On the night of Thursday, June 15, 2017, the most popular actor Alexei Batalov died at the age of 89.

We remembered unexpected details from the life and career of the legendary artist.

Fact 1

Alexei Batalov was born on November 20, 1928 in the family of director Vladimir Batalov and actress Nina Olshevskaya, who worked at the Moscow Art Theater. However, from the age of 5 (after his parents’ divorce), the future actor was raised by his stepfather, the writer Viktor Ardov, who, according to the actor, became “a close and dear person” to him.

Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Joseph Brodsky visited the hospitable house of the Ardovs, and the Mandelstams lived on the floor above. In her second marriage, Olshevskaya gave birth to two more sons: Mikhail and Boris. Today's famous actress Anna Ardova is the daughter of Boris, the niece of Alexei Batalov.

Fact 2

Alexey Batalov's film debut took place while he was still at school - in 1944. His entire class was chosen to film a film about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The guys played classmates of the heroine who died at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. And 16-year-old Lesha even said a few words.

Then he recalled that that episodic role was given to him with great difficulty: “I even sweated!” And at home, his parents sternly reprimanded him: “Before acting in films, you need to study!”

He listened: he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and became one of the country’s most beloved actors, playing bright roles in famous Soviet films “ Big family”, “The Rumyantsev Case”, “The Lady with the Dog”, “The Cranes Are Flying”, “My Dear Man”, “Nine Days of One Year”, “Three Fat Men”, “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” and many others.

Fact 3

Alexey Batalov’s first wife was Irina Rotova, they lived in the same yard, fell in love with each other at the age of 16, began to live together early, and registered the marriage as soon as they turned 18.

“My divorce from my first wife took place largely due to the fact that her mother did not like me,” said Batalov. - Mom constantly said that I was not suitable for family life, I travel a lot, and being an actor is not a serious profession. So she achieved her goal - we got divorced,” However, the actor blamed himself. Because of his work, he really devoted little time to both his wife and daughter Nadya. “I’ll just admit it: I was a lousy father to her. That’s all,” the artist admitted.

“Rotov at one time received an order for illustrations for Mikhalkov’s “Uncle Stepa,” and, imagine, the policeman acquired my face,” said Alexey Batalov. - The father-in-law explained: “After all, Lesha, your feet are size forty-five. And Uncle Styopa too! So you look alike"

Fact 4

But Batalov’s relationship with his father-in-law was excellent. Cartoonist Konstantin Pavlovich Rotov adored his talented son-in-law and even taught him to draw for some time. “Rotov at one time received an order for illustrations for Mikhalkov’s “Uncle Stepa,” and, imagine, the policeman acquired my face,” said the actor. - The father-in-law explained: “After all, Lesha, your feet are size forty-five. And Uncle Styopa too! So you look alike." Now I can’t prove to anyone that I was Uncle Stepa, but it’s really so!”

Fact 5

In 1953, Alexei Batalov came to Leningrad to film the film “Big Family”; circus performers, including 18-year-old Gitana Leontenko, lived in the same hotel with him. A romance broke out, Alexey began to often come to the circus to see the performances of the brave rider.

They got married 10 years after they met. “I didn’t want to get married,” Gitana recalled. - For me, the main thing in life was work. Well, when I leave the circus, what will I do? Cooking lunch? The world behind the barrier of the arena seemed alien to me. But I really liked Alyosha, he was amazing.”

By the way, the actor introduced her to Anna Akhmatova - and she liked the girl. Akhmatova even gave her a book with the inscription “To my beloved Gitana.” Batalov's second marriage turned out to be much more successful than the first. The couple understood each other perfectly, because they were both artists and went on tour.

By the way, Batalov made the film “Three Fat Men” largely thanks to Gitana. He himself played in it - the gymnast Tibul. And during filming, his wife taught him how to walk a tightrope correctly.

Fact 6

In 1968, Alexey and Gitana had a daughter, Maria, who, due to the fault of doctors, has been suffering from cerebral palsy since birth. “We couldn’t even imagine what awaited us.

Gitana went to give birth in one of the best maternity hospitals in Moscow, the artist recalled. - That's what they told us. But for some reason, in this “best maternity hospital”, the doctor, for some unknown reason, released the surgical nurse on the night when the birth was supposed to take place. Operation without her C-section it was impossible to do! As a result, an absolutely healthy girl was turned into a disabled person.”

Batalov’s wife said that her body was very muscular due to the stress in the circus, and she begged the doctors to perform a caesarean section. “I think they committed a crime. But if Masha was destined to be born, then it’s good that she was born with us…” says Gitana.

Fact 7

Vladimir Menshov’s “Oscar-winning” film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” where Alexey Batalov played Goga (aka Gosha), became almost an hour shorter after the final cut. Many of the filmed episodes were considered “unworthy of a Soviet person.”

“The result could have been even better than you saw,” said Alexey Vladimirovich. - The film was greatly cut down during editing, explicit scenes between the main character and Oleg Tabakov, shortened the conversation between Gosha and Nikolai, during which my hero sat in a cloak over his naked body. And when he got up new bottle, it was noticeable...”

But this did not stop Batalov from becoming the favorite of women all over the country, a man who is reliably behind him - like behind a stone wall.

Fact 8

One of bad habits Batalov's addiction to tobacco, which began in his youth.

“I smoked from the age of 13 - it’s true, and I continue to smoke, there’s nothing you can do about it. Elementary: to suppress hunger! There was such a way during the war: if you smoke shag, you don’t seem to want to eat so much,” the artist recalled. “It was easy to get it, because even in the rear there are military personnel all around.”

But Alexey Vladimirovich physically could not tolerate alcohol since his student years: during the war he suffered from severe liver disease. And when he tried to drink alcohol several times, he was immediately overcome by a girdle and unbearable pain.

“I remember when I drank a little on my birthday as a student, I barely made it to school the next day. Since then, I have never drank at all,” admitted Batalov.

Anna Ardova is a talented and multifaceted actress of Russian theater and cinema, a native Muscovite, born 09.27.1969

Childhood and parents

Anna was lucky to be born into a famous creative family. Her mother played on the stage of the Moscow Youth Theater, her father played in the famous Sovremennik, and her grandmother was a close friend of the cult poetess Anna Akhmatova, after whom the girl was named.

By the way, the famous Russian sex symbol Alexey Batalov is Anna Ardova’s uncle. And although now, due to the enormous busyness of both of them, they rarely see each other, they continue to communicate, and her uncle is still a role model for her.

In childhood

During my grandmother’s life, there were many famous and famous people in the house. talented people. Ardova doesn’t remember most of them, but she has the warmest memories of Rina Zelenaya. As well as about his stepfather, who was most remembered by the audience for the role of one of the four musketeers of Aramis - Igor Starygin.

By the way, at first their relationship did not work out at all. But having become friends over time, they maintained mutual warm affection until the actor’s death.

Otherwise, the future actress's childhood was similar to most Soviet children - kindergarten, school, numerous clubs and school performances. Studying did not particularly attract the lively, active girl, so her parents were quite frequent guests at the school. Moreover, quite naturally, Anna, at a very young age, irrevocably decided to become an actress and believed that the exact sciences would never be useful to her anyway.

Tired of their daughter's disobedience, numerous pranks and bad grades, after the ninth grade her parents sent her to the village to live with her aunt. Finding herself far from the usual metropolitan life, the girl realized that this way she could say goodbye to her dream of the stage forever, and after about six months she returned with the intention of still finishing school normally and getting a certificate. Not without the help of her loved ones, she succeeded, and the road to entering the theater was open.

The thorny path

It would seem that the doors of anyone are open to a girl from such a famous acting family. theater university. But her relatives did not help her with her admission, deciding to teach her a lesson for her reluctance to take life seriously. And after failing exams at GITIS, Anna faced the first difficulties and disappointments.

Not wanting to change her dream, she gets a job at the Mayakovsky Theater as an ordinary cloakroom attendant. It is noteworthy that the parents did not dissuade their daughter, but believed that this would serve her as a good school. Anna managed to overcome all the rounds and still get into the number of students only on her fifth attempt.

Now she appreciated her own achievements and was a very diligent student. Having successfully completed her studies and received her diploma, Anna, quite naturally, remained in her native Mayakovsky Theater, where over time she became one of the leading actresses. At first she only played theater stage and had absolutely no interest in working in films.

But with the onset of another crisis in the country, she realized that a small actor’s salary was no longer enough and sent her portfolios to numerous agencies that were selecting actors for films and TV series.

Film career

It was movies and TV series that made Ardova a famous actress throughout the country. However, she played her first film role while still at school in the children's semi-fiction film “If you believe Lopotukhin.” The filming process then captivated the girl and strengthened her desire to become an actress. But when she starred in small episodes several times as a student, she became disillusioned with how she looked through the camera and focused on live acting in plays.

At first, she got small roles in various TV series and sitcoms. They didn’t particularly please the actress, but she couldn’t afford to give up her part-time job. Debuted in leading role she appeared in the film “The Mystery of the Blue Valley”, and then followed with one of the leading roles in the series “Brand Story”.

There were no rapid ups in the life of the actress. Her popularity grew slowly but steadily. With each new role, the actress revealed to the viewer new side her multifaceted personality and became more and more loved by him.

The actress was noticed by Olga Land and invited to star in the then super popular comedy TV show “Women’s League”. This project was watched in almost every home and it was this project that made Ardova recognizable.

At the pinnacle of success

What made Anna Ardova famous and popular was her own television project, in which she revealed all her creative abilities. In the humorous show “One for All” she independently played more than 20 various characters, each of which has its own character, fate and biography.

It was after the release of this show that the actress was literally bombarded with offers from directors for roles of a completely different level. These were not only comedy films, but also high-quality melodramas. She also played surrounded by stars in the acclaimed film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive."

For some time now film sets Anna spends much more time than on the theater stage. Over the years creative career Anna Ardova played almost fifty roles, about half of which, especially in last years, were bright and memorable. Today she is one of the most popular and sought-after Russian actresses.

Anna Ardova's career only grew upward every year, delighting fans of the actress's talent. Anna was on the jury of the show "Exactly". After that, she appeared as a guest on the popular show “Evening Urgant”. And after several more invitations to television as a jury or guest, the actress played roles in several comedies, including “The Last of the Magikians” and “The Girl of My Dreams.” And in 2017, the popular show “One for All” was released on Channel One with some updates.

The same year, the actress went through a divorce from her husband after 20 years. life together, but the spouses remained just as close. As it later turned out, the actress’s husband, Alexander Shavrin, had cancer, as a result of which he died.

As for life off stage, the actress had some health problems; in 2018, she announced on her Instagram page that she was undergoing kidney surgery in order to avoid unnecessary comments from the press. Despite the difficulties that have arisen, the actress is full of optimism, she radically changed her hairstyle and dyed her hair, which had a very successful effect on her overall image.

Now the actress is immersed in her work; in 2019, with her participation, the films “Diary of a New Russian,” “Difficulties of Survival,” and “Dawn on Mount Adam” should appear on TV screens.

Personal life and husband of Anna Ardova

The actress prefers to protect her personal life from gossip. Moreover, there is nothing special to talk about - there is nothing interesting for the yellow press in Ardova’s fate (or it is carefully hidden). She entered into her first marriage when she was still student years. Her classmate Daniil Spivakov became her husband, but the young couple quickly ran away. Moreover, the actress had no children in this union.

But apparently, the unsuccessful union left its mark on Ardova’s soul, and she was already afraid of starting too close a relationship again. She decided on a second marriage only many years after she met Alexander Shavrin, with whom she had exclusively friendly relations for a long time. Perhaps this has become a reliable basis for family happiness.

With husband and children

And in 1996 acting family(Ardova’s husband worked with her at the Mayakovsky Theater) a girl was born - Sonya, and a few years later - long-awaited son Anton. In all likelihood, the actress’s children will also continue family dynasty. Both children, despite their young age, have already appeared on screens in small roles and were completely delighted with such work.

Alexey Batalov – famous person Soviet times. After reading our article, you will become familiar with his biography, personal life, children (photo). It will be an interesting journey!

Among the constellation of Soviet artists, Alexei Batalov was remembered by the public for his courageous image. His talented works as a screenwriter, actor, artist, epistolary author and director became examples for young followers. In addition to the title of a brilliant artist, Batalov acquired a reputation as a talented teacher. In this way, he realized his need to pass on his knowledge and experience to a new generation.

Alexey Batalov in his youth: photo

Was born famous actor in the city of Vladimir on November 20, 1928. His parents belonged to the creative intelligentsia and worked at the Moscow Art Theater. This led to the hero’s special awe of everything related to the theater. Among the relatives there were other creative people. Famous actors of that time were his father's brother Nikolai and his wife O. Androvskaya. When Alexey was still a child, his parents, V. Batalov and N. Olshevskaya, divorced, and the three-year-old boy remained with his mother. Soon his mother put the ring on for the second time. Alexei’s stepfather was V. Ardov, a worker in the epistolary genre.

Batalov himself warmly mentions his mother’s new husband. The stepfather treated his stepson as a natural child and raised him to be a highly moral person.

Family of Alexey Batalov

A few years later, the young family managed to purchase a separate apartment in the house of writers. It was an important event, since the previous housing was located in close proximity to the place of residence of Ardov’s first wife, which brought a lot of trouble to the new unit of society.

The biography of Alexei Batalov was influenced by the personal life of his mother and children numerous photos, who are Alexei's brothers.

The child's cultural growth was ensured by numerous eminent guests of the parents: Anna Akhmatova, Ilya Ilf, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Boris Pasternak, Evgeny Petrov. In the family archives you can find a lot of photographic evidence of the future great actor’s communication with the bohemians of that time.

The actor’s childhood can hardly be called cloudless, but the war that came in 1941 forced the boy to finally grow up. Alexey and his mother were transported to Bugulma. And here the theatrical spirit did not leave the family. The actor's mother created her own mini-theater. At the age of 14, the boy gladly helped his mother in organizational matters, and over time they began to trust him with episodic roles. This is how Batalov’s development as an actor began.

Professional development and education of Alexey Batalov

Thanks to its popularity, the biography and personal life of Alexey Vladimirovich Batalov became of interest to the general public. But once he was just a child, by chance born and raised surrounded by famous artists and writers. Alexey's profession was predetermined by itself. Elevation of Representatives closest circle people was not a guarantee of talent, but the boy was lucky and the cherished spark burned in him from infancy.

After the war, the hero returned to the capital, where he graduated from school. He continued his studies at the Moscow Art Theater and upon graduation was in the theater for three years Soviet army. The first role went to Alexey Vladimirovich in 1944. Then he appeared on the television screen while still a student. He took part in Leo Arnstam's film Zoya. The plot told about the fate of the famous war heroine Kosmodemyanskaya.

Alexey Batalov graduated from the Moscow Art Theater

Further, the biography and personal life of Alexei Batalov does not develop so rapidly. I had to wait a whole decade for my next role. After leaving the Army Theater, Batalov took part in the work of I. Kheifits “Big Family”. Here he appeared before the viewer in the role of a worker. Subsequently, the director invites the hero to play roles in several more of his films. Judging by the actor’s filmography, this collaboration can be considered productive.

Stills from the film “Big Family”

In 1957, the dramatic film “The Cranes Are Flying” was released. Her appearance at the Cannes Film Festival caused a storm of positive comments. The result was first prize and the Palme d'Or. Batalov's partner in the film was Tatyana Samoilova. The war melodrama made Batalov a movie star of the time and significantly increased his army of fans.

Stills from the film “The Cranes Are Flying”

The versatility of the hero's talent allowed him to play diverse roles: students, workers, military personnel. The images had one thing in common - masculinity and intelligence, characteristic of Alexei Vladimirovich himself.

In the image of Gurov from A.P. Chekhov’s work “The Lady with the Dog,” Batalov was magnificent. The film received praise from the most famous critics of that time and received a lot of awards. This film adaptation of the story was considered the most successful.

Alexey Batalov: l personal life of an actor

Personal life and first wife, as well as the biography of Alexei Batalov, are of interest general public. The actor's marriage happened at the age of 16. Such an early marriage was the reason for the fragility of the marriage. The hero’s bride was the daughter of the painter Konstantin Rotov, who had known Batalov since childhood. Alexey Vladimirovich believes that the reason for the marriage was not love, but childhood affection and friendship, tested over the years. In addition, the actor, endowed with natural shyness, rarely communicated with the opposite sex. Irina was an exception. This is how a wife appeared in the personal life of actor Alexei Batalov at such a young age.

Irina Rotova - the first wife of Alexei Batalov

Alexei Batalov and Irina Rotova had a daughter, Nadezhda. Pounded popularity and rapid career did not allow the husband and father to spend enough time at home. As a result, after 3 years a completely predictable divorce took place. Alexey Batalov and his daughter do not communicate, which is clear from the biography, descriptions of his personal life and his photo in the public domain. The artist himself openly admits that he considers himself a terrible father for Nadezhda, which was the reason for his cool relationship with ex-family. Several years ago, publications appeared that the actor bequeathed all his property to his wife and youngest daughter. Alexey Vladimirovich responded to the indignant remarks by saying that Nadezhda has her own life and that he does not participate in it. Meetings with eldest daughter- This is rare, they occur no more than once a year.

Batalov's second wife was a circus rider from the age of 4. Gitana Leontenko amazed the actor with her masterly performance of the number. After a long period of fleeting meetings, the lovers decided to get married, which happened in 1963. Thus, more children appeared in the biography and personal life of Alexei Batalov.

The appearance of the baby did not bring the expected happiness: little Masha had cerebral palsy. As the girls' relatives suggest, the reason terrible disease was a medical error.

Gitana ended her career and completely devoted herself to caring for the child. Soon the father himself reduced his social circle and tried everything free time spend with family.

Gitana Leontenko - the second wife of Alexei Batalov

Increased care for the youngest daughter brought results. She was able to become a full-fledged member of society. Alexey Batalov himself is an honorary member of the board of an organization that helps disabled people with cerebral palsy. Maria Alekseevna actively participates in the lives of disabled children, which happened in the personal life and biography of Alexey Batalov important fact. Because this indicates that all his efforts were not in vain. Maria studied at VGIK to be a screenwriter, wrote a book, and created a script based on which the film was made. After which she became a member of the Writers' Union.

Milestones in an actor's career

The versatility of Alexey Batalov’s personality did not allow him to stay within one profession. In the early 60s, the successful actor decided to try himself as a director. His list included:

  • 1959 – “The Overcoat”;
  • 1966 - “Three Fat Men”;
  • 1972 - “The Player”.

The most striking and memorable was the film “Three Fat Men”. In it, the hero acted as an actor and director at the same time. The creator paid utmost attention to the actors' lines. In addition, the film is full of stunts performed without safety equipment. Batalov appeared before the audience in the form of a tightrope walker. He himself performed a very dangerous stunt, which delighted those around him.

Stills from the film “Three Fat Men”

Radio shows occupy a separate niche in the hero’s career. His voice has been used to voice famous radio plays: “Hero of Our Time”, “Cossacks”, “Romeo and Juliet” and others. In 1974, Batalov became interested in dubbing animation. Now the heroes of the cartoons “The Frog Traveler”, “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “Keys of Time” spoke in his baritone voice.

The teaching activity of the famous actor dates back to 1975. He began working at VGIK, and in 1980 he was awarded the title of professor. During this period he was the head of the university department. Batalov was also thin for a long period. head of the acting department of this educational institution.

Alexey Batalov was awarded the title of professor at VGIK in 1980

Thanks to such versatility, Alexey Vladimirovich Batalov is recognized as one of brightest stars Soviet era.

The film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” filmed in 1979, became a triumph for the hero. The characters' lines turned into catchphrases. No one expected such success from the average melodrama, of which there were a lot on the screens at that time. Vladimir Menshov, as the director of the film, carefully auditioned the actors and chose the main character with particular passion. Of the numerous applicants, only Batalov met all the criteria. The role of a mechanic who shamelessly meets the woman he likes on the train suited the actor. His character and habits merged with the image of Gosha, who managed to make the ladies of the entire Union fall in love with him. Any distortion in intonation or facial expressions would turn the open hard worker into an ordinary boor. The film again captivated foreign audiences and, 35 years later, won an Oscar in the Best Foreign Film category. At this stage, no one doubted the genius of the picture.

Stills from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”

Soon Batalov's film career lost its intensity. He devoted himself entirely to teaching and scoring animated films. Some of his later works as an actor include the following films:

  • "Speed";
  • "Poltergeist-90";
  • "Umbrella for newlyweds."

Achievements, awards, recognition...

Of course, the biography, personal life and photos of Alexei Batalov’s children are of great interest to the public. But his achievements in his main activities still come to the fore.

Alexey Vladimirovich became an honorary representative of a charitable foundation created to care for children with cerebral palsy. He is also on the board of trustees of the Marfo-Mariinsky Society on a charitable basis.

Alexey Batalov created charitable foundation for sick children

Batalov held the position of secretary for a long time governing body Union of Cinematographers. He was a member of the Peace Committee and similar foundations and associations. For 6 years, the actor was the head of the Nika Academy.

Now Batalov creates scripts, poems and fairy tales. His hobby is still painting. Batalov’s first book, “Fate and Craft,” was published in 1984. In addition, he wrote the book “Dialogues at Intermission” and became the author of a chapter in the publication “Legendary Ordynka”.

Batalov’s first book “Fate and Craft”

This person's participation in cultural life society assessed a huge amount all kinds of awards. Among them is State. RSFSR Prize, Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Alexey Batalov is People's Artist of the USSR and Hero of Socialist Labor. He was awarded the USSR State Prize and the State Prize Russian Federation. The artist’s collection includes 2 Lenin orders, the Slavic Order of Culture “Cyril and Methodius”, the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” of the second degree; Juno, Kinotavr, President of the Russian Federation awards and much more. His charitable and literary activities were also recognized with awards.

On November 20, the actor will turn 89 years old. The biography of Alexei Batalov, his personal life and photos are still of interest to viewers.

Since 1991, he has not accepted a single invitation to be involved in films, explaining this by the fact that he does not feel for any of the heroes offered to him. This year Batalov faced new challenges: he broke his femoral neck. The operations performed made it possible to restore bone function. For a full recovery, doctors recommend that the actor quit smoking and take care of his blood vessels.

A. V. Batalov was hospitalized with a hip fracture

But he still remains an open and bright person, extremely similar to each of his heroes. He is deeply convinced that every character should teach people the high moral principles of life.

These qualities made Batalov one of the country's favorite actors. Now he is immersed in writing his memoirs, which will be entertaining for true fans of such a bright and extraordinary talent.


Two brothers and two sisters - Vladimir, Nikolai, Zinaida and Maria - all became actors and played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater.
Vladimir Batalov(1902-1064) - Soviet director and actor. He worked as a director at the Bolshoi Theater, the Lenin Komsomol Theater, and taught at the TsSTETIS (GITIS). He played several roles in films, and in 1940 he directed the film “Women”. He was married to the Moscow Art Theater (and then TsTSA) actress Nina Olshevskaya (1908-1991). In this marriage, a wonderful and beloved actor of Soviet cinema, People's Artist of the USSR Alexei Batalov was born. The actor was married twice, but he does not talk about his first marriage. He got married at the age of 16. His chosen one was Irina Rotova, the daughter of a famous artist. In this marriage, a daughter, Nadezhda, was born, who later became a translator. Has a daughter and granddaughter (... -s-vnukami). The actor's second wife was a circus actress. Gitana Leontenko(She starred in several films). Family life Alexey Vladimirovich's marriage with Gitana Arkadyevna turned out to be long and happy, but overshadowed by the illness of their daughter. Maria was born with a birth injury. After her birth, Gitana Arkadyevna left the circus and became a housewife caring for her daughter - Masha has not gotten up for 30 years wheelchair. No treatment could get her back on her feet. However, she turned out to be a very gifted and also courageous person. Masha wrote her first script in her life thanks to her mother. Gitana Arkadyevna told her daughter a lot about her circus past. This is how the film “The House on the Promenade des Anglais” was born, directed by Mikhail Bogin. In 2008, at the Moscow Film Premiere festival, Maria received the prize for best script from the hands of Eldar Ryazanov.
Alexey Vladimirovich's parents divorced when he was 5 years old. The second husband of N. Olshevskaya was screenwriter Viktor Ardov (1900-1976). This marriage produced sons: actor Boris Ardov (1940-2004) and priest Mikhail Ardov.
Nikolay Batalov (1899-1937) - Russian and Soviet actor theater and cinema, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Known for the films “Mother” (1926), “Aelita”, “Start in Life”, etc. He was married to an actress from the Moscow Art Theater Olga Androvskaya(1898-1975), People's Artist of the USSR, also known for the films "The Bear" and "The Man in a Case". Daughter of actors Svetlana Batalova(1923-2011) - one of the first graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School (1947). She played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater for several decades. There she also met her future husband, actor Pyotr Chernov (1917-1988), People's Artist RSFSR. The actor starred in more than 20 films and is widely known for his role as Davydov in the film adaptation of M. Sholokhov’s novel “Virgin Soil Upturned.”
Little is known about the Batalov sisters: Zinaida Batalova(1912-1979) was married to an actor at the Moscow Art Theater Mikhail Verevkin. One of the husbands Maria Shcherbinina(1914-2004) was Viktor Stanitsyn (real name Gyoze, 1897-1976) - an outstanding theater actor, one of the luminaries of the Moscow Art Theater stage. Played a lot bright roles in the theater and several notable roles in cinema: “Ranks and People”, “Dawns of Paris”, “The Fall of Berlin”, “War and Peace”. He was one of the leading teachers at the Moscow Art Theater School and was a member of the theater's artistic management.
His second wife, Elena Ponsova (1907-1966), made her debut on stage in 1925. She graduated from the B. Shchukin Theater School (1928), and taught there from 1934. Throughout her life she has been an actress of the theater named after. E. Vakhtangov. In 1936 she made her film debut, in addition to a number of character roles, she worked a lot on scoring cartoons (about 30 roles). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1957). Daughter of actors Olga Gyoze-Stanitsyna- leading actress of the Stanislavsky Drama Theater.
Let's go back a little. Boris Ardov graduated from the MXAT studio school and played on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater. Later he graduated from the Higher Directing Courses and taught at VGIK. Was an associate professor of the department acting skills, Candidate of Sciences in Art History. He headed the Akhmatova Cultural Center in Moscow. He was married 4 times, including twice to actresses, and one of his wives was an animator director.
First time on an actress Mika Kiseleva (Mira Ardova), who, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, played on the stage of the Moscow Youth Theater. Honored Artist of the RSFSR. One of their daughters became a designer, and the second, Anna Ardova, became an actress. After graduating from GITIS, he plays on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater and acts in films. Her first husband was a famous actor of the Mayakovsky Theater Daniil Spivakovsky(in films - about 70 roles). The second husband is also an actor at the Mayakovsky Theater - Alexander Shavrin(in cinema - more than 40 films). Anna Ardova's daughter, Sophia, studied at the Architectural and Design Studio and starred in several films.
Mika-Mira Ardova’s second marriage was to a wonderful actor who passed away so early Igor Starygin(1946-2009). After graduating from GITIS, the actor played on the stages of the Moscow Youth Theater, the Mossovet Theater, the Nikitsky Gate Theater Studio, and the Gorky Moscow Art Theater. Starred in 50 films. Honored Artist of Russia. He left two children: daughter Anastasia from his second marriage with M. Ardova and illegitimate son. His family also raised a stepdaughter, Anna Ardova.
And the first official wife of I. Starygin was a fellow student at the institute Lyudmila Isakova, theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.
B. Ardov's second wife was Lyudmila Dmitrieva, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. She graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, played on the stage of this theater for 15 years, and since 1993 she has been an actress at the A. Kalyagin Theater “Et Cetera”. She is known for the films “Take Me With You,” “Look for a Woman,” “Goryachev and Others” (in total, she has about 50 roles in films and television series).
For the third time, B. Ardov married animator director Olga Rozovskaya (she currently lives in the USA), the daughter of a famous cameraman Eduard Rozovsky(1926-2011), who filmed such famous films, like: "Don Quixote", "Amphibian Man", " White sun deserts", "Old walls" and others (about 80 films in total).

Anna Ardova – popular Russian actress theater and cinema, TV presenter, excellent dubbing master. She is best characterized by comedic roles, in which the actress manages to maximize her talent. She is familiar to the general public primarily from her performances in the TV series “One for All” and “Women’s League,” which overnight made Anna famous throughout the country. Today she is one of the most sought-after actresses in Russian cinema, whose filmography includes about 40 works.

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Anna Ardova was born on September 27, 1969 in Moscow. Many of the actress’s relatives have theatrical roots. My grandmother Nina Olshevskaya studied stage art with K. Stanislavsky, and my grandfather, Viktor Ardov, became famous as a talented satirist writer. The actress’s uncle is the magnificent Alexei Batalov, who needs no introduction. Dad Boris Ardov is a famous animator, and mother, Mira Ardova, served in the Theater for Young Spectators. And even the daughter’s name was chosen in memory of the great Anna Akhmatova, who knew her grandmother well.

Childhood star actress took place on Bolshaya Ordynka, where star relatives lived next door. Their house was often visited by masters of the first magnitude - F. Ranevskaya, B. Pasternak, M. Zoshchenko and many others. Due to her age, Anna did not remember most of the famous guests, but her meeting with Rina Zelena was well remembered.

IN school years She was called a difficult teenager for her restless and quarrelsome character. Stepfathers especially felt this. But if Igor Starygin managed to find mutual language with her stepdaughter, she remained in strained relations with director Lev Davidovich. In addition, Ardova started smoking and even drinking early. The administration of the educational institution threatened to expel the young rebel, so her parents had to urgently take her to the Vologda region, where her own aunt worked as the school director.

There, far from the Moscow freemen, Anna Ardova rediscovered amazing world reading. After graduating from school with a mediocre certificate, the girl rushed to the walls of a theater university, where she was able to get in only the fifth time. Influential relatives flatly refused to provide any preferences, so I had to act on my own. In between admissions, she managed to work as a cloakroom attendant, a junior economist and a salesperson.

In 1995, after graduating from GITIS (course of A. Goncharov), Anna joined the troupe of the Theater. Mayakovsky, to whom she remains faithful today. The most famous theatrical works The actress can be considered roles in the plays “Divorce Like a Woman,” “Talents and Admirers,” as well as “A Plague on Both Your Houses.”

She got her first experience in cinema back in 1983, when Mikhail Kazakov himself invited her to work. The role of the namesake Ardova did not become memorable, but it gave the opportunity to communicate with S. Kryuchkova and L. Bronev during filming. We had to wait 14 years for a new proposal from film directors. In 1997, Anna appeared on screen in the title role in the film “The Yearning Heifer.” Although the film received some recognition and was even awarded, it failed to open Ardova’s path to fame.

Real fame came in 2002-2005 after a series of successful works in the films “Only You”, “Always Say Always”, “Children of the Arbat”, “Brand Story”, as well as in the television musical “The Three Musketeers”. In 2006, at the invitation of director O. Land, the actress came to work in the series “Women’s League”, in which she would star for several years. Here the actress’s comedic talent was fully revealed, but in 2009 she decided to leave it. And for good reason. New job in the sitcom “One for All” made the whole country fall in love with her. This role was appreciated by critics. Soon Anna Borisovna was awarded TEFI for the best actress in the series.

Then proposals rained down like from a cornucopia. Having been in a creative search for a long time, the actress finally found herself and was able to reveal her talent. It is gratifying that, along with comedic characters, she began to be trusted with more serious roles in other genres. So, along with the images of the restless Raika from “Still I Love” and the simple-minded Lucy from the series “Urgent to the Room,” Ardova was remembered for her role as the head of the cultural center in the biographical film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive".

Personal life

As in her stage career, there were many upheavals in the artist’s personal life. At first, she was led down the aisle by fellow student and now popular actor Daniil Spivakovsky. At first, the young people lived in a communal apartment, after which they moved to their mother-in-law. However, the students did not have a full-fledged family; less than a year later the couple separated.

With her second lover, journalist Sergei, everything was much more serious. She was expecting a child from him and was preparing for the wedding. However, the beloved man could not bear the burden of responsibility and simply ran away, leaving his pregnant girlfriend alone. In 1996, daughter Sofia was born, who never recognized her biological father.

Anna Ardova found true family happiness only on her third attempt, having married a colleague at the Theater. Mayakovsky Alexander Shavrin. I wonder what for a long time the actress considered the inveterate bachelor Shavrin a friend and could not even think that she would become his wife. Nevertheless, this happened, and Ardova gained a strong shoulder along with family peace. In addition to their daughter Sonya, the couple has a joint son, Anton, who is very similar in character to his mother. Both children of the actress have already tried themselves in the acting field, to the delight of their parents.