Want to get acquainted with the wardrobe and decorations of Cambridge Countess? Then we suggest you carefully read this article.

Agree that it is pleasant for the soul when the fairy tale can actually turn into reality. At first, it is difficult for you to believe it, but the fact remains and it needs to be taken. But take it worthy.

About such magic fairy talewhich happened to her in real lifeMay in childhood and dreamed of the future princess of Great Britain - Kate Middleton. It was she who managed to charm his beauty and the inner charm of Prince Wales, enviable groom on the planet. From the moment of their engagement, the world of fashion closely monitors the wardrobe of the Duchess of Cambridge. Millions of beauties on the planet seek to imitate her, and dress in the same style as she. Her elegant image was the man imitation for many girls of her age. It is neutral, because it has been considered the most stylish woman for several years. It is called the style icon, and all fashionable critics infinitely praise her outfits.

It is often compared with his beloved all princess Diana. But unlike Lady Di, Kate Middleton prefers domestic designers and brands.

By the way, in England there has been a tradition that the first people of the country should appear in society only in the domestic designers. Kate Middleton dresses in such a way to appeal first, Queen of Great Britain, members of her family and English aristocrats.

Even under the crown of Kate walked in a modest wedding dress, which strongly resembled the dress of another monarch of individuals, Grace Kelly.

Clothing style Princess Kate Middleton

Her first visit, in the status of the wife of Prince William, became Canada. For an official event, she picked up a white suit that was supplemented with an ironic hat with a symbol of Canada than fascinated residents of the country.

Dresses style Kate Middleton

At official receptions, it always looks sophisticated and stylish. The style of her dresses makes admire the surrounding. Kate prefers one-photon outfits of calm shades.

If you need to give the image a little romanticity, then Kate picks up dresses from lace.

For responsible outputs, Kate gives preference to designer products of Sarah Burton. Pay attention to the Duchess dress in which it appeared on the BAFTA Awards. Gently lilac chiffon dress, with a white belt, which successfully emphasized her shapes, very interestingly looked at the red carpet. Fashionable critics of the USA and Vivien Westwood Style Kate's clothing is called "ordinary". But is he so ordinary? She hardly tries to look elegant, while not uses any ideas in his wardrobe that would have rushed into the eyes.

This was the fact that lace and pleated were used in her wardrobe. At first glance, this is an ordinary decor, but with a properly designed dress design, they act stylishly, original and at the same time, modestly.

At the official meetings, the Duchess allows themselves to choose the dressing silhouette dresses, where there is no deep neckline and closed shoulders.

Kate Middleton Princess Dresses. Photo

Kate Middleton Blue Dress

Dressed appropriate to any event, while maintaining a subtle sense of style, elegance and luxury. This is how the Duchess clothing style is assessed. Some consider her outlets with gray and boring, but only envious can refer to such an opinion.

Kate recognized perfect woman According to surveys. Her external I. internal characteristics impressed most men - beautiful and slim figure, green color Eye, brown hair, prestigious education and dislike for harmful habits.

But let's go back to her fashion image

One of its best outputs is blue dresswhich is sewn with a flowing material, knee-length and a V-neck neckline. It was his style that it was able to turn the figure of the princesses in the hourglass, while maintaining the ideal proportions.

Its image was not loaded with extra accessories. Stylish blue dress, black stiletto shoes, a tender chain with a small pendant and a ring with a blue stone, unobtrusively decorated natural curls and light makeup, which she to the word is delivered independently.

And how beautiful looks on it white dress up to the knees? Stylish cut and again lace, which in this model performed as rlange sleeves and bas.

The color of the dress was harmoniously combined with its dark hair, a slight tan, correctly selected shoes on a high stiletto black and supplemented with an elegant bag-clutch. To strengthen your style, the Duchess picked up her hair into an elegant hairstyle, from under which small earrings performed. All together created an elegant image and emphasized her exquisite taste. By the way about a white dress.

Wedding dress Kate Middleton

As mentioned above, the princess wedding dress was modest, but at the same time, it remained for a long time in the memory of her fans, and not only. The news that the daughter of the editorial and pilot is the bride of the Prince, caused a rapid response in the masses and means of information.

Everyone lived in anticipation in which dress will appear happy chosen fiancé, and what a fashion designer will become the lucky one who will trust his development. Passion was glowed to the maximum, but the name of the creator wedding Dressing It remained in strict secrete to the very end. Only for wedding ceremony This secret was revealed - sketches of Sarah Burton were happy chosen.

Charming Curra Long Clay and Original Sleeves of the White Wedding Princess Princess Made in accordance with english traditionsOf course, they emphasized the impeccable taste of his hostess.

In England there is a belief - the longer the loaf of the bride, the longer they will last happy life. The length of the loop of the wedding dress Kate reached 3 meters and the sister of the bride - Philip was carried to the altar of the newlyweds.

Contrary to the fact that everyone expected to see a luxury outfit, the princess came to the ceremony in a very modest dress. But this modesty is stolen fashionable criticswho, of course, noted his flawless style and elegance.

Of course, many of it compared with the wound outfit Elizabeth I, believing that the young lady wanted to attract the location of the queen. In any case, she did not lose with his choice.

Evening dresses Kate Middleton

To add your acquaintance with the duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, we suggest you familiarize yourself with her evening dresses. Among the color scheme is leading outfits of pearls, turquoise, snow-white and smoky shades. Everyone has already understood that the Duchess prefers simplicity of style and chooses the lungs, air and feminine outfits. In addition, it will be happy to complement them with no less refined clutches.

In the choice of elements of your wardrobe, the princess follows the rules of the aristocracy style: the classic length is slightly higher than the knees, the laconic style, the minimum presence of parts. She managed to skillfully complement, at first glance, not very memorable outfits with stylish accessories, which clearly emphasize her femininity. Does not retreat from these rules Kate and when choosing costumes.

Please note that nothing is supernatural, but at the same time the costume emphasizes her figure, giving the image as a whole to the note of aristocracy. Its wardrobe is present both trouser costumes and costumes with skirts. All of them are carefully chosen in color and sewn with sophisticated fabrics.

Moreover, in this case, it perfectly picks up the costume tones, given the traditions and features of the country that she is going to visit. For example, for a holiday visit, dedicated day Canada, she was successfully able to pick up the outfit colors of the Canadian flag - a white suit and an elegant red hat.

And on Rodeo in Calgary Kate, put on a cowboy hat, denim pants and an original shirt with traditional embroidery.

It would seem these two outfits - it complete opposite. But in one and in another case, the Duchess Cambridge looked very original and naturally.

Kate Middleton coat

No less interesting was the duchess coat collection. They all differ strict style and perfectly emphasize her figure.

Bag Kate Middleton

In the wardrobe of the Duchess, an important niche occupy her bags that successfully emphasize all its outfits.

The Duchess Cambridge is unconditionally recognized as the icon of the style of a foggy albion. In addition to the fact that she managed to finely pick up his outfits, she managed to properly emphasize the ladies. In her hands, you rarely when you see the models of bags of the type of briefcase or baguette.

At what royal receptions or diplomatic dinners, she did not appear, she always has a small clutch in her hands. Their collection consists of universal models of a classic shade - white, black, red, blue, gray, golden, and none of them is distinguished by decorations in the form of brilliants, spikes, etc. Kate complements them not only evening images, but also everyday.

Kate Middleton decorations

On the globe There is no such woman who would not suffer to weakness to decorations. Kate Middleton is no exception. The collection of her jewelry consists of both unique jewelry In elegant rims worth over a million dollars and ordinary decorations, which are relatively not so expensive. But the most beautiful decoration of the Duchess Cambridge is considered the famous Ring Princess Diana. This ring resembles William his mother, so he presented him with his chosen on the engagement.

Besides rings, princess, like real woman, proud of his collection of earrings. But the most luxurious among all are those earrings that were at her wedding. Their design is based on the coat of arms of the Middleton family, which depicts acory and oak leaves.

How to order Kate Middleton style dresses on Ali Spress?

Well, how did you like the wardrobe princess, which is considered an icon of the style? If you also want to dress in her style, then you have a unique opportunity to purchase dresses in Kate Middleton in the Aliexpress online store. Make it easy. Sign by official page Online store, register by filling out a formal questionnaire, and start viewing the supplied elements of the wardrobe in the style of Kate Middleton.

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Good luck to you in choosing.

Video: Duchess Cambridge remains stylish even during pregnancy

Kate Middleton, known for her sense of style and beautiful hair, is constantly in the spotlight. Let's see how the Cambridge Duchess has changed for many years!


Look at the future princess at the age of 3 years on vacation in the lake edge in the north-west of England. What cute tails and burning eyes!


Kate's branded smile appeared already in 5 years. How beautiful it is!


For the first time, Middleton caught the view of Prince William when they were freshmen at St. Andrews University in 2001. By 2005, when beautiful brunette He graduated from studying, it was regularly spoken about it in the news.


Relations with Prince William developed, and Kate continued to attract attention from the press. This affected the more conscious selection of wardrobe and hairstyles.


Middleton continues to enter the lenses of the camera and trying to pay attention to also stylish accessories emphasizing its image.


Starting from 2010, when Kate and Prince William announced their engagement, its image changes even more: smooth skin skin, makeup, emphasizing the beauty of eyes, shiny and neatly laid hair.


Now she is duchess! World attention is attracted to the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton in April 2011. It was fine in Kate all: from the striking beauty of the hair to a fashionable shining makeup.


At the Solemn Olympic Gala concert in 2012, Middleton appeared with a brighter make-up and collected hair, which is not entirely characteristic of her.


The whole world spoke about the fact that Middleton changed her hair, making himself oblique bangs, on the sides framing her face. Later, Kate admitted to the press that was not too confident in such a change in the image and soon stated bangs, again changing the hairstyle.


Here Middleton is published for the first time after the announcement of his second pregnancy in October 2014. Duchess looks great, despite the small fatigue on the face.


During a trip to India and Bhutan, Middleton showed wide spectrum Colorful outfits in combination with make-up, which was always at the height.

January 9, the spouse of Prince William, Kate Middleton, turned 35 years old. In this regard, I will open several secrets from the life of modern Cinderella.

Future Duchess Cambridge was born on January 9, 1982. She was the most ordinary girl: no one could think that one day she would become one of the most influential women planets.

  1. The real name Kate - Catherine Elizabeth Middleton.
  2. Kate was born in a simple family of the Aviavatcher and flight attendants. The story of her acquaintance with the prince could be similar to the tale of Cinderella, if it were not for one "but". When the girl was 5 years old, her parents founded a parcel agency that brought them a huge profit. So by the time of the acquaintance with Prince Kate was no longer a cindickey, but the heir of millionaires.

  3. As a child, Kate was not popular with peers.
  4. One of her classmates recalls:
    "She was so thin, such a pale. And she had no confidence in herself "

    Another classmate told how boys from senior classes publicly put the girls to evaluate for attractiveness on a ten-point scale. Kate received a unit.

  5. William is not the first love of Kate. When she studied in Malboro College, she had an affair with Harry Blakelok - a guy who were in love with all girls in this educational institution. He was one year older than his chosen. Their relationship lasted a year, and then Harry married Kate's friend. After parting with Blakelok, the girl met for a while with Rupert Finch. Now he is a successful lawyer.

  6. left - Harry Blakelok, right - Rupert Finch

  7. Kate met the prince at St. Andrews University, where both studied. According to rumors, William fell in love with her at the moment when the girl defiled in a transparent dress during a charity show. Later dress was sold at the auction for the fabulous 104 thousand dollars.
  8. The girl had to wait for 9 years before William made her an offer.The press nicknamed her "Kati's expectation."
  9. So looked Kate to marriage

  10. Kate - the oldest bride in the history of British royal Family . Her wedding with Prince William took place when the girl was 29 years old. For comparison: Princess Diana married at 20 years, Queen Elizabeth - at 21, Queen-mother - in 22. True, it is worth notify that we are talking On the brides that are married for the first time.

  11. Despite the fact that Kate is married to the prince, it is not a princess. This title can be awarded only by the Officers of Royal Blood, and Kate, as we remember, comes from a simple family.
  12. Kate adores sports. In his youth she was engaged athletics, tennis, swab, rowing; He played hockey and volleyball.

  13. When Kate has a novel with William, she attended Pole Dance classes (Erotic dances at the pole). She did not stop training even when she became known about her relationship with the prince. Insider says:
  14. "... When the future duchess began to find out on the street, she came to classes in a scarf for conspiracy"

    After Marriage, Kate wanted to resume training, but Queen Elizabeth categorically banned it.

  15. Both pregnancy Kate proceeded very hard.The duchess had the strongest toxicosis, during which she had up to 30 bouts of vomiting per day.
  16. During both pregnancies in Kate's hair, gray strands were noticeable. It refused to dye her hair, since it was afraid that the chemical effects of paint could provoke cancer from her children.

  17. Despite the fact that Kate nose has not the most perfect formHe became the subject of admiration and imitation. Many women turn to plastic Surgeons With a request to make it nose "like Middleton". Such an operation was already called "royal rhinoplasty."

  18. But not only Kate's spout uses such mad popularity. Any thing that Duchess Cambridge is put on, immediately becomes the last fashionable fashion. This phenomenon was called the "Kate Effect". So, after the engagement Kate Middleton and Prince William, the rings with large sapphires in the frame of small diamonds began to use the rabid demand - exactly the ring previously belonging to the princess Diana, Prince William presented his bride when she made her an offer of his hand and hearts.

  19. Duchess Cambridge on all photos is very good. The secret is that she never looks into the chamber.

  20. Kate and a good photographer itself. It was her first official pictures of Princess Charlotte, where she poses along with her brother.

At the end of August, it became known that Kate Middleton was hospitalized in the Royal Hospital. Later it turned out that the spouse of Prince William is waiting for a child and because of this suffers from strong toxicosis. TRADE B. medical institution Only one day, she returned home, but for a long time is not shown in public. The royal family reports that Kate, as in the two first pregnancy, suffers from strong toxicosis and does not even leave the house.

Two previous pregnancy at Kate did not pass smoothly, the future mother constantly complained of strong toxicosis and appealed for help to doctors. And the days in the media appeared information that Middleton found a serious complication - Hyperemesis Gravidarum, or vomiting of pregnant women. For most women, this condition does not pose a threat, but the duchess has the most severe degree of the disease. Kate can not take food and even water, and nausea does not retreat all day. Its weight is catastrophically reduced that it entails a change in blood composition and metabolic disruption. There is no intoxication of the body, which can threaten the death of a mother or child, write Daily Mail.

That is why her highness canceled the planned visit to child Center in London. Now the Duchess is in Kensington Palacewhere she has the necessary help "- quotes Woman.ru.

According to the press, Kate is in the second-third month of pregnancy and the baby expect in April or March next year. Most likely, Middleton is hospitalized and will feed it intravenously to preserve the life of the future kid.

All the royal family's relatives are already known about the joyful news, Prince Harry was very happy for her brother and daughter-in-law, and Uncle Kate Gary Goldsmith commented on this event like this: "This is definitely best news this year. She really goes to be a mother. I wonder if she stopped on three babies? Honestly, I do not think. He and Will Souls do not have tea in children. ", "the businessman said The Daily Mail.

Many recall that even recently, the spouses have no expansion of the family, so after the shocking news crawled different stories About why the duchess still decided to do so.

Marriage salvation

Kate and William seem happy and loving coupleBut, as it turned out, their relationship is not so cloudless and beautiful.

In March of this year, Duke Cambridge went to ski resort With her friends in Switzerland, and as eyewitnesses tell, he behaved an inappropriately married man.

Witnesses also reported that they saw how William flirts and behave quite defiantly. These rumors reached the spouse of the Duke, which, as the media wrote, even a few days did not talk with her husband after what happened.

"Kate seriously believed that the parties and dubious people of William remained in the past. She considers this situation very humiliating and terribly evil on her husband, let them talk about parting and speech ", - said Insider in Buckingham Palace Vanity Fair.

However, already after some time, a couple of Milo smiled at each other in the public, which may have happened due to the efforts of the psychologist, to whom the couple appeared. Based on this situation, many conclude that the next pregnancy Kate is just a way to keep the spouse.

Lazy Duchess

Another interesting version lies in the fact that Kate chose to once again become a mom to extend his and so prolonged maternity leave.

It is said that the Duchess is experiencing a huge fear before large audience, so she often canceled the meeting at the very last moment.

Recently, the duchess even called the most lazy representative of the British monarch of the family, but it is not particularly embarrassing.

Called her husband

Literally this summer, one magazine wrote that William does not want to expand the family and is very pleased with today's state of affairs. This can only speak about one thing - the third pregnancy Kate is just her decision. "He is sure that their family has already formed. And Catherine dreams of the third, because she herself grew into large family» - report close to the family.

More recently, this version was confirmed by the words of Kate itself, when one journalist told her on the theme of motherhood, the Duchess said that the third child appears from the spouses, her husband William would have turned around and left.

Together with the sister

Mend about possible pregnancy younger sister Kate Peppi quickly spread throughout the Internet. There is no official confirmation of this fact yet, but many are very much hope for it.

"Kate and Pippa have long dreamed of how one day they will be pregnant at the same time. Apparently, they will succeed. Catherine now lives in London, because Prince George will go to school there. And the apartment Pippu with her husband is just in the center. You just imagine how healthy will be when sisters go together in children's shop Buy clothes for future babies or go to yoga for pregnant women "- told one of the family friends.

Overtake megan

Another fun version lies in the girlfriend of Prince Harry Megan Okle, to which Kate has long been jealous of the media, because the girl every day is increasingly appearing in many sources.

Kate, who prefers to pay all attention to himself, decided that if suddenly she would get pregnant with Megan, then a fat cross could be put on her popularity.

Therefore, in order to prevent this nightmare, the Duchess tried with all their might forces to get out of his rival that she was fine.

Focus on education. While you may not be tools to go to private schoolAs it was in the case of Kate, you can simply pay special attention to your education. Kate studied diligently and passed the exams in England well, and then entered the university in Saint-Andrews, where he met Prince William. Therefore, if you want to be like Kate, you need to learn well to enroll in the prestigious university.

Develop interest in art. As mentioned earlier, Kate received a bachelor's degree at St. Andrews University with a degree in Art History. Therefore, for the purpose of imitation, you must develop your own interest in art. Try to attend a circle of art history in a local college or visit the city art museum. You can also find in the library of books on the history of the arts.

Bring yourself restrained. Kate has always been a sample of restraint. She kept her relationship with the prince in secret for several years, mainly because he did not want the annoying attention of the press.

Be landed. Despite all royal titles, Kate and William try to lead ordinary life. The first two years of marriage they lived on a farm in the forest, which gave a pair of the opportunity to enjoy each other's society. So, despite your Duccian title, Kate is very pragmatic. Strive for landing in your life, giving preference to family values.

Do what you require. Like the duchess, Kate has a lot of responsibilities, for example, this concerns the presence at all royal events and maintaining Queen. She does something expected from her. If you want to copy Kate, you must do what your family expects from you.

  • While Kate is obliged to attend all the royal techniques, you in turn should be present at the family celebration, cook dinner for loved ones or be where your stay will be required at a certain point.
  • Exercise. Kate has always been sports and taut. IN high School She played tennis, hockey on the grass, participated in such competitions as long-term jumps. In college, she continued to play hockey on the grass. You need to do sports to be like Kate.

    Stay decent. Kate has always demonstrated its decency when the matter concerned the royal family. For example, when Kate and William broke up in 2007, she did not give the press any secrets about William and his family. She kept this information secret, even when it could earn a huge money.