More than a week ago, loved ones, relatives, colleagues, friends and numerous fans said goodbye to the famous and beloved actress Natalya Yunnikova.

The death of the celebrity was a complete surprise for many, because the artist had no health problems.

Natalya Yunnikova - what happened

On September 14 of this year, Yunnikova was at home, doing housework, and absolutely nothing foreshadowed a tragedy. At home she slipped unluckily, and it all turned out to be a fall and a hit on her head. The woman lost consciousness, her relatives called doctors, who arrived quite quickly. After examination, it turned out that the actress had a massive stroke.

Natalya Yunnikova was urgently taken to one of the Moscow clinics and intensive care unit I was put into an induced coma because the injury was very serious. Unfortunately, the actress never recovered and died on September 26.

Yunnikova was buried at the Perepechinsky cemetery on September 30th. Her funeral was also attended by ex-spouse Anton Fedotov.

It is worth noting that in Lately the actress disappeared from television screens. The fact is that after filming the television series “The Return of Mukhtar” she was not invited to film anywhere, and famous actress I was unemployed for a long time. She even had to go to work as a salesperson in a store in order to somehow live with her son. But recently ex-husband said that Natalya had to return to the big screens, since she participated in the filming of the series “Ivanovs, Ivanovs.” Unfortunately, the actress died in the midst of new filming.

Fedorov will cut Yunnikova from the new series

The ex-husband of the tragically deceased actress Natalya Yunnikova, director Anton Fedotov, told reporters the details of the star’s life. According to him, Natalya dreamed of becoming an actress and easily agreed to adventures. For example, one day she moved with him to Israel, where she worked as a TV presenter. Then the couple returned to Russia, as the girl dreamed of being an actress.

According to the director, at one time Natalya could not find work and considered herself a captive of the series “The Return of Mukhtar.” Several times Yunnikova made attempts to leave the filming of this project, but could not quit. Anton admitted that shortly before his death he invited ex-wife to participate in his series - “Ivanovs-Ivanovs”, and gave her one of the main roles. Due to the death of the actress, the premiere of the film had to be postponed. The director also decided to cut out scenes with Yunnikova and re-shoot them with another actress.

“Alas, it’s impossible to even leave a memory of her, because the heroine will have a second season, but she almost didn’t have time to finish it!” quotes Fedotov.

He noted that the film crew was pleased with Natalia’s work. She herself also felt happy in this project.

Natalya Yunnikova - biography and filmography of the artist

Natalya Yunnikova – Russian actress, who received recognition from viewers after playing the role of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova in the television series “The Return of Mukhtar.” She can also be seen in such films as “Both in sorrow and in joy”, “Ermolovs” and many others.

Natalya was born in Lipetsk and dreamed of cinema almost from the cradle. Having barely learned to walk, the girl twirled in front of the mirror, and as she got older, she began to imagine herself in various images and really loved to be photographed.

After school, Natasha, accompanied by her mother, goes to Moscow and submits documents to whole line metropolitan theater universities. It is noteworthy that the provincial applicant’s talent was immediately recognized by three higher educational institutions: GITIS, Boris Shchukin Institute and Mikhail Shchepkin Higher Theater School. And it was the latter that Yunnikova chose.

On course people's artist Russia Vladimir Safronov Natalya turned out to be the only visiting girl and stood out from the galaxy of Muscovites. But this fact did not bother the student at all, because her dream began to come true.

So it seemed then. In fact, fate inexorably intervened: Yunnikova met her first love at the institute, got married, and immediately after graduating from university, she and her husband went to permanent place residence in Israel.

In a distant country, Natalya was not in demand as an actress. She was offered several times the roles of Slavic girls, deceived into the network of Asian brothels, but she refused each time, since there is no need to play anything, it is enough just to be naked. Instead of cinema, the girl began to develop as a TV presenter. She was the face of several entertainment programs on the Israel Plus channel, and she herself wrote the script for the programs “Scarlet Sails” and “Not Childish Fun.” Also in Israel, a young woman tried herself as a producer.

Upon returning to Moscow in 2007, Natalya Yunnikova actually began her career with clean slate. She, of course, had extensive experience working on television, but now the woman planned to achieve recognition as a film actress. So I went to storm the castings and pretty soon received my first script. Later, she moved to live in Kyiv for some time, where she was the presenter of the central TV channel Inter.


Natalya Yunnikova’s screen debut in feature films was the “Domostroy” series from the medical series “The Personal Life of Doctor Selivanova,” where she played the role of a doctor’s patient. At the same time, the actress appeared in two episodes of the first season of the crime detective “The Web.”

Natalya’s audition for the melodrama “Tatiana’s Day” was successful: she was approved for the main role of Tatyana Razbezhkina. The girl was already learning her lines by heart when it suddenly turned out that this character had been given to another actress, Anna Snatkina. Yunnikova still appeared in this series, but in a cameo role ex-lover character performed by Kirill Safonov.

But Natalya did not lose heart: just then she was offered to join the cast of the already very popular serial film about the everyday life of the Moscow police, “The Return of Mukhtar.” There Yunnikova transformed into investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova, and this heroine made the actress famous throughout the country.

It was very interesting to work on this project, so Natalya stayed for film set“Mukhtara” will last for a long time: she played Vasilisa for almost seven years, albeit with interruptions. The most unusual thing, according to the actress’s recollections, was that the performer often changed leading role- a smart dog named Mukhtar. The audience hardly notices this, but during filming, 12 dogs of the breed were changed German Shepherd. And the artists had to find it again every time mutual language with a four-legged partner. This was all the more difficult because trainers prohibit feeding dogs to establish contact.

As mentioned above, the role of investigator Mikhailova brought fame to Natalia Yunnikova, but the actress herself believes that because of this series, directors began to see her exclusively in the role of a positive heroine fighting injustice, so she did not receive others complex roles. However, Natalya starred in the historical saga “The Yermolovs”, in the female melodramas “City Lights”, “Corner of Paradise” and “Both in Grief and in Joy”, as well as in the fifth season of the popular comedy sitcom “Kitchen” in the role of hypnotists.

Personal life

While studying at the theater institute, Natalya Yunnikova became friends with her classmate Anton Fedotov. At first, young people were tied up only friendly relations. But gradually friendship grew into love, they started dating, and two years later they got married.

The wedding was not too lavish. Having celebrated a modest celebration, the couple got ready and moved to Israel, or rather to Tel Aviv, where the parents of Natalya Yunnikova’s husband lived. After working on television for some time, the husband and wife were about to return to Moscow, but then the news was announced: Natasha realized that she was pregnant, and it made sense to give birth in Israel, where medicine is at a very high level.

As the actress says, the birth was difficult, not without surgical intervention. However, soon the woman already went to work, and the grandmothers were sitting with Natalya and Anton’s son, Roland. But here’s an amazing thing: the birth of a baby, instead of further strengthening the family, on the contrary, brought discord into the relationship between Yunnikova and Fedotov. And since hostilities broke out again in Israel in 2006, the woman took her son and left for Russia.

The husband joined them a little later, as he wanted to solve some financial questions in Tel Aviv. As a result, instead of closing the accounts, he incurred even more debt. Money began to disappear from the apartment in Moscow as well. After some time, Natalya realized: Anton suffers from gambling addiction. For her, this was the last straw, and the woman filed for divorce in 2008.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Yunnikova. Born on February 25, 1980 in Lipetsk - died on September 26, 2017 in Moscow. Russian actress, TV presenter.

IN school years studied music. WITH early years dreamed of an acting profession.

After graduating from school in 1997, she and her mother came to Moscow to enter drama school. She entered three at once - GITIS, the Boris Shchukin Institute and the Mikhail Shchepkin Higher Theater School. I chose the latter.

In 2001 she graduated from the Higher Theater Institute named after M.S. Shchepkin, course by Vladimir Safronov.

However, after graduating from college, she did not work by profession - after getting married, she left with her husband for Israel. There she mastered the profession of a TV presenter - she worked in Tel Aviv on television and hosted an entertainment program.

From 2001 to 2006 - presenter of popular entertainment programs on the Israel Plus channel ((channel 9)), screenwriter of the Scarlet Sails program, co-author of the Non-Children's Fun program.

From 2003 to 2006 she worked in post-production with large Israeli advertising companies.

She also worked in film dubbing in Israel.

In 2006 she returned to her homeland. She cited the war that had broken out there as the reason for her return, although at the same time she added that she could not appear in Israel because of the huge debts remaining in that country to the banks.

However, not finding work, she left for Kyiv - where she was hired as a TV presenter on the Ukrainian central TV channel Inter.

Soon she began to be offered roles in domestic television series. At first there were two small works in the films “Web-1” (Katya Tumanova) and “The Personal Life of Doctor Selivanova” (Lyudmila Drozdova).

Natalya Yunnikova in the TV series "Web-1"

Next, the actress appeared in the 4th season of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” for the role of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova. This role made her famous. She worked on the series from 2007 to 2014, playing from seasons 4 to 9.

Although her work in this crime series brought her fame, she became a hostage to one role. And in the end, she remained disappointed with her participation in “The Return of Mukhtar”: “Now I want to forget about the series. Because of this role, they won’t take me anywhere else. I don’t consider investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova my achievement, I’m sure: I have yet to play the main role in my life.” I didn’t play. I really want to star in a drama, I’m not afraid to be scary on screen,” she noted.

Natalya Yunnikova in the series "The Return of Mukhtar-4"

Natalya Yunnikova in the series "The Return of Mukhtar-8"

By the way, Natalya could play the main role in another popular series - “Tatyana’s Day”. At one time, she successfully passed the casting and was even approved for the main role. But... at the last moment the role was given away. Yunnikova got the unnoticeable role of Polina, the ex-girlfriend of the main character (played by him).

In addition to working in “The Return of Mukhtar”, Yunnikova appeared from time to time in other TV series - “The Ermolovs” (Elena Delagarde), “City Lights” (Rimma), “Corner of Paradise” (Laura), “Both in Sorrow and in Joy " (Nastya).

Natalya Yunnikova in the series "Ermolovs"

In 2015, she played a hypnotist in the popular sitcom “Kitchen.”

Natalya Yunnikova in the TV series "Kitchen"

The actress has repeatedly taken part in TV shows on central channels.

Since 2015, she has stopped appearing on screen. They stopped offering her roles in films, so the woman even had to go to work as a salesman.

Director Vladimir Zlatoustovsky, who worked with Natalya on the creation of the series “The Return of Mukhtar,” said: “They didn’t take her anywhere, and she didn’t want to retrain as a make-up artist or costume designer. I was afraid of falling in the eyes of my colleagues, because she had been working on a popular project for a long time, and then she was forgotten.”

Fedotov said: “I took her to work in the TV series “Ivanovs-Ivanovs.” Natasha reincarnated as the ex-wife of the main character. Good role, large, and playing in front of the camera, she was happy again. Literally glowed. The producers saw this dedication; they were pleased with Natasha’s work. Now we will have to completely re-shoot all the scenes with her participation. The fact is that the heroine is important for the plot, she will appear in the second season, and therefore even in memory of ex-wife I can’t leave this role behind her.”

Natalia Yunnikova's height: 167 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Yunnikova:

She was married to director Anton Fedotov, who was her classmate. Immediately after graduating from college in 2001, they got married.

She recalled: “I fell madly in love, I was ready to do anything for him. At the end of the theater in 2001, we married, there was no money even for wedding dresses. I told my parents about the wedding only six months later. Dad then shouted into the phone: “You are not my daughter, you deceived us!” Mom eventually came to terms with it. And we still don’t communicate with my father to this day.”

My husband's parents then immigrated to Israel and invited them to visit. But it turned out that they stayed there for 5 years.

Natalya Yunnikova and ex-husband Anton Fedotov

In Israel, the couple had a son, Roland. According to Natalya, the birth was difficult, she had a caesarean section.

Family life was not going well. Natalia worked constantly (even immediately after a difficult birth she was forced to go out and do voice-over work for a film), and her husband did nothing. “He always complained that he was tired, was constantly sick... When Roland appeared, my husband went into another room to sleep, saying that he could not stand the child’s cry. Probably, it was at that moment that something clicked inside, my great love I began to gradually weaken towards this man,” the actress shared.

In 2006, the Lebanese War began (an armed clash occurred between Israel and the Shiite group Hezbollah), it became dangerous to be in Tel Aviv and Natalya returned to Russia.

Later my husband also arrived. According to Natalya, because of her husband, she found herself in debt to Israeli banks: “Anton was still in Israel, I asked him to wait until he received his salary in order to pay off his debts to the local banks. And imagine, three days later he came after me, Not only did he not solve the situation with his debts, but he also bought clothes for himself with the remaining money. I was shocked. Now I have a huge debt to Israeli banks, I cannot take my son to his historical homeland. If I appear in this country, Prison awaits me."

Already at home family life completely fell apart: Natalya began to notice that money was disappearing from home. Then I found out that my husband was addicted to gambling and was losing a lot. And in 2008, she decided to divorce him.

Natalya Yunnikova with her ex-husband and son

After the divorce, the actress had affairs. But the wedding never came. Fedotov remarried, in new family a child was also born.

Illness and death of Natalia Yunnikova:

In October 2016, the actress was sent to the clinic due to severe illness. She felt bad, an ambulance was called and she was urgently taken to the surgical department of a Moscow hospital.

In September 2017 it became known that.

According to some sources, the incident with Natalya occurred while eating - she allegedly hit her head and lost consciousness. After the incident, doctors placed the celebrity in the intensive care unit of a Moscow hospital. The artist suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage, which is why doctors had to put her in an artificial coma.

At the same time, Natalya’s ex-husband Anton Fedotov expressed the opinion that Yunnikova had a stroke.

Filmography of Natalia Yunnikova:

2007 - Personal life of Doctor Selivanova - Lyudmila Drozdova, patient
2007 - Web-1 - Katya Tumanova
2007-2008 - Tatiana's Day - Polina, ex-girlfriend Sergei
2007-2008 - Return of Mukhtar-4 - Vasilisa Mikhailova
2008 - Ermolovs - Elena Delagarde
2008 - Web-2 - Katya
2009 - City Lights - Rimma, a waitress in a club
2009 - Return of Mukhtar-5 - Vasilisa Mikhailova
2009-2010 - Return of Mukhtar-6 - Vasilisa Mikhailova
2011 - Return of Mukhtar-7 - Vasilisa Mikhailova
2012 - Return of Mukhtar-8 - Vasilisa Mikhailova
2013 - Corner of Paradise - Laura
2014 - Both in sorrow and in joy - Nastya
2014 - Return of Mukhtar-9 - Vasilisa Mikhailova
2015 - Kitchen - hypnotist

On September 29, 2017, the capital said goodbye to the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” Natalya Yunnikova. The actress died on the 26th after, having suffered a head injury and losing consciousness, she was placed in an induced coma. She never came to her senses.

The untimely and early death of actress Natalya Yunnikova came as a surprise to her fans. It is already known that the cause of death was cardiogenic syncope after an unsuccessful fall at home.

However, this is rather a consequence. The real reason The death of the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” was due to her lack of demand in the profession and loneliness.

Natalya is survived by her 11-year-old son Rolan, born in her marriage to director Anton Fedotov. Let us remind you that Natalya recently became ill in her apartment in Moscow. The woman fell and hit her head. According to the ex-husband, she suffered a stroke (according to another version, there was a massive hemorrhage in the brain).

At that moment, her son and mother were next to her. The actress was urgently hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics and placed in an artificial coma.

Causes of death of Natalia Yunnikova

As journalists write, citing doctors, the actress started the disease and did not listen to the doctors who recommended that she undergo a full examination of the cardiovascular system. It is known that in the fall of 2016, Natalya Yunnikova was diagnosed with a pathological heart rhythm disorder.

Natalya was admitted to the hospital on September 14, but she could not be saved. Almost two weeks later, they finally died.

What exactly happened to Natalya became known from messages on social networks.

“In the evening, around 21:00, Natalya had a stroke, as a result of which she fell and hit the corner of the kitchen table,” wrote in the official group of the series “The Return of Mukhtar.” “Then the convulsions began and she lost consciousness. They were taken by ambulance to the Moscow Botkin Hospital in the shock intensive care unit.”

Natalya’s 11-year-old son Rolan was taken in immediately after the incident by Yunnikova’s ex-husband, actor Anton Fedotov.

Unfortunately, Natalya was not getting better in the hospital. She was put into a coma and connected to a ventilator. On Tuesday, September 26, the actress passed away.

“Natalia Yunnikova died in the hospital. She never regained consciousness, and the doctors could not do anything. We offer our condolences to Natalia's family and friends. This is terrible news for all of us. We are all shocked and can't believe it. May she rest in peace,” wrote the series group.

Natalya Yunnikova: personal life

Journalists learned that Natalya met her first love, Anton Fedotov, at the institute. Soon the couple formalized their relationship and left for permanent residence in Israel, but there the actress was not in demand in her profession. However, she was the face of several entertainment programs in this country, and also wrote the script for the “Scarlet Sails” and “Unchildish Fun” programs, produced and starred in advertising, was the face of a large cosmetics chain for two years, and was involved in film dubbing.

When the Lebanese War began in Israel in 2006, Natalya decided to return to Moscow and start her career from scratch. She was offered a role in the series, but the actress never became a popular star. She moved to Kyiv, where she attended one of the programs on the Ukrainian channel “Inter”.

After some time, she began to receive offers to film in Russian TV series, and then Natalya got into the 4th season of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” for the role of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova. It was this heroine that brought Yunnikova all-Russian fame, but made her a hostage to one role. She played in this project from seasons 4 to 9

Natalya Yunnikova - biography, filmography, why she left “The Return of Mukhtar”

Natalya Yunnikova is a Russian actress who received recognition from viewers after playing the role of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova in the television series “The Return of Mukhtar.” She can also be seen in such films as “Both in sorrow and in joy”, “Ermolovs” and many others.

Natalya was born in Lipetsk and dreamed of cinema almost from the cradle. Having barely learned to walk, the girl twirled in front of the mirror, and as she got older, she began to imagine herself in various images and really loved to be photographed.

Immediately after school, Natasha, accompanied by her mother, goes to Moscow and submits documents to a number of theater universities in the capital. It is noteworthy that the provincial applicant’s talent was immediately recognized by three higher educational institutions: GITIS, the Boris Shchukin Institute and the Mikhail Shchepkin Higher Theater School. And it was the latter that Yunnikova chose.

In the course of People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Safronov, Natalya was the only visiting girl and stood out from the galaxy of Muscovites. But this fact did not bother the student at all, because her dream began to come true.

So it seemed then. In fact, fate inexorably intervened: Yunnikova met her first love at the institute, got married, and immediately after graduating from university, she and her husband left for permanent residence in Israel.

In a distant country, Natalya was not in demand as an actress. She was offered several times the roles of Slavic girls, deceived into the network of Asian brothels, but she refused each time, since there is no need to play anything, it is enough just to be naked. Instead of cinema, the girl began to develop as a TV presenter. She was the face of several entertainment programs on the Israel Plus channel, and she herself wrote the script for the programs “Scarlet Sails” and “Not Childish Fun.” Also in Israel, a young woman tried herself as a producer.

Upon returning to Moscow in 2007, Natalya Yunnikova actually began her career from scratch. She, of course, had extensive experience working on television, but now the woman planned to achieve recognition as a film actress. So I went to storm the castings and pretty soon received my first script. Later, she moved to live in Kyiv for some time, where she was the presenter of the central TV channel Inter.

Natalya Yunnikova’s screen debut in feature films was the “Domostroy” series from the medical series “The Personal Life of Doctor Selivanova,” where she played the role of a doctor’s patient. At the same time, the actress appeared in two episodes of the first season of the crime detective “The Web.”

Natalya’s audition for the melodrama “Tatiana’s Day” was successful: she was approved for the main role of Tatyana Razbezhkina. The girl was already learning her lines by heart when it suddenly turned out that this character had been given to another actress, Anna Snatkina. Yunnikova still appeared in this series, but in a cameo role as the former lover of the character played by Kirill Safonov.

But Natalya did not lose heart: just then she was offered to join the cast of the already very popular serial film about the everyday life of the Moscow police, “The Return of Mukhtar.” There Yunnikova transformed into investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova, and this heroine made the actress famous throughout the country.

It was very interesting to work in this project, so Natalya stayed on the set of “Mukhtar” for a long time: she played Vasilisa for almost seven years, albeit with interruptions. The most unusual thing, according to the actress’s recollections, was that the leading actor, a smart dog named Mukhtar, often changed. The audience hardly notices this, but during filming, 12 German Shepherd dogs were replaced. And the artists had to re-find a common language with their four-legged partner each time, reports. This was all the more difficult because trainers prohibit feeding dogs to establish contact.

As mentioned above, the role of investigator Mikhailova brought fame to Natalia Yunnikova, but the actress herself believes that because of this series, directors began to see her exclusively in the role of a positive heroine fighting injustice, so she did not receive other complex roles. However, Natalya starred in the historical saga “The Yermolovs”, in the female melodramas “City Lights”, “Corner of Paradise” and “Both in Grief and in Joy”, as well as in the fifth season of the popular comedy sitcom “Kitchen” in the role of hypnotists.

Natalya Yunnikova: latest news

The actress's ex-husband Anton Fedotov spoke about her last role. Yunnikova played in the new project “Ivanovs-Ivanovs,” but at the time of her death, filming was in full swing. According to Fedotov, who was its director, Natalya was supposed to play in the second season, and, in general, her character was one of the central ones.

Now the creators of the series will completely reshoot the film. Since Yunnikova will no longer play in it, they will be looking for her replacement. The film crew simply has no other option. According to Fedotov, he would really like to leave Natalya in the frame, but from a professional point of view he cannot do this.

“Now we will have to completely re-shoot all the scenes with her participation. The fact is that the heroine is important for the plot, she will appear in the second season, which means that even in memory of my ex-wife, I cannot leave this role behind her,” says the director.

He added that Yunnikova coped well with her role, was able to impress the producers of the series, and she herself was in in a great mood– was happy to get a big role. After filming “The Return of Mukhtar,” the actress dreamed of finding a good role.

A new cause of death for Natalya Yunnikova has been named (06/02/2019)

The famous Russian actress Natalya Yunnikova died on September 26, 2017. Then it was reported that the 37-year-old artist, while at home, lost her balance and, falling, hit her head hard. She was hospitalized, but after a few days in a coma, the actress died. Then she was diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage.

However, now, almost two years after that tragedy, Russian doctors, as Express-News learned, doubted the conclusions of their colleagues. A number of experts have put forward new version what happened.

According to her, it was not an accident that happened to Natalya when she allegedly fell and hit her head. The actress could have suffered from cardiogenic syncope. And it, in turn, was quite capable of provoking a pathological disturbance of heart rhythm.

Popular 37-year-old actress Natalya Yunnikova died in hospital. Earlier, the media reported that the actress ended up in the hospital. At home, she stumbled and fell unsuccessfully, hitting her head.

The untimely and early death of actress Natalya Yunnikova came as a surprise to her fans. It is already known that the cause of death was cardiogenic syncope after an unsuccessful fall at home. However, this is rather a consequence. The real reason for the death of the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” was her lack of demand in her profession and loneliness.

She was admitted to the hospital a few days before her death, after a completely ridiculous accident when she fell while at home and received a head injury.

Everything turned out to be very serious, and she was urgently taken to the hospital, where the doctors had no choice but to put her into an artificial coma.

The doctors did everything possible and impossible, but unfortunately positive results all this did not work. She died without regaining consciousness.

Now many are interested in the question of when the actress’s funeral will take place, because great amount fans would like to say goodbye to their favorite.

The late actress left behind an 11-year-old son, who has not yet been told about his mother’s death.

Today, September 26, 2017, it became known about the death of actress Natalya Yunnikova. The actress was famous for her role in the famous domestic series “The Return of Mukhtar.” This is an irreparable loss for cinema, since Natalya had incredible talent and was always a sociable and cheerful girl. At the moment, it is known about the causes of death and what Natalya Yunnikova died from. Of course, many fans mourn such a loss.

The fact that Natalya Yunnikova died became known relatively recently. Relatives and friends bitterly informed the funds mass media that the actress’s body could not cope with the injuries, and she died without regaining consciousness. The 37-year-old actress was at home with her son Roland at the time of the accident. It is unknown how the fall occurred, since there was no one in the apartment and she was divorced from her husband.

After the accident that happened to the girl, her friends and family assured fans that she would be able to cope with a coma. Her health was the envy of many athletes, but she could not cope with the injury. On the morning of September 26, Natalya died in one of the Moscow hospitals without regaining consciousness. At that time, she was only 37 years old, an age when many artists are just beginning a successful career.

Natalya Yunnikova became famous for her role in the TV series “The Return of Mukhtar”

Events last days There were no signs of any major changes in Natalya's life. She was calmly doing ordinary household chores, but at some point she slipped and fell.

The blow hit the head area, as Yunnikova did not have time to put her hands out in time to somehow protect herself. After the blow, the actress lost consciousness and never came to her senses.

Relatives who were at home at that moment immediately called doctors, who after some time were already on the spot.

They checked the examination and found a severe head injury. Natalya was sent to one of the Moscow hospitals. After the procedures and additional examination, it was found that the girl had a severe injury, which led to a cerebral hemorrhage. The doctors decided to put Natalya Yunnikova into an artificial coma. All the time, her ex-husband Anton Fedotov was with the actress, who agreed to the actions presented.

For several days, fans and admirers of Natalya Yunnikova were expecting positive news, but they never received it. Today, September 26, 2017, the actress died without regaining consciousness. What Natalya Yunnikova died from, what causes of death are known for sure, that she had a massive hemorrhage in the brain. After such injuries, doctors are unable to help patients.

Colleagues' opinion

According to many artists and acquaintances of Natalya, she constantly felt some kind of malaise on the set. Of course, she herself didn’t talk about it, but appearance Many actresses understood that she sometimes felt bad. Actor Alexey Moiseev said in an interview that he knew the deceased very closely. According to him, Natalya most likely had an illness that was brewing, but she did not know about it, since she was constantly busy filming. Being busy led to fatigue, which Yunnikova hid in every possible way.

Colleagues do not yet know the exact causes of death and what Natalya Yunnikova died from, since there is no information about what caused the fall. According to some reports, the actress was in the apartment with the children, and who called the ambulance is also unknown.

Now many are inclined to have a stroke or heart attack, after which the actress could lose consciousness and fall from a chair or from some height.

That is why, when she fell, she could not put her arms out to soften the blow. In general, an accident that led to the loss of a talented artist.

In 2008, Natalya Yunnikova divorced her husband. The family had problems related to the business of their lover, who had accumulated debts and started gambling. After this, the actress filed for divorce. Their joint son Roland remained with Natalya. The father often saw the child, but after the terrible events that happened in 2017 with Yunnikova, the child moved in with him.

On this moment An investigation is underway as investigators try to find out whether the fall could have been provoked. An official version of all events will be prepared soon. The main witness is the son of the actress Roland, who was at home at that time. The child was very scared because all this happened before his eyes. Most likely, Natalya had a stroke, which led to loss of consciousness.

Cinematography in the life of an actress

Natalya Yunnikova played incredibly a large number of roles in domestic cinema. Most of all, viewers remembered her for her role as Vasilisa Mikhailovna in one of the best TV series, “The Return of Mukhtar.” According to the latest data, she worked in this project for at least 7 years; the actress had incredible talent and professionalism. Also in her portfolio you can find such paintings as “Kitchen”, “Saboteur 2”.

Actress on the set of the series “Kitchen”

During her career, Natalya Yunnikova has played a large number of notable roles. She devoted a lot of time and attention to her work. Constantly disappearing on set, she suffered greatly from overwork, but she understood that she was raising her son alone and wanted him to be provided with everything. Overwork most likely killed the actress, since recently colleagues have noted her fatigue, constant absent-mindedness and deterioration in her condition.

Today, relatives are silent about the causes of death and how Natalya Yunnikova died. It is not known for certain why she fell; it was an accident or a stroke.

Actress Natalya Yunnikova - latest photos

Of course, the actress cannot be returned, so many fans of her talent mourn such a loss.

In fact, Natalya left an irreplaceable contribution to the development of Russian cinema. She was incredibly beautiful, talented and always attracted a lot of attention. Now we can enjoy her achievements only on screens.

Natalya Yunnikova: photo in Maxim

Natalya also left behind a lot beautiful photos on the pages of the most famous magazines.