation and sorting is the result of one’s own and collective experience. Being a symbol of aesthetic perception and forming the values ​​of culture, Venus selects what is significant (her own) for each specific integrity - for lovers of poetry there is no beauty in the formulation of a theorem and the elegance of its proof, a music lover will not feel the beauty of a goal scored, for an adherent of any system of religious ideas it is not significant the harmony of another religion, the specifics of national culture may not be perceived by representatives of other nations. This, of course, does not mean that an athlete cannot love and understand music, and every mathematician is indifferent to fiction (a person is complex, his interests and passions are varied), that studying the specifics of cultures and religions can only be done from the inside, we are simply now considering the positions of isolated entities, specific communities.

As a result of the selection carried out by Venus, it becomes possible to develop integrity (for example, culture), the quality of its forms and content, that is, if we use familiar terms, a new impulse is formed that will give impetus to the next cycle of development (for example, Russian literature after Pushkin). The symbol of action that generalizes collective experience based on the internal criteria of specific communities and leads to the emergence of a new impulse that initiates their development is the number “twelve.” It is difficult to find a term in the language that fully corresponds to the role of Venus and characterizes it (the role), and Venus itself does not allow the use of cumbersome and ugly constructions. Therefore, for this purpose we will use a word that at least approximately corresponds to the role of Venus, the word “appraiser”.


1. Principle

Traditionally, Mars symbolizes the will to act and the active force, the action itself. This will to action is not associated with external motivating reasons, and the force (its action) is aimed at implementing the choice made by Venus. If Venus chooses a path, then Mars moves along it, not paying attention to obstacles, if Venus chooses a form (for example, a piece of jewelry), then Mars does the work of creating it, if Venus chooses war or confrontation, then Mars fights, if Venus chooses partner, then Mars implements joint actions (for example, in sexual life or in business). If a choice is not made, a decision is not made, then Mars “does not know” what to do. Thus, the principle of Mars is action aimed at realizing choice. The characteristics of Mars and the semantic opposition of its principle to the principle of Venus (choice-execution) indicate that the numerical symbol of the principle of this planet is “eight”.

2 . Function

Mars acts when there is an internal impulse prompting him to do so; external reasons do not matter to him, he does not evaluate them (this is the case of Venus and Jupiter). The nature of this impulse can be different; it may be the primary creative solar impulse, but it may also be the initial impulse of the beginning cycle, which determines an externally unmotivated action associated with the desire and need to bring new possibilities to life and into action. Therefore, we can say that the function of Mars is to manifest power, including the power of self-expression, and corresponds to the symbolism of the “one”.

3. Role

If the principle of Mars is action, and the function is the manifestation of force, then what role can this planet play? The activity of Mars is to realize the goal set by someone, to solve the problems set by someone. These can be collective goals or individual goals related to the interests, tasks and goals of some community, that is, determined by external circumstances, then these goals are set by Jupiter, they can be formed as a result of one’s own choice, then they are determined by Venus, the need may arise that - to say, then the task is set by Mercury, and so on. But Mars practically solves problems, realizes goals, this is precisely his role. One could say that Mars is a implementer if such a word existed in the Russian language, but since it does not exist, we will use the term “performer”, which is close in meaning to it.

The numerological symbol for the role of Mars is the number ten.


1. Principle

The astrological tradition claims that Jupiter symbolizes purposeful, externally manifested activity (unlike Mars, which simply acts), which requires the ability to see or form a goal, the ability to choose due to external criteria related to the social significance of the situation, in contrast to Venus, which chooses intuitively. Such activity always leads to the expansion of everything that Jupiter “reaches”, be it expansion of the territory or zone of influence due to targeted expansion, expansion of the body’s capabilities through the use of compensatory mechanisms, expansion of the possibilities of integrity or individuality due to its inclusion in some community, expansion of intellectual capabilities due to the ability to summarize information. Jupiter has the ability to accumulate unlimited amounts, but not to hide what has been accumulated in a dark corner, but to demonstrate it and thereby emphasize its social, material or other achievements and broad capabilities. This ability to expand everything is specific only to Jupiter, because expansion is its principle. The number that is a symbol of the Jupiter principle is “nine”.

2. Function

Jupiter's ability to choose, using external reasons as a criterion for choice, allows him to judge what is useful for the implementation of his principle - expanding the capabilities of any integrity, be it an individual or a community. To develop this judgment, it is necessary to generalize the results of the past cycle of development of this integrity and correlate the resulting generalization with the external, demonstrated interests, its goals. And after the choice is made, Jupiter generously, without stinting, gives what is chosen, what allows the formation of conditions for the further development of integrity, the initial impulse of its new cycle. It should be noted that since the choice is made by Jupiter due to external criteria, it happens that external, apparent benefit does not fit in with the internal qualities, properties and needs of integrity. Remember from Burns:

The king appointed his lackey a general,

But he cannot appoint anyone as a nice fellow.

For all that, for all that,

Although he is in braids,

A log will remain a log in both orders and ribbons.

Therefore, an adequate initial impulse is formed not only by Jupiter; this requires the participation of other planets, primarily Venus, which selects according to internal criteria. But the formation of such an impulse without the participation of Jupiter is impossible, otherwise the integrity will be closed and cannot exist in the outside world.

In other words, if the verbal symbol of the function of Jupiter is the term "development", then its numerological symbol, as well as the symbol of the role of Venus, is the number "twelve".

3. Role

We have already said that Jupiter’s ability to accumulate (knowledge, material values, social opportunities), to expand its wealth in the broadest sense, to appropriate and develop, is not limited. He is a symbol of abundance and growth. According to Jupiter, his home is the whole world and he is its master, infinitely generous towards those he likes (but woe to those who do not like them, their misfortunes are also unlimited). And only Saturn can restrain Jupiter’s desire for endless movement outward, locking him into the framework of any structure and defining the true boundaries of his home, the boundaries of the space where he can dominate and whose internal resources he can realize.

Thus, we see that the role of Jupiter is to realize the internal capabilities of any integrity, in contrast to Mars, whose role is to realize a goal or desire. And the realization of internal capabilities, as follows from the properties of the phases of cycles and signs of the Zodiac, is symbolized by the number “four”. The very role of Jupiter is the master.


1. Principle

Saturn symbolizes limitation in time (everything that once began must end someday, everything passes) and in space (nothing should go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted). Therefore, Saturn limits the targeted expansion of Jupiter and the global expansion of Neptune, putting obstacles in their path and introducing them into acceptable limits, therefore Saturn is structures and forms, the boundaries of their existence, spatial, temporal and legal, and their preservation. Limitation within a given and maintained structure means a place in this structure. For example, for a person this may be a position in a hierarchical system (social position), achieved through labor and effort and determined by available opportunities and resources. In other words, the symbolism of Saturn is associated with the implementation of goals, their implementation, and the solution of assigned tasks. Here the term “incarnation” must be understood as broadly as possible, from embodiment in incarnation (we cannot know exactly its purpose, but we know that it exists, otherwise there would be no incarnation) - Saturn is considered the planet of fate, to the embodiment of a dream or the implementation of a specific plan. The Saturn principle, a limitation associated with the realization of goals in the external world, as well as

the role of Mars is symbolized by the number ten.

2. Function

The Saturn principle allows it to be the force that leads through trials and obstacles to development - obstacles are overcome and limitations are changed over time. But any development is associated with the manifestation of new qualities and capabilities, with the creation of new forms and structures to replace outdated ones, destroyed by time or circumstances.

The function of Saturn is that, creating new structures, it unites and formalizes various and numerous individual manifestations of individual and collective creativity, which at first glance are not related to each other, but are essentially elements of one integrity, in the structuring of entireities. So, for example, the results of individual studies are combined into science, Saturn determines the limits of applicability of certain of its provisions (for example, classical mechanics describes the movement of macroscopic bodies at relatively low speeds) and, based on research results that do not fit into the old framework, forms new directions (for example, quantum mechanics).

The situation is similar in art, for example, Russian literature before and after Pushkin, music before and after Beethoven, the formation of various “isms” in poetry and painting, and trends in architecture. Saturn himself has nothing to do with the emergence of all these innovations, but without him they would have remained separate manifestations of the creative individuality of their creators and discoverers. So, the function of Saturn is structuring, and its numerological symbol is the number “eleven”.

3. Role

Since the Saturn principle is limitation, it symbolizes the norm, the law. Unshakability, fanatical adherence to the norm and the law make it possible to harmoniously, from the standpoint of the law, from external positions, from the standpoint of “possible and impossible”, balance the internal with the external, leading to stability of form. Let us note that Venus also deals with the harmonization of the internal with the external, but she does this from the standpoint of individuality, from an internal standpoint, from the standpoint of “want it or don’t want it,” which can lead to the destruction of form, to the destructuring of integrity. Saturn limits the freedom of choice of Venus, bringing it into compliance with the law and introducing it into a normative framework, cold-bloodedly and cruelly (the law is harsh, but it is the law) punishing violations.


1. Principle

Uranus is the first of the so-called higher planets, the first planet of the sphere beyond Saturn. Symbolically, this means freedom from the limitations of Saturn, temporal, spatial, causal, legal, and so on, the limitations of the manifested, visible world. Therefore, Uranus symbolizes unexpected changes that occur for no apparent reason, independence from canons and rules, revolutions and revolutionary transformations, insights as manifestations of the direct connection of the individual mind with the collective, not limited by prohibitions and obstacles (the collective mind is also called the information field or cosmic consciousness), multiplicity outwardly unrelated to each other and not fitting into existing ideas, structures and forms of facts and phenomena.

This symbolism of Uranus connects it with discoveries and science in general, with the creation of new designs, with a direct and instantaneous connection between different levels of hierarchical systems (vertical communication), with what in the first lecture of our course was called collective creativity, based on the collective mind, collective thinking. In this case, collective thinking is understood as the ability of many different people, not connected with each other either in space or in time, to independently create fragments of mental structures that can be united into any system and on the basis of which a certain one can be created. structure (this is how, for example, science is built). The concept of “collective thinking” is constructed in fundamentally the same way as the concept of “collective creativity”. Then we can say that the principle of Uranus is collective thinking, and its numerological symbol is the number “eleven,” which also symbolizes the role of Mercury and the function of Saturn.

2. Function

The principle of Uranus is realized through the revolutionary, decisive and rapid establishment of a new order, liberation from old norms, dogmas and rules, the destruction of old structures that do not meet new ideas and requirements, and the creation of new structures. These new structures come under the jurisdiction of Saturn and are preserved by him until the next surprise shows their inconsistency and destroys them, building something new in the vacant place.

In other words, the function of Uranus is that it implements in the world of Saturn that new thing that it itself brings there, be it a scientific discovery, a style in art (the style itself, its specificity, is determined by other planets, primarily Venus and Jupiter, but its novelty - Uranus) or social relations. Therefore, the numerological symbol of the function of Uranus, the realization of the new, that which is connected with the principle of this planet and came into the world “from outside”, is the number TEN, a symbol of the role of Mars and the principle of Saturn.

3. Role

In order to realize the principle of Uranus and fulfill its function, it is necessary to ensure a direct connection between the manifested world of Saturn and the “higher” spaces beyond Saturn. We know that the relationship between structures and processes at various levels of the hierarchy is the principle of Mercury, and Mercury in this case transforms, systematizes and comprehends information. Uranus, on the other hand, does not process what it transmits; it conducts information and energy, and if one manages to perceive and use its gifts, then something new is born in the world. So, the role of Uranus is a conductor, and the numerological symbol of this role, as well as the principle of Mercury, is the number “six”.


1. Principle

Neptune is a secret, intuitive knowledge expressed in images, possibly false - “I know that this is so because I know it,” but a person can be mistaken, and the interpretation of an image, a symbol with words and signs is the prerogative of Mercury, and not Neptune. This planet (Neptune) is a symbol of ideals (including social ones) inexpressible in precise words, fantasies, dreams that lead away from reality, not concrete planning followed by action, but dreams (it would be good to live well), unification according to indefinable, hidden criteria for dissolution in the mass.

Indeed, try to give a rational definition to such a concept as, for example, nationality. How does a German, whose ancestors have lived in Russia for hundreds of years, differ from his Russian neighbor? Yes, nothing, but by nationality, “by blood” he remains (or feels himself?) a German, something elusive, unclear makes him such, makes a person an element of some kind of integrity, characterized by his own system of values ​​and ideas, the same as and its other elements, in a certain sense indistinguishable from them. Wholeness absorbs its elements and, in a sense, blurs their individual differences.

Of course, what has been said applies not only to nationality, but also to any such kind of association of people, for example, to an association based on religion or confession. In this case, people are united by common ideas about ideals and the universe. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the principle of Neptune is collective existence, the life of some specific homogeneous wholes, environments that differ from each other, but cannot be compared in terms of worse-better, superior-subordinate, right-guilty. They're just different. These environments perceive the outside world in their own way and react to its influence, selecting for themselves what they consider valuable, using and developing it. The material of the previous chapter shows that the principle of Neptune, its characteristics, are symbolized by the number twelve, similar to the function of Jupiter and the role of Venus.

2. Function

Collective existence presupposes the common life of certain entities. The condition for the successful existence and development of these entities (these are their goals by virtue of the Neptune principle itself) is the expansion of capabilities. It is this work that Neptune performs, using for this the resources of each of the elements of integrity - procreation (increasing its number and conquering living space for it, expanding its habitat), missionary activity, compensatory capabilities of organisms (the absence of clear boundaries for the functioning of their various systems and elements ) - all this is an expansion of the capabilities of integrity.

However, this expansion is different from the expansion characteristic of Jupiter. If Jupiter develops goals determined by external conditions and circumstances, synthesizing and generalizing the information received for this, and then purposefully moves in the chosen direction, then Neptune’s goals are determined by the internal, hidden needs of integrity. The expansion of possibilities necessary in this case does not have a Jupiterian direction, it is directed in all directions at the same time and occurs slowly and gradually. Thus, a numerous people, penetrating into foreign territories (without conquering them, then this would be Jupiterian penetration), assimilates small ethnic groups, making some adjustments to their genetic characteristics, the basic religion assimilates their beliefs, while it itself is somewhat transformed and enriched. So, the function of Neptune is assimilation, absorption, which is a form of expansion of collective capabilities, therefore this function is symbolized by the number “nine”.

3. Role

As stated above, Neptune's goals and therefore tasks are determined by the internal needs of integrity. But each individuality is also an integrity, the need of which is creative, individual self-expression.

There are many ways of such self-expression, different types of individual creativity. This is everything that is associated with the creation of something that does not yet exist in the world and cannot appear without the participation of this individuality - the birth of a specific child, the creation of artistic values ​​in any form of art (literature, music, etc.), love that unites people according to unformalized criteria , game, risk. Not a single type of individual creativity (let’s call it artistic), as a result of which something specific and new appears - poetry, music, discovery, can do without the participation and support of Neptune, which is a symbol of fantasy, intuition and, therefore, activating talents. The birth of children, in the sense that this is the realization of a connection “by blood”, the continuation of the family, that is, the expansion of the possibilities of individuality in time, removing it from the influence of Saturn, and the quantitative expansion of the community (family, clan, people, all humanity) is also manifestation of Neptune. Of course, not only Neptune is symbolically involved in the birth of children, for example, the appearance of a new person is an event symbolized by Uranus, the creative manifestation itself is symbolized by the Sun.

It is clear that the symbol of Neptune's role is the number FIVE, and the role itself can be defined as the role of the initiator. Of course, since we are talking about Neptune, there cannot be strict formulations here and its role does not have clear boundaries, but, perhaps, the term “initiator” characterizes it most fully.


1. Principle

Pluto symbolizes the forces that determine and lead the evolution of the visible world. His activity is based on ulterior motives, which he reveals, dispelling omissions and deceptions, identifying honest mistakes and delusions. Pluto, no matter what, realizes externally the possibilities inherent in the system that requires development, sweeping away all obstacles in its path. Therefore, the Pluto principle lies in action, collective or aimed at the interaction of any entities, uniting these entities to achieve common goals. Since the action of Pluto is oriented towards the development of internal properties and capabilities, it is analogous to the action of the original impulse and, therefore, its principle, collective action, just like the role of the Sun and the function of Mars, is symbolized by the “one”.

2. Function

It is generally accepted that Pluto is a symbol not only of external forces, but also of the deepest, most subtle and defining processes and structures (in particular, the most subtle programs of the subconscious). This allows him to distinguish the smallest details and establish the correspondence or inconsistency of the internal with the external, the possibility or impossibility of combining the internal with the external into a single integrity for organizing joint (collective) action.

If the creation of such integrity is impossible, then such a situation is an obstacle to the implementation of the Pluto principle, collective action, and it mercilessly destroys this obstacle, which is why Pluto is associated with irrevocable losses. For example, if a person’s internal state does not meet the requirements of the outside world in some way, then the person dies; if the properties of a house do not correspond to the seismic characteristics of the area where it is built, then such a house will be destroyed by the first earthquake. However, if there are any opportunities to create or maintain integrity, then Pluto uses each of them, changing something (possibly violently), transforming and regenerating (for example, body tissue, promoting the healing of wounds).

Thus, the global function of Pluto becomes clear, the implementation of which is necessary for the implementation of its principle. This fiction consists in the search for possibilities of combining elements into integrity, in the unification itself and in the destruction as unnecessary of that from which such integrity cannot be created, that is, in the organization of a collective active principle and clearing the space for its activity. Correlating the characteristics of the Pluto function with the properties of the phases of the time cycle and the signs of the Zodiac shows that the symbol of this function is the number “eight”, which also symbolizes the principle of Mars.

3. Role

The role of Pluto follows directly from its principle. Since its principle is collective action, this planet creates the opportunity for the purposeful activity of groups, and for the individual the opportunity to act in the interests of any integrity, using external resources. Consequently, the role of Pluto is symbolized together with the principle of Jupiter and the function of Neptune by the number "nine" and can be defined as an active force.

Saul Aizin

Planets in astrology personify the basic drives and inner impulses in the soul of an individual person, behind all actions. Together with the Sun and Moon, the eight planets are the basic elements of astrological knowledge. For ancient people, the planets were gods, and modern astrology sees them as archetypes. They are associated with psychic energy or impulses that we all express in one form or another.

Influence of planets

In traditional astrology, planets were interpreted as either “benefic” or “evil.” The modern approach lacks such a black and white interpretation. Instead, we see in them a reflection of the human soul, which can have many facets. For example, in natal chart Saturn can express itself negatively, in the form of doubts or an inferiority complex, but it can manifest itself in a strong determination to achieve important goals. It depends on the person how he uses this energy. In some periods of life, you may be destined to feel the dark, unpleasant side of the influence of the planets or, conversely, the light, positive planetary energy.

Each planet in the astrological chart has its own dynamics. The influence of planets can be strong, weak, complex, contradictory, insignificant. Some of them will dominate, while others will be less pronounced.

In space, everything is interconnected, therefore, if something happens in the Universe, it is necessarily reflected here on Earth. This is how the famous principle of astrology works, formulated by Hermes Trismegistus - “As above, so below.” Planetary influence is not just reflected in personality traits, it manifests itself in all forms and spheres of life. Their influence can be seen in everything: in the people who surround you, in the events that you attract.

Personal, social and higher (interpersonal) planets

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars are known in astrology as personal planets because the urges associated with them are felt directly and are specific to each individual.

Saturn and Jupiter are considered social planets, as they are associated with position in society and influence expectations from life.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are considered septenary planets in astrology. They were used by astrologers even before planets invisible to the human eye were discovered. They are associated with a person's individual character and their influence is felt in everyday life.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are known as the superior or interpersonal planets. They were not known to the astrologers of antiquity, since they cannot be seen with the naked eye. They force you to act outside of purely personal interests and see the situation on a larger scale. Their action is perceived by them as a challenge from the outside, prompting them to change. The higher planets show a person’s involvement in universal human processes.

Below you see the symbols of the planets accepted in astrology. Each of the symbols is individual:

Planet symbols

Today there are many horoscopes that can tell about the fate and character of a person. Druid or Chinese horoscope - they to some extent determine a person’s destiny. However, the horoscope of the Zodiac signs remains the most popular. It does not simply describe static characteristics, but suggests a change in the main features depending on the position of the planets at the time of birth.

Simply put, if for a Druid or Chinese horoscope you only need to know the date and number of birth in order to read a certain piece of information about your personality. The meaning of the zodiac horoscope changes depending on the position of the planets at the time a person is born.

With the naked eye you can see 6,000 stars, however, there are countless of them in the sky. But only some of them are used by astrologers for observations and forecasts. The constellations that are considered to be zodiacal have not changed for several millennia, but wandering star spheres, called Planets, often “float” through them. Depending on the location of the planets at the time of birth, the fate and character of a person are determined.

All planets move along a straight corridor called the ecliptic. However, for astrology this does not have significant significance; it is still based on the foundations of a geocentric view of the world, and man is at the center of its research. If you look from the point of view of astronomy, the solar system is represented in it, the plane on which the orbits of all the planets lie. And observing the movement of these celestial bodies from the ground, one can note that they all follow the same path, falling one by one into different signs Zodiac. Therefore, in the natal chart it is important to indicate the location of the planets and their interaction.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in astrology all objects that influence human life are called planets. That is, the Sun and Moon are also called that way, for convenience. Together with them there are 10 main planets. Besides them for astrological forecasts often use asteroids, fictitious planets, the Black and White Moon, Lunar nodes.

Depending on the influence exerted, there are different types planets. For example, the septenary planets (the main 7 planets) tell about the most important points human life. The higher planets are responsible for the change of generations, intellectual and emotionally receptive development. Fictitious planets influence karmic experience.

Types of planets

According to astrological teachings, planets in the natal chart are divided into internal and external. As you know, the Sun stands still, and all the planets revolve around it. And the close position of the planet to the sun is directly proportional to the speed of movement.

Take, for example, the Moon, it is in each of the zodiac signs for 2-3 days. Accordingly, a full circle is completed in 28 days. Mercury travels in orbit for 80 days, and Pluto (which is farthest away) takes 248 years. So, the inner and outer planets, what are these objects?

Inner planets are usually called planets that make their circle faster than others. These include the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars. Accordingly, the outer planets will be the slowest.

In astrology, it is generally accepted that the inner planets reflect the development of a person’s personal “I” and his consciousness. For contacting outside world The outer planets answer, and since they pass through their circle very slowly, they influence entire generations.

Also, each planet belongs to one of three main series:

  1. First row. These include the planets of action - Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, and the Sun. In turn, the Sun is responsible for vital energy, Mars - for individual activity. Jupiter influences social life, and Pluto - for interaction with the masses (either a person obeys their laws, or leads).
  2. Second row. It includes the planets that are responsible for intellectual development: Mercury and Uranus.
  3. Third row. The sphere of emotional experiences, for which the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune are responsible.

Considering the types of planets, one can also determine such a quality as movement. There are moving, stationary and retrograde planets (those that go backwards). This quality also affects a person’s character.

The planet that is located in the constellation is considered the main center of development of the human spiritual world. All the qualities that the Zodiac endows its owner with will be interpreted through the transiting planet.

The planet is the decisive catalyst that determines the final characteristics of the sign. This synthesis is based on two basic rules:

  1. If the qualities of the Zodiac and the planet are similar, they intensify.
  2. When the properties of a sign differ from the properties of the planet, they change, disappear or change each other.

Also, the planets have their own nature, depending on it, the course of human life is determined. There are planets that provide energy (Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Pluto, Uranus). They take it away - the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune or act neutrally. Planets can also be good and evil, there are also strong and weak planets. But what matters most is the impact they have on a person.

Impact on character

The planet that patronizes a person is calculated by date of birth. Each of them influences fate and character in its own way.


A planet under protectorate, which houses the “ego” and self-esteem. Determines life principles, willpower and fortitude. The influence of the Sun can determine how ambitious a person is and how much he wants to occupy a leading position. This planet gives vitality and creative abilities.

- the personification of a father, husband or important male person. His opinion is considered authoritative, and his decisions are unshakable. Simply put, the Sun can be a symbol of a person who is endowed with power.

To determine how purposeful and gifted a person is, it is necessary to analyze the position of the Sun at the birth of a particular person.


Determines the inner life of a person. In a word, everything related to emotions, mental state or instincts is under the protection of the earth’s satellite. In fact, the Moon is the type of energy that determines where a person is most comfortable. Adaptation and protection are the main characteristics that the planet gives to its wards. In addition, the Month is also a symbol of life experience.

If the Moon appears in a woman’s horoscope, then you can find out how good a mother, wife, and housewife she is. And when it appears in a man’s horoscope, it allows him to determine which girls he likes.

The moon shows the depth of connections with parents, love of relaxation and adaptability to everyday life. That is, the Month is a symbol of everyday life.


The planet that determines the type of thinking, eloquence and style of conversation. Overall affects general level communication skills. Manages facts, information flows and analytics. Responsible for the ideological filling of consciousness and perception. Patronizes Virgos and Geminis.

Appearing in the natal chart, Mercury is responsible for thoughts, rational conclusions, understanding, insight, wit, and versatility. When it comes to emotions, the planet reflects the level of cunning, curiosity and lability. May also appear on physical level as dexterity and agility.


The planet of emotions and feelings that arise as a result of interpersonal relationships. Venus has long been considered a symbol of morality, moral values, aesthetics, beauty and pleasure. Patronizes Taurus and Libra.

The planet influences the moral and ethical values ​​of a person. All levels of life are in a state of harmony and balance. A person under the auspices of Venus is endowed with physical beauty and grace.


The most active and aggressive planet. Under its influence, a person is active and stubborn. Mars endows its bearer physical strength and power. Patronizes Aries, before the discovery of Pluto, ruled by Scorpio.

Mars is the planet of power and active work, creativity, initiative, courage, stubbornness and courage. Mars conjunctions in Aries produce truly outstanding people who, despite everything, achieve their plans.


Responsible for the evolution of three levels of life, which include: social, cultural and spiritual. It is a symbol of optimism, sincerity and law-abidingness. Symbolizes wealth and luck, patronizes Sagittarius.

Gives its owner liberality, allows him to think broadly and philosophize. Guarantees long travel and prosperity.


The planet is a symbol of obstacles, responsibilities and limitations. Determines the level of maturity, perseverance and stability. Saturn patronizes Capricorn and is associated with truth.

Saturn endows its bearer with the ability to pursue a career, responsibility, determination, rigor, rational thinking and straightforwardness.


Freedom, originality, independence are the main qualities of this planet, which it generously rewards its carriers with. Uranus guarantees unexpected insights and sudden changes in life. Rules the constellation Aquarius.

The planet patronizes everything new, unexpected and unknown. Uranus endows its bearer with changeable moods, self-will and eccentricity.


The planet is under the cover of mysticism, secrets and illusions. Neptune is associated with deep experiences that are characterized by a dual nature: on the one hand, a person strives for higher love, sympathy and mercy, on the other hand, he can be overcome by phobias, manias and obsessions. Patron planet of the sign Pisces.

Neptune is a planet that brings with it self-sacrifice, suffering, confusion. The advice that can be given to its carriers is to never neglect oneself and act in accordance with moral laws.


How to find out what is hidden underground? It's practically impossible. Pluto is the same - a clot of unprecedented energy hidden in the depths of the Earth, which sooner or later will come out. The planet represents power at all three levels of human nature. It is considered a sign of higher will. Patronizes hidden agendas, restoration and recovery. Rules the constellation Scorpio.

Pluto endows its bearers with insight, analytical thinking, emotional endurance, ruthlessness, fanaticism and hidden knowledge.

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This series of planets is also expanding so-called. fictitious planets, that is, objects of the horoscope that do not have a real material embodiment. Fictitious planets may have geometric meaning, being the orbital parameters celestial body(Moon nodes, Black Moon) or can be found empirically, like the planets of the Hamburg School of Astrology. A number of fictitious planets include hypothetical planets like Vulcan and Proserpina.

Nature of planetary influence

The question of the nature of the influence of planets still remains controversial. Ideas about this influence have changed throughout the history of astrology.

In ancient Mesopotamian astrology, the planets were considered the physical embodiment of deities, just as the Sun was considered the physical embodiment of the solar god in many ancient religions. Therefore, observation of the movement of the planets gave an idea of ​​​​what relationships the gods were in at one time or another, and changes in these relationships could not go unnoticed by the inhabitants of the earth.

Further development of this thought occurs under the influence of Plato, who believed that human soul made of the same material from which the Demiurge created the stars and planets; every human soul arises on a star and then takes on human flesh. Further, Plato argues that the parts of the Cosmos are so interconnected that they are a reflection of the life of a single World Soul, and therefore the life and fate of a person is closely connected with the fate of the stars. This is a worldview combined with the philosophy of Stoicism, which denies blind chance and is convinced of the existence of a divine pattern in historical and natural processes, became the intellectual basis of interest in the study of astrology in the Greco-Roman period of its development.

The Babylonian perception of the planets as gods is still very noticeable in the views of Plato and Aristotle, who believed that the planets are intelligent beings. So Aristotle believed that the eternal and regular motion of the planets can only be explained by the presence of will and intelligence in them.

With the advent of the Islamic period of astrology, in the theory of the influence of planets on the Earth, the magical-rational view begins to prevail, according to which the planets emit invisible rays that influence earthly processes.

The variety of things in the world of elements is generated by two things, namely: the diversity of their nature, as well as the changing influence of star rays (Al-Kindi).

This view, which was strengthened later, became the reason for criticism of astrology from science, since it is impossible to detect any noticeable influence of physical forces, such as gravity, from the planets on the Earth.

At the same time, there is another view, akin to the views of Plato and the Stoics, according to which human destiny is governed by the same laws that govern the movement of the planets. In this case, observing the movement of the planets, one can observe the action of those forces that also influence human destiny. Then the planets no longer appear as sources of fate, but as its indicators, just as the hands of a clock reflect the passage of time.

Influence of planets in Ascension astrology is considered on the basis of ancient Egyptian knowledge, which has come down to us in the treatises of Thoth (known under the general name "Pimander").

On the influence of the planets from the treatises of Thoth:

The "seven", which are called spheres, have main essences, that is, each has its corresponding rulers, whom they call together Fortuna and Heimarmene (Fate), by them, according to the law of nature, all things are changed; eternal stability is diversified by continuous movement.

That is, the planets, which are the rulers of the spheres, due to their movement, jointly form Fate and change all things (i.e., the action of Fate is determined through all the planets). Fate is determined by the astro chart of birth, and changes in things are determined through transits, directions, and other similar astrological techniques.

The nature of the influence of real planets (having material form) and fictitious ones differ, which is also described in the treatises of Thoth:

The hierarchies of the Gods are numerous; Of all of them, one class is called Noumenal (that which can be known only by reason), the other class Sensuous (that which can be known by sensation). The first is called Noumenal not because it is believed that it is inaccessible to our senses; for it includes Gods whom we feel more truly than those whom we call visible - which is exactly what our discussion will prove, and you, if you are careful, will see it. …So there are some Gods who are the heads (principles) of all kinds. Next come those whose substance (bodies consisting of 4 elements) is their beginning (i.e. Sensual gods). These are sensual, each is similar to its dual principle; with their sensuality (the ability to influence the senses) they influence all things - some through others (in each) giving radiance to the proper work of each of them.

That is, fictitious planets influence only the human soul through principles (peculiar to each fictitious planet, for example, moral and ethical according to the White Moon, the degree of peace of mind according to the Center), and real planets, dual in nature, influence simultaneously with the fundamental and sensory influence (both on the feelings of the soul and on the feelings of the body, influencing the senses).

Classification of planets in astrology

Throughout the history of the development of astrology, many signs have been proposed, going back mainly to ideas akin to natural philosophy, with the help of which the nature of the planets and their influence can be described. Signs of this kind that continue to be relevant in modern astrology include the division of planets into good and evil, male and female. Signs such as dividing planets according to the principles of warm-humid, day-night, as well as trigons, are outdated.

At the same time, modern astrologers have come into use of dividing planets according to their functional effects and the degree of influence on the formation of individual human character traits.

  • Personal planets- planets that are closest to the Earth and, accordingly, move the fastest in the zodiac. Due to the rapid movement, their position in the horoscopes of different people differs significantly (even a difference in the time of birth of a few minutes can play a significant role). Personal planets include: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars.
  • Social planets- planets located further from the Earth than the personal planets, but closer than the higher planets. Their period of circulation is longer than that of personal ones, and changes in their position can be felt within generations. The social planets include Jupiter and Saturn - the latter visible planets Solar system. The orbital period of Jupiter is 11.86 years, Saturn's is more than 29 years.
  • Higher planets(Also distant planets, trans-Saturnian planets) - the most distant planet (not visible to the naked eye from Earth). Due to the low rate of change in the position of these planets, they have the same influence on entire generations or even historical periods. TO higher planets include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Brief description of planets in astrology



  • Claudius Ptolemy. A mathematical treatise in four books. Chapters 4-8 (About the planets)
  • Website of Tkhene Tkhmodo, founder of Ascension astrology

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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