Today husband of Evelina Khromchenko Alexander Shumsky heads the Artifact PR agency and is the general producer of the Russian Fashion Week project, and when they met, he was a student like Evelina herself. According to her, she is very lucky that her husband does the same thing as she does and therefore they understand each other very well.

In the photo - Evelina Khromchenko with her husband

Alexander Shumsky a highly educated person who, like Evelina herself, graduated from Moscow State University them. Lomonosov, Faculty of Journalism. Everyone who knows Alexander notes that Evelina Khromchenko’s husband dresses stylishly and prefers designer clothes and does not deny himself luxury things - all this helps him maintain his image successful person. He demands the same from the people around him. They say that Alexander only accepts attractive and tastefully dressed women into his company, because the specifics of the work they will perform require impeccable taste and a sense of harmony.

Career Alexandra Shumsky developed almost the same as his wife’s career. While still a schoolboy, he began collaborating with various publications that published his articles. The desire to achieve a lot in this life manifested itself in Alexandra Shumsky very early when he decided to organize his own publishing house. Then this attempt was unsuccessful, but the idea to create own business he didn't refuse. A few years later, Evelina Khromchenko’s husband took up the implementation of his own project - the Intermedia communications agency, later renamed Artifact. His wife did PR for it, and at the same time collaborated with such publications as Elle, Cosmopolitan, Ogonyok, TVNZ».

But the most important thing that Alexander Shumsky devotes most of his time and gives all his strength - this is “Russian Fashion Week”. His work takes up almost all of his time, so he doesn’t get to see his son often, but in his opinion, these meetings should be all the more valuable. And Alexander doesn’t spend much time with his wife. He respects the work that his wife does and supports her desire to build her own career, because he believes that a woman who only takes care of the house very quickly ceases to be interesting to her husband, but he also does not welcome too feminist views. According to the magazine "Faces", Evelina Khromchenko's husband is one of the most famous people of our country and is rightfully considered one of the richest and most influential Russian businessmen.
Also read.

Name: Evelina Khromchenko

Age: 48 years old

Height: 158

Activity: TV presenter, journalist, actress

Family status: divorced

Evelina Khromchenko: biography

Impeccable haircut, stunning dresses and suits, strict glasses and a sharp tongue. This is how millions of television viewers and guests of social events are used to seeing Evelina Khromchenko, closely following the latest fashion trends. Her photos in her youth and now are like photographs of two different people.

TV presenter and fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko

TV presenter and journalist - author own style, but he is critical of himself on TV and always finds something to complain about. An expert in the selection of clothes and accessories, she made fashion a daily, mundane norm of life, freeing women, and men too, from the idea that elegance is inaccessible.

Childhood and youth

Evelina Khromchenko was born on February 27, 1971 in Ufa. The style icon’s family was extremely intelligent: father Leonid was an economist by training, and his mother worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature. The upbringing of the future TV presenter was largely influenced by her grandmother, who taught German and was always dressed to the nines, complementing her look with memorable accessories.

The girl grew up very curious and smart. She learned to read at the age of 3 thanks to the famous newspaper Izvestia, which her grandfather read every day. When Evelina was 10 years old, the family moved to Moscow.

At school, Khromchenko also stood out among other children. Evelina studied with straight A's and from a young age began to show a penchant for creativity. The teachers loved the obedient, diligent and diligent student, who happily performed at school amateur performances. The girl’s parents dreamed of raising their daughter to be a famous musician, since they themselves were to a large extent fond of music. However, here Evelina showed her character and an opinion different from her parents, which had already early age I learned to formulate clearly and clearly.

The girl was not at all attracted by the prospect of a music school, and Khromchenko persuaded her mother and father to send her to drawing. In the 4th grade she began studying at art school, which, however, was not destined to be completed. Soon, Evelina’s vision began to deteriorate, which is why doctors recommended giving up classes, and the girl had to forget about her dream.

Closer to her senior year, Khromchenko again thought about her prospects for the future. She could easily enter a linguistic institute thanks to training in a specialized English school and learn languages ​​like mother and grandmother. However, the girl chose a different path, deciding to connect her biography with journalism, enrolling in Moscow State University. In parallel with her studies, the girl began to look for work in order to gain the necessary experience by the end of the institute.

Here her family connections helped her: her father had recently divorced her mother and married again, Evelina’s stepmother worked at the Yunost radio station. Thanks to patronage, they agreed to “look” at the young journalist and hired her. Her short stories became the basis for the programs of other, more experienced journalists.

In 1991, the girl was accepted into the All-Union Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting, where she ended up in the radio broadcasting department for boys and girls. There Evelina quickly moved along career ladder, turning on useful acquaintances and contacts that in the future helped to realize themselves in the professional sphere. Khromchenko combined her work with her studies, which is why she was sometimes forced to miss classes.

However, teachers encouraged practice in the field of journalism and often turned a blind eye to absenteeism. The girl hosted the “Peers” program on the radio channel, lasting about 4 hours. Conducting a live broadcast prevented Evelina from attending the graduation ceremony at the university, from which she graduated with honors.

In 2013, Khromchenko became a teacher at the journalism department at her home university.


Evelina Khromchenko’s first steps in the fashion world were the author’s program “Sleeping Beauty” on radio “Smena”. It was aimed at a teenage female audience and talked about fashion trends. At that time, the radio presenter was still listed as a student at the institute.

In 1991, Evelina was invited to the Europe Plus radio station, where she took the position of leading fashion column. Their short reviews the girl came up with it literally on the way to the studio, where she voiced it in live: the radio station saved on recordings, since the talented Khromchenko had quite serious on-air training.

At the age of 20, the girl founded the fashionable teen magazine Marusya. But due to the dishonesty of her business partner, Evelina eventually did not have any rights to the printed publication. She left the project, leaving favorite child.

Evelina Khromchenko - expert in the fashion world

In 1995, Khromchenko and her husband Alexander Shumsky organized the PR agency “Evelina Khromchenko Fashion Department”. A year later, it received the name “Artifact” and became the main organizer of the fashion festival “Russian Fashion Week”. In parallel with PR, Evelina tirelessly wrote articles for popular women's magazines.

For the sake of exclusive information Khromchenko flew to Paris at her own expense major events from the world of fashion, interviewed the most famous figures in this field,.

The articles written by Evelina more than covered the cost of travel, and soon she became the main specialist in fashion in Russia. Her PR agency organized press conferences for recognized leaders and emerging fashion figures.

Press and television

In 1998, when the French magazine L’Officiel decided to found a Russian-language publication, Evelina was offered the position of editor-in-chief without the slightest hesitation. This was a turning point, but quite expected event in the career of the famous journalist. A feature of the journal was the absence of translated articles, as well as great attention, devoted to the Russian fashion segment and home-grown designers.

Evelina Khromchenko - Chief Editor magazine "L'Officiel"

Thanks to L’Officiel, readers learned many names Russian designers and fashion designers who are now famous all over the world. Khromchenko worked at the magazine until May 2010, after which she was replaced in this post by Maria Nevskaya, the wife of the head of the Parlan publishing house, which published L’Officiel. The official reason for the dismissal was given by the project publisher as “Khromchenko’s excessive passion for his own career.”

In September the right to publish Russian version L'Officiel was received by the AST publishing group. The management of the Les Editions Jalou group of companies, which includes L’Officiel, returned the Russian “devil to the Prado” to old place. Evelina not only headed the Russian editorial office, but was also appointed to the post of international editorial director of Les Editions Jalou.

In 2007, the author’s project “ Fashionable verdict", where Evelina became a co-host. Together with other colleagues, Khromchenko gave advice to the guests of the program regarding clothing style and behavior, making ordinary people fashionable and unusual people.

In 2009, Evelina wrote her first book about fashion, “Russian style,” which was published in two languages: English and German. The work enjoyed considerable success outside the country, showing foreigners “another Russia.”

Personal life

The path into the personal life of a fashion expert is closed. It is known that Evelina Khromchenko met her future husband Alexander Shumsky while a student at Moscow State University. The couple got married and did business together: they founded a PR agency and organized Russian fashion shows.

In 1996, their son Artem was born. The news of the divorce, which took place in 2011, reached others only in 2014. The couple maintained only the appearance of a relationship, appearing together on public events.

Since 2014, Khromchenko has been dating artist Dmitry Semakov. The lovers live separately, but spend a lot of time together. Evelina is passionate about promoting the career and creativity of her lover and helps in organizing exhibitions.

On "Instagram" Hundreds of thousands of people follow Evelina. The fashion expert talks about the principles of filling a wardrobe on the official website and in social network groups on VKontakte, in

The personal life of TV presenter and writer Evelina Khromchenko is a sealed secret. What about her personal life? Nobody even knows her age for sure. According to official data - she is 45 years old, according to rumors - she managed to correct the metric.


The fact that Khromchenko has a beloved man who carries her in his arms will, of course, surprise many. Yes, yes, Evelina has an affair with New York artist Dimitry Semakov. “His dad is an artist, his mom travels. We were introduced by a mutual friend,” said Khromchenko. “I then began to discover the New York art scene. At a certain moment, under certain circumstances, we looked at each other with different eyes.”

True, Dimitri did not pass the fashion exam the first time. "He was loud. Uncomfortable. Tall and very active in expressing his will. Moreover, at that moment he really liked the r'n'b style of clothing, which I can’t stand - big sports sweaters. Well, at least they didn’t shine, but without them there was enough volume. The trousers were kind of below the baseboard. But we still talked when I arrived. Once I went into the studio where Dimitri was gathering his designer friends to draw. I looked and he changed his jeans to human ones. We still have them These jeans have been stored for a while now,” Tatler magazine quotes Khromchenko.

Evelina Leonidovna Khromchenko. Born on February 27, 1971 in Ufa. Russian journalist, TV presenter and writer.

Evelina Khromchenko was born on February 27, 1971 in Ufa in the family of an economist and teacher of Russian language and literature.

When she was about 10 years old, the family moved to Moscow.

Graduated from Moscow school No. 21, teaching a number of subjects in English language, graduated with honors from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

While studying at Moscow State University in 1991, she became a full-time employee of the All-Union Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting (the main editorial office of radio broadcasting for children and youth, Smena radio station). There, in three years, she received several promotions - from assistant to columnist, and also organized a number of original radio projects, one of which - the radio program for teenage girls "Sleeping Beauty" - was dedicated to issues of fashion and beauty.

She collaborated with the “Vzglyad” program of the VID television company.

From 1992 to 1997, she was a regular fashion columnist for the Europe Plus radio station.

In 1994, she created and implemented the concept of a magazine for teenage girls, Marusya.

In 1995, Evelina Khromchenko, together with her husband Alexander Shumsky, founded the PR agency “Evelina Khromchenko Fashion Department”, which was later renamed “Artifact” in 1996.

She led public relations on such projects as “High Fashion Week in Moscow”, model competitions “Elite Model Look,” visits to Moscow of couturier Emanuel Ungaro and Valentino Garavani, president of the Gucci Group Domenico De Sole (Italian: Domenico De Sole) .

At the same time, she worked freelance as a fashion observer in such publications as “Cosmopolitan”, “Elle”, “Ogonyok”, newspapers “Izvestia”, “Segodnya”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “ New Newspaper", as well as radio "Europe Plus", where she launched a program about fashion "Podium".

She often acted as a fashion consultant on various television programs.

On January 1, 1998, she headed Russian edition fashion magazine "L'Officiel", being the editor-in-chief and creative director magazine. She was a member of the jury of the competitions for young designers “ANDAM”, “Russian Silhouette”, the competition named after Nadezhda Lamanova and many others.

Since July 2007, she became a talk show host. "Fashionable verdict" on Channel One. In 2008, this program received the TEFI award in the category “ Entertainment: Lifestyle".

In 2009 she published a book "Russian style" published by Assouline in English and French, the presentation of the book with an autograph session took place in Paris. In a commentary for The New York Times about her book, she said: “People know the words ‘vodka’, ‘ballet’, ‘Yeltsin’.” I decided to enrich their Russian vocabulary with a few more words.”

At the end of 2010, she entered the Top 25 popular TV presenters in Russia according to TNS Russia.

She acted as a curator of art projects and exhibitions “Valenki-Valenki” at the Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin, “Brilliant Heads” in the Museum modern history Russia, “Ora-Ito - a virtual pirate” at the Pushkin Museum, etc.

Since 2011, he has been giving lectures and master classes on fashion and style at the City Class company.

In February 2013, Evelina Khromchenko opened a workshop at the journalism department of Moscow State University and gives a course of lectures there on the topic “Fashion magazine - creation and management.” In September of the same year, she headed the undergraduate module “Fashion and Lifestyle Journalism” at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

He is the international editorial director of Les Editions Jalou Paris - responsible for the content as well as public relations for all publications of Les Editions Jalou in several countries around the world.

Evelina Khromchenko in the program "My Hero"

Evelina Khromchenko's height: 158 centimeters.

Personal life of Evelina Khromchenko:

She was married to Alexander Shumsky. They met as students while studying at Moscow State University. Then together they organized a business - the Artifact PR agency. Shumsky was also the general producer of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia.

In 1996, the couple had a son, Artemy.

In the summer of 2014, they officially divorced, although before that they had not lived together for three years.

Filmography of Evelina Khromchenko:

2006 - Don’t be born beautiful - cameo
2006 - The Devil Wears Prada - Miranda Priestly (dubbing)
2007 - Mothers and Daughters - cameo

Her name, without a doubt, is familiar to most in our (and neighboring) country, because individual remarks about the fashion and style of Evelina Khromchenko have long been divided into quotes, which are full of personal pages users social networks. She is not just a style icon, but also a successful businesswoman, a journalist who has reached all imaginable heights in her profession, and in personal life of Evelina Khromchenko- also just a woman and a caring mother. Of course, such achievements cannot but arouse interest in the biography of Evelina Khromchenko, which, as she herself claims without false modesty, she built herself.

This year, this famous representative of the fashion industry celebrated her 44th birthday. The biography of Evelina Khromchenko began in the city of Ufa, far from the capital. intelligent family. According to the heroine of our article, she received the basic principles and models of behavior in early childhood from her parents. This is understandable, because both mother and grandmother are stars of the domestic fashion space, both by education and by profession as teachers. Evelina Khromchenko, for example, does not remember a time when her grandmother would have been dressed in anything other than high heels and an elegant suit. From early childhood, the girl was instilled with every effort to have confidence in her abilities and female attractiveness. Since then, Evelina Khromchenko firmly believes that every person is beautiful in their own way, and ugly people simply do not exist. Having moved to permanent place residence in Moscow, the parents tried not to miss the opportunity to give their daughter an excellent education, as a result of which she studied at a specialized school with in-depth study of the English language.

In the photo - Evelina Khromchenko with ex-husband Alexander Shumsky

Evelina Khromchenko chose her field of life herself. Having easily entered the journalism department at one of the most prestigious universities in the country - Moscow State University, the enterprising student did not sit idly by and quite quickly made a name for herself in journalistic circles as a qualified fashion columnist. Believing that a sense of style and taste should be cultivated from the very early years, Evelina Khromchenko became the main initiator of the creation of a fashion magazine for girls called “Marusya”. For several years, on the radio station "Europe Plus", her voice spoke about what fashion trends would become the main ones in a particular season.

In the photo - Evelina Khromchenko and her son Artemy

A new page in Evelina Khromchenko's biography began when the girl became the editor-in-chief of L'Officiel, one of the most authoritative publications in the fashion world. In this post, she not only proved herself to be a wise leader, but also gave a start in life to many designers who now dictate fashion in the highest spheres of society. Having devoted more than 10 years to work in this magazine, Evelina Khromchenko, like no one else, harmoniously joined its concept, but was still forced to leave it, making room for the publisher's protégé. Nevertheless, the name already spoke for itself herself, since in addition to her publishing activities, Evelina Khromchenko appeared on television in the “Fashionable Sentence” program, where from 2008 to this day she has been a permanent prosecutor, and as a teacher, giving lectures both at her native Moscow State University and at any venues, conducting seminars on fashion and style for everyone. In her opinion, everyone can learn to look stylish, regardless of financial means. Someone may raise an ironic eyebrow after reading this statement from a fashion expert. But Evelina Khromchenko claims that even if she had not managed to reach the heights that have now made her financially secure, she would have looked exactly the same, only in clothes from cheaper brands.

In the photo - Evelina Khromchenko with her new lover Dmitry Semakov

Personal life of Evelina Khromchenko for a long time was an example of stability and durability. She met her husband Alexander Shumsky back in student years. The spouses were connected not only by everyday life, but also by a joint business - the Artifact PR agency. In 1996, they became the parents of a son, Artemy, who is already 18. Evelina Khromchenko believes that she instilled in her son the right attitudes in life. Even though regarding his future career he has famous mom has her own vision, she is in no hurry to impose it on her son. Unfortunately, Evelina Khromchenko’s long-term marriage broke up. Moreover, the spouses maintained such close and warm friendly relations that the divorce became known only after several years. Since then, both have arranged their personal lives. Last year it became known that the vacant place in the heart of Evelina Khromchenko was taken by an artist from the States Dmitry Semakov.